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V.I.Q: Very Important Questions :p

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Hey guys,


First off I'd like to apologize if anything I'm about to ask has been asked 100x before. I bought TEW2010 over the weekend and I absolutely love it, the only other game I've played is TEW05 and like many of you said, you can't even compare the two.


With all that said, I have some questions about TEW2010, I don't think any of these are basic, although I'm sure a few TEW veterans might shake their heads at me.


1. Difficulty setting: Is there a setting to adjust this? Does it change the ratings you get when booking shows? Like, maybe making them more leniant?


2. Perfect Show Theory: I understand what this is, basically it affects the pacing of the show and makes your main event match very important. Do you suggest turning this on? Will it help garner higher ratings?


3. The C Verse vs Real World mods: Why do people play the C verse instead of real world mods? Wouldn't you guys rather play with real wrestlers and real promotions? How long does it take to get used to all the C Verse characters?


4. C Verse data: Is there an updated C Verse data available for download somewhere? I deleted the default data by mistake while trying to install a mod. I know after I semi-buried the C-Verse in my last question, you're probably wondering why I'm asking this, but I'm legit getting curious about why so many enjoy the C-Verse and I'm thinking of inching my way into it. Maybe as a side game when I'm not playing my real world mod


5. Momentum: I understand that compared to TEW05, momentum in TEW2010 is very important and it helps to shape the show ratings. I'm sure this has been asked before, but can anyone specify what exactly influences a worker's momentum rating? For instance, in my TNA game Desmond Wolfe's momentum is at a D- which is awful. I'm trying to gear him up for a World Title reign in a few months, the fans won't accept it if his momentum rating is so low, is there anything I can do to raise it within a 4-5 month period? Would giving him a 10-15 match winning streak do the trick?


6. Angles/Storylines: Why are they so bland? In TEW05 I had a really cool angle mod, so I guess it would have been bland there too, but don't you think it would be nice for the default data to include lots of angles/stories? Its not a big problem, I'll go download the angle/storyline pack now :p


Thanks to everyone who answers, I'm looking to play this game for at least another 2-3 weeks before I review it on my radio show.

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Cant help with all of those questions but heres some help


1. Difficulty setting: Is there a setting to adjust this? Does it change the ratings you get when booking shows? Like, maybe making them more leniant?


You can technically adjust the difficulty by changing the promotion you play. TCW is far easier than 21CW for example.


3. The C Verse vs Real World mods: Why do people play the C verse instead of real world mods? Wouldn't you guys rather play with real wrestlers and real promotions? How long does it take to get used to all the C Verse characters?


C-Verse all the way for me. Real World mods can be a little biased depending on the modders favourites. C-Verse is a balanced world. C-Verse also allows a blank slate to play how you want. Real World mods have characters already defined and you can struggle to change them


4. C Verse data: Is there an updated C Verse data available for download somewhere? I deleted the default data by mistake while trying to install a mod. I know after I semi-buried the C-Verse in my last question, you're probably wondering why I'm asking this, but I'm legit getting curious about why so many enjoy the C-Verse and I'm thinking of inching my way into it. Maybe as a side game when I'm not playing my real world mod


You can always reinstall the game again to get the data back, but i believe its available here under downloads



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1. Difficulty setting: Is there a setting to adjust this? Does it change the ratings you get when booking shows? Like, maybe making them more leniant?


No. But you can tailor your product to maximize what ratings you get by playing to your workers strengths.


2. Perfect Show Theory: I understand what this is, basically it affects the pacing of the show and makes your main event match very important. Do you suggest turning this on? Will it help garner higher ratings?


It's a double edged sword. It depends on your natural booking style. If you notice that most of your matches all get C ratings, it might be better to turn it off.


3. The C Verse vs Real World mods: Why do people play the C verse instead of real world mods? Wouldn't you guys rather play with real wrestlers and real promotions? How long does it take to get used to all the C Verse characters?


I used to play only RW mods, but then I accidently played a C-Verse game and I've been hooked ever since. My advice is to pick one promotion (for me it was NYCW because I'm from NYC) and play a few games with them. Then expand to others. If you like WWE, play as SWF. If you like ECW, play as PSW. I recommend starting with a small promotion and getting a feel for the characters.


