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The David Mack Chronicles: NYCW- The Homecoming

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December 20th, 2009




It was almost 3 years ago today that I made this same trip. Then, I was a young, inexperienced kid looking to make the most of my first big break. Now, I was still young, but I had a lot of mileage accumulated in the last three years, a lot of experience, and a lot of memories, not all of them pleasant. I had gone through some serious highs and lows over the last couple years and I had developed some scars and some bitterness along the way. But during that time there was always this one place that I considered home.


The only thing is , would the people here feel the same way? I had pretty much flaked out on them a year ago following my unpleasant final confrontation in Canada and retreated to relative obscurity in Mexico.

I had basically cut my ties to this place without much warning and in the last year hadn’t had any contact with them and therefore I had no idea how they would react now that I was back.


Mexico had been an interesting experience but ultimately it had ended in the same way Canada had. In CGC once Alex DeColt had taken over, he basically forced me out so he could run the show unchallenged, as he still hadn’t forgiven me for replacing him the year before at his father’s request. But, while George DeColt was still in charge, there wasn’t anything he could do about it while I had been successful. But that only lasted till the month after George had retired and given the reins to Alex. Alex contrived to undermine my authority with the lockeroom and when I protested, he wasted no time in showing me the door, despite how successful I had been as a booker for his company.


In my anger and bitterness, instead of just coming back here to familiar surroundings and people who respected me, I felt a need to ‘prove’ myself and show Alex and everyone else that he had made a huge mistake.


That led me to end up going to Mexico and helping a fairly well known luchador named Campeon Jr start up a new promotion that mixed traditional lucha and hardcore wrestling together . Being full of anger and desire to show Alex what a mistake he made, I ignored the fact that I was out of my depth in this type of product and it took me several months to really get a grasp on what Campeon Jr and the people wanted. Added to that was Campeon’s desire to compete on equal terms with ‘the big three’ of Mexico, SOTBPW, OLLIE and MPWF, which led us to getting an ill advised television deal early which ended up crippling us financially. Finally to top it off, Campeon Jr ended having the same tremendous ego that Alex DeColt did and insisted that the promotion be pretty much centered around him, even refusing to lose or draw to any other contenders. With the lockeroom about to mutiny, I managed to engineer a situation that forced him to drop our main title , but he wasn’t happy about it. That, coupled with the fact we were close to broke after a year of television and the salaries of a roster designed to compete equally with OLLIE and MPWF left me being shown the door for the second time in two years by an egotistical owner.


The laughable thing was that I was fired for being too successful. Both promotions had grown in prestige and popularity due to the wrestlers I had brought in and the storylines I created and implemented, but that success took some of the spotlight away from first Alex DeColt and then Campeon Jr and their tremendous egos couldn’t accept them not being the sole instruments of their promotions success. Since they couldn’t take credit for my work with me there, they both made the decision to oust me.


All of which leads me back here, the place where I first got my start, where the people appreciated my hard work both in the ring and out , where they were grateful that I had been able to raise their popularity and prestige. I only hope that would still be the case after abandoning them over a year ago. So, with no small amount of trepidation, I stepped through the doors of the small office of NYCW.




OOC: For some of the background of my user Character David Mack, those interested can refer to NYCW: Old School Revisted David Mack Chronicles: The CGC Era David Mack Chronicles: MHW, Three Parts Pain, One part Tequila


I didn't modify the database for the '10 game any so consider any continuity issues as 'creative license'. :D

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As I walked through the doors of the NYCW office on the lower east side, I couldn’t help but notice how different things were from 3 years ago when I had first come to NYCW. Back then the ‘office’ had been a two room space and the owner Derek Bradford aka The Stomper, had a staff of pretty much his family. Now they had an actual suite, that while still small, was a step up in both quality and cleanliness from that hole in Brooklyn. He even had an actual secretary and an intern or two.


As I entered , I brushed past the secretary who asked me if I had an appointment and went into the office of the man I hadn’t seen in over a year and who I didn’t know if even wanted to see me. I deliberately hadn’t called ahead as I didn’t want to have my hopes dashed without even looking him in the eyes. I wanted to be face to face when I spoke to him, I owed him that much.


Stomper looked up in some surprise as I entered his office, but instead of the angry outburst I feared and somewhat expected, he just motioned me to sitdown in a chair across from his desk and said


“ How ya been kid? Haven’t seen you in awhile. You look like hell.”


Somewhat off stride from this noncommittal greeting , I mumbled back


“ I’m doing ok.”


Then, a little more normally I stated


“ How are things going here? From what bits and pieces I have picked up things seem to be going pretty good.”


“ Can’t complain. We get a good crowd in the Ministry each month, and while profits aren’t anything to write home about, we make enough to keep things going smoothly. Even got a few new faces around since you were here last.”


“ I saw that. Quite a coup in getting Larry Vessey to come here. I even heard you traded Phunk to PSW for a tag team.”


“ Yeah, Waldorf and Stately. Names sound like a couple of muppet characters but they are a solid technical tag team and we are a better fit for them than a hardcore fed.”


