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Island of Pain (0/0/0/0 Hawaii) - Current Date: April 2043


...Sidebar - I don't know when this actually started because I've really been playing on an island, pun sort of intended, as in...not really paying attention to the other promotions...but NOTBW has somehow fallen to Small. They haven't run the Ed Henson cup since 2036, so I assume the decline really hit them around then. I found this to be HUGE news...particularly since I was now trying to leech their talent....


Wow! My longest game so far as only been five, maybe six years. Kudos for having a game that long especially a 0/0/0/0 fed. NOTBW being a small promotion is weird. Who's their champ?


Anways, I wanted to share my 0/0/0 game... no way am I going to go without some sort of moolah, tbh.

MWF (Small size, Tri-State), November 2011


Just had my November show where Mick Muscles (after having a 4 win streak) just won the MWF World title from Andre Jones. They had one of the worst rated world title matches/main event (PRP vs. Donnie J back in September 2010 being the worst ever!) and yet I still raised in popularity.


American Machines (American Elemental & The Mean Machine) won the tag titles from The Latino Kings.


Trent Shaffer made his MWF debut tagging with Brandon Smith & The Cannonball Kid. They beat the team of Mario Heroic, Kazuma Narato, and Kirk Jameson.


Sidenote: Brandon Smith is the only two time MWF world champ so far. I'm hoping to push Andre Jones for another reign depending upon the title promises that are demanded.


The best match on the card was an opening level Zeus Maxmillion beating Main Eventer Steve Flash (Yes I've jobbed out Flash but he's got a tag title reign with Fox Mask for being such a company guy).


By the way, it took only one show to raise from local to small which was kind of cool. I'm using another GDSer's idea on the best product to use in order to start from the bottom to the top:


Key Feature: Traditional, Mainstream, Modern

Medium Features: Realism, Lucha Libre, Daredevil


I'm hoping I can go far with this product and, if not, then to see where it takes me with Mayhem Wrestling Federation.

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I am running the WWF in 1987 as the owner (Arnold Schwarzenager) and heading into Wrestlemania 3.


Signed Ted DiBiase, and The Ultimate Warrior.


I talent traded for Brian Pillman and Chris Benoit who I jobbed to a few heel tag teams.


I plan on building up DiBiase and Warrior slowly. DiBiase will be put in feuds with midcard faces for awhile getting steady wins.


As for the Warrior I am hoping the Iron Shiek can make him humble. I may bring Sting in soon to team with Warrior for a bit. If I do they can feud with Demolition.

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I am running the WWF in 1987 as the owner (Arnold Schwarzenager) and heading into Wrestlemania 3.


Signed Ted DiBiase, and The Ultimate Warrior.


I talent traded for Brian Pillman and Chris Benoit who I jobbed to a few heel tag teams.


I plan on building up DiBiase and Warrior slowly. DiBiase will be put in feuds with midcard faces for awhile getting steady wins.


As for the Warrior I am hoping the Iron Shiek can make him humble. I may bring Sting in soon to team with Warrior for a bit. If I do they can feud with Demolition.


Money Inc. will be born with DiBiase hiring Andre the Giant, Haku, Mike Rotunda (if I hire him as IRS), and Hercules. They will feud with Hogan and his friends Ultimate Warrior, Texas Tornado, Jim Duggan, and Hillbilly Jim.

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So I'm in 2015 of my game starting as a local fed on hard. I've fired a few guys since the beginning nad hired others so now I'm running a story of determining ranks by having everyone face every one else in a series of matches lasting over six months. Really all this does is get me a chance to see all the chemistry between all of my workers in singles competition but I'm letting the road agent pick the winners. So far Cal Sanders is my top guys with 10 wins so far. The lowest is Ant-man with ten losses. Now this really sucks for Ant-Man if you push everyone as a main eventer he comes up as the top Franchise Player. He's got the look and is probably my second most skilled worker in terms of performance skills and top worker in terms of top row skills. But apparently his overness cap is 20 as I can't seem to get him over that. I've started coming in second in the regional battles between NYCW, FCW, RIPW and Myself but I don't think I'm gonna be beating FCW who spams matches with PRP in their main event. Since I hired all the workers (except Sanders and myself) when they were under 25 I don't have a single worker on times decline list, although I check the stats every year and at 35 my user character is starting to see a decline but user characters don't show on the lists.


