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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Guest TDubTNA
there always going to be on monday just not live every week every other week they'll be live but the show will always be on monday
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Overall it was a pretty good show, much better than the 1/4/10 Show.


Bischoff admitting the X-Division had been forgotten has me excited as well, since Bischoff is a great booker for juniors.


The "Adrenalin" of TNA is how he put it. I liked that as well, and am not even a fan of the X-Division. Hopefully some full storylines will come out of it.


I supported this show, watched it more then RAW just because:D. I did watch RAW as well, but I just wanted to say one thing about TNA.


I am probably the biggest fan of Hogan, or very close, on this sight. If this were a TEW game I think I would have recieved the "Used too much" for him this particular show. Seemed like he was in every other segment, and although I like Brook as well, I think they could have done with only one segment with her crying (preferably the one with Hogan in it).


Liked RVD's fast victory, long beating. I have to admit I really like Sting as a bad guy, didn't know I would. Didn't really think it was possible (kind of like Taker getting boo's to me...). Liked Hardy coming in at the end.


Could have done without the Knockouts stuff... Just felt like a commercial type match to me. I ussualy love the knockouts segments.


I really wish they would do something different with Jeff... and Foley for that matter. Just when I think I can get into Jeff as a character, they do things that just don't make any sense to me....


Anyways, this show should have been a 1.5 or so (Yep, I'm predicting). Maybe even better. Hopefully they can get better, but the answer is not to put Hogan/Sting/Angle, etc.. In our face's all night long. They need to make the show flow more, get storyline parts in and out without coming back and bassically "riding" it out just so they can have "X" personality on the screen. If it wasn't so obvious I wouldn't mind, but it was.

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The "Adrenalin" of TNA is how he put it. I liked that as well, and am not even a fan of the X-Division. Hopefully some full storylines will come out of it.


Anyways, this show should have been a 1.5 or so (Yep, I'm predicting). <- :eek:

can you give me the winning lottery numbers for next week?

no way they pull off 1.5 (1.3)

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Anyways, this show should have been a 1.5 or so (Yep, I'm predicting). <- :eek:

can you give me the winning lottery numbers for next week?

no way they pull off 1.5 (1.3)


I have a minimal chance of being right, but that's my prediction. We will see who it closer:D. In all honesty, I hope I win, but only because I'm hoping for them to have some sort of bragging rights.


There is one more thing about the show that was very unpleasant for me (made me switch to be honest). The crowd at the beginning. I come back in time to see Sting at the end of that, and them talking about it (Caught the whole thing when they showed it over again). The crowd with their "TNA/TNA/TNA" sounded so planted and without any real reason to say it. It's like when I used to do DJ battle's, and the other guys sometimes had a few "Plants" in the crowd to get everyone to chant something that would never even have been thought of before they started. It makes them look bad, and ussually really bad (at least by the time I get done;)). I know this is not TNA's doing, which even annoy's me more, because that is exactly what it looks like. These guys in the crowd need to grow up a bit, and quit distracting the show.

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I want to like Impact! more than I did, but I'm struggling to truly accept just how far removed wrestling is now from the wrestling I know & love. Is it really such a horrible thing to have, say, 30 minutes of actual wrestling matches on wrestling show? They could have accomplished everything that they wanted and still done actual WRESTLING along the way.


Instead of having a 'false start' main event, they could've opened hot with Hogan & Abyss coming out to cut a promo with Flair & Styles eventually joining them in the ring. Just before things spill over into physicality, the lights go out, Sting shows up and takes out Hogan & Abyss, dispatches Flair & Styles from the ring, and gives Hogan the beating that was otherwise pointlessly given to RVD (way to kill the momentum of someone people have been wanting you to sign for months in just one night). They can start selling from this point that the main event for the night is in question, which is why everyone will be trying to talk Hulk out of it.


Back from commercial, and the X Division segment & match with Kaz/Daniels/Williams goes on just as it did including the bit with Moore at the end. In the back, Abyss is losing it because his former mentor Sting has attacked him while Brooke & company are crying about Hulk before commercial.


Come back and do the Nash/Young segment, Hall & Waltman come out of the crowd, Bischoff gets involved, but instead of the match happening 'right now' Young vs Waltman is later tonight (we're probably at the 30 minute mark here, give-or-take 5). The Beautiful People are warming up in the back as we head to commercial.


Then we have the Knockout Tag title match go on just as it did, and then go to Pope in the back for a promo. He talks about constantly getting the best of Wolfe, winning the 8 Card Stud tournament, etc. Annoyed, Wolfe shows up onscreen and attacks before the break.


