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am in July 2010 playing FCW


The main story is an invasion angle of sorts, after Hells Bouncer left for SWF in Feb, Leper Messiah turned into a wild loner, destroying his opponents and then simply leaving the ring and being counted out, Shawn Gonzalez stepped in and won by count out and the following month they met again in last man standing match, Gonzalez picking up the win


The invasion began in Feb and took off in March, Billy Russel and Willie York entered the ring and beat down Puerto Rican Power, Hell Monkey came in and also began the beatdown


Billy Russel was then added to GCG tour and PRP and Russel had a match that ended in DQ by The Invasion beating down PRP, Russel then got powerbombed off the stage after a PRP come back


Russel out made way for Black Hat Bailey, who lost to PRP, Shawn Gonzalez was to face Hell Monkey who left for TCW, replaced by Silver Shark who lost, i then cheated in my game and bought in one of my favorite wrestlers Danger Kumasaka, who has teamed with York


the main event at Freedoms Fury was a 5 vs 5 elimination match


The Invaders (Bailey, Shark, Kumasaka, York and loose aligned Leper Messiah)


Puerto Rican Power, Gonzalez, Avatar, Mainstream Hernandez and Peverall


PRP and Gonzalez were the survivors and Russel made his return, beating down PRP and throwing him off the stage, and challenging PRP to a match at the next event


Main Event


Vin Tanner

Bradford Peverell

Shawn Gonzalez


Billy Russel

Leper Messiah


Upper Midcard

Jack Avatar


Black Hat Bailey

The Sensational Singh

Silver Shark

JD Morgan

Handsome Stranger



DC Rayne

Eddie Howard

Kirk Jameson

Mainstream Hernandez

Matt Hocking


Danger Kumasaka

Willie York

Hector Galindo

Jesus Chavez

Rudy Velasquez

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Having a good ol' time playing as CZCW in my non-streamed game. Just got to 2011. Forcing myself to use the Paratroopers and try to build them at least a little. Main event scene currently consists of Fox Mask, our year+ long champ, Marc Speed our next champ, Steve Flash, Donnie J, Matt Sparrow and the fast rising Masked Cougar.


Jackpot Jordan refused to resign with use, leaving my tag scene with a hole in it. I filled it with The American Idols (Brendan Idol and Jake Idol) but I'm not sure they will be able to hang in our tag division (Kid Toma and Ota as the Invaders and Insane Machine and AmFlash as whatever there team is called, and El Medico and K-Squared's Shame alt as Life and Death jobber team). I don't want to bring in Natural Storm because I always bring in Natural Storm. Was thinking of either C-V-2 or Waldorf and Statler and then increasing my tag division to 6 teams, 3 jobber teams (Life and Death, American Idols and Paratroopers) and 3 legit teams (Invaders, Machines and C-V-2 or Storm or Waldorf and Statler).


My Xtreme division is fun, with Charles Natural, Moose and Al Coleman training Remus, CLM and Amo del Gato. Gato has been the surprise of this game, rising the ranks well since I let Dragon go for missing two shows in a row (choosing Mexico over us). Gato may get a solid tag team push if I ever depush Masked Cougar, as I feel a cat themed tag team between them would be right up CZCW's alley.

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Getting into the dog days of summer 2011 in Rocky Mountain Wrestling. Just started August and I have a lot of things swirling around in my mind about the second half of the year.


No title changes recently. Running Wolf is still King Of The Mountains and the Soviet Bloc (Kiriyakin and Big Bad) are still tag champs. But finished all the storylines I mentioned last post. Running and El Jefe Militar are now on each other's case playing the Booker T/Scott Steiner fued from WCW (Thanks Sonfaro). Rex Reeves is playing Evil Genius against (Andy) Valentine. Doing a Dirtiest Tag Team story with the Soviet Bloc as they battle Mystery Mask (User Character) and Frankie Robertson. Want to end it with the belts on Mask and Robertson so I can depush Big Bad and keep the Soviets firmly rooted in the tag divison. And just started a second tag story with The Pride of Youth (Chikafusa Tadeshi & Lion Genji) battling The Range Riders (Pat Rigsby & Bradley Blaze) in a Borders of Blood story. (Again, thanks Sonfaro)


Changed up the roster a little. Released the Toronto Terror for being too old and expensive. But like Hugo Garrido before him, if his 600 per paycheck feels more reasonable down the road, he could be brought back. In his place I brought in Hellraiser as a project jobber and have him working under the name Razor Hargrave. As well as Lillian O'Donahue to be manager of The Range Riders for their feud with The Pride of Youth and maybe then to engage Valentine and Rex Reeves in a round of the Ex Games. A story arc I use often and that will be in the Cappy Pack.


