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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Motor City Machine Guns vs Beer Money - Beer Money seems to be picking up close / lucky victories. I think something will happen at Victory Road that makes Beer Money win in a way that makes MCMGs look good anyway.


Matt Morgan vs Hernandez - I don't care about this match at all. I will get food or use the bathroom during this one. :o


Ric Flair vs Jay Lethal - I expect some type of interference or something that will cost Lethal the match. I think they could continue this feud into another PPV. Lethal would obviously deserve a rematch if he's screwed in some way, shape, or form.


Madison Rayne vs Angelina Love - You don't build up a character like Madison Rayne - whose cost two workers their 'careers' - and then have her lose against her first "real" defense. Madison has to win to keep her character going strong.


Douglas Williams vs Brian Kendrick - Loving Kendrick's character and I wanna see him be the focal point of the X-Division... the X-Division that needs to get back to its cruiserweight routes.


Kurt Angle vs Pope - Pope is one of those workers that can get over on his promo ability alone. His losses don't even matter in my opinion because on the microphone he always looks like a contender.


Brother Ray vs Brother Devon vs Jesse - I honestly want to see Dreamer, Raven, Richards, and Rhino come out during this and join with Team 3D. Showing a big swerve by Devon and then having them wreck Jesse. I know that won't actually happen and Jesse will probably go over somehow.


AJ & Kaz vs TBA - You can't have these two lose on PPV. They're TNA originals. Curious who their opponents are though.


RVD vs Abyss vs Jeff Hardy vs Mr Anderson - I know he isn't going to win, but if TNA wants to build their show around somebody reliable and someone whose REALLY READY to carry a promotion... it's Mr Anderson.


Have to question that given all his injury woes. Also of the perceived non TNA originals Angle, RVD and Hardy are still bigger names imho even-though Anderson is hot atm.

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Have to question that given all his injury woes. Also of the perceived non TNA originals Angle, RVD and Hardy are still bigger names imho even-though Anderson is hot atm.


I just think he's one of those guys that could benefit from having a title. I don't think he's been as hot going into this PPV, but mostly due to booking. His time on TV has been pretty limited lately and it's disappointed me. I honestly expect Abyss to win or RVD to retain.

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Have to question that given all his injury woes. Also of the perceived non TNA originals Angle, RVD and Hardy are still bigger names imho even-though Anderson is hot atm.


I find all those claims of him being injury prone to be blown out of proportion. In the same time frame, Edge has hurt himself wayyyy more. Yet, Anderson is the injury prone one?

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I just think he's one of those guys that could benefit from having a title. I don't think he's been as hot going into this PPV, but mostly due to booking. His time on TV has been pretty limited lately and it's disappointed me. I honestly expect Abyss to win or RVD to retain.


Dude, everybody's one of those guys that could benefit from having a title. That's not a reason to give a belt to someone. That's how you end up with so many titles they turn into trinkets rather than credible belts.

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Dude, everybody's one of those guys that could benefit from having a title. That's not a reason to give a belt to someone. That's how you end up with so many titles they turn into trinkets rather than credible belts.


I think at times heel workers (which is how I'd prefer to see Anderson, though a mix isn't bad at all) benefit from championships way more than anybody else. I've always been a big fan of the face chasing the heel and coming up short, but still staying strong.

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I find all those claims of him being injury prone to be blown out of proportion. In the same time frame, Edge has hurt himself wayyyy more. Yet, Anderson is the injury prone one?


Agreed but still do not think he should have the title at this point. I am actually partial too good face runs with titles as "The chase" while a proven system has been kinda overdone. I really liked AJ's face run in part because of that.

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Agreed but still do not think he should have the title at this point. I am actually partial too good face runs with titles as "The chase" while a proven system has been kinda overdone. I really liked AJ's face run in part because of that.


