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Diary Preview Thread

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Tbh, I'd much rather it be in this forum as I imagine it will get a whole lot more people looking at it and if it were to get put in the special forum I probably would lose my drive to do it. Plus, there are diaries going on in the forum at the moment such as Boomking's 'Punk's Not Dead' for which he doesn't post grades for any segments or matches, so my diary would just be the same as that in that respect.


Anyway, it's a few months off yet.


My thought process was the same. But since my current WCW project isn't based on TEW, it didn't belong. It doesn't get tons and tons of attention down at the bottom, but I have regular readers who find it. In the end, it just kinda felt disrespectful to try to say my project "belonged" in here, when, by definition, it didn't.

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Fair enough. I don't think it's disrespectful though. I want my diary to reach as many people as possible so will post it in here when I finally get around to it. Like I say, there are others who do it, Boomking for example, and no one has a problem with it and everyone seems to be enjoying his diary, I myself follow it on a lurking level.


I've done a few diaries in the past using the game and the only difference really is going to be not having to use up extra time running every angle in the game.

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That's right. I made my own banner. Well, out of an amalgam of APW's event's banner and Big Smack Scott with inverted colors. But I did it!


And that means the first show will be up soon! Delays are due to me figuring out I needed 3 hours, not 2, to do everything I wanted (mainly promos). Furthermore, I had to find out how big I wanted EPW's arena (1,000). And the description of it is/will be awesome, yes.




As for NYCW, show's up (like...12 or 14 pictures, mind). I'll have my commentary...Thursday, maybe? A few annoying things, a few amusing things, thoughts on what went well and wrong.

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That render of BSS is blasphemy!


BSS should never look like or be compared to Buff Bagwell!


This is the real BSS:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/myalbum/?action=view&current=BigSmackScott.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/myalbum/BigSmackScott.jpg" border="0" alt="Big Smack Scott"></a>





And yes this was meant as a joke. I just like the original version much better.

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He was an Outlaw in the South…




And was run out of New York…




He lost his mask in Mexico…




And became a warrior in Japan…




He has wrestled around the world…




He is Terrance Ward...




And he is coming home.


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  • 2 weeks later...
That render of BSS is blasphemy!


BSS should never look like or be compared to Buff Bagwell!


This is the real BSS:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/myalbum/?action=view&current=BigSmackScott.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/myalbum/BigSmackScott.jpg" border="0" alt="Big Smack Scott"></a>





And yes this was meant as a joke. I just like the original version much better.


It's bagwell? Oh. It reminded me of "Clockwork Orange" for some reason...

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Im excited about this one jhd1. Soon please!


Velocidad, Mexican Beast, Champagne Lover and El Fuerza were all great in USPW for me once upon a time.


Not to mention Hysteria, Espada Roja, Sucio etc, etc

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There comes a time in everyones life...




One shot, one chance, one opportunity...




To seize everything you have ever dreamed of...




Some let it slip away...




Others capture the moment...





This is the WWF!


This game will be my WWF 1987 game (Genadi's Golden Age mod) and I am thinking of posting in a monthly recap format like I did with my old WCW 2001 diary. BigPapa was the inspiration for the format. Before I start posting though I will ask for some "rules" or "goals" to use. I will choose which ones to use out of the ones recommended to me. In my game I am Arnold Schwarzaterminator and am owner. I am playing as owner though just so I don't have to push people I don't want to or vice versa. Vince is still the owner for diary purposes though.


Rules ideas could be...


Push Haku to the World Title.

Jacques Rougoue(sp) to be pushed to main event.

Andre the Giant to hold World Title, IC Title, and Tag Title at the same time.


Just some ideas for goals/rules.

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An idea I had last week - the reason my latest show is so late in going up... :o



This is the first part of a few and even if it never goes anywhere for me, I thought it might inspire someone else.





In 2001 the landscape of American wrestling was drastically changed. The dominant WWF finally claimed victory over its challenger WCW after a decade of back-and-forth warfare between the two companies. Almost unnoticed on a national scale, the highly influential ECW also went under, unable to support the costs of expansion beyond its rabidly loyal Philadephia fanbase.


Vince McMahon, owner of the WWF, moved fast: Snapping up the trademarks and worker contracts of WCW and ECW at bargain-basement prices, Vince seemed once again to have found the goose that laid the golden egg. Everyone who knew about wrestling knew that, debt-free, WCW and ECW could be re-launched under the careful financial guidance of McMahon and be financial and critical successes. WWF star Chris Jericho would later lament that, had he known WCW was being sold for just a few million dollars, he would have outbid Vince and run the company himself. So much potential for so little an investment? Billionaire Vince seemed set to rule the American wrestling in totality for years to come.


