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What grinds your gears?


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When I bowled in the jr. league, I averaged a 140. I got kicked out along with a couple of my friends for taking our weekly dues out of the envelope and leaving after the owner yelled at us for bowling like jackasses though. Ironically, though it was supposed to be a lifetime ban, that's where I bowled 2 weeks ago.



Kids bowling like Jackasses? NO way!


I mean come on its bowling....kids are going to be like that....:)

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Thank you! Listen rest of the world, I'm sorry you all chose to put your love into the most boring sport ever and now feel obligated to defend it, and that the United States completely rules you in every other sport ever conceived, but really you're not fooling anyone. Soccer sucks.


... Didn't you guys need to invent a bunch of sports just so you'd be good at something. Baseball. Basketball. American Football. You'd be lucky to find a handful of countries who know the rules to your little games, let alone want to play them.


Not to start the age-old argument up again. All versions of football (... maybe not Aussie rules) are great once you get to know the subtleties, but how anyone can argue that American Football isn't poorly named is beyond me. Simple English Comprehension.


It's the Queen's English, and we can take it back whenever we want. Use it properly or not at all.

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Kids bowling like Jackasses? NO way!


I mean come on its bowling....kids are going to be like that....:)


By that time we we doing it every week... They put us on a team with a kid we hated and his first grade brother so our team sucked, and he would try to give us motivational speeches and such. The week we got kicked out we were intentionally bowling gutter balls to piss him off.

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... Didn't you guys need to invent a bunch of sports just so you'd be good at something. Baseball. Basketball. American Football. You'd be lucky to find a handful of countries who know the rules to your little games, let alone want to play them.



Considering all those Olympic Medal counts, Id say we didnt have to invent anything. ;)


Except Cyborg Swimmers.

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... Didn't you guys need to invent a bunch of sports just so you'd be good at something. Baseball. Basketball. American Football. You'd be lucky to find a handful of countries who know the rules to your little games, let alone want to play them.

Baseball's pretty popular internationally, actually. It's big throughout Latin America and Japan. Just because something isn't popular in Europe doesn't mean it isn't popular elsewhere. ;)

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... Didn't you guys need to invent a bunch of sports just so you'd be good at something. Baseball. Basketball. American Football. You'd be lucky to find a handful of countries who know the rules to your little games, let alone want to play them.


Not to start the age-old argument up again. All versions of football (... maybe not Aussie rules) are great once you get to know the subtleties, but how anyone can argue that American Football isn't poorly named is beyond me. Simple English Comprehension.


It's the Queen's English, and we can take it back whenever we want. Use it properly or not at all.


So we'd be good at something? How many Olympic Medals did England win in the last Summer Games? I think Michael Phelps beat your whole country. And we won first dibs on naming sports in the War of 1812. Hence, 90 minute draw football became soccer.

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Small thing that annoys me...


When you pull up to a stop, and the dude or chick on the other side was already there. Then they stare at you before starting to frantically waving you on like you're slow in the head. You were CLEARLY there was first. What is this, opposite day? Dont get all flustered with me cause you're dumb.

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So we'd be good at something? How many Olympic Medals did England win in the last Summer Games? I think Michael Phelps beat your whole country. And we won first dibs on naming sports in the War of 1812. Hence, 90 minute draw football became soccer.


We were fouth, and we have the same landmass as half of Nevada. And we have around 70% less people than America does.


And The War of 1812? The one where you fighted so that the Native American's wouldn't get their own independent state in Ohio and Indiana? I think you destroyed enough human rights in that war to disallow any rights you earned towards calling football 'soccer'.


Plus, Europe as a whole (Rougly the same size as America) beat you in the medal rankings by a huge margin.

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We were fouth, and we have the same landmass as half of Nevada. And we have around 70% less people than America does.


And The War of 1812? The one where you fighted so that the Native American's wouldn't get their own independent state in Ohio and Indiana? I think you destroyed enough human rights in that war to disallow any rights you earned towards calling football 'soccer'.


Plus, Europe as a whole (Rougly the same size as America) beat you in the medal rankings by a huge margin.


Yeah, we screwed over Native Americans a couple times...


How many people had their "human rights" violated by the British, the Native Americans included? :cool:

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Yeah, we screwed over Native Americans a couple times...


How many people had their "human rights" violated by the British, the Native Americans included? :cool:


We made amends before you, and we didn't need a civil war to decide if we should do it or not. :p EDIT: Actually this depends on wether you are talking about what I think you are talking about...



Besides, this is coming froma guy who has said he feels spiritually like he should be in Russia rather than America. They don't have 'soccer' there. Only football. And not Imperialist American Football either.

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Besides, this is coming froma guy who has said he feels spiritually like he should be in Russia rather than America. They don't have 'soccer' there. Only football. And not Imperialist American Football either.


In Soviet Russia, football kicks (not throws) you!! :D


Lol, this thread has already been nearly shut down once for religious debate, lets not get on to nationalism or politics as well :p


Something else that grinds my gears: The fact that I pay about 70 quid a month for broadband, a phone I don't use and 200+ TV channels...and there is NOTHING on TV!!!

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We made amends before you, and we didn't need a civil war to decide if we should do it or not. :p EDIT: Actually this depends on wether you are talking about what I think you are talking about...


Has the list just gotten too long to keep straight? Perhaps it would be easier to think in terms of "People we havent oppressed."


So probably...the Swiss. :p;)


Also right now, that the XBox doesnt store any kind of connection options so every time I move locations it has to be reset up. WTF microsoft? The Wii has it!

