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WCW World War 3 was a complete success. I decided against having a 60-Man Battle Royal due to the low ratings produced by most battle royals.


A pair of debuts, and a pair of title changes.


Edit: Okay, WW3 results attached to the bottom, but I want to quickly post this before I go to bed (5 AM here). I've noticed that my ME and UMC is heel-heavy. Like, really heel-heavy. What's worse is that all of my champions are heel, so I need some face challengers. The problem is, I'm not sure who I should/want to turn face. Any suggestions would be appreciated!


ME Faces:




ME Heels:




UMC Faces:




UMC Heels:




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I was going to say Owen/Austin/Michaels... but the latter two are seemingly locked in for heel runs in the near future.


Owen and Regal would be my suggestions. Regal could be approached to ally with the other heel champions, refuse and get beaten down - cue save from Sting/Steiners.


Owen is just a guy I have trouble seeing as a heel, for all that he was really good at it.


Mankind is the other possibility, playing off his role as Vince's lackey in 1998 (or Eugene and HHH/Evolution in 2003 or so) he could be taken in by the nWo as their fall guy, taking huge amounts of abuse to prove himself before getting dumped on... cue Cactus Jack!


Jericho could also turn as the young-guy-held-back/too-cool-for-nWo figure.

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As you said, Austin and Michaels are set as heels for a while, as they have only been in WCW for 2 months. Owen is one of the founding members of the nWo (Hall, then Nash, the Hart) so I'd rather not turn him. He's locked in a really good feud with Misterio right now, anyway.


I'd rather keep Mankind as the demented schizophrenic working with Sullivan and The Giant. I always loved his work and character from 1996.


Chris Jericho just turned heel (literally) two shows ago, joining the Four Horsemen, with Arn Anderson stepping aside (taking a managerial role). Obviously, that can't happen now.


The three that I was thinking about were Regal, Raven, and Bam Bam Bigelow.


Regal is the only champion I can even consider turning (the other three are Horsemen) and I don't want to take the belt off of him right now. With the proper gimmick, I think he'd be a fine face, regardless of his 95/60 heel/face rating. His popularity sits at 99/92/92/91 in USA/Canada/Mexico/Japan.


Raven is incredibly over (100/94/92/86) and can very easily feud with Malenko over the World Heavyweight Championship. At least his ratings are 100/79 heel/face.


Bam Bam Bigelow (93/90/89/90) is, I think, the perfect candidate. Being a member of the Dungeon of Doom, he has a ready-made storyline with The Giant (100/95/96/98). Plus, and by far most important, his performance skills are high enough (76/69) that they would rub off on The Giant, who still only has 63 psychology and 54 selling.


I'm also seriously considering turning The Amazing French Canadians. They have proven to be very reliable in the ring, and very easy to get over (Rougeau is at 91 US, Oulette is at 89; they were at 100 and 94). That would give me at least three main tag teams on each side:


The Four Horsemen (Brian Pillman and Chris Benoit)

Mitsuharu Misawa and Kenta Kobashi

The nWo (Steve Austin and Paul Levesque)

The Outsiders (Hall and Nash)


Los Mexicanos (Eddy Guerrero and Konnan)

The Amazing French-Canadians

The Steiner Brothers


That would help balance out my tag team division, although I still have:


Mankind/The Giant (Heel)

Mankind/Sullivan (Heel)

High Voltage (Heel)

Fire & Ice (Face)

The Fantastics (Face)

The Rock 'n' Roll Express (Face)


Plus, I'm planning on signing both Toshiaki Kawada and Jushin Thunder Liger (heels) in the coming days, and they will also be pushed pretty far.


I think I'm going to need a brand split. :p

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NWA 2006 revivial, now February 2007.


The NWA is booming, and we're steadaly becoming the Nr.1 Independent wrestling company in the US today, owning the Tri-state area.


Economicly wise we're boming, as the local tri-state TV deal is actuly EARNING us money, witch suprised me. with tv 4 times a month, with a supershow, we're earning about 30k a month. We just reached a 100k, and still rocketering.


