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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I have to say, tonight was definitely an improvement. Other than working the Hernandez broken neck that's already getting about as old as Kurt's, it was a solid show.


Great TV Main Event, and two of the thirty Bischoff storylines are now over...or at least will be done by Lockdown.


Then again...I'm probably still in the minority.

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Tonight is the second week in a row TNA has done a good job and tonight I'd say their show was better than Vinces.


I didn't see the pay per view but why wasn't Angle on the show? Angle was the top guy in the company before this transition and now I barely hear from him. Is that his choice, theirs?


Also where was "the band" and why are RVD and Hardy being thrown against everybody in TNA? What happened to Sting vs. RVD? He viciously beat him down two weeks ago, RVD beat him down a week ago and now its over and done with? Where was Desmond Wolfe?


I liked the show but its very clear their roster and even storylines are too many for two hours of television. Where was the MCMG? Where was Team 3D? Mr. Anderson? The X Division?


Good show but they have got to get better time managment down. IMO they coudl have cut out the second RVD/Hardy promo and the Beer Money promo. The match was made in the ring, challenge accepted, now have the announcers shill it and use that time devoted to something else.


None the less I enjoyed TNA more than WWE for the first time in a long time last night. I'm going to Lockdown so I'm glad their picking up the pace now.

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Angle is on a reduced schedule. I can't imagine he'd be doing much 24 hours after a PPV.


See, I don't think TNA needs to cover every storyline every week. I'm OK with not doing every storyline every week, it give others more time to develop. Video packages to remind the fans about whats happened should be fine if there's no in ring or backstage action one week.


At least that's what I do in TEW...my digital fans don't seem to mind :p


Plus, TNA really HAS to have a ton of storylines since they have to fill 3 Hours on PPV every month, and nowadays every match has to have a story attached. It's hard to do 6-8 storylines a week for 4 weeks.


WWE has what 8 hours of TV time a week? Of course every match at the PPV will have a storyline for it. I think it's best for TNA to not fill each week up with stories and to give some stories a week off. Can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't expect people to buy PPVs where half the matches have a storyline attached, and you can't complain that some storylines were forgotten during their only 2 hours of TV each week. I doubt I'm the only one who thinks that since TNA stopped trying to fit almost every single storyline into one show, it's been getting better.

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Come to think of it, the past 2 months reminds me of when I play TEW.


I spend like, a month just giving random people title shots, making feuds that last 1 show, and all around running around like a drunken retard.


Then, after a while, I suddenly figure out that I'm supposed to have foresight and everything picks up from there.

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I'm not upset by the fact that their not doing it I just think there is still time wasted in their show.


Its getting better and I found it more enjoyable than the E this week.


I would have liked to see some X Division action as well as a continuation of the Wolfpac story beyond Eric Young naming two guys that had nothing to do with his storyline as his tag team partners.


I can appreciate a slow build and wait as some of these storylines give way into getting the X Division guys as well as others back in big storylines however it doesn't mean I don't want to see them on the show.


I think Alex Shelly had huge star written all over him when he was paling around with Nash a few years back and hooking up into the tag team with Sabin has really seen them do less as a team as they did as singles stars. In 2003 Sabin was the hottest X Division star they had now he's an every once in a while tag team guy.

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No complaints about TNA at all this week. None. This was a solid show and this is what they need to be doing every week.


Now lets lay back and see if they at least do another .8 this week.


Huh? I'm sorry, maybe I just don't remember the time Ultimo Dragon was lifted up by one of WWE's top faces and then proceeded to screw up the push soon after. I only remember the part where Vince only hired him to brag about his ability to sign anyone, even going as far as to edit out Dragon's cheers when he got tired of him.


His Wrestlemania XX slip on the entrance way.

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Angle is on a reduced schedule. I can't imagine he'd be doing much 24 hours after a PPV.


See, I don't think TNA needs to cover every storyline every week. I'm OK with not doing every storyline every week, it give others more time to develop. Video packages to remind the fans about whats happened should be fine if there's no in ring or backstage action one week.


