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Restarted my RTG game. The southwest regional battles forced me to do something I didnt want to do. Book only for grades. Plus the weird (assumed)glitch from my tampering with the c-verse made all national+ promotions seemingly lock all the talents up forever, continually grabbing younglings and never releasing any of them.


So I decided something different for this game.

Like last time, im using the same 12 RTG workers but this time:

I cant sign young talents, not right off the bat anyways.


35+. Minimum signing age for the default workers.

During year end, each of those talents gets a dice roll, and is then released.

Which ranges from them scouting a talent, training a worker (More RTG characters), to them training a protege or leaving their kid in the company (RTG style characters, but more points. Case by case basis.) to them staying another term (assuming they dont get signed away/too many ppas) or they can "invest" some money back in the promotion (pays back 1 appearance to the promotions bank)


Lets me cycle in more young talent, so when I grow in size, I have some new talents to fill out the bottom of the card, and I can bring in veterans to fill out the upper reaches.


Veterans NEVER face eachother. The point is growing the young talents, not reliving a veterans glory days by facing other coffin dodgers.


I waited mid-year to sign veterans which if I calculated right should put me into a safe zone, due to built up saving, by year end rolls, as long as I dont roll a 1 and keep them for another year. Current veterans: Larry Wood, Spanish Superfly.

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I decided to bring back at least the World Heavyweight Championship and make it mainly for the Upper-Midcarders/Main Eventers who don't have anything to do while the Universe Championship remains as the company's top tier title reserved for Main Eventers.


At our company's final stop before our 'Grandest Stage' Event, the Scramble Chamber(it's a cross between a scramble-match and elimination chamber without wrestlers being eliminated, but the one who happens to be holding the title by the end of the time limit wins)

for the World Heavyweight Championship, we had a huge surprise win: It was between Wade Barrett, Kenzo Suzuki, Ken Doane, Brent Albright, Joe Doering and Carlito. When the 35 minutes expired, it was CARLITO winning the championship.


In the Universe Championship Scramble Chamber, Davey Richards prevailed and will go on to defend his Universe Championship at our 'Grandest Stage' in the main event. He defended against Brock Lesnar, Colt Cabana, Charles Jon Elliot the 3rd Esquire, Seth Rollins and Bobby Lashley.


In the event's main event, it was a triple threat match between AJ Styles, Amazing Red and Joshua Caleb in a ladder match. The winner would go on to face the champ of their choice at the 'Grandest Stage'

The story behind this match was AJ Styles had originally won this year's Sin City Rumble by eliminating the final man, Amazing Red. On that same night, Josh Caleb returned after supposedly quitting the event when he was told he couldn't face Davey Richards for the championship, even though he believes he was entitled to his championship rematch. He returned during the amazing iron man match between Colt Cabana and Davey Richards and tried to screw Davey Richards, but was unsuccessful in his efforts.

Josh came out on TV the next night and said he returned for one reason, to be the champion and doesn't care about what fine print in contracts say and wants his championship back. Styles came out and basically said he needed to move along, because Josh wasn't even IN the SinCity Rumble, that Styles scratched, crawled and fought his way through all those wrestlers to get the opportunity of a lifetime! Amazing Red came out and said his dreams were shattered and all he had wanted to do was headline our Biggest Night of the Year, that he was the final elimination, not only that, he was the first person in the ring at the Rumble and that should count for something!

So the threeway ladder match was set, and it turned out being AJ Styles the winner and will go on to face either Carlito or Davey Richards for a championship.

(probably going to be Davey Richards)

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Started up a NYCW game and am currently in July of 2010. I've been running two events a month. Hit Regional after my sixth show in late March.


Steve Flash won the Empire title from Black Hat Bailey in my first event. He defended for six months against Bailey and Honest Frank, but then newcomer Steven Parker took the title via flash pinfall from him in a 30 minute classic.


Flash is going to have to wait on that rematch as the same night he lost the title we had a #1 contender's match between newly signed Bart Biggz and the veteran Black Hat Bailey. Biggz won the match and will face Parker at our next event.


These two men faced off just 2 weeks prior, however the contest ended in a double count-out. This time they face each other with the Empire championship on the line.


My tag team champions are The Patriots, consisting of the veteran Whistler, and the back-from-hiatus Jesse Christian. Christian has yet to lose a match in NYCW and is looking like a shoe-in into the Empire title picture. In the meantime this team has to deal with newcomers DC Rayne and Eddie Howard, aka Natural Storm.


Sammy the Shark's Tri-State Regional title reign has continued without incident. He's gone through great young talents such as Ash Campbell, Matthew Keith, and Kirk Jameson (Campbell and Keith were signed by SWF, Jameson recently by a National NOTBPW).



