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Well crap. Next time I do a Local to Global, I'm going to check my finances better when I get to Cult.


I got ECW'd with my TV deal. I've cancelled it but I don't think I'll be able to make the money back without a PPV deal. So I sent a request to every company not dealing with NOTBPW. Not one was willing to pick us up.




So next time, I think I'm going for more entertainment based.

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I decided to start another game with Effganic mod. For those who don´t know about it it starts in 1920 with just one active company, 7 active wrestlers, 1 announcer (owner of the company) and 1 color commentator (head booker). There´s no other wrestlers in the database so everyone that debuts is generated by the computer (and generally quite awful) while other companies will debut in certain times. I´m currently in February 1931.


I started jobless and got my first booking job in December 1926 in Queensland Wrestling (Australia). I was working there until I decided to jump in SPW (the starting company, based in USA) in December 1930 after original owner left the wrestling business. Now my main reason for jumping was that I wanted to build next genaration of stars for the company since their current top guys are around 40 (Mostly those starting guys since they have by far the best performance skills) and next most over guys where in E- range with not much skills.


Now this is also first time for me when I played just as head booker instead of owner and thus the first time I had any owner goals. Those in Queensland Wrestling weren´t too bad, mostly easy ones like can´t sign Cruiserweights (Pretty much every wrestler seems to start as regular wrestler) or need to gain overness (started as local with 0 so pretty hard to mess that one up too:p). Now with SPW things got little bit harder with these owner goals:


SPW need to gain overness in USA (23 months.)

Not a bad one though so far the two shows I had lost overness


Financical balance must have improved to 7,500,00 (31 months)

Currently in 3,800,000 (which AI has built in 10 years). Paired with other owner goals that restrict who I can sign will probably mean that I can´t deal with this goal, but then again I only signed in order to give SPW next generation of stars that can keep the company from falling and I should have done that when this one expires.


Can´t hire anyone with less than D- on Psychology, safety and selling (expires in 11, 23 and 17 months).

Doesn´t sound bad right? Well it wouldn´t be if most of the computer generated guys wouldn suck with Psychology (Only 1 generated guy have above D+ currently). There is 47 male wrestlers on the world that passes these restrictions and can work in USA. Not that bad actually with only 274 workers in total but still that restricts me pretty badly espesially since we have to take account the facts that some of these already work with three companies, are backstage cancers, are one dimensional (can´t play face or heel), or just otherwise aren´t very good.


Of the 13 wrestlers that where in SPW when I signed as head booker (yes only 13 despite them being regional, probably one of the reasons why they failed to build new stars) 8 didn´t didn´t pass these restrictions (one is the new owner) and four of them had their contracts end in month so I just dropped them all (not the owner of course I wonder if he will become angry when I re-sign him?:p ) and started pretty much everything on scratch by signing 20 or so new guys in month. On the plus side the roster looks pretty much how I would like it to look now (playing with this mod earlier has made me value performance skills above all else anyway) and hopefully some of those guys that I have will get above D+ in psychology too as most of them are currently between 25 - 30 years old.

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I decided to start another game with Effganic mod. For those who don´t know about it it starts in 1920 with just one active company, 7 active wrestlers, 1 announcer (owner of the company) and 1 color commentator (head booker). There´s no other wrestlers in the database so everyone that debuts is generated by the computer (and generally quite awful) while other companies will debut in certain times. I´m currently in February 1931.


I started jobless and got my first booking job in December 1926 in Queensland Wrestling (Australia). I was working there until I decided to jump in SPW (the starting company, based in USA) in December 1930 after original owner left the wrestling business. Now my main reason for jumping was that I wanted to build next genaration of stars for the company since their current top guys are around 40 (Mostly those starting guys since they have by far the best performance skills) and next most over guys where in E- range with not much skills.


Now this is also first time for me when I played just as head booker instead of owner and thus the first time I had any owner goals. Those in Queensland Wrestling weren´t too bad, mostly easy ones like can´t sign Cruiserweights (Pretty much every wrestler seems to start as regular wrestler) or need to gain overness (started as local with 0 so pretty hard to mess that one up too:p). Now with SPW things got little bit harder with these owner goals:


SPW need to gain overness in USA (23 months.)

