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Johnson should be gone for the rest of the season thats uncalled for.


I doubt they would suspended him for the rest of the season. Finn has been in trouble with the league before this where Johnson has pretty much been a poster boy for what NFL wants it's players to act like before this happened. Even after the game Johnson issued and apology about what happened and Finn kept his mouth shut.

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How has he been in the league this long and he still throws into triple coverage in the end zone?


Eli Manning was never the QB the Giants or Chargers wanted him to be. He's not a top ten QB in this league and never has been. I remember all this non sense about Eli on draft day years ago and it was non sense then and he never lived up to the type of player that could "refuse" to go somewhere.

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I love Phillip Rivers and think he's the most underrated QB in the league. He puts up the same numbers that Manning and Brady do every year but the rest of his team can't put it together so he doesn't get put on that same level.


If I was drafting at team Phillip Rivers would be my QB 11 times out of 10.

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I love Phillip Rivers and think he's the most underrated QB in the league. He puts up the same numbers that Manning and Brady do every year but the rest of his team can't put it together so he doesn't get put on that same level.


If I was drafting at team Phillip Rivers would be my QB 11 times out of 10.


100% agree he's at the leval of Brady and above the leval of Peyton imo with Manning showin strong signs of age. He is the most underrated along with matt cassel.

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I'm not ready to put Cassel there yet. I think he's pretty good but he's gotta do what he's been doing for a few more years before I put him there but yeah Rivers is maybe the second most valuable QB in the league right now.


I was going to argue this but there's no question the stats are there for Rivers. The only thing he doesn't have that Brady or Brees has is a team that's going to the playoffs. Or a Super Bowl ring. Not that it's his fault San Diego hasn't been to the dance, but it's harder to argue he's the best when he hasn't proved it on the biggest stage (yet). Manning has fallen off this season, and there's absolutely no question but that Rivers is an elite QB, but personally I'm not sure I'd put him ahead of Brady or Brees just yet. Also I'd put Aaron Rogers in the same conversation with Rivers.

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Broncos fire Josh McDaniels. My Broncos are just a complete mess right now. Curious as to what happens to Tim Tebow.


I think this is awesome. A while back, this thread was stuffed full of Broncos fans defending McDaniels and the Tebow pick. And specifically that awful decision to trade three picks to get him. And now look...


If the owner is smart he'll instruct the interim coach to spend the next 4 weeks playing Tebow as much as possible to see if there's any point to continue counting on Timmy for the future.


I have a feeling there won't be and Denver will be starting from scatch again next season

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I think this is awesome. A while back, this thread was stuffed full of Broncos fans defending McDaniels and the Tebow pick.


I did a search and found what you're referring to (discussions around draft day...so April 22ish). Wow, I wasn't even a TEW fan then. Found out about the series a short while later.


Ultimately, I think it's McD's 'my way of the highway' mentality that did him in. I actually supported him until the shellacking of the Raiders. Since then, I've been on the fence. it's been little things that have bothered me -- losing to the 49ers, playcalling, the videotaping scandal (which is actually a major one). This past game against KC, he insisted on passing when the RUNNING GAME HAD BEEN WORKING. Justification was that (paraphrasing, obviously) 'it had to work sometime.' Unbelievably stupid thought process, especially when the running game had been working all along, and they were only down by 4 with approximately 10 minutes left. You don't go away from what's working, Mr. 'I preach solid fundamentals". Game was still in his grasp, but he abandoned running entirely, opting instead for the 'chuck it deep to Lloyd' offense. Big facepalm.


As a parting gift, here's a video of McD: (Humorous but contains language, NSFW)


If the owner is smart he'll instruct the interim coach to spend the next 4 weeks playing Tebow as much as possible to see if there's any point to continue counting on Timmy for the future.

They have too much invested in Tebow to bail out so soon. Plus, he has value as a short yardage specialist. He absolutely needs a considerable amount of playing time though.

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Josh should have went to K.C to be the head coach that place is New England Junior they have Weiss as the OC, Romeo as the DC, Scott Peria or whatever his name is as the GM, Cassel as the Franchise QB and Vrabel somewhere in there as well.


So does Josh get another head coaching gig with all the mistakes he made both on and off the field? Or does he just go back to being an OC, maybe take the Kiffen route and go college football.


U of M with Josh McDaniels as their head coach who knows? Just spitballing.

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Josh should have went to K.C to be the head coach that place is New England Junior they have Weiss as the OC, Romeo as the DC, Scott Peria or whatever his name is as the GM, Cassel as the Franchise QB and Vrabel somewhere in there as well.


So does Josh get another head coaching gig with all the mistakes he made both on and off the field? Or does he just go back to being an OC, maybe take the Kiffen route and go college football.


U of M with Josh McDaniels as their head coach who knows? Just spitballing.


That's what I was thinking last night that McDaniels style fits morally with the college game than the pro game because there are not many pre-madonnas in the college game.

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They have too much invested in Tebow to bail out so soon. Plus, he has value as a short yardage specialist. He absolutely needs a considerable amount of playing time though.


I honestly think Tebow will never be a reliable NFL starter and if you traded three picks to get a 'short yardage specialist' you deserve to be fired.


But beyond that - since i'm sure the Broncos still hope Tebow will pan out - there were other questionable personnel decisions. Peyton Hillis is the one people will point to, but both lines are still a mess and I'm still not sure that the Cutler thing wasn't mostly his fault.

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That's what I was thinking last night that McDaniels style fits morally with the college game than the pro game because there are not many pre-madonnas in the college game.




In other news...




More whispers about the Chargers moving. That stadium isn't getting built in SD so this seems inevitable.

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It certainly was he tried to shop Cutler behind his back and then lied about it to the guys face. Trades are a part of the game but to lie about it when you're blatantly caught is just silly.


*i* agree but i think the people who defend McDaniels would say "well football is a business, Cutler shouldn't have been so sensitive, etc" and i think there's a point there too.

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Cutlers not faultless and if this was the only time J Mac did something like that then I'd say ok but think about all the crap he did.


Cutler gone, Marshall gone, Hillis gone, the trade to get Tebow, changing the defensive scheme when he didn't have the personal in place to make such a switch, then when they wind up seventh in the NFL last year in defense he fires Nolan.


I liked Josh to a degree but I think he was trying to be Bellichek with "the buck stops here" approach and the truth is very few coaches are given that kind of power because very few coaches have earned that trust.


So now who does Denver bring in? Who are the hot coordinators in the league right now?

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