5. Momentum: I understand that compared to TEW05, momentum in TEW2010 is very important and it helps to shape the show ratings. I'm sure this has been asked before, but can anyone specify what exactly influences a worker's momentum rating? For instance, in my TNA game Desmond Wolfe's momentum is at a D- which is awful. I'm trying to gear him up for a World Title reign in a few months, the fans won't accept it if his momentum rating is so low, is there anything I can do to raise it within a 4-5 month period? Would giving him a 10-15 match winning streak do the trick?


Put him in a storyline. Here's something you can do:


If AJ Styles in your champ, do this.


3 man unchained storyline:

AJ Styles

Desmond Wolfe

Contender for AJ's title


On each show, put Desmond and AJ in a 10 minute angle. On each show, have Desmond win a match.


After 3 months, Desmond's momentum should be higher.


6. Angles/Storylines: Why are they so bland? In TEW05 I had a really cool angle mod, so I guess it would have been bland there too, but don't you think it would be nice for the default data to include lots of angles/stories? Its not a big problem, I'll go download the angle/storyline pack now


You can easily create your own angles in game. I keep the default angles and make my own, but I'm a tad bit too imaginative for my own good :D


If you have any more questions or need some elaboration, especially about the C-Verse, feel free to ask. We all love answering questions about our beloved C-Verse!

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1: Difficulty Setting


Short answer, no. Mechanically, the game is the same every time. The only thing to make the game easier or harder is to choose a promotion that suits your style better, and to be familiar with the game mechanics.


2: Perfect Show Theory


...Is the theory that the three most important matches on your show are (in increasing order of importance) your opening match, your semi-main event and your main event. With Perfect Show Theory on, those three matches will affect your show ratings more than any other matches you book.


3: C-Verse vs. Real World


Short version: for me, Real World mods are problematic because they assign arbitrary stats to real people. Who judges if, say, Kurt Angle has an 'A' in Mat Wrestling, or a B+, or an A*? It feels weird assigning these skills to real people. Fictional people, on the other hand, can be given these numbers quite happily.


Also, the characters in the Cornellverse are awesome. I love them to bits.


4: see Clarity's answer.


5: Momentum


Things that will increase a worker's momentum:


Being in good angles

Being in good storylines

Being in a hot stable

Being booked to look strong in matches


Things that will lose you momentum:


Being in bad angles

Being in weak storylines

...Can you see where this is going?


Mister Wolfe has probably been on a bit of a losing streak, or else has been putting on sub-par matches and angles, yes? If you want to get his momentum up quickly, then find someone on the roster with high momentum who you don't mind jobbing out, and have Wolfe beat them. Give him a winning streak where he dominates undercard guys and puts on awesomely competitive matches against your other Main Event guys. That should drag him up nice and quickly.


6: Congratulations, you've discovered the secret! Don't like the ones you've got? Make/download more! Triumph!


EDIT: Damn it, too late! Sniped while typing a response.

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With all that said, I have some questions about TEW2010, I don't think any of these are basic, although I'm sure a few TEW veterans might shake their heads at me.


*shakes his head and sighs*


:p (that was a joke btw)


1. Difficulty setting: Is there a setting to adjust this? Does it change the ratings you get when booking shows? Like, maybe making them more leniant?


Neither. The only difficulty metric in the game is when you start your own promotion. Rock Hard starts you with a promotion with nothing (no money, no popularity, no prestige, no momentum), for example. It has no effect on show ratings or anything of the sort.


2. Perfect Show Theory: I understand what this is, basically it affects the pacing of the show and makes your main event match very important. Do you suggest turning this on? Will it help garner higher ratings?


I turn it off because I don't really like it. Oddly enough, I follow it more often than not (unconsciously) but don't like it being held over my head. My PPVs tend to go from strong opening match to the lowest low of the night and they build all the way to the highest high of the night without any valleys (like starting on a neighboring peak, moving into the valley between peaks and then walking straight up the slope of the largest mountain in the group). It's a preference thing, not much different from 'popularity focus' to 'performance focus'.


3. The C Verse vs Real World mods: Why do people play the C verse instead of real world mods? Wouldn't you guys rather play with real wrestlers and real promotions? How long does it take to get used to all the C Verse characters?