The purchase was announced on the last episode of WCW Monday Nitro on the week before WrestleMania. Simulcast in places with WWF Monday Night Raw, Vince took evident pleasure in marching out onto the Nitro stage and pushing over a lighting column, causing a brief eruption of sparks as the lamp smashed to the ground.


I can do that. I own this place.


Vince spent the show marching around the arena, gladhanding a few of WCW’s stars – none of whom looked pleased at his presence – and running down workers like Jeff Jarrett. Finally he marched down the aisle and took up position in the centre of the ring.


My name, for those of you don’t know, is Vince McMahon. I own professional wrestling. That’s always been true – I am the chairman of the World Wrestling Federation, but tonight I’ve agreed with Ted Turner the purchase of Dubya See Dubya.


I don’t know what I’ll do with it. I might close it down. I might make all the wrestlers fight for their dinner in the gym in my
mansion. I just don’t know...


What I do know is that it’s mine, all mine! And just to prove it, this Sunday at Wrestlemania X-7, Ted Turner is going to walk down
aisle and sign the papers in the centre of
ring at the biggest wrestling show of this or any other year... and it’s mine! All mine!


Now, I know a lot of you don’t like me, and that’s your prerogative, because I sure as hell don’t like any of you. I know a lot of you like to support ECW because you want to know that there’s an alternative to the World Wrestling Federation out there.


Tough. It’s mine as well.


He laughed.


Well, you know what it’s like when you’re buying bankrupt wrestling companies – why stop at one? As soon as that paunchy, balding New Yorker signs the papers... I truly
own professional wrestling. Hell, he can come down to Wrestlemania this Sunday and sign off on the deal in my ring as well – he can experience what it’s like to be in the ring with
billionaires, not just one.


He smirked.


So say goodbye to your favourite companies... for now. I might let them out for a reunion show or something in a few years’ time. In the meantime... enjoy my monopoly!

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Part the second...




Wrestlemania X-7 was held up by many as the apex of the WWF’s hugely profitable ‘Attitude era’. Featuring clashes between some of the biggest and brightest stars of the time, the show featured a slew of great matches, including a thrilling tables, ladders and chairs match between the Hardys, Dudleys and Edge and Christian, a stunning brawl between the Undertaker and HHH, a shockingly good contest between Vince and Shane McMahon (where Shane beat Vince so badly that the contract signings for the purchases of ECW and WCW had to be postponed) and, of course, the classic main event...


Throughout the course of the show the camera was turned to the arena’s skyboxes. The stars of WCW and ECW were sat isolated from one another, out of the line of fire but highly noticeable under the purple ECW and red WCW banners that hung over their boxes. Never one to be accused of subtlety, Vince had hung a much larger WWF banner right over the other two.


Inside the boxes were some of the companies’ biggest names – for ECW that was the Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn, alongside lesser known workers like Kid Kash and Mikey Whipwreck. Over the course of the night Mick Foley, Tazz and Raven would join them – Raven noticeably carrying with him the WWF Hardcore title. Prominent in his absence, however, was former ECW owner Paul Heyman.


As intriguing as it was to see ECW talent promoted once more on a WWF show, however, the real through-the-looking glass moment came when the camera panned across to the WCW skybox. Where ECW was critically acclaimed, WCW had been the biggest name in the industry only a couple of years before, and many of the workers were still national names. Unlike the perennially rebellious ECW, the WCW workers were clearly primed to portray more of a corporate atmosphere – no beer or cigarettes, for a start, and each worker was wearing a t-shirt with the WCW logo prominent on the front. World champion Booker T and Scott Steiner (whose t-shirt was missing its arms, confirming that Big Poppa Pump still had his trademark huge muscles) got big reactions from the crowd. Buff Bagwell, Diamond Dallas Page and Lex Luger all received strong crowd reactions as well. However, the roof nearly blew off when the camera panned across to reveal WCW icon Goldberg sat a little apart from the WCW rank and file, but sporting the company logo proudly on his chest. Over the course of the night the WCW workers would be visited by several former colleagues, among them Chris Jericho, WWF commissioner William Regal and the former Radicalz Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko.