Roaster is finaly tuned down to what i need and what the NWA needs, we're missing some old talent to teach the new guys, and we're low on managers and tag teams. we might be THE most international represented company in the world today, with wrestlers from all over the world.


i have alot of personal goals within 2007, and here are some of them:

-Expand into New England Terretory

-National TV deal within 2008

-Pay Per View Deal

-More vetarans to train young lions

-NWA World Cup

-NWA Dojo to secure future endeviurs

-NWA TV-taping Arena.


My Top stars and favorites:


Davey Richards:

Was going to be THE man in NWA, winning the title in the tournement to crown a new champ. He went on to have a 6 month reign, with likewise many deffences. This was back in the monthly shows, and he became big. Lack of pcycologi keept him from keeping the belt to long, as Long time rival Jimmy Rave took it from him. Davey is now focused along with new girlfriend Amy Lee, and gathered along Eddie Edwards as the Kings Crew along with Karl Anderson. They are fueding with "Mike And Tom" of Mike Quackenbush and Tom Carter, the NWA Tag Team champions. Davey has also been in a long time rivalry with KENTA, winning their best of 3 match series. Davey is going into training as a tag team, but is always a threat to any champion.


Jimmy Rave:

Jimmy Rave was breed to be a Heel, from night one, his heelish tactics gave him booes from all over the tri-state terretory. He went on to the semi-finals in the tournement but was knocked back by his rival Davey Richards. Jimmy defeated Davey for the championship with Davey needing training, what came to be, was that Jimmy was no better, so his reign was short, he lost the belt to Chris Hero, who he is chaising to this day.



Sheamus was brought in to have some international taste, straight from the Irish Whip Wrestling promotion, he was a undercard wrestler for the NWA's first shows. He jobed to Nigel MCguinness that proved to be one of the companies best matches. After losing to Nigel in a singles match, they wrestled to a 30 minute draw, a first in NWA. Sheamus held strong for another 30 minute draw. That lead into a No-DQ match between them, again becoming the best match in NWA. Nigel and Sheamus wrestled in a Cage match, were SHeamus lost, but to this day, its the 4th best match in company history. I became high on sheamus, and he jumped up and down the card, not winning big matches, but not loosing eather. Sheamus came to a highpoint as he defeated John Walters, Tyler Black and Kofi KIngston to win the NWA Television championship. he is a weekly addition on the NWA showcase TV show, and is soon to challange for the world title at "Champions Challange". The March supershow.


Chris Hero & The Entourage:

Chris Hero, along with Larry Sweeny & Maryse came into the NWA at "NWA NY: Exodus". He defeated Eddie Kingston in his debute. He went a short road to championship contention, as he defeated stars as: Airik Cannon, Eddie Kingston, Super Dragon and others. His only road bump was KENTA defeating him at "Starcade'06". He won a four way to determine the NR.1 contendership, against Davey Richards, Micheal Elgin & John Walters. After defeating Jimmy Rave at "Desember Decay" he has just started his reign, giving the best matches in the company. He just defeated Nigel McGuinness and united with his long time friend Cloudio Castignolie. He is now fueding with Eddie Kingston and his cronies (Ruckus, All Money is Legal, Slyc Wagner Brown) building towards their match at "Vengance: When Hero meet Kingston".

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NWA 2006 revivial, now February 2007.


The NWA is booming, and we're steadaly becoming the Nr.1 Independent wrestling company in the US today, owning the Tri-state area.


Economicly wise we're boming, as the local tri-state TV deal is actuly EARNING us money, witch suprised me. with tv 4 times a month, with a supershow, we're earning about 30k a month. We just reached a 100k, and still rocketering.


Roaster is finaly tuned down to what i need and what the NWA needs, we're missing some old talent to teach the new guys, and we're low on managers and tag teams. we might be THE most international represented company in the world today, with wrestlers from all over the world.


i have alot of personal goals within 2007, and here are some of them:

-Expand into New England Terretory

-National TV deal within 2008

-Pay Per View Deal

-More vetarans to train young lions

-NWA World Cup

-NWA Dojo to secure future endeviurs

-NWA TV-taping Arena.


