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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter


Those within TNA suggest Desmond Wolfe is currently in the doghouse. The British wrestling star has developed a reputation for being difficult to work with (ego), which has affected his push in the organization.


Company officials are also down on Matt Morgan, who has been discussed as being part of Ric Flair's Fortune group. Hernandez' two botched Border toss attempts during their Steel Cage bout at Victory Road were blamed on "The Blueprint" since Hernandez is a favorite among management.

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It's easy to say that about a show you don't watch. Try watching it without nitpicking it to death.


I did, believe me I am far from the smarky guy out to hate on everything since I freaking love wrestling and would rather enjoy something than bitch about it, but with the amount of talent TNA has they still somehow manage to be terrible and I'm not even sure how.

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Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter


Those within TNA suggest Desmond Wolfe is currently in the doghouse. The British wrestling star has developed a reputation for being difficult to work with (ego), which has affected his push in the organization.


Company officials are also down on Matt Morgan, who has been discussed as being part of Ric Flair's Fortune group. Hernandez' two botched Border toss attempts during their Steel Cage bout at Victory Road were blamed on "The Blueprint" since Hernandez is a favorite among management.


Ah good old Meltzer, for me that means the good old facebook term IGNORE.

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I did, believe me I am far from the smarky guy out to hate on everything since I freaking love wrestling and would rather enjoy something than bitch about it, but with the amount of talent TNA has they still somehow manage to be terrible and I'm not even sure how.


Ok seems you have different tastes, which is ok. To me and many others as far as I have read, who do not blindly hate on TNA, it has been pretty good the last couple of months.

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Alrighty. The praise has piqued my interest. It's been long enough since I've watched Impact, and I enjoyed the last PPV (more than the WWE one that's for sure) so I'm going to watch this week's Impact. Usually I rock the cinema on a Sunday, but with nothing on, I need something on in the background while I potter around the house.


Come on, TNA. Impress me. I dare you.

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I think it's a massive problem because they present their PPVs like its some awesome blow-out to a huge arc of episodes on TV. They try to go all out on PPV and present a good product, but to what audience? I don't care that their primary revenue doesn't come from PPV buys - I never disputed any of that. I just think its a problem when you've been working towards a big show and to have 1% of your audience care about it? It means you aren't relevant and nobody cares.


It's a problem that goes beyond PPVs.


Ah...I see. if that's your point then that's totally legit.


my response would be that we've also discussed options to using PPVs as their method of ending big storyline arcs. And that if the PPvs are this bad, you might as well use live TV specials or extended episodes of Impacts.


Honestly, they don't depend on the PPvs so at this point they might as well just 'go around them' as it were.

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Come on, TNA. Impress me. I dare you.




It hurt that it was a show about 'the mysterious future of TNA' which is something I have absolutely no interest in. I care about the wrestlers, their wins, their losses, the boosts and setbacks in their fighting careers. The main theme of this episode wasn't something that appealed to me. I'm a former ECW mark, but having already been informed of the upcoming PPV, I was bored watching the ending. Given that my favourite ECW guys were Super Crazy, Tajiri, The F.B.I, Steve Corino, Lance Storm etc the crop don't particularly float my boat.


I liked RVD's interview with Christy Hemme. He seems like a cool dude. I liked Beer Money vs MCMG. I'd love a little more focus on them, promos, videos etc. Sarita's going way up in my eyes after seeing her on this show, and an Xplosion webmatch against Taylor Wilde a few days ago. I can see a person behind her eyes. I love Kennedy's entrance. I wasn't overly exposed to his WWE stuff, but I dig him in TNA.


I liked Joe/Hardy... perhaps more in concept than execution. Borash announcing '30 seconds left' telegraphed the finish too much, but I LOVED them swinging for the fences. If I were running a wrestling show, I'd strongly consider giving every match a time limit, and putting a countdown on the screen, UFC-style. Potential for added excitement.


Interested to see the Best of Five continue, and Jeff/Joe. That's about it.

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So I know some people think Dave cries wolf with TNA being on its last leg or in bad shape money wise, this or that. However his last report stated that Spike is heavily pressuring Dixie to sign Heyman. Their not happy with 1.0's, they thought with Bischoff and Hogan they would be doing 2.0+. Apparently Unleashed reruns draw .5's on a regular basis and its the same exact marketing demographic. His words were they like wrestling and want it on their network but their not in love with wrestling.


The biggest thing I can agree with them on is they have brought in Hogan, Bischoff, every big named talent they can and their drawing the same ratings they were four years ago. I know merch sales are up and what not but like everyone has said. TNA is a television product at this point, their sole purpose should be television ratings. Everything else should be icing on the cake.