Not a bad one though so far the two shows I had lost overness


Financical balance must have improved to 7,500,00 (31 months)

Currently in 3,800,000 (which AI has built in 10 years). Paired with other owner goals that restrict who I can sign will probably mean that I can´t deal with this goal, but then again I only signed in order to give SPW next generation of stars that can keep the company from falling and I should have done that when this one expires.


Can´t hire anyone with less than D- on Psychology, safety and selling (expires in 11, 23 and 17 months).

Doesn´t sound bad right? Well it wouldn´t be if most of the computer generated guys wouldn suck with Psychology (Only 1 generated guy have above D+ currently). There is 47 male wrestlers on the world that passes these restrictions and can work in USA. Not that bad actually with only 274 workers in total but still that restricts me pretty badly espesially since we have to take account the facts that some of these already work with three companies, are backstage cancers, are one dimensional (can´t play face or heel), or just otherwise aren´t very good.


Of the 13 wrestlers that where in SPW when I signed as head booker (yes only 13 despite them being regional, probably one of the reasons why they failed to build new stars) 8 didn´t didn´t pass these restrictions (one is the new owner) and four of them had their contracts end in month so I just dropped them all (not the owner of course I wonder if he will become angry when I re-sign him?:p ) and started pretty much everything on scratch by signing 20 or so new guys in month. On the plus side the roster looks pretty much how I would like it to look now (playing with this mod earlier has made me value performance skills above all else anyway) and hopefully some of those guys that I have will get above D+ in psychology too as most of them are currently between 25 - 30 years old.


This mod only has 7 workers and 1 promotion?


Either way sounds like you are having fun building up the game world here.

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This mod only has 7 workers and 1 promotion?


Either way sounds like you are having fun building up the game world here.


There is 58 promotions in the mod but only one is open at the start. Other´s will open later.


And yes it´s quite fun to see how world is shaping up though I have heard that lack of performance skills on wrestlers might become issue if promotion gets to certain size (I think it was national).

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There is 58 promotions in the mod but only one is open at the start. Other´s will open later.


And yes it´s quite fun to see how world is shaping up though I have heard that lack of performance skills on wrestlers might become issue if promotion gets to certain size (I think it was national).


Are there any future workers to debut eventually or is it to just be computer generated guys for the whole game?

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Playing a game with WLW (This is the first time I have played a game with a Japanese promotion in the three and a half years I have been playing TEW and I am really enjoying it.) Dark Eagle got injured a while back and was out for 11 monthes 2 weeks with a Herniated Spinal Disc I was able to do surgury on him and knock two monthes off of his recovery time so 9 monthes 2 weeks. I am in April 2011 and he is still out for 7 monthes and two weeks.


I have Hell Monkey as my Universal Champion with 15 defenses he won it back in November 2010 from Magnum Kobe here is what my Universal title history looks like thus far.


Hell Monkey (Current Champion - won from Magnum Kobe)

Magnum Kobe ( won it from Takayuki Avatar)

Takayuki Avatar (won it from Magnum Kobe)

Magnum Kobe (Champion when I started the game)


I ususally never give my main title to my avatars but I decided to do so this time around and make him a transitional champion because he didn't have one single title defense before dropping it back to Magnum Kobe. Magnum Kobe wanted a main event title run so I basically had Takayuki win it loose it back to Magnum the next week and then Magnum lost it to Hell Monkey. I have no idea who I am going to have defeat Hell Monkey for the title maybe Larry Wood. I have purposely saved that match because everytime I do a game I like to save at least one match.


Not sure when I will end up doing the match between Hell Monkey and Larry Wood and maybe Larry won't defeat Monkey for the title but they will have a match regardless down the line I just don't know how long I want to hold off on doing it.


I am planning to sign Acid II in 2012 when he becomes available as I still have Acid.

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Well, looks like my Local to Global promotion isn't done for yet.


Here's my latest show, the 2019 edition of Warriors of the New Age's Patriot Games:


WotNA Southern Tag Team: Love From The Islands © (Island Boy Apollo and Valentine w/Buttercup) d. Girls Gone Wrestling (Kinuye Mushashibo and Deborah Young. 71


Cobra d. Cameron Vessey, Gordon Michaels (Michael X) and Matt Hocking. 54

-Cameron Vessey's debut


The Canuckleheads (Eric LaMonica and Chucky Dorrance) d. Blazing Deuces (Bradley Blaze and Diamond Deuce). 59


WotNA Television Title: Nomad © d. The Pilgrim 69


Patriot Games Match, Ownership of WotNA on the line, losing captain loses their hair:

Mannschaft Berlin (Eva Berlin, Irwin Gutmann, and Freak Nation members Mutant, Pretty Richie, and The Outrageous Arona w/ Miss J) d. Team Wood (Larry Wood, Jack Miracle, Jack Griffith, Marshall Dillon and Giant Brody) 59

-Patriot Games is an elimination tag match that starts as 1 on 1 then every five minutes someone on each side joins in until everyone is out when eliminations can begin.