But ECW and WCW were forgotten during the main event – nearly a half-hour of thrilling brawling between the two biggest stars of the day with the WWF World title at stake. Rock and Austin traded the advantage back and forth, the fight spilling outside of the ring and onto the ramp more than once. At one point Austin was stomping a mudhole in Rock by the crowd barrier. Looking up he found himself face to face with someone who proferred a chair to him – former ECW owner Paul Heyman. Austin snatched the chair, but tossed it aside before giving Heyman the double bird and pitching Rock back into the ring. Heyman stayed at ringside, but would take no more part in the match.


Several minutes later Rock paid tribute to an old friend with a Cactus Jack clothesline that took both men over the top rope to the arena floor once more. As both men struggled to rise, a figure in the front row wearing a black leather jacket casually dropped a set of brass knuckles within easy reach of the Rock. Rock snatched them up and got to his feet, staring down the man who’d dropped them – former WCW president Eric Bischoff.


Rock glared at Bischoff, before both men turned their heads to look at Austin as the Rattlesnake struggled to his feet. Rock’s eyebrow rose up as he regarded his nemesis... before he took Bischoff’s hand, placed the brass knuckles back in it, and went after Austin on his own steam. Clearly, neither man wanted anything but their own actions to determine the contest.


Unfortunately for them, Vince McMahon had other ideas. Twenty-five minutes in he strutted down the aisle, the effects of his beating at his son’s hands vivid on his face. He carried a chair in one hand, and as he slid into the ring and took up a batter’s stance Rock and Austin broke off their brawl to look at him. Vince beckoned for them to come at him as the announcers speculated on his motives... but then Austin and Rock charged the chairman, Rock getting their first and turning Vince inside out with a huge clothesline. Austin followed up with a big elbow drop before the two men kicked Vince out of the ring. Momentarily united, the two rivals turned to one another...


And Austin dropped Rock with a Stunner!


It was the third Stunner of the night, and the second Rock had eaten. The referee counted to two... but Rock kicked out once again. Austin glared at him in disbelief and set up for another Stunner, but as Rock rose up he darted forward and tried for a Rock Bottom, only for Austin to reverse it into a Rock Bottom of his own. Rock kicked out again, kipping up as Austin shook his head, unable to find a way to put his opponent down. Austin tried for a Thesz Press, but Rock dropped to the mat and Austin caught nothing but the referee. He turned into a huge Rock Bottom and the referee could have counted to ten... but the referee was down. In frustration Rock hauled Austin up for a second Rock Bottom and drilled him with a Peoples’ Elbow for good measure. The referee could have counted to fifteen... but there was none to be found. The Rock gestured to the back, and a new referee sprinted down the long aisle. Before he could get into the ring, however, Vince rose off the arena floor and decked the official with a haymaker.


Red-faced with rage, Vince climbed into the ring and began barking at Rock, jabbing his finger in his face, spittle flying from his mouth as he pointed at the fallen chair and then at Austin. Rock spread his hands wide, clearly wanting nothing to do with Vince’s crazed scheme. Vince didn’t take kindly to this, and no microphone was necessary to hear him yell “I’m Vince McMahon, damn it!”


Rock turned away, waving Vince off, only for Austin to drill him with a Stunner. Vince dropped to the mat counting one... two...


Rock kicked out again.


Austin looked lost, unable to comprehend how Rock could keep kicking out. Vince solved the problem for him, snatching up the chair and delivering a thunderous blow to Rock’s skull as he got up, splitting the Brahma Bull open and dropping him like a stone. His face a dangerous-looking shade of crimson, Vince pointed at Austin, then at Rock. Austin looked conflicted, but it was clear that Rock was going nowhere any time soon. Slowly he crawled across to make the cover, his eyes never leaving Vince as he did so. For his part Vince dropped to the mat and counted a slow three – but Rock was out cold, and the match was over.


Steve Austin was the new WWF World champion... thanks to Vince McMahon!


The match over, Vince scuttled across the ring and grabbed the title belt as a weary Austin climbed to his feet. He stared down at the motionless Rock, an uncharacteristic expression of regret on his face as Vince strode over to him, presenting him with the title. Austin smacked the belt out of Vince’s hands, his expression suddenly one of rage as he took in the sight of his long-time enemy. Vince seemed oblivious, pointing to himself as though he was solely responsible for the title change. He stuck out a hand to Austin, who looked down at it, and then back up at Vince without otherwise moving a muscle.


Vince didn’t seem to get the hint, waggling his hand before Austin...


...who responded with a huge Stunner! Austin saluted the crowd, going to each corner and toasting them with Steveweisers before taking one last stand in the centre of the ring, his foot on Vince’s chest, middle fingers held aloft.