My Top stars and favorites:


Davey Richards:

Was going to be THE man in NWA, winning the title in the tournement to crown a new champ. He went on to have a 6 month reign, with likewise many deffences. This was back in the monthly shows, and he became big. Lack of pcycologi keept him from keeping the belt to long, as Long time rival Jimmy Rave took it from him. Davey is now focused along with new girlfriend Amy Lee, and gathered along Eddie Edwards as the Kings Crew along with Karl Anderson. They are fueding with "Mike And Tom" of Mike Quackenbush and Tom Carter, the NWA Tag Team champions. Davey has also been in a long time rivalry with KENTA, winning their best of 3 match series. Davey is going into training as a tag team, but is always a threat to any champion.


Jimmy Rave:

Jimmy Rave was breed to be a Heel, from night one, his heelish tactics gave him booes from all over the tri-state terretory. He went on to the semi-finals in the tournement but was knocked back by his rival Davey Richards. Jimmy defeated Davey for the championship with Davey needing training, what came to be, was that Jimmy was no better, so his reign was short, he lost the belt to Chris Hero, who he is chaising to this day.



Sheamus was brought in to have some international taste, straight from the Irish Whip Wrestling promotion, he was a undercard wrestler for the NWA's first shows. He jobed to Nigel MCguinness that proved to be one of the companies best matches. After losing to Nigel in a singles match, they wrestled to a 30 minute draw, a first in NWA. Sheamus held strong for another 30 minute draw. That lead into a No-DQ match between them, again becoming the best match in NWA. Nigel and Sheamus wrestled in a Cage match, were SHeamus lost, but to this day, its the 4th best match in company history. I became high on sheamus, and he jumped up and down the card, not winning big matches, but not loosing eather. Sheamus came to a highpoint as he defeated John Walters, Tyler Black and Kofi KIngston to win the NWA Television championship. he is a weekly addition on the NWA showcase TV show, and is soon to challange for the world title at "Champions Challange". The March supershow.


Chris Hero & The Entourage:

Chris Hero, along with Larry Sweeny & Maryse came into the NWA at "NWA NY: Exodus". He defeated Eddie Kingston in his debute. He went a short road to championship contention, as he defeated stars as: Airik Cannon, Eddie Kingston, Super Dragon and others. His only road bump was KENTA defeating him at "Starcade'06". He won a four way to determine the NR.1 contendership, against Davey Richards, Micheal Elgin & John Walters. After defeating Jimmy Rave at "Desember Decay" he has just started his reign, giving the best matches in the company. He just defeated Nigel McGuinness and united with his long time friend Cloudio Castignolie. He is now fueding with Eddie Kingston and his cronies (Ruckus, All Money is Legal, Slyc Wagner Brown) building towards their match at "Vengance: When Hero meet Kingston".


This sounds like a really fun game! I'd love for the NWA to become one of the top running promotions in America again.

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This sounds like a really fun game! I'd love for the NWA to become one of the top running promotions in America again.


Number one might be a long way, but its our goal!..


One of my problems is TNA, who is signing talent left and right, not exclusive deals, but some day, they might become exclusive deals.

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So I'm starting a side local to global game, workrate based Super Junior promotion based in Florida. I hire a roster of wrestlers all under 25.


As in all my 0/0/0/0 games, I leave the owner blank. So who do I get as an owner?


41 year old Larry Wood. Sorry boss, you're going to be a gatekeeper.

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OK let me get this straight: The Stomper decides to work for NYCW and SWF as well as PSW. So with some hard work and making Black Hat Bailey and Whistler carry the promotion to Regional, I figure it's time to make some non aggression packs. TCW,SWF, NOTBW even ACPW blocked by Stomper. We don't do non aggression, we kill them dead. Sure, why not. Lets start a working agreement,then. TCW, SWF. CZCW, can i get FCW at least? No Stomper says if you be wrestling for any one else, you gonna get crushed.


No MR STOMPER, you tool, we gonna get poached and get stuck with Land Mass main eventing with Animal Harker in 30 min matches to a crowd of 5 that wants their money back.


What a jerk.