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So I know some people think Dave cries wolf with TNA being on its last leg or in bad shape money wise, this or that. However his last report stated that Spike is heavily pressuring Dixie to sign Heyman. Their not happy with 1.0's, they thought with Bischoff and Hogan they would be doing 2.0+. Apparently Unleashed reruns draw .5's on a regular basis and its the same exact marketing demographic. His words were they like wrestling and want it on their network but their not in love with wrestling.


The biggest thing I can agree with them on is they have brought in Hogan, Bischoff, every big named talent they can and their drawing the same ratings they were four years ago. I know merch sales are up and what not but like everyone has said. TNA is a television product at this point, their sole purpose should be television ratings. Everything else should be icing on the cake.


Yea I dont belive much he says Spike is most likly still happy with TNA as it is its highest rated show.

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... well I guess what I wanna do even though I threw up in my mouth alittle... is give Russo some credit. (from what I hear he is extremely overworked currently with others with input deciding to take personal days for surgery and etc. type reasons) I don't know if I am in the minority amongst the smarkys :) but I am digging the current TNA product. Like alot, like I am making sure to watch, haven't done that since 2:00 in the AM ECW Hardcore TV days. So as much as I HATE Russos smash TV and it all stills seems "smushed together" a little but with the rankings and best of 5 and the ECW nostalgia and the laughs with the bad editing (Abyss breaking his nail board or the Beautiful People chick calling in the "helmeted biker chick who's identity is a mystery" then screaming as she put the boots to the other beautiful peoples chick "get her Tara! Get her Tara!" all in front in the camera. :) to the nice matches from those who can deliver them (Pope, AJ, Joe etc.) to a heel turn for real estate Steve! (thats great! I find Sting whining to be entertaining.)


Just TNA went from being pretty cool to crap to righting itself again IMO and WHOMEVER should get credit for it wish they would.

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Prowrestling.net says that TNA going to be running a special event on SpikeTV in August called "TNA's Whole F'n Show"


If this is real, I have to believe SpikeTV named it.


Well a special in August would make a lot of sense considering the PPV is being given to Dreamer and his ECW sendoff. So it is a good idea.

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TNA will be taping a special edition of iMPACT on August 9th in Orlando, the night after Hardcore Justice, and will air it that Thursday night. The line-up for the show will be loaded and feature ECW stars as well as TNA stars. It’s being called by some as a “free pay-per-view”, if that makes sense. The working title for the special is “The Whole F’N Show.” It’s said that the show will not feature promos and backstage segments.


I just think it's another reason NOT to order the PPV. Hold out for the "free PPV". :p

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I'm not into spoilers, but my friend decided to spoil something for me and I cannot be angry about it.




If it was 2001 or so I'd mark hard for that. But I'm sorry, I just don't care at this point, in fact those two will probably do alot to crush good memories for me, much the way Flair and Hogan are, than provide me with any new ones :/.


I love The old ECW crew...but it's over. I don't want to see those guys try to last as long as they can walk, like so many hardcore guys before them such as funk and foley.

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And I wouldn't discount Foley either. Not too many could have the schitzo relationship he did with Jeff Jarrett as Executive Shareholder and come out the same old lovable lug he was before. No one, including Hogan, was more qualified to be the professional mentor to Abyss during the Dr. Stevie ordeal than Mick Foley. Few of any age have the magic with the crowd that Foley has. He may not be as good as he once was in the physical sense. But in the sense of being a personality, you'd better believe that he is.
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And I wouldn't discount Foley either. Not too many could have the schitzo relationship he did with Jeff Jarrett as Executive Shareholder and come out the same old lovable lug he was before. No one, including Hogan, was more qualified to be the professional mentor to Abyss during the Dr. Stevie ordeal than Mick Foley. Few of any age have the magic with the crowd that Foley has. He may not be as good as he once was in the physical sense. But in the sense of being a personality, you'd better believe that he is.


To each there own, and i never denied they could still talk the talk. There legends, and promo's have nothing to do with athleticism, of course they can.


But to me, seeing them in action, at this point, is more sad than markable. But again, that's just me.


No interest in watching former legends struggle to go with young guys that couldn't hold their jock if they were the same age, just not my cup of tea.


But clearly, TNA with its Pushing of older stars, Hogan and Bisch, and now ECW hopes i am in the minority, and perhaps I am. But to me personally, i have no interest in it.


Watching Mick, for instance struggle to walk does not bring me back to his glory days the way TNA hopes it will.


Am I the Majority on that view? probably not. But it doesn't change the fact that for me, watching Older guys who have given the industry everything their body has struggle to work a 5-10 minute match is not what i tune in for. I'd rather just rember/watch thier old work.


I guess you could say im in that camp that wishes MJ had stayed retired :D

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