-Pretty Richie is Richie Riggins in a crossdresser gimmick

-Freak Nation leader Mutant has been favoring new member Outrageous Arona (Cheetah Boy) over Richie, which made Richie jealous. The Freak Nation turned on Pretty Richie to kick him out of the stable.

-Larry Wood is still the real-life owner of WotNA, this is the start of Eva Berlin using her new power to try to get her ally Irwin Gutmann back to the top.


WotNA Next Gen Crown: James Diaz © d. Remmy Honeyman 72

-James Diaz is the son of Raymond Diaz and pushed as the "Prodigy of American Burning Path" (American Burning Path is the style of WotNA, a combination of North Eastern relaxed rules "Extreme" wrestling and traditional puroresu and with an emphasis on young wrestlers. Think ECW's more workrate-based matches meets Pro Wrestling NOAH).


Final Rating: 68


Not a success, but not a failure. Meh, it keeps my South Eastern popularity afloat as I try to shop for a TV slot that won't kill the company.

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<p>Well, so much for the turn around; in August I got the bankruptcy warning, so in September I ran what will be effectively my local to global's farewell show.</p><p> </p><p>

Since Patriot Games, due to impending bankrupcy I had Larry Wood win back the storyline ownership of WotNA from Eva Berlin for reasons that'll be explained later...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WotNA Curtain Call</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cage Match:</strong> Larry Wood d. Mutant (w/ Miss J aka Pettle) 41</p><p>

-Larry Wood is a special attraction as he's retired but I felt this counted as one. </p><p> </p><p>

Giant Brody d. Gordon Micheals (aka Micheal X) 50</p><p> </p><p>

Girls Gone Wrestling (Kinuye Mushashibo and Deborah Young) d. Eva Berlin and Irwin Guttman 56</p><p>

-Eva Berlin is a special attraction as well, she was booked in this by Larry Wood knowing that GGW (WotNA's only female champions) would be able to punish her further.</p><p> </p><p>

Nick Booth, James Diaz, and Remmy Honeyman d. The Pilgrim, Cobra, and Matt Hocking. 66</p><p>

-Four out of six of these competitors were Next Gen Crown champions. </p><p>

-Nick Booth, who I pushed as "The Motor City Superman" was the longest reigning champion in terms of total defenses with 16, the belt was taken off him when he signed to SWF though.</p><p> </p><p>

Jack Griffith d. Cameron Vessey. 66</p><p>

-Griffith has been part of WotNA for a while as a veteran in a promotion of youngsters. This was him making Cameron look good, as CV had the psychology for this match ot be called.</p><p>


WotNA Southern Tag Team:</strong> Love From The Islands© (Island Boy Apollo and Valentine, w/Buttercup) d Blazing Deuces (Bradley Blaze and Diamond Deuce), The Canuckleheads (Chucky Dorrance and Eric LaMonica) and Freak Nation (Blackfire and The Outrageous Arona aka Cheetah Boy, w/ Mutant and Miss J) 66</p><p>

-LFTI is WotNA's premier tag team, so they kind of deserved to go down as the last champions.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WotNA TV Title:</strong> Marshall Dillon d. Nomad © 68</p><p>

-Marshall Dillon, the workhorse of the promotion since his release from RIPW, becomes WotNA's first and only triple crown champion with this win.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WotNA Next Gen Crown:</strong> Richie Riggins d. Jack Miracle © 80</p><p>

-Jack Miracle (Avatar) has been champion six times now, more than anyone else, but he was transitional for most of these.</p><p>

-This would be WotNA's best match ever.</p><p>

-Why Richie Riggins walking away with the main belt? Well, apart from Jack Miracle and Larry Wood, he is the only member of the original WotNA roster who never left the promotion, and I never gave him any belt until now. I originally planned this to be part of WotNA's 10th Anniversary Show and to debut an overall world title instead of a U35 belt (which is what the Next Gen Crown is) but obviously I had to rush things.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Final Rating: 75</strong>.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm bummed that this promotion is going down (thanks in part to a shoddy TV deal and inability to get PPV) but I'm glad that at least it went down in a blaze of glory.</p><p> </p><p>