At least that's what I do in TEW...my digital fans don't seem to mind :p


Plus, TNA really HAS to have a ton of storylines since they have to fill 3 Hours on PPV every month, and nowadays every match has to have a story attached. It's hard to do 6-8 storylines a week for 4 weeks.


WWE has what 8 hours of TV time a week? Of course every match at the PPV will have a storyline for it. I think it's best for TNA to not fill each week up with stories and to give some stories a week off. Can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't expect people to buy PPVs where half the matches have a storyline attached, and you can't complain that some storylines were forgotten during their only 2 hours of TV each week. I doubt I'm the only one who thinks that since TNA stopped trying to fit almost every single storyline into one show, it's been getting better.


I think this strategy has a place...with a certain fanbase. However, you must remember that, as typically depicted, the mainstream fan is very much a 'short attention span' type of viewer. You book yourself into a corner when you go with alternating storyline presences. What happens when the feud that didn't make it onto this week's Impact doesn't make it onto next week's because someone has some 'awesome idea' that MUST appear? This week, RVD vs Sting wasn't focused on and next week, RVD is in a match to advance a totally unrelated (up to this point) storyline. So, how do you remind fans that RVD is in a program with Sting? Do you have him attack RVD (and thus, impact the match that's supposed to advance the storyline you are focusing on)? Do you have him run-in (and thus, follow your typical booking pattern oddly reminiscent of a past promotion)? A simple video isn't going to put over the fact that these two men are at odds. You can't really give Sting a promo since he did what he intended to do (beat RVD senseless) so what's his dog in this fight?


I just don't understand the logic that goes into TNA's booking. The Beer Money turn, the Morgan/Hernandez split, the whole kerfuffle surrounding the (apparently worthless) World title, Rob Terry, the X-Division, Samoa "Where Are They Now" Joe, and what they hope to gain by giving TV time to Hall, Waltman, Knobbs, and Saggs. I also don't know what's going on with the men's titles. As much as Hyde might want to think that the Torch article is totally off base, you have to wonder what the heck is going on when the world title "doesn't matter", the tag titles are basically props (in their portrayal), the Global title is held by someone the fans don't know and appear ambivalent about, and the X title is....well, the X title.

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When I was running threw Bischoff's book as a bathroom read, in it he says the only useful thing he got out of Turner Market research is that most fans like wrestling the best when it's unpredictable. Because of this he doesn't believe in advertising in advance what'll be on next weeks show, he wants to put on the best show possible so that you'd want to watch it just to see what happens.


Who said Sting is in a program with RVD? Sting beat him down, RVD beat him in revenge. It seems more like Sting is in a program with Hogan and trying to keep Sting as much a mystery as possible.


Plus I agree with what someone else said. I'd rather have a solid show where not every feud is touched upon every week then clusterscrew like we had on the first impact. Tonights iMPACT! was very well paced out and I very much enjoyed that. Every angle felt important tonight.


I like seeing the seeds being sowed for the Hogan/Bischoff feud.


EDIT: I find a wheel chair bound Ric Flair INCREDIBLY amusing. I'd keep him that way if I was booking, if only because it's incredibly amusing to see whacky Flair bobbing his head in the chair yelling "HOE-GAIN!"

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My prediction is that we'll see Sting interfere and Abyss make the save and then we have the 4v4 set up for Lockdown and since it's technically Hogan's team and Flair's team which is captained by Sting it advances the Hogan/Sting feud too.


I'm also predicting a Hogan/Bischoff Feud before the yr is over. EB, Beer Money, and the Band vs Hogan, Hardy, Abyss, RVD and maybe even the Nasties.


And I can't put my finger on why, but I actually found this week less entertaining than most even though there were some things I thought improved (i.e. better build towards the main event, although I'm not sure how many nonTNA fans regard Hernandez and Morgan as big enough names for that slot). Curious to see what the Jarrett/Foley segment pulls in. And flipping back and forth there wasn't much on Raw that kept me from going back to TNA. Not really sure what to rate this, maybe a .95

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DVR'd it last night since theres no replay and watched it this morning since I had to get up early for the puppy.