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To be completely fair non-aggression pacts with far larger companies aren't exactly realistic in the first place. I mean yes, it's possible within the game mechanics, but I don't particularly condone it in terms of a 'spirit of play'. Not to say that you're playing the game in the 'wrong' way or anything, though, just my preferences. Honestly losing guys is part and parcel of running a promotion which can't nail people down to writtens - some of the talent that's come and gone through my current 0/0/0/0 promotion is ridiculous, including but not limited to:


Ernest Youngman

Darryl Devine

Steve DeColt (at regional!)

Zimmy Bumfhole

Matt Keith (twice)

Greg Gauge

Davis Wayne Newton

Buddy Garner

Alicia Strong

Frankie Perez (post a NOTBPW written)

Remmy Skye (post a SWF written)


It just happens. What I find fun about this size is rebooking on the fly.


Edit: That said, Stomps is clearly just plain mercenary. xP

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True, while i shouldn't be able to get TCW or SWF to go non-aggression with me, i figured that Stomper was popular enough that he could swing it. (in the C-verse as they love old guys like Rip Chord) :)


I have been on a bit of a hiring spree after i hit regional. I made a mistake of trying to get Jack Griffiths too earlier and now he's upset with me as i couldn't afford to pay him what he wanted when i started. I will bring him in later, i hope.


I do like raiding MAW. After James Casey made me love it from his MAW diary, i had to dip in and try to sign a few of those guys. Mean Jean and Bulldozer. We'll see about using them against each other. I did hire Ekuma and he's gotten a monster push. I wrote a small Monster push storyline and he just walked through most of the openers, up to the midcard. He's on track to take the belt from Sammy the Shark as Roger took the cash and head out.


Land Mass is close to retiring. He's the most untalented guy on my roster and Ekuma has Monster squashed him over and over. It's been brutal and complete unfair. Thus is life in the NYCW.


I hired Hugh De Aske, he's gone for the dark side of his Pirate gimmick, working with Black Hat Bailey. They tag and do 3 vs 3 matches. Black Hat started a stable with Animal Harker and Rick Sanders. I need to move Huge into that. Yes, Animal is in there, he's fodder and Black Hat likes to throw him against the Faces.


Black Hat lost the Empire Title to Whistler a few weeks ago. Whistler has been on a roll, fighting off Rick Sanders, Black Hat as well as Hugh. I've got Whistler tagging with Steve Flash and Sammy the Shark. Those matches have been the basis for getting to Regional.


I find that if you offer to feed the workers at events, they really start to like working for the company. Sadly it's costing me a ton with Ekuma and Land Mass eating everything but the table the food sits on. Worth it as the back stage is running at 92% or so.


I only have Chemistry with Hughe and Diamond. Hugh is a midcarder and Diamond is an opener. Might as well use it to open the shows.


Fun so far, but i think i'll put it on hold in a few months of game time, start of an AAA game to do something different. That or go all ZEN!

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To update my long post from yesterday, I turned Regal and Raven face, and am heading towards Starrcade planning a WCW vs. nWo Best-of-5 series. Not sure on all of the matches yet, but it's going to be HUGE haha.


Also, I now have 28 active wrestlers with 90+ momentum. It will be 29 when I debut Toshiaki Kawada.





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Man, I feel guilty when I play as WCW for stealing one or two unrealistic workers. Your worker screen has eased my guilt for life! I've occasionally used Kenta Kobashi in the states on PPA deals, but wow, using all the top stars...Dream Fed.


One thing I always struggle with is the reality that American fans at the level of a WCW or WWF have usually been pretty discriminatory against Japanese workers. It's made it hard for me when I want to bring in multiple Japanese guys. I keep telling myself how unlikely it would be in real life for American fans to care about Kawada or Misawa enough to use them. Then I get frustrated because I limit myself from using guys I really want to, get mad and shut my game off!


Edit: What year is your game in? Bobby Fulton? lol

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I'm a huge fan of '90s AJPW, especially Misawa and Kobashi (my two all-time favorites), so I wanted them badly haha. Then, I thought of a stable with them, Kawada, Muta, and Liger. Unfortunately, Muta got $175,000 from New Japan, and Liger is the head booker.


