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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I think it would be a fun project to make a list of who we would cut. Since we're all smarky.


The List Now:





AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

Amazing Red

Brian Kendrick

Brutus Magnus


Chris Sabin

Consequences Creed

D'Angelo Dinero


Desmond Wolfe

Don West

Doug Williams

Dr. Stevie

Eric Bischoff

Eric Young

Generation Me (for some reason, listed as one person on the Roster page)



Hulk Hogan

James Storm

Jay Lethal

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarett

Jeremy Borash

Jesse Neal

Jimmy Hart


Kevin Nash


Kurt Angle

Matt Morgan

Mr. Anderson

Nasty Boys (Again, listed as one person)

Orlando Jones



Rick Flair

Rob Terry

Rob Van Dam

Robert Roode

Samoa Joe

Scott Hall

Sean Waltman

Shannon Moore

Shark Boy



Team 3D (Weird. Wonder why Sabin and Shelley got separate pages, then...)





Angelina Love

Christy Hemme



Lacey von Erich

Madison Rayne



So Cal Val


Taylor Wilde

Velvet Sky


(I left off announcers, but kept on-screen personalities. And Don West, because he is in those stupid damn commercials.)


I also think it's interesting that the Women's roster is SO much shorter, and yet very nearly every woman has a reasonably large fanbase. As opposed to the men's side, where a lot of people are getting lost in the shuffle.


Based on this list I would let go of


Brian Kendrick


Dr. Stevie

Jesse Neal

Jimmy Hart


Nasty Boys (Again, listed as one person)

Orlando Jones

Rob Terry

Scott Hall

Shark Boy


Lacey von Erich

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I just read a report that said since January TNA has ballooned to SEVENTY wrestlers. That has to be close to what the WWE has on its active roster with three brands, three television shows and multiple house shows a night.


This includes high priced guys like Flair, RVD, Hardy, Kennedy, etc.


Plus they got the expensive of going live every night as well as apparently running ads during Monday Night RAW and doing advertising in Times Square.


With all of these expenses ratings are the lowest they have been in four years and there has been barely a noticeable bump in house show and merchandise sales.


Even if TNA is heading in the right direction creatively these are some valid points there is no way TNA should have an active roster of 70 workers.



BTW props Stennick for not adding that financial troubles bs tagline that was added to that info.

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The blair witch comment was in reference to the aborted Blonde Bitch Project. REMEMBER YOUR HISTORY FOLKS!


You might like to separate two different thoughts into their own sentences next time.


And yeah, the Blond Bitch project was *such* a hot angle :rolleyes:


I agree that Pirate Burchill was awesome, but it really is only hearsay that "Vince didn't know what PotC was".

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Based on this list I would let go of


Brian Kendrick


Dr. Stevie

Jesse Neal

Jimmy Hart


Nasty Boys (Again, listed as one person)

Orlando Jones

Rob Terry

Scott Hall

Shark Boy


Lacey von Erich


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but Suicide isn't an actual worker. It was Kaz & Daniels working under the mask, wasn't it?

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I've just started watching TNA but I'm fairly certain they have a third guy playing Suicide now, some Japanese guy? Thats what I've taken from this thread when talking of the "jap" as Hyde so nicely put it :) and all this talk of Suicide 3 which to me would indicate a third man playing the role.
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I think the hard truth is that to get the most out of the roster, you HAVE to cut some talent.


Not everyone can be a main eventer.


You want to book concise, straightforward, well thought out storylines then you probably have to get down to 30-35 active guys.


That means you probably have to release some long time favorites like Hernandez, Daniels, Joe, Team 3D, Rhino, etc...

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I think it would be a fun project to make a list of who we would cut. Since we're all smarky.


The List Now:





AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

Amazing Red

Brian Kendrick

Brutus Magnus


Chris Sabin

Consequences Creed

D'Angelo Dinero


Desmond Wolfe

Don West

Doug Williams

Dr. Stevie

Eric Bischoff

Eric Young

Generation Me (for some reason, listed as one person on the Roster page)



Hulk Hogan

James Storm

Jay Lethal

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarett

Jeremy Borash

Jesse Neal

Jimmy Hart


Kevin Nash


Kurt Angle

Matt Morgan

Mr. Anderson

Nasty Boys (Again, listed as one person)

Orlando Jones



Rick Flair

Rob Terry

Rob Van Dam

Robert Roode

Samoa Joe

Scott Hall

Sean Waltman

Shannon Moore

Shark Boy



Team 3D (Weird. Wonder why Sabin and Shelley got separate pages, then...)





Angelina Love

Christy Hemme



Lacey von Erich

Madison Rayne



So Cal Val


Taylor Wilde

Velvet Sky


(I left off announcers, but kept on-screen personalities. And Don West, because he is in those stupid damn commercials.)


I also think it's interesting that the Women's roster is SO much shorter, and yet very nearly every woman has a reasonably large fanbase. As opposed to the men's side, where a lot of people are getting lost in the shuffle.


