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Years ago I read a story in White Wolf's World of Darkness. The story depicts the vampire clans as blind vampire bats and reality(?) or something like that was a giant elephant. Well, each vampire bat bit into a different part of the elephant and took that has his personal view.


It may sound sacrilegious to some but that's pretty much how I view religion.


Each one feels god in their own way but since they are all "blind" to his full scope, no one religion can see the whole picture.

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...And people that use/use any variation of the philosophy of "Opinions are like *******s" line. Wasn't clever or intelligent then, now, or ever.


Well depends how you define intelligence. If arguing at length about things which you know others will disagree with and probably take offence at is more intelligent than choosing your time and place to discuss these things a little more carefully ... well I guess the world is full of geniuses then. I'd still rather be the happy idiot over in the corner minding my own business.

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Well depends how you define intelligence. If arguing at length about things which you know others will disagree with and probably take offence at is more intelligent than choosing your time and place to discuss these things a little more carefully ... well I guess the world is full of geniuses then. I'd still rather be the happy idiot over in the corner minding my own business.


Ignorance is NOT bliss, sir. :cool: People should be encouraged to debate. If that debate leads to one-sided personal attacks that side should be encourage to make an butt out of themselves, so as to discredit them from continuing onward in said debate.

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So the best franchise in the history of pro sports is over-rated? Okay.....:rolleyes:


Well technically BHK the Yankees have the most championships in history however they have what 27 championships out of a possible 107? That comes out to winning 25 percent of their perspective sports championships.


To where as the Montreal Canadians have 23 championships in only 92 seasons. Which brings them to 25 perecnt of their perspective sports championships as well.


The Celtics have won 17 championships in 62 years of the NBA Championship. That brings their championship percentage 27 percent of their prospective sports champoinships.



The Steelers have won 6 Super Bowls out of a possible 44 bringing their total to only 13 percent.


Thats just the "americanized" sports. So its easy to look at the Yankees who have the most championships but also have the most years active as a sports team as the greatest team in the history of sports but the only criteria we could use for this is championship wins percentages with a sample size of atleast 50 seasons I'd say that the Celtics have proven to be just as successful if not technically more successful than the Yankees. Not to mention the Canadians had dominated Hockey the same way the Yankees have dominated baseball.


Greatest baseball franchise of all time? Absolutely greatest sports franchise of all time? Their in the discussion but I wouldn't say their the clear cut winner. Once you factor in championship win percetanges, decades with championships, multiple year championship wins, strength of league, opponents, etc.

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So the best franchise in the history of pro sports is over-rated? Okay.....:rolleyes:


Well technically BHK the Yankees have the most championships in history however they have what 27 championships out of a possible 107? That comes out to winning 25 percent of their perspective sports championships.


To where as the Montreal Canadians have 23 championships in only 92 seasons. Which brings them to 25 perecnt of their perspective sports championships as well.


The Celtics have won 17 championships in 62 years of the NBA Championship. That brings their championship percentage 27 percent of their prospective sports champoinships.



The Steelers have won 6 Super Bowls out of a possible 44 bringing their total to only 13 percent.


Thats just the "americanized" sports. So its easy to look at the Yankees who have the most championships but also have the most years active as a sports team as the greatest team in the history of sports but the only criteria we could use for this is championship wins percentages with a sample size of atleast 50 seasons I'd say that the Celtics have proven to be just as successful if not technically more successful than the Yankees. Not to mention the Canadians had dominated Hockey the same way the Yankees have dominated baseball.


Greatest baseball franchise of all time? Absolutely greatest sports franchise of all time? Their in the discussion but I wouldn't say their the clear cut winner. Once you factor in championship win percetanges, decades with championships, multiple year championship wins, strength of league, opponents, etc.


I would say that you could make an argument for one of the greatest of all time, but with the differences between sports I don't think there should be a definate greatest ever.

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Ignorance is NOT bliss, sir. :cool: People should be encouraged to debate. If that debate leads to one-sided personal attacks that side should be encourage to make an butt out of themselves, so as to discredit them from continuing onward in said debate.