Also starting to feel dissatisfied with the state of my singles ranks. Thinking I need a single to push up the ranks to take Big Bad's spot in the upper card when I depush him back to tag team earth. My current consideration is breaking up The Royal Couple (Vikki Victoria and Latin Lion Jr) so I can push Victoria and Lion can either leave or take up with El Ladron in a tag team. Planning to test Latin Lion & Ladron together as a team in my next dark match. But if Ladron and Latin Lion have no more than the neutral chemistry of the joke-based LL and Victoria? Being a lightweight wrestling a luchador style, Latin Lion doesn't particularly fit with the product.


Which presents a dilemma with Ladron and Latin Lion. The primary reason Ladron's on the roster is because I thought I needed someone to keep El Jefe Militar from being isolated when Hugo Garrido left. Totally forgetting Latin Lion was Mexican and spoke Spanish as well. ER go, no isolation for El Jefe and no real need for Ladron. But as a Middleweight/regular wrestler, he's a better fit for the product than Latin Lion. Although Latin Lion's potential on the entertainment side is pretty compelling. Rex Reeves has shown Lightweights can survive with my big men. But he's been getting by on guile and his status as home town talent. Then's the fact that 21CW just had a talent purge and some of those guys are pretty tempting. Decisions, decisions anybody?

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Started yet another game, in a 1987 mod. no holds barred I think?


Tri-State Wrestling Alliance, Bill Apter as my user character.


Main eventers:

Rick Rude (TSWA Beat the Champ Champion), Bam Bam Bigelow (TSWA Tag Champ), Mark Callous, Sid Vicious


Upper midcarders:

Art Barr, Dory Funk Jr (TSWA Tri-State Champ), Samu, Marty Jannetty



Rick Hunter, Silver King, Eddie Guerrero, Rick Steiner (TSWA Tag Champ), Chavo Guerrero, Dave Finlay, El Texano



Chris Benoit, DJ Peterson, Norman Smiley



Rikishi Fatu, Mike Roselli



2 Cold Scorpio, Sting



Lance Russell, Jim Ross, Bill Apter, Bruce Prichard, Rick Rude


Referee: Rob Hartog



Dory Funk is my champ, and he faces Mark Callous on every show. However, they pull off 75+ rated matches (my promotion is only like a 37-38) so somehow Mark is still pushed higher than Dory... Can't complain.


Tag teams:

DJ & Roselli, Bam Bam & Rick Steiner, Callous & Sid Vicious, Silver King & El Texano, Samoan Swat Team

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I decided to start another game with Effganic mod. For those who don´t know about it it starts in 1920 with just one active company, 7 active wrestlers, 1 announcer (owner of the company) and 1 color commentator (head booker). There´s no other wrestlers in the database so everyone that debuts is generated by the computer (and generally quite awful) while other companies will debut in certain times. I´m currently in February 1931.


I started jobless and got my first booking job in December 1926 in Queensland Wrestling (Australia). I was working there until I decided to jump in SPW (the starting company, based in USA) in December 1930 after original owner left the wrestling business. Now my main reason for jumping was that I wanted to build next genaration of stars for the company since their current top guys are around 40 (Mostly those starting guys since they have by far the best performance skills) and next most over guys where in E- range with not much skills.


Now this is also first time for me when I played just as head booker instead of owner and thus the first time I had any owner goals. Those in Queensland Wrestling weren´t too bad, mostly easy ones like can´t sign Cruiserweights (Pretty much every wrestler seems to start as regular wrestler) or need to gain overness (started as local with 0 so pretty hard to mess that one up too:p). Now with SPW things got little bit harder with these owner goals:


SPW need to gain overness in USA (23 months.)

Not a bad one though so far the two shows I had lost overness


Financical balance must have improved to 7,500,00 (31 months)

Currently in 3,800,000 (which AI has built in 10 years). Paired with other owner goals that restrict who I can sign will probably mean that I can´t deal with this goal, but then again I only signed in order to give SPW next generation of stars that can keep the company from falling and I should have done that when this one expires.


Can´t hire anyone with less than D- on Psychology, safety and selling (expires in 11, 23 and 17 months).