Compared to what they have been doing Impact was good, there are still holes which I think are stopping them from brining in more fans. B/C lets face it,


I agree with Remi about time management, their time management is awful. They dont have to do every storyline every week, but fans dont have to watch everyweek either. This may be all well and good if they had an actually good sized fanbase but they dont. Their fanbase is the people that have liked TNA and stick by them no matter what.


A big example on this is the JJ/Foley match. Why? No seriously, why? TNA fans might like it but if this match wasnt on, the TNA fans would still like it. Does this match really draw in anyone watching RAW? Or people who used to like TNA that dont anymore? Those people hated Jarrett they ran him off TV when Christian finally beat him. Foley? Come on. These guys are not big draws and they got ALOT of TV Time tonight. B/c as I mentioned earlier, its fine if people that watched the show liked this segment, but there is other stuff they like to on the show that made them watch.


Angle/Anderson: They couldnt have Anderson give a 30 second promo on how Angle used his dog tag thing? I am 100% sure they will touch on this next week (at tonights taping) but what about any potential new viewers who may have been getting into it due to Angle or Anderson being WWE guys? These are the type of people TNA hasnt been able to keep (just look at the ratings for the past 2 years) We talk about how if they just get some WWE guys people will watch, well here they are, now put them on TV. And the limited schedule is a joke, they are both in town b/c of the PPV Sunday and the taping tonight, just pull one aside and have them cut a quick promo.


X Division: They do a show that focused alot on it then the only metion of it is Moore standing in the background. What? Not even really a mention of how great the match was? Not huge but once again this is one of the things that make them different than WWE for peole that looking for differences and its not there.


Tag Titles: Beer Money lose but keep getting pushed by Bishoff but lose. Hern/Morgan keep the titles but then Hern. gets his neck broken, meaning those titles wont be defended any time soon. MCMG put on a good PPV match to be #1 contenders then arent on the show. It looks like it will be a 2 on 1 match for the tag titles. Wouldt a Beer Money/MCMG feud and a Morgan/Homicide feud make more sense? Especially considering it looks like thats where their going anyone just in a much more confusing way.


While the show itself was good for what it was and TNA fans could enjoy it I just really do not see what the companies long term goal is and wonder if they are going to be in the same situation in a year. I don't see how they are doing anything to differentiate themselves from WWE enough to get viewers since the only viewers they have are the same ones they have had for a long time. If people like The Band, Nastyz, Foley, Hogan, Bischoff on your tv thats fine, I'm not getting into what you like, but do you or anyone really think people are going to stop watching RAW to tune in to see them? Or that people that have been away from wrestling are going to come back to see the same people that were on TV 10 years ago? They haven't really built anyone in their three months. Styles looks like the most piss poor champion ever, Pope's had so little TV after his first two weeks, Abyss looks like a fool, who have then pushed? Once again, if people like it then good for you for being able to enjoy it, but if you are watching RAW and flip on this TNA thing to check it out and see Abyss intimidating Hogan and Styles coming out dressed like Flair are you really going to tune in? Its not different at all! People have already seen this.


On a plus side the womens tag match was good since i thought it was going to be a mess when they first started, and right now that division is the only difference between TNA and WWE. Being unpredictable doesnt make you different, it makes you unpredictable (if thats what they are) having a bunch of workers that used to work for you competition just means you haven't grown your own in two and half years of being on primetime TV. Being the only other wrestling show on major cable doesnt make you a different product, it just means your the only other wrestling show on calbe TV. I'm just really worried its going to be the exact same in a year with the TNA loyalists still enjoying as they have for two and a half years but no one else caring.

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DVR'd it last night since theres no replay and watched it this morning since I had to get up early for the puppy.


Compared to what they have been doing Impact was good, there are still holes which I think are stopping them from brining in more fans. B/C lets face it,


I agree with Remi about time management, their time management is awful. They dont have to do every storyline every week, but fans dont have to watch everyweek either. This may be all well and good if they had an actually good sized fanbase but they dont. Their fanbase is the people that have liked TNA and stick by them no matter what.