That's your opinion, I disagree. I think more people should be encouraged to keep their mouths shut. I am bored of people debating things like religion on a sim game forum. I've heard debates like this since I was 13 and they haven't gotten any more intelligent. Someone always gets upset, there is always the holier than thou athiest (which is hilariously ironic but still gets old fast) and it always seems to lead to the same conclusion. Begrudging agreement to disagree ... which is pretty much where they would have been if the debate never started.


No offence to the people who are debating religion, but seriously ... is this the best place for it and do you REALLY think your views on this are any more valid than anyone elses? I think there is a difference between being ignorant and being smart enough to know when to stay out of something and just let it go.

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That's your opinion, I disagree. I think more people should be encouraged to keep their mouths shut. I am bored of people debating things like religion on a sim game forum. I've heard debates like this since I was 13 and they haven't gotten any more intelligent. Someone always gets upset, there is always the holier than thou athiest (which is hilariously ironic but still gets old fast) and it always seems to lead to the same conclusion. Begrudging agreement to disagree ... which is pretty much where they would have been if the debate never started.


No offence to the people who are debating religion, but seriously ... is this the best place for it and do you REALLY think your views on this are any more valid than anyone elses? I think there is a difference between being ignorant and being smart enough to know when to stay out of something and just let it go.


I think it was more FINishers assesment that people who believe in a higher power are mentally ill that got people posting. However these kinds of debates are just human nature, I usually just avoid threads discussing this type of thing because of the reasons you gave.

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That's your opinion, I disagree. I think more people should be encouraged to keep their mouths shut. I am bored of people debating things like religion on a sim game forum. I've heard debates like this since I was 13 and they haven't gotten any more intelligent. Someone always gets upset, there is always the holier than thou athiest (which is hilariously ironic but still gets old fast) and it always seems to lead to the same conclusion. Begrudging agreement to disagree ... which is pretty much where they would have been if the debate never started.


No offence to the people who are debating religion, but seriously ... is this the best place for it and do you REALLY think your views on this are any more valid than anyone elses? I think there is a difference between being ignorant and being smart enough to know when to stay out of something and just let it go.


So, wait, are you just ignoring all of the brilliant mission work that Mother Teresa did on the Promotion Wars board?


I myself was converted way back, on the GameFAQS board. Seems like you can't throw a virtual rock these days without hitting somebody who has been moved to alter their life by the words on a message board.

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My main problem with religion is not the idea that someone or even any human can believe in a God, in reincarnation or anything that I don't believe in.


It's the way the "modern" churches* have not adapted their religions enough to suit how we act now in comparison to 100 years ago, and churches* that try to update the religion are often regarded as blasphemous or crazy, a small offshoot of Christianity in Southern Texas was once raided under the belief it was a "Cult" after it published a modern variation of the Bible.


*churches refers in this case to any offshoot of a legally recognised religion.


For example, Christians will eat shellfish despite the writings within the Old Testament. They have chosen to exclude that because it would not benefit people who would want to join the religion or who are part of the religion.


They also don't like to mention that Jesus Christ has been shown not to have been born on December 25, and that it was actually a ploy by the Christianity of the time to coincide with a pagan winter festival so people could convert more easily.


Also in the modern C of E they talk about the ones being welcome in Heaven being those who stay true to the path towards God. I also believe this is the case with Christianity worldwide.


But as reading the words of Jesus will tell you, the church was designed in it's early days to target the lawless and people who have done ill-deeds. Because it quite clearly talks about how God is more happy with one drunken, gambling, stealing murderer who converted to Christianity a month before his death than someone who has not broken any of the teachings of the bible in his entire life.


but as governments were formed and there were laws independent of religion, this view seemed to change; suddenly people are taught when they are young to follow the bible for most of their lives because God will be grateful and they will enter heaven, rather than the fact that God will be happier if they go off, blow some class-A drugs, mug a couple of tourists and then become born-again.


The church is unfortunately, becuase even though I am agnostic I love the idea of spirituality and like Self I am jealous, very hypocritical and willing to ignore it's own teachings just to retain it's influence over people. I believe that a radical overhaul is needed of the way organised religion teaches it's followers and how it chooses to teach them. The idea of a priest force-feeding you what he wants you to know is disgraceful. People should gather in churches to actually be able to read and ask questions on spiritual writings. But in some religions (like Islam as it is in some countries) that is considered blasphemy.