Right now I'm raking in money hand over fist 60k a month running five medium sized shows I think I'm going to breakdown and hire a real announcer, commentator and road agent. I've had Lee Bambino from the beginning and he's hardly raised anything at all and I've been using my highest psychology worker, Stretch the Chicken Boy, as my road agent. I have Alan Gray as my referee he started at I think F+ in 2010 in 2015 he's now a B referee and has been picked up by FCW.

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Thanks to all of those who have given props to my commitment to IoP and this save.


In reality, the Island of Pain opened its doors in around 2030, after struggling to compete with a promotion in the Tri-State area. I resigned from my first 0/0/0 as the fed was losing money hand over fist to both PSW and NYCW. I felt it best to basically let someone else right the ship and hone my craft in a place that wasn't super competetive already.


Basically I decided, "I got it! Hawaii! Nobody's running there!" and opened up IoP as a concept fed. For a long time the model was borderline successful because I was the only one with any exposure there on a prolonged basis. Getting from Local to Small took very little time and we started banking profits until regional battles started. Then we went from growing to stagnating...then L-Ring opened up, also in Hawaii, and we've been trying to power our way back since.


We are running 12 shows a year..because at small, with regional battles, if you don't run monthly you can't stay small...and if I don't stay small I can't make money.


NOTBW's champion is a guy named Keith Phillips, if I recall correctly. I had him on my roster for 9 months until he decided he wanted to explore his options elsewhere.


I have to be honest with you guys though, I've almost run out of gas with this save. Even with new worker frequency set to high, regen has been off, and the talent pool is so thin...running at #45 out of #51 makes hiring a damn chore.


I'm going to turn regen on and HOPEFULLY that will help a little bit...but man. I might shelf this game again and jump back in if I'm bored or feeling nostalgic. I kind of want to start an "unemployed" C-Verse game and get a job wherever the Masked Avatar can.


I blame myself and a poor business model for staying small. I wasn't particularly concerned with growing, I was instead trying to get new talent over and make a 100% matches, workrate federation work. Now that I'm actually trying to compete I'm actually doing okay, but it's been very gradual trying to integrate people into my fed. My last few shows have been rated around 44, which believe it or not is relatively competetive with PWMAX in the regional battle. It's a far cry away from where I want to be...but its worlds better than it was this time last year.


As far as the "how did you get that far in?" questions, basically...when you're running only 1 show a month as opposed to 5 or more with some of the TV Feds, it doesn't take long at all to get through 6 months. I'd say, on average, I can book a 2-3 shows a day easily...or if I'm really bored up to 6. Hell, on Sunday's I can get through an entire year. One thing that helps is the 100% match formula I've given my fed. It may not be the most effective to get guys as over as possible, but basically I've got my shows laid out in a very formulaic fashion...


Match 1,3,5,7 intermission, 2,4,6,8. The following show I have the guys who competed in the highest rated matches compete against one another from the corresponding matches. So say, my main (match 8) was rated 49, and my first half main (match 7) was rated 42, my champion (the winner of my last main event) is booked to beat the winner of the first half main from the previous show. It's contrived, but it works for me..and it tends to keep the roster relatively balanced. It also rewards my best performers with title runs (though it has led to some ego problems...). I wouldn't necessarily recommend this model though...as the formulaic nature takes away from the enjoyment you'd get from booking angles and feuds in the traditional way.

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In my ASCW game, SWF dropped their head booker (Victoria Stone). Figuring my booking rep was a LOT higher since the last time I tested this out (it was on USPW the first time) I cloned my save, resigned from ASCW, and applied for the job.


So I now have a save in March 2016 as SWF, probably as something I'll just dig out now and then to have a go with. It's an interesting situation I've inherited, to say the least. Number 2 promotion (Behind TCW), but at Bs and B-s globally, with Jim Force as world champion and most of the upper tier of the card occupied by old men. There's some great talent in the undercard, but none of it is over enough.


Should be interesting to take a plug at... although in fairness Marc DuBois managed to pull The Force to an A* match just before I took over, so maybe it's not as hard as it looks. These old men (And Marc) sure are popular.



Edit: Remo is in time decline. Four years of it. At 33. This, this is my sadface.

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In my ASCW game, SWF dropped their head booker (Victoria Stone). Figuring my booking rep was a LOT higher since the last time I tested this out (it was on USPW the first time) I cloned my save, resigned from ASCW, and applied for the job.