“ I notice Frank actually got into shape and that guy Roger Cage seems to have found a fountain of youth and a new dedication in the ring.”


“ Frank said some booker wanted him to do a gimmick of him and Tank Bradley being out of shape ‘fitness instructors’ and he took the hint that it was time to get back in the gym and as for Cage he is definitely going places, which of course means that one of the big boys will probably snap him up soon.”


It was then I decided to broach the subject both of us had been stepping around.


“ I see you brought back Black Hat Bailey.”


That was when the explosion happened I had been expecting as Stomper angrily stated


“ What the F--k was I supposed to do kid?! You abandoned us and your position as booker here and I needed somebody I knew and trusted to run the day to day stuff backstage! Jesus , kid , do you know what kind of position you put me in then? I had put my trust, my company, my very livelyhood in your hands. I even recommended you for that job with CGC! Then suddenly things went south there and instead of coming back here you ran off and hid! After that incident with Alex DeColt you hightailed it off to Mexico without a word to us and it was only later I learned you were working at some ‘hardcore lucha’ fed down there. You know I hate dealing with the creative stuff beyond scripting the matches. Bailey was someone I could count on to be here and deal with the book and also be known enough to headline!”


I just sat there while Stomper vented his anger at me. I deserved every bit of his anger and owed it to him to listen to what he said. When he was finally done, I let him collect his thoughts for a moment and sit while he calmed down. Then I said


“ You are right Stomper. I don’t have any excuses. My head was screwed up then, and instead of just coming home like I should have, I ran off to somewhere else, thinking to myself that I had to prove myself, when all I really did was go and hide away from a situation I didn’t want to deal with. I guess I couldn’t bear coming here and feeling like I had failed you by getting fired like that by that bastard Alex. And then I didn’t want to face the consquences of my decision to leave, so I convinced myself you were better off without me. But I was just lying to myself. It took awhile, but I realized the happiest I had been in this business was the time I was here and that building this company up was the most fulfillment I have had while booking.”


Then , almost dreading to hear the response, I made the plea that I had traveled across country to deliver


“ I know I have a lot of work ahead to regain your faith and trust, but I am asking you to give me another chance Stomper. You know what I am capable of both in the ring and backstage and you know that I can help this company grow. All I am asking for is the chance to come back and make NYCW as great a promotion as we both know it can be. Let me make up for my stupidity a year ago and prove to you that this is where I belong and where I can do the most good for you and the guys on the roster.”


With that impassioned speech done, I slumped back down into the chair emotionally drained and awaiting the verdict on my future, expecting the worst but hoping for the best.


Stomper just stared at me for what seemed like several minutes, although it was probably only a few moments, mentally sizing me up. Finally he motioned me to stand, and said


“ I’ll see you Monday morning 9am sharp at the Ministry so you can get re-acquainted with the roster.”


I jumped up in relief and gratitude, shook Stomper’s hand vigorously and assured him he wasn’t making a mistake in taking me back. Then as I was walking out the door of his office, he said


“ David, it’s good to have you home again.”

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I’d be lying if I said there weren’t butterflies in my stomach as I headed down to the Ministry that Monday morning. We had been holding shows there since late 2007 so I was familiar with the place, having wrestled there several times. But this was the first time that I was going in as an outsider. While there were several new faces on the roster since I had been there last , there were also some familiar ones, including a couple that I had let go my first time here. So I wasn’t really expecting a warm welcome.


Fortunately my fears were somewhat groundless. While I did get a couple unhappy glances, for the most part the guys were accepting of my return, even Black Hat Bailey, whose position I was taking over. Just like 3 years before , when he put me over before leaving for one last big time run that didn’t materialize, he was a true professional. Steve Flash, who I had teamed with in CGC also, even welcomed me with a big grin and a firm handshake.


I stood in front of the meeting room where we briefed the workers on plans for the next show and stated


“ For those of you who don’t know me, I am David Mack. I will be taking over the book from Black Hat starting with the upcoming Rush Hour show. Let me set your minds at ease right now by saying that I don’t plan to make any changes to the roster besides adding one or two people right now. Everyone here is going to get a fair chance to show what they can do and I will do my best to give everyone an equal opportunity here. That isn’t to say that all of you will become Empire champion, but the last few years have taught me that almost everyone has something of value to our promotion that they bring to the table, whether it is in ring skill, promo ability, or the ability to make your opponent look good. Rest assured that I will look for ways to emphasize what you individually do best as we try to make NYCW bigger and better than it has ever been before!”


Despite the doubts I could still see lingering in the eyes of several people there, I did get a decent round of applause at the end of my speech. Stomper then called me into the small office he had on the premises to discuss some long term goals and requirements he had .


Stomper said


“ I’ll give you a little time to settle in and discuss any plans or ideas you have for the upcoming show over the next couple of days, but I wanted to go over with you some some of my hiring guidelines and long term goals to help your planning.