I considering bring in Al Coleman and Marc Speed but they wanted more money than I was willing to spend. Sayeed Ali and Jay Chord just aren't interested in signing with me.


Grandmaster Phunk remains in PSW shockingly, so I've thought about bringing him in a couple times. Phunk & Frank would be a good challenge for The Patriots, and Phunk can always transition to the Empire title scene.


Johnny Martin is kind of my Plan B should I lose any of my key players, then I know I can bring him in to fill the void. He's a guy I use way too often in other games though, so I'm not too hyped about bringing him in unless I absolutely need to.

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I'm running a WWE game with Genadi's 2002 data, just completed the 2003 Royal Rumble PPV.


Orignally planned on just running RAW featuring the "top stars" of the promotion but decided to add Smackdown! back after Vince McMahon and Triple H asked for their releases and several others getting annoyed.


So about 6 months in I got Smackdown! on ABC... edited it so I started with RAW on NBC and with the seperated brands, it gave me more time to push the younger talents.


Anyways... I'm officially on the "Road To Wrestlemania" now... was torn with who I wanted to win the Rumble, originally planned on Austin but ended up going with a debuting Sting, looking to put him in storylines with the current champs The Rock (RAW) and Kurt Angle (SD!) as a "Who will he pick to face at Wrestlemania" storyline.


I was going to eventually pit him against Angle, since he's the heel and Sting is face BUUUTTTT I got the lovely note in Kurt's Rumble match that he is getting stale in his character so I'm thinking about flipping it and turning Rock heel and turning Angle face to set up The Rock vs. Sting for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania... possibly making it a Triple Threat with Steve Austin getting involved.


The Rock being heel will also allow me to bring in Samoa Joe and Umaga as enforcers for The Rock, possibly going to call them the Samoan Death Squad, something along those lines and hopefully catapault them up the card after being involved with Rock, Sting and Austin.


As for Smackdown! and the World Heavyweight Championship with turning Kurt Angle face, that will pretty much kill his feud with the Undertaker who just last month also turned face, so I'm thinking of pitting him against Big Show in some sort of frustration angle where he is angry after losing the Rumble and attacks Angle (turning him face) and setting up a series of matches with them probably meeting in a Triple Threat at No Way Out with Undertaker to seal the deal on the Angle/Taker rivalry.


Místico is currently holding the Intercontinental Championship on RAW (winning it at only 19 years old!) and has been on an undefeated streak since joining WWE. I currently have him in a feud with Diamond Dallas Page who swore to end the streak and win the IC title, which has seen Místico defeating WCW alumni in DDP's attempt to weaken his opponent, recently signed Buff Bagwell, Lex Luger and Rick Steiner all look to get involved in this.


I also planned on getting a Scott Steiner / Brock Lesnar feud going but after thier first match at Royal Rumble, they didn't click at all so I'm going to end up scrapping that and probably putting Steiner in a feud with Kane and probably just give Brock some squash matches to build him back up.


The Dudleyz (Bubba, D-Von & Spike) are in a battle with John Cena and Chris Jericho after they defeated them for the World Tag Team titles (accidently, meant to make it a DQ finish!) but anyways... The Dudleyz will win it back at the next PPV on their way to main event tag team status, then they'll go on to feud with the recently signed Road Warriors Hawk and Animal to decide who the greatest tag team of all time really is!


Rhyno finally returned and GOOORREEED the US Champ Randy Orton, I was planning on it being another Randy wins again type feud but he's been acting up backstage so I might need to put him in his place and make him drop the title to Rhyno... depends how quick I can build up Rhyno really.


I'm also planning on pushing Test, who I put on vacation and redebuted as "The Knock Out Artist" Andrew Martin... he's currently feuding with Billy Gunn, who is now working a "Ladies Man" gimmick as I dropped the ambigously gay with Chuck thing right away, he's managed by Torrie Wilson now and she'll be the focal point of the Martin / Gunn feud.


Have a few other small feuds going on but that's about it for now... still debating on if I wanna go with the hiatuses that Rock and Jericho go on as I'll be able to push other stars but then again I won't have Rock or Jericho, I guess we'll see when it happens.

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I'm running a WWE game with Genadi's 2002 data, just completed the 2003 Royal Rumble PPV.


Orignally planned on just running RAW featuring the "top stars" of the promotion but decided to add Smackdown! back after Vince McMahon and Triple H asked for their releases and several others getting annoyed.


So about 6 months in I got Smackdown! on ABC... edited it so I started with RAW on NBC and with the seperated brands, it gave me more time to push the younger talents.


Anyways... I'm officially on the "Road To Wrestlemania" now... was torn with who I wanted to win the Rumble, originally planned on Austin but ended up going with a debuting Sting, looking to put him in storylines with the current champs The Rock (RAW) and Kurt Angle (SD!) as a "Who will he pick to face at Wrestlemania" storyline.