So I now have a save in March 2016 as SWF, probably as something I'll just dig out now and then to have a go with. It's an interesting situation I've inherited, to say the least. Number 2 promotion (Behind TCW), but at Bs and B-s globally, with Jim Force as world champion and most of the upper tier of the card occupied by old men. There's some great talent in the undercard, but none of it is over enough.


Should be interesting to take a plug at... although in fairness Marc DuBois managed to pull The Force to an A* match just before I took over, so maybe it's not as hard as it looks. These old men (And Marc) sure are popular.


Six words: Main Event Mafia versus the Frontline.

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Edit: Remo is in time decline. Four years of it. At 33. This, this is my sadface.


And this is my sadface:






Speaking of things actually sad (>________________>), Robert Oxford is going to be retired in July of 2010. Oh well. He's going to win his first match as semi-active, then Jack Avatar will (minorly) shake his hand.


I'll probably still use him in matches, I guess, for training tag teams. *shrug*

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Not much of anything significant, but I just realized that in my Extremo Milenio Lucha Libre game (custom created promotion) El Demonio has been my Campeón del Nacional de México for two and a half years. Checking his win/loss record, I found that he's also completely undefeated since joining EMLL.


Considering that this wasn't much of a conscious effort, I'm somewhat surprised.

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Not much of anything significant, but I just realized that in my Extremo Milenio Lucha Libre game (custom created promotion) El Demonio has been my Campeón del Nacional de México for two and a half years. Checking his win/loss record, I found that he's also completely undefeated since joining EMLL.


Considering that this wasn't much of a conscious effort, I'm somewhat surprised.


In an MAW game, I had a similar situation where I was checking match records and noticed California Love Machine was 22-0 since signing with me. With a win streak like that, I began to push him a little more seriously, gave him the title for win 25, and he's still going at 31-0. Not sure how I'm gonna have him drop though.

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So I'm in 2015 of my game starting as a local fed on hard. I've fired a few guys since the beginning nad hired others so now I'm running a story of determining ranks by having everyone face every one else in a series of matches lasting over six months. Really all this does is get me a chance to see all the chemistry between all of my workers in singles competition but I'm letting the road agent pick the winners. So far Cal Sanders is my top guys with 10 wins so far. The lowest is Ant-man with ten losses. Now this really sucks for Ant-Man if you push everyone as a main eventer he comes up as the top Franchise Player. He's got the look and is probably my second most skilled worker in terms of performance skills and top worker in terms of top row skills. But apparently his overness cap is 20 as I can't seem to get him over that. I've started coming in second in the regional battles between NYCW, FCW, RIPW and Myself but I don't think I'm gonna be beating FCW who spams matches with PRP in their main event. Since I hired all the workers (except Sanders and myself) when they were under 25 I don't have a single worker on times decline list, although I check the stats every year and at 35 my user character is starting to see a decline but user characters don't show on the lists.


Right now I'm raking in money hand over fist 60k a month running five medium sized shows I think I'm going to breakdown and hire a real announcer, commentator and road agent. I've had Lee Bambino from the beginning and he's hardly raised anything at all and I've been using my highest psychology worker, Stretch the Chicken Boy, as my road agent. I have Alan Gray as my referee he started at I think F+ in 2010 in 2015 he's now a B referee and has been picked up by FCW.


I love this idea of cycling through the roster.



I blame myself and a poor business model for staying small. I wasn't particularly concerned with growing, I was instead trying to get new talent over and make a 100% matches, workrate federation work. Now that I'm actually trying to compete I'm actually doing okay, but it's been very gradual trying to integrate people into my fed. My last few shows have been rated around 44, which believe it or not is relatively competetive with PWMAX in the regional battle. It's a far cry away from where I want to be...but its worlds better than it was this time last year.


It's funny, I was going through old saves today, and I found a game where I was running a company called Pro Wrestling Unlimited......out of Hawaii. and it was 100% matches. :p


I like your idea of formulaic booking... if you're in a rush to get to cult and you're starting 0/0/0, you sort of have to be formulaic to some degree especially when you have booking conflicts... otherwise it can get so damn boring!

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... I thought I was running a pop based promotion. Turns out I messed up the product and was running an equally based promotion... Im starting the third month... I fixed the problem in the editor as I dont feel I should be penalized for editing in game for a simple mistake like that....



I wish I had noticed that before I fired 9 members of my roster... maybe popularity would have moved around differently if I had the right product. Oh well.