I'm in December 1996 using BurningHamster's mod, starting in January '96. The Fantastics are nothing more than a tag team I can job. Not sure why his momentum is so high though.


As for all of the WWF workers, half of them shocked me when I got emails saying their contracts were up. With Savage, Flair, Hogan, DDP, Booker, The Road Warriors, etc., all gone, I needed to replace them. Plus, there's that nWo thing.

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Champions Challange was just in the books, and was a very succsesfull show for the NWA. The show grossed 2600 people in the jampacked Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC. The main Event was going to be NWA Television Champion “The Irish Curse” Sheamus gunning for the world heavyweight championship against Chris Hero.



(DARK): The Young Bucks defeated Josh Prohobition & Slyc Wagner Brown in 5:02 with More Bang for Your Buck.

(DARK): T.J Perkins defeated PAC in 9:30 with a superkick.

Main Show:

Jimmy Rave defeated Ruckus in 17:28 with a Ghanaria.

-Jimmy Rave is arguably THE most hated man in the NWA, but Ruckus, along with BlkOut comrades Eddie Kingston, Joker, K-pusha & K-murda is threatening the NWA in itself. Jimmy is now fighting FOR the NWA, what he feels is HIS house.


Kevin Steen defeated Tyler Black in 13:24 with a Package Piledriver.

-Steen just debuted on NWA Showcase last week, and is still in trial. He defeated NWA longtimer Tyler Black in short time. This match was a last minute addition. Keep on the lookout after this man.


Stampede Bulldogs(TJ Wilson & Harry Smith) defeated The Ugly People(Frankie The Mobster & DJ Hyde) with a Stampede Hammer in 15:34.

-This was a Do or Die match for both teams, The ugly people got relased from their services. Stampede Bulldogs looks to challenge whoever wins the Tag team championship match later.


Super Dragon defeated John Walters with a curb stomp in 19:34.

-John Walters came out, wanting to challenge Chris hero, because he was the hardest hitting man in the NWA. No-one said anything, but Super Dragon let his wrestling speak for him in this impromptu match.


Cloudio Castignolie defeted Michel Elgin in 14:23 with a horse collar.

-Cloudio is the working man in Chris Hero’s Enrourage, softening up Hero’s next challenger at “Young Blood” next month. Elgin vs Hero/Sheamus is set.

K-Pusha & K-Murda defeated Richochet & Shawn Spears with a “Drive by!” in 7 minutes flat.

-East Coast wrecking Crew is back on track, defeating the high-flying dua og Richochet & Shawn Spears. They look to capture their what they think is their belts.


Joker & Eddie Kingston defeated The House(James Keenan & Jon Moxley) with a Joker driver at 21 minutes.

-Joker & Eddie Kignston are the leaders of BlkOut, and look to make the NWA their own personal playground. They layed out a challenge 3 weeks ago, and the House answered. A close fight, as Ruckus distraction proved to be enough to give Joker the win.


Airik Cannon defeated Karl Anderson & Noruega in a three-way with a total anarchy at 13:02.

-This was gonna be a four corner survival with Tyler Black, but got reschedualed with the Steen signing. Just a ordinary match. Airik cannon is now nr.1 contender to Television championship.


Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards(Kings Crew) defeated Mike Quackenbush & Tom carter at 25:02 with 2 falls to 1 to win the NWA World Tag Team Championships.

-After 2 draws the last 2 months NWA settled this in a two out of three falls match. Davey is former world champion, and is now looking to be succsessfull in the tag league with Eddie Edwards. Eddie is a newcomer at 19 years old, but with 3 tours of japan already, he is worthy for the titles.


Nigel Mcguinness defeated Doug Williams in 21:03 with a Rebound Lariot.

-Nigel has proven himself, even with his loss against Hero two months ago. Nothing is gonna get in his way to get another shot at the NWA belt, Doug Williams, our new debute says otherwise. Nigel took down Doug in a british standoff.


Chris Hero defeated “The Irish Curse” Sheamus ended at 25:35 when hero hit a Rubix Cube to retain the NWA World Heavyweight championship.

