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What grinds your gears?


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MLT, it's somewhat of a generalization. I said the same thing when Menudo was big. And New Kids on the Block. And the Backstreet Boys. And N'SYNC. Of course, it's patently false because it's usually the "pretty" teenage girls who go for the okey doke in these cases. No one really pays attention or cares about what the ugly ones want.


And as a person who was an 'ugly' teenage boy, I found ways to take advantage of that. Girls may not have that advantage but to quote The Waitresses, they have what boys like, they have what guys want.


Don't sweat it. It's not like people don't judge folks that way every minute of every day. I've beaten my head bloody against that particular wall. It might be better to pick a battle you can win. :)




*ahem* Not everyone judges folks based on that. :)

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*ahem* Not everyone judges folks based on that. :)


Apparently you're not human then, because we have a built-in judging system subconsciously. We don't just judge people based on their looks, we judge them on everything they do... What you meant to say is "Not everyone judges folks based on that -and says something to them about it-."

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Apparently you're not human then, because we have a built-in judging system subconsciously. We don't just judge people based on their looks, we judge them on everything they do... What you meant to say is "Not everyone judges folks based on that -and says something to them about it-."


I look at it like this. I am far from perfect. I have many flaws people can point out. I have no right to judge others.


Now someones actions are different.

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Elitism seriously grinds my gears. Especially when it comes to someone being new to something. My girlfriend got me into WoW and she's been playing for years. So I started playing. I didn't know a lot, so I'd ask her stuff, and she described most stuff she knew pretty well. When I got to level 20 I decided to do my first PvP. Evidently that's a no no for first time players. All I got was insults because I didn't know the "proper procedure" to do things. :rolleyes:


Elitism is in almost every fandom and aspect of life though.


I'm a metal fan. I have been since I was a little kid. Metal heads drive me insane. "So and so isn't a real metal band!" "You're not a metal fan if you don't like Iron Maiden"


I HATE discussing genres with people. Everyone has a different opinion about what constitutes a certain genre. It's irritating.


About three years ago I got into the Misfits. I prefer the Michale Graves era. I don't hate Danzig, but Graves' music just sounds better to me. But "real" Misfits fans don't like Michale or anything he's done. "Real" Misfits fans don't go see the Misfits anymore because Jerry Only is singing now. Give me a freaking break!

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Elitism seriously grinds my gears. Especially when it comes to someone being new to something. My girlfriend got me into WoW and she's been playing for years. So I started playing. I didn't know a lot, so I'd ask her stuff, and she described most stuff she knew pretty well. When I got to level 20 I decided to do my first PvP. Evidently that's a no no for first time players. All I got was insults because I didn't know the "proper procedure" to do things. :rolleyes:


Elitism is in almost every fandom and aspect of life though.


I'm a metal fan. I have been since I was a little kid. Metal heads drive me insane. "So and so isn't a real metal band!" "You're not a metal fan if you don't like Iron Maiden"


I HATE discussing genres with people. Everyone has a different opinion about what constitutes a certain genre. It's irritating.


About three years ago I got into the Misfits. I prefer the Michale Graves era. I don't hate Danzig, but Graves' music just sounds better to me. But "real" Misfits fans don't like Michale or anything he's done. "Real" Misfits fans don't go see the Misfits anymore because Jerry Only is singing now. Give me a freaking break!


I ran into the same problem with WOW. I was new and was at a very low level (because I was new) and a buch of people would leave snarky comments about how I suck and what not.


So let me get this straight, because I do not play WOW for hours on end I suck and I am a loser...right...:D

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On one hand, I like to be newbie friendly as far as helping out, giving advice, and so on.


However, if there's one thing I can't stand it's a person who's not just new, they're an idiot. Here's a for instance; I had a friend on WoW who was in the military, and when he shipped out he gave away one of his accounts to a guy he knew. This dude comes into an account with 4 level 80s (at least), and so he immediately is trying to do heroics and such. But he didn't know how, and wouldn't listen to anyone's advice on the subject. So whenever he did poorly, and people got mad at him for making the game harder than it has to be, instead of seeking advice or trying harder, he would wait until the boss fight starts and then hearth back to Dalaran.


That's not being new, that's being a jackass.


And that grinds my gears.