I was going to eventually pit him against Angle, since he's the heel and Sting is face BUUUTTTT I got the lovely note in Kurt's Rumble match that he is getting stale in his character so I'm thinking about flipping it and turning Rock heel and turning Angle face to set up The Rock vs. Sting for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania... possibly making it a Triple Threat with Steve Austin getting involved.


The Rock being heel will also allow me to bring in Samoa Joe and Umaga as enforcers for The Rock, possibly going to call them the Samoan Death Squad, something along those lines and hopefully catapault them up the card after being involved with Rock, Sting and Austin.


As for Smackdown! and the World Heavyweight Championship with turning Kurt Angle face, that will pretty much kill his feud with the Undertaker who just last month also turned face, so I'm thinking of pitting him against Big Show in some sort of frustration angle where he is angry after losing the Rumble and attacks Angle (turning him face) and setting up a series of matches with them probably meeting in a Triple Threat at No Way Out with Undertaker to seal the deal on the Angle/Taker rivalry.


Místico is currently holding the Intercontinental Championship on RAW (winning it at only 19 years old!) and has been on an undefeated streak since joining WWE. I currently have him in a feud with Diamond Dallas Page who swore to end the streak and win the IC title, which has seen Místico defeating WCW alumni in DDP's attempt to weaken his opponent, recently signed Buff Bagwell, Lex Luger and Rick Steiner all look to get involved in this.


I also planned on getting a Scott Steiner / Brock Lesnar feud going but after thier first match at Royal Rumble, they didn't click at all so I'm going to end up scrapping that and probably putting Steiner in a feud with Kane and probably just give Brock some squash matches to build him back up.


The Dudleyz (Bubba, D-Von & Spike) are in a battle with John Cena and Chris Jericho after they defeated them for the World Tag Team titles (accidently, meant to make it a DQ finish!) but anyways... The Dudleyz will win it back at the next PPV on their way to main event tag team status, then they'll go on to feud with the recently signed Road Warriors Hawk and Animal to decide who the greatest tag team of all time really is!


Rhyno finally returned and GOOORREEED the US Champ Randy Orton, I was planning on it being another Randy wins again type feud but he's been acting up backstage so I might need to put him in his place and make him drop the title to Rhyno... depends how quick I can build up Rhyno really.


I'm also planning on pushing Test, who I put on vacation and redebuted as "The Knock Out Artist" Andrew Martin... he's currently feuding with Billy Gunn, who is now working a "Ladies Man" gimmick as I dropped the ambigously gay with Chuck thing right away, he's managed by Torrie Wilson now and she'll be the focal point of the Martin / Gunn feud.


Have a few other small feuds going on but that's about it for now... still debating on if I wanna go with the hiatuses that Rock and Jericho go on as I'll be able to push other stars but then again I won't have Rock or Jericho, I guess we'll see when it happens.


This sounds like a really awesome game!

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TCW Game


Only 5 months in but pretty fun game.


Rocky Golden Golden beat Peak and Keith at Malice and War to start the game. Both being Semi-Main Events with The Freedom Fighters Feuding with Cornell and Wolf naturally being the main events. Feud ended two months in with Tommy and Wolf coming out on top. Hard for me to really ever put Tommy on the losing side and when I do have him go down I am going to make sure it is the right time.


Well at Angels Fear to Tread Tommy took the title of Rocky. While I like Rocky, his poor matches were really bringing down the card rating especially since the Product change to 50-50 Performance/Pop. So now Tommy is Feuding with RDJ and at Total Mayhem 14 it is going to be Tommy vs RDJ and I am going to have Wolf Turn on Tommy and cost him the title. Than they will feud for a few months before their eventual grudge match which I hope will be the best rated match I will have up to that point.



Bach took the international title off of Taylor. I like Bach and I hope eventually he will get a chance to hold the world title, if things go right for him.


Edd Stone still has the all action. I really like Edd Stone for some reason. Not sure why exactly but he is just one of those guys in the c-verse that you just like.


Scout and Guide keep Feuding with the Machines. Great matches they provide. I need some help with the tag division in terms of signing guys, if anyone has any ideas.


All and all is a fun game and hope to get further into it.

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Scout and Guide keep Feuding with the Machines. Great matches they provide. I need some help with the tag division in terms of signing guys, if anyone has any ideas.


Samoan Destruction Inc. great psych and top row skills and they'll fit right in with The Machines and The New Wave. Bringing in and teaming both Keith boys is also a decent move for TCW as well. You can have them run interference for their Dad for awhile to build overness and momentum.

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Samoan Destruction Inc. great psych and top row skills and they'll fit right in with The Machines and The New Wave. Bringing in and teaming both Keith boys is also a decent move for TCW as well. You can have them run interference for their Dad for awhile to build overness and momentum.


