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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I don't get the whole 'Band' thing. I thought Flair hated Nash & Hall. How the hell can he work for a company that employs those 2 jackasses?




As in many industries, wrestling is one of those places where moral highground takes a back place to financial concerns.

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Thing is though, whatever about Nash and Hall's politics, you have to admit their awesome guys. I mean Nash has to like one of the funniest guys to hang around with. Anytime you hear him doing like a radio show he's always chilled out and relaxed.
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Thing is though, whatever about Nash and Hall's politics, you have to admit their awesome guys. I mean Nash has to like one of the funniest guys to hang around with. Anytime you hear him doing like a radio show he's always chilled out and relaxed.


Nash is definitely an eloquent guy, not to mention witty as hell. You can tell that he's a very intelligent person.


But he'd also be the first to tell you that he's a prick, as is Scott Hall. He's said as much on many, many occasions. So I don't know if I would peg Nash as an "awesome guy." Funny? Yes. Good for business? I have to say no.


Much like Lance Storm, I quit TNA after Monday's show. Every episode for the last month has been a disappointing struggle, and prior to that the show wasn't even that good.

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Oh boy did I speak too soon when I said I was beginning to like TNA and that they looked to have started showing signs of "direction" and "sense". I hold my hands up and admit I WAS WRONG. Back to the non-sensical booking that anyone with a pen and half a brain could do better than at this point. "you try booking a show" is a weak ass comeback when you're Eric Bischoff... because, I'll churn out something 20 times better than the garbage they did this week! Hell it may still bomb, but it'd be worth watching!
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I don't get the whole 'Band' thing. I thought Flair hated Nash & Hall. How the hell can he work for a company that employs those 2 jackasses?


Listening to the crowd's reaction to their segment, I don't seem to be the only one.


Flair's is getting 250 thousand reasons to overlook that hate.

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Much like Lance Storm, I quit TNA after Monday's show. Every episode for the last month has been a disappointing struggle, and prior to that the show wasn't even that good.


Storm is like the 12th person I've seen say they're done with TNA since this "Monday Night War" started. My VERY pro-TNA, Anti-WWE cousin said he'd had enough after the Orlando Jordan stuff.


Forget about competing with The E, TNA might be digging themselves into an even deeper hole.



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Storm is like the 12th person I've seen say they're done with TNA since this "Monday Night War" started. My VERY pro-TNA, Anti-WWE cousin said he'd had enough after the Orlando Jordan stuff.


Really? Is the Orlando Jordan stuff that bad? Sure, it seems like an exercise is pointlessness thus far, the skits don't go anywhere and aren't directed at a specific target or to hype up a PPV event... but they're only a minute or two long. Relatively harmless. People are quitting Impact because of that? Personally I find the mass screen time for the ol' WCW brigade far more repelling.

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Really? Is the Orlando Jordan stuff that bad? Sure, it seems like an exercise is pointlessness thus far, the skits don't go anywhere and aren't directed at a specific target or to hype up a PPV event... but they're only a minute or two long. Relatively harmless. People are quitting Impact because of that? Personally I find the mass screen time for the ol' WCW brigade far more repelling.

Ditto. The Orlando Jordan stuff is stupid, but at least it doesn't eat up a ton of time.

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And he needs your help…


- Kevin Nash recently posted on Twitter, looking for help renaming "The Band," help Big Kev out…


band ? or does anyone have anything better? wolfpac is out . best name I'll fly you to Impact and put you on TV no s*** . thinking caps on!!


The Cliq? With HBK retired, they have most of the members of that little group.

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Personally I think celebrities are a great source of gimmicks. Example; Batista IS, for intents and purposes, Kanye West. And that's great, because absolutely everyone on earth thinks Kanye is a jackass at the moment. Thus instant-heat.


What point am I making?


Orlando Jordon could definitely be TNA's answer to Lady Gaga (who herself is the 10s version of lates 80s/early 90s Madonna.) Gaga, both positively and negatively, gets a MASSIVE reaction. Take that and make it for you OJ, more power to ya.