First, this is New York, not Mexico, so no luchadors. I know you may have worked with a couple of people down there you’d like to bring in, but that style just isn’t a good fit for us. Also, lets leave the hardcore stuff for those guys in PSW so I don’t want any of those guys who like to use barbed wire bats or flaming kendo sticks, etc. Also, even though we don’t run a demanding schedule at the moment, I want guys here who don’t get easily banged up. We have to count on people being here each and every show so get me people who don’t get hurt just by tieing their shoes or something stupid like that.”


So basically what Stomper was saying was not to bring in any Luchadors or Psycopaths, and to hire guys who had decent resilience. No problems there. There were some Mexican wrestlers who I’d think would fit in here, but that would be something for the future. For now, I was content with the roster we had.


Stomper then continued with


“ Now, to the main reasons I agreed to let you book for me again. Despite the things that have happened, I know you have a talent for booking and building talent, and even though you didn’t leave under good terms, I can’t deny that every promotion you’ve booked for has been better than when you first got there. So what I want from you is the same creativity and genius you showed your first time here. I want you to help make NYCW bigger and better than it has been. Which means that we can’t lose any of the progress we have made in size or prestige in the last couple years, and that I don’t want to be overtaken by other promotions behind us. Keep us growing steadily and solidly and you will go a long way towards restoring my faith in you. Now get out of here and get to work , we got a show coming up in a couple weeks!”


I stood up then and said


“ Thank you for giving me this opportunity again Stomper. I won’t let you down. I already have a couple ideas for Rush Hour, and after I talked to you last week, I made a call to an old acquaintance.”


As I wanted it to be a surprise for the rest of the roster I didn’t say it outloud, I just wrote a name down on a sheet of paper and showed it to Stomper. Stomper then exclaimed


“ He agreed to come back here?! Well, this should certainly make things interesting! Now get to work kid!”




Owner goals

No Luchadors

No Pyschopaths

No one under D- in Resiliance

Can't fall below #23 in promotion rankings

Can't fall below Small Size

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The King is back in New York. Too bad about the No Luchadors...didn't you have Angel De Mexico and Magnifico tear up in NY before? I guess it's good to have different blood in there. Can't wait to read.


I had Magnifico and El Mitico Jr near the end of my last NYCW diary, and also Felipe Caballero and Sabra Man Jr as a decent midcard tag team. I also had Marcos Flores have a good run in my very first NYCW diary ( non David Mack) so they have had some success there.


But that restriction just means i need to look elsewhere for talent to use and develop and that is half the fun. Although i will miss the opportunity to tie in further with my last diary since I can't bring in the luchadors I used there.

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Roster Overview


With less than two weeks to go til Rush Hour, it was time to see just who and what I had to work with. A lot of these guys I was familiar with from my last time here, but it had been anywhere from 1-3 years since I had last worked with them and a lot can change in that time. So I spent a couple days going over last year’s shows, tapes from other feds for the guys working for more than just us, and watching workouts. Added together with notes from Stomper and Bailey it gave me a working picture of our current roster






David Mack


While not quite a household name, I do have some name recognition from my time wrestling on TV for CGC, plus the 2 years I was main eventing here. It’s with no false modesty that I say my ring skill is probably second only to Flash on our roster and I can also cut a decent promo.




Steve Flash


One of the most respected wrestlers inside the industry, Flash is also one of the most fundamentally sound wrestlers to lace up the boots, able to work competently in any style and also able to make an opponent look good. Only a severe lack of ‘charisma’ has prevented him getting a run with one of the bigger companies recently, but is enjoying a well deserved main event run here.




Black Hat Bailey


The epitome of the old school heel. Bailey is also a consummate professional. Despite me taking his position as booker for the second time, he harbors no grudges, he just goes out there and delivers solid performances show after show. One of the few people here to have had a significant run in one of the major promotions, being a former SWF North American Champion, Bailey adds experience and name value to our roster. Is also the current NYCW Empire Champion.




Honest Frank


The fall of DAVE was one of the best things to happen for Frank. It opened the doors for him to work in PSW as well as here, and that awakened the desire in him to raise his game again after a relative few years of obscurity. Always able to talk the talk, his rededication to improving his fitness means he can walk the walk as well, which has thrust him into the title pictures in both PSW and NYCW and even earned him a run with the top title in both promotions. He is currently the PSW Champion.






A big brawler who has been around almost every regional promotion in the last 20 years and held titles in almost all of them. His easy to cheer for patriotic gimmick keeps him relatively popular and has the charisma to keep it from growing old. Even though he is twice my age, he is still kicking ass and taking names.




Rick Sanders


Almost a Steve Flash lite- Sanders is a solid technical worker with good ring skills but hampered by being bland. Which kind of makes him a solid fit in an old school promotion like this. When I was here last, he was a singles wrestler in the in the tri-state title picture, but since then began a team with Masked Mauler which meshed well and led to a couple tag title runs.




The Masked Mauler


Another old school throwback. Had mostly been a midcard gatekeeper when I was here last, but his tag team with Sanders has breathed new life into his act.