I don't like real world mods. There, I said it. Many of them don't work well within the confines of the game's mechanics and engine and while the C-Verse is created to make sense, reality often doesn't. If you put on bad shows as SWF, you will lose popularity and fall in size. WWE did it for a few years and didn't. Plus, my overwhelming preference is women's wrestling. The C-Verse has a very robust (if small) women's scene while most real world mods give the women short shrift (if they haven't spent time in WWE or TNA, they often aren't even IN the mod). As a sidenote, if people "would rather play with real wrestlers, etc", they would play with real wrestlers. No one's forced to play the C-Verse. Many of us do so because we prefer it to the myriad real world mods that come out. Plus, it's always funny to see someone complain about how the game is working when they're playing a real world mod that isn't done as well as it could've been. When most of the responses are "It's the mod", you don't tend to get that with the C-Verse.


It took me maybe two weeks to get acclimated to the C-Verse when I started (back when TEW05 first came out). But I'm very much a Type A personality so I spent much of that time going through every profile, reading every bio, going over every workers' relevant stats, and so on. I read diaries, I bankrupted five or six promotions, then I got my sea legs under me, so to speak.


5. Momentum: I understand that compared to TEW05, momentum in TEW2010 is very important and it helps to shape the show ratings. I'm sure this has been asked before, but can anyone specify what exactly influences a worker's momentum rating? For instance, in my TNA game Desmond Wolfe's momentum is at a D- which is awful. I'm trying to gear him up for a World Title reign in a few months, the fans won't accept it if his momentum rating is so low, is there anything I can do to raise it within a 4-5 month period? Would giving him a 10-15 match winning streak do the trick?


Some people will disagree with me here, but there's a basic rule of thumb I use to help guide my thinking on momentum. It is: Popularity is how well known a worker is, momentum is how much people want to SEE a worker. Yes, it's not perfect but it works for me. If you look at it that way, just think of things you can do to make people want to see that worker. Strong hype angles? A strong program (storyline) with someone the fans know and care about? Wins are 'meh' because if they aren't beating people the fans know and care about, it's going to be slow going. I've said this many times, 'Face off but no contact' is your friend in this case. Flair and Hogan as the Catalysts and whoever you want to have a momentum boost in the support roles, will tend to produce lots of momentum for you.


6. Angles/Storylines: Why are they so bland? In TEW05 I had a really cool angle mod, so I guess it would have been bland there too, but don't you think it would be nice for the default data to include lots of angles/stories? Its not a big problem, I'll go download the angle/storyline pack now :p


Your thought process is mistaken. The reason you only get the basics is because of the game's immense modding community. If the game came with everything you'd ever need, would there be a reason/purpose for mods? People include their custom angles with their mods, so that's one place to get more. Then again, I don't use preset storylines (unchained or die!) so I've been using the same handful of storylines since TEW07 (updated for each new edition). Many of them are actually from panix's angle pack back then. Besides, we now have an on-the-fly angle writer (and match creator) so releasing angles and matches has probably lost some of its luster.

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3. The C Verse vs Real World mods: Why do people play the C verse instead of real world mods? Wouldn't you guys rather play with real wrestlers and real promotions? How long does it take to get used to all the C Verse characters?


While I have some issue with the biased stats and unbalancedness of most Real World mods, the main reason I'm (pretty much) C-Verse-Only is because the C-Verse allows me to be more creative. The characters can be ANYTHING my brain can come up with, while real wrestlers are pretty much what they already are. Rock is Rock. Shelton is Shelton. Johnny Bloodstone can be ANYTHING! I do play the odd Real World game, but it's usually shallow fantasy booking. "Fixing" WWE or TNA. Which is fine, but not as rewarding an experience as C-Verse, which feels like I'm writing a show and playing a competitive computer game.


It took me a while to get into the C-Verse. I was very stubborn about it, until one character tickled my fancy (he's a Party Animal) and the world grew from there. I ignored most of the bios and just made my own stuff up. Creatively, there's no wrong way to book the C-Verse.

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I would also say some of the user preferences - owner goals, various penalties, etc - amount to difficulty settings to a degree. They won't necessarily making the booking itself easier or generate better results, but they make things less restrictive if that's how you prefer to play.


As for the C-verse, my reason basically comes down to creative freedom. With the C-verse, you have some awesome and very creative characters, but you only know so much about them. Which means you have a lot creative freedom in how to use them. I find real world mods more limiting in that regard. I know not everyone has issues with this, but I tend to get caught up between keeping things "realistic" and doing things how I want. Its just an issue I have. In addition, as already mentioned, is the subjectivity of real world mods in terms of skill ratings.