Also, I think it's highly funny anyone would walk from TNA over OJ, if only for the fact Goldust was in both WWE and TNA was working a similar shtick. I mean the original Goldust thing was that he was gay (although it wasn't say on air until Heyman ECW invasion night on RAW where he shouted his support for the "Homosexual" Goldust.


Also, "The Exotic" Adrian Street. Nuff Said.

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Flair's is getting 250 thousand reasons to overlook that hate.


It's not like Flair genunely liked Vince or the WWF/E either. Flair is a mark for himself and only cares about himself.


He's one of the biggest pieces of **** in the business. [Not entirely relevant to my point but something I felt compelled to add.]

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Personally I think celebrities are a great source of gimmicks. Example; Batista IS, for intents and purposes, Kanye West. And that's great, because absolutely everyone on earth thinks Kanye is a jackass at the moment. Thus instant-heat.


What point am I making?


Orlando Jordon could definitely be TNA's answer to Lady Gaga (who herself is the 10s version of lates 80s/early 90s Madonna.) Gaga, both positively and negatively, gets a MASSIVE reaction. Take that and make it for you OJ, more power to ya.


Also, I think it's highly funny anyone would walk from TNA over OJ, if only for the fact Goldust was in both WWE and TNA was working a similar shtick. I mean the original Goldust thing was that he was gay (although it wasn't say on air until Heyman ECW invasion night on RAW where he shouted his support for the "Homosexual" Goldust.




The Orlando Jordan stuff didn't bother me a little bit, but it sent my cousin into an emotional tailspin. He's quite religious though, the whole Vince McMahon vs. God bit is why he's so anti-WWE now.


Ah. The religion vs homosexuality debate is one I've fought many times (on both sides) so I can see how it could be a problem. By having no repercussions for his actions thus far, it could be argued that TNA are glorifying Orlando's sexuality, which a lot of folks could resent. On the other hand, you can't blatantly condemn it either, lest you risk alienating another bunch of people.


What does you cousin think of Pope, I wonder? He seems like the most blasphemous character around right now.


Homophobia is definitely a thing in wrestling. Which is fine to an extent. You can use that for heat. "Go Away" heat is only a problem if you don't use it to set up a triumphant hero, who literally makes the heel Go Away. Maybe that's what TNA needs to turn this into a valid, money-making program. "Hey TNA fans. This fruitcake is challenging your sexuality with his antics, but don't worry, Samoa Joe's going to beat his face in, only on PPV!". Which I'm sure is what they're building to... although probably not with Joe.

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I think the pope plays a great street precher gimmick. It is not full on sidewalk sermons and stuff but it is near to what you would see. I am not offended by it al all. I am not even offended by jordons gimmick. If he was not bisexual i think i would be though. I am tired of straight people playing homosexual or bi charactors.
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Personally I think celebrities are a great source of gimmicks. Example; Batista IS, for intents and purposes, Kanye West. And that's great, because absolutely everyone on earth thinks Kanye is a jackass at the moment. Thus instant-heat.


False. "Absolutely everyone on earth" is quite the hyperbolic statement. Besides the fact that it's not true (I'd bet money that pretty much only the people who think what the mainstream media "reports" is fact think Kanye's a jackass. That's a lot of people, but it's not everyone on earth).


Orlando Jordon could definitely be TNA's answer to Lady Gaga (who herself is the 10s version of lates 80s/early 90s Madonna.) Gaga, both positively and negatively, gets a MASSIVE reaction. Take that and make it for you OJ, more power to ya.


You are ignoring the obvious here. Lady Gaga is FEMALE. Bisexual FEMALES (especially if they're "hot") are looked at in a far different way in this country than bisexual MALES. Does that not pin the tail on the donkey?


Also, I think it's highly funny anyone would walk from TNA over OJ, if only for the fact Goldust was in both WWE and TNA was working a similar shtick. I mean the original Goldust thing was that he was gay (although it wasn't say on air until Heyman ECW invasion night on RAW where he shouted his support for the "Homosexual" Goldust.


