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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I would argue that none of those matches got enough time. 15 minutes for the WHC match and less for the others is the amount they get on tv. No time to take it to the next level.


All that does is lay the blame on WWE. Doesn't help matters at all really.


And a match doesn't have to be a 20 minute epic battle to be a good match, they just need to find a way to set it apart from their matches on FREE tv or what's the point in ordering Wrestlemania?

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Edge/Alberto, Cody/Rey, Orton/Punk were all TV quality matches. None of them stepped their game up for Wrestlemania. Didn't do anything that set their matches on a higher level than a random Raw or Smackdown match.


Taker/Triple H is really the only above match that was really worth talking about.


Agreed. Except that Undertaker/Triple H was a bit too heavy on finisher-spots for my taste. My favourite match was Edge/Del Rio (though it was way too short), and that was the opener iirc - so it all sort of went downhill from there from my persective. And all the angles, even those with The Rock, were awful.


Wrestlemania as a whole wasn't bad per se, it just wasn't anything special either. And that's my problem with it: when you hype something as the biggest and best of its kind, you better deliver.

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Wrestlemania as a whole wasn't bad per se, it just wasn't anything special either. And that's my problem with it: when you hype something as the biggest and best of its kind, you better deliver.


especially if it's going to cost your audience 70 bucks to order, I mean, they're all about being for the "fans and universe" right? :p

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Heh I just noticed a funny advertisement for TNA's next PPV:


Hardcore Justice promises to be the most barbaric Pay-Per-View event of the year, featuring the sadistic monster Abyss and many more of your favorite IMPACT WRESTLING Superstars like Hulk Hogan, Mr. Anderson, Sting, Kurt Angle , AJ Styles , Rob Van Dam , Beer Money, Gunner and more!
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Watching Destination X right now, JB is a really nice surprise behind the announce table. I always liked him as a backstage interviewer and he's cool as hell to talk to in person, but his announcing is a welcome relief from the garbage that is modern wrestling commentary(this excludes Taz/Tenay, Josh Matthews, and Matt Striker).
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Austin Aries's line about people watching on illegal streams being "so called" wrestling fans kind of bugged me. I've supported TNA since day one and I only watch online because I don't have money to pay for it. I don't believe this makes me any less of a wrestling fan.
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Austin Aries's line about people watching on illegal streams being "so called" wrestling fans kind of bugged me. I've supported TNA since day one and I only watch online because I don't have money to pay for it. I don't believe this makes me any less of a wrestling fan.


Well, It's illegal if you have the money or not. I was in a Justin.Tv chat room when it was said and people went nuts thought it was funny. if it bugs you that much, then buy it. Look I don't usually illegal watch PPV. I downloaded ROH "Best In The World" and last night TNA, I go out for WWE PPV. Did it bug me when he said it? No not really, I thought it was funny. Honestly I think pop shot likes that show you that TNA know its a problem and trying to do something about it. I don't have a problem with the comment.


I've supported TNA since day one and I only watch online because I don't have money to pay for it.


Look I might get ripped for it, but to me it's hard to say you support something when you don't pay for it. I supported WWE. I paid for WM (split it with a friend) I go to live events sometimes. But to say you support it but don't put money into it. So if TNA went out of business, you would say well, I watch your product but never paid, how does that help pay the bills?


I'm not here to rip you just how I feel.

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Well, It's illegal if you have the money or not. I was in a Justin.Tv chat room when it was said and people went nuts thought it was funny. if it bugs you that much, then buy it. Look I don't usually illegal watch PPV. I downloaded ROH "Best In The World" and last night TNA, I go out for WWE PPV. Did it bugged me? No not really, I thought it was funny. Honestly I think pop shot likes that show you that TNA know its a problem. I don't have a problem with it.




Look I might get ripped for it, but to me it's hard to say you support something when you don't pay for it. I supported WWE. I paid for WM (split it with a friend) I go to live events sometimes. But to say you support it but don't put money into it. So if TNA went out of business, you would say well, I watch your product but never paid, how does that help pay the bills?


I'm not here to rip you just how I feel.


What bothered me was that he said we aren't real wrestling fans because we're streaming it. I know its illegal, and if I had the money I would buy it because I want to support the company, but I've had NEGATIVE 12 dollars in the bank for the last month almost.


Being poor doesn't make me any less of a wrestling fan.


and, I've spent at minimum of a thousand dollars on TNA in the last few years. So yeah, I've supported them with my money.

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Watching the PPV. Dug the opener. Not a squash, but a fairly one sided ass-kicking with the other dude just barely staying in there. Different from the indy stuff I've been watching, which tends towards the toe-to-toe side of things.


As I said earlier, I'm a Haskins fan. Seemed to be playing up the heel side of his persona a bit, with the coat and all. I feel a little bad for the guy. Seemed to have trouble with the six sided ring. The angles on the turnbuckles not working out for him.

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Apparently Gen Me have asked and were granted their release from Impact Wrestling.


I am totally stoked. DGUSA. ROH. CHIKARA. So many promotions they can saunter into and have great tag matches. I was gutted when their ROH match with Cole & O'Reilly was a DVD exclusive, and not on the ippv. They were wasted in TNA.


Just finished watching their match with Shark Boy & the fabulously bearded Eric Young. Perfectly decent match, but nothing compared to the Buck's showings at this year's PWG DDT4.

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A non-shocker that TNA have essentially run off a young and hungry team. However, like Self said, there a bunch of places they can go to have good-to-great matches, improve their talents, and either become mainstays in ROH or eventually return to TNA for another disappointing run.
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Austin Aries's line about people watching on illegal streams being "so called" wrestling fans kind of bugged me. I've supported TNA since day one and I only watch online because I don't have money to pay for it. I don't believe this makes me any less of a wrestling fan.


