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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Any original thoughts pray tell?


TNA sucks and is wasting a huge opportunity. Their death will dissuade other companies to go head to head with WWE and Vince will lean back in his rocking chair and produce a mediocre product, like he always does when he gets complacent.


If TNA was competently run we could potentially see a return of the Monday night wars in a few years time which could regain the audience lost in the Invasion and improve wrestling as a whole, since WWE always gets better when Vince is under pressure.


but that won't happen because they're WCW 2.0


this is why I don't like tna

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TNA sucks and is wasting a huge opportunity. Their death will dissuade other companies to go head to head with WWE and Vince will lean back in his rocking chair and produce a mediocre product, like he always does when he gets complacent.


If TNA was competently run we could potentially see a return of the Monday night wars in a few years time which could regain the audience lost in the Invasion and improve wrestling as a whole, since WWE always gets better when Vince is under pressure.


but that won't happen because they're WCW 2.0


this is why I don't like tna

You're mad if you think there will be a return of the Monday Night Wars a mere 10 years after the first one. The popularity of Wrestling has been cut in half since the original Monday Night Wars, those fans won't come back overnight.


How exactly do you expect TNA to get that fanbase they'd get "if they were run competently" without having faces that older fans recognized? The IWC is a minority of wrestling fandom (as much as we hate to admit). A company that would try to cater to the IWC on a national level would go out of business in less than a year. TNA has been on national TV for about 5 now.


You expect new fans to be drawn back to into wrestling simply by good in ring action? That's insanity. You need names and you need old faces to go along with the new ones. What do you want TNA to do? Fire everyone that at some point worked for WCW/WWE?


You keep saying they're WCW 2.0 but all I'm hearing is that you don't like Russo and you're tired of Hogan. Awesome. That doesn't make TNA WCW 2.0.

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Any original thoughts pray tell?


Water is wet. Oh wait, that's not an original thought either. Lemme try again.


On Earth, what goes up, must come down. No, that doesn't fit either.


An object in motion tends to stay in motion. Crap, not that either.


Point is, stating the truth doesn't have to be 'new' and 'original'. What Daffanka said is true. Young talent is being tossed aside so the old has beens (or never weres, in the case of the Nasty Boys) get tons of screen time. The booking, with only a few exceptions, is nonsensical in that it's like a 10+ car pileup on the freeway. And the one thing that truly separated TNA from WWE's product (the X DIVISION) is largely an afterthought. I remember a time when AJ and Daniels and others were HEADLINING TNA via their match quality (not necessarily their push). I remember not so long ago when they made it seem like the biggest star on the roster WANTED the X-Division title (and held it for a little bit). I remember when they signed a big name and immediately put that big name in a program with their young talent (hi2u Angle-Joe). Now, they take their monster heel and turn him into complete garbage. They put their tag titles on a pair of singles wrestlers and immediately go about breaking them up (because apparently the fact that they were IN the main event prior to the regime change means nothing so they need to step aside to make room for.....Hogan and his cronies?).


Seriously, dispute what Daffanka said. Can you honestly say that TNA's young talent is better off today? That their booking has improved a great deal? That they aren't showcasing the stars of yesteryear? While I won't say TNA is WCW 2.0 (remember, WCW actually BEAT WWE and they were equals for a time), I see the same pattern occurring here that occurred there. Oddly enough, many of the same people are involved too. Personally, I don't give a flip whether it's Russo or Dutch or Jarrett or Hogan or Bischoff responsible for it. Bottom line is, it's frustrating to even watch seeing so much talent going to waste. What annoys me a lot is how the arrival of Hogan and his posse has led to the loss of at least two of the most talented Knockouts on the roster (including the ONLY monster heel). So now you're pretty much left with 'Divas South' since the same situation exists in Orlando that does in Connecticut: two titles and not enough TALENT (let's not even get into airtime) to support them.

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I really think most of you are getting too "OLD" to watch wrestling anymore, lol.


I didn't get a chance to watch the show, and won't be able to watch much on TV till after the next couple of weeks (work).


On the topic at hand I have a few opinions though.


Flair/AJ Styles. I just can't imagine AJ being a better heal then he is right now. I just can't imagine him getting that much heat on his own. I think Flair and him is a perfect combination for this, and the passing of the torch is going well.


I don't see Abyss ever really being on a Hogan Level. I think that was a bad pick, but I do think this has something to do with Foley. I hate being smarky with these things, but I can't help to think that Foley finally found someone that would listen to his idea's, and Abyss is part of it.