Dazzling Dave Diamond


One of the newer faces is ‘Triple D’ Dazzling Dave Diamond. A flamboyant brawler who decided to start wrestling when well into his twenties. Fairly one dimensional in skillset but has the ability to be entertaining both in the ring and out, which increases his value. Considered one of the bright stars of the future here, despite his resemblence to a former lead singer of a famous rock band.




Lee Wright


The definition of tough, grizzled veteran. Wright had been a tag team legend in Japan , as part of the most successful gaijin team in PGHW history, but had come back to the states to wind down his career. That was three years ago and the other side of 50 for Wright and he still shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.




Roger Cage


3 years ago he was an arrogant punk who could talk an Eskimo into buying a refrigerator in the middle of winter, but couldn’t wrestle his way out of a paper bag. Despite a history of failed gimmicks and lack of popularity, he expected to be paid like a main eventer. I quickly disabused him of that notion and let him go. That apparently was the kick in the pants Cage needed. He worked to make himself credible in the ring, decided to ask for a reasonable wage when Stomper agreed to take him back and has benefited from a big rise in popularity after a face turn. However, the fact that he has top notch promo skills, matched with actual decent ring skills now, and can generate a buzz means it is more than likely one of the bigger promotions will snap him up sooner rather than later.




Dean Waldorf



Marv Statler


Taking a page out of baseball, Stomper traded one of our headliners, Grandmaster Phunk, to PSW and got a couple of prospects in return in the form of the Ring Generals tag team. Pluses, they are young, technically sound, fundamentally solid and match our product almost perfectly. But on the minus side both come off as wet blankets outside the ring. They are definitely in need of help when it comes to promo ability and entertaining people.

Statler is slightly better in the ring while Waldorf is a little bigger and stronger, but both are pretty even in skill.




Sammy the Shark


One of my personal projects last time here, Sammy is one of those who shows a lot of potential for the future. Stomper apparently agrees as he has given Sammy a current run with the Tri-State belt. Sammy also turned face with his partner Cage and has benefited as well, although not to the same degree.




Land Mass


He was a fat tub of lard 3 years ago, and he is a fat tub of lard now… only three years older. But I made a promise to everyone to give them a chance, and even Fat Ass, I mean Land Mass, can provide some value as a menacing bodyguard or enforcer.




The New York Doll


One of the other young prospects , he has improved a little,but he is still a work in progress. In the meantime somebody has to job and NYD gets the honors for now.




Animal Harker


A young brawler who badly needs to improve his ring skills to be anything more than job fodder. However he does have an uncanny ability to get a crowd behind him in the ring and that is a valuable skill .




Larry Vessey


The older half of one of the most decorated tag teams in history, The Vessey Brothers. Larry followed his brother back to the states after Bryan had a falling out with PGHW. Although not as highly regarded talent wise as his brother, Larry didn’t lack for skills and can still go for a man on the wrong side of 50.

Is also one of the most genuinely tough men to grace the sport, and has a lot he can teach the rest of the roster. Backstage rumors even hint that he may take over the promotion from Stomper one day, but even if true , that day is probably a long way off.








Cheerleader Nicki


Originally brought in to be American Machine’s cheerleader, when he made the jump to SWF, she got paired with Roger Cage to cement his new ‘face’ status. Her bubbly personality makes her popular with the fans, but she is strictly eye candy at this point.




Fern Hathaway


A gorgeous face hides a keenly manipulative mind, and I should know, she was my girlfriend for awhile. That ended when I went to Mexico and Fern stayed here. Currently paired with Triple D as a ring valet. Despite her skill at manipulating people and situations to her advantage, she hasn’t really developed promo skills and so is also just another pretty face now, and not a very popular one backstage. Part of me thinks it might just be easier to have her move on, but because of our shared past, I’d rather that be her decision instead of mine. Besides I did say that I would give everyone a fair chance.




Rock Downpour


A former wrestler turned announcer and color commentator, Rock has gotten offers from other promotions but always seems to come back here. Which is fine with me because he is a fairly good announcer.




Herb Stately


A solid manager and color man who has bounced around the regional promotions for years. Best known for managing the SCCW team of The Tennessee Outlaws.




Michael Bull


Some things never change. Michael “ No BS” Bull was a solid respected head referee here 3 years ago, and he is exactly the same today. I heard a lot of stories about various referees being flaky or pranksters backstage. Fortunately that isn’t an issue with ours.




The Stomper


The owner and man who gave me my start 3 years ago. He recently retired from the ring and now acts as road agent. Still a tough son of a gun at age 60, he is well respected, if a bit miserly when it comes contract time.

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After reviewing the roster and going over the current storylines with Stomper and Bailey I came up with a proposed lineup for our upcoming event NYCW RUSH HOUR.


