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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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What baffles me is I know I'm a Wolfe fanboy but tell me he's not one of the top five promos in the company. I mean maybe I'm overexaggerating but his promos sound so natural like he's an English (richard) naturally. I don't know much about Magnus aside from the fact he's not much of a promo guy. I hope this duo leads to Wolfe back on my television with a steady push every week.


I heard that management is not happy with him (Nigel I am talking about) for some reason. And therefore, his push has come to a halt.


Now before anybody says I don't know what is really going on (because people have said that to me in the past on here), that is true I am just telling you what I read.

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I heard that management is not happy with him (Nigel I am talking about) for some reason. And therefore, his push has come to a halt.


Now before anybody says I don't know what is really going on (because people have said that to me in the past on here), that is true I am just telling you what I read.


You don't know whats really going on BHK!!!!!!!! :D


I heard that too. If anything maybe this will be a giant audition for the WWE for Desmond. He seems like he'd be PERFECT for that Regal mentor gimmick they have tried and failed with a few different times.

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Just watched Imapct and was not a fan. I liked Beer Money vs MCMG (but not as much as their previous encounters, or previous Ultimate X matches) I liked how Roode & Sabin got a chance to talk. I liked Orlando vs Pope. I like Tazz. That's pretty much it.


I thought the opening segment was a misfire. There were elements of potential. Dreamer's exasperation. Raven's "Daddy" lines. For the most part the crowd killed it. They didn't seem emotionally invested in the situation (can't blame them) they just popped for the cool lines. The brawling after the fact was a sorry state of affairs.


The Women's tag was quite possibly the worst match I've seen in a long, long time (and I watched Tiffany vs Layla earlier). Horrendous. Hamada and Lacey was just awful. Everything looked botched.


I have some interest in the PPV. I was a massive fan of the Lynn/RVD matches in the day. I know the modern version won't be quite so good, but it's enough to pique my interest.


Skipped the Hogan/Bischoff stuff. words cannot express how little I care about them right now. Skipped the main event too. If the opening brawl was anything to go by, I didn't miss anything good.


Was Jeff Hardy on this show. I didn't fast-forward that much, but maybe I missed him.

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The Women's tag was quite possibly the worst match I've seen in a long, long time (and I watched Tiffany vs Layla earlier). Horrendous. Hamada and Lacey was just awful. Everything looked botched.

Yeah, it was atrocious. And I think we know who to blame for that...


...that no-talent hack Hamada. :p


Seriously though, Lacey is beyond awful. She works fine as a valet, but there's no reason or excuse for her to be wrestling. She makes Velvet Sky look like Ricky Steamboat.

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Yeah, it was atrocious. And I think we know who to blame for that...


...that no-talent hack Hamada. :p


Seriously though, Lacey is beyond awful. She works fine as a valet, but there's no reason or excuse for her to be wrestling. She makes Velvet Sky look like Ricky Steamboat.


I actually 'blame' Hamada a bit too. How's her English? It's not exactly her fault if she can't speak the language, but that's one hell of an obstacle for a rookie worker like Lacey to overcome. It wasn't just the lame offense and selling that bothered me, it was the fact that neither of them seemed to know what they were doing.

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Yeah, it was atrocious. And I think we know who to blame for that...


...that no-talent hack Hamada. :p


Seriously though, Lacey is beyond awful. She works fine as a valet, but there's no reason or excuse for her to be wrestling. She makes Velvet Sky look like Ricky Steamboat.


Quoted for truth... a disgrace to the Von Erich name...

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Jesus dude, I wouldn't go that far. She's trying her best, she's not booking herself into matches.


Michael, Chris, and Kerry Von Erich are far greater disgraces.


Yeah I agree with Slag......I just said that didn't I? :D Anyway Slag's is exactly right she's not even close to the disgrace some of the others are and as far as in ring goes she's not booking herself in these matches.




I was totally exaggerating guys... but she does suck...

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Impact scored a 1.21


Looks like this ECW angle has been a success.


Doubt it, the Monday night wars showed that it takes months of solid / bad booking before you can start to move the ratings. I think this is more likely to do with them putting on solid feuds and solid impacts over the last few months than one angle.

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Doubt it, the Monday night wars showed that it takes months of solid / bad booking before you can start to move the ratings. I think this is more likely to do with them putting on solid feuds and solid impacts over the last few months than one angle.


Thank you for taking me so literally. Of course it's been because they've put on good shows consistently but the ECW angle has definitely helped the ratings.

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I actually 'blame' Hamada a bit too. How's her English? It's not exactly her fault if she can't speak the language, but that's one hell of an obstacle for a rookie worker like Lacey to overcome. It wasn't just the lame offense and selling that bothered me, it was the fact that neither of them seemed to know what they were doing.


I remember Remi writing that Hamada has fine English so that is not the problem. And if anyone knows female wrestlers around here it is Remi.

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