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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Impact has definitely gained direction since Brother Love took over. Do I like the direction? Eh not crazy over it. Especially with the knockouts car wash segment last week. But **** at least it's a direction and not twirling around like deflating balloon. But it seems at least you have a general idea of what to expect each week.
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To anyone who watched Final Resolution what was the ending to the pay per view? According to the results on Gerweck.net the ppv ended right after the Iron Man Match was over and nothing happened after that match. I am wondering if whoever submitted the results to Gerweck left something out or if TNA is really that stupid and would end a pay per view that way.


Not to mention I hate Iron Man matches ending in a tie its really overdone now and the fact that there was no sudden death overtime really thows me for a loop.

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To anyone who watched Final Resolution what was the ending to the pay per view? According to the results on Gerweck.net the ppv ended right after the Iron Man Match was over and nothing happened after that match. I am wondering if whoever submitted the results to Gerweck left something out or if TNA is really that stupid and would end a pay per view that way.


Not to mention I hate Iron Man matches ending in a tie its really overdone now and the fact that there was no sudden death overtime really thows me for a loop.


That's exactly how it ended. AJ was in the ring yelling, Roode was up the ramp celebrating, and the crowd was chanting "5 more minutes" as they went off the air.

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That's exactly how it ended. AJ was in the ring yelling, Roode was up the ramp celebrating, and the crowd was chanting "5 more minutes" as they went off the air.


Alright thanks for letting me know, I thought it was odd when I read the results on Gerweck. I could have gone to other sites to see if their results ended the same way that Gerwecks did but I elected to come in here and ask someone who actually saw the event.


I scratch my head at a lot of things that TNA does but now that you have confirmed for me that that was indeed how the PPV ended I just don't know what to say anymore. I want to like them me and my friends always say we want to like TNA because they have guys on their roster that we want to watch. However we don't watch it because of their horrible booking and until the booker is removed or the company has a major shake up I will probably remain as someone who doesnt watch them because of their horrible decision making.


Just to be clear too I am a WWE fan and I am not saying that WWE is perfect because they are far from it. However if I had to choose one over the other WWE wins because I grew up watching them. I loved TNA when it was on Wednesdays on PPV I watched it from the first show up until they got their deal with Spike and I watch it every once in a while (I am not home on Thursdays so I don't get to see it often) but everytime I watch it I ask myself afterards why I bothered to watch. I figure from now on I will read the results to the shows but thats it until something drastically changes.

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Yea it was kind of bogus the build of the match was perfectly done and then completely undone by the finish. They should have had Roode cause AJ to get counted out at the last minute then have Roode run off if they're building to what I think they're building to, Roode vs. AJ vs. Hardy vs. Storm at Genesis. Or had it go sudden death with Roode getting a cheap roll up victory. Either way AJ still looks strong because he held his own with one leg and Roode gets over as a cowardly heel.


The problem with TNA is they keep showing these signs of brilliance like they could actually do something right then they drop the ball in a big way. The Bobby Roode heel turn could have been a massive story that would have made Roode and Storm both legit main eventers while also re-establishing AJ as a main star and setting up Kaz, Daniels, and Joe as future main eventers. Instead they had to hot shot a quickie James Storm title run followed by an even more hot shotted Roode heel turn and abysmal feud with AJ that really did nothing for either man.


The weekly PPVs were amazing because the focus was where it should be, on the wrestling. The stories were there solely to give them a reason to wrestle and almost everything made sense. I think it's a combination of burn out on the writer's parts seeing as with a few exceptions they've had the same head writer from the inception until just recently and then of course said writer (Russo) getting too much freedom.


I really only watch for the originals because no matter what ridiculous thing Russo comes up with from the opening bell until just before the finish AJ, Roode, Joe, Daniels, Storm, The Machine Guns, Aries, and Angle are going to put on a match the rivals and most of the time even surpasses any WWE main event.

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I wish they would do things more long term because if that was the case I might be able to tolerate them. However it seems that whenever a guy gets a title reign and its just getting good they end it. Their title reigns have no longevity to them (you could agrue that WWE doesnt either with having the WWE title change hands 8 times in 78 days over the summer) but every promotion is guilty of doing that at times because WWE has done it before. However it seems like ever since the era where Jeff Jarrett was always the NWA Champion every time you turned around and he had long title reigns, it really seems like they dont think long term anymore because all their titles not just their world title change hands way too often. In TEW terms if you were to run TNA and do that all of the titles' prestige would be in the toilet but of course they can get away with it because its not TEW obviously. To me though it just makes the titles look like crap when they change hands so often. Like I said WWE is guilty of doing this at times but it seems like TNA has been doing this for the last two or three years. It seems like they don't have faith in anything and from a company standpoint that is a huge problem that should be dealt with.
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Yea, for as much hate as Jeff Jarrett seems to get the single best period in TNA's history was when he and AJ were trading the NWA title back and forth. Sadly as far as the big two are concerned none of their championships mean anything at this point in time and nothing short of a solid year long run with regular defenses will change that.