I also believe it's Foley's idea to put Hogan in the ring (and Flair for that matter). I mean... Look who else he has suggested getting in the ring in the past when ECWWE opened up. Of course, I don't see either of them giving him any problem with that idea... probably "Wow! that's a great idea Mick!"


Abyss is a good monster, but he's never been on the level he should be. Hopefully he goes nuts after this, or drops it all together. Either way, I think he is going to gain more in the way of stability, then he ever would have on his own.


The Nasties.... I don't care one way or the other why they are there. I know it has to be Hogan's idea obviously, but my concern is on how they will be used. They are not "Kids" which is good, but they are older. I think they need to be used in feuds to help establish tag teams that might need improving in area's other then in ring skill. It would benefit TNA alot if they can get everyone "Feeling" as if they are grown men, and not boys just on the verge of being men (As the WWE had not so long ago). In that way I think TNA can benefit even with someone like the Nasties.


Samoa Joe not being around... I don't understand it myself. It's almost as if Joe is in trouble, and they don't want to get him involved untill they find out what goes down. OR, they are just missing the boat with this guy. Samoa Joe may never be the big Main Eventer that most think he should be, but he definately has all the abilities to make a great character to build storylines and title's around. No matter if it's midcard or main event titles, he is able to always look like a threat, and he's a natural fan favorite, that doesn't need to benefit from Hogan or Flair.


Styles is going to be huge though.... He's being natured, and he is learning. You get him to be able to do great promo's, and with his in ring ability I just can't see where you can go wrong with this guy.

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Where is Rhyno? I always really enjoyed his intensity.


He appeared a couple of weeks ago as one of Bischoff's hired guns (along with Raven who's been used as much) in the teased unmasking of Abyss, before Hogan came out. I think that's the only time I've seen him since Hogan arrived.


Jeff Hardy going over the champ? Styles is playing the Flair-chicken**** heel. It doesn't matter if he loses in a non-title match up. He's suppose to be a guy that can be beat but somehow always seems to get away because the hero can catch him.


This is what bugs me about the Styles push. I get what he's supposed to be, I just struggle to get over the fact that I don't see any reason for him to be playing that character. Even when Hogan arrived, Styles was going over the likes of Angle clean, prior to that Daniels and then Joe/Daniels. Other than Flair just arriving and saying AJ's fine to be his protege, there was nothing to trigger the turn, no reason. It's so difficult to get into AJ as that kind of heel, when he wasn't struggling to defend his title. Even a match or two where he struggled, or Flair watched him lose a non-title match... that would have done. They could have even used the fact that AJ only 'escaped' the ankle-lock in that match with Angle months ago on Impact when the time limit expired. Then Flair starts providing AJ with shortcuts, that's fine, but it should feel more like AJ's using them because he wants to rather than because he is instantly unable to defeat anyone without cheating. Then in time, the fact that he's played dirty for so long means that he struggles to actually outwrestle guys one on one. The key word though is time, and for some reason TNA still seem to want to tell a 2 hour story in about 20 seconds. It's a good story, but the execution... so rushed, it feels incomplete and less effective.

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Water is wet. Oh wait, that's not an original thought either. Lemme try again.


On Earth, what goes up, must come down. No, that doesn't fit either.


An object in motion tends to stay in motion. Crap, not that either.


Point is, stating the truth doesn't have to be 'new' and 'original'. What Daffanka said is true. Young talent is being tossed aside so the old has beens (or never weres, in the case of the Nasty Boys) get tons of screen time. The booking, with only a few exceptions, is nonsensical in that it's like a 10+ car pileup on the freeway. And the one thing that truly separated TNA from WWE's product (the X DIVISION) is largely an afterthought. I remember a time when AJ and Daniels and others were HEADLINING TNA via their match quality (not necessarily their push). I remember not so long ago when they made it seem like the biggest star on the roster WANTED the X-Division title (and held it for a little bit). I remember when they signed a big name and immediately put that big name in a program with their young talent (hi2u Angle-Joe). Now, they take their monster heel and turn him into complete garbage. They put their tag titles on a pair of singles wrestlers and immediately go about breaking them up (because apparently the fact that they were IN the main event prior to the regime change means nothing so they need to step aside to make room for.....Hogan and his cronies?).