Good ideas, was looking at it and I'm pretty sure they would fit right in as well. Thanks.

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I play a somewhat "anti-canon" game with the 1997 C-Verse mod. I took HGC, renamed them TCW right away and increased their pop to make them national for the start in January 1997. Product is pretty much like SWF's and my booking style is a mixture of WWF Attitude era stuff and WCW crap (i. e. short matches, tons of interference, loooong promos, stupid gimmicks/angles that are suddenly forgotten about). My TV show is called TCW Tuesday Nitro (yeah, right!).


The main storyline so far has been "The Living Legend" Rip Chord trying to gain/keep control of the new promotion. First he formed The Corporation with Morpheus as his personal bodyguard and Peter Valentine. Professor Nero was made commissioner by JK Stallings, but joined Chord's stable right away, too. Dread joined next and was used as the muscle of the group. Dread was always the guy to fight Chord's battles.

The Corporation was powerful and was able to influence the World Title tournament that was staged throughout January. Chord won the title at the first PPV and then ruled over TCW for the first few months. His main rivals were Liberty and Sam Strong, of course, who took turns to attempt taking the gold from Chord.


Liberty, playing a surfer dude gimmick, got help by his "surfer friend" Puerto Rican Power (the two eventually won the Tag Titles in July).

The up and coming Ricky Dale Johnson (he dropped the cowboy crap pretty early) is another guy who helped Liberty and Strong fight The Corporation. RDJ was first involved in the US Title picture and feuded with Peter Valentine over that belt. RDJ also introduced the TWL Championship belt (he was the last champ there before TWL folded... I think) and there was a unification match for both belts.


A first twist in the story was the debuting Black Serpent Cult. Presented as "old friends" of Sam Strong the legendary tag team helped Strong get a cage match with Chord at the March PPV Hollyweird (I left it as a nod to HGC). A second twist was another "old friend" of Strong turning on him at that PPV event. Dusty Streets helped Chord win and joined The Corporation. Two nights later Nero ordered Strong to fight Dread in a lumberjack match. But Strong was able to convince Dread during the match that this doesn't make sense for him any longer. He's used and abused by The Corporation for nothing. And indeed Dread turned on Chord during the match.


The next twist was part-time color commentator Ashley Amazon becoming Commissioner in early May after a set-up by Sam Strong and Liberty. Nero, as per his contract, was supposed to be Commissioner until every TCW belt had found a new owner. The Cruiserweight Title was the last one but never got any attention by Nero (he knew his contract!). However, Amazon came out with the belt, called out Monty Walker who laid down in the ring and let himself pin by Amazon!! Then JK Stallings came out and said Amazon was the new Commissioner. She booked Chord and Liberty in a ladder match for the World Title, which Liberty won!!


Dread then eventually became World Champion when he defeated reigning champ Liberty and Chord in a triple threat match with Sam Strong as guest referee at the May PPV Mayhem. However, Strong made a fast-count and nobody understood what was going on. Two nights later on Nitro Commissioner Amazon demanded answers, but didn't get any. Chord then demanded a title shot, because he was not involved in the decision at the PPV (Dread had pinned Liberty). Amazon caved in, Chord got his wish and defeated Dread when Sam Strong came in and turned on Dread!!


The following week Nero came out and said that Amazon's move to win the Cruiserweight Title was illegal. Only men are allowed to hold TCW belts. So Nero was STILL Commissioner. A week later The Corporation started a transformation into the "Society Of Excellence". Morpheus was thrown out, Cobra and Viper joined to form a stable of only old guys, who now fought all the young guys (RDJ, Liberty, Dread, Puerto Rican Power, Morpheus).


After Dread had left The Corporation Chord more and more used the other great monster, Tyson Baine, to fight his battles. "Angel of Death" Baine and his manager Karen Killer never joined the stable, though. The were involved in something else:

In a shocking moment on the third Nitro show the lights had gone out during the main event match between Rip Chord/Tyson Baine and Sam Strong/Dusty Streets. All four were laid out in the ring when the lights finally came back on and a big man with a black robe was standing in the middle of the ring. Nobody knew what was going on and for weeks incidents like this one happened. Sometimes early, sometimes late in the show. Sometimes nothing happened. Sometimes you saw the mysterious figure, sometimes not.


In April Rip Chord shocked the world as he revealed himself to be the dark figure when he interfered on behalf of Tyson Baine in the Nitro main event match against Dread. However, the attacks continued and even Chord himself was attacked in the following weeks.

In May the figure appeared once more, but this time at the entrance way. Tyson Baine and Karen Killer were in the ring, stared at the figure and simply bowed down as the show ended...


