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At 5'8 I'm the tallest in my family (including all cousins, aunts, uncles, second cousins, step-aunts, half-uncles and other extended what-have-you) with the bizarre exception of my little brother, who just hit 6'.


So yeah, 5'10 for a girl's a bit on the tall side round my parts.

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Would kill to be 5'10. I'm only 5'5 :eek:






I'm 6 ft 2 and would really enjoy another inch or three. However my girlfriend is 5ft 9/ 5ft 10, so I'm kinda grateful for the height I have as I couldn't be with her should she be taller than me. Heh.

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At 5'8 I'm the tallest in my family (including all cousins, aunts, uncles, second cousins, step-aunts, half-uncles and other extended what-have-you) with the bizarre exception of my little brother, who just hit 6'.


So yeah, 5'10 for a girl's a bit on the tall side round my parts.


Man that would annoying the sh*t out me, because it annoys me now that my younger brother is getting taller than me, but if it was a case that I was had been the tallest of the entire family then for my brother to take that it'd be 10x worse. Yes, it's petty, but damnit the eldest is the greatest of siblings!

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I'm quite graceful thank you very much.


I bump into other people swiftly and angelic like. :p


Emberassing admission time! I've only met 2 women taller than me. Ever. And I'm NOT that tall. (5'7"-ish?) So tall chicks retain a certain degree of mystery to me.

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Man, people on this forum are short. Maybe it's a Brit thing? I'm 6'4, which isn't even all that tall for one side of my family.



It creates a whole mess of problems shorter people don't have to worry about like:

*low-hanging tree branches

*shower-heads in hotel rooms and public places

*knee surgeries


and lots of similar stuff.

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Not a giraffe.......giraffe-like; there's a big difference :p


I'd prefer being tall, than having weird spots, or orangish skin though.


They are also awkward and goofy looking when they try to move around. Kind of like tall people. :p


You're just jealous cause you can't get the leaves from the top of the trees, like us.

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Man, people on this forum are short. Maybe it's a Brit thing? I'm 6'4, which isn't even all that tall for one side of my family.



It creates a whole mess of problems shorter people don't have to worry about like:

*low-hanging tree branches

*shower-heads in hotel rooms and public places

*knee surgeries


and lots of similar stuff.


Most people I know are around 5'8"-6".

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I'm a pretty lowly... we'll say... 5'7" and three quarters? Give or take if I just woke up or not.


Sadly, I'm pretty much the short one in my family... well, other than my mom. Thanks for the crappy midget genes, mom!


We've all heard JMans theory so we know this is UNPOSSIBLE

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I'm surrounded by small people.


/runs away


If it makes you feel any better, I'm not intimidated by girls that are taller than me!


Dated one once... it was fun. Not sure why guys get so bent out of shape on it. Waaaahhh waaaahhhh she's taller than me waaaaah. Get over it.

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