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strange events/deaths/other events 2010

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I'm about 3 months into my PSW game and SWF chose not to resign Steve Frehley. He didn't have any bad relationships with anyone so it was strange for him to be released.


This typically happens when Frehley's contract comes up. He won't resign with them due to the SWF's risque levels in their product. He's too conservative.

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Goldberg got over because of his look, presence and in ring domination. Make of that what you will.


Forgot one other little contributing factor... The biggest freakin push I think I've ever seen in wrestling outside of Hulk Hogan! The guy went over Hogan clean his first year with the company, simulate that in TEW and no matter how scaled back his stats are he'll get over.


As for Jeff Hardy, alot of things contributed to him getting over outside of his base stats, gimmick, opponents/feuds, product/his style, booking, Era (Daredevil popular) and the all important factor I think alot of people forget in TEW.... Timing! So many stars over the years have gotten over mostly due to good timing imo, that's why some are hot one day and not the next. Jeff's Entertainment skills for a current day mod I'd rate....


Mic E+

Charisma B-

Acting D-


Superstar Quality B

Sex Apeal C+


NOTE - Only one male has a sex appeal rating of B in C-Verse and he's the highest rated male.

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I'm not sure that Star Quality is necessary, either - it's wanted. And yet, in prior games in the series, Don Henderson could rise to be the top man in a global company - if he got lucky on Destiny. We see, throughout threads like Strange Events, watcher games in which unlikely people rocket to the top.


There is no one thing you have to have to reach the top. Not in the game, not in real life. Actually, that's not true - you need at least a certain degree of overness.


First off, the randomness that occurs in TEW is the 'dumb luck' factor. It's the 'stars aligning to make this happen' effect. As far as TEW's mechanics go, Star Quality and Charisma often combine to make workers successful, regardless of promotion product. When making a mod, if there are people you want to "rise to the top" (or that you feel should do so), SQ and Charisma combine to make that more likely. For a C-Verse example, look at El Fuerza vs Enforcer Roberts. The former is 'meh' in the ring but has that SQ/CHA combo and the other is fantastic in the ring but doesn't have anything close to 'it'. With both on the roster, one's going to shoot to the top of the card regardless and the other's going to be a 'steady hand' type but never really get himself to that level. That's what I think lazorbeak was trying to get across (with his normal acidic wit :p).


And I don't know what game you're playing but in this one, overness isn't much of a concern at the promotion levels we're talking about. Heck, at any level where TV is available, overness isn't a concern since it can be produced right out of thin air. It becomes especially easy to do with those people who possess that magical combination. So while you're right that SQ and Charisma aren't absolute necessities, when you're portraying proven (or future) 'stars' in a mod, you have to go heavy handed in those departments to make things happen the way you see/want them to.


I agree also that personal bias has no place in what is essentially a statistical representation of a person. C-Verse comparisons start to fall down with regard to scale, I think. The Cornellverse is very small compared to a typical real life mod. Real promotions don't follow the logic that is inherent in the C-Verse. They don't do things nearly as logically as even their equivalents do. I saw this when I was first putting my mod together. Double the number of workers in the C-Verse and things start to get wonky. And that's with the exact same workers simply renamed (put a z at the beginning of every worker's name). The C-Verse is a controlled environment whereas a real life mod doesn't have that level of absolute control (unless you confine the mod to a handful of promotions).

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Odd death, Correction to Jeff Hardy quote


Odd Death: One of Sam Keith's twin sons takes a 22 story fall to his death. Wasn't that the same distance that Eric Clapton's son fell from a window?


Jeff Hardy:


It's taken longer then 10 years for Jeff Hardy to get to where he is since I remember him in several places before WWE.


1. For a few years Jeff Hardy along with his brother Matt and Hurricane Helms wrestled for New Dimensions Wrestling in North Carolina from 1997 till they entered WWE full-time. They had appreared several times before their *official" arrival jobbing to other teams. Matt and Jeff wore masks and Helms might have weighed 120 lbs. soaking wet.


2. Matt And Jeff ran their own promotion called Omega (also in North Carolina) prior to and during their appearances in NDW and was shut down when they went to the WWE full-time. Among the stars of their promotion besides Helms was Shannon Moore and Gemini Kid. (G.K. runs the real Mid-Atlantic promotion in North Carolina)


You can also check out the "indyinsiders" who have pics of where the Hardy's have appeared at Mid-Atlantic in an unofficial capacity since their *official* arrival in WWE.

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Here's the thing, lazorbeak - your position, ultimately, seems to come down to "Jeff Hardy must have skill level X, as he's been a world champion, and therefore a Biggz is a bad idea".


No, my point is that from a gameplay perspective handicapping a guy that got over in spite of not being God-pushed so that the ONLY way he could get over is a God-push is not good mod-making or a good idea generally. In fact, it is the opposite. Basically, if your framework doesn't account for how someone like Jeff Hardy got over, your framework is broken. As a game function, star quality and charisma get people over. Jeff Hardy got over. And, since we've established he didn't get over through Goldberg pushes but got over in spite of losing a lot of big match-ups, it would seem the guy has star quality and charisma over and above Brett freaking Biggz (65 and 68).


