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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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He looked like he was in pretty good shape. Considering when he left he wouldn't wrestle without a shirt on.


He's my favorite of all time and after hearing the spoiler I wasn't too excited about it, but as soon as he made his entrance I felt like a little kid again :o

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Just have to say....



iMPACT was enjoyable tonight. Sting beating Jeff hardy for the title, Fortune standing up to Immortal (making them the 'face' of TNA vs. the Bischoff/Hogan regime), and the whole Jarrett wedding was pretty entertaining.


All around, good show from my perspective.

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Just have to say....



iMPACT was enjoyable tonight. Sting beating Jeff hardy for the title, Fortune standing up to Immortal (making them the 'face' of TNA vs. the Bischoff/Hogan regime), and the whole Jarrett wedding was pretty entertaining.


All around, good show from my perspective.


I agree with you. I did fast-forward through a bit of the show, but I liked what I did stop to watch. I really can't say anything bad about TNA or WWE these days because of the handy dandy DVR. Not having to watch the CRAP I don't want has made it extremely easy to not complain. I watch what I want and if they can sell me with that alone... then maybe they'll get me to keep watching and perhaps buy a PPV.


I was just blown away by the talk of Sting going to WWE (I never thought it would happen, at least not YET) and the fact he showed up on TNA. It brought me back to the late 90's when you didn't know who was going to be on what show. TNA made it pretty obvious (the Hogan / Bischoff segment) that Sting was the mystery opponent, but at the same time I thought they were setting us up for a let down.


Want to know what impressed me the most? That building was pretty full and it sort of shocked me. I understand there were empty seats around the place and I'm sure they black-curtained off some areas, but overall it looked like a good amount of people attended the show. The fact they hyped it and advertised for a month or two in advance definitely helped, but TNA needs to slowly do this and produce more TV shows / PPVs on the road.


It's an overly done topic, but I think after last night they have to really think about it in order to keep growing. I honestly think they could sell-out the Cumberland County Civic Center here in Portland, ME for a live TV show. They've only been here once for a house show and WWE neglects the state of Maine like crazy (maybe once every two years they come here; only house shows though). I'd love to see them go to small arenas around the country for Impact if it was financially possible for them.

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He looked great and can still go he is TNA's Undertaker. They can give him title and he can put some one over.


Couldn't he come in and put someone over without beating the champion first? I mean... he's a legend, but he's also a 50 year old man. If you want him to put someone over, you just do it. You don't need to give him the belt first. He's as credible and over as he can possibly be.


A couple of years ago, I bitched and moaned when Undertaker hobbled in to end CM Punk's title reign and sent him packing to the midcard (Punk's back on top now, but took a while) and I'll do similar here, albeit more quietly because Jeff's already a bonafide top guy. I understand wanting to bring Sting back, due to all of the 2.21.11 stuff. I just don't dig old guys being cast in the role of "Best fighter in the world".

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Couldn't he come in and put someone over without beating the champion first? I mean... he's a legend, but he's also a 50 year old man. If you want him to put someone over, you just do it. You don't need to give him the belt first. He's as credible and over as he can possibly be.


A couple of years ago, I bitched and moaned when Undertaker hobbled in to end CM Punk's title reign and sent him packing to the midcard (Punk's back on top now, but took a while) and I'll do similar here, albeit more quietly because Jeff's already a bonafide top guy. I understand wanting to bring Sting back, due to all of the 2.21.11 stuff. I just don't dig old guys being cast in the role of "Best fighter in the world".


I agree 100%

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I just watched an entire episode of Impact for the first time in a very long time, and I'm utterly shocked at how bad it has become. :(


It was virtually nothing but boring brawl-based matches with no interesting spots, though the opening tag match was not half-bad. That's something TNA at least still has got going: a fine tag division with real tag teams. Kudos for that at least. But the rest... meh. How come a promotion such as TNA with such great talent on the roster can only produce boring, slow paced brawls? Even watching Sting win the title was a huge dissapointment, as the match was crap and poorly executed. I expect more from a title match between two greats of their caliber. And if they can't go better than this, they shouldn't be main eventing.


And the segments/angles... what the hell? That whole Jarrett/Karen Angle wedding thing is grossly inappropriate, boring and awkward. Hogan and Bischoff spending all show being lame and trying to figure out who Hardy's opponent was going to be rather ruined the "surprise". Why didn't they just assume it was Anderson, take him out right before the match and then get hit by the surprise when Sting appeared instead? And why did noone from Immortal try to interfer in the match?


Also, what the f... is up with Flair's voice? I can't stand listening to the man, he sounds terrible! Send him to retirement already (again), before it gets even more embarrasing for him...


As terrible as I think WWE is, this was even worse. Which depresses me.

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-Last night's episode of TNA Impact did a 1.36 rating with 1,847,000 viewers. That is the highest rating for the show on Thursday night and second only to the show's first Monday rating, which did a 1.41.


Apparently, they know what they're doing ..despite whatever criticism the Sting return and spoof may have brought

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Couldn't he come in and put someone over without beating the champion first? I mean... he's a legend, but he's also a 50 year old man. If you want him to put someone over, you just do it. You don't need to give him the belt first. He's as credible and over as he can possibly be.


A couple of years ago, I bitched and moaned when Undertaker hobbled in to end CM Punk's title reign and sent him packing to the midcard (Punk's back on top now, but took a while) and I'll do similar here, albeit more quietly because Jeff's already a bonafide top guy. I understand wanting to bring Sting back, due to all of the 2.21.11 stuff. I just don't dig old guys being cast in the role of "Best fighter in the world".