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I've gotten into the C-Verse in 07 and It was all because of TCW (more or less) I liked the anti-SWF and then in 08 when DaVE went down I started really loving it. I chose TCW because of Cornell and Freddy Huggins (his render is FULL of epic)


Then I was a US only player, but I found Sensational Dragon and became a changed man. That allowed me to find Black Cobra, NOTBPW, etc


Now I cant go back to RW mods because they dont provide the balance that the CV does ultimately

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2: Perfect Show Theory


...Is the theory that the three most important matches on your show are (in increasing order of importance) your opening match, your semi-main event and your main event. With Perfect Show Theory on, those three matches will affect your show ratings more than any other matches you book.



I don't believe this is true. Regardless of whether PST is on or off your main event is 70% of the grade, semi-main is 20%, and the undercard is 10%.


I do know that PST being on results in a penalty for matches that lower the crowds mood and for a burnt out crowd penalty if you have four consecutive matches each with a higher grade. I don't know of any positives associated with PST. It seems to me to just be a realistic challenge so players have to put more thought into the order of their matches rather than just build up from openers to main eventers.

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I don't believe this is true. Regardless of whether PST is on or off your main event is 70% of the grade, semi-main is 20%, and the undercard is 10%.


I do know that PST being on results in a penalty for matches that lower the crowds mood and for a burnt out crowd penalty if you have four consecutive matches each with a higher grade. I don't know of any positives associated with PST. It seems to me to just be a realistic challenge so players have to put more thought into the order of their matches rather than just build up from openers to main eventers.



You may be right. I just ran two identical cards, one with PST on and the ther with PST off. With it off, the show got an 81. With it on it got 80. Also the other matches on the card seemed to get slightly higher ratings with it off. Of course this could all be the result of the random variance in ratings.

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PST, to my understanding, makes it work out something like this:


ME (Final match) : 70% of rating

Co-ME (Penultimate match) : 20%

First Match : almost 10%


Usually people say "rest of the card is 10%," but the first match should be your 3rd best, or so I'm told.


The nice thing is, that means you really only need to think about the booking on 3 matches, and the rest can be midcard matches of no real consequence. For me, this makes things much easier most of the time -- though, when I'm trying to book an upper-midcard tournament (like booking a tournament for my main event title), it can be a little tricky, cause my first round tends to be a lot of poorly-rated matches, and not really in any particular order.

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Why do people play the C verse instead of real world mods?


Personally i do it because you can find almost whatever you want in the C-Verse. You want Sports Entertainment? You got it. You want to run shows in small halls in rural parts of Germany? You got it. You want to toss old people in barbed wire, have proper joshi wrestling, or glacially slow wrestling like some people did back in the 80's? You got it.


The only thing we miss is an inter-gender, pseudo-hardcore, pseudo-puroresu, pseudo-entertainment thing like K-DOJO. That would be sweet.

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Personally i do it because you can find almost whatever you want in the C-Verse. You want Sports Entertainment? You got it. You want to run shows in small halls in rural parts of Germany? You got it. You want to toss old people in barbed wire, have proper joshi wrestling, or glacially slow wrestling like some people did back in the 80's? You got it.


The only thing we miss is an inter-gender, pseudo-hardcore, pseudo-puroresu, pseudo-entertainment thing like K-DOJO. That would be sweet.

You can always start your own. :p

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1. Difficulty setting: Is there a setting to adjust this? Does it change the ratings you get when booking shows? Like, maybe making them more leniant?


Only thing you can really do is play a different promotion and turn off whichever in-game features make the game harder for you. I'd suggest against playing TCW or SWF right off the bat because it's kind of easy to drop to Cult and lose your job. MAW seems to be the default "margin of error" promotion that lets you build up your stars without fear of going bankrupt... so long as you get rid of the drug testing policy that threatens to bankrupt the promotion.


2. Perfect Show Theory: I understand what this is, basically it affects the pacing of the show and makes your main event match very important. Do you suggest turning this on? Will it help garner higher ratings?


"Perfect Show Theory" builds around a Jim Cornette-promoted philosophy on the proper way to book a show. You start with a really hot match, then cool down the crowd, then build them back up until your best match, the main event, has the hottest crowd of the entire night before the competitors even step into a ring. It's more art than science, and while it's a lot of fun I'm not sure how badly it would affect show ratings to turn it off since I never have.


