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When Zuffa wanted to expand its 135/45 divisions (and 125 really) they ran those divisions on TUF.


What about a Womens TUF? - might be an "interesting" show, good way to develop new talent and perhaps give some of the ladies - Meisha Tate/Sarah Kaufman etc - exposure as coaches.


Might also lead to the UFC expanding its demographic and increase its female viewers/fan base.


Really not sure it would work, but its something Zuffa has done previously and would at least be an interesting experiment.


I don't think it will work as many people would say, and sorry for the language, it's soft-core lesbian porn. Now many MMA fans would disagree with that statement, many non MMA fans won't.

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That's the point. I really wanted to see Tate vs Kaufman II. Now it's unsure whether we'll ever see it.


As far as TUF for women: we'll probably see it eventually. Could be a few years but they'll do it. First they'll explore other options: now a Brazilian option, might have a European (read: UK) one, etc. After that they might go for it, though that would implicate the appearance of women on UFC.


Softcore lesbian porn? Perhaps, but like you say: No true MMA fan would dare slander it in that way. They could, but it'd just sound retarded as f*ck. No women would dare say it for obvious reasons. So that just leaves the ignorant, the white trash and the little kids. I for one would've care what the lot has to say.

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When Zuffa wanted to expand its 135/45 divisions (and 125 really) they ran those divisions on TUF.


What you have to remember though is that there were already established divisions in the US at those weights. WEC had been running fights at 145 and 135 since 2002, and had champions in those divisions in 2002 and 2006 respectively.


King of the Cage had a 135lb champ in 2003, and a 145lb division dating back to pre-2000.


Then you have the Shooto network, which sanctions events all over the world in the smaller weight classes, and places like Tachii Palace Fights that has been the haven for Flyweight division in the US.


Point being, these division all had massive depth before the UFC touched them, it wasn't as simple as putting them on TUF.


What about a Womens TUF? - might be an "interesting" show, good way to develop new talent and perhaps give some of the ladies - Meisha Tate/Sarah Kaufman etc - exposure as coaches.


Love it in theory, but it wont happen. No TV network will pick up a show with an all female cast that isn't sex/gossip/cooking/clothes related. They especially wont pick up a show about women 'cage fighting'. That's not me being sexist, its just the reality of the situation.


EDIT: Plus, who does the winner fight after the series ends?

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Oh, that crazy Nick Diaz is at again. The Countdown crew showed up Friday or Saturday to tape for Diaz/Condit and Diaz was MIA. Nobody could get a hold of him, not even Cesar Gracie.


he didn't want to go to the beatuy pagent.


funny how Diaz said, where you at Georges? Well the true question should be, where you at Nick?

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Softcore lesbian porn? Perhaps, but like you say: No true MMA fan would dare slander it in that way. They could, but it'd just sound retarded as f*ck. No women would dare say it for obvious reasons. So that just leaves the ignorant, the white trash and the little kids. I for one would've care what the lot has to say.


what I'm trying to get at is the anti-mma people.

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Diaz doesn't wanna play the game. But he wants to get paid. That means playing the game, guy. Its that simple. Pick your poison - you can't have it both ways.


He's gotta be careful or he's gonna mess up his chance here. He's manging to turn the eventual fight with GSP into a big draw, even moreso than just another GSP fight. But if he screws around with Zuffa, it won't happen.

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Surely "the crew hunting for Nick Diaz" would make for a much more interesting countdown show than the usual ones anyway.


That just might be the best idea I've ever heard!


Although, Cecar Gracie has shot the rumour down, saying that filming finished two weeks ago and went fine. I'm hearing that someone might have pranked Jonathan Snowden, who originally broke the story on his twitter. He's in the middle of some kind of falling out with some old MMA media friends of his, apparently.


Wouldn't be surprised either way.

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UFC's debut in Sweden, UFC on Fuel TV 2, to be headlined by Alexander Gustafsson vs. Antonio Rogerio Nogueira.


Now THAT is a fight.


Gustafsson does a lot of his BJJ just round the corner from my house, so I think (considering who he's fighting) that he'll be coming over here for some of his prep for this one, especially as John Maguire is also on the card.


Also - my sources are telling me that BAMMA 9 has been moved to March, no venue or date that I know of yet. Some...strange...stuff going on with them at the moment.

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Tell your sources to get me some tickets for that, Brashley. ;)


It's not exactly a numbered event but it's still really cool that UFC is coming here and that we have a guy legit bordering on the top of the division. When are the tickets usually released for these things?


e: dug around, they're being released on Friday. There's no way I'm not going even if it's a cheap seat.

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That just might be the best idea I've ever heard!


Although, Cecar Gracie has shot the rumour down, saying that filming finished two weeks ago and went fine. I'm hearing that someone might have pranked Jonathan Snowden, who originally broke the story on his twitter. He's in the middle of some kind of falling out with some old MMA media friends of his, apparently.


Wouldn't be surprised either way.


Indeed. That'd be a stellar idea. His attitude arguebly does even more to promote fights them him actually being present. :p

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Week 1, watched the show on TV. Week 2, called in. Week 3, studio guest. Week 4, HOSTED THE SHOW.


That, folks, is how I roll.



Joking aside, please give it a watch either on telly or on YouTube, share it on FB/Twitter etc. It's not exactly MMA Live, but the more stuff like this that gets out there, the better for the sport in the UK.

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Week 1, watched the show on TV. Week 2, called in. Week 3, studio guest. Week 4, HOSTED THE SHOW.


That, folks, is how I roll.



Joking aside, please give it a watch either on telly or on YouTube, share it on FB/Twitter etc. It's not exactly MMA Live, but the more stuff like this that gets out there, the better for the sport in the UK.


Very cool. Also glad you learned your lesson from last time about over-dressing :p.

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It's all about to kick off big style again with Dana White and Josh Gross/ESPN.


This isn't great for the UFC and Gross knows it - likely why he went so all out in the piece he did on fighter pay that caused this most recent round of bother. The tl/dr of the piece is that the UFC's pay for lower-to-mid tier fighters is horrible, and that the fighters cannot complain or even discuss it in the media without committing career suicide.


Here's where it gets fun - ESPN are known for 'creative editing' of their interviews to hammer home a point. So much so that the UFC (following WWE's lead actually, when Cena was interviewed about steroids) taped the interview with Lorenzo Fertitta that was used as part of the piece themselves. Dana is now going to release the full, uncut footage of the interview, which apparently will shed a very different light on the story.


But here's the problem - MMA is a niche sport, and the UFC can't afford to be marginalised by ESPN. The most financially successful UFC's in recent years have been the ones heavily covered by ESPN. If the network were to blackball the UFC, it could seriously stifle the promotion's growth.


ESPN and the UFC are already at loggerheads since the Fox deal. ESPN UK pulled the UFC 142 Countdown last night without warning.


What I'm hearing is that this might not end well at all for Gross of all people. There are bits of shoddy journalism in the article that are clear for all to see - mistakes about fighters insurance coverage, for example. There are also a lot of people 'in the know' that are calling out his sources for being either wrong, misinformed or simply stretching the truth to within inches of its believable limit.


White has always wanted to crush Gross since the TUF 4 thing. If he has material that shreds Gross' credibility, it could get to the point that ESPN drop him, paving a way for a reconciliation of sorts between the network and the UFC.


Personally I'm sitting back with the popcorn for this one. Will be fun to see where it goes.

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