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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I remember when this thread had more posts in it then the WWE one...TNA interest has really went down hill


I don't post as much here because there is less discussion in this thread now. My interest in TNA has gone up in the last year espescially lately. I really feel like they are doing things well right now. BFG should be good.

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I don't post as much here because there is less discussion in this thread now. My interest in TNA has gone up in the last year espescially lately. I really feel like they are doing things well right now. BFG should be good.


Holy crap. You actually like wrestling?? I didnt think your kind still existed.




Its easy to look a the things TNA does wrong and try to say that's allt he company does. But they actually have good wrestling on a two hour show. Yea you gotta sit through Hogan and Sting's BS. But there are top quality TV matches.


I thought Roode and Storm last week was an incredible piece of in-ring storytelling that isn't all that common anymore.

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Quite honestly, I stopped watching TNA because I haven't ever seen an above average storyline from them. The large majority of their storylines are awful. Although I think that the matches and (most of) the wrestlers are excellent, the storylines are unbearable (sp?) for me. I finally stopped watching TNA when the majority of the matches were getting mixed up with the stories. That was always one of my main complaints with TNA throughout the entire two and a half years that I watched it. But it became much, much worse once Hogan and crew joined TNA. Now I haven't watched it for 5 months.
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Quite honestly, I stopped watching TNA because I haven't ever seen an above average storyline from them. The large majority of their storylines are awful. Although I think that the matches and (most of) the wrestlers are excellent, the storylines are unbearable (sp?) for me. I finally stopped watching TNA when the majority of the matches were getting mixed up with the stories. That was always one of my main complaints with TNA throughout the entire two and a half years that I watched it. But it became much, much worse once Hogan and crew joined TNA. Now I haven't watched it for 5 months.


No accounting for taste. But I like what they've done with Angle/Roode. I like the stories around that feud with Roode and his relationship with Fourtune.


I like Austin Aries and Kendrick. I mean I could go on and talk about the stories and feuds going on that I think are o.k. But I can't lie and sit here and say it's grounbreaking stuff. I cant argue that a large variety of their storylines are mediocre.


They have had Vince Russo as head writer though, the absolute master of coming up with a story he has no clue how to get out of. Maybe under Pritchard we'll see better stuff.


I do dig the matches for the most part though.

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Austin Aries is kind of an unsung hero in wrestling right now. His stuff is topnotch and he's outright entertaining AND fantastic in the ring.


When he's in a match, he's telling a great story and hitting some great spots and also doing some really funny stuff.


He may just be the greatest man on the planet.

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Having gone off TNA for the past 5 months or so (however long it took for "they" to turn out to be Hogan) I'm slowly getting back into it.


Angle vs. Roode has been built really well.

Kendrick vs. Aries is another I'm looking forward to

The Knockouts four way should be fun (especially if it ends with Velvet winning the match)

Sting vs. Hogan is a good story and has my interest - they can both tell a good story in the ring and assuming Hogan has some mobility left could be a good match.


The other matches all long like they could easily be very watchable on paper

Crimson vs. Joe vs. Morgan

Lynn vs. RVD

Bully Ray vs. Anderson

Styles vs. Daniels


The only problem is there's only really one must see match of Angle vs Roode, all the others are interesting but only the world title match is going to sell the PPV. TNA really needs to be able to put 2/3 of these must see matches on it's main PPV of the year.

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Austin Aries is kind of an unsung hero in wrestling right now. His stuff is topnotch and he's outright entertaining AND fantastic in the ring.


When he's in a match, he's telling a great story and hitting some great spots and also doing some really funny stuff.


He may just be the greatest man on the planet.


I agree. His selling is so good, it's really unique. I've noticed he doesn't just fall conveniently he'll fall into the ropes and bounce back or just crash through them onto the outside in a realistic way. In fact, his overall ring style is really unique.


And his "Shhhh" is much better than when Big Zeke did it.

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Haven't done this in awhile sooooo


BFG Predictions:


Mexican America vs Ink Inc- Choosing them for a couple reasons really. The rumors going around that Hernandez's contract is up. Also, I love Shannon Moore and Christina Von Eerie is hot :p


Crimson vs Matt Morgan vs Samoa Joe- He's lost leading up to BFG so I expect him to win here and then continue the feud.


AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels- Not sure why, just expecting it.


Austin Aries© vs Brian Kendrick- A Double is amazing.