3. The C Verse vs Real World mods: Why do people play the C verse instead of real world mods? Wouldn't you guys rather play with real wrestlers and real promotions? How long does it take to get used to all the C Verse characters?


I'll let you in on a secret: There's no such thing as a real world mod. There are mods that use the names of real promotions and real wrestlers, and some of them even have those real wrestlers in the right real promotions, but you're never going to get an accurate depiction of the real world's wrestling scene from one of these mods.


What you're downloading is someone's conceptions of how things work. Oftentimes, those are misconceptions because the modder didn't bother playing the default database before working on his "real world" data. Some mods still use imported data from TEW 2004, with the same profiles and stat allocations that were written up by some other guy five and a half years ago. That's how you end up with mods where Hiroko Suzuki gets a Sex Appeal of E+ and Andre the Giant gets a Sex Appeal of A* (both of which are actual occurrences in mods that I've downloaded, looked at, and immediately deleted).


It is possible to make an awesome real world mod, but it would require someone who's already content with the Cornellverse to make a mod of his own. There's not a particularly deep pool of people who fit that description, so we'll probably be waiting a while longer. As things go, people looking to use a data set with the names of real wrestlers will have to put up with the fact that two years after the "Reputation" stat was introduced, half the modding community still has no idea how it works.


4. C Verse data: Is there an updated C Verse data available for download somewhere? I deleted the default data by mistake while trying to install a mod. I know after I semi-buried the C-Verse in my last question, you're probably wondering why I'm asking this, but I'm legit getting curious about why so many enjoy the C-Verse and I'm thinking of inching my way into it. Maybe as a side game when I'm not playing my real world mod


http://www.greydogsoftware.com/cornellverse has the data file that was available when the game shipped. For the most up-to-date version of the data you'll need to install TEW a second time to a different directory. While there are differences, there really aren't enough to justify the extra work unless you're a hardcore fan.


5. Momentum: I understand that compared to TEW05, momentum in TEW2010 is very important and it helps to shape the show ratings. I'm sure this has been asked before, but can anyone specify what exactly influences a worker's momentum rating? For instance, in my TNA game Desmond Wolfe's momentum is at a D- which is awful. I'm trying to gear him up for a World Title reign in a few months, the fans won't accept it if his momentum rating is so low, is there anything I can do to raise it within a 4-5 month period? Would giving him a 10-15 match winning streak do the trick?


Put him in some hot angles. Give him a Legitimate or Cool gimmick and have him win a lot of matches. Be warned that Legitimate and Cool gimmicks increase the effects of both gains and losses in popularity and momentum, especially if the worker loses to someone with a Comedy gimmick.


6. Angles/Storylines: Why are they so bland? In TEW05 I had a really cool angle mod, so I guess it would have been bland there too, but don't you think it would be nice for the default data to include lots of angles/stories? Its not a big problem, I'll go download the angle/storyline pack now :p


A lack of storylines has never bothered me because I've always just used the unchained storylines. While there could be a fair number more angles included in the default data, there isn't too much I can imagine that doesn't fall into the angles already there. If you don't like it, it's really easy to import angles from another mod without having to worry about disrupting the game in any way.

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Well, about the C-verse...i'm a believer. I remember playing some C-Verse games back in the day in TEW 05 and later in 07. It didn't work out. I just thought: "What is the fascination these idiots have with this crap? Then i tried again with TEW 2008...i still couldn't get the hang of it. Then came TEW 2010 and nothing yet. I still hated the C-Verse. But the fact is i never played enough time to really give it a chance. And then came...a crashed computer that made me go back to TEW 2005 and a diary that made me try and look at the C-Verse again. And of course, Remmy Skye. I always mark for him. So, i gave another shot at the c-verse and found out about a new world i had ignored for years. A world where everything can happen, a world that is not predictable or boring like the RW, a world that is fully compatible with the game...a world...need i to go on? So i eventually found out that the idiot had been me for many years, and that the C-Verse could never be called crap. In fact, it's one of the best things ever to happen in the computer games scene. Sure, i haven't gave up playing RW mods...but now i spend most of my time "day dreaming" in the C-Verse. Thank you Adam for making the C-Verse. I am now a true believer!
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With all that said, I have some questions about TEW2010, I don't think any of these are basic, although I'm sure a few TEW veterans might shake their heads at me.