Doesn´t sound bad right? Well it wouldn´t be if most of the computer generated guys wouldn suck with Psychology (Only 1 generated guy have above D+ currently). There is 47 male wrestlers on the world that passes these restrictions and can work in USA. Not that bad actually with only 274 workers in total but still that restricts me pretty badly espesially since we have to take account the facts that some of these already work with three companies, are backstage cancers, are one dimensional (can´t play face or heel), or just otherwise aren´t very good.


Of the 13 wrestlers that where in SPW when I signed as head booker (yes only 13 despite them being regional, probably one of the reasons why they failed to build new stars) 8 didn´t didn´t pass these restrictions (one is the new owner) and four of them had their contracts end in month so I just dropped them all (not the owner of course I wonder if he will become angry when I re-sign him?:p ) and started pretty much everything on scratch by signing 20 or so new guys in month. On the plus side the roster looks pretty much how I would like it to look now (playing with this mod earlier has made me value performance skills above all else anyway) and hopefully some of those guys that I have will get above D+ in psychology too as most of them are currently between 25 - 30 years old.



I played little bit forward with this game and I´m now in January 1934. I failed to achieve my goals in SPW as I jumped to SELL (mexican promotion, local size) when it opened in March 1933. I say jumped but in reality I would probably had found myself in the unemployment line soon as I was going to fail the gain popularity goal in two months and that money goal was going to be a failure too just as I predicted. I also failed to rise anyone´s spychology to any further than D+ since the guys who had the best spychology scores seemed to have bad destiny rolls as they didn´t advance on most skills at all during my reign. Still I did manage to build some skilled guys to E- to E+ overness level and few above that so SPW should have a decent group of guys for next 10 - 15 years even if they aren´t as over as I hoped they would be.


In SELL my main goal is guide them to small since computer just can´t keep local sized companies running in this mod. Again some tough owner goals restricted who I could hire (D- in spychology and Athletic Ability) and most who passed those restrictions where too costly (mainly thanks to travel costs as most guys don´t have much overness anywhere). Still I managed to hire 12 guys and even made a small profit each month so it should be all good and for whatever reason I´m enjoying it more than with SPW.

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Kenneth Doane has been my promotions reigning 'X-Treme' Champion, but it's X-Treme not so much in the hardcore sense, but more like an X-Division sense, mainly held by the cruiserweights and guys with exciting matches. Now we all knew Ken was not the grand poobah of excitement, but his bit as being the champ is he really doesn't give that much of a crap about it. Since he's yet to lose it, he's decided to rename it the 'Ken Doane championship' which I actually went into edit the title tab and renamed it as such.

I'm keeping him busy warring with the talented middleweight and lightweight guys who are good both technically and in aerial but just don't fit the 'world heavyweight champion' mold and suffer. His top feud will most likely be against Amazing Red, who I'm booking to be my promotion's answer to Rey Mysterio Jr.


* Colt Cabana is looking to be a HUGE threat since I turned him from that fun loving comedy guy to a more serious wrestler with a bad attitude and turning his back on his funny days because he feels 'it never really got him anywhere' He's been in a huge feud with AJ Styles, who in their first official PPV meet, scored an 'A' rated match. Colt actually won it and on the following TV episode, claimed that since he beat Styles, he can beat anyone, including the world champions and he has stated officially that he is putting his name in the hat of the title hunt. The feud with Styles however is far from over.


*Because of his nasty backstage attitudes of the past, Teddy Hart being in WWE to get a Hart stable going with Harry Smith and Tyson Kidd. And now that Harry is gone and Tyson is in jobber hell, doesn't look likely. So I have brought them in to be a Hart Stable, along with Nattie Neidhart. They are doing a pretty good job dominating the roster: Harry and Tyson are tag champs, Teddy is the National Champ: all that is needed now is Nattie to be the Vixen's champ, but since a heel is holding the title now she just has to wait for her opportunity when either a face gets it or she gets a shot in a multiple persons match.

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I've hit a weird period at the beginning of 2015 in my Wrestling Without Borders game. Basically, a lot of guys that had been on my wish-list to bring in for a long-time all somewhat unexpectedly became available at the same time. Not wanting to miss out on them because WLW went back to national or CZCW snapped them up before I could, I brought them all in at once, instead of slowly phasing guys in and out like I usually would. It's created this weird situation where I almost feel like I'm starting over roster-wise, especially at the top of the card. It's a balancing act trying to use my new additions to their full potential, while trying to get some key members of the "old roster" back to where I think they should be on the card. Here's the roster as it stands now:


Main Event: El Exportacion, Death Monkey, Insane Machine, Snap Dragon, The American Flash, Lassana Makutsi


Upper Midcard: El Mitico Jr., Acid II, Marcos Flores, Jet Stream, Mario Heroic, Angel de Mexico


Midcard: Tigre Salvaje Jr., Nigel Svennson, Boriken Love Machine Jr., Genio Verde, Chess Maniac, Rafael Ruiz, UK Dragon, Canadian Dragon, Spanish Superfly, La Sombra Jr.


