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Nearly 18 months into a fun CV 97 0/0/0/0 game in Mexico, first time I've played there for any length of time. Have built the fed around the team of Nicolas Lopez and Masked Rebel, plus Acid, and Tijuana Vampire - between them they road agent my matches, do color, AND make up my main event scene. Pulling in solid high 50's/low 60's ratings for main events of Rebel/Lopez vs any two other upper midcarders/main eventers, pretty much - they have great tag chemistry. Importance is at 18 but rising steadily. Just moving to 2 shows a month and hoping it will be a success... regional here I come!
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After wavering back and back between either SWF or TCW games, I finally started up a new TCW game. Modded things a bit before I started, so its kind of a cheat game I guess... I'm only a month into the game, but I managed to play through that month much quicker than I expected and things are going pretty well.


My main storyline is the resurrection of The Syndicate. Its kinda moving backward, but I never really got to do what I wanted with The Syndicate in 2008 and now in 2010, its basically done. Worse, it never really lived up to its potential. So just as it looks like RDJ is going to achieve his goal of ending the epic heel stable, Cornell pulls it all back together. Throughout January, he hinted that things would be changing. At Malice in Wonderland, he and Wolf defeated the Freedom Fighters, then had the newly-crowned tag champions The Machines run in for the beatdown on the good guys. The show ends with the foursome reformed.


At MIW, I also had Sam Keith win the World title from Rocky Golden. I like Rocky as champion, but found that it important to protect him in my diary game since he's really not good enough in the ring off the start. Didn't want to bother doing that again, so I figured to give the legendary Mr. Keith one last run. It makes for an interesting dynamic, as he will be asked to rejoin the Syndicate, but despite being TCW world champion, he would not have the leadership role. Keith will decline and instead feud with my signing who debuted at the pay per view... Sean McFly... That feud should last a couple of months and it keeps the world title away from the bigger Syndicate feud. I always imagined that Keith and McFly had quite the rivalry in Supreme through the late 90s (one of the many reasons I'm toying with an SWF '97 game as well), so its cool to do the feud again in TCW.


The "who will be the 5th member of The Syndicate" question will take a month or two to play out. Two primary possibilities... either Rick Law rejoins or Rocky Golden turns to join. Haven't decided which yet...


Happy to have signed McFly. Also looks like I should be able to steal Frehley from the SWF soon enough. Bit ironic, since the intent with this was similar to the my diary game in terms of building talented new stars...

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Nearly 18 months into a fun CV 97 0/0/0/0 game in Mexico, first time I've played there for any length of time. Have built the fed around the team of Nicolas Lopez and Masked Rebel, plus Acid, and Tijuana Vampire - between them they road agent my matches, do color, AND make up my main event scene. Pulling in solid high 50's/low 60's ratings for main events of Rebel/Lopez vs any two other upper midcarders/main eventers, pretty much - they have great tag chemistry. Importance is at 18 but rising steadily. Just moving to 2 shows a month and hoping it will be a success... regional here I come!


Took me two and a half years to hit even Small. I am... envious, haha.


Sounds fun though - getting people to pull double duty gives the game a real feel of it being a small fed.

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In my new ECCW Game (Extreme Caw Championship Wrestling) i took charecters i made on SvR10 and put them on the game its a 0/0/0/0 game and i have done 4 shows in 2 weeks (got three brands Raw,Smackdown and Extreme)

I have 6 storylines going on Brian B Blair (a cross between Carlito and Shelton Benjamin with and Intercontinental Championship round his waist) vs Kenzo Richards (my RVD fans own man who is tipped to be a next best thing.

Micheal Milano (a randy orton style maniac) feuding with his brother D.O.G (A pure bully with a eye patch looks a little like Animal (LOD) for the Raw Heavyweight championship probably will end with a ladder match.

The Champ (basically John Cena,useless but entertaining) turned on the World Heavyweight Champion Jack Mooran (the major member of top heel stable The Corporation) becoming a face (because everyone hates the corporation).