Enter the big man called Vengeance: He joined TCW in February but was first involved in a feud with Money Inc. consisting of Rich Money and his bodyguards "The Insurance Policy" Charlie Thatcher and "Human Arsenal" John Anderson. When that feud was over, Vengeance wrestled less and instead started to focus on Tyson Baine. Over time Vengeance revealed that he knew what was going on with Baine and the mysterious figure who kept appearing. He warned everybody that bad things would happen. And indeed Baine started to look for wrestlers he could sacrifice for "his master". Ugly scenes with guys nailed to big wooden crosses were perfomed on TV and PPV. Sickening stuff...


Then in June Baine made Puerto Rican Power his last sacrifice. Power disappeared to come back known under his "real" name Roberto Cepeda, the surfer buddy of Liberty from Puerto Rico. After the sacrifice the dark figure appeared again and made it clear that he will accept Baine as his apprentice. Shortly after, Karen Killer made a prophecy: Within six weeks Baine would rule over TCW. Vengeance's warnings become more intense, but nobody would listen. The good young guys and the old bad guys were only concerned about their fight against each other. However, Baine somehow became involved in the World Title picture and will probably be involved in the main event of the August PPV Hotter Than Hell...


I now enter August and will now further build on the Baine/Vengeance/dark figure storyline, which will soon replace the Young/Old feud as the main thing.

There's obviously more stuff going on, but I think that's enough for now :D

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So my Ladies Extreme Wrestling promotion has it's random tag teams tournament, Roll of the Dice.


The first drawed teams were Juliette King and Darla Knight, appropriate as King won last year's tournament with Darla Knight's tag team partner Power Girl. They faced Selina Svelte and Alison Capone, who didn't get along as they are members of rival factions (The Young Blonde Things and the now leaderless J-Kween Crew respectively). King single-handedly destroyed them, hitting them both with her Vertical Suplex Drop finisher before double pinning them.


Next Roxy Kittten and Sandra Shine worked together against Thea Davis and Natalie DiMarco. It was a back and forth battle that ended with DiMarco putting Shine in the DiMarco Stretch and forced the tapout.


Next Principessa and Roz Larren did battle with Maria Guest and Connie Morris, ending when Principessa hit Morris with a DDT.


Finally Christy Higgins and Joy Ryder teamed up against former rivals Gypsy Rose and Power Girl. Ryder and Rose refused to fight each other because they were both members of the J-Kween Crew and "Sisters 4 Life" (even though the Crew beat up their former leader Kendra Queen to write Queen out because she wouldn't re-sign). So it became Higgins vs Power Girl with Higgins getting the win.


Before the elimination match finals however, there was one more bout on the card: LEW Champion Deborah Young and Deathmatch Champion Eve Grunge vs Southern Tag champs The Neptune Twins. It was a back and forth encounter until Grunge accidentally-on-purpose hit Deborah Young with a chair allowing the Neptunes to get the win.


Finally it was the tournament's first round winners facing off in a four-way elimination tag. Roz Larren would get eliminated early by a Thea Davis flying elbow. Joy Ryder would get pinned by a Juliette King Vertical Suplex Drop, but the Death Junkies would co-exist briefly to hit her with the High on Violence to eliminate her as well. It was only a temporary truce and Higgins would roll up DiMarco.


Darla Knight tried to choke out Principessa with a Triangle Choke, but Davis hit her with a flying elbow to pin her, then tried to pin Principessa but only got a two count. Christy Higgins would throw Thea Davis to the floor. Naralie DiMarco, siding with her regular tag partner, would rush into the ring to take out Principessa but Principessa woud back body toss her clean over the ropes to the floor! Higgins would then eat a DDT and Principessa was left with her longtime nemesis Thea Davis.


Davis and Principessa went to war, trading blows, chairshots, and even hitting their finishers on each other for near falls. Davis would get the upper hand and look for a DDT onto a chair, but Principessa lifted her into a fireperson's carry, DEATH VALLEY ONTO THE CHAIR! One, two, three, and Principessa has completed a Grand Slam by winning the Roll of the Dice tournament! And how appropriate that she did it at the expense of the first Grand Slam winner, who backstabbed Principessa in the first tournament to keep her from getting that glory.

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This is so frustrating! I had like 5 matches that were B+/A grade and then my main event for my 'biggest show of the year' bombs with just a B rating and brings down the whole overall rating of the show. Gah, maybe next year I'll learn. Still a good event though!
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1987 WrestleMania to 1988 "Road to WrestleMania"


WrestleMania III

I made a few changes. After Steamboat defeated Savage for the IC Title, I had Savage break up with Miss Elizabeth. Demolition defeated the Hart Foundation which saw Bret Hart turn on Jim Neidhart. I created a lower midcard title that would be looked at like the European Title was during the Attitdude Era. Hercules defeated Billy Jack Haynes for the first holder of that title.