Lower Midcard: Panda Mask II, Rolling Johnny Stones, Simon Ice, DeCipher, Sunburst


Opener: Edward Cornell, El Hijo del Neutron, Felipe Caballero


Enhancement Talent: Akio, Irwin Gutmann

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I played little bit forward with this game and I´m now in January 1934. I failed to achieve my goals in SPW as I jumped to SELL (mexican promotion, local size) when it opened in March 1933. I say jumped but in reality I would probably had found myself in the unemployment line soon as I was going to fail the gain popularity goal in two months and that money goal was going to be a failure too just as I predicted. I also failed to rise anyone´s spychology to any further than D+ since the guys who had the best spychology scores seemed to have bad destiny rolls as they didn´t advance on most skills at all during my reign. Still I did manage to build some skilled guys to E- to E+ overness level and few above that so SPW should have a decent group of guys for next 10 - 15 years even if they aren´t as over as I hoped they would be.


In SELL my main goal is guide them to small since computer just can´t keep local sized companies running in this mod. Again some tough owner goals restricted who I could hire (D- in spychology and Athletic Ability) and most who passed those restrictions where too costly (mainly thanks to travel costs as most guys don´t have much overness anywhere). Still I managed to hire 12 guys and even made a small profit each month so it should be all good and for whatever reason I´m enjoying it more than with SPW.


Where would I find this mod? The concept is most intrieging :D

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I've been playing a AAA game and did a brand split to give my lower card workers some training. Added some UM to it just to make sure i didn't get a really bad grade. So i run my brand split and decide to add a low level title for them to fight over, Zoe Ammis wins that title in a battle royal, she's good and has potential, after the show i get an Email that says she tore her rotator cuff and will be out for 11 months. I did do some quick surgery and she'll only be out for 8 months.



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April 1927 and I've been booking Southern Pro Wrestling since its inception in March 1920. My user character is currently a 41 year old announcer and all but 3 of the "original cast" have retired. Since I refuse to adjust my product to include mainstream, since the public hates it (last I checked), the guys who debut at A/A* entertainment get wasted on my midcard while the brawlers and guys with decent Psychology make it all the way. Occasionally a technician sneaks his way through, but its rare and he's got to be really good.
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Where would I find this mod? The concept is most intrieging :D


Clp605 got this one well before me but I will add quick advice or two just in case. Not sure if the first one is still problem in newer data (I have older file myself).


1. At least in older data some of the debuting promotions have mandatory owners and if those aren´t available the promotions won´t debut when they should. This is/was problem with following promotions:


Pride of Germany

Viva La Lucha

All Out Wrestling

Frank Norris Promotions

KINKI Puroresu

Championship Wrestling Of Buffalo

Queensland Wrestling

Quebec Championship Wrestling


2. You might need to edit some debuting guys as potential owners as few computer genarated guys seem to start as one. For example I killed All Out Wrestling on my current save because they didn´t gain an owner for two years even after I edited some guys as potential owners (few of those guys become owners later though so it was still useful, not sure why AOW didn´t get one).


Have fun:)

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Just had my first show for my 0/0/0/0 game.


Not only did I follow a 9-rated match with a 4-rated angle (lols), but the only tag team I had set up (Mexican Descendentry; ExJr. and LuchaIII) has GREAT chemistry! YESYESYES


And I found a minor positive with Paradigm and Taylor Kidd, which is nice I guess.

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In my WCW 2000 game I got to February 2000 with increasingly good grades, and increasingly drastic wage demands. I was already losing money, and the mod had a narrative designed to kick WCW (and ECW) out of existence. I decided to go down the historical route, resigned from WCW and did my best to close down WCW. It took until July but in the end they shut down for good.


I then fast-forwarded to May 2002 and became head booker for Dusty Rhodes' NWA:TNA...the man I fired from WCW. Not the healthiest backstage relationship ever! Not much excitement in TNA at the moment, largely because no one I had hoped to sign will join a regional-sized promotion. Bam Bam Bigelow is my NWA World champion. I did tell you no one I wanted would sign!