The Freedom Fighters (Dawson Harvester (Kind of like Elijah Burke) and Dean Raymond (A bland brawler) who are Smackdown Tag Champions) are feuding with Corporation lackeys,Magenta (Carlos Riviera (A latin Ric Flair) and Luis McCarthy (A Scottish who thinks he is super sexy) Magenta will takes the titles as the Freedom Fighters are main eventers.

On Extreme I have Lil Gangsta (JTG look-alike) feuding with One of the Top Dogs on Extreme, Tyson Havoc (Steroided man looks like Big Zeke), this came about as Havoc decided to destroy Gangsta after Gangsta lost a match to Christian Star.

Finally Christian Star (Basically me, Straight Edge with my own servant also the Extreme Champion) vs Joey Poison (A sting/raven charecter who is much liked by the fans (yes i know poison is in the C-Verse:p) Star won against Poison on Show 1 with a distraction from Morpheus, the next week Poison wanted to get a rematch, Star refused an sent out Morpheus, Poison won and looks to take the Extreme Championship.

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Using Genadi's Montreal Screwjob data, and just passed King Of The Ring. First off, I switched to a new PPV schedule of six major, six minor PPVs a year, so Rumble-Jan, Mania-March, KOTR-May, Summerslam-July and SSeries-Nov. Right now Judgment Day is filling the sixth slot in September but that might be rebranded.


Kane is World Champion after defeating Undertaker (who beat HBK at the Rumble) at Unforgiven in April, having lost to him at Wrestlemania. Their feud was put on hold at KOTR, where Kane retained the title in Hell In A Cell, at the end of which Taker took a crazy bump that has kayfabe put him out of action. He'll be returning at Summerslam, to cost Kane the belt against Austin. I'll conclude the singles feud between Kane/'Taker at Judgment Day and then probably turn 'Taker heel and form the Ministry, with the brothers turning on Paul Bearer and Taker assuming control of the group (which currently also includes Goldust and Mideon).


Austin has been feuding with Vince since the start of the game, and overcoming road blocks along the way. He beat Vince at Mania in a Street Fight, and has since beaten lackeys Bradshaw and the debuting William Regal at Unforgiven and KOTR. He'll be facing all three at Over The Edge for the right to face Kane at Summerslam, and he'll be winning. The only match he hasn't won so far was the Rumble (which Kane won to get his match with 'Taker).


Owen Hart feuded with DX early on, getting a Retirement match with HBK at Mania, which he won (HBK has since returned as Colour Commentator). He then beat Triple H at Unforgiven to conclude the feud, a double-win that I see as payback for the Screwjob. Owen has just won KOTR and will be facing (and losing to) Kane at Over The Edge. He has now equalled Bret's two tag titles, two IC titles and two KOTRs so is going to turn heel with an obsession over outdoing his brother. I'll likely have him get a short World title run at some point. Maybe being the guy to topple Austin, only to lose the belt back shortly after. Doubt he'll get close to the five world titles Bret has, but he may get the nod for the '99 Rumble and then a second world title at Mania.


The Rock turned on the Nation early in '98, and faced Faarooq at Mania, where he lost the IC title. He's been getting over easily with his promos so had to drop the belt. Obviously couldn't go from losing clean to Faarooq to feuding for the World title so has formed a loose alliance with Triple H to take on Mankind and Vader, a feud that will evolve into a fourway singles feud to get a title shot. It'll be either Rock or HHH, since a face Austin will be champ by that point.


The other titles, well, Owen Hart has the European title that he got from Triple H but he needs to lose that soon. Maybe to Mideon as part of his feud with Kane. The Light Heavyweight title is on Flash Funk because he reformed his drug habits and developed loyalty to me, and he is now a lot more over than the rest of the division. The Tag Titles are on Shamrock & Blackman (Lethal Weapons) because Road Dogg and Billy Gunn both fell foul of drug tests shortly before what was due to be a routine defense, and now there's a fourway feud between those two, Legion Of Doom and Vince's low-level lackeys Storm & Lynn, who aren't that low-level any more. Finally, the IC, still on Faarooq, is going to be won by Jeff Jarrett, who demanded a shot after coming second in KOTR.

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Wow, just done a smackdown, 6 months in.