Seriously, dispute what Daffanka said. Can you honestly say that TNA's young talent is better off today? That their booking has improved a great deal? That they aren't showcasing the stars of yesteryear? While I won't say TNA is WCW 2.0 (remember, WCW actually BEAT WWE and they were equals for a time), I see the same pattern occurring here that occurred there. Oddly enough, many of the same people are involved too. Personally, I don't give a flip whether it's Russo or Dutch or Jarrett or Hogan or Bischoff responsible for it. Bottom line is, it's frustrating to even watch seeing so much talent going to waste. What annoys me a lot is how the arrival of Hogan and his posse has led to the loss of at least two of the most talented Knockouts on the roster (including the ONLY monster heel). So now you're pretty much left with 'Divas South' since the same situation exists in Orlando that does in Connecticut: two titles and not enough TALENT (let's not even get into airtime) to support them.


These were all things that they were doing before Hogan/Flair, etc. arrived though. Everytime anyone with any popularity come on TNA, they were thrown up against the top of TNA, making TNA look like the "weaker" one in my opinion.


The train wreck makes more sense now, then it did for years. It's not good, but it's definately an improvement. You actually see match's have an ending on TV now, where before I guess it was only at the PPV's. Title's are defended on TV now, where before only at PPV (although I haven't seen them switch hands on TV, which I don't mind).


I'm just saying, you can blame it on any one of the people you mentioned, but you can't blame it on them when they were NOT even in the company.

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I want TNA to provide a solid alternative to WWE.


This means don't hire people over 50, this means growing your own stars (of which you have tons) and it means putting on solid action.


They probably can't restart the wars in just a few years, no. But they can certainly grow and become a credible threat if they start pushing guys like Pope or Anderson who started really shining outside of WWE. Or ROH acquisitions like Joe, McGuinness and The Young Bucks who could bring the house down if they were allowed to wrestle.


And I actually said that they were late era WCW 2.0 because they put on god awful storylines and make us watch old people while they're sitting on a goldmine of future stars. Hogan and Russo (and Bischoff!) just happen to be there in both cases.

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These were all things that they were doing before Hogan/Flair, etc. arrived though. Everytime anyone with any popularity come on TNA, they were thrown up against the top of TNA, making TNA look like the "weaker" one in my opinion.


Were they? There are probably examples to the contrary, but looking at a few of the bigger acquisitions...


Bobby Lashley - Debuted by just appearing and staring. Teased involvement with the MEM (which made sense given the groups status on shows/booking), but pretty soon he was feuding with Scott Steiner although he then won a title shot tournament that was never mentioned again the following week before he was released.


Booker T - Debuted as a ppv mystery partner (made sense to generate ppv interest that a big star was appearing), but then went straight into a feud with Roode (midcarder at the time) which was actually based on Roode being adverse to big names coming in and jumping straight ahead of the established TNA roster in the ranking stakes.


Kurt Angle - As mentioned, was soon feuding with Joe who if anything, was only damaged by the fact that his momentum stalled afterwards, especially following the title win in the 'MMA' match.


Mick Foley - Debuted as a mainly off-screen character and hasn't exactly been put over established talent left and right.


Whereas now...


Orlando Jordan - Already has wins over Joe and the Pope (Joe's was part storyline, but again that quickly went out the window as he suddenly turned face in order to compete against AJ).


Sean Morley - Goes over Daniels who had been main eventing only a month or so earlier... then doesn't appear on TV again for weeks.


Nasty Boys - Already over Team 3D in a feud that shows no sign of getting better and one where I don't really see how Team 3D are going to look any better if/when they go over them. They also went over someone else on Impact, although the match was so forgettable, I don't recall who.


Whether they're good booking decisions is going to be down to opinion, but I can't really see how it can be argued that that TNA were making their current stars look any weaker compared to new arrivals prior to 'the Hogan era'. I've got no problem with RVD, Anderson, etc getting big early wins, but some of these guys are getting fed victories seemingly without a second thought on where anyone involved goes next.

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Instead of posting my review of the show here like I have been doing I decided to create a blog thing where I will just post the link and show score (I actually created a system now) for anyone that cares. Agree, disagree, think I'm smart, think I'm an idiot, it's all the same to me, I just like recapping the shows.




Show Score: 35 out of 55, 63%

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Were they? There are probably examples to the contrary, but looking at a few of the bigger acquisitions...


Bobby Lashley - Debuted by just appearing and staring. Teased involvement with the MEM (which made sense given the groups status on shows/booking), but pretty soon he was feuding with Scott Steiner although he then won a title shot tournament that was never mentioned again the following week before he was released.