-The Main Event. Sheamus, the Television champion vs the NWA World champion Chris Hero. Sheamus have been on fire for a while, and both in theme of the show, and his victories, this had to be settled. Sheamus proved himself in defeat, kicking out of the Hero’s Welcome.

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In APWF, a Sickle and Hammer masked terror has been brutalizing everything in sight... everyone suspects the obvious, that "Polish Hammer" Bill Popinowski's recent let-downs from his so called "capitalist mentors" has returned to the communist path that brought him is original success in APWF. Luis Montero has challenged the "giant, near 400lb Soviet monster who because of the mask could clearly still be anyone!" to a match at the Steel City Supercard, which the mysterious monster has accepted. Will Luis Montero defeat and unmask the Soviet titan? Will the answer everyone already knows be the truth?


Or is a red dawn rising with the morning of APWF's biggest event of the year? :cool: Oh yeah, I'm excited. APWF is always fun to play, but even buying out AAFW and getting Dick the Devastator hasn't excited me this much. I've waited nearly five years for this moment, and it shan't be wasted.



Otherwise, the Steel City Supercard of 1981 is shaping up to be one hell of a show:



Farmer Fran vs. Nemesis©: APWF Tri-State title

The former champ, Fran, looks finally put the lone wolf upstart Nemesis in his place. Nemesis streak of victories has been accompanied by a comparable streak of brutality, but now he'll face Fran on his own terms for a rematch for the Tri-State championship!




"The Masked Soviet Monster" vs. Luis Montero

Yeah, read everything above "Farmer Fran". :p




Marcus McKing vs. ???

Marcus McKing has spent the month after The King of Wrestling tournament (of which he was a runner up) trying to find an opponent "worthy of sharing a ring with His Grace". So far, no one has been up to par in his eyes, and his challenge for a worthy competitor remains open. Who will give McKing the match his royal blood deserves?




The Masters of Wrestling (The Minnesota Mauler & Terry Carmen) vs. International Invasion (Sheik Mustafa & The Irish Republic Avenger)©: APWF Tag Team titles

No one can deny the ability of the International Wrestling League's current prized asset, the duo of Mustafa and I.R.A. The duo have turned away all comers so far with cunning, talent, and liberal recognition of the rules. Now, however, they face The Masters of Wrestling: the super old school duo hailed as one of the greatest teams to ever grace an APWF ring.




Terry Lambert vs. Chief Two Eagles: Cage Match

Few rivalries have lasted as long, or as storied, in APWF history as that of Chief Two Eagles and APWF's own prodigal son, Terry Lambert. Two Eagles very first match came as a shock challenger for what was then Terry Lambert's APWF championship back in 1978, and the following three years have invariably seen the two constantly serving as a thorn in the side of the other. Yet again these two living legends of wrestling will collide... this time, in a cage match. Will victory here finally give closure to the war that many feel is responsible for APWF's meteoric rise to the #2 (and soon #1) promotion in America?




Burt Selleck vs. The Brooklyn Punk©: APWF Heavyweight title match

Burt Selleck, another long serving foil of Terry Lambert's, and the rest of the The Crew's (including The Brooklyn Punk) schemes, was victorious in the 1981 King of Wrestling tournament. Not only does it put his name in the record books for coming out above the best APWF has to offer, but in doing so he's earned himself an APWF Heavyweight title shot against The Brooklyn Punk. The Punk, however, (who abstained from participating in the KoW tournament, which had he won would've allowed him to choose his opponent at the Steel City Supercard... at the price of winning the physically demanding tournament) is not to be underestimated. While not the biggest or strongest, or even most technically sound worker in APWF, The Brooklyn Punk did not become APWF champion by chance. Crafty and cunning, the streetwise Punk has lied, cheated, and manipulated past the likes of Chief Two Eagles and Dick The Devastastor among others. The question is, does he have anymore tricks up his sleeve to avoid "bowing to the "stache", or is Selleck ready to make his mustache only his second best tool for getting ladies behind a big, gold belt?



Plus more matches depending on if I have time to fill!