In exciting other world news, at Fully Loaded 2002 Randy Savage became WWE Champion. The mod didn't have any negative relationships between Macho Man and Vince, so when I fired Savage in late 2000 he immediately jumped to the WWF (as it was then). They seem to have done the invasion 'properly', hiring Sting, Goldberg, Kanyon, DDP and (before WCW shut down) Scott Steiner, all of whom are in the company's main event. They are even pushing Kevin Nash as Diesel. :D

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I just wanted to share what else has been going on in my 0/0/0 promotion called MWF, I'm now in March of 2017 and I have my first ever triple crown winner.......*drum roll*


He just won the MWF World Title from James Prudence (because he got POACHED! BLARGH!) and a former Tag and Stateside (Midcard) champ.

I'm actually glad it was Fox Mask because he was one of the MWF originals.


By the way, the midcard title was initially named the Triple Threat title but I scrapped that idea in the summer of 2015 to focus more on singles matches. I might eventually retire the belt to create an X Divsion-like title down the line...


Here's my main event scene:


Aaron Jackson (recently signed)

Brett Biggz

Ford Gumble

Fox Mask

Mick Muscles (recently signed)

Stevie Grayson


It's not my strongest main event scene but it's the best I can get at regional. I'm actually working on signing KC Glenn back but most, if not, everyone else (I forget who and am too lazy to look it up) that's available has snubbed me with loyalty or something like that.


For a challenge I decided to start pushing Acid II to the moon and also just started pushing Solar II as well.


Jacob Jett is my current Stateside champ and he keeps pumping out barn-burners with just about anyone right now! He's probably the best overall worker in the company which also means he'll be poached in a month or maybe weeks, who knows?!


The Tag Champs I've named the Pioneer Express (Nathan Coleman & Marc Speed) and they're about to drop the titles to Gumble & Greyson because I don't know what else to do with two guys that are essentially tag wrestlers.


Jackson or Mick will probably be the next World champ but the dark-horse in the title race is Brandon Smith since I'm trying to bring him back up into the main event scene and get him out of upper-midcard hell.

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Bout 2 years into my 0/0/0/0 game, Jon Moxley's contracted wasn't renewed by WWE he is scheduled to go over Johnny Kashmere and win the Title at my next event. Shima Zion was the first Champ and constantly put on D- or D quality matches with everyone. Than TNA went International and he signed a written deal, prick. lol.


Every month I get to Small and finish last in the regional battle and get knocked back to Local. Getting a bit annoying, even ran 3 shows in a month for a massive loss of 4,000 and still didn't stay there. lol.

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Ive been playing a 0/0/0 game for about a week now and am 3 and a half years into the game and thought i would share what has been happening so far.


My avatar Jack Avatar now known as JG Stephens was the promotions first Heavyweight champion and held the belt from January 2010 till July 2012 and made a total of 23 defences.


He lost the title to Remmy Honeyman who held the title for 6 months and made 2 defences before dropping the title to Bulldozer Brandon Smith who had debuted 8 months before and had been undefeated and worked his way to a Heavyweight title match, Honeyman ended the undefeated streak by cheating and in the rematch Bulldozer won the title. So far he has made one defence and that was in a 4 way match also involving JG Stephens, Remmy Honeyman and El Mitico Jr.


Smith is currently feuding with JG Stephens and I plan for Smith to hold the belt for quite some time unless plans change of course.


I introduced Tag Titles in March 2012 and Shady K and Knuckles won a 4 team tournament to become champions. For the rest of the year they feuded with Grunt and Stink and both teams traded the titles once. The current tag champs are Brady Prince and Buck Graham but they will be having a short reign and dropping the belts back to Shady and Knuckles to start their 3rd reign with the titles.


I am currently 5 points off regional and hope to get their by the end of the year.

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Messed with the c-verse data


Harmed all the cult/higher promotions by erasing most of their rosters... y'know aside from things like the DeColts staying where they belonged, same with the Stones and Eisens, most kept headbookers and owners (aside from when I screwed up a couple times and accidentally deleted the contract for one of them) etc.


Erased the parent promotion pacts associated with Saisho, RIPW and Hinote.

all tv/ppv deals gone...

activated a few promotions to try to make up for the now massive unemployment rates in certain countries.


So anyways after all this editing


I started a 0/0/0 company with MASSIVE money (I hate dealing with $ if its not a 0/0/0/0 game.) trying to recapture the fun I had with my old c-verse OVW game... by redoing it almost exactly the same way... except now I actually know how to book.