He turned to leave, only to see Rock beginning to stir in the centre of the ring. Austin looked at him for a long moment before crossing the mat and helping Rock to his feet. Blood streaming down his face, Rock was in no condition to resume the fight, but Austin simply helped him out of the ring and supported him as the two walked up the aisle. The camera panned back to the ring, revealing McMahon still out cold with the WWF title lying forgotten behind him. Turning to ringside the camera sought out Heyman and Bischoff, but both had departed. Cutting to the WCW and ECW skyboxes revealed their presence their, surrounded by the workers of those companies, deep in conversation.


The camera cut back to Austin and Rock who by now had reached the top of the ramp. Austin turned them around to face out across the crowd. Taking Rock’s arm he raised their hands over their heads in salute before the two men disappeared backstage. The camera then cut back to Vince, still lying out cold in the ring, the WWF title beside him.

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Here begins our tale. The empire, long divided, must unite. The Empire, long united, must divide. Thus has it ever been. This it is today. In the closing years of the Zhou dynasty, seven kingdoms warred amongst themselves until the kingdom of Qin prevailed and absorbed the other six. But Qin soon fell and from it's ruins and shards the kingdom of Han prevailed. It's rise began when the Supreme Ancestor, the first of the Han Emperors, slew a fearsome white serpent. This act inspired the uprising that ended with the establishment of the Han Empire.


For four hundred years the Han Empire has prospered, until the present day and the reign of Emperor Xian, doomed to be the last of the Han Emperors. But the blame cannot be attached solely to him. For years before this the Emperors Huan and Ling gave their trust and the control of their courts to the eunuchs that were supposed to serve them. Under emperor Ling a vicious band of eunuchs known as the Ten Regular Attendants held sway over the empire. Their reign of corruption and violence was only ended when the equally corrupt warlord Dong Zhuo accepted an invitation to free the Empire of it's tyrants. He executed the ten eunuchs then kept his army around the emperor and placed himself in power.


Dong Zhuo persecuted officials of honestly and integrity, putting his trust into his own family and the servile minions that served them. Especially the formidable Lu Bu, the greatest warrior of the time. Lu Bu had previously served a rival of Dong Zhuo, a man he considered to be a father to him. But Lu Bu murdered his lord and joined Dong Zhuo, all for the gift of a horse. Red Hare, reputed to be able to run a thousand li in a day and to run over swamp and mountain as if it were flat land. With Lu Bu mounted on Red Hare by his side Dong Zhuo appeared unbeatable. For at this time it was widely said, what is peerless throughout the land? Among men, Lu Bu. Among horses, Red Hare.


But then on the 15th day of the 4th month of the second year of the era Established Calm as the Emperor arrived at the Hall of Benign Virtue, a strong wind swept the hallway and a green serpent, slithered down a column and coiled itself on the throne. The emperor fainted and had to be rushed to his private quarters while a thunderstorm suddenly appeared. Rain and hail pelted down for half the night, destroying many buildings. Later an earthquake struck the capital, then a great wave swept many coastal dwellers out to sea, and a part of the cliffs of the Yuan mountains collapsed. All these evil omens could not be dismissed as chance.


All across the land, men's thoughts turned to rebellion, and outlaws swarmed like hornets. An alliance of officers swearing loyalty to the Emperor marched against Dong Zhuo. And for the love of Diao Chan, the daughter of a high ranking official and coveted by Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu turned on the second man he had called his father. The death of Dong Zhuo ended the alliance and the realm fell into chaos. What manner of men can save the Empire from such evil times?




Read on.





In the Palace of Indestructible Virtue a servant raced up the steps, sweat pouring down his face as he ran to present himself to the ruler of Wei. As he ran into the main hall he yelled “Report! My lord, your humble servant has intercepted a message. At least two of the guards honored to guard your palace tonight have been bribed! They...” the servant paused, clearly uncomfortable with the enormity of the evil the men planned. “They've been paid to murder you in your sleep! Oh, my lord, but your miserable servant has been unable to determine which of the 20 guards on duty tonight have been bribed! Whatever shall we do?”



The man he spoke to remained perfectly calm through all this. Cao Cao was only in his mid 30's but already had a reputation for both cunning and ruthlessness. “Don't be so concerned!” he said, sitting and casually drinking some wine. “The way in this matter is clear. When the guards assigned tonight show up, have them all arrested! Have them all tortured separately until the two guilty parties are found, and then find out who paid them to attack me. Once this is complete, behead all the captives! “


The servant was shocked and bowed deeply. “My lord, your insignificant servant doesn't understand. Most of the guards are loyal, they would give their lives protecting you! They have families. How can we treat them like this? Is there not another way?”