Here is who I would get rid of:


So Cal Val, Shark Boy, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman, Nasty Boys, Jesse Neal, Jimmy Hart and Don West.


In the case of Val, Shark Boy, Don West, and Jesse Neal they do not really use them.


Val just pumps up the crowd and looks pretty so what is the reason to keep her around?


The rest I just dislike and I think that there time has passed in regards to drawing in the fans of giving good matches.


Well I don't hate Jimmy Hart but you get rid of the Nasty Boys, you should get rid of him as well.

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Can't speak for him, but when I mentioned cutting Suicide, I meant the concept, the character. I also want to cut Kiyoshi, the guy I think is rumoured to be getting the gimmick next.


No way would I cut Suicide. He's a very unique asset for TNA in this period of change. Being a character concept rather than a living, breathing man, Suicide can be an agent of stability that you don't even have to pay. As such, Suicide is a figure they should capitalize on.


If this transition period goes as they hope, the average viewer isn't going to notice all the turnover behind the mask he came on the scene. They won't know the shuffle from Kazarian to Daniels to Kiyoshi to Air Attack Weasel or whomever comes next. They are just going to notice that Suicide's been a staple of the company. A character with that potential to attain staple status is not to sneezed at this stage in TNA's history. Like him or hate him as a character, TNA needs Suicide far too much to cut him.

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I'd cut:





Don West

Dr. Stevie

Jeremy Borash

Jesse Neal

Jimmy Hart


Kevin Nash


Nasty Boys

Orlando Jones


Rick Flair

Rob Terry

Scott Hall

Sean Waltman

Shark Boy


Team 3D





Keep all


NB: Weird thing is that I hate women's wrestling, most of the time. I find it to be boring. But I think that the women's side is manageable right now.


I decided that I had to keep Hogan, Bischoff, etc. Because they're in charge.


Incidentally, you'll notice that I cut 2 tag teams (though, Knobbs and Saggs...), and I think you'd have to replenish that by really trying to put some new teams over. And maybe you could use someone other than MCMG to do it. Like, I dunno, Generation Me. Or a couple singles MEs that are just together for one night.


Also, I kept Eric Young because I think that he could be good enough, at least midcard, if he weren't running around acting like a retard and being treated like a 5 year old.

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I would cut...



Amazing Red- with all his runs they've yet to make me care about him

Brian Kendrick- useless as he is, bring in London as a tag and he can stay

Brutus Magnus- he is the lone wolf of the Invasion angle


Dr. Stevie

Eric Bischoff- him being on TV isn't drawing as much hype as he is being paid

Eric Young- sorry bud your times run out, too many gimmicks and hes a nothing now

Generation Me- hate them.

Hulk Hogan- him being on TV isn't drawing as much hype as he is being paid

Jay Lethal- his macho man thing has run its course

Jesse Neal

Jimmy Hart


Nasty Boys

Scott Hall

Sean Waltman

Shannon Moore

Shark Boy

Suicide #3 and charcter, it was only there to promote the game

Tomko, just a big jobber and is probably getting paid too much for it

Shawn Stasiak

Ken Doane


Bold= future signings



Christy Hemme

Daffney (have a feeling she will be a one trick poney and they will cut her by year end)

ODB (looks like shes on her way out anyways after her boob pop)



Since that's alot of people cut, some people I want back...


Austin Aries- love him, very charismatic wish he was bigger

Roderick Strong- Great in ring worker, love the backbreakers

Tyler Black- CM Punk'esque look, would like him given a shot

Trent Acid- Always loved him and he'd be a great X-division guy since I dont think him and Kashmere tag anymore

Petey Williams- Worst booking in TNA EVER, if anything his finisher is such an asset to them since WWE does NOTHING even CLOSE

Chase Stevens- With Douglas retired I think they could be bring him back as singles worker in this new era, I love his intensity live and think is a solid, solid, solid worker.

Kid Kash- Best X- Division heel in TNA history

Monty Brown (I can dream :p )

Samoa Joe


I think alot of those guys have been gone so long the new audience wouldn't even really know them while the TNA loyalists would embrace them

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I swear virtually EVERYONE, literally, has switched alignments since I last watched, which I think was around christmas, or maybe summer...whenever the show was that ended with that brawl everyone get so hyped about. Young was head of the world elite, Nash talking about money, now they're a face team...Morgan was a big focus...Angle a bad guy...AJ a good guy...lol.
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Oh goody. Guess it explains what his value to the company is supposed to be. The ole Bischoff Controversy Creates Cash theory. Had thought he'd follow Morley out the door as little as he's been used so far.

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Abyss Has no real reason being in TNA right now. Monster Face = BAD.

AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

Amazing Red He just seems like generic underdog #9001 to me.

Brian Kendrick Booking him wrong

Brutus Magnus I personally get nothing from him

Bubba No reason for this... SPONGE here.