A big example on this is the JJ/Foley match. Why? No seriously, why? TNA fans might like it but if this match wasnt on, the TNA fans would still like it. Does this match really draw in anyone watching RAW? Or people who used to like TNA that dont anymore? Those people hated Jarrett they ran him off TV when Christian finally beat him. Foley? Come on. These guys are not big draws and they got ALOT of TV Time tonight. B/c as I mentioned earlier, its fine if people that watched the show liked this segment, but there is other stuff they like to on the show that made them watch.


Angle/Anderson: They couldnt have Anderson give a 30 second promo on how Angle used his dog tag thing? I am 100% sure they will touch on this next week (at tonights taping) but what about any potential new viewers who may have been getting into it due to Angle or Anderson being WWE guys? These are the type of people TNA hasnt been able to keep (just look at the ratings for the past 2 years) We talk about how if they just get some WWE guys people will watch, well here they are, now put them on TV. And the limited schedule is a joke, they are both in town b/c of the PPV Sunday and the taping tonight, just pull one aside and have them cut a quick promo.


X Division: They do a show that focused alot on it then the only metion of it is Moore standing in the background. What? Not even really a mention of how great the match was? Not huge but once again this is one of the things that make them different than WWE for peole that looking for differences and its not there.


Tag Titles: Beer Money lose but keep getting pushed by Bishoff but lose. Hern/Morgan keep the titles but then Hern. gets his neck broken, meaning those titles wont be defended any time soon. MCMG put on a good PPV match to be #1 contenders then arent on the show. It looks like it will be a 2 on 1 match for the tag titles.


While the show itself was good for what it was and TNA fans could enjoy it I just really do not see what the companies long term goal is and wonder if they are going to be in the same situation in a year. I don't see how they are doing anything to differentiate themselves from WWE enough to get viewers since the only viewers they have are the same ones they have had for a long time. If people like The Band, Nastyz, Foley, Hogan, Bischoff on your tv thats fine, I'm not getting into what you like, but do you or anyone really think people are going to stop watching RAW to tune in to see them? Or that people that have been away from wrestling are going to come back to see the same people that were on TV 10 years ago? They haven't really built anyone in their three months. Styles looks like the most piss poor champion ever, Pope's had so little TV after his first two weeks, Abyss looks like a fool, who have then pushed? Once again, if people like it then good for you for being able to enjoy it, but if you are watching RAW and flip on this TNA thing to check it out and see Abyss intimidating Hogan and Styles coming out dressed like Flair are you really going to tune in? Its not different at all! People have already seen this.


On a plus side the womens tag match was good since i thought it was going to be a mess when they first started, and right now that division is the only difference between TNA and WWE. Being unpredictable doesnt make you different, it makes you unpredictable (if thats what they are) having a bunch of workers that used to work for you competition just means you haven't grown your own in two and half years of being on primetime TV. Being the only other wrestling show on major cable doesnt make you a different product, it just means your the only other wrestling show on calbe TV. I'm just really worried its going to be the exact same in a year with the TNA loyalists still enjoying as they have for two and a half years but no one else caring.


I would argue that Foley is still a draw because he makes a lot of appearances and has his books. People who don't like wrestling still recognize him, where as they'd have no clue who JJ is. And I agree, there was no build to the match and it was somewhat pointless as are both of their programs with EB.


Also, while I know kind of what you're saying I find your argument a little ironic/contradicting.


You gripe that they try to squeeze all of the feuds into one show and then go on to grip about all of the feuds and storylines left off of the show? Which is it, do you want to see all of the feuds or not? Or is your gripe more about which feuds made the show?

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Where did I say the try squeeze them all on the show? I said time management. JJ/Foley/ Bichoff had a whole crap load of time. Bischoff/JJ at the beginning including commericals was close to 20 minutes after it was all said and done. Then we had the match later. Shorten segments/storylines for other segments, time management, they arent using their two hours properly. This why I criticize people like Foley, yeah people recognize and he might be cool to see every now and then but they're on TV SO much time, cant they shorten stuff down?
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Come to think of it, the past 2 months reminds me of when I play TEW.