Cao Cao stood gestured for the servant to rise and walked over to him, looking him in the eyes. “If you are going to serve me properly, you must understand something. I would rather betray the world, then let the world betray me. We must find the masterminds behind this at any cost. When this is done, kill all the captives. Then see to it their families are looked after generously. Let all 20 families think their men died as heroes defending me.




Can such a man become champion of the Empire?


Read on.





In a peach grove in the county of Zhou three men met to swear a solemn oath.



The first to step forward was a man with skin like white jade and an air of humility and integrity. He said “Before Heaven, I am Liu Bei. Though my family has become so poor that I needed to sell sandels and weave mats to live, I am descended from the imperial family through Prince Liu Sheng. I have pledged my life to helping the people and destroying the bandits that ravage our land.”



The second to step forward was a tall man with ruddy cheeks, eyes as intense as a crimson phoenix., and a beard that was two feet long. His stature imposing, so much so he was often said to look nine feet tall. He said “Before Heaven, I am Guan Yu. I was forced to flee my home of Jieliang after I killed a bully who had been oppressing his neighbors. I have devoted myself to defending the just and punishing the unjust.”



The last to speak was a tall, swarthy skinned man with fierce eyes and a bristling beard like a tiger. His voice thundered out “Before Heaven I am Zhang Fei! My family have been butchers for generations. I have devoted my life to wine, fighting, and helping my friends!”


Then they all said “O Heaven above and Earth below, O Sun, O Moon, and all creation: Today we – Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei – swear brotherhood in this peach grove. We will work together as one, sharing weal and woe for the rest of our lives. We swear to serve the Han and save the people. Though we were not born on the same day, we ask to die on the selfsame day. May Heaven bear witness to our utmost and immutable sincerity.” And with that, they drank bowls of wine mingled with their blood and bowed.




Can such men prevail in an era of chaos and treachery?


Read on.





A group of ships sail down the Yangtze River. On the lead ship Sun Jian is leaning on the side of the ship looking thoughtful. “I misjudged Liu Biao, he really is a man of righteousness and courage. I was sure we would need to fight our way past him on the way home, but he's been quite generous.” Just then a volley of arrows hits the lead ships. Soldiers appear on both banks, pelting the ships with volley after volley of arrows while the Sun soldiers on the ships run around in panic. Mortally wounded, Sun Jian is dragged below while he yells “Push ahead as fast as you can, we have to get past this ambush!” A shudder runs through the ship as it hits a sunken boulder, then another, the next step of the ambush being submerged rocks blocking the river to trap the ships.



Inside the ship, Sun Jian's body was pierced with several arrows, blood flowing freely from within his armor as he cried out “This proves the world is a treacherous place, filled with evil men. “ He pulled his nine year old son Sun Quan close by the boy's robe “There's evil in men's hearts!” Then Jian coughed up blood and lapsed back.



Sun Quan tearfully promised “Daddy, I will remember that.” then hearing fighting going on outside his eyes got wide “We have to get you off the ship! Daddy, let me carry you ashore!” but try as he could, the boy could not move his father.


Sun Jian's bloody lips almost managed a smile “It's ok, Quan. I won't be going with you today. You are an exceptional talent. You must promise me you'll support your older brother.” After the boy promised Sun Jian commanded one of his generals, Huang Gai, to carry the boy off the ship.


On the shore Sun Ce was leading the Sun troops in a bloody life or death struggle against the ambushing troops from Jing. Huang Gai killed several ambushes while protecting young Sun Quan. Finally, the ambushers broke and began running away. But Sun Ce was in a fury and ran after them, determined to kill every last one. Huang yelled “You master, don't pursue them anymore! There may be another trap!” but Sun Ce ran on. Two soldiers managed to grab Ce but he tried to struggle free, his rage overwhelming him. It was only when Sun Quan ran in front of him and yelled “Big brother! Big Brother! Don't go after them anymore! You must calm down! Before daddy passed away he said you must protect the Southland! Otherwise, he'll never rest in peace!”


That finally got through the rage that had taken over Sun Ce and he calmed down. While over the hill the archers of Jing waited fruitlessly to spring their ambush. They were destined to be disappointed.






Can such a boy grow to rule an empire?


Coming soon.





This diary is based on one thing. Someone earlier in another threat for TEW 2010 had talked about pro wrestling in China. This is how I think it would look with TEW 2010 and a very loose interpretation of the stats. Now I just need to work on graphics.