I admit it was a bit strange to only be booking once a month instead of weekly like I had been doing for the past couple of years. It meant that I couldn’t do a build up to the events, I had to use the events themselves to promote our storylines. So it was time to set things in motion and the plan began with this lineup advertised on the NYCW Website






http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/SammyTheShark_alt.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/RickSanders-1.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/TheMaskedMauler.jpg

Dazzling Dave Diamond & Sammy The Shark vs. Old School Principals ( Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler )


Former and current Tri-State Champions team up to face the former tag team champions in a battle of position.



http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/RogerCage.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/HonestFrank-1.jpg

Roger Cage vs. Honest Frank


Cage is the fastest rising person in NYCW and a victory over the former Empire and current PSW champion would cement Cage’s place as a main event player. But Frank isn’t about to relinquish his spot at the top without a fight.




http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/SteveFlash_alt1.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/LeeWright.jpg

Steve Flash vs. Lee Wright


Two massively experienced veterans square off against each other as each tries to prove that they are still contenders in the NYCW title pictures. Both have worn gold in NYCW and both would like to do so again.



http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Whistler-1.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/BlackHatBailey.jpg

Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey © for the NYCW Empire Champion


In a classic old school confrontation , the popular Patriot Whistler looks to regain the Empire title from the bowler topped man who beat him for it 4 months ago, Black Hat Bailey. Whistler wants to make history as the first ever 4 time NYCW Empire Champion while Bailey wants to remain on top of the NYCW pecking order.



http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/JackAvatar-1.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/_BlankBackground.jpg

David Mack vs. ????


The prodigal son has returned home after an extended absence, but his welcome will not be as warm as he hoped as an old foe has also returned to make Mack’s homecoming a disappointing one.





Dazzling Dave Diamond & Sammy The Shark vs. Old School Principals ( Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler )


Roger Cage vs. Honest Frank


Steve Flash vs. Lee Wright


Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey © for the NYCW Empire Champion


David Mack vs. ????

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Dazzling Dave Diamond & Sammy The Shark vs. Old School Principals ( Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler )

Weird pairing but I want to see where this goes.


Roger Cage vs. Honest Frank

Sucks that Cage have to leave the company since he's the best prospect there is on NYCW but I prefer him losing to Sammy more. Heh that's just me.


Steve Flash vs. Lee Wright

Steve Flash is remarkable. Really. Lee Wright however, is aging and in one of my NYCW games, I use him to train Animal Harker.


Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey © for the NYCW Empire Champion

Black Hat can retain on the first card of the year.


David Mack vs. ????

Yeah i don't know how pop is David Mack is on your game so I'll pick the wildcard mystery man which can be the one and only: GRANDMASTAH PHUNK!!!!!

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Dazzling Dave Diamond & Sammy The Shark vs. Old School Principals ( Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler )

They aren't the two best workers, but their tag experiance make them pull off decent matches.


Roger Cage vs. Honest Frank

Every game I have played with NYCW has seen Cage get snatched up by SWF usually before Rush Hour, so I'm assuming you job him out.


Steve Flash vs. Lee Wright


Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey © for the NYCW Empire Champion


David Mack vs. ????

Because you never bet against the mystery man

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Dazzling Dave Diamond & Sammy The Shark vs. Old School Principals ( Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler )


I'll go with the established team, even though I like the fellas on the other side better.


Roger Cage vs. Honest Frank


Now you can hate Roger for not only costing you too much, but for leaving you too.


Steve Flash vs. Lee Wright


Start Flash off strong.


Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey © for the NYCW Empire Champion


Can't believe you are making me go against my boy right out of the gate. Hopefully he'll rebound.


David Mack vs. ????


It'd be fun to see you tie it up with your old nemesis Phunk.

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Dazzling Dave Diamond & Sammy The Shark vs. Old School Principals ( Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler )


Established team to retain their titles


Roger Cage vs. Honest Frank


Cage probably isn't long or NYCW and besides Frank has improved


Steve Flash vs. Lee Wright


Flash needs to be kept stronger than Wright who must be heading for retirement soon


Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey © for the NYCW Empire Champion


Can't see you going for the instant title switch


David Mack vs. ????


David Mack returns to NYCW with a strong debut but one that will result in a loss against the mystery man

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Dazzling Dave Diamond & Sammy The Shark vs. Old School Principals ( Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler )

I went backwards so this is actually my last pick and I'll give it to the Vets because it'll but the heels with more wins this show.


Roger Cage vs. Honest Frank

I think you might give Cage a shot here and see where he can run.


Steve Flash vs. Lee Wright

Um yeah I will almost never pick against my hero Steve Flash


Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey © for the NYCW Empire Champion



David Mack vs. ????

Mystery opponent clause

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Dazzling Dave Diamond & Sammy The Shark vs. Old School Principals ( Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler )

The pairing of Diamond and Shark is interesting and these two will give them a rub. They get this one to see how they do as a pairing.


Roger Cage vs. Honest Frank

Cage's last show


Steve Flash vs. Lee Wright

Wright seems headed to the role of stepping stone at this point as his condition is not good.


Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey © for the NYCW Empire Champion

Can't see Black Hat dropping the belt on your debut show


David Mack vs. ????

Somebody is going to be very unhappy you are back :)

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Held at the Ministry in Queens, New York

Sat Week 2 January 2010 Att: 810







In an extremely short match, Marv Statler defeated The New York Doll in 4:47 by pinfall with a Backdrop Backbreaker.