Booker T - Debuted as a ppv mystery partner (made sense to generate ppv interest that a big star was appearing), but then went straight into a feud with Roode (midcarder at the time) which was actually based on Roode being adverse to big names coming in and jumping straight ahead of the established TNA roster in the ranking stakes.


Kurt Angle - As mentioned, was soon feuding with Joe who if anything, was only damaged by the fact that his momentum stalled afterwards, especially following the title win in the 'MMA' match.


Mick Foley - Debuted as a mainly off-screen character and hasn't exactly been put over established talent left and right.


Whereas now...


Orlando Jordan - Already has wins over Joe and the Pope (Joe's was part storyline, but again that quickly went out the window as he suddenly turned face in order to compete against AJ).


Sean Morley - Goes over Daniels who had been main eventing only a month or so earlier... then doesn't appear on TV again for weeks.


Nasty Boys - Already over Team 3D in a feud that shows no sign of getting better and one where I don't really see how Team 3D are going to look any better if/when they go over them. They also went over someone else on Impact, although the match was so forgettable, I don't recall who.


Whether they're good booking decisions is going to be down to opinion, but I can't really see how it can be argued that that TNA were making their current stars look any weaker compared to new arrivals prior to 'the Hogan era'. I've got no problem with RVD, Anderson, etc getting big early wins, but some of these guys are getting fed victories seemingly without a second thought on where anyone involved goes next.


Team 3D, Daniels aren't what I would call Main Eventers, even by TNA standards. Nor are either what I would call "Young TNA stars".


I can understand the Joe problem, and I agree, I didn't like that at all. However, as you said it seemed to be part of a storyline that ended, or went another direction. Something they have a record doing anyways.


I really don't see Orlando as being such an old sod to be honest (not like the Nastys, Hogan and Flair anyways). Pluss, he's been away from WWE long enough not to be even considered an Ex-WWE star. Giving him a ball and letting him run a little doesn't really get under my nerves that much, outside of the fact I have never liked the guy, no matter what character he portrays. I just don't see any talent there outside of in the ring, which I don't really consider to be much either. I'm going to give you that one.


All the examples you gave are pretty much similar to the ones you gave to "Proove me wrong" though. You gave example's of your case for now, that are exactly the same as the case you provided against them doing that.


And the train wreck booking has improved. It's not solid, nor do I think it will ever be, at least not anytime soon. But it is not as bad.


Of course, that's just my observations, and my unique opinion on the matter. You will probably have alot more support for your opinion, but we will have to just agree to dissagree on this subject, at least for now. I might be persuaded at a later date, after some better example's are given or they do exactly what you said they do.

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Team 3D, Daniels aren't what I would call Main Eventers, even by TNA standards. Nor are either what I would call "Young TNA stars".


I can understand the Joe problem, and I agree, I didn't like that at all. However, as you said it seemed to be part of a storyline that ended, or went another direction. Something they have a record doing anyways.


I really don't see Orlando as being such an old sod to be honest (not like the Nastys, Hogan and Flair anyways). Pluss, he's been away from WWE long enough not to be even considered an Ex-WWE star. Giving him a ball and letting him run a little doesn't really get under my nerves that much, outside of the fact I have never liked the guy, no matter what character he portrays. I just don't see any talent there outside of in the ring, which I don't really consider to be much either. I'm going to give you that one.


All the examples you gave are pretty much similar to the ones you gave to "Proove me wrong" though. You gave example's of your case for now, that are exactly the same as the case you provided against them doing that.


Apart from having singles pushes a good while ago when they were considered as wrestlers credible enough to feature in a World Title match, no Team 3D are basically gatekeepers to the tag team division. Daniels however had main evented the previous two ppvs and alongside AJ Styles, is one of the first names people seem to associate with TNA... meaning that beating him is far more significant than say, defeating James Storm.


Maybe we're not quite on the same subject, but I just don't see how putting previous new arrivals in programmes with midcarders and putting others over somehow makes the TNA roster look weaker compared to recent arrivals who have been going over former champions, current champions, #1 contenders, etc left right and centre, which is what you seemed to be suggesting.

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0.87 Flair, Styles, Hardy talk in the ring, Foley and Bischoff talk backstage.


0.85 Clip of Nasty Boys beating on Neal, Nasty Boys vs Team 3D, Angelina Love interview backstage, Hall and Pac interview backstage Nash/Young arrive and talk.