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Don't know if I'll ever make this into a full diary, but I had a half-hour free today, so...




My left eye opened. My right eye wouldn’t, and it took me several seconds to work that much out. Tying to work out why it was stuck shut, my brain weakly informed me, was too much to cope with at that point.


I sat up – or tried to, anyway. Something heavy lay across my back, and even if not my head protested so much at the slight movement that I’d managed that I gave up, allowing myself to slump back onto the... bed?


It was my last thought for a while.


I woke up again some time later, my left eye fighting to stay closed but eventually yielding. It was lighter, wherever I was – my head was even less happy about this than it had been about my trying to move earlier. I promised it I’d try and find some aspirin along the way.


I tried to think about what had happened – what events had conspired to bring me to this place, at this time?


I was in pain. I couldn’t move without more pain. To compound matters, something heavy and unyielding was lying across my back.


There only seemed to be one explanation: I was trapped in a collapsed building. The wall opposite me was nothing but a bare framework, all plaster and paper ripped away.


I reached down, my questing hand finding the object that was lying on me. It was hard, but strangely yielding as well. The more I pressed, the more I became aware of a persistent groaning just on the edge of hearing.


I sat up, slowly, my cheek only parting company with whatever I was lying on after some effort, the rest of my head protesting as my brain seemingly rolled around inside it like a pinball when its table went into overdrive – but by now my senses were firing on overdrive, lining up to overwhelm my brain with the wealth of evidence they’d been gathering while I’d been too preoccupied to notice.


The smell, not surprisingly, was the first thing to register. Nothing is so powerful a trigger of memories as a smell – it has the power to tear you out of your present time and throw you back decades with all the force of a car crash. In this case the stench that caused me to rear back was one I was all too familiar with – overtaxed communal toilets. Sharing a locker room with dozens of men (and some women) so often over the years had left me familiar with that ammonia reek, and it was one I’d never learned to black out.


Touch was next, coming sharply into focus as one hand registered that the object across my legs was another person, rather than a fallen beam. It – he, I thought, the body being too solid for a woman – was the source of the groaning I could hear. My other hand was pressing down on a sliver of foam wrapped inside a rubber sheet that, I could tell, was chosen for its wipe-down properties rather than its potential for comfort. Given its stickiness, I wasn’t sure how recently anyone had bothered to wipe it down, though.


Taste was also trying to report in. However, with my suspicions mounting I was doing my best to ignore it – nothing good could come of paying attention to that particular sense.


Finally my vision began to clear, resolving itself from a vague blur to something much sharper and well defined. The far wall wasn’t the remaining framework from a collapsed building. It was bars. Solid, black, steel bars. There was a door: It was made of bars. Solid, black, steel bars – and it had a lock as big as my head.


I sat up, dislodging the man on my legs and tumbling him to the ground with a meaty thump. That seemed to awaken my hearing to the wider sounds of my environment – fighting, yelling, crying, whimpering, yelling... From Elvis was crooning loudly enough that I suspected that the radio had been turned up to cover the more distressing sounds from my fellow detainees. This far away I could hear some of my fellows yelling that, to paraphrase, the fat white guy had been dead for six years and it was time for some new music. I couldn’t help but agree – although I doubted that either party would want the Clash or the Pogues in Elvis’ place.


I somehow made it across the room to the bars and tried to look out. They were too close together to get my head through, but I could see a little way along the corridor outside in each direction and hear even more of what was going on. There was no question: I was in jail.


I stumbled backwards, dropping back onto the bench and cradling my head in my hands. On the ground my cellmate was trying to get to his feet. I, meanwhile, was trying to remember who I was and, perhaps more importantly, why I was there.


The other man sat up and looked at me. The floodgates opened and I remembered everything – name, approximate location, and the reason why myself and this man were in the cells of a (probably) New York police station. All that came back to me in a flash, which was arguably a bad thing, as it meant I recognised the man who had appeared on the other side of the bars. He glared at my cellmate and I over the shoulder of the cop who unlocked the cell and gestured for us to leave. The man had an expression that at first might have been taken to be unreadable – but even in my addled state I could detect the anger in his eyes.


I trooped out of the cell, pausing in the doorway as I realised my cellmate was still struggling to get off the floor. I didn’t even need to look at our retriever, instead just turning on my heel and hauling my cellmate upright. I slung one arm around my neck and took his weight – not for the first time, I reflected.