Also, "The Exotic" Adrian Street. Nuff Said.


You're naming all of these examples like they mean something. You're not getting to the point of the matter. Adrian Street was not active in the modern era of professional wrestling. You're giving examples of people who were at their peak long before the current environment came to be. Besides that, Goldust was completely ambiguous and he also was accompanied by what? A HOT WOMAN (who deflected attention from him, to an extent).


It was a different time. I get that Bischoff thinks that all controversy is good for business, but this isn't the way to go about it. He should be trying to stir up the Cooper Lawrences of the world, not inciting his existing audience.


What does you cousin think of Pope, I wonder? He seems like the most blasphemous character around right now.


He's not. Anyone who lives in an urban area in the United States can point to a D'Angelo Dinero. Heck, I can think of 11 in NYC alone. Those people who complain about their Veyron or Continental or Phantom being in the shop sitting in a barber's chair, while members of their congregation are staring at eviction and foreclosure notices are pretty common. I'll give you one that folks in NYC will probably be familiar with: Reverend Ike. The difference between a D'Angelo Dinero type and say, Jim Bakker or Jimmy Swaggart is honesty, really. One will say, "Don't let the offering plate pass unless you put something in it" and the other will mangle scripture to guilt you into it. One will say, "My success reflects well on the congregation" and the other will deny they're successful and say "it's the ministry that is successful" (just don't pay attention to the $600,000 car in my garage and the $75,000 one I drive). In short, one is an unabashed hustler and the other tries to seek an elusive air of respectability. Both types tend to be oozing with some kind of charisma though (that's how they separate people from their cash flow).


I think the Orlando Jordan thing is a complete waste of time. It's not going to accomplish much of anything and it's not going to get them the kind of press they're seeking.

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He's not. Anyone who lives in an urban area in the United States can point to a D'Angelo Dinero. Heck, I can think of 11 in NYC alone. Those people who complain about their Veyron or Continental or Phantom being in the shop sitting in a barber's chair, while members of their congregation are staring at eviction and foreclosure notices are pretty common. I'll give you one that folks in NYC will probably be familiar with: Reverend Ike. The difference between a D'Angelo Dinero type and say, Jim Bakker or Jimmy Swaggart is honesty, really. One will say, "Don't let the offering plate pass unless you put something in it" and the other will mangle scripture to guilt you into it. One will say, "My success reflects well on the congregation" and the other will deny they're successful and say "it's the ministry that is successful" (just don't pay attention to the $600,000 car in my garage and the $75,000 one I drive). In short, one is an unabashed hustler and the other tries to seek an elusive air of respectability. Both types tend to be oozing with some kind of charisma though (that's how they separate people from their cash flow).


You know, Remi, I think you're missing a couple elements here. The case you make may be all well and true as far as it goes. But you forgetting the sizable chunk of audience that doesn't live in a major urban center and to whom people like The Pope aren't such regular parts of the landscape. You may be right that folks like him may be fixtures in your New Yorks and Chicagos and the like. But in places like Bangor? Or Des Moines? Or Cheyenne? Where they aren't necessary capital U urban but still urban by the regional standard. I can guarantee you not so much.


Plus, there's the little factor that he's not just co-opting the name of any old religious leader. He's not just some "Reverend" or "Pastor" D'Angleo Dinero. He's "THE POPE". He's going straight to the top of the religious food chain for his handle. So having come of age in a conservative religious school community that trended toward "evil Religious Right" at times, I can tell you that had some of our folks come across TNA and gotten past the name they'd have quite likely sworn off the company because of Pope. The fact he was "disrespecting" such a major religious leader as The Pope would have been seen as deeply offensive. Likewise I wouldn't be at all suprised if Impact is considered verboten in Catholic circles because of how Dinero "dishonors" the leader of their church.


To those who get the inspiration for Pope's character, it may not be considered as blasphemous. But to the less urban and the hyper-religious, I can certainly see how he would be. I might debate the point with them. But I'd understand how they drew the conclusion to start with.

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