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So I've decided to let my creative juices regarding APWF simmer a bit, let me figure out the next steps heading into the Steel City Supercard...



So I've decided to do something else in the Steel City: PSW! Very first show? The newly signed Sgt. Bubba Lee West takes Nelson Callum under his wing as a protege. Weird much?

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my MAW game (it was a failed diary - but im a year further now than what I posted)


Just held Old School Rules in May 2011.. had a fantastic main event.. Greg Gauge unsuccessfully challenged Cameron Vessey for the MAW Title in a 30-minute Iron Man classic.. Vessey has been on fire since he was kicked out of The Succession and turned face by Valentine.. he defeated his old partner and captured the MAW Title at Night of Champions.. in April he beat Valentine in a great Ladder Match and has dispatched Gauge this time out in the #2 best match in MAW history..


The Biggz Boyz dropped the Tag Titles to Generation X as they leave MAW in June.. not really got a great deal of direction with my tag team division.. former champions Future Shock (Cam Jones and Syd Collier) lost to the makeshift team of American Patriot and Amazing Fire Fly.. now the Biggz are going I need to rebuild the Tag Division, as its a tad weak..


Giant Brody made his first big impact by attacked American Patriot after his victory.. these two will clash at Fan Festival in June.. as will Antonio del Veccio and Cameron Vessey.. Antonio made the challenge, which Vessey has accepted - hes a fighting champion.. the main event though will be (hopefully) another Best Match in MAW History candidate as Greg Gauge does battle with Fox Mask.. fresh off a developmental deal with RIPW - Fox came in and beat Valentine.. a victory over Gauge will hand him a MAW Title shot..


looking forward to the next few months as ive got a few good plans on the verge of unfolding; and on the back of our best show ever I cant wait..

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Still not too deep into this one yet, though I'm thoroughly enjoying it...


But with PSW, I just made the biggest signing ever to help replace the soon to be gone Grandmaster Phunk and Steven Parker...




PSW??? Hardcore??? Pish-posh!!! Watching your best friend get shot in the gut in Vietnam, that was hardcore. McCarthyism was hardcore. Having your hip replaced? Yeah, THAT'S hardcore! Signature spot (props to GruntMark for the idea): using his dentures to glue his opponent's back to the mat so he can bludgeon them with his barbed wire covered walker.

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But who're you tagging him with?


At the moment? No one. Considered Sgt. Bubba Lee West.


Also, F me for wanting to bring in Nathan Coleman.


Fits the PSW style? Check.

Relatively over? Check.

Talent to burn at this level? Check.

Ex-Dave alumni goodness? Check.

Massive jerk who single-handedly dropped the backstage environmnent to the point we'll see a small penalty? Check.


Oh well, I'll just have to make do... maybe see if there's a manager floating around who is both hot AND an incredible backstage influence.

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I am currently running MPWF...just got the game a couple of days ago, so I am not too terribly far in the game at this point, but as of May 2010, I have decided to take the route of popularity over finances (for the time being) and grabbed a small television show that airs in all three Mexican regions. My ultimate plan is to book decent shows until my prestige manages to jump ahead of OLLIE's and then declare war. Really, the only way I can make a significant push towards SOTBPW is to raid OLLIE's roster. I've already made preliminary plans to do this by signing and pushing Amazing Fire Fly to make us more attractive to Axxis Jr. and making Chica de Partido the premiere valet in our promotion to try and grab Luis Montero Jr. I figure this masterplan should flesh out around early 2011.


As far as storylines go, Mayan Idol v. Soul Taker headlines the promotion, essentially, Idol is the tecnico and Taker is the rudo. Idol runs a gimmick where he carries a Mayan Calendar around that gives him power and motivation. Taker, in an effort to infuriate Idol enough to gain a match against him sent some of his lackeys backstage to destroy the calendar. Idol and Taker main evented my Festival de Lucha in March in a B+ rated ladder match.


Another major feud is between Mario Heroic (renamed Mario Moreno) and Cique Jr. over the affections of Chica de Partido. Essentially, Mario turned rudo by abandoning Electrico in a tag match earlier in the year to try and steal Gabriela Ortega from him. Electrico managed to win the feud rather handily, both in terms of W/L record, and in terms of keeping his valet. I had bigger plans, but I'm pretty positive he's got a D+ overness ceiling, so now he gets to do a program in the midcard with Cique. Mario used his charm to steal Chica de Partido, who went rudo and started going by Natalia Buscamante.


Anyway, without boring you all with the rest of my fed details, another feud is between Hijo del Mephisto and Hijo de Zonk, where Mephisto tried to unmask Zonk, but it was revealed that he was just wearing another mask.