“Kid?” he slurred, the familiar rasp impaired by the industrial quantities of scotch he’d gone through a few hours before.




“Is that Richard?”


“Yes, yes it is.”


“We in trouble?”


I glanced back out of the cell at our employer, the man who’d been called out of bed the morning after the biggest and most successful show of his career to come down to the urine-soaked drunk tank in the midst of the Big Apple. Richard Eisen, I knew, was not a man who liked to have his lie-ins interrupted.


I nodded.


“Yes, Rip. Yes, we are...”
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  • 4 weeks later...

<p>USPW has been well-done. Of course it is angeldelayette's domain. Rayelek also has a good dynasty going at the moment. Also this year were good runs from e-v, 20LEgend, Bull and others, and back further eayragt & J Silver. </p><p> </p><p>

I'm not nearly as creative as the above. The way I like to play and write is to report on the happenings for a long while which creates a legitimate, dense backstory and then start to really put my own stamp on things. But I want to shake things up immediately this time, focusing on the tag division. I was thinking of blurring the lines a bit and instead of straight-up critique like in my TCW dynasty I'd include ratings and other "inside wrestling" info that the reporter couldn't possibly know (chemistry, popularity gains, etc.) in the reports. The posts will be monthly reports that look more like old school PWI reports with tag rankings, and a summary of the creative meeting each month. </p><p> </p><p>

Was wondering if anyone had any house rules/missions for the game? Any and all comments appreciated. This is sort of what I have in mind already but nothing set in stone:</p><p>

Will adhere to Sam Strong's goals for Peter Valentine & Nicky Champion</p><p>

Will use The Masked Avatar as "The Weapon"</p><p>

Will sign The Fly Boys (James Prudence & Donnie J) [tag-team only]</p><p>

Will sign The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley) [tag-team only]</p><p>

Will sign Samoan Destruction Inc. (Rhino Umaga & Samoan Machine) [tag-team only]</p><p>

Will team and push Andre Jones & Darryl Devine. </p><p>

Will sign Queen Emily as a colour commentator. </p><p>

Will sign Champagne Lover. </p><p>

Will not sign Matthew Keith.</p><p>

Will not sign Greg Gauge. </p><p>

Will not sign Davis Wayne Newton.</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to start a second on-going dynasty but I can't seem to decide what to do exactly so maybe you all could help me choose. Which of these seems the most interesting?


Real World '87: UWF going beyond global!

Preview: Bill Watts decides against selling UWF to Jim Crockett and tightens his belt, vowing to overtake WWF and prove the fans want Wrasslin not Sports Entertainment!


Real World '96: WCW gets Corny!

Preview: Imagine a world where Eric Bischoff was set to interview for the booker position only to be told the man before him already got the job. The man just happens to be Jim Cornette...


Real World '96: WCPW a local fed making a global impact!

Preview: After settling a lawsuit with World Championship Wrestling over the use of the WCW acronym, Windy City Wrestling was forced to change their name. Due to the exhaustive legal battle WCPW gains a new owner and a new attitude. The world of professional wrestling would never be the same...


Real World 2011: TNA gets a much needed overhaul!

Preview: For years the "marks" have said they could book a better show then any of the TNA suits...well, now one of them gets the chance. Will the fans get what they want or will the Smart Mark crumble under the pressure of the wrestling buiness reality?


C-Verse 2010: SCCW returns wrasslin to the C-Verse!

Preview: The rights to SCCW are purchased by a former SCCW Champion and he brings back the much loved and equally hated old school wrasslin style. Can such a promotion survive in modern times?


C-Verse 2010: XDW 3rd times a charm!

Preview: XDW returns once again but this time with a focused owner and a group of young, hungry, and (semi)talented wrestlers. Having the Xtreme and the Danger down pat, can they finally bring the Wrestling?

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I just started using this method in my diary. I was looking for a bunch of sets of eyes to take a look and tell me if they see any glaring problems with it. Does it appeal to you as a reader?


<iframe src="

http://www.clabobby.com/maw/mawwrestling35.html" style="border:3px black double;" name="main" horizontalscrolling="no" verticalscrolling="yes" scrolling="yes" width="1020px" align="top" frameborder="1" height="500px"></font></b><br /> <b><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"></iframe>

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I want to start a second on-going dynasty but I can't seem to decide what to do exactly so maybe you all could help me choose. Which of these seems the most interesting?


Real World '87: UWF going beyond global!

Preview: Bill Watts decides against selling UWF to Jim Crockett and tightens his belt, vowing to overtake WWF and prove the fans want Wrasslin not Sports Entertainment!