It's like they're purposely devaluing their championships with things like the current design of the WWE title, Eric Young walking around with the old TNA world title after finding it in a trash can and no one saying anything about it, then titles changing hands sometimes 2 or 3 times a month. You'd think they'd figure it out when RVD's 23 month TV title reign and Samoa Joe's 21 month ROH world title reign put each of them on the national map in a big way while also making the titles meaningful.

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At least this cheap finish works within the frame of a storyline. And I can't really complain at seeing Roode and Styles go at it again in the future assuming Hardy doesn't win the belt at Genesis. If he does...all bets are off and the entire reign is ruined.


Is it just me or has it been like a year since Daniels got a clean win?

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All these short title reigns make me think that creative in TNA and WWE are suffering from some sort of wrestling attention defecit disorder. If Randy Ortons babyface turn had been followed by an 8 month title reign he might be as well known as Cena. The same goes for CM Punk, Samoa Joe with the TNA Title, Jeff Hardy with the WWE Title and countless others.


It's not the only way to make a star but it's very effective.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I just found out that the TNA event in London at the end of the month will be the tv taping for two episodes of Impact.


Now this is something I wish the smaller companies would do. Go ahead and have your mile wide live shows. But when you put them on the DVD, present them as multiple smaller shows. Would be so much more comfortable watching their DVD's and create the illusion of being a better value if you got two or three "episodes" per DVD than one PPV-length monster show. Even if all the content had been from a PPV length show when performed live.

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Now this is something I wish the smaller companies would do. Go ahead and have your mile wide live shows. But when you put them on the DVD, present them as multiple smaller shows. Would be so much more comfortable watching their DVD's and create the illusion of being a better value if you got two or three "episodes" per DVD than one PPV-length monster show. Even if all the content had been from a PPV length show when performed live.


I'm really confused as to what you're saying. London said they're filming Impact. What's that have to do with DVDs?

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Now this is something I wish the smaller companies would do. Go ahead and have your mile wide live shows. But when you put them on the DVD, present them as multiple smaller shows. Would be so much more comfortable watching their DVD's and create the illusion of being a better value if you got two or three "episodes" per DVD than one PPV-length monster show. Even if all the content had been from a PPV length show when performed live.


This is actually a pretty good idea, Brother Cappy.

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Kurt Angle from Busted Open radio


The next main eventers: "AJ Styles was there for a while. And then we pulled him down which I didn’t agree with. Now we got AJ up there, Jeff Hardy is here, Robert Roode, James Storm. We’re starting to get to a point where these guys are going to start full time and Kurt Angle and Sting can dwindle off and retire. That’s what we need to happen and that’s what’s happening now and I’m glad because I don’t want to leave TNA and leave an open spot there. I cant wrestle forever. As a matter of fact I am already talking retirement. It’s about making guys and putting them in my spot and making sure they are secure there before I leave."

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Kurt Angle from Busted Open radio


The next main eventers: "AJ Styles was there for a while. And then we pulled him down which I didn’t agree with. Now we got AJ up there, Jeff Hardy is here, Robert Roode, James Storm. We’re starting to get to a point where these guys are going to start full time and Kurt Angle and Sting can dwindle off and retire. That’s what we need to happen and that’s what’s happening now and I’m glad because I don’t want to leave TNA and leave an open spot there. I cant wrestle forever. As a matter of fact I am already talking retirement. It’s about making guys and putting them in my spot and making sure they are secure there before I leave."


Angle on Samoa Joe: "We have not done Joe justice. Whether it had to do with an attitude problem an attitude change. In wrestling you have to play by the rule book. Joe was a little bit of a rebel. I think that might have hurt his cause. I believe Joe is rational. I think we can still make Joe a big star again. I think Joe is a full time main eventer. I think we need to do it now because if we don’t do it now it will never happen."


Angle on Jeff Hardy: "We were all concerned about Jeff and his welfare. We wanted Jeff to come back. We love Jeff. He is the coolest guy in the world. I have so much respect for him because he can go anywhere he wants. WWE would hire him like that even after everything that’s happened. If he wanted to, and he got released by TNA, WWE would hire him like that. You know why? Because he makes money. He sells merchandise, more than anyone else in this world. So God bless him he could go back to the WWE if he wants, but he wanted to come back here and he wanted to prove to everybody that he could be the wrestler and that he could stay clean."


"Came back and he humbled himself. Apologized to all of us in the locker room for an hour. Told us the whole deal. Told us the whole deal about his brother. Told us about everything about his story and said, 'Listen, all I'm asking is for one more chance.' And he was so humble and had so much humility. It was like 'Ok you know what, you got your chance, you got more than your chance, We’re happy you’re here.' Jeff right now in his life is the best role model a man can be for any kid. Seriously! If I wanted my kid to be anybody right now, it would be Jeff Hardy. My kid wears his shit. And I’m like 'are you kidding me? You don’t have the singlet like Daddy, you got Jeff Hardy crap.' He is the epitome of what a wrestler and a role model should be. And he is a good guy. He will take time to say hi to everyone."


He also said a bunch on TNA 2011 and how there where "too many chefs in the kitchen. A good read, which is rare because usually Kurt's interviews are ... odd to say the least.

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