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What's going on in your game?

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Meanwhile in the actual game:


Joint promotions and All Star (UK) are stuck on 62 popularity. Max Crabtree has retired and my first UK champion, Andre Baker, has taken over.


I am working my way through regional running small shows in the Midlands in order to get my popularity high enough there to get a TV show.

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I am in the last week of October 2017 in my CGC save and although I am going to wait until I get to January 2018 I thought I would come in here and share this little tidbit of information.


I just got done doing CGC Apocalypse and I went into my Company profile screen and instead of saying that I was ranked 9th It says that I am now ranked 5th which I am extremely happy about.


Again I will provide a full update once I get to the first day of 2018 which should be by sometime this weekend but we shall see about that. I still have three shows in October to finish out plus the entire monthes of November and December (So 21 shows before my next update).

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Proving what concerted effort can do... just got Felipe "weak on the microphone" Caballero onto my talk the talk list.


Next project? Josh Jones. Been working on him for eight, approaching nine months... he's gained 30+ points in the entire entertainment row.


As he is Josh Jones and a living void of charisma, that means he's still D-, D-, E+ but ... heck, small steps, right?

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Proving what concerted effort can do... just got Felipe "weak on the microphone" Caballero onto my talk the talk list.


Next project? Josh Jones. Been working on him for eight, approaching nine months... he's gained 30+ points in the entire entertainment row.


As he is Josh Jones and a living void of charisma, that means he's still D-, D-, E+ but ... heck, small steps, right?


Import Ron Greenhorn, Ryu Kajahara, and Emma Chase into the same company; tell me how that goes.

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May 2012 in WWE -


Started a JBL-led faction of guys that were never world champion, but probably could/should have been. So far it's JBL as manager and leader (only exception to the never-held-a-world-title rule), Carlito, Matt Hardy (ECW title doesn't count), John Morrison (Ditto), Chris Masters, Muhammed Hassan, and I'm working on bringing MVP back into the company. All heel faction, as would be expected. Fun stuff, having them antagonize John Cena and a then-face WWE Champ CM Punk.

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Just managed to complete two three appearance talent trade deals with WWE and TNA in my ROH game (mid-2013). Namely Daniel Bryan and Kurt Angle, to feature on the Supercard Of Honour (Bryan vs. Regal & Angle vs. McGuinness) and Best In The World (Bryan vs. Angle) PPV's, good times.
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I'm on TV! The lucky viewers of Eurosport (UK) can now watch the energetic grappling of my promotion.


Stage one of my game is to grow BPW from 0/0/100,000 to the biggest promotion in the country and this is a huge step in that direction.


I have signed Austin and Jericho, who are feuding but will doubtless be snapped up by the WWF before long. I also have Barry Darsow who I have given a monster push to, he is getting amazing angle ratings by snarling, brawling and threatening everyone.


The plan is to feed Darsow's overness to Austin who in turn will feed his overness to Regal who will continue to have excellent technically based main events.


Elsewhere in the world the WWF is conpletely dominant. WCW and WCWA are putting on good shows every now and again but are in no position to complete. It is 1994 and it looks like my game world is going to be without any kind of Monday night war for a while.

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Decided to have one last hurrah before 2013 hits the digital shelves...


As UCR in 2007.


Only two shows in, but I'm enjoying it. Byron is the UCR World Combat champion, and has spent the first two weeks first cheating to win a non-title match, and then simply left the ring during his match with Sergei Kalashnov... who chased him backstage, only to be brutally ambushed by Byron with a chair (though at the start of the show, last week's guest commentator Louis Figo Manico was irrate about how deplorable it was of the champion to tarnish the dignity of the UCR championship with his cheating ways in a match that wasn't even for the belt).


Joey Beauchamp is more than happy right now to hide behind his bodyguard, the recently debuted Bam Bam Johansson. Yup, no chance I'm pushing Bam Bam to the moon, right? White Knight, however, has just defeated Poppa Punisher to become the contender for the European title, and has taken a different approach to managers in the form of the recently signed, and beautiful, Vita.


In the women's division, UCR Women's champion Anna Ki had a stellar match with Speedy Marie to start the year (the best match not involving Louis Figo Manico to date!)... but afterwards suffered an unprovoked assault from Alpha Female! Not content with the destruction of the champion, Alpha Female continued her rampage by not only defeating Jeri Behr with ease, but brutally assaulted her as well.


Finally, the villainous Rogues Gallery is up to... something. A meeting of the most evil minds in villainy was assembled, leading to some threatening words about "serum" and "rue" and "kitten souls" from Doctor Insane to the UCR Tag Team champions Double Dutch, and an oddly easy win for Captain Hero over Dark Falcon. Whatever they're up to, no good can come from it...



Its still mostly the default UCR 2007 roster. But I have made a few signings:


Bad News Bruno (was actually on the Hidden Gems list!!!)

Boris Kiriyakin

Arson Wells (UCR doesn't start with a Colour guy...)


Nick Adams (or a Road Agent)


Not much, but they're a Regional company that already has a bloated roster. And, sadly, Super Falcon and Wonder Boy are not only part of the Super Crew stable, but it turns out they have positive chemistry together as a team. So, for the first time in my Euro C-Verse adventures, Super Falcon will actually get to keep his job (despite being a lightweight, high flier with the stamina of Big Daddy V).

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Other strangeness: KC Glenn is TCW Champ, 100 rated match retaining Vs. Tommy Cornell. Also this AWESOME team: The Highlights (Tom Gilmore and KC Glenn). Spencer Spade and Swoop McCarthy are both in SOTBPW, which to be honest, happens quite a bit :/. MIGHTY MO IS SWF CHAMP. Ernest Youngman is Main Event... In NOTBPW. Hugh De Aske has 79 pop in Japan, but chooses to work for MHW. Jay Chord has 84 pop in Canada AND Japan. Masa Kurata has had 12 title reigns in WLW, but never the Universal title. Wade Orson has won the BHOTWG Tag titles 6 times, with 6 different partners.
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Just imported all workers and promotions from the Jhd/thunderverse into a C-Verse Database, and during my customary sim i have seen the best Mexican wrestling match for anyone that has played any Mexican promotions in both of the databases:

White Panther Jr, Acuatico and El Heroe Mexicano defeated Champagne Lover, El Hijo Del Sultan and Incognito (100 rating).

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Mammoth, the owner, decided he wanted me to bury myself. I decided I would kill his company.


I ran a two hour show that featured mostly Ron Greenhorn promos that, I guess, were about him describing the overly elaborate set that I had built.


Next week: Ron Greenhorn recites the Chicago phone book!

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