After WrestleMania, I quickly renamed every show and changed them to PPV events. Backlash was naturally my 2nd PPV. Hogan was kayfabe injured the night after WrestleMania, so I had my happy ending at Mania still. This made the title vacant. I punished Andre for this (my own created avatar as myself). This was basically to keep the title off him as well.


Backlash 1987 (Late April)


Randy Savage won the vacant WWF Championship in a fatal 4 way over Jimmy Snuka, Roddy Piper & Honky Tonk Man. Ricky Steamboat succesfully defended his IC Title against Ted DiBiase. Andre started up a feud with another big brawler in Junkyard Dog and successfully beat him.


Road Warriors were signed away from JCP and immediately came in to face Demolition and won the tag titles. Ultimate Warrior entered WWF a little early as well in a losing effort to Harley Race. Bret Hart defeated Jim Neidhart in a cage in a personal, bitter rivalry.


Fully Loaded 1987 (May)


Hulk Hogan had returned for vengeance. He defeated Andre in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Randy Savage retained against Roddy Piper. Ricky Steamboat retained against Honky Tonk Man. Fully Loaded is where my year long feud with Jake The Snake started. I made it a bit like the SCSA vs VKM feud but tried to stay with the times. I put him up against the monster Kamala who he lost to due to my distraction. Post match he put his hands on me which is what really added fuel to the fire.


Invasion 1987 (June)

Invasion was really when I decided my character would take the VKM reigns. Randy Savage would defeat Roddy Piper once again. I wouldn't allow Hogan to just jump back into the title picture so if he defeated Honky Tonk Man he would become #1 contender. Honky Tonk Man got himself disqualified by using his guitar. Ricky Steamboat won a 6 man elimination match to retain over Snuka, DiBiase, Big John Studd, Hercules & Mr. Perfect. Ultimate Warrior jumped to Jake the Snake's aid and I hired Andre to team with Kamala for the first ever 2 on 2 Cage Match. Kamala & Andre escaped. In the commotion, Warrior ended up throwing me in and locking me in the cage with Jake who pummeled me (much to the delight of the WWF fans). Road Warriors retained against Harley Race & Bret Hart. The British Bulldogs had disbanded (Dynamite Kid to heel) and fought it out for the United States Championship which Davey Boy Smith won.


King of the Ring 1987 (July)

Roddy Piper got his "last chance" against Randy Savage at KOTR. Savage retained inside a steel cage this time. Mr T. had been entered in my storyline with Jake Roberts which was countered by my 'hiring' of the Undefeated Vader. Andre & Vader defeated Jake Roberts & Mr. T who then beat up Mr. T really badly (he was causing way too much trouble, wasn't worth it keeping him around. I wrote him off this way.).


The rest was the KOTR Tournament. First Round:

Ted DiBiase defeated Road Warrior Hawk

Ultimate Warrior defeated Mr. Perfect

Ricky Steamboat defeated Bret Hart

Honky Tonk Man defeated Davey Boy Smith



Ultimate Warrior defeated Ted DiBiase

Honky Tonk Man defeated Ricky Steamboat


Honky Tonk Man would defeat Warrior to win the 1987 KOTR Tournament. I had planned for Warrior to win but backstage troubles and steroid positive tests postponed the major push I had set for him from July on.


SummerSlam 1987 (August)


Here's the real reason I put off giving Hogan a shot. I wanted it to take place at SummerSlam. Hogan finally got his title back by defeating Savage for his 2nd reign. Andre/Vader/Hercules defeated Roberts/Warrior in a 3 on 2 match set up by me of course. Hercules being my new 'signing' to my faction. Honky Tonk Man defeated Steamboat for the Intercontinental Title which was what he earned for winning the KOTR Tournament. Mr. Perfect went over Jimmy Snuka. Roddy Piper & Terry Funk had the first "hardcore" match in WWF history. Piper won, they shook hands afterwards. The fans didn't appreciate it but it's a first, something I think would be looked back on if happened in real life. Jerry Lawler had entered a feud with Harley Race for true king of WWF. Jerry Lawler won and Harley Race was forced to relinquish his crown.


Vengeance 1987 September

Savage used his rematch clause against Hogan but was unsuccessful. Jerry Lawler had refused to re-sign so I had Roddy Piper defeat him in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Afterwards we saw Harley Race take back his crown and spit in the face of Jerry Lawler. Mr. Perfect won the Intercontinental Title in a Triple Threat against Honky Tonk Man & Ricky Steamboat. Jake Roberts FINALLY won a match in a Fatal 4 Way against Snuka, Andre & Hercules. This was for a Title Shot at Night of Champions. Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow joined forces to win the Tag Team Titles. A reign I was going to have last forever but Bam Bam couldn't stay straight.