Had a match Jericho v Colt Cabana.


Jericho is Main Event, Cabana is just a midcarder, just came up from Lower midcard


Cabana has good in ring skills and I figured it was put on a solid match, give Jericho a solid win and may get Cabana slightly more popularity due to him facing a main eventer.


The Rating was a 97 :o


By far my highest rated match in 6 months



But ergh i didn't put it as one of the last 2 matches. the last 2 only got 79 rating :/ so it lowered my overall to a 79, hurt my popularity :/

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In my diary game for WCW 2003 I am trying to use Triple H in a dominant way without putting the World Heavyweight Title on him. Began teaming him with Kevin Nash. Having them go and beat Rick Steiner and Road Warrior Animal before taking on Kronik. Meanwhile Los Guerreros (Eddie and Chavo) are contending for the tag belts that Jindrak & O'Haire hold. This is my attempt to make the tag team division credible.


Goldberg is feuding with his attacker Taz instead of the World Heavyweight Title. Kurt Angle is feuding with Booker T for the World Heavyweight Title.


The North Eastern Alliance: Shane Douglas, Kanyon, and Steve Corino are trying to get the US Title back from DDP.


Hollywood Hogan has been reluctant to get into any major feuds. He has been beating lower card guys and refusing title shots that Bischoff has been trying to offer him. Nobody seems to know what Hogan is up to but he promises that everyone will find out upon his return from vacation.

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Been playing the montreal screwjob as OMEGA, up to JULY 01, just had Samoa Joe beat Danielson for the OMEGA Crown(a combination of the CWA Intercontinental Heavyweight, CWA World Heavyweight, ECW World Television, ECW World Heavyweight, and OMEGA Heavyweight belt) Just after Bryan beat the previous title holder record of 11 months, that being Fit Finley. Bryan also was the one who won each belt making him the first crown holder. Joe also holds the Extreme title, but refuse to put it into the crown instead defending on alternate shows, The Canadian Blondes(Adam Copeland and Christian Cage) just won they're record third OMEGA tag belts, beating The Carolina Stretching Crew(Charlie and Russ Haas) I am currently regional with 45 importance in mid south 28 in the midwest 16 in the south west 4 in the north west, north and west mexico, and the prairies. I am running two show a month except in december where we only do one show.
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At the minute I'm focusing on the Montreal Screwjob as WWF. I've just held my King of the Ring 1998 show. Triple H beat Vader in the final after beating Terry Funk in the semi final. Vader beat Edge as well. Steve Austin vs The Undertaker was my main event after an interesting feud which began the month before. Shawn Michaels is due back at the next Raw after being on vacation since the night following Wrestlemania and will challange Austin for the WWF Championship. Triple H will face the winner (at the minute I'm leaning towards Austin) at Summerslam. The New Age Outlaws have held the tag titles since I started the game, purely because of a lack of decent tag teams to go up against them. Owen Hart beat Ken Shamrock for the Intercontinental Championship at King of the Ring and I'm thinking of having a best of five series between the two. The Rock hasn't really been feuding with anybody as of late. He had a feud with Austin and is a in a stable (The Corporation) with Vince and Shamrock but I really have nothing for him until his turn against Austin comes again.


I have Triple H as the European champion but it's a mid card title and Hunter is a Main Eventer. However, I'm a bit unsure whether to have him drop he title to a midcarder and possibly face him being unhappy at the loss or have him drop the title himself in order to go for the WWF Championship. Any ideas anybody?

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I have Triple H as the European champion but it's a mid card title and Hunter is a Main Eventer. However, I'm a bit unsure whether to have him drop he title to a midcarder and possibly face him being unhappy at the loss or have him drop the title himself in order to go for the WWF Championship. Any ideas anybody?


What I tend to do in these instances is have him defend the title against a midcard guy I want to push, and have him win the match in highly controversial circumstances. Then, strip him of the title on the grounds that he's a bit of a git and have two midcarders contest it.


Or, if he's a face, same thing only this time it's unfair treatment at the hands of those in authority.