Why did I bring Train into this?


Because Train is someone whose stats are pretty poor, but who has main evented - and who can, with careful booking, be raised up and given a successful run at the top of a Global company even in the 2010 database.



Train has a menace stat above 90 and three performance skills in the 70's, and, as noted, is a monster heel. Jeff Hardy, on the other hand, can't get over as a monster heel, and didn't get over from his many big-match victories (can you remember even one Wrestlemania when he went over anyone?), and yet he became a main eventer.


Brett Biggz, on the other hand, doesn't have charisma, star quality, or a performance stat above 66 (with a 22 for consistency!). Obviously there's lots of variables in figuring out how a guy's career could have gone, but my point is the comparison is terrible, because.... the comparison is terrible.


First off, the randomness that occurs in TEW is the 'dumb luck' factor. It's the 'stars aligning to make this happen' effect. As far as TEW's mechanics go, Star Quality and Charisma often combine to make workers successful, regardless of promotion product. When making a mod, if there are people you want to "rise to the top" (or that you feel should do so), SQ and Charisma combine to make that more likely. For a C-Verse example, look at El Fuerza vs Enforcer Roberts. The former is 'meh' in the ring but has that SQ/CHA combo and the other is fantastic in the ring but doesn't have anything close to 'it'. With both on the roster, one's going to shoot to the top of the card regardless and the other's going to be a 'steady hand' type but never really get himself to that level. That's what I think lazorbeak was trying to get across (with his normal acidic wit :p).


And I don't know what game you're playing but in this one, overness isn't much of a concern at the promotion levels we're talking about. Heck, at any level where TV is available, overness isn't a concern since it can be produced right out of thin air. It becomes especially easy to do with those people who possess that magical combination. So while you're right that SQ and Charisma aren't absolute necessities, when you're portraying proven (or future) 'stars' in a mod, you have to go heavy handed in those departments to make things happen the way you see/want them to.


I agree also that personal bias has no place in what is essentially a statistical representation of a person. C-Verse comparisons start to fall down with regard to scale, I think. The Cornellverse is very small compared to a typical real life mod. Real promotions don't follow the logic that is inherent in the C-Verse. They don't do things nearly as logically as even their equivalents do. I saw this when I was first putting my mod together. Double the number of workers in the C-Verse and things start to get wonky. And that's with the exact same workers simply renamed (put a z at the beginning of every worker's name). The C-Verse is a controlled environment whereas a real life mod doesn't have that level of absolute control (unless you confine the mod to a handful of promotions).


Yes, exactly Remi. Arguing Hardy doesn't have "it" just doesn't bare out when looking at facts and I don't think anyone could really say a Hardy push was forced on anyone.


And a good point about C-verse mods. While the normal trend may be stat overinflation to the point that William Regal and Santino pull A-rated classics, overly critical evaluations of main eventers is also a problem. An overly critical mod-maker may say to themselves "oh SWF only has 4 guys on the active roster with a psychology over B+, so there must be about that many in WWE." But WWE doesn't have a TCW or even a NOTBPW to contend with, and they have a wider talent pool. So in addition to usual suspects like HBK, Jericho, and Undertaker, you also have a midcard that has solid hands like William Regal and Fit Finlay, along with people that have spent a lifetime (more than 18 years) in the business like Triple H, Edge, Rey Mysterio, even Goldust. Maybe not every one of these guys needs great psychology, but they do need stats to reflect that they've all competed in front of huge crowds literally thousands of times. A look at the SWF roster reveals that the list of guys that have been on such a high level for such a long time is just Christian Faith and Enforcer Roberts. Even Runaway Train, one of SWF's few long-time stars, has less high-level ring experience than Big Show.

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Yes, exactly Remi. Arguing Hardy doesn't have "it" just doesn't bare out when looking at facts and I don't think anyone could really say a Hardy push was forced on anyone.


And a good point about C-verse mods. While the normal trend may be stat overinflation to the point that William Regal and Santino pull A-rated classics, overly critical evaluations of main eventers is also a problem. An overly critical mod-maker may say to themselves "oh SWF only has 4 guys on the active roster with a psychology over B+, so there must be about that many in WWE." But WWE doesn't have a TCW or even a NOTBPW to contend with, and they have a wider talent pool. So in addition to usual suspects like HBK, Jericho, and Undertaker, you also have a midcard that has solid hands like William Regal and Fit Finlay, along with people that have spent a lifetime (more than 18 years) in the business like Triple H, Edge, Rey Mysterio, even Goldust. Maybe not every one of these guys needs great psychology, but they do need stats to reflect that they've all competed in front of huge crowds literally thousands of times. A look at the SWF roster reveals that the list of guys that have been on such a high level for such a long time is just Christian Faith and Enforcer Roberts. Even Runaway Train, one of SWF's few long-time stars, has less high-level ring experience than Big Show.