Chris Sabin

Consequences Creed Hasnt been used in a while

D'Angelo Dinero


Desmond Wolfe

Don West

Doug Williams

Dr. Stevie Daffney doesnt need him. He needs Daffney.

Eric Bischoff

Eric Young

Generation Me (for some reason, listed as one person on the Roster page)



Hulk Hogan

James Storm

Jay Lethal

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarett I never liked Jarett. Ever.

Jeremy Borash

Jesse Neal Can stay if he turns heel.

Jimmy Hart Hes not managing the RIGHT PEOPLE. He needs to manage younger talent who are having trouble getting over IMO.


Kevin Nash Go away. Please.

Kiyoshi I hate suicide, and they dont use Kiyoshi as Kiyoshi so yeah.

Kurt Angle

Matt Morgan

Mr. Anderson

Nasty Boys (Again, listed as one person) Do I need a reason here?

Orlando Jones


Rhino (Lack of use)

Rick Flair

Rob Terry Clearly on steroids. Barely more watchable than Khali

Rob Van Dam

Robert Roode

Samoa Joe

Scott Hall

Sean Waltman Retire/Road Agents/Non Wrestler status would be fine.

Shannon Moore

Shark Boy I doubt he even NEEDS to wrestle as he probably got enough money for life suing that movie company in like 04. 05?


Suicide A video game character

Team 3D (Weird. Wonder why Sabin and Shelley got separate pages, then...)





Angelina Love

Christy Hemme



Lacey von Erich

Madison Rayne



So Cal Val


Taylor Wilde

Velvet Sky


(I left off announcers, but kept on-screen personalities. And Don West, because he is in those stupid damn commercials.)


Firings in bold

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Christy Hemme

Daffney (have a feeling she will be a one trick poney and they will cut her by year end)

ODB (looks like shes on her way out anyways after her boob pop)



I don't get it.


For a division that's supposed to be 'anti-Diva' and centered around women that can work, you KEEP the in-ring deadweight (Lacey Von Erich) but cut one of the best women workers in the world? And don't use the excuse that she's in the Beautiful People so is somehow irreplaceable. You can get any vapid, "hot" blonde and plug them right in (that's how Lacey got in, after all).


Who I'd cut:


Amazing Red

Brian Kendrick (as someone else said, with Paul London, he'd have value)

Brutus Magnus


Doug Williams

Dr. Stevie

Eric Bischoff

Eric Young

Generation Me

Hulk Hogan

Jesse Neal

Jimmy Hart

Kevin Nash

Nasty Boys (Again, listed as one person) Do I need a reason here?

Orlando Jones

Rhino (Lack of use)

Rick Flair

Rob Terry

Scott Hall

Sean Waltman

Shark Boy





Christy Hemme

Lacey von Erich


So Cal Val

Traci Brooks (if she's still under contract)


There, that would allow for a much tighter booking strategy. You have a fully stocked X-Division AND tag team scene, and the singles picture is a lot less muddled. You can phase out the Global title (since it has no purpose) and alternate presences with your storylines (match one week, promos the next, and repeat). You can have 4-8 people offscreen at a time, for repackaging, without harming the onscreen product.

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Traci has been gone for a while now and Bisch is working on renaming and or rededicating the Global title. What is with the cutting of Sharky? He is a sympathy jobber and you do need those guys. He generates more sympathy then Yang and Funaki and is a better wrestler then them imho. As an undercard worker used once in a blue moon for a squash he is fine. Brutus is also fine in the tag scene.
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Seriously? These guys won't get their act straight. :D


I see what you did there...


I wouldn't have a problem with the Bi thing if they did it right but WWE started to do it and failed and this angle looks as stupid on tv as reads then just...wow.


This is how I would do it, take it leave hate w/e.


first, I dont think it should be so obvious that he is bi, dancing kinda iffy giving cute smiles and winks, plus its rumored his life style helped get him fired from the 'E then he had pictures on MySpace making out with guys, so the cats already out of the bag.


Second, have him actually on TV and winning, then have his "friends" be on TV with him, and dont have it be a guy so stereotyped and out there.


Third, instead of focusing around OJ, have the friends fight for his attention over a couple of weeks, i.e. leaving the arena with one, hugging one after a win and not the other, etc. etc.


Fourth, have the friends have a match with OJ as the guest ref, there are two ways you can then go, either the girl or guy wins and he embraces them


Fifth, since this is a bi storyline to begin with, we assume in step 4 he picks the guy, you can then have a wrestler attack him for his "choices" and then they feud, giving the whole bi thing an actual lead in purpose to something else.


Is it perfect? No, I've said before when I talk about booking I dont claim to be awesome. However I think this way provides some entertainment while focusing on the wrestler instead of him being Bi and wouldn't come across offensive to either side, and lets be honest, since this whole thing is to create controversy you know its going to be offensive

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