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That also leads into my next annoyance: Customers who take 'the customers always right' too seriously, or who think it's an excuse to abuse my co-workers or myself. Yes, the customer should without question be tended to with courtesy, friendliness and legendary service; part of our job at Starbucks (as were told) is to make sure the guests leave highly satisfied. That does not however, warrant the customer to treat us like walking mats. We are human beings struggling to make a living and should be treated as so. Being upset because your drink was made wrong and your service was bad is understandable, shouting at me or my co-workers because we aren't allowed to break a $50 bill is abusive and makes you look like an idiot. I'm a manager at my store and while I always intervene when an incident between an employee and a customer occurs, if I sense the customer is being unfair, I will always side with my employee. For one, if I always side with customers, even the irrational ones, it sends a clear message to my co-workers that I'm not their for them. I'm only interested in the profit and they're just worthless pawns. I want them to be happy when they're on the floor so they're more efficient so I would never do this. Most importantly, while it's important to 'save a lost customer' I would never do so at the expense of a co-worker. Losing a customer will cost my boss less money than it will cost to hire and train a new employee because the old one quit. So yeah, the 'customer is always right' mantra is soundly untrue.


That is one of the main reason why I hated dealing with the public. The customer is always right way of thinking. I think 9 times out of ten the customer is probably wrong. In fact I believe that the customers start crap with people who work in the service industry just because they can. They have had a crappy day so why not take it out on others who they know can't really defend themselves.


Oh and Afroman, you sound like a cool manager. I wish I would have had a manager to back me up, when a customer has been a jerk to me.




My neighbors have a basketball hoop facing the street. These kids and some adults are out playing basketball until all hours of the night. They have hit my car tons of times and put a dent in my sister's car.


When I filpped out on them, they told me that I did not own the street. I called the cops and they told me that there was nothing that they could do. Maybe the NWA was right...


I could regale you with many tales, like the time a drunken wedding party comprised of local guidos wanted to fight me because I had the audacity to tell them to quiet down. Oh, those magical night audit shifts.



Typical Rhode Islanders, did they all have the Gotti boy hair?:D


We were fouth, and we have the same landmass as half of Nevada. And we have around 70% less people than America does.


And The War of 1812? The one where you fighted so that the Native American's wouldn't get their own independent state in Ohio and Indiana? I think you destroyed enough human rights in that war to disallow any rights you earned towards calling football 'soccer'.


Plus, Europe as a whole (Rougly the same size as America) beat you in the medal rankings by a huge margin.


Tell that to the people who used to live in Northern Ireland who had their human rights violated.;)

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Oh and Afroman, you sound like a cool manager. I wish I would have had a manager to back me up, when a customer has been a jerk to me.


The best part of being a manager is telling an abusive customer to hit the road and never return, and knowing they have zero recourse but stomp their feet like spoiled children.


That does not grind my gears. Not at all.

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Well, speaking for a nation that was actually subjugated by the British I'm still going to go with Brits on the medal thing: They have a quarter of the American population and still remind highly competitive.


What I always think is funny is that the Irish and English cultures have pretty much gotten over the traditional "700 years of oppression" thing and now are actually quite friendly (Ireland to England: "Hey, I know we used to not get on but...you're cooler than all those other European cats so...wanna hang out? England: Sure!!!") yet people who've lived in Arizona for like two generations go bat sh*t crazy with hate for Mexicans coming over the border.

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It cracks me up that people still debate the whole Football/Soccer thing... Is it really that big of a deal?


And to the person who said we(America) had to invent sports to be good at them, that's absurd, and truth-be-told probably one of the dumbest things I've read in my time on the internet.


Baseball is an International sport, founded in America. Football(NFL) is growing at a rapid rate Internationally now as well.


Call soccer "Football" wherever you want. It won't bother me. But don't start breaking into Nationalism over it.

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The best part of being a manager is telling an abusive customer to hit the road and never return, and knowing they have zero recourse but stomp their feet like spoiled children.


That does not grind my gears. Not at all.


I loved that part, there was something about cheerfully telling a d-bag that their problem won't be solved, too bad, that I loved. The angrier they got, the funnier it was.

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It cracks me up that people still debate the whole Football/Soccer thing... Is it really that big of a deal?


And to the person who said we(America) had to invent sports to be good at them, that's absurd, and truth-be-told probably one of the dumbest things I've read in my time on the internet.


Baseball is an International sport, founded in America. Football(NFL) is growing at a rapid rate Internationally now as well.


Call soccer "Football" wherever you want. It won't bother me. But don't start breaking into Nationalism over it.


I don't think it's that big a deal, it's just a common grievance here in the Old World. I think it's the feeling that Europe had copyright on the name "Football" because the European one came first and it was clearly known as Football but Americans took on the name anyways. It's not mindblowing rage, it's just like if tomorrow some guy announced a "new" console called the X-Box 360, you'd be like "Dude...there's already something called the X-box 360" but he carried on anyway. You wouldn't lose it, but you'd think it a bit silly that he did it.


Ireland has a micro version of this debate, because one of our traditional GAA sports is known as "Football" (from the translation from Irish into English), especially to older types but I think everyone now would more accept the term "Gaelic Football" as what we call it, because we accept that the English called dibs on the name "Football" via speaking English first :p

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Here's the thing- golf and bowling get passes because you can drink and still participate. Golf even gets bonus points because you get to try to jump sand dunes in a cart.


If you don't drink while playing soccer, you're not doing in right:p


I don't mind calling it soccer, its commonly referred to as both here, because people also refer to gaelic football as football. Being a fan of the NFL, my three favourite sports are all called football:p

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