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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Wow. I forgot it was Thursday, so I missed the first hour. Not gonna lie, this was the first time I've watched Impact in over a year. I liked what I saw. The women's bit with Angelina was good. I like the little bits between the promos and matches, where they take you backstage and show you... today's one that sticks out in my head was Lethal and Hogan. It gives the characters better traction, seeing them outside of the ring. And the Abyss turn was done pretty well IMO. Pretty decent bit of programming if I say so myself.
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Did I......Did I.......Did I


That was the greatest opener in the history of Impact. "Thats my line". "You can't touch 60 minutes out of the ring or in it".


"Oldest ride in the park....LONGEST line....Whooo"


They have made Jay Lethal into a star. I will say this about TNA Pope, Lethal, Anderson, have all gotten over as babyfaces when I didn't think it was possible.


There is still a lot of this show that doesn't interest me and this Sting/Jarrett thing is boring but I'll take what I can get.


So is it "FOURtune" or "fortune" not that it matters.

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Did I......Did I.......Did I


That was the greatest opener in the history of Impact. "Thats my line". "You can't touch 60 minutes out of the ring or in it".


"Oldest ride in the park....LONGEST line....Whooo"


They have made Jay Lethal into a star. I will say this about TNA Pope, Lethal, Anderson, have all gotten over as babyfaces when I didn't think it was possible.


I thought that was a great segment. Lethal is phenomenal and didn't he look like he was having a freakin' awesome time? Flair stayed heel the entire time, but Lethal had those babyface smirks that almost broke character throughout that made it awesome for me. And that line from Flair was bad ass. :cool:

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Did I......Did I.......Did I


That was the greatest opener in the history of Impact. "Thats my line". "You can't touch 60 minutes out of the ring or in it".


"Oldest ride in the park....LONGEST line....Whooo"


They have made Jay Lethal into a star. I will say this about TNA Pope, Lethal, Anderson, have all gotten over as babyfaces when I didn't think it was possible.


I thought that was a great segment. Lethal is phenomenal and didn't he look like he was having a freakin' awesome time? Flair stayed heel the entire time, but Lethal had those babyface smirks that almost broke character throughout that made it awesome for me. And that line from Flair was bad ass. :cool:


Yeah, I'm burning that opening to a DVD. It was awesome! I knew Lethal could do imitations (he can also do Nigel/Desmond Wolfe) but he's been on a serious roll. That was just straight up gold.

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I just watched that segment, and it was awesome. I had a smile on my face the entire time. I am excited about this group (helps that I'm a Desmond & Beer Money mark to begin with) and I'm excited about Jay Lethal vs Desmond Wolfe. I'll have to track down that match later.
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I'm with the rest of you guys, Lethal and Flair were great and Lethal shined. One of the best segments I think I've ever seen in wrestling to be honest. It makes me want to see Lethal take on Flair in the ring which is a perfect result.


Impact was good last night with a few dull spots, I'm a huge Sting fan and like Jarrett but I don't care about this feud at all. Sting against RVD was much more interesting, but hopefully they put some closure to the Sting/ Jarrett thing and move on because it really is dull. Otherwise good show with that fantastic Lethal/ Flair segment. Fortune could be good as well but we'll see.


Plus I liked the turn at the end. Perhaps they can salvage the damage they did. Also with Dreamer sitting in the crowd I'm almost sure the ECW stable is going to happen (didn't read spoilers, find the show much more enjoyable that way). Here's hoping Paul Heyman is the payoff at the end.

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No you are not alone.


My thoughts are they either have to do with the Abyss turn, or why Sting why.


Or Joe's abduction, which gave us the old Joe back. And now we have the old Abyss back as well. Yeah! Anyone else notice Dreamer had left the stands when the Abyss turn started happening? Maybe reading too much into it but hey.


Good show overall, some of the matches could have done with some more time, but apart from the Sting vs Jarrett thing I was entertained throughout.


Good that Wolf is out Fourtune as he does not need a manager ala Flair or a Valet as much as Kaz does and AJ did.

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As I think I've previously said I've gone off TNA quite a bit, but that last episode was indeed quite good. That Lethal / Flair segment was hysterical, Lethal is really coming into his own and I couldn't be happier, I remember watching his JAPW stuff and loving it, but now his entertainment value is finally catching up to his in ring skills. And Abyss as a heel is the way it should be, I don't think he's interesting as a face. I hope this means we get more car crash Abyss vs. Hardy bouts ala 2004. A few of those were highly entertaining.


I gotta concur on the Sting / Jarrett thing though. I don't think Double J has interested me in a very long time.

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Thought yesterdays impact with good and only had 2 problems with it. The first is Dreamer coming out during the Lethal Wolfe match. Why take away from a match involving 2 of your best young wrestlers you are clearly trying to push? The second was the whole Sting Jarrett thing doing nothing for me. All I could think about during the promo was “I wish they gave this time to Lethal Wolfe” as it was too short.
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One thing thats made me a TNA viewer is how they legitimately seem to listen to the fans input. And Impact having as little Hogan as possible was good. I think Sting / Jarrett is just part of a bigger picture that none of us can see yet - I really didn't enjoy it, but if the end result is cooler than the build up so be it. I thought their segment on Impact was dragging on and on, but it's pretty much that bathroom break / grab a snack segment, so I had no problem with it. :p
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A recent rumor states that TNA is basically set to take over Thursday nights. Xplosion is rumored to be coming back to the states and to air before Impact (with JB on commentary!). Reaction is already set to be aired after Impact. Every Thursday night there will be 4 hours of TNA from 8PM-12AM EST.


The big surprise? Just part of the surprise? Or just a silly rumor?



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A recent rumor states that TNA is basically set to take over Thursday nights. Xplosion is rumored to be coming back to the states and to air before Impact (with JB on commentary!). Reaction is already set to be aired after Impact. Every Thursday night there will be 4 hours of TNA from 8PM-12AM EST.


The big surprise? Just part of the surprise? Or just a silly rumor?




I hope it is a rumor 4 hours of wrestling in a row on one night just seems like too much. Though I do have Tivo so I could space it out over a few days for myself.

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