So, anybody else out there play the Mexican C-Verse, because I'm new to this. Any tips or tricks? MPWF is definitely the most challenging to play as on the continent, so we'll see how this goes.

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In USPW...


I have signed Devastating Don and Landmass, teaming them together as "The Buffet Busters."


What will follow is a series of vignettes with them "raiding" a restuarant, pushing around customers, stealing food and generally being asses/pigs. Im reallly looking forward to how many ways I can come up with to justify using their menace in these kinds of segments.


...Also maybe one where the ring breaks. Thats that ALOT of weight. Imagine if they fought the Titans! :D


Anyway, I doubt it defines my game and they probably never make it past midcard, but hopefully it'll be incredibly amusing.

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In my new MAW Game


Signed: Marc Raisin and Dermott Ayres as a jobber tag team, Mainstream Hernandez (just released him) and Brady Prince aas Graham Brady a member of the armed forces


At Invetational Vessey and Valentine turned on Chord and Starr making them face, Hernandez beat Huey Cannonball but a post match attack by Cannonball and Stardust cost Hernandez a place in the Invetational tournement final.

Huey Cannonball beat Graham Brady and American Patriot when Stardust attacked Patriot.


Max Mayhem has become a pirate under the name Captain Mayhem.


At Wrestling Classic Starr Chord beat C-V-2, Huey Cannonball defeated Findlay O'Farrady with what is the start of findlay's losing streak.

And the mainevent Brady beat Patriot in the first of seven series for the atlantic title.

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A little rant about Mark Murdoch.. AKA Fox Mask..


he was signed by the SWF during the summer of 2010, and spent 6 months in development doing very little.. he got called up and subsequently jobbed out on his tv debut.. Fox was promptly fired..


now, you might expect him to be wary of the big leagues following this experience.. and so did I..


he joined MAW and quickly earned himself a title shot.. putting on two of best matches of the year.. he lost out to champion Antonio Del Veccio - but was key to cementing the young champions position at the top of the company.. it only took two months to get back into contention and was set to take the MAW World Title in October..


Fox Mask then signed for bloody TCW and left the week before his planned title victory.. left me right in the lurch..


in good news for 'Snow Fox' hes appearing regularly on tv and has actually won a match! doesn't make things any easier for me though..


/rant over

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A little rant about Mark Murdoch.. AKA Fox Mask..


he was signed by the SWF during the summer of 2010, and spent 6 months in development doing very little.. he got called up and subsequently jobbed out on his tv debut.. Fox was promptly fired..


now, you might expect him to be wary of the big leagues following this experience.. and so did I..


he joined MAW and quickly earned himself a title shot.. putting on two of best matches of the year.. he lost out to champion Antonio Del Veccio - but was key to cementing the young champions position at the top of the company.. it only took two months to get back into contention and was set to take the MAW World Title in October..


Fox Mask then signed for bloody TCW and left the week before his planned title victory.. left me right in the lurch..


in good news for 'Snow Fox' hes appearing regularly on tv and has actually won a match! doesn't make things any easier for me though..


/rant over


I would be pissed. If you hire him back job him to the stars!

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My WCW 2001 Game


WCW wasn't bought by Vince McMahon but by Eric Bischoff.


June 2001


Scott Steiner is proving to be a contender for Booker T's title but is also caught up with trying to tame Ms Han****. He drags her to the ring every week but she costs him matches he should be winning now and then.


Palumbo is feuding with Mark Jindrak over jealousy that he has teamed with Sean O'Haire lately who is Palumbos tag team partner. Together Palumbo and O'Haire are the tag champs.


Kidman is feuding with Rey Mysterio Jr. because he is mad that Rey Mysterio Jr. always gets "undeserved" attention. Kidman cites that he has beaten the best by beating Hulk Hogan before as his reason he is the best.


Team Canada had Mike Awesome dress as Sting and distract DDP so Lance Storm could win. Sting didn't like this trickery and has teamed with DDP to take on Storm, Awesome, and Skipper.


Hulk Hogan is in a storyline like Kurt Angles current TNA one where he is trying to work his way up the ranks however it is because Kevin Nash and Eric Bischoff (both are authorities that work together for WCW) feel he needs to earn a shot for the title and not have it handed to him.


Goldberg is sorta floundering around and just establishing himself as a monster again. Not been given any title shots.


Vampiro has been doing videos stating a Brotherhood/Dark Carnival is coming to WCW.


Oh and I am having a US Title Tourney right now as well.