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I have Triple H as the European champion but it's a mid card title and Hunter is a Main Eventer. However, I'm a bit unsure whether to have him drop he title to a midcarder and possibly face him being unhappy at the loss or have him drop the title himself in order to go for the WWF Championship. Any ideas anybody?


you could always go for the obvious cop-out route.. have him defend in a three-way with a couple of midcarders.. and get the title off him without him losing the fall..

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Trying something really different... I'm using the 2001 mod, but I modified it further to start in 1934, with high worker generation. I'm simming into maybe 1965 and I might possibly take hold of WWF when it opens, and plot an alternate history. There's no titles, no lineage, nothing, because I created a new database and imported into it. Unfortunately though, all of my game areas have 100/100 pop/imp so it's a little corny.


Oh, and did I mention I also imported the cornellverse?


What sucks is all of those promotions don't have start dates, so they are popping up at random and I'm not even into the 1960s yet.


Here's how things are looking:

By importance:




















I've never played cornellverse before so this is all new to me. I have regional wars turned off, so I can't imagine any of these promotions are going anywhere anytime soon.

Everyone is stuck at regional (except for the top 2, at cult) because the TV networks haven't opened yet... LOL :D


As for anything interesting happening, Stu Hart is the head booker for QPW, but that's all I can really notice since there's so many organic workers currently running things. It'll get interesting when people start to debut in swarms...lol. I just wish the NWA was around rather than waiting for 1988 for WCW to debut. Doh!

I'd love a real world mod that starts as early as possible... hmm


Oh also, young lion and loyalty is turned on for every area.

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Ric Flair is the current GWF World Champion. He's been putting on good matches and has held the title for about 5 months. I was going to have him hold the title for a year and then drop it to Hulk Hogan (current Tornado brand champ), who he is feuding with.

Well, then Flair's inner-a**hole decides it's time to come out. I've had 4 incidents with him since February (it's now April). Generally, starting fights with other workers. I gave him the Last Chance warning and am now planning on having him drop the title to Hogan at my May PPV. After that, I will probably fire him the next time he causes an issue.

The funny thing is, he has been with me for about 1 1/2 years and has never been a problem. He is extremely happy and only started being a jack*ss after I gave him the World title.

I plan on having Hogan hold the title for a year after that (unless he acts up) and am not sure if I should have him drop it to Andre or Savage. What do you think?

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Wow, just done a smackdown, 6 months in.


Had a match Jericho v Colt Cabana.


Jericho is Main Event, Cabana is just a midcarder, just came up from Lower midcard


Cabana has good in ring skills and I figured it was put on a solid match, give Jericho a solid win and may get Cabana slightly more popularity due to him facing a main eventer.


The Rating was a 97 :o


By far my highest rated match in 6 months



But ergh i didn't put it as one of the last 2 matches. the last 2 only got 79 rating :/ so it lowered my overall to a 79, hurt my popularity :/

Being an ROH fan, that made my day.

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I just started a game with the FCW and I am continuing with the two starting storylines. I paired Titan and the Handsome Stranger together, with Titan acting as Stranger's bodyguard. I also created Batch inc. with Carl Batch as the manager and The Sensational Singh as his main client. I then added King Kong Kennedy and Ox Mastadon as his bodyguards. I hired Dharma Gregg and made her the Natural Storm's manager.


I am also planning something in the works for Kirk Jameson, who I find myself needing to push. I feel like the Fight for Freedom storyline is going to be huge! I plan on a very-long brutal feud between the two teams. PRP and Stranger's storyline is more short-term as of right now.

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I'm currently playing with ROH with the 2002 mod (with start in February 2002), and have just done Final Battle 2003 which was the last show of 2003, so I have almost played 2 years, which is the longest for me in TEW history :p I'm trying to keep it somewhat real, so the champions are the same as they were IRL at the time.