I agree 100%


Sting isn't as over and credible these days as you think, at least not in my opinion.... Beating Hardy was a good idea in my opinion... pluss Hardy didn't look like an easy win by no means.


My opinion, you don't bring someone back with that kind of build up, without giving them a couple of wins first. The fact it was the Champ, in my opinion, gives him more credibility, more reason to feel he is a huge threat to the Heels that run the place, and more reason to get into what is going to happen next. IF he had come in just to job to Hardy, it would have been a huge let down, at least to me. Just why in the world would you build someone up like that, to eliminate them as a threat just so a "younger" guy might get a rub off it (which they won't).


What most people I feel fail to see... is beating a man one time doesn't lend the "overness" people tend to believe it does.... Beating a seemingly unbeatable force a few times, while that force is still unbeatable to everyone else... that will get you over. That will get you a rub, etc.


Sting needs to be the scariest thing Hogans Hero's has to worry about at this point, so that whomever does beat him actually gets something out of it. The other fact is, it's not a hard thing to do with that particular wrestler. He easily win's crowds over with just a couple of looks. The only other person they have that could help anyone this way is Angle, and he's busy with Jarret for some dumb reason (dumbest storyline I've seen in years IMO).


It always amazes me how people talk about letting the other guy get over, when if they did it the way most people say to do it, it wouldn't help the other guy at all. This is something that TNA has proven over and over again.... if they haven't proven anything else.

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Sting isn't as over and credible these days as you think, at least not in my opinion.... Beating Hardy was a good idea in my opinion... pluss Hardy didn't look like an easy win by no means.


My opinion, you don't bring someone back with that kind of build up, without giving them a couple of wins first. The fact it was the Champ, in my opinion, gives him more credibility, more reason to feel he is a huge threat to the Heels that run the place, and more reason to get into what is going to happen next. IF he had come in just to job to Hardy, it would have been a huge let down, at least to me. Just why in the world would you build someone up like that, to eliminate them as a threat just so a "younger" guy might get a rub off it (which they won't).


What most people I feel fail to see... is beating a man one time doesn't lend the "overness" people tend to believe it does.... Beating a seemingly unbeatable force a few times, while that force is still unbeatable to everyone else... that will get you over. That will get you a rub, etc.


Sting needs to be the scariest thing Hogans Hero's has to worry about at this point, so that whomever does beat him actually gets something out of it. The other fact is, it's not a hard thing to do with that particular wrestler. He easily win's crowds over with just a couple of looks. The only other person they have that could help anyone this way is Angle, and he's busy with Jarret for some dumb reason (dumbest storyline I've seen in years IMO).


It always amazes me how people talk about letting the other guy get over, when if they did it the way most people say to do it, it wouldn't help the other guy at all. This is something that TNA has proven over and over again.... if they haven't proven anything else.


My thoughts exactly, DJ.


In all honesty, to those who want Sting to 'rub', he needed a moment, or in this case a win, like this to give him the ability to do such a service. Yes, Sting is a big-name amongst those of us who remember how great he was in the 80's and 90's but, since then, he's been in-and-out of the industry quite a bit. In reality, to restore his star power in TNA is really the greatest thing they could have done.


Let's face it. We can all hope to see TNA pull off our own vision of what they should be but, in reality, they are who they think they are. (yep, play off of Denny Green).


In TNA, Hogan, Bischoff, Sting, etc., are all getting air-time because they are the big guns; the people who add a sense of intrigue to a company hoping to compete with the WWE some day.


Having him go over Jeff Hardy, which I'm happy for since I can't stand the guy, was not a bad booking decision in my mind. In the end, it gives them an immediate bump, gives TNA a big-time babyface to combat Hogan (again), and also makes room for a big rub down the road.


As always, lets see how this pans out before we completely jump all over a booking decision. We, the modern wrestling fanbase, need to find some more patience rather than looking for gigantic payoffs every week. Things take time. Storylines take time. Characters, and the rise or fall of them, take time.





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Give him a win, sure. You're right about that. No one wants to see a returning legend get punked out on his first night. Why does he have to beat the Champion though? If he's the new top guy, who you're building things around, that's fine. Put him on the top of the pile. If the plan is to 'put someone over', then why sacrifice your champion to make Sting relevant again.


Settling into my booking armchair, what I would have done is have Sting make his return in vibrant technicolor dreamcoat fashion. Beat up Immortal. Set up a PPV match with Jeff. On the way, have him beat... who are in Immortal these days? Matt Hardy. Rob Terry. Some third guy. Granted, the matches wouldn't get the same reaction as beating Jeff. I think the promos between Sting and Jeff (a massive Sting fan) will be really interesting. Build to the PPV match where Jeff beats him, perhaps by cheating his socks off. Now, even the powerful Stinger couldn't take Immortal, so he bands together with Fortune to take the belt teamwork-style.


Modern title reigns, I guess. Where no one's unbeatable and belts change hands at the drop of a hat.

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My only real problem with Sting beating Hardy for the title has nothing to do with how old the guy is. If TNA wants to put the belt on him, by all means, go for it. My problem with it is the kinda terrible booking decision on where the title change took place.


Why in the hyell would you have Hardy, from North Carolina, drop the World title to Sting in North Carolina. Hometown guys always get the biggest pop, and the crowd is behind them more then anyone else. I haven't watched it yet (pvr'ed it) so maybe I'm wrong, but I would think that the crowd wouldn't be all that happy about thier hometown guy losing. Just my opinion.

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