I'm with you on this. Having a cheating heel champion is such a cliche nowadays. It's classic storytelling, but... Is it really the kind of thing you do to try to stand out? If I were running TNA, I'd choose a babyface, give him the strap, and make him look like the most exciting, more dominant, most awesomest bad ass the world have ever seen. Taz in ECW. George St Pierre in UFC. Hulk Hogan way back when. An ultra-cool, modern, TNA exclusive ass-kicking machine.


People like winners.

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I'm with you on this. Having a cheating heel champion is such a cliche nowadays. It's classic storytelling, but... Is it really the kind of thing you do to try to stand out?


Well, cliches get to be cliches for a reason. But that doesn't change the value in breaking away from them. Nor does it make them particularly useful when you need to carve a new path like TNA does.


If I were running TNA, I'd choose a babyface, give him the strap, and make him look like the most exciting, more dominant, most awesomest bad ass the world have ever seen. Taz in ECW. George St Pierre in UFC. Hulk Hogan way back when. An ultra-cool, modern, TNA exclusive ass-kicking machine.


People like winners.


True enough. But I don't know how much I'd go along with this approach. Your idea can be good for a while. But the problem is guys can grow accustomed to all that awesomeness and when they do you get backlashes like those against John Cena and the aforementioned Hogan. Plus, it lets out the AJ Styles reign Brother Hill was discussing. AJ isn't and really shouldn't be that ultra-cool ass-kicking machine. He's an up by the bootstraps fighter of the odds. He's an overcomer. He's the guy who'd need to be chasing the sneaky heel champ you don't want.


Personally if you want the ass-kicking machine type, I'd look to RVD. He's got that laid-back, relaxed kind of cool and could kick asses without being overly impressed by it. Why do you think Chuck Norris gets so much love and is such a cult figure? It's because he kicks copious amounts of ass but is all chill and relaxed about it. He doesnt have to bloviate or scream primally about what he's going to do. He just goes out and does it and then tends to what's important to him. If anybody in TNA could capture that spirit, it's RVD.


But I'm not sure I'd want that guy either. The consistent face of the company is A.J. Styles. And he has a Dusty Rhodes-like blue collar growth pattern going. They've had gold in the Styles/Joe/Daniels relationship and AJ needing to try and hold onto the belt while coping with the betrayal of his once inner circle, Joe and Daniels. But they haven't been willing follow through it. Joe has't been able to hold an identity for any prolonged period of time and Daniels has Feasted on getting Fired.


TNA's doesn't need to reinvent the wheel from scratch. They need to recognize the strengths of who they have and build their wheel from the materials they have. They have had the pieces in place. The inspiring, can-do champion in Styles. The army that could have been out to tear him down in The Nation of Violence. The Daniels jealousy to put him in the anti-AJ camp. A loved tag team like Beer Money who could have turned on AJ over the jealousy that solo wrestlers get all the glory while great tag teams get no respect from those who matter in the business. Problem was that stuff had to take a back seat because the equally valuable path clearing that was the Main Event Mafia was going on when they chose to rush that stuff to the fore.


Folks on here have been talking about recreating the Horsemen in TNA. That might actually be a way to recapture the gold the squandered before. AJ could, in Rhodes fashion, realize the flashy Flair lifestyle just isn't him and return to his blue-collar world. Which makes Flair crazy and turns him in a vengeance minded version of JJ Dillon. Flair recruits AJ frenemies Joe and Daniels (yes, I know Daniels would need to be re-hired) as center pieces since they know AJ's weaknesses as well or even better than he does. And then he goes on the search for a tag team. Maybe Beer Money since they are such fixtures in the division. Perhaps the Machine Guns. Flair could play on the Guns and their jealousy of AJ getting all the love while they've been treated as the underclass of TNA for so long. And I could see their arrogant attitudes meshing better with a guy like Flair than others who've tried to get them in line in the past. Meanwhile AJ also has the title to defend and how long can he hold it with his mind split between the challengers the rankings dictate and the war with these new Horsemen. Seems like a very compelling program to me and they don't have to go crazy experimenting with guys who might not fit the molds the company finds necessary for some far-flung trip to Square One.