This is where I see a mistake some real world mod makers make. WWE is not SWF, it's bigger than SWF. TCW is larger than TNA, and there is no promotion (NOTBPW) who is in the brink of rising to national. These worlds are completely different, and shouldn't really be compared when talking about National+ promotions and their rosters.


And on the Jeff Hardy topic, he must have atleast B+ charisma and B+ star quality. And I say this and I am definitely not a Hardy fan.

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I'm not saying Jeff Hardy needs to be identical to Remmy Skye's stats, but it does make a hell of a lot more sense to base where Jeff Hardy was in 1998 on where Remmy Skye is at the same age. Seriously look at Remmy Skye's stats: decent aerial but far more flashiness, pretty weak brawling and even worse chain work, and a 47 on the mic with 94 charisma. For those who go cross-eyed doing math, that's 2 times his mic skills. Skye has aerial and charisma above 90, and nothing else. Based on those stats you could see him get over as he puts over the Edge & Christian's of the world and improves his poor consistency and lack of psychology. In other words: he has an upside, but he wouldn't be anybody's first choice to make champion in a big promotion. Now, compare that to Brett Biggz, who is the same age as Hardy and yet has never won a singles title and never been a main event level guy ever, and his highest skill is athleticism at a 71, narrowly edging out a flashiness rating of 69. Brett Biggz is not going to get over just by being on TV every week. Brett Biggz is never going to main event unless he is pushed to never lose. Since Jeff Hardy was not pushed that way but did get over, what I'm saying is that it's a bad comparison to make.


Ooooh, I like that. And Remmy's avatar obviously has the resemblance too

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This is where I see a mistake some real world mod makers make. WWE is not SWF, it's bigger than SWF. TCW is larger than TNA, and there is no promotion (NOTBPW) who is in the brink of rising to national. These worlds are completely different, and shouldn't really be compared when talking about National+ promotions and their rosters.


And on the Jeff Hardy topic, he must have atleast B+ charisma and B+ star quality. And I say this and I am definitely not a Hardy fan.


Yeah, I don't even see TCW as a TNA equivalent, I see it as a WCW equivalent. TNA's a lot closer to USPW in terms of attendance and popularity.


The default data has 27 guys with a psychology of B or better able to work in the US with a popularity of at least D+ (indicating they work or have worked for a big promotion in America or are over enough in Canada to make up the difference). There's another 20 with a psych of B that have less than a D+, mostly Canadian stars and the occasional indy super-worker. What do these 47 workers have in common? Except for five exceptional talents, every single one of those guys is 30 or older. Based on that, I count about 20 guys in WWE right now over 30 that I'd say they're at B or better psychology. Seriously with a roster like that, try not to succeed!


Oh, for anybody that wants to know who are the freaks of nature with excellent psychology before age 30, here's the US list:

Alicia Strong

Joey Minnesota

Matthew Keith

Samoan Machine

Shooter Sean Deeley


So, modders, what does it take to get psychology that high before age 30? Second generation or family connections for 3 of the 5, and an amateur background for one. Joey Minnesota is just that awesome.

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For the most part, I'd say great training. Psychology is something that is mostly taught. Second Generation might lead to good charisma, physical skills etc, but it wouldn't necessarily lead to Psychology in my book.


Amateur skill is interesting. You'd certainly have a grasp of 'realism' in a fight... but I'd go with training. Style would also come into it. Flippy-floppy cruiserweights take a hit.

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Joey Minnesota is such a dick. Signed him for SWF in June after his TCW contract ran out, had him win the NA title in his debut, kept his momentum up real high (think he only lost one match against Vengeance) yet he got pissy after being left off two shows and by the end of August he was asking for his release. But oh no Mr Minnesota, not before I job you out to every man and his dog :cool:
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Dan Stone Jr just left NOTBPW - my fed. I assumed Dan Sr would re-sign him and DIDN'T start jobbing him left right and centre, stupidly. He did manage to put over Jezza, Johnny Bloodstone, and my user character in his final show, to be fair.
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Damn it to hell! :mad:


Casey Valentine fell into a vat of liquid nitrogen. He was 23 years old... AND HALF OF MY TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS. :(


I somehow overlooked the email and multi-advanced too far. I backed it up to the previous Sunday, but I had gone too far. My own stupidity... what a curve ball. I guess Cameron Vessey is going to go on and become a mega-star in memorial to friend and former partner. :eek:

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Damn it to hell! :mad:


Casey Valentine fell into a vat of liquid nitrogen. He was 23 years old... AND HALF OF MY TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS. :(


I somehow overlooked the email and multi-advanced too far. I backed it up to the previous Sunday, but I had gone too far. My own stupidity... what a curve ball. I guess Cameron Vessey is going to go on and become a mega-star in memorial to friend and former partner. :eek:


He'll be the Rey Mysterio of the CVerse.

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"Ezekiel Jackson and Paul Burchill have really bonded backstage, having discovered a shared love of classical music"


I love this game :p


maybe some more notes are needed though just to freshen things up.

as great as the notes are the continuous notes of bonding due to swedish cinema are starting to get a bit thin


on that note does anyone have any more angles that can be copied into the data file? i know it was done before and someone also made a few extra match types up aswell

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