I spend like, a month just giving random people title shots, making feuds that last 1 show, and all around running around like a drunken retard.


Then, after a while, I suddenly figure out that I'm supposed to have foresight and everything picks up from there.



You and me. :D

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Man this beer money heel turn sucks. They went from getting a huge pop to just confused silence.


I find TNA's entire concept of 'heel' to be a bit suspect. It seems like Hogan & Bisch came in and just arbitrarily decided who should be heels, without listening to the fans or indeed common sense.


Beer Money were a solid heel tandem, who became so entertaining they got over as babyfaces. They were hot. The TNA crowd really dug them. Then one day we're expected to boo them, for no reason other than "they're heels now"? I'm pretty sure Motor City Machine Guns are supposed to be heels too. It's like folks in charge thought "brash + young = heel" without noticing that the TNA crowd LOVE THEM. Luckily, MCMG either don't want, or don't know how, to play heel, so nobody's seemed to notice their turn. AJ Styles. TNA's homegrown hero. I can sort of understand a 'turncoat' villain, but did they realise how much of an uphill struggle it would be to turn AJ? He's pure babyface, TNA fans love him, and doesn't have the promo skills to master a proper turn. It's like trying to turn Rey Mysterio. Technically doable, but the rewards don't nearly make up for the effort involved. How much money is heel AJ capable of drawing, compared to babyface AJ? Sting is similar. TNA fans love him. What's the point of the heel turn? Where's the benefit?


When WWE turn top guys, it almost always works out right. Batista was stale, he needed to turn, he had a definite turning point, and he's since become AWESOME. It paid off. CM Punk was the same. Stale - Turning Point - Awesome. Chris Jericho, Stale - Turn - Awesome. With TNA... they take guys with plenty of gas left in the babyface tank, put in a weak or non-existant turning point, and get... shades of confusing gray. Granted the audience are difference. WWE fans are more casual, willing to follow trends and storylines as they're 'supposed to', while TNA fans largely cheer for whoever they want. More 'difficult'. Still, the attitude to turning folks heel in TNA boggles my mind.


Monday Night is awful for me schedule wise, so I haven't watched Impact, but from the spoilers it sounded okay. I'll track down the Main Event for sure.

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I agree with everything you said Self and it kinda goes with what I was saying about long term. Right now they are throwing lots of stuff together or as Remi (I think) as described a few time, throwing crap on the wall to see what sticks trying to hit their own gold or something.


Eventually they are going to have to settle down since people with ADD is good for throwing stuff around, but at the same having ADD means people can get sick of it just as fast as well.


Was Impact a lot better than what they've been doing? Yes. But can they really just keep throwing workers and storylines together that dont really make sense or flow forever and expect to hit that 1.5 ratings mark?


Whoever mentioned the TEW comparision I couldnt agree more. What do we do with Hardy and RVD since they're so hott off debuting? I dont know, lets put them in tag matches because that will get a good match rating (which it did). We turned Sting heel now what? I dont, but he's over so we have to use him, lets just have him keep mysteriously feuding with Hogan since they're our only A overness guys. Ran out of time, crap, well I still have 40 minutes of dark time so lets put the entire X division including our champ whos been on Impact 5 minutes in the past month on the preshow along with Desmond Wolfe since we dont need him, he fell in a hole remember? besides his valet is now Flairs valet and more over anyway. Angle and Anderson are our hottest storyline and is actually making sense? Vacation day! wait wait, we have to shorten something so our Global champion can have a two minute match adn bill him as the next #1 contender, hmm I really hate to only give Bischoff and Hogan 78% of the show instead of 80% but I guess we can cut two minutes off them dangit.


The sad thing I dont even view that paragraph as being critical. As I said Impact got a good "show grade" but what are they doing to get people to tune in each week long term to start getting ratings beyond the people that long term fans that watch each week?


To clarify earlier about time management, i will ingore how much time Bisch/JJ/Foley got on the show and use an easier example. Take out the Beer Money promo of them hyping their match that was just created 5 minutes ago getting hyped and throw Ken Anderson in their slot. Time management doesn't have to be squeezing stuff together its just taking time away from people that already get a lot of time on a show for those not getting any.