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BHK, we here in New York love us some names. Electing a nobody that no one's ever heard of to the Senate doesn't happen very often. Kirsten Hillenbrand (who? EXACTLY!) is toast if a 'name' candidate runs against her. Plus, she was appointed by perhaps the least popular/most disliked/most incompetent governor of New York in at least 30 years. When the guy who gave you your job is being run out on rails, that doesn't typically make you safe. Although, she is kind of attractive, in that suburban/middle America kind of way so the serious candidate is going to have to be able to overcome that. Anyway, Hillary was elected for the same reasons Bobby was elected: she was the biggest "name" on the ballot. She also drew ridiculous amounts of women (duh?) and was running against freakin' Rick Lazio (who? again, EXACTLY!). You have to maintain a high profile if you hold national office in New York. Mark Green, Alan Hevesi (before he got popped), and how many of you knew who Michael Bloomberg was before he bought his current office?


That's how we tend to work. If we don't know who you are, you'd better spend the time (and money) telling us who you are or we're not electing you (ask Bloomberg). Can't have some nobody going to DC reppin' us! Do you know who we are? Of course you do!




I guess it bothers me that she was using the state as a stepping stone. Granted I don't live there, but it still bothered me. It is the exact same strategy that Robert Kennedy used when he ran for and won the Senate race in 1964.


California's voting record bothers me as well. Any B list celebrity can run for and win political office in California (Sonny Bono and Ronald Reagan).


Granted I come from a state that elected Patrick Kennedy over and over again based on his last name alone. Despite the fact that it was well known that he was an admitted drug abuser.

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People who act the fool because they know that they are on television. You know the people that I am talking about, the people who sit behind Cole and Jerry Lawler and incessantly wave at the camera or make goofy faces.


Or the idiots on their cell phones during a baseball game (Or any sporting event for that matter) who are apparently told they are on tv by the person that they are talking to, that start mouthing stuff to the camera or waving. Man do those people grind my gears, and the sad thing is I always seem to find them when they show crowd shots. And from that point onward my eyes seem to look for them.

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People who act the fool because they know that they are on television. You know the people that I am talking about, the people who sit behind Cole and Jerry Lawler and incessantly wave at the camera or make goofy faces.


Or the idiots on their cell phones during a baseball game (Or any sporting event for that matter) who are apparently told they are on tv by the person that they are talking to, that start mouthing stuff to the camera or waving. Man do those people grind my gears, and the sad thing is I always seem to find them when they show crowd shots. And from that point onward my eyes seem to look for them.


lol, yes, its annoying, but in that kind of situation, it must feel awesome to just do a simple waving while being watched by thousands

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry to ressurrect this thread, I just thought of a few more I had to name...


- Completely un-original and obvious pet names. For example, naming a black and white cat "Oreo".


- Viral baby videos. I have nothing against babies, just absolutely cannot stand the viral videos of them.


- Lame drinking quotes, like "Don't drink and drive, you might hit a bump and spill it." Wow, just typing that almost made me want to crush my keyboard.

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Got a new one, people who get mad at me when I do not say god bless you after they sneeze. I have a friend who seriously gets very offended because I will not say god bless you to him after he sneezes.:D


I'll admit, if I'm in a large room, say a class of 60+, and I sneeze and NO ONE says it... that miffs me a bit. A small group, whatever. But out of a group of 60, I'd expect one person to turn around and say "Bless You" or "Gesundheit!" or even a Seinfeldien "You are sooooo good lookin'".


I don't get mad if no one does it, but it's still polite. It's stupid, it's pointless and comes from an archaic belief, but... still... it's polite. Guess it was the way I was raised.


That said, in my German class there is always someone who will say "Gesundheit!" for the... whatever. Lulz? Make the professor proud they know a German word?

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I'll admit, if I'm in a large room, say a class of 60+, and I sneeze and NO ONE says it... that miffs me a bit. A small group, whatever. But out of a group of 60, I'd expect one person to turn around and say "Bless You" or "Gesundheit!" or even a Seinfeldien "You are sooooo good lookin'".


I don't get mad if no one does it, but it's still polite. It's stupid, it's pointless and comes from an archaic belief, but... still... it's polite. Guess it was the way I was raised.


That said, in my German class there is always someone who will say "Gesundheit!" for the... whatever. Lulz? Make the professor proud they know a German word?


You know what? I take it back, it's not archaic. It's a nice way of saying "hope you get over this little sickness!"