1. Difficulty setting: Is there a setting to adjust this? Does it change the ratings you get when booking shows? Like, maybe making them more leniant?

When you start a game, you can go to User Preferences, on the screen you choose your avator on. There is a bunch of options, that you can uncheck to help you out. Owner goals, small roster penalties, perfect show, stale characters, and tons more options you can turn on or off. Unchecking most of these will make the game much easier.


There are also options, under "Game Options" when you start a new game. Starting at the bottum of the first row under current settings, you have the option to enable Strict Advance Booking, Strict Storylines, Promotional Battles, as well as things such as Injury and death frequency, something called "Kenny Deaths" based on the "Hey, you killed Kenny!" cartoon, which is added on top of death frequency I believe. There is also Dirty Tricks.


The booking and storyline is probably the most game effecting changes you can make.


2. Perfect Show Theory: I understand what this is, basically it affects the pacing of the show and makes your main event match very important. Do you suggest turning this on? Will it help garner higher ratings?

I don't think it helps get higher ratings, but it does make the game "feel" more realistic.

3. The C Verse vs Real World mods: Why do people play the C verse instead of real world mods? Wouldn't you guys rather play with real wrestlers and real promotions? How long does it take to get used to all the C Verse characters?

The fun thing about the C-Verse is that you have total creativity with them. At least for me... It's the freedom you have in the creative process. You can go with the Jim Force/Warrior type character for Jim Force, or you could go an entirely different route. There is no ruleset.... Well, with Force, we probably expect the warrior thing out of him, but just about anyone else, you can make them into what you want... Rock'ish, Hulkish, Stone Coldish, etc. Your not limited at all... because there are no pre-determined personalities for them (far as character wise).


4. C Verse data: Is there an updated C Verse data available for download somewhere? I deleted the default data by mistake while trying to install a mod. I know after I semi-buried the C-Verse in my last question, you're probably wondering why I'm asking this, but I'm legit getting curious about why so many enjoy the C-Verse and I'm thinking of inching my way into it. Maybe as a side game when I'm not playing my real world mod


Clarity's link.


5. Momentum: I understand that compared to TEW05, momentum in TEW2010 is very important and it helps to shape the show ratings. I'm sure this has been asked before, but can anyone specify what exactly influences a worker's momentum rating? For instance, in my TNA game Desmond Wolfe's momentum is at a D- which is awful. I'm trying to gear him up for a World Title reign in a few months, the fans won't accept it if his momentum rating is so low, is there anything I can do to raise it within a 4-5 month period? Would giving him a 10-15 match winning streak do the trick?

A combination of angle's and match's, and a hot storyline, should do the trick.

6. Angles/Storylines: Why are they so bland? In TEW05 I had a really cool angle mod, so I guess it would have been bland there too, but don't you think it would be nice for the default data to include lots of angles/stories? Its not a big problem, I'll go download the angle/storyline pack now :p


It's really a matter of time/timing. I'm sure Adam could come up with tons of angles and storylines, but this is my thought on this.


The game has the ability to create angles, storylines, and such on your own. Your creativity means alot for this game, and possibly a reason for having any at all is to give example's of what you can do with these options available to us. It's not a "quick" game set up for me at all. I ussually take down all the names in the roster, break them up into groups that I want working together, and then work on storylines for these.


Angle's are things I tend to make up before a show, meaning, I ussually try to visualize the show in my head first, and then work on getting the right angles for it.


Angle's mainly have to have the right people involved, and the right thing they do (Hype, Romance, etc). You can copy/edit it however you like, or you can just run with that one, and use your own thoughts on paper/in game.

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Ahh. This thread is like some big quiz and all of us are giving our answers to see who gets a better grade. :p


I'll answer the one personal opinion question about the CVerse and RW mods since everyone has answered the other questions.


CVerse is effing awesome. You don't have to worry about playing a RW mod as WCW, ECW, or WWF and noticing that a ton of relationships that should be there to make the game more fun aren't included at all. I can be a nitpicker at times (when I want to be) and it happens every time I attempt a RW mod. This isn't me bashing RW mod makers, these guys do some incredible work, but in all cases the data comes down to opinion. I don't have the time to go through and edit hundreds of stats so that my game runs more realistically and not like "god mode".