0.82 Anderson/Wolfe vs Angle/Pope, Hogan/Hardy/RVD/Bischoff talk backstage.


0.96 Love vs Daffney with The Beautiful People by the ring Tara gets involved, Hogan in the ring talking and calls out Sting who while coming to the ring gets jumped by RVD.


0.93 Ending of the Hogan/Sting/RVD segment in the ring when Bischoff ends it, Hernandez/Jarrett/Bischoff talk backstage, Hall vs Nash with Pac and Young getting involved.


0.82 Beer Money interview backstage, Hernandez vs Beer Money with Jarrett refereeing and Morgan on commentary.


0.81 Foley/Bischoff haircut segment, Shannon Moore interview backstage, x-division segment in the ring featuring Motor city guns/Generation Me/Amazing Red/Kendrick/Kaz/Daniels.


0.72 Abyss interview backstage, Hardy vs Styles with Abyss as enforcer.


0.74 Q9 Overrun: Hardy vs Styles, after match Flair swings a chair then Abyss slams Flair throught ramp.

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I think the real issue for TNA is there are no Thursday replays scheduled for the next few weeks so the excuse of people watching RAW then Impact on Thursday doesn't work and could cost them some viewership. Also the DVR thing will undoubtly get kicked around but people DVR lots of shows and a big part of DVR is skipping commericals which the sponsors don't like so they cant say sure only .8 (just cuz its the most recent) but 2.0 would have been the rating if people didnt DVR it and I'm sure those people didnt skip your commercials!


There will be excuses every week but there ratings weren't special on Thursday and its of course to early to judge the long term on Monday but no matter what they are going to have to draw. Austin is an excuse, WWE to WM is an excuse, summertime and people outside is an excuse, baseball season starting is an excuse, Monday night football is an excuse, they go year round.

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Wasn't AJ vs. Hardy already advertised? So why did AJ challenge him in the ring and then why did the announcers sound shocked by this challenge? Was this not common knowledge in the advertising that this match was happening? Also AJ would do better if Flair didn't interupt AJ every time. Also Flair talking about Hardy "getting high". Hardy having "creatures of the night" isn't that what Taker's fans were called?


It wasn't advertised to the masses so to speak they just released it on facebook. And yeah creatures of the night is/was takers thing so I thought that was weird.

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TNA sucks and is wasting a huge opportunity. Their death will dissuade other companies to go head to head with WWE and Vince will lean back in his rocking chair and produce a mediocre product, like he always does when he gets complacent.


If TNA was competently run we could potentially see a return of the Monday night wars in a few years time which could regain the audience lost in the Invasion and improve wrestling as a whole, since WWE always gets better when Vince is under pressure.


but that won't happen because they're WCW 2.0


this is why I don't like tna


They won't die unless the Carters aren't interested anymore. They make a profit and pull in decent enough ratings also Panda Energy is worth a lot more then the WWE.

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0.87 Flair, Styles, Hardy talk in the ring, Foley and Bischoff talk backstage.


0.85 Clip of Nasty Boys beating on Neal, Nasty Boys vs Team 3D, Angelina Love interview backstage, Hall and Pac interview backstage Nash/Young arrive and talk.


0.82 Anderson/Wolfe vs Angle/Pope, Hogan/Hardy/RVD/Bischoff talk backstage.


0.96 Love vs Daffney with The Beautiful People by the ring Tara gets involved, Hogan in the ring talking and calls out Sting who while coming to the ring gets jumped by RVD.


0.93 Ending of the Hogan/Sting/RVD segment in the ring when Bischoff ends it, Hernandez/Jarrett/Bischoff talk backstage, Hall vs Nash with Pac and Young getting involved.


0.82 Beer Money interview backstage, Hernandez vs Beer Money with Jarrett refereeing and Morgan on commentary.


0.81 Foley/Bischoff haircut segment, Shannon Moore interview backstage, x-division segment in the ring featuring Motor city guns/Generation Me/Amazing Red/Kendrick/Kaz/Daniels.


0.72 Abyss interview backstage, Hardy vs Styles with Abyss as enforcer.


0.74 Q9 Overrun: Hardy vs Styles, after match Flair swings a chair then Abyss slams Flair throught ramp.


Damn what is with the ME scoring so low. People seriously preferred to see a contract signing over AJ vs Hardy? Bad rating but kinda expected with Stone Cold around still also seems the TNA faithful so to speak are turning their backs.

