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What's going on in your game?

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In my modified C-verse game, I kinda cheated on my "no signing pre-existing workers" rule a bit.

had Cherry Bomb, Matthew Keith, Steven Parker, and Clark Alexander for about 8-9 months to try and get the psychology of my workers up enough to not get penalised for scripting matches. Anyways, after I released them I let go of OVW, and then came back, sort of a "fresh start" kinda deal. When I left I still had the heavyweight title on my user character, Jackal.

When I left apparently my heavyweight champion became the guy I signed just a little bit before I left OVW, so now im gonna either cut his title run short. When I left OVW, also the CPU turned my favorite heel into a babyface. El Serpiente. From here on out, im gonna stick to my original plan of only signing workers that come into the universe after the game starts. Gonna see if I can salvage what I had going on.


Ill have access to Goliath again pretty soon. He was one of my top dogs before his concussion. Im gonna try to build him up as the uuber babyface I was building him up to be. A babyface with 100 menace with pretty high entertainment skills.... what could go wrong?


My current Main Event Squad is


Ernest Youngman

El Serpiente

"The American Elitist" Marc Broughton (Random Generated Worker)

and Ricky Storm.


I think ill have Ernest drop it to Ricky, making Ricky the 2nd 2 time OVW Heavyweight Champion, and then have a feud between Storm and Broughton


Oh and doing two weekly shows now. One in tri-state, one in Great Lakes, I want to hit cult so that maybe I can actually get a TV deal and my wrestlers pops will actually go up.

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I'm not popular enough in enough regions for the TV companies.

And ill probably survive cult, if not I have a copy of just before I originally left OVW as a back up.


Go for it then, I suppose. Going to be hard to get written contracts without...what is it, 7mil or something as a criteria? But best of luck; I've never been able to hit cult if I started at regional or below, so...yeah.




SWF: 1.5 hour TV shows, currently ~77% backstage (should change in a week)


BSC: 2 hour monthly event, currently 85.1% backstage.




Conclusion: Holding Big Smack Scott as constant, the presence of breasts will increase one's backstage morale.

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I'm not popular enough in enough regions for the TV companies.

And ill probably survive cult, if not I have a copy of just before I originally left OVW as a back up.


You need a high enough popularity averaged across the world area covered by the TV network to get a show. If memory serves, this quantity is a little over the 17.1 spillover that you'll get if you punch regions high enough - so to make sure of it, concentrate on one area. Ideally you want a C+/B- kind of overness there before working on a second region and making the jump to Cult. That'll put you close to TV, but also probably in reach of a PPV there.


Mind you, I did the run to Cult as a 2-year process having already become the strongest local Regional, having the spillover and running events in 7 regions total - 2 per month in my core region, 1 in each of 2 others on a strict rota - to bring them all up fast and make sure there was no slide. I came into Cult able to sign writtens.

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Big Storyline is that Sam Strong turned on Nicky Champion and endorsed Heel Matt Keith as the future of the company. Strong screwed Champion out of the world title.



Sam Strong - see above, now leader of the main heel stable

Matt Keith - Strong's new golden boy, world title and tv title holder

Bruce The Giant - Strong's best friend, hired to protect Keith

Swoop McCarthy - former fan favorite who sold out to Strong



Nicky Champion - company's main face, seeking revenge on Strong and Keith

Champange Lover - most consistent wrestler in USPW, feuding with Strong's Stable

Vengeance -was not involved in the main feud until he won a battle royal for #1 contender, then was turned on by Swoop McCarthy

Sam Keith - recently joined USPW, he realizes the mistakes he made in his past, and is trying to put his son Matt on a better path. Strong won't let that happen though


Wild Card-

Gargantuan - has been a heel for 13 months, he'll be turning face soon to take out Strong's stable under a "machine" gimmick.


Also, Big Smack Scott has just joined the company. He will be joining Strong's stable. Nemsis has also joined, who will reveal he has bought half of USPW, so Strong won't be able to control everything in storyline.

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Just started a new real-world file that starts in March of 2010, but I'm in the beginning stages of setting up my very own first season of NXT. However, if I could get opinions on the pairings I have right now, I would welcome them.


CHRIS HERO mentored by pro CM PUNK


DANIEL BRYAN mentored by pro JOHN CENA


JUSTIN GABRIEL mentored by pro (the returning) BOOKER T












Yes, I know, I totally raided the indies. With Hardy as Jimmy's pro, I plan on recreating a series of events that I had unfold in a TEW08 2009 game... ;)


Also, yes. This DOES lead to a Nexus-ish stable, although not with all rookies, and not to be named Nexus.

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SOTBPW just annihilated me. They took El Serpiente who I had built into a pretty big name in the states. When/if I hit national, this means WAR! Now my main event scene has 4 heels and 1 face. and that face is only available for half my shows. >.<


Updated Top 5 promotions: As of January 1, 2012. (Keep in mind, altered data, TCW started at cult, SWF wasnt there, certain other companies got deleted etc.)

