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strange events/deaths/other events 2010

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I just got the greatest treat...I'm the third ranked promotion, obviously trying to unseat TNA and WWE. Well Vince McMahan retired and Joey Styles took over WWE. Strange. Then WWE hired thier new head booker, when Vince Russo left TNA and signed with WWE.


So Joey Styles OWNS WWE, and Vince Russo BOOKS it! Fantastic! lol

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Crippler Ray Kingman a nice guy sets these goals


1. When the time expires SCPW must have at least the popularity it did when this goal was set (Critical 27months, 3weeks)

2. SCPW must not fall below cult size (Critical 23months 3 weeks)

3. You can't hire any wrester over the age of 42 (Average 27months 3 weeks)

4. You cannot hire or extend a contract with anyone who has known problems with the law

5. You cannot hire or extened a contract with anyone below C- in athletic ability


I've got Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash as wreslters both above 42

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Crippler Ray Kingman a nice guy sets these goals


1. When the time expires SCPW must have at least the popularity it did when this goal was set (Critical 27months, 3weeks)

2. SCPW must not fall below cult size (Critical 23months 3 weeks)

3. You can't hire any wrester over the age of 42 (Average 27months 3 weeks)

4. You cannot hire or extend a contract with anyone who has known problems with the law

5. You cannot hire or extened a contract with anyone below C- in athletic ability


I've got Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash as wreslters both above 42


That shouldn't affect them, as it only says 'hire' not 'hire or extend a contract' as the two below do.

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Monday, Week 1, June 2012 - Chucky Dorrance has entered the wrestling world.


Thursday, Week1, June 212 - In tragic news, it has been reported that Chucky Dorrance was killed after slipping and falling into a wood chipper. He was 19.


oh Chucky, we hardly knew ye.

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Monday, Week 1, June 2012 - Chucky Dorrance has entered the wrestling world.


Thursday, Week1, June 212 - In tragic news, it has been reported that Chucky Dorrance was killed after slipping and falling into a wood chipper. He was 19.


oh Chucky, we hardly knew ye.


Good one. :D


I didn't even get ONE single death yet...



But something else very strange happened: Big Smack Scott was caught with illegal steroids!



I'm still off my feet, completely devestated! Why, Scott, why? Of all people...

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Monday, Week 1, June 2012 - Chucky Dorrance has entered the wrestling world.


Thursday, Week1, June 212 - In tragic news, it has been reported that Chucky Dorrance was killed after slipping and falling into a wood chipper. He was 19.


oh Chucky, we hardly knew ye.


That's the craziest thing I've seen from TEW. Poor Chucky. :(

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The game I started on release day is currently in 2019. Five shows a month, started at Small, currently International with an integrated product.


No I have no wife or kids (married to the job don't count), I still rack up 30 hours a week at the gym, hang out with friends and colleagues a few times a week, and spend lots of time on planes (accounting for a good chunk of my TEW time).


Just saying, that tired line of thinking that anyone who can play more somehow has "no life" is just that. Tired and most often, untrue. That game, like this one, is casual and does not require your undivided attention whenever you play it. Doing dailies takes little to no mental effort or attention (it's unconscious activity for many people). Likewise, this game does not require you to hunch slavishly over your monitor just to get anything done.


On topic, had the AAA Femme Fatale title get tossed around like Florida in 1992. Gorgon wins the vacant belt, signs with NOTBPW the next day and vacates it. Then Helen Bach beats Stephanie Wade for the title and two days later, announces her retirement. Then Suzue Katayama does the exact same thing. Stephanie...err Demelza Wade just won the title so I'm keeping an eye out to see what happens to her.


i can see that now as i become more familiar with the game. i just about had my tri-branded roster of 90 memorized. LOL then i went back to basics by leaving that company after 1 year and taking over another i created and imported. went from small to cult in 6 months (10 months now)which took just a handful of real-time days after running 4 shows (3 tv & 1 ppv) a week with the global company.


On Topic: Skull DeBones and Runaway Train bonded over love of french films

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USPW gets a new owner


I was surprised in my game when Runaway Train (after retiring from active competition) took over the USPW from a retiring Sam Strong. I guess Alicia isn't set for promotion ownership? does this mean Lisa Bowen is a future owner or will she miss out like Alicia?

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In my game Freddy Huggins just got a girlfriend thanks to his move to USPW. With hotties like Alicia Strong, owner Belle Bryden, Blonde Bombshell, Grace Harper, Raven Robinson and Seduction on the roster you'd think he'd be happy... but no, instead he has started dating Gorgon, who actually has lower sex appeal than he does... and is about the same size as him too at more than 230 pounds.


I'm not sure whether I should commend him or pity him. :p

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In my game Freddy Huggins just got a girlfriend thanks to his move to USPW. With hotties like Alicia Strong, owner Belle Bryden, Blonde Bombshell, Grace Harper, Raven Robinson and Seduction on the roster you'd think he'd be happy... but no, instead he has started dating Gorgon, who actually has lower sex appeal than he does... and is about the same size as him too at more than 230 pounds.


I'm not sure whether I should commend him or pity him. :p


Dose she at least have a good personality and does he make her wear the face paint to bed?

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Dose she at least have a good personality and does he make her wear the face paint to bed?


She probably wouldn't show up on the backstage screen as a notable personality, though if she did it would be more likely as a negative than a positive. I've not yet asked him about the face paint as my avatar only speaks Japanese and Huggins doesn't. :p

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She probably wouldn't show up on the backstage screen as a notable personality, though if she did it would be more likely as a negative than a positive. I've not yet asked him about the face paint as my avatar only speaks Japanese and Huggins doesn't. :p


In my experience, you don't need to ask, she has a thing for wearing it any ... way ...


I've said too much! *Scampers off!*

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