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Well, one of my personal rules in my current 0/0/0/0 is that I have to get rid of guys with PPAs elsewhere.


First person to have that rule apply to him? Hugh de Aske. FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU.





Me: So, Super Sonic, how does 100 an appearance sound?

Sonic: WHAT? I'm a backyard SUPERSTAR! I want more money! And a cut of merchandise! And travel expenses paid for!

Me: How about just 150?

Sonic: Throw in a Long John Silver's coupon and you've got yourself a deal.

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2 years into my FCW game and here's what's going on.


Main title scene:

Puerto Rican Power is the face and Puerto Rican champion, having won the belt at the end of 2011 from Bradford Peverell in a 3 way (the storyline going in was that PRP couldn't beat Peverell one on one and it was going to be a one on one rematch until Jameson won his way into the match only to cost Peverell the title).


Naturally Peverell wasn't too pleased with Jameson and started a feud whilst he was also trying to win the title. The two were locked in a blood feud until Leper Messiah, playing the role of troublemaker screwing with people's heads, convinced them they should be going after Power rather than each other, leading to a Jameson turn and Power now having to fight off a united Peverell and Jameson.


People's Championship

Mikey James is the champion, having won the title from Insane Machine after several attempts. James is playing the role of anti-lurchas, teaming up with Sammy the Shark to chastise all those who wear masks for stealing the spotlight from the serious and talented athletes like themselves. Machine is trying to get his title back whilst James and Shark continue running rough house over the lurchadores.


Tag Team

The new team of The Jackels (Fox Mask and The Masked Cougar) debuted and won the titles. Natural Storm were the resident tag team champs and jackasses and have since been doing everything they can to win the belts back.


Other happenings

The Guru has been hired by Power to scout for new talent to help FCW expand. His first signing was the new free agent Robbie Retro (after PRP blocked me from signing the also released DuBois at the same wage he then allowed me to sign Retro at!). Retro debuted as a heel big shot, hitting on FCW's star in ring announcer Hannah Potter leading to a feud with Handsome Stranger.


Freedom's Fury Card:

Puerto Rican Power © vs. Bradford Peverell w/ Kirk Jameson for Puerto Rican Title

The Jackels vs. Natural Storm for tag titles

Extraordinaro Jr vs. Mikey James for People's Title

The Marshalls (Marshall Dillon + Bradley Blaze) vs. Men of Steel (Chavez + Steel)

Robbie Retro vs. Insane Machine


The future is likely to see 2/3 new stables as the lurchadores (including the tag champs) band together to fight off James, Shark & Storm. Planning to switch the feud away from the titles focus to being about the Lurchas masks with James trying to unmask them during matches making him the ultra heel.


Expect to see a stable of Messiah, Jameson and Peverell emerging which would be something considering both Jameson and Peverell were locked in long running blood feuds with Messiah prior to turning heel (with PRP's perceived lack of support and assistance in dealing with Messiah a big part in both heel turns).

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In my AAA game, Suzue Katayama decided to retire. She's one of my really good workers, having great matches with J-Ro and the Quine sisters. So i decided that Suzue deserved a title run till she fully retires. She's been putting on great matches in defense of the title after she beat Sue Brazzle for it.


I have regeneration on, so i'm hoping that i get a good worker after she retires, i'll be looking and i'll be ready to hit the editor if i don't get her!

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Promotion: World Wrestling Federation