I would so mark out if they did hire on Heyman and on the first night in charge he came out and announced that he truly was going to change the TNA world. And he was going to do it by NOT changing the world. TNA always has the game changers they need and he's going to let them change it as he knows they can. At this stage of the game, that truly would change the TNA world considering how long they've been trying to blow people's minds using outside forces. Plus, I would imagine it would go over well with Papa Carter as it would mean not having to lay out crazy dollars for free agents whose novelty is always temporary.

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Actually, making Angle a bad ass isn't a bad idea... he has the skills to back it up and make the fans cheer for it, befcause he's actually legit.


The real issue is, this will put a LOT of pressure on Angle. I doubt he needs anymore, considering his body condition.

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Sure, after a while the John-Cena-Effect may start to kick in, but I guess the trick is to not put all your eggs in one basket. Have some back-ups.


I actually like the idea of AJ in the role. He's a TNA original. He fights differently to all of the main event WWE guys. Size is only an issue if you let it be. How many kung fu movies are there where the little guy destroys a bunch of big guys with quickness and skill? You book smart. ECW turned 5'odd Tazz into a beast.


Except for the 'WWE reject' tag, I like Van Dam in the role. Cool guy. Wrestles differently to everyone else. No size problems.


Other choices? Samoa Joe. Abyss could work (although he's totally not my cup of tea) Pope. I'm a massive James Storm mark, so I can see an serious babyface contender in there.

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Sure, after a while the John-Cena-Effect may start to kick in, but I guess the trick is to not put all your eggs in one basket. Have some back-ups.


You'll get no argument from me on this part. I'm a big believer in having a safety net.


I actually like the idea of AJ in the role. He's a TNA original. He fights differently to all of the main event WWE guys. Size is only an issue if you let it be. How many kung fu movies are there where the little guy destroys a bunch of big guys with quickness and skill? You book smart. ECW turned 5'odd Tazz into a beast.


Except for the 'WWE reject' tag, I like Van Dam in the role. Cool guy. Wrestles differently to everyone else. No size problems.


Other choices? Samoa Joe. Abyss could work (although he's totally not my cup of tea) Pope. I'm a massive James Storm mark, so I can see an serious babyface contender in there.


My problem is AJ as the ass-kicking machine guy isn't size. I was the little guy growing up. It would be rather hypocritical of me to think only the big guys could be the ass-kickers. My only beef with AJ playing that way is the persona. He has his niche as the Dusty Rhodes, rags to riches type face. Which means if they'd went the bad-ass butt kicker route, I'd want to see someone else do it. It would kind of take away from AJ's overcomer charm if he were the big bad ass-kicker as well.


I've made my case for Van Dam and it could be a very hip move with all the love the Chuck Norris jokes get. Joe would be good. But he has that identity problem. I'd be fearful of putting him in the ass-kicker role because he's yet to show he can keep one. Abyss? Well maybe. Personally, I liked him in the cuddly reformed ex-monster role. Although I did think he paired up better with Mick Foley than Hulk Hogan. Pope could work. That role plus his personality skills could make him the next Rock. Don't know I'd buy into James Storm so much. He'd strike me as cliche in much the same way Austin always did. But considering I was always in the extreme minority on Austin, he could be a possibility. I'd also put Matt Morgan in the mix for that. Plenty of personality. A strong power game that could be ideal for ass-kickery. Admittedly a pet choice much like Storm is for you. But Morgan strikes me as being able to be the guy Kevin Nash always aspired to but started attempting to be a little too late in the game.


The thrust of my dissent with trying to find that uber-ass-kicker is that it feels like it's unnecessary and another "shock the world" gamble. When what TNA needs is someone who can let the guys they have shine. If they could make it work, I'd probably come around. I'd be very tenative in embracing the move. But depending on who got chosen, I think I eventually would.