Mr Anderson vs Bully Ray- This one could go either way, but I've got a feeling Anderson wins.


RVD vs Jerry Lynn- Should be really fun, and it'd be nice for them to actually give TNA fans a reason to take Jerry Lynn seriously.


Winter© vs Velvet Sky vs Mickie James vs Madison Rayne- I'm hoping for Velvet to win, but I'd be way more than ok if Rayne some how got the win, but I doubt she will considering she's been made a C level Knockout after losing the belt.


Sting vs Hulk Hogan- Sting wins and Dixie gets control back...or as much as I love TNA, Sting wins and becomes an insane president of the company...I hope I'm wrong :p


Kurt Angle© vs Bobby Roode- Roode's push has been fantastic and one of the strongest things TNA has done in awhile.



BFG has really solid potential to be one of TNA's best shows this year. Hopefully it's not bogged down by their usual screwy finishes and billion interferences.

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Crimson vs Matt Morgan vs Samoa Joe


Surely, Joe can get his first PPV win since February?


AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels


The feud has just started and they'll want to save the big swerve for the main event


Austin Aries© vs Brian Kendrick


There will be tons of big spots, some barebones psychology, and some clueless putz will proclaim this match and the whole card as having a higher quality of wrestling than Vengeance.


Mr Anderson vs Bully Ray


So the feud keeps going and culminates in a completely regular match


RVD vs Jerry Lynn


Lynn's role will be what it always is in his matches with RVD; provide the psychology and lose.


Sting vs Hulk Hogan


Even in his current state, Hogan isn't doing el jobski.


Kurt Angle© vs Bobby Roode


Logic and all common sense says Roode wins the title tonight. So I'm picking Angle, because it's the TNA way.

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I would think that Crimson almost has to win his match just in order to keep the streak intact. What would be the point of the streak if he loses?


Only way is if they had Morgan take the fall (or Joe) but that still tarnishes the streak IMO, so I agree.


That made me think, does anyone know what happened / is happening with the "Xplosion Championship Tournament"?

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Only way is if they had Morgan take the fall (or Joe) but that still tarnishes the streak IMO, so I agree.


That made me think, does anyone know what happened / is happening with the "Xplosion Championship Tournament"?


Joe lost a triple threat match and didn't take the fall, but they still said he was undefeated.

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Joe lost a triple threat match and didn't take the fall, but they still said he was undefeated.


That's what I was saying they could do but to me the streak hasn't been that great to me and although they could still say he's undefeated (because in a way he is) it kinda takes a bit away from it in my eyes to say in a match with Joe and Morgan one of the others could beat the guy before Crimson could. For him to look unstoppable I'd have to book him to get the win if it was me. :)

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Well Aries Retained which is good and RVD Beat Lynn and then Crimson won which was a surprise for me


Anderson beat Bully Ray


Velvet Sky won the Knockout title after Karen was bumped and Traci made the pin


Styles gets the win on Daniels but I think the feud will continue after this


Jarrett is now coming down to the ring

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I don't watch TNA on a weekly basis. I barely follow them anymore. I knew BFG was coming, and I knew Sting vs. Hogan was on the card. I hardly knew the baackstory, other than Hogan and Bischoffs heel faction has been in a grudge with Sting. That's what I went in to this with.


Now that that is cleared, I wanted to see Sting vs. Hogan just to see how TNA would work it. I must say, I am absolutely impressed with how that match played out. Hogan and Sting proved that you don't have to be the best physically to put on a very entertaining match. Granted, it was a giant overbook by every definition, but it worked. Hogan and Sting worked the crowd perfectly.


I'm sure some people will disagree, but this match was easily one of my favorite pro wrestling moments in recent memory. I'm not sure if I'm more surprised by my previous statement, or by the fact it was pulled off by TNA. Well done.



Edit-And then the main event happened. The match was basically two holds with a ton of rolling around to see how many different ways you can get back to that hold. Boring. Terrible finish on it also. Way to waste the whole build up of Roode from the Bound For Glory series.


I hate this company.

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I couldn't go as I had to instead babysit :(. I did however watch the show. I wish I was there for that moment with Hogan. Wow. Even at home I got goosebumps.


The main event however. I won't spoil it but Jesus H. Christ what a letdown. That finish was even more disappointing than Edge vs Orton at Over The Limit 2010.


In retrospect they really should have had Hogan vs Sting main event the show.

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