Mod: Hive's 1995 War Of The Worlds

Currently: January 1999


Main Event Scene

The main event scene in the WWF has been dead for awhile, following a huge raid by WCW, robbing talent such as The Undertaker, Road Warrior Hawk, Jake Roberts, The Ultimate Warrior, Ted DiBiase, Sid Vicious and Curt Hennig, over a period of time. Hennig was on the verge of getting a huge push, as was The Ultimate Warrior (He received an 'A' for a gimmick that appearantly didn't fit him and I went with it :D). Hawk had been playing a major part in the tag team scene with Animal. Undertaker was the #1 Babyface in the company. Vince McMahon would not allow me to match any of the offers made by WCW, so I watched as all my hard work left for WCW. :( Who remains? Randy Savage, that's who. He is the current 9x WWF Heavyweight champion (Dropped the belt to Austin at Wrestlemania, only to regain it, months later), with the belt being put on him constantly following the departure of The Warrior, The Undertaker and Sid Vicious, all who were champions before leaving. Just to compete with WCW, There has had to be numerous repetitive main event bookings, most noticeably, Steve Austin vs Randy Savage, with Roddy Piper and Goldust often being thrown in the mix. With Austin being the only top tier face, there has been a search for a #2, or even someone to surpass Austin (As he is only B+ in America). The search starts at WWF Wrestling Challenge, a 'B' show which was revived in 1998. On this show, stars who have yet to shine such as Owen Hart, Fatu (Rikishi), Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Shawn Michaels have proved they are able to keep up with the best in the company and look to be in line for a huge push in the future. In the meantime, Razor Ramon is rising through the ranks quickly and is said to be the favorite for this years Royal Rumble. :cool:


Tag Team Scene

Following the departure of Road Warrior Hawk, and with Animal being fired shortly after, there is no tag team scene. For the past few months, the WWF have relied on working agreements to bring some of the finest tag teams to the company to take on the tag team of Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart, who have almost been holding onto the belts for a year now. But, three guaranteed appearances is not enough to revive the tag team scene and there have been talks of Bret Hart turning on longtime partner and brother-in-law Jim Neidhart, to have a go at a midcard title run. However, with the debut of promising teams such as The Hardy Boyz and Sexton Hardcastle & Christian Cage in the industry, hope might not be lost for the tag team scene.


Women's Wrestling

Wendi Richter. She's held the belt since 1995 and doesn't seem like she will be dropping it anytime soon.


Midcard Scene

Maybe the WWF's only saving grace. This often makes or breaks superstars as the midcard scene is very over-bloated and many are given only a few chances to impress. Razor Ramon did so. Having many quality matches with Mr. Perfect before Hennig's departure, Ramon is now the WWF Intercontinental Champion. Who has stepped up to challenge him? None other than the European Champion, Davey Boy Smith who has also been making a mark since becoming the inaugural European Champion. Unlike the other divisions, this one has not been dominated by a single entity and has featured many title exchanges. Owen Hart has provided many entertaining matches, especially with one, Shawn Michaels and Jushin Liger, who is on loan, from NJPW. Hart captured the cruiserweight title in February of 1998 and has held it since.


EDIT: Looking back on the midcard scene, It just occurred to me that I can unify the Intercontinental and European titles to have a true Eurocontinental belt. :)


Yup, that's everything. :D I would do WCW but wore myself out on that. :o

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WWE May 2010 (War of the Immortals Mod, started January 2010)


I'm really having a lot of fun with this mod! Slowly making my way towards national. The economy and industry are great but I am not looking forward to the national battles that will take place once I get there!


My main feud at the moment is Edge vs John Cena over the WWE Championship. Edge has looked really strong. He took the title of Cena cleanly at No Way out in an Elimination Chamber match but lost it at Wrestlemania. I want to keep the title on Cena for a while because he's my most over face, but Edge and Orton are getting there as heels.


My other feuds include Randy Orton (with Rhodes, DiBiase and Joe Hennig as The Legacy) vs Batista vs Brock Lesnar who have all been interfering in each other's matches and costing each other No1 Contender spots. I plan to settle the feud in a brutal 3 way hell in a cell match at WWE Bash.


My other main event feud is CM Punk vs Umaga. Umaga has basically got Punk from midcard level to main event in a few months. I've been having Umaga destroy midcarders and jobbers and using him in menace angles to keep him at Main Event level, then feeding him to Punk at PPVs.


My main tag team feud is The Legacy (Rhodes and Di Biase) feuding with both the Worlds Greatest Tag Team and The Natural Disasters (Hurricane & Evan Bourne).


John Morrison (face) won Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania. He won't cash it in until next year whcih gives me a lot of time to build him up then turn him heel.


Mr Kennedy has had a great reign as US Champion. He's almost main event level now so I'm thinking of taking the belt off him and giving it to Kofi or MVP, not sure yet.

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