The CVerse has a lot of different promotions to pick from. If you're playing in the RW you're limited to what the mod maker added. In the CVerse (if you look in the editor) there are a bunch of 'active' and 'non active' promotions to choose from (you would need to make them active to use them). And all of them have different products to suit your 'booking style'.


The main reason I love the CVerse? It comes down to one word: balance.The game world is balanced and was created to run smoothly. It utilizes the mechanics of TEW better than a RW mod because it was made specifically for it.


Plus, I've yet to find anyone in the RW who has the talent, popularity, and personality of Jay Chord. I swear that jerk would be my best friend if he was real. :)

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Guest cmdrsam
I am going to agree with what people say about C-Verse. I use to play nothing but RW. Its not that I thought Cverse was crap. I didnt understand it. It was TEW 08 that changed my mind. Cverse just opens up a new frontier. You take on one guy could be different than my take on the same guy. Its your world, you make it like you want. RW, you kinda, or atleast I was with the constraint of a known wrestler. Your not gonna shave Ric Flair's head, put a earring on him and make him a gladiator. Well unless your Jim Herd. But you get the point.
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I am going to agree with what people say about C-Verse. I use to play nothing but RW. Its not that I thought Cverse was crap. I didnt understand it. It was TEW 08 that changed my mind. Cverse just opens up a new frontier. You take on one guy could be different than my take on the same guy. Its your world, you make it like you want. RW, you kinda, or atleast I was with the constraint of a known wrestler. Your not gonna shave Ric Flair's head, put a earring on him and make him a gladiator. Well unless your Jim Herd. But you get the point.


God i laughed at this one. Many years later this is still the most ridiculous idea i EVER heard. Thanks for the good/comic nostalgia moment of the day. :D

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I agree with everyone about the C-Verse so I won't repeat the same points, I played EWR like most peole which was RW then when TEW 05 came out I played RW mods at first until I finally got into the C-Verse. I have two reasons to add to the list


1) Renders. With the game being text based there are obviously very few visual graphics and the renders are huge to me (RW or Cverse) in RW you get inconsistent quality, in fact usually only WWE workers look good. however in Cverse they are 90% good and super interesting and cool looking, Remmy Skye, James Justice, Rick law, just to name a few favs. However these are magnified by the alts, if you havent looked at the alts before go check out the alt thread it makes them that much more amazing, want to make someone a cowboy? request it and you will most likely get it and can put it in your game, RW mods cant do this.


2) It feels like I'm playing a true game where RW just feels like a wrestling simulator. The C-verse to me is like Fallout or Final Fantasy, its different, its new. It gives me new people and places to care about and its a whole new story. RW is just WWE or TNA maybe ROH, if you play as any other promotion your quality takes a steep dive. My newest way I am spicing up my $35 is starting a 0 promotion in Australia.

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I agree with everyone about the C-Verse so I won't repeat the same points, I played EWR like most peole which was RW then when TEW 05 came out I played RW mods at first until I finally got into the C-Verse. I have two reasons to add to the list


1) Renders. With the game being text based there are obviously very few visual graphics and the renders are huge to me (RW or Cverse) in RW you get inconsistent quality, in fact usually only WWE workers look good. however in Cverse they are 90% good and super interesting and cool looking, Remmy Skye, James Justice, Rick law, just to name a few favs. However these are magnified by the alts, if you havent looked at the alts before go check out the alt thread it makes them that much more amazing, want to make someone a cowboy? request it and you will most likely get it and can put it in your game, RW mods cant do this.


2) It feels like I'm playing a true game where RW just feels like a wrestling simulator. The C-verse to me is like Fallout or Final Fantasy, its different, its new. It gives me new people and places to care about and its a whole new story. RW is just WWE or TNA maybe ROH, if you play as any other promotion your quality takes a steep dive. My newest way I am spicing up my $35 is starting a 0 promotion in Australia.


The mark moment of the day: Final Fantasy X, best game ever! Period!

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Guest cmdrsam
God i laughed at this one. Many years later this is still the most ridiculous idea i EVER heard. Thanks for the good/comic nostalgia moment of the day. :D




:p You like that did you. I'm waiting for Tristam to see it and see what kind of **** Fit he has for that. hehehe.

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