Now I haven't watched the show, but only read about it, and from what I read it sounded like Austin Ares is a heel in TNA... and if that's the case, it's his job to rile you up. :p

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I'm one of the guys who chooses to ignore TNA shows for the most part, but they have so many wrestlers that I like and the X-Division themed PPV intrigued me so I tuned in and watched Destination-X. I'm pretty glad that TNA didn't drop the ball with this show, start to finish every match was pretty good and the crowd was way into it.


I thought the Joe/Kaz match was great, RVD/Lynn was great, Styles/Daniels, but man did the four-way with Aries, Evans, Low Ki, and Ion (?) absolutely stole the show. I remember catching some of Jack Evans' stuff in that MTV wrestling show a couple years back, but I didn't realize how awesome of a high-flier he really is. That 630 splash is really something. I'm a big fan of Low Ki and Austin Aries too, I really hope TNA at least brings back those three.


So yeah, great show for me especially because I'm a cruiserweight action mark. I think I'll tune into Impact this week to see what else is going on in the company.


Also, am I the only one who thinks "Stone Cold" Shark Boy is awesome? I was laughing so hard when he showed up and Eric Young goes "So you'll be my partner??" and Shark Boy says "Shell Yeah!" That part just really cracked me up.


Good stuff TNA.

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Aries sounded fairly babyface about it to me. What I took from it is "People are constantly asking for more X Division stuff. Here's a 100% X Division PPV. If you pay for the show, you're actively supporting this style of wrestling by showing that it draws money. If you pirate it, you're not showing that it draws money. Which hurts the X Division in the eyes of the business folk that run wrestling."


Saying "So-called" wrestling fans is calling out those fans who want something for nothing. They want, want, want wrestling, but aren't prepared to actually support it by opening up their wallets.

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Also, am I the only one who thinks "Stone Cold" Shark Boy is awesome? I was laughing so hard when he showed up and Eric Young goes "So you'll be my partner??" and Shark Boy says "Shell Yeah!" That part just really cracked me up.


No you are not the only one, I love the "Stone Cold" Shark Boy give. I am gald he is back and I hope they keep him around for more shows.


I read that Orlando Jordan was also let go. Which in all honesty is not that big because they were doing nothing with him anyway.

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Aries sounded fairly babyface about it to me. What I took from it is "People are constantly asking for more X Division stuff. Here's a 100% X Division PPV. If you pay for the show, you're actively supporting this style of wrestling by showing that it draws money. If you pirate it, you're not showing that it draws money. Which hurts the X Division in the eyes of the business folk that run wrestling."


Saying "So-called" wrestling fans is calling out those fans who want something for nothing. They want, want, want wrestling, but aren't prepared to actually support it by opening up their wallets.


Not everyone can open their wallet.

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What bothered me was that he said we aren't real wrestling fans because we're streaming it. I know its illegal, and if I had the money I would buy it because I want to support the company, but I've had NEGATIVE 12 dollars in the bank for the last month almost.


Being poor doesn't make me any less of a wrestling fan.


and, I've spent at minimum of a thousand dollars on TNA in the last few years. So yeah, I've supported them with my money.


This is an oft-repeated argument when it comes to digital media theft. Whichever way you choose to look at it, it's still theft and it's hurting something you claim to be a fan of. You're essentially taking money out of guys pockets who for the most part make very little money anyway. Whether that makes you any less of a wrestling fan or not will be interpreted differently by those who share your views and the guys who's pockets you're taking money out of.


The "I can't afford it/I've given them money before" argument doesn't wash with me. I've had IPod's ever since they came out. I've owned a Mac and my Mrs had an IPhone. We've spent a lot of money with apple over the years. I really want a new IPad, so tonight I'm going to break into the Apple store and steal one. I'm a big fan of Apple products, but I can't afford it this month. Sure, if everyone else in my town does the same thing then eventually our Apple store will get closed down, but hey, at least I got my IPad! Now who's up for Angry Birds?


You said that being poor doesn't make you any less of a wrestling fan, but lets not get enjoyment confused with entitlement here. You're not entitled to something for free, just because you enjoy it. Nothing against you personally mate, just the argument. :)

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This is an oft-repeated argument when it comes to digital media theft. Whichever way you choose to look at it, it's still theft and it's hurting something you claim to be a fan of. You're essentially taking money out of guys pockets who for the most part make very little money anyway. Whether that makes you any less of a wrestling fan or not will be interpreted differently by those who share your views and the guys who's pockets you're taking money out of.


The "I can't afford it/I've given them money before" argument doesn't wash with me. I've had IPod's ever since they came out. I've owned a Mac and my Mrs had an IPhone. We've spent a lot of money with apple over the years. I really want a new IPad, so tonight I'm going to break into the Apple store and steal one. I'm a big fan of Apple products, but I can't afford it this month. Sure, if everyone else in my town does the same thing then eventually our Apple store will get closed down, but hey, at least I got my IPad! Now who's up for Angry Birds?


You said that being poor doesn't make you any less of a wrestling fan, but lets not get enjoyment confused with entitlement here. You're not entitled to something for free, just because you enjoy it. Nothing against you personally mate, just the argument. :)


What I was trying to say, you just said it better.

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I finished Destination X and I'm going to agree with those saying it was a better show than Wrestlemania. Not a really weak match on the card in my opinion.


I think it was better as a one off event than Wrestlemania. The quality of the wrestling was higher. However, I think I was more emotionally invested in the stroylines and characters at Wrestlemania and so, perhaps, enjoyed it more. They were very different types of show, so I think it's hard to compare them. Wrestlemania was more about story-telling, whereas Destination X was more of a showcase of talent within the X-Division.

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