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Fireballs, yay or nay?


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I think it looked great on TV last night when Storm did it to Hardy, I kind of like it in that capacity. But I think the day of the Sheik, where a guy could throw fire apropos of nothing, has fallen out of favor.


Like most wrestling, it's subjective. To each their own.

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I think it looked great on TV last night when Storm did it to Hardy, I kind of like it in that capacity. But I think the day of the Sheik, where a guy could throw fire apropos of nothing, has fallen out of favor.


Like most wrestling, it's subjective. To each their own.


Seen it and all I have to say is HOLY CRAP

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Seen it and all I have to say is HOLY CRAP


I just watched it as well, before I thought it was the old flash-bang paper they used. It was pretty cool.


But still... okay assaulting someone with a chair and not going to jail? I can reasonably buy that. But how could James Storm not go to jail over this?


It's like when The Outsiders ran the steiner brothers off the road. Thats attempted vehicular homicide, how would you not call the police?

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I just watched it as well, before I thought it was the old flash-bang paper they used. It was pretty cool.


But still... okay assaulting someone with a chair and not going to jail? I can reasonably buy that. But how could James Storm not go to jail over this?


It's like when The Outsiders ran the steiner brothers off the road. Thats attempted vehicular homicide, how would you not call the police?


Except TNA did the same thing on this show, too. Abyss got run down.

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Being a guy who can accept that some wrestlers simply have magic-powers, I'm cool with it as long as it's organic to the character or the situation. If, for example, Kane did it to John Morrison, specifically to burn his good looks, leading to Jo-Mo having to wear a mask for 6 months, then it's cool. If it's just a throwaway 'attack' to get heat before a PPV... Not so much.


I also read on some 'newz' site that Jeff got singed during the stunt. If that's true (they cited Jef's girlfriend's twitter as a source, but I can't be bothered to chase that up, so pinch of salt) them TNA are fools. Don't put wrestlers in harms way unless it's a money angle. Which this was not.


EDIT: Watched the footage. Looked very cool, and James Storm seemed to be using beer and a lighter as a makeshift flamethrower, so it's fairly apt for the character. Still, you know, something of this scale should be the focal point of a show, with constant updates from the hospital. A major angle.

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Just saw it, was another one expecting the old style fireball, which frankly always looked embarrassing. This looked cool enough though.


Particular lolz at Tenay's commentary though. I appreciate the point he was trying to make, but "that can't be beer! It must be... some kind of flammable liquid!" made me giggle.

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