Wolfe is on his way to the ring for a match when we come back, Taz & Tenay selling his rough luck and bad temper recently. Wolfe has been sent out to try and dispatch Jarrett tonight, and they have a short match with Pope getting his revenge by helping Jarrett win (work Foley in there somewhere, guest ref or what-have-you).


As we come up on the hour, we have Young vs Waltman now in a fast-paced match that easily goes Young's way along with Sting walking backstage and more people trying to talk Hogan out of the main event. Already, in the first hour, I have included more wrestling and done most of what they wanted to get across.


Then in the second hour there is room for the Angle/Anderson promo, time to put on, say, Beer Money vs MCMG to put over both the Tag Title & Tag Title #1 Contender Ultimate X match, have RVD debut by squashing a ****y Brian Kendrick ("They told me my opponent tonight is some superstar, but not compared to me, etc. etc." kinda thing only to get taken care of in a minute or so by RVD's signature spots), and still build the tag team main event & put it on as they did with Hardy showing up.


Again, is 30 minutes of wrestling REALLY that much to ask of wrestling program? I jotted all that down just from looking at an Impact! report. . . and I managed to put in 7 matches (1 knockout and, basically, 2 squashes. . . which is still 4 matches. . . Impact had 5 tonight, if you count Sting vs RVD & Young vs Waltman as matches. . . 6 is you count the main event & false start as 2); I conveyed every point that they wanted to make, and more.


Oi. . . sorry, the stoned, irritated wrestling fan/fantasy booker in me came out there. I totally understand how Jim Cornette feels. :mad:

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okay first, the show was great and TNA have really been living up to their name of Total Nonstop Action because the show litterally runs at full-steam to the end. If I have one true complaint is that the pacing is so fast everything got kinda jumbled in together, but for this show, it had to be that way.


And them zooming in on Anderson being beaten down by the army guys. Homeboys could not throw a punch and they totall exposed that when a wide angle shot would of been better.


A really minor complaint was RVD being fed to Sting. Now, okay, it's Sting. His star power is equal to RVD, so it's not that bad, still it's a crying shame because seeing RVD in TNA could of had that OMG he debuted moment but that was killed the moment the match was over. HOWEVER I believe the segment got Sting over as a killer Heel and thats whats important.


Rating prediction: 1.3 at least, 1.8 at most. TNA's offical fanbase hovers at that 1.3. I'm willing to bet there was enough interest in the show from the IWC to bump the show up a tad.

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okay first, the show was great and TNA have really been living up to their name of Total Nonstop Action because the show litterally runs at full-steam to the end.


The problem is they have less in ring action then their "competition" does, and their competition is pretty bad at having much in ring action as well.


So if that's what you call living up to their name, so be it.


However, I did like the show in a whole, and only the points I brought out actually effected me (the crowd mainly at the beginning, and too much Hogan).

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was great i was there live.


and met Lacey Von Erich wow gorgeous in person.


This has nothing to do with tonight's show, but TracyBrooksFan how far in advance do you usually show up for the show?


I know when WCW was doing their tapings at MGM, they would beg people to come to the show.


Just wondering because I might want to go to a show down there sometime.

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A really minor complaint was RVD being fed to Sting. Now, okay, it's Sting. His star power is equal to RVD, so it's not that bad,



Had to comment on that one sorry.....I am a rvd fan big time.........but saying saying stings star power is equal to rvd got me laughing a little. Sting is HUGE!!!!!!!!! like almost flair/hogan level huge. Yeah it is true that in tna he has looked a little weaker lately but you have to look at the history of sting. For rvd to come in and basicly get a squah win over him is giant. Sting has been a top draw in every company he has worked in. He has been a money draw for almost twenty years now. Ok sorry rant over lol..........


I enjoyed the show. i thought brook's acting was a little over the top....her begging him not to get back in the ring...he says he won't then a few segments later..........is back in the ring?????? ok sure.....


They need to keep up this type of show.

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agreed on the RVD being equal to sting.. no way in hell is RVD close to sting, but still the match was disappointing. Instead of the long ass attack with the bat they should of had a slightly longer match with a little revenge from sting with the bat.. it was too long of a segment.. just was kinda dull to me.. but great show regardless and was better than RAW this week.
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This has nothing to do with tonight's show, but TracyBrooksFan how far in advance do you usually show up for the show?


I know when WCW was doing their tapings at MGM, they would beg people to come to the show.


Just wondering because I might want to go to a show down there sometime.


we got there around 1:30 but had VIP they let us in the impact zone at after 8:00.


Only reason we got there so early was to make sure we got our VIP tickets since they only handed out a certain amount.