But no one cares. "Oh, you have a cold? Well **** you, I hope you choke on your chicken noodle soup you sick bastard." That's the message people convey when they all don't acknowledge a sneeze. Probably why your friend gets so upset BHK, you don't care for their health. :p

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I'll admit, if I'm in a large room, say a class of 60+, and I sneeze and NO ONE says it... that miffs me a bit. A small group, whatever. But out of a group of 60, I'd expect one person to turn around and say "Bless You" or "Gesundheit!" or even a Seinfeldien "You are sooooo good lookin'".


I don't get mad if no one does it, but it's still polite. It's stupid, it's pointless and comes from an archaic belief, but... still... it's polite. Guess it was the way I was raised.


That said, in my German class there is always someone who will say "Gesundheit!" for the... whatever. Lulz? Make the professor proud they know a German word?


Yeah most of my politeness died out after working in retail for ten years.:D You quickly come to realize that the vast majority of the people out there are jerks who look down at you and walk all over you. Or at least that was my experience.:D

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Yeah most of my politeness died out after working in retail for ten years.:D You quickly come to realize that the vast majority of the people out there are jerks who look down at you and walk all over you. Or at least that was my experience.:D


Oh, I totally agree. Retail is a bitch... spent a few months working at Academy, and that's all the time working retail I'll hopefully ever have to endure. Even so, almost every job I've had has dealt with the mass public. Only thing I've done that didn't was as a Notary signing agent, and people tend to be less dickish when they're dealing with large sums of money and I'm the guy they're relying on to ship it off on time.


My favorite was working at the souvenier stand at a drag racing track... around the back of the stand is an ATM machine... anytime it wasn't working properly, customers would bitch at me for not being back there fixing it. "You work here, it's your job to keep it running!" No, it's not. I got paid just over minimum wage to hand out t-shirts, ear plugs, and toy cars. I'm far from trusted with the ATM machine. Course, then there was the drunk 30 something year old who kept coming back to the stand to buy the most mundane of items... so she could tell me I was cute and spill her cleavage out "because that's where she kept her money"... Quite the odd grab bag, working with the public.


Sorry, going off on something totally off-topic.


So, what else grinds my gears?


People who think its cool to choose the Giant Panda as their endangered animal they're going to do every assignment for Zoology. Really? The Giant Panda? Do you REALLY think the poor professor wants to read MORE papers on the freakin' Panda? I shudder to think about how many times that poor woman has had to read about Pandas.

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On a few occasions I've said that to people after they've sneezed and they've looked at me like I'm a pyscho :D


I hate it when people don't get references, but I guess it's hard to complain: people have different interests.




Once in Geology, being the Geology whiz I am (I'm really good at it!), I was helping a (incredibly attractive) girl out with learning how which parts of the cross-section were the oldest... to which, after figuring it out, she responded with a "Thanks! NOW I know!"


To which I responded with "And knowing is half the battle."




Cue greasy, chubby guy next to me going "Actually, knowing is the whole battle." with this "you just got schooled" look on his face, like he'd just blown my freakin' mind.


Gears grinded.

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Ok, I got some work ones.


People that call the radio station asking about a song, THAT'S PLAYING ON A COMPETING STATION!


People that call and request a song, it gets played, so they feel they should get another song. That's not how it works, junior.


People that call and ask to hear a song from a (non-talented) artist we don't play. Look, you might think Laura Bell Bundy is the best ever, but she's not.


Alright, I'm done.

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Ok, I got some work ones.


People that call the radio station asking about a song, THAT'S PLAYING ON A COMPETING STATION!


People that call and request a song, it gets played, so they feel they should get another song. That's not how it works, junior.


People that call and ask to hear a song from a sh*tty artist we don't play. Look, you might think Laura Bell Bundy is the best ever, but she's not.


Alright, I'm done.



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I'll admit, if I'm in a large room, say a class of 60+, and I sneeze and NO ONE says it... that miffs me a bit. A small group, whatever. But out of a group of 60, I'd expect one person to turn around and say "Bless You" or "Gesundheit!" or even a Seinfeldien "You are sooooo good lookin'".


I don't get mad if no one does it, but it's still polite. It's stupid, it's pointless and comes from an archaic belief, but... still... it's polite. Guess it was the way I was raised.


That said, in my German class there is always someone who will say "Gesundheit!" for the... whatever. Lulz? Make the professor proud they know a German word?


Bless you is ALWAYS said around here. I say it because it's the right thing to do, or I was raised that way. Not sure which. :D




I like you right now.



I have no gears to grind, I'm not a robot. :p

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