Night of Champions 1987 October

Jake The Snake finally realize a year long dream by winning a fatal 4 way including Hercules, Hogan & Andre. The plan was for Hercules & Andre to make sure the title didn't get on Jake. However, Vader interfered knocking Andre out of the equation. Hercules, stunned, got rolled up for the pin. After the match, I yelled at Andre and he attacked me (think Andre & Heenan 1990) turning him face. Randy Savage defeated Roddy Piper, again proving he has Piper's number. Davey Boy Smith & Bret Hart had entered a bitter rivalry which culminated in Davey Boy Smith retaining the United States Title. Demolition won back the Tag Team Titles, pinning Bigelow. Vader would have a loss, but still had never been pinned.


Survivor Series 1987 November

This is by far the most boring build up to anything I have ever done. Survivor Series will definitely change next year. I think I'm going to have every match triple threat or greater with elimination rules instead of 1 pin only.


Anyways. Jake Roberts retained against Randy Savage. Andre/Hogan/Piper/Race defeated Hercules/Funk/Steiner Brothers. Bret Hart had turned back face after his long feud with Davey Boy. They teamed with Jim Neidhart & Ricky Steamboat to defeat Mr Perfect, DiBiase, Dynamite Kid and Honky Tonk Man. Demolition retained the Tag Titles in a Fatal 4 Way Tag. A lot of newly called up talent made their PPV debuts here. (Sting defeated Shane Douglas. Farooq & Haku defeated Undertaker/Cactus Jack. Sting defeated Dean Malenko.)


Rebellion 1987 December

Jake Roberts retained against Savage. Hogan defeated Hercules putting him back in the title hunt. Bret Hart & Ted DiBiase put on an amazing Iron Man Match which was won by Bret Hart and surprisingly stole the show. Mr. Perfect retained against Roddy Piper. Vader defeated Snuka in a cage match, his first legit threat for his undefeated streak. Terry Funk won the United States Title over Davey Boy Smith. Demolition retained.


Royal Rumble 1988 January

After winning opportunities but not cashing in, Roddy Piper won the Royal Rumble which would guarantee him a spot in the main event at WrestleMania IV. Jake Roberts defeated Honky Tonk Man who had won a #1 Contenders Match against Hogan. I was the guest referee with the full intention of screwing over Jake. I got knocked out during the match, Jimmy Hart accidently hit HTM with his own guitar, and a 2nd ref counted the 3 count. Roberts retained! The next night, I would strip the title from Roberts on the technicality that the legal ref did not count to 3. (In a 6 Way match, Hogan would go on to win the next night.) Mr. Perfect retained in another great match against Bret Hart. Vader defeated Jimmy Snuka again. Davey Boy Smith won back the United States Title in a Fatal 4 Way against Piper, Funk and Hercules. Ricky Steamboat & DiBiase put on a great match that ended in a draw.


What's Going On in February? Plans for WrestleMania?

No Way Out will be 30 min. longer as I plan on adding a couple matches or time length to some matches.


No Way Out rough draft

Hogan retains over Roberts, HTM, Randy Savage

Vader def. Davey Boy Smith for the U.S. Title

Bret Hart def. Mr. Perfect for the IC Title

Ted DiBiase def. Roddy Piper for #1 Contender at Mania (A match that will be put together by DiBiase "buying" the match. 50K to Piper win or lose. I'm making him lose because he's being a jerk and his push is over. I had planned to have him lose again and turn heel. DiBiase is my current best worker and primed to be in the spotlight.)

Hercules def. Terry Funk

Shawn Michaels def. Jimmy Snuka

Ultimate Warrior def. Harley Race

Ricky Steamboat def. Kerry Von Erich

Jim Neidhart def. Tony Atlas

Razor Ramon def. Rick Rude

Demolition retain against Road Warriors

Sheik/Volkoff def. Steiner Brothers


This PPV will go down hopefully as my best pure wrestling PPV which is what I'm slowly trying to change the WWF into. Andre the Giant was unhappy so I decided to accept his release as he was 2nd highest payed. He ended up signing with NJPW.


Warrior is being slow pushed as he's been doing better but I'm still hesitant. Bret Hart is primed to be champion as well. I expect a long Intercontinental Title Run, probably with him winning the World Title in a year. DiBiase, Savage, Piper, Vader and Hogan are the guys for the World Title in the next year. Honky Tonk Man has stalled, I'm thinking of teaming him with Greg Valentine to boost my tag division as irl.


I also plan to have someone beat Vader at this year's WrestleMania. It was originally going to be Ultimate Warrior but it may end up being The Undertaker or even Davey Boy Smith winning the U.S. Title back at the same time.


I am LOVING this game. I wish I had written a diary for this. I have tons of future stars in development. Thank you to whoever took the time to read!