I so hope I did not come off as rude or condesending. I know sometimes in other threads I can come off as that but this is just my view. I am not criticising religion but rather the way in which we learn it. I do not believe for my way of being agnostic to be superior to any religion because an religion could be right we will never know until our deaths or enlightenments.

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Guest Instant Classic

It's not the debate of religion that gets old. It's the religious people who throw hissy fits because others don't share their religious views that trigger the flame wars. One kid a couple pages back started hurling insults because he's religious and someone else isn't. Boo hoo, get over it! Personally I think if anyone is willing to be told by a fairy tale book on how to live their lives, they are a bit mentally deluded and weak-minded. I am as educated on the major religions as anyone and there has never been a time where I've bought it. Yes, it's a proven fact people and places from The Bible did exist, does not mean what is written about them is true.


If anyone has ever noticed, the most religious people tend to be the most violent and disturbed. I knew one woman who you would have thought to be the most wonderful person on the planet, but she was a vindictive little snot who beat her kids senseless because they wouldn't follow religion like her and wanted to live their own lives. I have personally never seen anything positive come from organized religion that doesn't happen elsewhere on a regular basis, and the first person to insult me over anything I have said will only prove me right seeing as how it will contradict any religion they follow.

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It's not the debate of religion that gets old. It's the religious people who throw hissy fits because others don't share their religious views that trigger the flame wars. One kid a couple pages back started hurling insults because he's religious and someone else isn't. Boo hoo, get over it! Personally I think if anyone is willing to be told by a fairy tale book on how to live their lives, they are a bit mentally deluded and weak-minded. I am as educated on the major religions as anyone and there has never been a time where I've bought it. Yes, it's a proven fact people and places from The Bible did exist, does not mean what is written about them is true.


If anyone has ever noticed, the most religious people tend to be the most violent and disturbed. I knew one woman who you would have thought to be the most wonderful person on the planet, but she was a vindictive little snot who beat her kids senseless because they wouldn't follow religion like her and wanted to live their own lives. I have personally never seen anything positive come from organized religion that doesn't happen elsewhere on a regular basis, and the first person to insult me over anything I have said will only prove me right seeing as how it will contradict any religion they follow.



Did you seriously just refer to the BIBLE is a fairy tale book?

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Guest Instant Classic
Did you seriously just refer to the BIBLE is a fairy tale book?


As, not is. And yes, it is not an historical book, it is a guide written for people to improve the quality of their lives, not a document of historical facts.

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As, not is. And yes, it is not an historical book, it is a guide written for people to improve the quality of their lives, not a document of historical facts.


Well I am sorry but do you believe everything written in your history books?


I don't. I know I did not evolve from a flipping monkey. You can believe that if you choose to but I don't. I find it very disrespectful that you refer the the Bible that way.

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Guest Instant Classic
Well I am sorry but do you believe everything written in your history books?


I don't. I know I did not evolve from a flipping monkey. You can believe that if you choose to but I don't. I find it very disrespectful that you refer the the Bible that way.


All you are doing right now is showing what I find to be true and I will not argue on it further; Very religious people are blind to everything that doesn't come from a book with no author and choose to ignore things with scientific fact to back it up. We are related to monkeys and it is proven that species that exist in their forms today came from other species and evolved from something else. There is no disputing it. Believe what you wish, don't expect others to follow suit because you get your panties in a bunch, the way you reacted is a prime example of why organized religion causes so many problems in the world. If you take the Bible literally, all I have to do is offer you a pig and a goat and you have to give me your first-born daughter to marry, it's written in black and white that that's how it works. Street gangs have the same mentality as the very basics of religious zealots; be with us and believe what we do and act like we want you to or we'll kill you. The basics are all the same. If you wish to flip out further knock yourself out, I how ever will not get into a 10 page discussion with someone over it.