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Christopher Daniels wrote this on his Twitter:


"According to PWTorch, I'm not one of AJ and Frankie's mystery opponents for TNA tomorrow. Which sucks, now my flight to Orlando is pointless"


Source TNA Asylum. Let's hope that it is Daniels. The other one rumoured is Bentley. So both ex tag team partners.

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Christopher Daniels wrote this on his Twitter:


"According to PWTorch, I'm not one of AJ and Frankie's mystery opponents for TNA tomorrow. Which sucks, now my flight to Orlando is pointless"


Source TNA Asylum. Let's hope that it is Daniels. The other one rumoured is Bentley. So both ex tag team partners.


That would be so awesome. I was telling my brother how it'd be so cool if Daniels and Bentley came back as the mystery opponents. Though, newer TNA fans might have no idea who Matt Bentley is. I was so let down when he left the company. Him and Kaz were awesome together.

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That would be so awesome. I was telling my brother how it'd be so cool if Daniels and Bentley came back as the mystery opponents. Though, newer TNA fans might have no idea who Matt Bentley is. I was so let down when he left the company. Him and Kaz were awesome together.


And you know, I'd certainly go along with this. I may be one of those newer TNA fans as I'd seen little to none of Kaz pre-Suicide. But if Bentley came back and they put over the past history with Kaz, I wouldn't care that I didn't particularly know who he was as long as they allowed him to have more personality than Kaz has so far. I could get the back history on the fly and it might perk up my interest in Kazarian if Bentley came off halfway entertaining. The only way not knowing who Bentley was would present a problem for me is if they made him as dull as Kazarian has been.

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I would hate it. I'm enjoying Daniels being back in ROH, and I think he'd just become lost in the shuffle--again--if he returns to TNA. And I've always hated Bentley.


Daniels was released because he had a guaranteed money deal. I doubt they'd sign him to another one so soon. Meaning he has a PPA agreement. Meaning he can still work ROH.


Most likely if it is Daniels it could just be a one off-er.

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Daniels was released because he had a guaranteed money deal. I doubt they'd sign him to another one so soon. Meaning he has a PPA agreement. Meaning he can still work ROH.


Most likely if it is Daniels it could just be a one off-er.


You must have missed the one interview Bischoff said he wanted Daniels back as soon as they found a story line for him. Eric said he was very high on Daniels and couldn't wait to have him back.

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Sick of Daniels. Sick of 'surprises'. The PPV card actually looks pretty good, but things like this get on my tit. Maybe I was just hoping for AJ & Kaz vs Generation Me. Surely the Bucks are a perfect babyface team to not overshadow the AJ & Kaz drama?


Personally, I think 'surprise' participants are an admission of 'we don't know how to build stars'. If they were doing their job right, they'd have built up guys already on the roster to the point where we'd want to pay to see them fight, instead of trying to psyche us up with mystery opponents.

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Generation Me are good wrestlers but their too bland to be anything special unless we see some kind of change with them I see no personality in either one atm. I dont mind the surprises its always cool for me, and as for TNA not building stars thats just funny have you been watching TNA latley but maybe I'm just not understanding your point but they have built plenty of stars Morgan, Hernadez, Styles, Kaz, Lethal, Pope, Abyss, Doug Williams, Kendrick (Is getting the time to do somthing unlike in WWE), Beer Money, Joe,
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Sick of Daniels. Sick of 'surprises'. The PPV card actually looks pretty good, but things like this get on my tit. Maybe I was just hoping for AJ & Kaz vs Generation Me. Surely the Bucks are a perfect babyface team to not overshadow the AJ & Kaz drama?


Personally, I think 'surprise' participants are an admission of 'we don't know how to build stars'. If they were doing their job right, they'd have built up guys already on the roster to the point where we'd want to pay to see them fight, instead of trying to psyche us up with mystery opponents.


Dude it's not the main event, semi mainevent, and possibly not even a mid-card match on the PPV. It was a match added at the last minute and will probably go 5-10 minutes. TNA does not expect people to buy a PPV to see who will be facing AJ and Kaz.


Take a deep breath.

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