Match Rating E+


Workout match for a couple people not on the main show. Statler is sporting a blue collar gimmick now that seems to be going over well. NYD also shows some ring improvement.





Secret Dark Match

Match Rating D


The mystery newcomer gets a warmup before the main show begins but both he and his opponent wear generic masks to preserve the mystery. Both men do show ability to work the crowd however.







http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/SteveFlash_alt1.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/LeeWright.jpg


Steve Flash VS Lee Wright


Standard Collar & Elbow tie up began what was a clinic of old school wrestling. Both men had over 2 decades apiece in the ring and the next twelve minutes saw the very definition of what NYCW is about as holds and counters were applied, the heel used cheap tricks to gain an edge and the face rallied back. Flash eventually reverses a clothesline attempt into the Flash Bang, and covers Wright for the win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Steve Flash defeated Lee Wright in 12:55 by pinfall with a Flash Bang.

Match Rating C-


Even a 3 decade vet like Wright can learn from someone as gifted as Flash, but age does show its effects as Wright wasn't as sharp as usual.







Anmal Harker is backstage chatting up Cheerleader Nicki, trying to impress her. He isn't having much success, so when Larry Vessey walks by, Harker brags about how young and strong he is and how he could easily beat up all the old men that NYCW has walking around.


Vessey overhears, and comes up to Harker asking


" What did you just say?"


Harker,still trying to impress the girl, replies


" I said that I could beat you up old man!"


Vessey then states


" That's what I thought you said"


and then walks away.


Harker, thinking he has cowed the elder man, then turns back to Nikki, and doesn't see Vessey come back and blindside him! Vessey pummels the younger man mercilessly screaming


" So you think you can beat me you little punk?! I'll show you what a real beating is!"


Vessey then lands a few more vicious shots and then begins dragging Harker towards the ring.


Rating D-


Designed to turn Vessey heel as I think he can be more effective, and useful that way. Also switched him to a bitter veteran gimmick.



http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/AnimalHarker_alt.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/LarryVessey.jpg


Animal Harker VS Larry Vessey


Harker, still battered from Vessey's previous assault, is dazed and unable to put up much resistance as Vessey systematically beats him down. Vessey could probably have put this match away in the first minute or two, but he decides to send a message and prolongs the beatdown for a full five minutes before finally ending the assault with a Sick Cycle and then arrogantly covering Harker with one foot while standing on Harker's prone body, glaring around the ring.


In an extremely short match, Larry Vessey defeated Animal Harker in 5:16 by pinfall with a Sick Cycle.

Match Rating E+


A basic extended squash match to sell Vessey's heel turn. The turn was a success, jury is still out on how well the gimmick change went though. The squash itself was textbook, but Harker wasn't able to get the crowd behind him like usual and this wasn't even close to his usual ability from what Bailey and Stomper tell me.






Roger Cage is getting a drink from the catering table backstage when Honest Frank comes up and confronts him. Frank tells Cage


" Don't think that just because these ignorant fans cheer for you now that you are anything special. I am still the top dog in NYCW and you better stay out of my way if you know what's good for you."


Cage replies


" The fans know talent when they see it, which probably explains why they boo you and cheer me. And as for you being the top dog, from what I can tell you are all bark and no bite. We both know that Cage is way the future of this company and you are yesterday's news. But if you are feeling froggy Frankie, why don't you meet me in the ring and jump on?"


Frank states


" It will be my pleasure to wipe the mat with you and show all these sheep that root for you just what a loser you really are! See you in the ring!"


Rating C-


Excellent exchange between two men who are gifted talkers.




http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/RogerCage.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/HonestFrank-1.jpg


Roger Cage vs. Honest Frank


While not exactly a technical masterpiece, both men do mix up some basic wrestling with a lot of brawling and manage to put on an entertaining fight that moves at a good pace and has the crowd solidly rooting for Cage and cheering him on when Frank is in control. However their support isn't enough this time as a Frank N Hurter ends the match after about 12 minutes.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Honest Frank defeated Roger Cage in 12:22 by pinfall with a Frank-N-Hurter.

Match Rating D-


Probably not the best these two are capable of either individually or together, but it served its purpose of entertaining the audience and starting to build up to the second half of the event.









After the match is over, Cage slowly walks towards the back, when all of the sudden he is brutally attacked by Land Mass! The huge monster drags an already weakened Cage back into the ring and then delivers a message in brutality as he slams Cage into the corner and follows with a sickening thud as his massive bulk splashes onto Cage in the corner. Cage is out on his feet by this time, but Land Mass isn't done as he slams Cage in the middle of the ring and then follows up by dropping his humongous posterior on the prone Cage in a Sit Down Drop he calls the Mass Effect! Cage is out cold after that devastating move and Land Mass gets up, grabs a mike and says


" Sammy the Shark, take a look at what I just did to your partner! Sammy, you have a Massive problem on your hands now as I am coming for that NYCW Tri-State title!"