Also flippin amazing that the perpetually mediocre Richie Riggins managed to pull off an amazing contest like that.</p><p> </p><p>


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<p>...That is insane. Jack Avatar asides, Richie Riggins, in my own 0/0/0/0, was the millstone to end all millstones. I don't think he broke 30 in consistency, nor did he manage to get over whilst rubbing shoulders with Samson Barclay and Darryl Devine, two of my earlier main eventers.</p><p> </p><p>

Sucks that the promotion is going down. Did your dud TV deal really hit you so hard? What kind of product are you using? In my ASCW game I completely absorbed the cost of TV even at Regional with a 100/100 deal and my profits have only got <em>better</em> since hitting Cult... but that said my promotion is very sponsorship friendly (whilst still performance = popularity) and by the time I had TV, my Great Lakes home had built up to a high B- in pop so every home show made a huge amount of money.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Speaking of ASCW, I'm 7 and a half months into 2017 and getting the itch to push on... I wonder how long before I can push to National? Of course, I need to get a dang PPV deal first, because all of my 'big shows' end up only going to a home audience.</p>

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Key Features are Traditional, Modern, and Pure.

Daredevil is Medium

Lucha Libre is Low.

Mainstream, Realism, and Hyper Realism all very low.


Performance> Pop. Sponsorship was bad which I think hurt me too.


...And turns out I'm not bankrupt yet.


So... tournament on TV I guess.


That. Is. Hilarious.

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I was trying to engineer a workrate promotion that allowed crazy high spots but with as good sponsorship as possible.


No. I mean really it isn't cause I've tried numerous times workrate promotions in general are hard to adjust to get good sponsorship adding to it anything that will make a product where "Fan's will expect dangerous matches" and you're pretty SOL with sponsors.

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My 0/0/0/0 game has gotten completely silly.


It's heavily performance based (Modern and Mainstream are Key Features, Realism is Heavy, and Traditional and Pure are Medium).


I got through the Local period without too much trouble (running shows every other month and working up to one a month once I reached small).


Now, I'm still low to mid-level small. Keep that in mind. My biggest show ever brought in 300 and about 325-350 were expected.


I've got California Love Machine running with an A* Ninja gimmick (as California Ninja) and holding my Cruiserweight title, Darryl Devine and Bart Biggz going back and forth over my main title, and Justin Sensitive holding my mid-level title. El Mitico Jr has been putting on C and higher matches with boxes of instant mashed potatoes, but he'll probably be leaving soon because he's mega-over in Mexico now and I made him annoyed by having him drop the mid-level title to Sensitive.


Duncan Kendall is working as my road agent, Pee-Wee Germaine as my ref (RIPW poached Dewey Libertine from me), and Davis Ditterich and Reese Paige have become great commentators (Davis has C announcing and C+ charisma, Reese has C+ charisma).


Now, get this. 21CW ceased to exist, so I had the opportunity to get some guys from there. Edward Cornell was the only guy worth picking up. Then, Jacob Jett became available, so I grabbed him (Katie Cameron was happy). THEN, the most amazing thing happened. I managed to snag an Exclusive PPA agreement with none other than American Elemental! As a small fed! He's ludicrously expensive ($1500 per show, the rest of my main eventer guys are $800), but it's American Elemental! If I can financially survive, he'll be my express ticket to regional (until he's inevitably snagged up by TCW or SWF).

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Starting my next 0/0/0/0 game....


And Tuesday, Wk1 Jan 2010, Magnifico dies.


My product for this new promotion (which I plan to do a diary of):


Key Feature: Traditional, Comedy

Heavy: Luche Libre, Modern

Low: Mainstream, Hardcore, Daredevil.


Pop = Performance, Very favorable sponsorship.


This should work.

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I've finally had chance to start up my WCW 2000 game and having turned Scott Steiner into a ratings machine (A* pop, A momentum, 2nd best match in the company's 5 month history) and my World Champion he decides to demand $85k in his contract negotiations. Ted Turner, on the other hand, only wants to offer $80k so my biggest star is leaving to the WWF. Who are already beating me into submission by having The Undertaker churn out A grades like there's no tomorrow. :D


Guess it's time to turn Lance Storm into World Championship material :D

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I went back to my old 1987 JCP game, and actually restarted it. I quit the old one because, around December '87, the WWF started signing everybody I built up, and I lost interest. This time around, I edited the database so that I start with a non-aggression pact with the WWF. Smartest thing I've done.