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UPDATED: WWE Raw and TNA Impact Ratings

Posted by Larry Csonka on 03.16.2010


Lots of new ratings details in including how AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy did...


UPDATED: RAW did a 3.71 rating last night off hours of 3.68 and 3.73 and averaged 5.60 million viewers, an overall increase of 10% in viewership from last week. RAW's first hour (which drew 5.57 million viewers) was the most viewed first hour since August 4th, 2009, while hour two (5.63 million viewers) was the most viewed second hour since the January 4th RAW.


Impact did a .84 rating off hours of .88 and .80 and averaged 1.1 million viewers, an overall decrease of 21.4% in viewership from last week. Impact opened with a .84. In a very troubling sign for TNA, the AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy main event was the lowest rated segment of the entire show with a .72 with the overrun doing a .74.


Credit: PWTorch


i said this the last time I made a post about their ratings: NO ONE IS GETTING OVER


Not the old guys. Not the young guys. No one.


And that -more than anything - is the sign of terrible writing and terrible booking.


You can sit here and debate how the Nasty Boys are 'big names' that fans can recognize or how the 'young guys are being featured' or how 'EB is a genius and knows more about wrestling that you internet fans' or how 'AJ is a great heel now' all you want...


TNA is losing their viewers. Period.


What they're doing isn't working. Period.


And as a someone who has tuned in semi-regularly for the last few years, I have zero faith in this creative team that they are going to figure out that 'less is more' anytime soon.


Man for man, I truly believe TNA has the more talented roster, but most weeks Impact is a dumpster fire.


I don't care if it's not original. I don't care if people are tired of hearing it. You don't even have to compare TNA to the WWE. They are not doing well, even if you are comparing them to their own ratings from a few months back.


TNA is losing their viewers. Period.


What they're doing isn't working. Period.

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I think TNA's problem is they are not grabbing any new audience right now. They have to hope that as time goes on they grab new fans because right now it seems their base hasn't expanded in a long time. It just ebbs and flows.


To me the largest problem facing TNA is that this is not the 90s. Wrestling is not cool or hip. Very few people who aren't socially awkward are willing to talk about wrestling anymore. It has lost the mainstream appeal it used to have. The market that exists is really not a rabid fanbase, it's just a fanbase. I mean good luck getting WWE fans to switch over to TNA when they barely care beyond the surface about WWE!


I think there is this myth that there is this huge audience out there not being catered to, the audience that loved WCW and/or ECW. I just don't believe that to be the case. That audience is gone.

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Not debating the mainstream appeal, but what also really hurt was the bad booking following the Jan 4th show. They kept losing and losing the gained audience week by week. For every improvement they are doing bad stuff as well. How the hell can Hogan, Bischoff and Russo collectively book so bad? Well lets hope that if this experiment fails Dixie finally turns it over to Heyman. If he fails a "new" guy should be given the opportunity.
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Damn what is with the ME scoring so low. People seriously preferred to see a contract signing over AJ vs Hardy? Bad rating but kinda expected with Stone Cold around still also seems the TNA faithful so to speak are turning their backs.


Hyde..that's a bad assumption. it's not that viewers CHOSE Hart/McMahon over AJ/Hardy it's that that segments leading into the main event didn't give them any reason to stay tuned.


And going back..was there any reason to believe that match would be given proper time, or end without some kind of intereference? The one thing WCW proved is that bad booking eventually does drive viewers away.


So that even when good stuff happens, no one is willing to have faith and stay tuned.

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Not debating the mainstream appeal, but what also really hurt was the bad booking following the Jan 4th show. They kept losing and losing the gained audience week by week. For every improvement they are doing bad stuff as well. How the hell can Hogan, Bischoff and Russo collectively book so bad? Well lets hope that if this experiment fails Dixie finally turns it over to Heyman. If he fails a "new" guy should be given the opportunity.


Well let's be honest here. Hogan has made a fundamental mistake. His run in the E was awesome when he returned, largely because he was given in limited doses. WCW taught us that Hogan was played out as a heel and a face. He just couldn't carry a show anymore. He still had relevance and people still liked him, they just didn't care to see him as their focus. I foolishly believed that HOgan was going to come to TNA and play an authority role and limit himself. Instead he's been the entire focus of the company, involved in nearly every storyline. That makes it hard to get any enjoyment out of the show. It makes the RVD vs Sting storyline that is about to happen worthless to me because it's going to be all about Hogan.



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