Mass then exits the ring as attendants scurry in to check on the still unconscious Cage.


Rating D+


Utilizing the one really useful skill Mass has, that of menacing monster. Also, since Cage has already been contacted by, and accepted a contract with, SWF, this sets up his exit while also giving some much needed rub to Land Mass.






http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/SammyTheShark_alt.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/RickSanders-1.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/TheMaskedMauler.jpg


Dazzling Dave Diamond & Sammy The Shark vs. Old School Principals ( Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler )



The brutal beating of his tag partner obviously distracted Sammy during the match as the Tri-State Champion had to fight the urge to go check on his normal partner and focus on his partner for tonight and this match. This led to Triple D having to do most of the work for his team and despite his valiant efforts, he was outmatched by the well oiled teamwork of Old School Principals who used every underhanded tactic in the book. The ending came when Triple D was back in the ring and Sammy was distracted staring at the back thinking about his partner Cage. Mauler ran up to Shark with a flying forearm, sending him crashing to the mat and then followed him out, drawing the referee out of position. Triple D was about to go check on his teammate when Sanders spun him around, and dropped him cold with a chain coiled fist while the referee was still distracted. Sammy was still down on the outside. Mauler got back in the ring and clamped on his dreaded Iron Claw on the prone Diamond. BUt this was pretty much for show as Diamond had already been knocked out by Sanders. The referee lifted Triple D's arm three times, and it dropped three times, so the referee declared the Old School Principals the victors.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Old School Principals defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond and Sammy The Shark in 10:12 when The Masked Mauler defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond by submission with an Iron Claw after blatantly cheating.

Match Rating D


Now that was a textbook old school tag match with all the elements working together. It told a good story, had both teams working the crowd well to build the action,and had the bonus of sharpening the ring skills of most of the participants.







http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Whistler-1.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/BlackHatBailey.jpg



Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey © for the NYCW Empire Champion


Classic showdown of brawler vs mat technician. Whistler clearly had the fans behind him in his quest to regain the Empire title and rode that energy to early dominance. but Bailey didn't get where he is without knowing every trick in the book, and a rake to the eyes breaks Whistler's momentum. Bailey then tries to ground Whistler by taking him to the mat and working his left knee for awhile. Whistler weathers the assault and begins fighting back as the crowd cheers him on. Whistler's comeback is cut short though, as in his enthusiasm, he clotheslines the referee as well as Bailey, taking the ref out of the match for several moments. This is all the time Bailey needs as he reaches into his boot for a set of brass knuckles. As Whistler advances on Bailey to deliver the Rebel Yell, Bailey blasts Whistler in the knee he had been working over with the brass knucks. This drops Whistler to the mat in agony and gives Bailey time to recover. Bailey works on reviving the referee, then as Whistler struggles to his feet, clips Whistler from behind on hte injured knee , crashing him to the mat in agony again. Black Hat coldly locks on a single leg Boston Crab on the injured leg, and the pain wracked Whistler endures as long as he can, but has no choice but to tap.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Black Hat Bailey defeated Whistler in 16:40 by submission with a Bailey Breaker after blatantly cheating. Black Hat Bailey makes defence number 1 of his NYCW Empire title.

Match Rating D


The match itself was solid from a storytelling standpoint and played out well, but both men were clearly gassing by the end, with Bailey almost gasping for air. Stomper made a point of mentioning to me that we needed to have Bailey do shorter matches or we were exposing his lack of stamina. So while it was a good title match, if I had been a little smarter with it, it could have probably been even better.










Bailey wasn't done after the submission. He decided to ensure that Whistler was in no shape to challenge him anytime soon and continued his assault on Whistler's leg after the match, while the crowd heavily boos him. Suddenly the boos change to cheers as a familiar face runs out of the back to the ring! Bailey looks up in surprise as...




DAVID MACK! comes running down the entryway and slides into the ring to make the save!


Bailey quickly scampers out of the ring and backs up the entryway as David Mack stands in the ring and challenges Bailey to come fight him!


Bailey's look of surprise fades and is slowly placed with a look of cunning as he grabs a mike near the entryway and says


" I heard you were coming back David Mack, and I know it would only be a matter of time before you involved yourself in my business, so I made a call and took out an insurance policy! I brought back another familiar face to deal with you Mack! So let me introduce you to and old foe of yours!"




The curtain parts and a black clad and hooded man emerges. The crowd gasps in shock as they recognize the man as Ota, The Warrior of Darkness!


Ota snapped his fingers and then a cloud of smoke went off and the big screen over the entrance ramp came on with a black image and a sinister voice saying


" Behold, the Warrior of Darkness has returned to NYCW to once again contest his greatest foe in epic battle! David Mack, this time there will be no victory and no mercy for you as NYCW witnessess the beginning of the Reign of Darkness!"


I stand in the ring with a look of grim determination as I prepare to take on one of my biggest and most dangerous rivals ever.