Real World '96: WCW gets Corny!

Preview: Imagine a world where Eric Bischoff was set to interview for the booker position only to be told the man before him already got the job. The man just happens to be Jim Cornette...


Real World '96: WCPW a local fed making a global impact!

Preview: After settling a lawsuit with World Championship Wrestling over the use of the WCW acronym, Windy City Wrestling was forced to change their name. Due to the exhaustive legal battle WCPW gains a new owner and a new attitude. The world of professional wrestling would never be the same...


Real World 2011: TNA gets a much needed overhaul!

Preview: For years the "marks" have said they could book a better show then any of the TNA suits...well, now one of them gets the chance. Will the fans get what they want or will the Smart Mark crumble under the pressure of the wrestling buiness reality?


C-Verse 2010: SCCW returns wrasslin to the C-Verse!

Preview: The rights to SCCW are purchased by a former SCCW Champion and he brings back the much loved and equally hated old school wrasslin style. Can such a promotion survive in modern times?


C-Verse 2010: XDW 3rd times a charm!

Preview: XDW returns once again but this time with a focused owner and a group of young, hungry, and (semi)talented wrestlers. Having the Xtreme and the Danger down pat, can they finally bring the Wrestling?




Would LOVE to see a UWF from 87 diary!

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Just a rough preview :)



Toby's Revenge


"I will not stop until AWA goes under!"


"AWA is no longer Goldfinch entertainment, they may have the name but that is not the American Wrestling Alliance."


In mid 2008, Tobias Goldfinch offered his services to the AWA, proposing a major storyline to management, which he felt would be a huge money spinner. Due to his media perception and their view that the story was too risque for their programming the AWA decided against pursuing the idea leaving Toby with a bitter taste in his mouth.


In the following weeks an angered Toby then took to the internet to vent his frustrations, openly blaming AWA for his father's death, even implying Stanley's successor to ownership of the promotion, Derick Legall, was responsable.


Later in 2008 he vowed the AWA would pay for how they had treated him and his family. Some call him bitter, others believe he may have a point, one thing that is indisputable is the fact that he recently cause a major stir in the wrestling world posting a logo via his social media outlets. The wrestling world is buzzing with speculation. With one question standing above all.


Is it time for... Toby's Revenge?



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Just a rough preview :)


A) We need a good GDS-Verse diary.


B) We need an awesome new 20LEgend diary since USPW 2014 ended (don't get me wrong, WWE2006 is/was good but I love your full shows).


C) We need this now. Or at least soon :D

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Can't believe no-one noticed this one! NEO comeback woohoo! (PS. saw the green letters n e o in somewhere in your post. You sneaky bastard :D) Can't wait for it man.


A) We need a good GDS-Verse diary.


B) We need an awesome new 20LEgend diary since USPW 2014 ended (don't get me wrong, WWE2006 is/was good but I love your full shows).


C) We need this now. Or at least soon :D




Might try my hand at diary writing once again. This time, I'm trying not to half-ass it though. Writing a backstory, doing the stuff before hand and so and so. It's going to be a comeback, a 90's comeback.

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Just a rough preview :)



Toby's Revenge


"I will not stop until AWA goes under!"


"AWA is no longer Goldfinch entertainment, they may have the name but that is not the American Wrestling Alliance."


In mid 2008, Tobias Goldfinch offered his services to the AWA, proposing a major storyline to management, which he felt would be a huge money spinner. Due to his media perception and their view that the story was too risque for their programming the AWA decided against pursuing the idea leaving Toby with a bitter taste in his mouth.


In the following weeks an angered Toby then took to the internet to vent his frustrations, openly blaming AWA for his father's death, even implying Stanley's successor to ownership of the promotion, Derick Legall, was responsable.


Later in 2008 he vowed the AWA would pay for how they had treated him and his family. Some call him bitter, others believe he may have a point, one thing that is indisputable is the fact that he recently cause a major stir in the wrestling world posting a logo via his social media outlets. The wrestling world is buzzing with speculation. With one question standing above all.


Is it time for... Toby's Revenge?




Because it's expected of me: HIRE JAMES HEATLY!!! :D



Can't believe no-one noticed this one! NEO comeback woohoo! (PS. saw the green letters n e o in somewhere in your post. You sneaky bastard :D) Can't wait for it man.


The funny thing is that I am currently stuck. I can't hammer out the new NEO logo. Got to love how it's usually the small stuff that ends up delaying your work. :o

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