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A little rant about Mark Murdoch.. AKA Fox Mask..


he was signed by the SWF during the summer of 2010, and spent 6 months in development doing very little.. he got called up and subsequently jobbed out on his tv debut.. Fox was promptly fired..


now, you might expect him to be wary of the big leagues following this experience.. and so did I..


he joined MAW and quickly earned himself a title shot.. putting on two of best matches of the year.. he lost out to champion Antonio Del Veccio - but was key to cementing the young champions position at the top of the company.. it only took two months to get back into contention and was set to take the MAW World Title in October..


Fox Mask then signed for bloody TCW and left the week before his planned title victory.. left me right in the lurch..


in good news for 'Snow Fox' hes appearing regularly on tv and has actually won a match! doesn't make things any easier for me though..


/rant over


He is better than Angry Gilmore in my 97 game.


He was the Tag Champ then he won the World Title , and about 1/2 way into his planned title reign, he signs with HGC. In over a year he only had 9 matches, with only 1 win. He then leaves HGC and comes back to me, wins two more tag titles, then announces he announces he is leaving me for HGC...again. And has so far had 2 matches, losing them both.


But I wont lie, if I can I will take him straight back.

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He is better than Angry Gilmore in my 97 game.


He was the Tag Champ then he won the World Title , and about 1/2 way into his planned title reign, he signs with HGC. In over a year he only had 9 matches, with only 1 win. He then leaves HGC and comes back to me, wins two more tag titles, then announces he announces he is leaving me for HGC...again. And has so far had 2 matches, losing them both.


But I wont lie, if I can I will take him straight back.


It looks like he will never learn.. I hope he fails with TCW and comes crawling back.. I have Giant Brody and Ernest Youngman waiting to dominate him..

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I just started a CGC game, booked my first Title Bout Wrestling show featuring a main event of Jack DeColt vs. Dan Dalay for the title...


The show got a B- rating, everything was good until...


Jack DeColt suffered a major concussion and will be out of action for 14 months :(


Now I have to find another champion and a replacement for him at the 3 vs. 3 Elimination match in two weeks!

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"Old Iron Guts" Lt. Robert Oxford pulled on a C- against Matthew Keith (is that really surprising?)!!! The result... my fourth show ever with PSW is a C-! Considering how AWFUL I am at booking hardcore companies typically, I feel good about it. I mean, I see what the computer does with them... and it's usually a bunch of Ds and D-s with the rare D+ sprinkled in for the first year.


Of course, the AI never brings in a 49 year old who could stroke out mid-match. And they usually lose Matthew Keith, who I've been lucky enough to hold onto so far.


Still, I need to do a better job getting my head around this company better. Maybe more structure... Maybe then those C- angles (nearly the highest rated I can put on) will build enough heat to snowball a bit. Still, there's a small amount of popularity gain in my midcard and lower... just wish my guys up top could do the same. C- shows are a nice .6 bump now, but it won't last... and lord knows I like being able to run multiple shows a month.


Other thing of note:


Johnny Martin has a new protege... Greg Gauge

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@Comradebot Out of anyone on the PSW roster, Matthew Keith is THEE guy who can pull out a C-, with Steven Parker in second place...as for the rest, I've no clue. D+ is the best that I can pull from the default roster, normally from a ladder match. Ladder matches have the needed risk but without the hardcore trappings that weight alot of guys down.


Seriously, even when I made Sayeed Ali mad over in the tri-state I couldn't get much out of the roster. I actually pop'd when I got a D+ match out of Ash Campbell and Sayeed Ali like 9 months into the game.


PSW; Nowhere else do I get better booking ideas, Nowhere else craps on my soul with such crappy matches :(

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In my game as WWE, Christian defeated Edge in a Ladder Match at Extreme Rules to win the World Heavyweight Championship, only to have Morrison cash in his Money In The Bank Briefcase. Christian loses it, and destroys Morrison. Morrison and Christian feuded untill SummerSlam, when Morrison defeated Christian. Christian joins Edge as heels and the two take the Tag Team Titles. Morrison moved on to face a number of people untill Rey Mysterio challenged him. Morrison turns heel, wanting to do anything to protect his title against Underdog Rey. Morrison eventually defeats Rey, retaining. A Battle Royal is held to determine a new contender with Edge and Christian as the final two. Both men hit the ground at the same time, making it a triple threat. Christian wins by pinning Edge and wins his second World Title. Edge throws a fit and Edge feuds with Christian untill Christian defeats his brother to retain the title at Survivor Series 2010.
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I'm in 2016 with PSW on the verge of cult (only 1 TV show away!).


to comradebot and The Celt, high risk matches are your friends. I created a "Fan's Bring Your Weapons"-match, which has risk at high and a PSW-match (medium risk) for hardcore wrestlers and regular wrestlers. This truly helped my match ratings lot.