Rating D+ ( my appearance and save )

Rating D ( Ota's appearance and challenge )


I think I got a little more pop at my appearance than Ota did, but that is probably because I am a face and was saving another popular face. Both of us still got a decent reaction as the crowd realized they were getting an unexpected and surprise high profile confrontation as Ota and I renewed our feud from two years ago.








http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/JackAvatar-1.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/FumihiroOta.jpg


David Mack vs. Ota, Warrior of Darkness


Two years ago, Ota and I set the standard in ring work in NYCW as our feud delivered some of the best matches seen in the promotion up to that point. While we hadn't worked together in over a year, it only took a few moments of feeling each other out before we were both comfortable enough to bring our full arsenal. Moves were matched by counter moves, reversals followed holds, submissions were escaped and then reversed as Ota and I were as evenly matched as we were two years ago. With neither of us able to gain a clear advantage, the action escalated outside the ring and any object outside the ring became fair game as we brawled in and around the ring area. Finally the referee had enough of not being able to keep the action inside the ring and declared the match a no contest, ending the match in a draw.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, David Mack drew with Ota, Warrior of Darkness in 22:56 when the referee lost control and stopped the match.

Match Rating C


Ota is almost as good as myself in match psychology so we decided to trust in our judgement and experience with each other and call it in the ring. It obviously paid off as the match went smoothly and flowed seamlessly throughout. In fact the only negative was that the fans wanted more, which means we did something right.





Feedback afterward from the fans was that this was an awesome show, and outshone a lot of our competitors. So it is safe to say that my return was successful, at least for tonight and that this event should help us meet Stomper's desire of growing more.

I know the energy of the workers was high starting tonight, as everyone had a good time blowing off steam in the hours before the show during an impromptu video game contest organized by Cheerleader Nicki. Everyone had a good time and even gave Nicki a standing ovation after she actually won the Madden NFL 10 tournament by beating NYD in the finals of the improvised tournament. I guess this disproves the theory that chicks aren't gamers.

Also afterwards, Lee Wright came up to me and stated that he decided to take Animal Harker under his wing as a protege as he sees some real potential in the rookie that just needs to be molded. I for one am happy that Lee is taking an active interest in working with the younger guys.

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I've been a David Mack fan from way back and I must say, even though I was partial to the underrated CGC era, I'm happy as a mark in aisle seats to have you back in NYCW.


Keep up the great work.




Thank's. I personally think that the CGC one had some of my best writing so far but I felt that NYCW was the best place for David Mack characterwise. It is almost a perfect circle, he starts in NYCW, rises high in CGC, falls low in MHW and then returns home to NYCW. Plus the NYCW of TEW 10 is sufficiently different from the NYCW of TEW 07 that I can retain a lot of the continuity, but not be rehashing what I did in my previous NYCW diary. There are plenty of new things and characters to make it feel fresh again.


Awesome first show and nice job on the surprise opponent for Mack and the draw as I think we all saw you putting the mystery man over.


Ota was one of the biggest foes I had in my NYCW: Old School Revisted diary and we had an on and off again feud that spanned the entire length of it. So he seemed to be the perfect choice to bring back from both continuity purposes and also because he is a talented main event level performer for a promotion of NYCW's starting size that can be obtained without breaking the bank. Of course in the original one we had the benefit of good chemistry together. As I am playing everything with the default data, unmodified other than renaming the Jack Avatar character to my user character name, which I have always done, the chemistry is random as always. So this time it was neutral between us, but we were still able to deliver a worthy main event match.


And as for making it a draw to start with, It keeps them both fairly even and allows me to extend the feud for awhile with some solid main events as I begin setting up the storylines of the rest of the roster and also get familiar with them. I have found in the past with smaller promotions it usually takes 6 months to a year to really get things moving , especially doing only one show a month.

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I really don't do prediction contests but I do appreciate the feedback when people predict. It gives me a sense of what people think about the characters and storylines, and also provides a real time indication that people are actually reading or at least glancing through this, which makes it easier for me to be motivated to try and continue to provide a quality diary.


As any diary writer can tell you, it takes far longer to write up a show than it takes to play it, and we all appreciate having others take the time to not only read our works, but also provide feedback in any form.


Now as to the predictions everyone got either 3/5 or 4/5 on the card, with everyone expecting Flash and Bailey to win, most rightly guessing Cage was going to be gone and losing on his way out and split over the tag team match. Interestingly, everyone expected me to lose and of the opinions expressed, most seemed to think that Grandmaster Phunk would be the mystery opponent. I admit that I did consider bringing him back but part of the past year history of NYCW was him moving on to PSW and I wanted to keep that change. But it is entirely possible he could be back in the future as one of the lessons I learned last time is that the rosters in small and regional promotions are fairly fluid, especially near the top.

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As any diary writer can tell you, it takes far longer to write up a show than it takes to play it, and we all appreciate having others take the time to not only read our works, but also provide feedback in any form.



I hear that.


With the current glut of diaries starting, feedback can simply keep you from being buried. I put up a show yesterday during the afternoon and it's already on page three. :eek:


I'm on board for the predictions next round, though. Count me in.

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