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The Beer Money turn was awful. Pointless and really killed two of the few "over" guys they have.


The Sting turn, however, was good. But I felt like they took their foot off the pedal since then. Sting needs to keep acting like an ass.


And MCMG are heels? I ask that seriously. I never picked up on that, once.

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MCMG come off kind of heelish, but not really.


I was thinking this morning; Above, someone mentioned EB's strategy is to "be unpredictable." There's a fundamental flaw in that strategy, though, because BEING LOGICAL, and doing things that MAKE SENSE means being predictable. Funny thing, that.

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I think this strategy has a place...with a certain fanbase. However, you must remember that, as typically depicted, the mainstream fan is very much a 'short attention span' type of viewer. You book yourself into a corner when you go with alternating storyline presences. What happens when the feud that didn't make it onto this week's Impact doesn't make it onto next week's because someone has some 'awesome idea' that MUST appear? This week, RVD vs Sting wasn't focused on and next week, RVD is in a match to advance a totally unrelated (up to this point) storyline. So, how do you remind fans that RVD is in a program with Sting? Do you have him attack RVD (and thus, impact the match that's supposed to advance the storyline you are focusing on)? Do you have him run-in (and thus, follow your typical booking pattern oddly reminiscent of a past promotion)? A simple video isn't going to put over the fact that these two men are at odds. You can't really give Sting a promo since he did what he intended to do (beat RVD senseless) so what's his dog in this fight?


What pertaining RVD and Sting really needs resolution? RVD exacted revenge, Sting turned heel. It wasn't forgotten, they just aren't in a 1 on 1 program, and really they never were.


I just don't understand the logic that goes into TNA's booking. The Beer Money turn, the Morgan/Hernandez split, the whole kerfuffle surrounding the (apparently worthless) World title, Rob Terry, the X-Division, Samoa "Where Are They Now" Joe, and what they hope to gain by giving TV time to Hall, Waltman, Knobbs, and Saggs. I also don't know what's going on with the men's titles. As much as Hyde might want to think that the Torch article is totally off base, you have to wonder what the heck is going on when the world title "doesn't matter", the tag titles are basically props (in their portrayal), the Global title is held by someone the fans don't know and appear ambivalent about, and the X title is....well, the X title.

Beer Money's turn into Bischoff's goons hasn't been that bad, at least they're on TV. Morgan/Hernandez split HAD to happen eventually. Rob Terry is looking like a long term investment, he's gotten about 5 mins every 2 weeks on TV, is that really something to complain about?


Well in Sports Entertainment the stories always supercede the titles, but I don't get why you feel the World title doesn't matter.

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What pertaining RVD and Sting really needs resolution? RVD exacted revenge, Sting turned heel. It wasn't forgotten, they just aren't in a 1 on 1 program, and really they never were.


Which makes the entire debut a waste then. To have RVD steal a cheap win and Sting respond with a 10-minute beatdown with a baseball bat... To not do anything with it is ridiculous.

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Which makes the entire debut a waste then. To have RVD steal a cheap win and Sting respond with a 10-minute beatdown with a baseball bat... To not do anything with it is ridiculous.


Saying RVD's debut was a waste is a bit much. RVD did to Sting what Sting did to RVD. I doubt Sting is going to be on TV every week, and RVD is so over that the beatdown didn't hurt him at all. And they did do something with it, you just weren't satisfied with it I suppose. Sting beat RVD's ass for 10-minutes, RVD beat Sting's ass for 10-minutes.


From the start the storyline was Sting vs TNA, not Sting vs RVD.


I just don't think that every single attack has to create a long-term feud. Sting didn't show up and attack RVD, he showed up and attacked Hogan/Abyss. He had a match with RVD because he pissed off Dixie Carter, lost quickly, and beat the crap out of him to get back at TNA/Hogan. The next week RVD beat the crap out of Sting as retribution.


So now RVD HAS to be in a program with Sting otherwise his entire run in TNA is going to be a waste when it just started? C'MON!

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