My roster is beginning to fill with talent. I've recently signed Bret Hart, who left the WWF to tour with New Japan 6 months ago. Jushin Liger is unquestionably a future World Champion, as are Hector Guerrero; Ted DiBiase, who has blossomed into my second-most-over worker, behind NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Ric Flair; and Johnny Ace, who, once his Performance skills improve, will be pushed as far as he can go. Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane are getting over and improving rapidly, and Curt Hennig, along with DiBiase, is leading the tag team division as the NWA World Tag Team Champions. I have a number of young stars who will come in handy once their Performance skills improve, and a crop of talent that, quite possibly, has never been matched in the United States.


Unfortunately, Arn Anderson left to tour with New Japan, but I have since realized why some leave and some don't (I honestly never thought about exclusivity). Therefore, after losing Anderson to NJPW and Rick Rude to WCWA (who then signed with the WWF), I have recognized the problem, and that won't be happening again. "Double A" lost the NWA United States Championship to Barry Windham, who immediately joined the Horsemen when Flair, Blanchard, and Luger attacked Arn after the match. Arn Anderson hasn't been seen since, but I plan to bring him back as a face, leading the charge to destroy the Horsemen once and for all, including a reign as World Champion. However, don't worry, because it won't last long; he'll be back, running with the Horsemen soon enough.


I'll go into more detail later.

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Just hit Global in my USPW game. Notable acquisitions include Christian Faith and Steve Frehley.


Just had Chris Caulfield turn heel after 2 years to beat Nicky Champion for his 2nd world title. Doing a slow 6 month build to Faith/Caulfield for the title at Independence Day Slam. Champion and Caulfield are both A* across North America right now, but Nicky has not really been improving in the ring too much. Luckily he's still young and has a ton of great talent to help him prove.


Phunk finally jumped over that C+ hump and became an A-level main eventer, but is directionless. Luckily I just signed Steve Frehley who at age 28 is great on the mic and has even improved quite a bit in the ring from his time with SWF.


Darryl Devine and Matthew Keith (The East Coast Blondes) are finally splitting up as I move Keith to the main event. Bradford Peverell has also rapidly climbed the ranks in USPW, partly due to his successful two-time tag team champion run with Freddie Datsun. The future of USPW is bright. :D


Just started 2012 and TCW, USPW, SWF, and NOTB are all global companies. TCW and I have been trading National battle victories while SWF is always last. They are still quite a ways away from falling down to Cult though.

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started my (i think) first game in Mexico as SELL (Sports Entertianment Lucha Libre) i made it a regional company, i have 4 dojos setup and my first event is SELL El comienzo de una nueva era (SELL The beginning of a new era) and i have a tv show on El Canal Del Hombre Dos called SELL Guerreros del Nuevo Mundo (SELL Warriors of the New World) it is only 1 hour long but my 100% ratio should most to get a spot on the show
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I'm a week away from Supreme Challenge 2015 and I just missed the chance to sign one of my favourite workers in the game... Raymond Diaz. I just imagine him crushing all comers whle actually being extremely talented to boot and I had plans for him to be the guy that Eric Eisen brings in to help rid the SWF of the old, deadwood... like 50 year old Runaway Train who is still actively wrestling and has improved enough that he's not useless. Anywho, Eric has been trying to take down Train for about 5 months and when he failed to beat Train at Supreme Challenge I was going to have Diaz come out and obliterate Train, sending Train on a well earned holiday.


Sadly, PGHW had other ideas and outbid me as Richard Eisen let me go up and up and up from the 7000 per month Diaz woulda been happy to sign for if it weren't for PGHW. The final block on money... 125,000 is as high as Eisen will go, which is pretty darn good. So PGHW are now paying Diaz $150,000 per month and I'm crying into my overpriced, SWF brand breakfast cereal as one of the finest big men in the world escapes me once more. I've got a load of big guys in development just hoping to get someone to breakthrough into awesome territory but I'm not sure any of them will make it. Scythe is showing promise with some excellent performance skills, but his top row may hold him back from achieving the levels of awesomesauce I want from a big man. :(

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