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All you are doing right now is showing what I find to be true and I will not argue on it further; Very religious people are blind to everything that doesn't come from a book with no author and choose to ignore things with scientific fact to back it up. We are related to monkeys and it is proven that species that exist in their forms today came from other species and evolved from something else. There is no disputing it. Believe what you wish, don't expect others to follow suit because you get your panties in a bunch, the way you reacted is a prime example of why organized religion causes so many problems in the world. If you take the Bible literally, all I have to do is offer you a pig and a goat and you have to give me your first-born daughter to marry, it's written in black and white that that's how it works. Street gangs have the same mentality as the very basics of religious zealots; be with us and believe what we do and act like we want you to or we'll kill you. The basics are all the same. If you wish to flip out further knock yourself out, I how ever will not get into a 10 page discussion with someone over it.


Look, I would not say you are wrong. Those tho don't believe what I believe BUT, to tell me that what I believe in is a fairy tale really makes me mad.


There are a lot of religions that have there views that I don't believe in. I don't go around telling them they are wrong.


There is a way to present your opinion to people without coming off like an arrogant prick. To tell me I believe in fairy tales is a bit rude and THAT is what made me mad.

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- People who constantly whine about politics but really have no clue as to what they're going on about. IE: Fox News and CNN geeks.


- My girlfriend, when she makes a decision regarding us without talking to me about it. That one goes beyond grinding my gears.


- Video games that are hard to beat and then have stupid endings.


- The fact that we, as a planet, have become so creatively dry that we are re-making "cult classic" movies with a modern twist.


- And finally, the fact that I shelled out $6 to watch the movie Kick-Ass yesterday. I found myself yawning throughout, and laughed maybe twice. Maybe I missed the point, or there was no point to be found in the first place. Movie just did nothing for me. Without Nicolas Cage that movie would have been even worse, but still... It was a reminder why I don't go to the cinema very often.

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All you are doing right now is showing what I find to be true and I will not argue on it further; Very religious people are blind to everything that doesn't come from a book with no author and choose to ignore things with scientific fact to back it up. We are related to monkeys and it is proven that species that exist in their forms today came from other species and evolved from something else. There is no disputing it. Believe what you wish, don't expect others to follow suit because you get your panties in a bunch, the way you reacted is a prime example of why organized religion causes so many problems in the world. If you take the Bible literally, all I have to do is offer you a pig and a goat and you have to give me your first-born daughter to marry, it's written in black and white that that's how it works. Street gangs have the same mentality as the very basics of religious zealots; be with us and believe what we do and act like we want you to or we'll kill you. The basics are all the same. If you wish to flip out further knock yourself out, I how ever will not get into a 10 page discussion with someone over it.


the notion of religion also comes as a result of higher intelligence. one of the things that separates us from monkeys.

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There are a lot of religions that have there views that I don't believe in. I don't go around telling them they are wrong.


I don't believe in a lot of others as well.


I honestly don't believe too many are wrong. They just don't see the whole picture. But a study of different religions has discovered similarities. One similarity all but verifies "the great flood" which exists in every religion even tribal ones.

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On a slightly different note... here is a cartoon I drew of *BLEEP* and myself going to the beach..




This was overly hilarious. Did anyone catch the latest South Park episode that Comedy Central literally bleeped to shreds? I didn't even finish more than three minutes of it because the bleeps were everything and anything. It was beyond ridiculous.

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Ok, I'll admit it! I'm the jackass driver who honks at you when you wait too long at a stop sign, who flips you off as I pass you in a double line because you were going the speed limit, and who will box you in with a semi truck for a period of no less than 5 minutes if you stray into the left lane on the highway going slower then the traffic on the right.


I'm the scourge of the road and I loathe you all, expel your hatred upon me! :D

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Ok, I'll admit it! I'm the jackass driver who honks at you when you wait too long at a stop sign, who flips you off as I pass you in a double line because you were going the speed limit, and who will box you in with a semi truck for a period of no less than 5 minutes if you stray into the left lane on the highway going slower then the traffic on the right.


I'm the scourge of the road and I loathe you all, expel your hatred upon me! :D


I knew it was you, you bastard.


Okay, I lied. I do all of these things, too. My general rule is that the "speed limit" is actually the minimum speed...this goes for virtually every road in the universe, even roads as yet undiscovered.

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