#1 Golden Canvas Grappling (Heavyweight Champion: Mito Miwa)

#2 Canadian Golden Combat (Heavyweight Champion: Dan DaLay)

#3 World Level Wrestling (Universal Champion: Acid)

#4 South Of The Border Pro Wrestling (World Champion: Batista- I mean El Fuerza)

#5 21CW (World Champion: Jonathan Faust)


PS: TCW did not survive cult. Cornell is currently working in WLW and CGC

My user character Jackal achiever rank #99 on the list of the top 100. Higher on the list only than Fox Mask.

5 months, 2 weeks until Goliath come backs. The AI turned most of my "over" faces heel when I left OVW for a month.

It seems as if Ralph Fraser (Mammoth Regen) is going to end up getting a super push to save my company from dying as I dont know how long I can feud Ricky Storm with the other main eventers who at present are all heels. 75 brawling, 93 SQ, 70 mic/72charisma/68 acting... looks to me as if he will be my best bet for a new main eventer.


I was tempted to go into the editor and put SOTBPW into vastly negative money, but where would the fun be in that?

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So I was running the game forward from the 1977 mod to 2010 -- going for kind of an "alternate universe" thing.


I've done this before... it usually ends up with most of the territories surviving, dozens of in-game promotions, and a nice competitive market for indy workers.


This time, though, was different.


CWF closed in 1980. This opened up room for NOTBPW to flourish, and they did, going global...


...before closing in 1988.


And then SWF closed in December '89.


I have NEVER seen this before, and it really intrigues me. I guess we're back to the territories in America... though AAFW and CPW are cult, so they could grow. CGC is going to have a wide-open field to pick from when they open up, and a number of top US stars (including Rip Chord and Mason Braddock) have jumped ship to Japan already. (BHOTWG and GCG look very strong and aren't suffering any financial troubles.) And then in 1996...


...well, my point is that I want to play this game. Only question is what time to jump in, and who to play as.

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So I was running the game forward from the 1977 mod to 2010 -- going for kind of an "alternate universe" thing.


I've done this before... it usually ends up with most of the territories surviving, dozens of in-game promotions, and a nice competitive market for indy workers.


This time, though, was different.


CWF closed in 1980. This opened up room for NOTBPW to flourish, and they did, going global...


...before closing in 1988.


And then SWF closed in December '89.


I have NEVER seen this before, and it really intrigues me. I guess we're back to the territories in America... though AAFW and CPW are cult, so they could grow. CGC is going to have a wide-open field to pick from when they open up, and a number of top US stars (including Rip Chord and Mason Braddock) have jumped ship to Japan already. (BHOTWG and GCG look very strong and aren't suffering any financial troubles.) And then in 1996...


...well, my point is that I want to play this game. Only question is what time to jump in, and who to play as.


Could you upload this if its not too much trouble?

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In My NOTBPW Game Harry Wilsons contract was coming up so I clicked on Negotiate when I got to the negotiation process I had a message pop up that said...


"Harry Wilson has become so unhappy that he has decided to walk out on you ending his contract. You can only accept."


I have never had that happen and didn't even know it could happen but needless to say I am kind of glad because I didn't really like him. The Only problem was that he was one half of my tag team champions with Cliff Wilson (Dark Angel) and because of that, the titles are now vacant.

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The link's mainly for context, in any case.


Booking When Hell Freezes Over. What I realized is that, given my stipulation of never deciding the victor of a match, I get to predict my own card.


Furthermore, I get to go into the thought process of why I (the booker) might want certain people to win over others. This is an interesting (and possibly awesome) way to get some foreshadowing for the diary. And I possibly give away future storylines.


POINT IS; I hate low-ranked shows.

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Trying to book a more family-friendly "TV-PG" kind of SWF in a game that I've got going on, as I said in the Small Questions thread. Toning down Cult and Risque a good bit, hoping to get more sponsorship money, just like Vince said he was doing when the WWE changed a couple of years back.


And I know it's a copycat of the real WWE, but I'm thinking about making a NXT-style B-show, because Eisen gave me the goal to not hire anybody from any company higher than Cult (basically TCW...and Burning Hammer). Taking that as a "create your own stars" kind of mentality. So I shall raid the indys! Go get some Mexican guys with star power! Maybe some Japanese fellows...who knows?


Sounds like it'll be a fun game. Trying to see how much money I can make being at the top of the world. It'll be a more fast-paced game for me, as I try to take it slow and focus on the details for my KANZEN dynasty game.

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I've been playing around with a Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods game (damn you, TigerKinney!) while trying to fully grasp running a puroresu promotion. But I find myself once again tempted by the seductress that is TCW. Dunno why, but something about Total always draws me back. I may be more comfortable writing the SWF, but I just enjoy booking TCW more.