As a bottom line I would say that you should play PSW as entertaiment promotion with high risk matches and angles. Also slow build matches with Johnny Martin are your friend in the beginning.


Hardcore promotion needs hardcore-style wrestlers. Why? Because they are usually not going to be stolen from you by the big companies. Here's a list of workers I have found very useful in my six years with PSW.


Doug Peak: He is everything hardcore promotion needs. Menacing, good brawling skills, willing to do crazy bumps and fight in high risk matches. He needs someone to carry him in longer matches, but he is reliable midcard act and world title challenger.

Championships: PSW Champion (2015).


Johnny Martin: He got crazy psychology for a indy wrestler and he will fight in high risk matches (at least for sometime, in my game he got more conservative and stopped doing high risk matches). He will not probably leave you and therefore are good cornerstone for your main event.

Championships: PSW Champion (2011 and 2014), PSW national (2x2015) and PSW tag team (2012 and 2013, with Teddy Powell and Frankie Future)


Frankie Future: Good psychology and willing to do high risk matches. His feud with Johnny Martin kept my ratings high for the first 2 years. His entertaiment skills are also quite good.

Championships: PSW championship (4x2009-2012), PSW National (2012), PSW Tag Team (2013, with Johnny Martin)


Man Mountain Cahill: Great menacing wrestler and good main event gatekeeper. He is easy to get over and then you can eat him to other wrestlers.

Championships: PSW Tag Team (2015, with Grandmaster Phunk)


Larry Wood: Well I guess this one needs no explanation.

Championships: PSW Championship (2014-2015)


Sayeed Ali: Awesome hardcore wrestler. Easy to get over with squashes and he have good performance skills for such a young man too. He have had great matches with Darryl Devine, Rhino Umaga and Larry Wood and he have wrestled in 7 matches in my top ten.

Championships: PSW Championship (2x2014), PSW National (2015)


The Good Ol' Boys: Cornerstones of my tag division. Their psychology are stunningly low but their hardcore skills make that up. I did cheat little bit as I made Wooton Fitzpaine little less conservative so he would stay in the company.

Championships: PSW Tag Team Champions once a year between 2012 and 2015


I even had Big Smack Scott as my PSW champion at one point as part of my Supreme takeover angle. And he pulled matches from C to B- during his run. :)

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I keep hearing that Menace angles are supposed to pay off big, but whenever I used them in either PSW or WEXXV they never seemed to affect a worker's popularity. I mean, does the angle have to get a certain grade above the worker's pop or what? And if a menace angle pays off what kind of boast would that worker get? 2%, what?
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I'm not sure dude, but all I can tell you is that on National TV with National PPV exposure, Eddie Peak is now the biggest star in America in my TCW game... Completely by mistake. He's bigger than Cornell, Bruce... He's gotten out of control huge in my game and I'm taking huge advantage of the fact.


I think it has to do with the level the worker is at anyway. I remember my RWA diary, I had some big guy with High Menace squashing everyone in sight. It ruined some of my cards because the matches were so poor and they pay off was so little. I guess it has to do with exposure as much as it is about the rating of the worker.

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I keep hearing that Menace angles are supposed to pay off big, but whenever I used them in either PSW or WEXXV they never seemed to affect a worker's popularity. I mean, does the angle have to get a certain grade above the worker's pop or what? And if a menace angle pays off what kind of boast would that worker get? 2%, what?


Squashes pay off better than angles. Angles tend to boost workers overness just by that 2%.

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Still chugging right along with APWF.


Have the Steel City Supercard coming up in a few months, and once again I've decided to host a tournament to decide a worthy contender to face the champion at the SCS. HOWEVER, there will be one major difference...


Rather than an ongoing, 16 tournament that takes a month to host and will only feature the finale on the big even before the Steel City Supercard, it will be (officially) only be eight men participating, though I'm sure I'll have all of them win qualifiers first. Why the change?


Because, in my mind due to the fact Dale Christian is now on our roster, we've purchased the legendary King Of Wrestling title, which hasn't been fought over in about seven years now. I'm incredibly hyped about having eight of APWF's finest talents battling it out for the night, with the best challenger available earning a shot at our biggest event of the year. If anything nets me an A* match, it'll be this tournament, I'm sure of it.


And would you look at that, King of Wrestling inventor, and previous winner, Dale Christian has announced his retirement... which will take place about a month after the tournament. Surely he won't make one final run to compete... surely...

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