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Here's the thing people forget about King Mo-he's like Jeff Morrison and Morrison in one way-a lot of charisma, a larger than life character and gimmick, but terrible on the mic. He can "charisma" his way out of a promo, but it's not that good.


I would love to see him with a program against Kurt Angle, though. Probably the best choice, too, because he might stiff the other guys too hard.

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I hate this. I think MMA and pro wrestling should be kept as far apart as possible.


I was on the press call yesterday. The TNA woman was saying that when Mo is training for a fight in Bellator, it'll be part of his storyline in TNA. Now, I'm only a very occasional watcher of wrestling these days so maybe my finger isn't on the pulse...but isn't that going to really annoy wrestling fans?


No matter how old you are, surely suspending disbelieve is still a major part of enjoying pro wrestling? Now you're gonna have a pro wrestling company running storylines where a guy is training for a 'real' fight...doesn't that take some of the sheen off it?


It'll be great for Mo - it'll build his brand and if/when the UFC do come a' knocking in a couple of years time, he'll be able to cash in. The evil side of me does with he'd just go out there and legitimately smash Kurt Angle to bits, if only to end his paranoid delusions of being able to hang with any MMA fighter in a real fight.

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1) King Mo is a charismatic guy who's been talking about pro wrestling for some time. I am not surprised at all that TNA would look at a guy with his skill set and not see a ton of potential there.


2) I think that the MMA tie-in is a direct result of what we just saw recently in WWE with Brock coming back. It was big for ratings and their PPV match was fairly well received, albeit sloppy, because it had a unique sense of realism to it. It was obviously a worked match, but long story short Brock was using MMA-influenced moves and they looked extremely punishing in the ring. I had never really seen anything like it. That said, it's probably stupid because King Mo ain't Brock but whatever we'll see I guess.


So my theory is they are going to build something like that around King Mo for a short time and see how it goes. One way or the other, he's eventually going to have to pick one. I dont see how you could be a successful pro fighter or a successful pro wrestler on this level and not put 100% of your focus into it.

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1) King Mo is a charismatic guy who's been talking about pro wrestling for some time. I am not surprised at all that TNA would look at a guy with his skill set and not see a ton of potential there.


2) I think that the MMA tie-in is a direct result of what we just saw recently in WWE with Brock coming back. It was big for ratings and their PPV match was fairly well received, albeit sloppy, because it had a unique sense of realism to it. It was obviously a worked match, but long story short Brock was using MMA-influenced moves and they looked extremely punishing in the ring. I had never really seen anything like it. That said, it's probably stupid because King Mo ain't Brock but whatever we'll see I guess.


So my theory is they are going to build something like that around King Mo for a short time and see how it goes. One way or the other, he's eventually going to have to pick one. I dont see how you could be a successful pro fighter or a successful pro wrestler on this level and not put 100% of your focus into it.


I saw the Brock match...it seemed to work because Brock is what, 270lbs and an absolute physical monster. With Mo though, especially when he's in fighting shape, most of the roster is going to be a lot bigger than him, right?

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I saw the Brock match...it seemed to work because Brock is what, 270lbs and an absolute physical monster. With Mo though, especially when he's in fighting shape, most of the roster is going to be a lot bigger than him, right?

Size doesn't mean what it used to. If King Mo comes in ripped he usually is, that's good enough.

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I hate this. I think MMA and pro wrestling should be kept as far apart as possible.


I was on the press call yesterday. The TNA woman was saying that when Mo is training for a fight in Bellator, it'll be part of his storyline in TNA. Now, I'm only a very occasional watcher of wrestling these days so maybe my finger isn't on the pulse...but isn't that going to really annoy wrestling fans?


No matter how old you are, surely suspending disbelieve is still a major part of enjoying pro wrestling? Now you're gonna have a pro wrestling company running storylines where a guy is training for a 'real' fight...doesn't that take some of the sheen off it?