The Big Problem is currently the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, and thus far is undefeated. He is currently feuding against random roster members for the most part (after coming off a win against Greg "Rayne Man" Reigns) recently he set his eyes upon one half of the inaugural NWA Tag Team Champions, Findlay O'Farraday.


Findlay & his tag team partner Ernie Turner have been in a feud with The Tormentors, Doug Peak and Jesus Chavez.


Jayson Van Pelt and White Angel are currently feuding. Things got personal when White Angel brought out the numbers game, and coerced JVP to face him and a mystery partner in a handicap match... JVP ended up losing to White Angel and Leper Messiah but was saved by Fearless Blue from a post match attack. Every time JVP and FB seem to get the upper hand... White Angel proves to be 3 steps ahead, beating them with the numbers game again, now with the help of his new bodyguard Richie Riggins.



Oh and Greg Gauge is feuding with Matt Keith now. After Keith won his debut match against Steven Parker Greg Gauge locked him in a crossface and tried to break his neck. The hold was only let go after several roster members had to seperate the two



My roaster is bloated so within a few months my entire roster of "main workers" can possibly change. Oh and Justin Sensitive had his spine partially seperated at the other company he works for so I dont get to use him for a year.

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Island of Pain 0/0/0/0 - Hawaii (Small: 13% Importance)

Current Date - February 2045


Alright, well, when I last updated you we had just changed our talent recruitment strategy, and holy crap.


I've noticed a huge change in our show ratings, the lows are now in the low 40's, the highs have been near and at 50. My two superstars right now are Underworld and Alan Berry, though our new champion is a Dutch male named Dirck Van Der something. (I know, I'm terrible...but I don't have the game in front of me, and he's probably not in your game anyway since he was a random gen)


Berry & Underworld had a couple of 54 rated matches, which are among the highest in the history of my company...but after a string of excellent matches for Dirck and one supbar defense from Underworld, I decided it was time to switch it up.


The only problem I've been running into lately is money, and I've mostly fixed my biggest contributor to that. I got stuck in a bidding war with PWMAX on a guy, who I do ultimately intend to push to the freaking moon, but at 2k per month. Thankfully his contract came up for renewal and I'm getting a nice 1.5k discount now.


I think the place I need to trim the fat now is staff. I have a 3 man announce team, 2 refs, and 2 road agents. I can easily cut one of my two color guys and one of road agents, but I can't really see cutting a ref. (i know logically it's ok...but having reffed a fair share of indy shows, I hate to see people ref an entire show by themself, much less EVERY show)


Basically, I need to find a way to cut like 4k per month...so I've really only got about 2.5k to go. Getting rid of a couple of staffers brings me closer to 1.5...and then I MIGHT be able to start turning profits agin...but I've got enough of a cushion to where I'm not losing enough per month to be too concerned.


I'm doing ok otherwise though, coming in 2nd or 3rd out of 4 almost every time in regional battles against both PWMAX and L-Ring. I'm consistently maintaining popularity and importance and am at the point where I know if I stay on pace we'll be able to hit popularity goals and hopefully even enter a golden period. The economy and market are both rising, so if both stay strong for a little while that should help me increase my popularity, and at this rate I shouldn't have trouble keeping it up.


The thing I'm happiest about right now is my workers' overness. Underworld hit a high of 37 before losing the belt. All of my top guys are performing well and improving their popularity every at least every 3 months. I think it's safe to say I made the right moves when changing my business model to stay competetive. I just hope the 65k in the bank holds out until we can start regularly running in the black every month again.

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With everyone on PPA, you can re-negotiate whenever you want.


You could also consider making your product more sponsor-friendly. Lucha Libre does nothing to change the pop/performance slider, so it's a nice thing to add.


I'm a baby steps sort of guy...so I'd rather just work out the kinks over time. When guys contracts come up I'll just let them go rather than shuffling through. Besides that, once my popularity improves enough it will more than cover the losses. I'm only looking to cut $5k because that's the maximum I'm losing. Some months it's $5k, others its only $900. I just don't want to run out of cash before I start making it back. I can live with losses here and there, just not EVERY month like clockwork.


A lot of my staffers are getting up in age anyway. I could realistically just release the ones who are working elsewhere and keep the others on board. My head ref is nearing retirement, so I'll probably pick up a cheap replacement. It's nothing I need to act on immediately or in a drastic fashion.