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Yeah you need to get VIP status for guaranteed entry you can do this via e-mail or something similar. One of the TNA die hard fans explained it on the podcast I posted a while back. Its In park vip first, then out of park vip, then in park, then out of park. Thats how the whole pissed off bubba army thing started on the 4th as they where out of park vip's so and because of the high turnout of in park vip's they didn't all get in which Bubba had rpomised.
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I enjoyed the show last night, I could see Sting's turn from a mile away but I still enjoyed how dominant he was with that baseball bat, if they work it right Sting could be cool again! ;)


Disappointed not to see any total surprises, though I told you they'd use Jeff Hardy lol - no reason for them not to, this week!


It was nice to see the fans chanting RVD before he came out, but on the other hand it was disappointing if you didn't know already - speaking of the idiots in the crowd ruining the show who was that prick who kept shouting anndersooooonnnn during Kurt Angle's promo ?! FFS that's so annoying!.....But talking of the show itself and although it was a good show I did have 2 niggles, 1) the Hogan's not named Hulk - this is TNA Wrestling not Hogan Knows Best!! 2) Unless I missed it I don't believe they furthered the Samoa Joe abduction angle at all....I don't know what that's all about.


Interesting that Jeff Hardy got the loudest pop by far....still don't get it but no doubt being as over as he is he's a massive coup for TNA.


If they want to make some serious money and pull some real interest they should have Hardy vs RVD at the PPV after Destination X, forgive me I'm still not versed in TNA PPVs on what comes when I'm a very recent WWE convert. But yeah RVD vs Jeff Hardy both of them having their first real matches in TNA....with proper build.....and a good 20 minute barnstorm match - then when both guys are spent having both kicked out of each others finisher, Sting comes out and gets the match thrown out and bloodies RVD to set up their feud good and proper. Though obviously their feud is already setup in the real, I'm really looking forward to that!


But getting back to the Samoa Joe abduction angle...where do you guys think that is going ? I'm stumped. Especially because they've hardly promoted it since. I'm guessing Joe comes back at Destination X or just after it....but to what end I don't know, and who were the group of masked men that abducted him ? I can't believe TNA hasn't promoted this whodunnit more!

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Think that Joe is probably getting some rest after working through a lot of nagging injuries last year. And he will hopefully come back as lean and mean as he was in the beginning of his TNA career. Overall I really enjoyed the show just some minor flaws here and there but generally very well done.



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I don't think it'll be RVD vs hardy off the bat. I think we'll see RVD vs sting and AJ vs Abyss with interference from wolfe and a save by hardy (to set up AJ vs hardy).


As for Joe, I have no idea where they are going with the current angle. seems kinda odd. Abduction makes me think either hall and xpac got him and will use him as leverage to get contracts, Raven's starting a new flock (not sure how joe fits in -seems like it'd be a big demotion), or they have some new ''outsiders'' that have got him.

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Yeah you need to get VIP status for guaranteed entry you can do this via e-mail or something similar. One of the TNA die hard fans explained it on the podcast I posted a while back. Its In park vip first, then out of park vip, then in park, then out of park. Thats how the whole pissed off bubba army thing started on the 4th as they where out of park vip's so and because of the high turnout of in park vip's they didn't all get in which Bubba had rpomised.


yes that how it goes it also dnt hurt knowing some the crew and wrestlers

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Alright, after being so dissapointed hopefully my weekly rundown will make me tune in next week b/c right its get DVR'd with a lot of use of the skip button.


Opening Match


To me this is where it all started. It was one of my theories as to the "5 minutes" and all excitment I had just went down hill. My gf was actually "watching" while reading her magazine (shes never watched TNA with me before but since The Bachelor is over she was content in having it on and reading) and as soon as the show started I said "This sucks already!" and she was like "What?" but anyways, I digress, point is I was vocally upset, I actually switched over to RAW to see if Undertaker would be anybetter.


I switched back with the match still going on then Sting comes in, I'm like sweet they're doing something righ! EEHHHH! Wrong! it isn't enough to just have one of the biggest stars in wrestling return, he has to have a heel turn, vintage Bischoff/Russo. This ruined it AGAIN for me. If they want to turn Sting go for it, but cant you wait until next week or the end of the show and let us enjoy it and say haha WWE never got Sting?


After all this big to do, we get to see the match I initially switched off later in the show in the main event, *sarcastic* yaaaay.


20 minutes later, here is Kaz


Promos weren't the best but hey we got a real match! Action was actually a little dissapointed to me as none of the guys hit their big moves until Williams at the end, who's move I love, so in TEW terms "This match lifted the crowd" Oh Shannon Moore? NVM, this match did not lift the crowd, I would have rather had one of the other X division wrestlers (you know, who has been with the company) come in, Moore cant even bring in WWE fans since he is SO different now (and has been) go Hardy...