Anyways I did everything I did with my old OVW game (opened like 7 dojos.) This time I decided not to be the owner.... so I wait... and I wait and on wednesday week 3 of January OVW finally has its owner... I was expecting someone like FumiOta or Larry Wood.... but instead the person I got was........ JACK BRUCE.


So now im waiting for January to end to see the first batch of workers I can sign.

(Keeping in the spirit of my old OVW game, I can only sign workers who debut after the game starts(and im allowed to edit new workers to work in USA). Hence me having +1 more dojo then the rest of America combined.)

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SWF May 2004 C-verse 2001 save.


Leading up to Supreme Challenge I have a few big feuds in place across my two brands.


Sam Keith/Sean McFly/Tom Gilmore/Troy Tornado - Tornado & Gilmore were teaming up together for a few months as faces, Tornado turned heel on Gilmore when he was jealous that he got a title shot (on Supreme TV) instead of him. I had planned to have Sean McFly (World Heavyweight Champion) face either Gilmore or Tornado but even though they are both two of the best on the roster talent-wise, they both still have poor chemistry. Sam Keith lost the belt to McFly in December at Christmas Clash in a 60 minute Iron Man match (which got a 99 rating), I put Keith in the mix to make the feud a bit more interesting and considering it made sense for him to be back in the title picture considering I think he is my overall best worker, almost all my top 10 matches include him or Sean McFly. I am considering McFly retaining and having a couple of months with the belt after Supreme Challenge but my main idea is for Keith to win the belt back.


Dread vs. Joey Minnesota - Dread is the Legends Champion which is my main event belt for the Tension brand, he won it off Christian Faith in February. Minnesota is 21 so literally half of Dread's age, he's skyrocketed in popularity from a midcarder to now main eventer thanks to this feud. I'm planning on Dread retaining the belt and having Minnesota win it another day, considering he's still got a good 20+ years on him...


The Angel of Death (Tyson Baine) vs. Vengeance - I like this feud a lot, it's the clash of the two unstoppable forces. I'm trying to hold off having them face off until SC so lot's of attack angles until then.


Adonis vs. Johnny Bloodstone - I had originally planned (a fair while ago) to have Bloodstone turn heel on McFly and challenge for the belt, but decided to hold off on his big push for the title for the moment and I've got him facing Adonis who is sort of a gatekeeper for the main event, but still the biggest feud Bloodstone now.

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started a rockhard game 10 popularity 2k in the bank with the product being

Key for Hardcore and Cult and the rest none. Was able to run small shows every month and was small before the end of the year.


Jack Avatar, Mad Dog Mortimer, Jebbidiah, Zachary Inc, Bob Casey and Dusty Bin are the current big 6 of the federation.


We upgraded our announcer to Davis Ditterich with Reese Paige doing Color/Road agent work. Jonathon Taylor is our referee.


Most of my gimmicks have failed and the fans crap on all the guys not named avatar but they all work for 150 a show except for Bob Casey who gets 400

as my locker room leader and his high performance ratings the fans still don't like him though(not sure why)


Zachary Inc is willing to do deathmatches so he gets special treatment

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In my 0/0/0/0 game. Risen to Regional, have a t.v deal and making money every month. Just had a look at TNA's top 10 matches, March 2014. 1 to 6 are as followed...

1. Val Venus Defeated Sting

2. Val Venus Defeated Sting

3. Sting Defeated Val Venus

4. Val Venus Defeated Sting

5. Sting Defeated Val Venus

6. Sting Defeated Val Venus


All A rating's, must have been a good program. lol.


WWE's 2-5 are all Sheamus Defeats Orton. And number 10 as well. All A's aswell.

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WWF May 1987


Watched the AWA documentary and began the WCCW one which motivated me to go back to this game recently.


So when I looked over the roster and got reaquainted with it I decided I wanted to fire some guys. I fired about 5 people... Frenchy Martin, Jack Tunney, and Hillbilly Jim to name a few.


I made contract offers to Animal and Paul Ellering. Hawk is touring in Japan so couldn't make an offer to him yet.


Made offers to Kevin and Kerry Von Erich to be a face tag team for me. Bruiser Brody because if I can get him to tear up my roster that would be a lot of fun.


Hogan and Orton have a feud going. Hogan will come out winning it though.


Building Dibiase into a main eventer while having Andre the Giant and IRS by his side.


Ricky Steamboat, Randy Savage, and Jake Roberts are all in the IC title hunt.


Considering scrapping the womens division.


I signed a deal with USA and Monday Night Raw debuts next month.


Superstars is still on the air but may turn it to a B show after RAW debuts.

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