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Feeling much love for Travis Century. I recently brought him into USPW to act as the main mouth piece for my Black Nation stable (Steve Frehley, Remo, R.K. Hayes, and Kat Jemson.) His charisma and mic skills had spiked nicely during his short run with SWF, and I needed someone to act as the voice of Black Nation to offset the image of Frehley and Remo as "strong, silent badasses."


Thing is...the more I used him, the more I got ideas. His image, his gimmick...they inspired me to work more with him. He became a Prophet of Doom, starting to lead Black Nation away from their "oppressed minority" concept and into a more misanthropic mindset. They began to see that the whole world was evil, not just those in power, and began a quest of destroying everything.


Black Nation is now the #2 stable in USPW (behind Sam Strong's Gentlemen's Club.) Remo and Hayes are set to take on BigForce for the Tag Team titles at the next PPV, and Frehley will shortly be challenging Damon Oro (the former Enygma) for the World Title.

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I love this idea of cycling through the roster.


Thanks. When I start a hard level or 0/0/0/0 fed I always run the first two years as chemistry shows. I hire sixteen workers (all F- in the US all under 25) and they each get to have a tag team with every other person on the roster for the 4 shows I run in year one. And then Year two I give everyone a chance at singles competition facing each other worker on the 6 shows I run. So by year three I know all the positive and negative chemistry and I let the road agents choose winners so I get a view of who will move up the roster faster (and when you let the road agent choose no one gets mad for losing)


And to follow up on a statement I've made over and over. Hire Sara Silver. I brought in Silver and Steve Smith and left Bambino as the third announcer and Silver has positive chemistry with both of them. She has had positive chemistry with every announcer I've but her with in every game I've ever played. I love Sara Silver.

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Thanks. When I start a hard level or 0/0/0/0 fed I always run the first two years as chemistry shows. I hire sixteen workers (all F- in the US all under 25) and they each get to have a tag team with every other person on the roster for the 4 shows I run in year one. And then Year two I give everyone a chance at singles competition facing each other worker on the 6 shows I run. So by year three I know all the positive and negative chemistry and I let the road agents choose winners so I get a view of who will move up the roster faster (and when you let the road agent choose no one gets mad for losing)


And to follow up on a statement I've made over and over. Hire Sara Silver. I brought in Silver and Steve Smith and left Bambino as the third announcer and Silver has positive chemistry with both of them. She has had positive chemistry with every announcer I've but her with in every game I've ever played. I love Sara Silver.


Interesting! do you bother with titles?


I'm doing a 0/0/0 game but i kept the starting cash and my product is mainstream, modern, and lucha, so I'm getting plenty of sponsor cash. (i'm too impatient for a slow torturing game.) Also it's in the 1987 golden age mod. I signed foley, taker, sting, benoit, guerrero, and pillman, and i'm just rotating them.. to some degree it's almost more difficult to play a real world mod when you're so influenced by the memory of what happened IRL in 1987-2011. I'm not ready to sign more workers yet, but i noticed you said you run 4 shows each year, that's a good idea.

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First show of my 0/0/0/0 Fed. Everyone I hired was between 1-10% pop in South East US and unemployed. Opening match was a deathmatch, Maximum Metal is Jack Avatar under a Metalhead gimmick.


Aaand we're in the hole at month's end and there's no way we can make enough money to cover our costs. Well, this will be fun while it lasts.




Someone accidentally started a 0/0/0/-$5,000 game :p


Nope. Started at 0. It IS a 100% Intensity and Danger promotion with Hardcore and Risque as key features. So they probably thought we were going to be XDW mk II.


And in their defense, Xavier Reckless is on our roster...

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Interesting! do you bother with titles?


I'm doing a 0/0/0 game but i kept the starting cash and my product is mainstream, modern, and lucha, so I'm getting plenty of sponsor cash. (i'm too impatient for a slow torturing game.) Also it's in the 1987 golden age mod. I signed foley, taker, sting, benoit, guerrero, and pillman, and i'm just rotating them.. to some degree it's almost more difficult to play a real world mod when you're so influenced by the memory of what happened IRL in 1987-2011. I'm not ready to sign more workers yet, but i noticed you said you run 4 shows each year, that's a good idea.


Not until year three. I justify the shows as giving me the rankings of who are the top tier guys by most wins in singles competition. Then I can start getting to titles.

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