It'll be great for Mo - it'll build his brand and if/when the UFC do come a' knocking in a couple of years time, he'll be able to cash in. The evil side of me does with he'd just go out there and legitimately smash Kurt Angle to bits, if only to end his paranoid delusions of being able to hang with any MMA fighter in a real fight.


1. I'm almost 100% sure they have no idea what they're doing with him right now. He'll go to 3D academy and train with Al Snow and/or Ric Flair, do a match or two in OVW and then they'll figure it out.


2. I agree, but I doubt they'll sell it like that, if I was them I'd just Keyfabe that MMA was just a "new form of fight" neither superior of inferior to Pro Wrestling. But honestly, if there's one thing TNA fans are used to, it's being shit on.


3. I agree. And considering Kurt's push right now, I could see it.


I saw the Brock match...it seemed to work because Brock is what, 270lbs and an absolute physical monster. With Mo though, especially when he's in fighting shape, most of the roster is going to be a lot bigger than him, right?


TNA actually has a lot of smaller guys. Guys like Jeff Hardy, Bobby Roode and Rob Van Damm. Sting and Angle are two of the biggest guys on that roster. Both are MWs in MMA. They're really a high-flying promotion trying to run WWE style matches; Which is to say a serious miss-use of resources.

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He's got legit amateur wrestling chops... could run a solid R-Truth/Next-Big-Thing mash-up gimmick. Going to have to work hard to put together a pro wrestling move-set if they have plans for him to be anything in-ring. For Viacom and Bellator it's good synergy with impending Spike move. For TNA, considering current financial realities, it's not like they can say no.


Your right King Mo has got the amatuer wrestling credentials to get by to a certain degree, however according to Dave Meltzer it took Kurt Angle 1 year & Brock Lesnar 18 months training in WWE's developmental schools before they were deemed good enough to be put on TV so realistically there's no way that King Mo is going to be able to go straight to TNA & hold his own in the ring.


Personally i feel disappointed in the deal. It was only a few months ago that King Mo said he hoped to sign with the UFC & wanted big fights & big paychecks so to me it feels like he's throwing away his potential in MMA just so he can try his hand at professional wrestling & fighting in Bellator is just part of the package! I'm sure he'll be getting paid well & i really hope the exposure on TNA will attract new viewers to Bellator but i personally don't feel any anticipation towards seeing King Mo face guys like Travis Wiuff, Christian M'Pumbu or Rich Hale.

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Your right King Mo has got the amatuer wrestling credentials to get by to a certain degree, however according to Dave Meltzer it took Kurt Angle 1 year & Brock Lesnar 18 months training in WWE's developmental schools before they were deemed good enough to be put on TV so realistically there's no way that King Mo is going to be able to go straight to TNA & hold his own in the ring.


Personally i feel disappointed in the deal. It was only a few months ago that King Mo said he hoped to sign with the UFC & wanted big fights & big paychecks so to me it feels like he's throwing away his potential in MMA just so he can try his hand at professional wrestling & fighting in Bellator is just part of the package! I'm sure he'll be getting paid well & i really hope the exposure on TNA will attract new viewers to Bellator but i personally don't feel any anticipation towards seeing King Mo face guys like Travis Wiuff, Christian M'Pumbu or Rich Hale.


They have been bringing in prospects though, and guys like Robert Drysdale and Xande Ribero are available. So, maybe they can piece together a half-decent field by January.


As for Pro-Wrestling they rushed Ken Shamrock through developmental in a very short period. And, this isn't the WWE. They still use Hogan, Flair, Sting and Foley for god sakes. Also if you look back on "Ron "The Truth" Killings" early career you'll see that the dude barely wrestled in the indy's. He would just come out and literally make fun of random people in the crowd. It got him crazy over too.

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It wouldn't shock me at all if Viacom signed Rampage after his deal with the UFC is done & they have some sort of "superfight" in Bellator with TNA being used to build it up every week. We know Rampage loves pro-wrestling & these 2 have legit dislike towards each other so i could see it happening.


