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If I had gone tonight, I'd be really unhappy right about now with a mediocre night of action like that. BAMMA 7 smoked this show out of the water.


Shh. I had a fantastic time, as did the chaps I was sitting with. Bitching about back control fails, having arguments about who the best British wrestler is and whether John Maguire deserves that title after his performance last night (he does - awesome grappling fight, check it out), and complaining about Big Tan Dan even when he was doing things right. Silly Big Tan Dan.


The prelims were very good, all entertaining fights with the exception of Broughton-De Fries, and even that was mildly entertaining in round 2. Nice mix of things to see - standup and grappling both well represented.


Biggest reactions were for (in order) Vaughan Lee, Terry Etim, Brad Pickett and Chris Leben. Chris Cope got plenty of 'woos' on his way down too. I informed him Ric Flair did it better.


Barao beating Pickett (check the crowd chanting for One Punch while he's being choked out - after that walkout he could do no wrong) took the wind right out of the crowd. It came right back when Barao fail back-flipped and we all got to chant 'he fell over'


The crowd didn't understand how the ME ended - hence the boos during Munoz's post fight interview - everyone believed it was a stoppage on cuts and not a throwing in of the towel. Most unlike Leben that.


The chant of the night had to be 'DO 'IM' which gained alarming popularity in any fight where it took a while to get going.


Terry Etim's flying guillotine was siiiiiccck


You know it! Biggest reaction of the night by a mile!

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I think it was the referee, actually. But it looks like he didn't try to stay in, and it looked the minute the put their hands on him, he was on his way out anyway. :p


A combo actually. Ref put a hand on the shoulder, security ejected him from the cage then the building. Buffer looked like he found it rather entertaining.

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A combo actually. Ref put a hand on the shoulder, security ejected him from the cage then the building. Buffer looked like he found it rather entertaining.


*looks closer* I think you're right. Buffer wasn't the only one entertained-Dana thought it was funny as well. Dana doesn't mind goofy stuff as long as it doesn't lead to anyone into serious trouble. :p

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*looks closer* I think you're right. Buffer wasn't the only one entertained-Dana thought it was funny as well. Dana doesn't mind goofy stuff as long as it doesn't lead to anyone into serious trouble. :p


I KNOW I'm right. I was in the arena yaknow ;)


Dana didn't find it funny enough to stop the guy getting thrown out though - no main event for him... :rolleyes:

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It was Marc Goddard




I wouldn't argue if he was showing me the exit :-p


The LG Arena is part of the NEC (National Exhibition Centre), where Marc had his last MMA fight about three and a half years ago, drawing with Henrique Nogueira.


Che Mills and Brad Pickett were also on that card, one of the last ever Cage Rage events. I miss those cards.

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Yoshihiro Akiyama made the cut down to welterweight for the first time during a test run...this is how he looked:




Dude looks like he's about to kill some people. I know we'll have to wait and see him in action, but still he looks a lot better in this weight class.

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I think there is some legit reason to why he can't make 170, and looking at this pic, either he's cut the wrong way, or he really can't make 170. He's supposed look like THAT at the weight-ins, not before it.


That's a pic of him after a test cut, as if he was weighing in at that moment. Lots of fighters do it to see if they can handle the cut, followed by a really, really intense sparring day 24 hours later to simulate fight conditions.

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That's a pic of him after a test cut, as if he was weighing in at that moment. Lots of fighters do it to see if they can handle the cut, followed by a really, really intense sparring day 24 hours later to simulate fight conditions.

That's good to know. He doesn't look THAT drawn out. Not like a Rumble-style weight cut, where he looks like Skeletor before, at, and after the weigh-ins.

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