Women's Tag Match


Really?...really? This is the first Live Monday "War" show and this is what we get? I've been consistent all along and while I dont hate womens wrestling, history has shown it doesnt draw and I think TNA needs to focus on other things. This match took the place of a MCMG type match so that upsets me. Match was too long given who was involved then the BP get that long victory angle? WTF? We get it writers, you like getting sucked




Okay, this is fun, we get a Pope promo which is entertaining, then we see he is going to face Wolfe, cool should be fun, OH NO! Wolfe attacks Pope no match. Once again, another way to p*ss me off... I watched the BP wrestle I deserve a real match now and they just took it off.

(is there an echo in here?)


Sting vs. ???


Here we go folks! Best part of the night! I was truely psyched, we all knew it was going to be RVD as an opponent, they stretch out Stings entrance, I am getting butterflies thinking "this is why TNA is good, forget the other stuff" RVD appears on the screen, YES! they didnt throw a curve ball!, Wait, RVD is coming out of the crowd to ambush Sting? Kicks him, splashes him, yay go RVD beat him up!...its over? WTF!!!!!! This followed by a 15 minuted bat angle where nothing happens, he doesnt focus on breaking RVD's leg, just walks back and forth and oh here comes Hogan! Because he hasn't been on my TV enough tonight...what just went from the best part of the night went to easily the worst "This match was going to bring the crowd down but it couldnt go any lower"


The Band


Oh boy, here comes the band. Just sit through it and will be done soon, nash gets time then we go to commerical...and its still goin. Nash/Waltman take their time getting to the ring, blah blah Hey Yo I'm old, blah blah oh a match! And seriously, can the annoucners at least stop questioning how Nash and Walman get in? We get it, you've said it every Impact for the last three months now, theyre sneaky. Match was decent for what it was, would have liked it to turn into an outside of the ring brawl but it could have been worse. At the same, why did this storyline get such a long angle and match?


Captain Angle


So now Angle is hugely army, honestly it was a little much. This whole bit went on long for what it was, positive is it moved the storyline along being something different which is what I've said I have enjoyed about this feud. It was just too long and seeing the Army assault a TNA contracted worker was a bit dumb, oh but Angle poses with the flag, lame.


Bubba/Hogan, wait, this doesn't warrant its on part




Started watching this then changed to Family Guy b/c it was awful and of course didnt make sense (big surprise folks!) and instead of seeing Beer Money vs. a tag team in a REAL match, we get another angle which is now a synonym for match. Flipped in on family guy commercials and the same stupid thing was going on, Foley who is the ref/boss (hes still part owner or something w/JJ isnt' he?) gives JJ a bat then the ref goes against two of his bosses to take the obviously plastic barbed wire bat away, and big surprise JJ loses. Waste of time, glad I missed most of it.


Here it is folks we promised you a great main event tonight...


Didnt watch it. Had no interest in it when it was announced, had no interested when my TNA support meter was at 0 last night. Flipped in and out, same stuff, blah blah, then Jeff Hardy. If Hardy was there, where was he at the beginning of the show? Blah, I dont care about Jeff anyway, the dude has never been a big draw for either promotion and hasnt worked 6 months straight in years. He will flake and be out of TNA by the end of the year (either back to WWE for just back to nothing like usual)


Random Questions/Thoughts


-Samoa Joe- like someone said maybe hes getting rest, but Samoa Joe was one of the companies biggest draws, appears to have a big feud with AJ set up, then gets kidnapped, and has no not been heard from for almost a month. If they wanted him off tv, why not just have Flair/AJ break his legs with a figure four? once again, more lose ends.


-Pope- Umm apparentley he lost the #1 contendership to Abyss? Seriously, what the hell is going on? Are they only writing these episodes/feuds before that week? We had this big Pope thing callin D*ck Flair out and now its nothing...thx for treating me stupid TNA! Also, I get it, hes injured and cant compete, this is the 2nd time they have done this with him, since they clearly regret pushing him, why did they even do it to being with!?


-Bischoff- I thought he was used well this week. He got his TV time but when he did it was important (like I mentioned last week) bad news, Hogan got all his and the Nasty Boyz excess time.


Overall Score: 3 Last week was a good Impact and I rated it high and high hopes for this show but looking at the segments none of them stood as being great, there were alot of let downs with one average segment (three way match) and the only high points were people debuting, so is TNA just going to have 3 people debut each week B/c they sure as hell can't write.

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