I have long looked at TCW as a modern version of WCW from 1987-1990 or so, with a mix of older territorial stuff and a dash of ROH as well. However, watching the past few episodes of ROH on HDNet (man, I'm gonna miss that show), I've found myself thinking about TCW as a national version of ROH. The products don't match exactly, I don't think, but yet I can see the gritty intensity of ROH fitting with Cornell's vision.


That has me wanting to run another TCW game. That and the idea of really focusing on building new stars. I typically start out a TCW game (or SFW, or NOTBPW, or BHOTWG though the cast there changes a bit) by signing the typically "sure to be stars" talents. Yet I still jump at the chance to snap up any quality talent from NOTBPW, CGC, USPW, or even the SWF. Really focusing on bringing through new talent and turning them into legit top level stars over the course of 3-4 years is an appealing idea.


Trying to put off starting this game up. I find trying to balance two games at once tough to pull off.

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I'm running my own promotion that has a super hero theme in the C-Verse. I have a bit of comedy in my product, so some of my gimmicks are kind of silly.


Matthew Keith, for example, I gave the "pretentious artist" gimmick to and renamed him to "The Smock". He's some sort of art based super-villain... :p


The hilarious thing is that right before the first show, I get a locker room incident: Matthew Keith brightened the mood by drawing funny cartoons of his colleagues. :p


It was so perfect.

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I took some time off from the game when i did the draft mod (i have a much greater respect for all those mod makers out there) and started doing renders. I got the itch to play again (on said draft mod) and ran with the company i drafted (of course.)


I'm over a year into the game I just hit national, coming off of an immensely popular feud in which Rip Chord turned on Steven Parker by first " accidentally " costing him the tv title and then taking it in a finger-poke-of-doom-esque match from jay chord who was the newest member of the Elitists stable. After which Rip revealed himself to be the leader of the group which now held the World title (Steve Frehley) and the TV title. It took two months of road block after road block before the GM (Nemesis) turned into a baby face by telling Rip he had to face Parker for the TV title. Rip manipulated Parker and the stipulation was set: If Parker won the title would be vacated. If Rip lost Parker would be suspended for three months with no pay. Parker won the match and was propelled into the main event. He feuded with Steve Frehley and won the world title.


An 8 man tournament was held for the vacant tv title. It was won by the newest hire of the promotion: Edd Stone.


the tag team champions are Jay Chord and John Greed (Still members of the elitists).


I'm trying to decide if I should keep building popularity in the us before i branch out. I already have some popularity built up in Canada ( when you have McFly and Jeremy Stone on your roster its kind of hard to resist the temptation of the great white north ;) )

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It's November 2015 in my 4C game, and Davis Wayne Newton, the only guy remaining on my roster that was here before my regime began, is finally leaving. He just signed an exclusive contract with CGC, so... that's it for DWN in 4C. My Top 10 is filled with his matches. My title history littered with his accomplishments. He co-held the tag titles with my user character for over a year. I'm getting a bit emotional.


So I held a little tribute show. Small. 1 hour. In the original venue I ran in Ontario. The only guys on the card were long-term employees or folks DWN had Strong Friendships with. It was the best show I've ever done (B-) and the main event (DWN finally putting over my user character) was the second best match in the company's history.


I'm gonna miss you, DWN.

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Just got to August 2012.

Landed a PPV deal and a TV deal.

I cut off my weekly live wrestling shows... for August will only have 1 show from OVW, kinda a short break for my roster.


Just looked at my Top 10s didnt realize how big of an impact July of 2012 had.

It houses 6 of my top 10 matches, including the #1 spot

2 of my top 10 events, including the #1 spot

and 4 of my top 10 attendances, including the #1 spot.


My main event scene has 5 heels and 1 face. Im going to be turning Richie Fox face soon, and maybe KC Glenn. Which would allow 2 new slots in Evolution to open up so I can get Mohammed "Mighty Mo" Barrett and maybe Joffy Laine(after a name change, of course.)

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It's November 2015 in my 4C game, and Davis Wayne Newton, the only guy remaining on my roster that was here before my regime began, is finally leaving. He just signed an exclusive contract with CGC, so... that's it for DWN in 4C. My Top 10 is filled with his matches. My title history littered with his accomplishments. He co-held the tag titles with my user character for over a year. I'm getting a bit emotional.


So I held a little tribute show. Small. 1 hour. In the original venue I ran in Ontario. The only guys on the card were long-term employees or folks DWN had Strong Friendships with. It was the best show I've ever done (B-) and the main event (DWN finally putting over my user character) was the second best match in the company's history.


I'm gonna miss you, DWN.


Awesome that you managed to hang onto him that long, and a fantastic way to send him off. I look forward to the day you get back into the diary game, Self.

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