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Ugh... I'm 4 days away from Wrestlemania, the Místico vs. Kane, Mask vs. Mask Match and well... Kane decides to take 6 months off to be in the movie "Clutch Control" I mean, really Kane? Come on!


I guess he knew he was gonna lose his mask and bailed :rolleyes:

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@ RatedRKO: I can surely tell why you love that save, it looks really interesting and well, as far as I can tell with a couple recap posts you can still turn it into a diary (I did so with my TNA one, gotta admit though I only had to play catch up for three months, not almost a year) - as an idea, it could be a 'new' guy hired to write recaps for WWF magazine or so who looks back on the past year before getting into recent stuff (was there a WWF magazine in 1988? ^^).


At any rate, is there a chance you may share that savegame? It would really be cool to pick up on an old school game a while in tbh.

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I'm playing a 1997 CZCW game which is good fun, although NEW keep poaching my top guys.


Just hit August, and so far I've lost Human Arsenal (just after putting the belt on him!), Clark Alexander (2 matches into a planned 'best of seven' series with Donnie J), Fumihiro Ota (who was champion when he got the offer as well, thankfully both with him and Arsenal I got enough notice to job it to Alex Braun), Harry Allen (with a Young Guns super-push about to start), Matt Sparrow, and most damagingly Nathan Priest. Priest and my UC were in the middle of a hot feud with Tom Gilmore, Bryan Holmes and Rick Sanders, and he also had excellent chemistry when commentating with Raven Nightfall so my announce booth's taken a hit.


On the plus side, I just rose to Regional. Main stars are King of the Indies Tom Gilmore, Brent Hill, Tayler Morton, and champion Alex Braun. Rising fast are Troy Tornado (helped by good chemistry with Raven managing him and great chemistry taking on Braun, with two throwaway matches between the pair being two of my best so far.)


The Gilberts are ruling the tag division - they started the year using teamwork to get past various combinations of singles stars, but since I brought in some real tag teams in the Young Guns and the Fly Boys have been reduced to drawing some intentional DQs with their hockey sticks. I've also just found out Chris Perkins and Enrique Sanchez, neither of whom were doing anything much, have great chemistry teaming together so they may replace the Young Guns in my plans now Allen's gone to NEW.


If I can keep this roster together, I should get to cult with a decent stash of money by 2001 or so - just depends on whether NEW come calling again.

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Playing as MAW.


I've decided to make the Invitational a show purely based on loaned workers. (with the odd Chord promo and pre/post show with the regulars)


NYCW was kind enough to give me Roger Cage. But wait! SWF signed him, and now he's gone from NYCW!


And still loaned to me.




So how much do you think I can hurt his popularity in one four-hour event?




btw, some good unemployeds to get (I'm following MAW's unemployed and under 30 hiring rules) are DeCipher and Oleg Dorosklov. The former can get you some nice Mexican trades, while the latter gets you guys like, say, EMERALD FREAKING ANGEL from WLW.

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Put him in a huge amount of matches. Bury him. = Lots of pop wasted in the MA. Guarantee of epic booing when going into the MA


I can't bury him; he'll CC me. Though...if I have him win the match...


He wins, gets buried, other guy dominates, an under-6-minute slow built match, called in ring, overbooked, sports entertainment finish that works the crowd.


I've put him in a regular-type match, brawling, hardcore, technical, etc. Against Zachary Inc. :D


And this is taking a long time to actually book, so...be back later.


Edit: Yeah, it's physically taking me around five minutes to book 30 minutes of the show. It's four hours. I don't want to sit through that monotony right now, so results up tomorrow. Today. Whatever.

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Playing as MAW.


I've decided to make the Invitational a show purely based on loaned workers. (with the odd Chord promo and pre/post show with the regulars)


NYCW was kind enough to give me Roger Cage. But wait! SWF signed him, and now he's gone from NYCW!


And still loaned to me.




So how much do you think I can hurt his popularity in one four-hour event?


A lot, if you're prepared to utterly, utterly tank your show rating.


MAW has bigger fish to fry than that.

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Bulldozer Brandon SMith capped his psychology at 64 in my BHOTWG game :confused:


Al Coleman is at 84 and rising :D. I will be pushing him as my top gaijin eventually. The Hammer is short on gaijin workers so I signed Matty Keith a few tours and at the start of 2011 added Greg Gauge. I had also had Art Reed since he left PGHW but he has just been a midcarder.


I want to try to keep some foreign workers on top but starting with none makes it hard. I have Samoan Destruction Inc and Akima Brave (just left SWF). The Samoans will be my next tag champs feuding with the Rebellion until night of the Burning Hammer where they will go over and then feud with and eventually beat Black Magic for the titles.


My junior division has tons of great foreign talent like Edd and Duane Stone (lost mask to Sensational Dragon). Chess Manic is a real star out of the group.

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