Current champions:


ROH World Tag Team Champions ©: The Briscoes


Sep 3, 2002: Christopher Daniels & Donovan Morgan def. Bryan Danielson & Michael Modest (5 Defences)

March 2, 2003: AJ Styles & The Amazing Red def. Christopher Daniels & Xavier (9 Defences)

Sep 1, 2003: Johnny Kashmere & Trent Acid def. AJ Styles & The Amazing Red (5 Defences)

November 1, 2003: Jay & Mark Briscoe def. Johnny Kashmere & Trent Acid (Currently 3 Defences)


ROH World Champion (A): Samoa Joe


July 4, 2002: Low Ki def. Christopher Daniels, Doug Williams & Spanky (1 Defence)

September 3, 2002: Xavier def. Low Ki (5 Defences)

March 3, 2003: Samoa Joe def. Xavier (Currently 14 Defences)


And then i have introduced these titles a little earlier than IRL :p :


ROH Pure Champion (C+): Nigel McGuinness


August 2, 2003: Nigel McGuinness def. Chad Collyer, Doug Williams & John Walters (Currently 3 Defences)


ROH Television Champion (B-): Spanky


April 2, 2003: Paul London def. Bryan Danielson (11 Defences)

June 3, 2003: Bryan Danielson def. Paul London (13 Defences)

October 3, 2003: The Amazing Red def. Bryan Danielson (4 Defences)

December 3, 2003: Spanky def. The Amazing Red (Currently 0 Defences)

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Poor AAFW...


They lost about $100000 last month from the look of things. And if that wasn't bad enough? First show of this month, Dick the Devastor suffers the dreaded Churchillian Neck Nerve Damage. A nasty injury that, while it can be worked through, lowers the head and body by 30% and lasts for over a year. So Dick will tough it out, but odds are his matches are going to suffer for it.

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Poor AAFW...


They lost about $100000 last month from the look of things. And if that wasn't bad enough? First show of this month, Dick the Devastor suffers the dreaded Churchillian Neck Nerve Damage. A nasty injury that, while it can be worked through, lowers the head and body by 30% and lasts for over a year. So Dick will tough it out, but odds are his matches are going to suffer for it.

I'm in the mood to start a AAFW dynasty. You think if I shrink the roster a bit, cut the show time down to an hour...will that make the company lose less money? And I also want to know around what time the company hit a money-making turnaround, from what you said in the '70's Mod Forum.

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I'm in the mood to start a AAFW dynasty. You think if I shrink the roster a bit, cut the show time down to an hour...will that make the company lose less money? And I also want to know around what time the company hit a money-making turnaround, from what you said in the '70's Mod Forum.


Just going from memory, but I think it took half a yearish?


And yeah, cutting down to one hour would help. Fewer people booked every week, the fewer you have to pay. Some may get a minor negative for being left off the show, but I've never seen that become anything remotely resembling a serious problem.


Shrinking the roster... helps if it's people getting paid a downside AND you know you have zero use for them.


Basically, run all of your shows in your home region, do the usual +4 to all ticket prices... and then put on good shows. Honestly, you probably won't HAVE to cut anyone if you don't want to, but can't say for certain. Given AAFW's talent level, you should be able to gain popularity in the Southeast relatively quickly.

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Just going from memory, but I think it took half a yearish?


And yeah, cutting down to one hour would help. Fewer people booked every week, the fewer you have to pay. Some may get a minor negative for being left off the show, but I've never seen that become anything remotely resembling a serious problem.


Shrinking the roster... helps if it's people getting paid a downside AND you know you have zero use for them.


Basically, run all of your shows in your home region, do the usual +4 to all ticket prices... and then put on good shows. Honestly, you probably won't HAVE to cut anyone if you don't want to, but can't say for certain. Given AAFW's talent level, you should be able to gain popularity in the Southeast relatively quickly.

Didn't really think of it that way.


From what I've seen, AAFW is a wacky place. And that'll set up my dynasty well. Like Stennick and ajcrible, I hope to have a cool '77 dynasty. Shorter and sweeter than my other attempts, and to the point.


Off topic slightly...aren't you doing a '77 dynasty, from what I've heard?

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in my omega game on sunday may week 4 of 2003 vince mcmahon dies in drugs overdose leaving the number one company with no owner or booker now do i stick with omega who over 6 years ive grown into a cult phenom or apply for the ownership of wwf.


so i split my data and in the one i stayed with omega, jeff jarrett just took over wwf, as he was still under written contract with them.

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