Personally i would love to see the fight itself but i wouldn't be a big fan of them using a professional wrestling company to set it up as i already despise the comparisons that some people make between the two but at the end of the day what is actually out there for Rampage once he's gone from the UFC? I've heard Rampage vs. Fedor could happen in Japan which would be pretty awesome but other than that there's really not much out there for him.

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I saw the Brock match...it seemed to work because Brock is what, 270lbs and an absolute physical monster. With Mo though, especially when he's in fighting shape, most of the roster is going to be a lot bigger than him, right?


Hey I said it's what they were going for. I didn't say it was a good idea...


As far as size goes, TNA has alot of smaller wrestlers high up on the card that wouldn't look so tiny compared to King Mo. They're "big guys" by normal standards but they're not all monsters like WWE has.




If they're setting up a Rampage/King Mo fight... I think it would be the smartest thing in the world for the network and for bellator, assuming they keep it on TV. I think that fight gets a nice viewership and puts Bellator on the mainstream sports media radar, at least in the U.S. Very good move for all parties involved.

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"Pro Wrestlers" as a whole are much smaller than they used to be. Even in WWE.


Yea for sure. Still I think size wouldn't be a huge issue for Mo. It'll be the fact that he's completely green at pro wrestling which almost never works out in the end. But I guess they'll try.



That said, I think it'll be short lived as he has a decent shot at eventually winning a bellator tournament. He's a very good fighter and an entertaining guy. It's best for all of us that he sticks with MMA. I'm hoping his work in TNA is basically limited in capacity. Maybe a short run leading to a PPV tag match where he doesn't have to do much. Something like that.

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Not sure how many people have seen this, but Vinny Magalhaes has supposedly put his M-1 Global title belt up for sale on eBay. Bidding was up to about 100k when I last looked at it.




Those bids were fake, the highest legit bid is $5

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Those bids were fake, the highest legit bid is $5


I kind of figured a good portion of those were less than legit, but I had no way of knowing. I'm more interested in the fact that he put it up on the first place and the reasons why. Far as I know, this is the first time something like this has happened, where a sitting champion has tried to sell his belt. Maybe I'm wrong, but for me it's an interesting little thing to follow.



I've heard that he wasn't seriously selling it either, but again I don't know for sure. I don't use twitter, so I'm only relying on what others have told me.

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I kind of figured a good portion of those were less than legit, but I had no way of knowing. I'm more interested in the fact that he put it up on the first place and the reasons why. Far as I know, this is the first time something like this has happened, where a sitting champion has tried to sell his belt. Maybe I'm wrong, but for me it's an interesting little thing to follow.



I've heard that he wasn't seriously selling it either, but again I don't know for sure. I don't use twitter, so I'm only relying on what others have told me.


He was trolling M-1... He's been feuding on twitter with Egveni Kogan who was coaching Micheal Zayats when he made his last defense because he told them he was walking after his deal was finished. I'm pretty sure the bs bids were probably made my M-1 to save face. It's hilarious.

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So I thought I'd update you guys on what's going on with my matchmaking career, as I can't be bothered to do another vid right now, lol.


Our venue for the Cambridge show pulled out - they apparently couldn't understand the difference between MMA, unlicensed boxing and white collar.


Anyway, we moved the show - Now we're in Romford, Essex, City Limits on July 14th. Same main event, Valentino Petrescu vs Deniston Sutherland for the MW title, and I have 8 weeks to put together a great Pro-Am undercard.


Anyone in the UK within an hour's distance of it has no excuse not to come and bring lots of mates. Seriously, if anyone wants to come, DM me and I'll do you a deal on tickets, friend prices.


I'll be doing another video soon - bit of a hectic time at the moment as I've just quit MMABay and will be starting two new MMA jobs (in addition to the match making) over the next few weeks!

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