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Official UFC Undisputed 2010 Thread


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With the demo being released yesterday I figure talk is only going to continue and with the ability to organize tournaments and fight camps it best we discuss it in a separate thread leaving the regular MMA thread to talk about events and such.


What do you all think of the demo so far? Honestly I'm a bit disappointed. Not to say I won't be buying it, I just kinda expected more so we'll see what the final product is like. The graphics are still good, but I wouldn't say they're really improved from 09, and while the combos and counters look good, the rest of the stand up is just as robotic which I hoped would be a bit more fluid. I do like the ability to go up against the cage though that is a nice touch. No tutorial in the demo seems like a mistake, while the basic controls are the same I'm sure there are new things we don't really know how to properly use yet, for example I am still trying to learn to dodge properly which is a nice new addition.

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i think its ridiculous that youve got to sign up to the community site to get a code to download the demo.. why not release it for everyone like normal games do?


or at least hand out codes to people who have pre-ordered it..



that being said, im off to sign up to that stupid site to get a code... :rolleyes:

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i think its ridiculous that youve got to sign up to the community site to get a code to download the demo.. why not release it for everyone like normal games do?


As far as I'm aware they are releasing the demo to everyone, the sign-up is to get the demo a week earlier - which is hardly ridiculous, it's more of a nice reward for the hardcore fans who are following the game closely and were therefore aware of the offer.

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been waiting for a few weeks for this as I still play the 09 demo a fair bit.


Was checking the website every few hours last night (thursday night gmt) but nothing.


Got up this morning to see that it was out, and grabbed my code and set it downloading. Then went to work.

What a day to have a 14 hour shift

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As far as I'm aware they are releasing the demo to everyone, the sign-up is to get the demo a week earlier - which is hardly ridiculous, it's more of a nice reward for the hardcore fans who are following the game closely and were therefore aware of the offer.


oh I understand why theyve done it, I just think theyre gonna get a load of people signing up just to get the demo and no other reason.. it seems a little flawed..


it wouldve made sense to make it only for users of the site that frequent it often..

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They're really wasn't a reason for people to frequently visit the community site before though, I had never visited the community site before I signed up for the demo but since I have realized you can earn points by various ways and turn them in for tangible items they have me hooked on the site and I now will participate in their polls, challenges, and tournaments, so I think it worked. If they just would have released it on the PSN/Xbos store with the regular updates I would have never gone to the community part of the site. It didn't go off 100% smoothly but it created alot of buzz, so give and take.


What I did think was dumb was giving a day and a time frame, for those of you that checked out the forums/twitter/facebook there were a bunch of idiots complaining and straining the site about the demo not being out because they said possibly in the AM PST time on Thursday, so when that passed people were cussing up a storm and posting THQ's HQ number calling and complaining what an awful company they are. If they just would have said "it is coming out soon so stay on the site" then shoot out emails when it came out and let word of mouth spread (as it has today), people wouldn't have been as upset about THQ "screwing them over" and acting like such immature idiots.

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I've got the code from the forums, and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to download the demo on Playstation Network.


Edit: Boy genius here figured it out. Downloading now. I'm more excited for this than I expected, wasn't that into the first game.

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<p>The demo is great and all the changes have made me really excited.</p><p> </p><p>

A couple things if you hadn't played it already:</p><p> </p><p>

Sways are in. Hold block and flick the stick. Takes a while to get used to but it's great for counter shots. You're defenseless against kicks and takedowns though.</p><p> </p><p>

Clinch controls are much, much better. Quarter circle to advance your position or half a circle to change from a dominant/neutral grapple position to single collar to prepare for a MT clinch. Being pushed into the cage is baaad.</p><p> </p><p>

The cage in general is great. There's transitions from the bottom if you're near the cage, if you push someone into the cage with a double you can transition into holding them into it or slamming them down, walking someone into the cage as Rampage means they can't sway from your punches etc. Can't wait to play as a Couture-esque CAF where I just push people into the fence for three rounds.</p><p> </p><p>

The ground game's gotten better and more fluid looking. The difference between being in someone's guard and posturing up is he doesn't have his hands on your head which lets you throw harder punches. I've yet to sink in any submission though, despite leglocking a nearly gassed Rampage as Shogun.</p><p> </p><p>

Individual movesets are much better. There's still some wacky moves like switch kicks and jumping kicks (that look awesome when you knock someone out with them) but all in all it feels a lot more like I'm fighting as Machida rather than Good Kickboxing/BJJ Fighter. He's got his straight left, quick leg kick, snappy front kick, trip takedowns and strong knees from the clinch. </p><p> </p><p>

KO animations are much better. They don't seem to be canned animations anymore.</p><p> </p><p>

Standups suck. Got stood up from mount. You really have to stay active in the ground game but it gets stood up way too quickly.</p><p> </p><p>

After you KO someone your guy just instantly goes into celebration mode without even following up. This might have something more to do with animations than a conscious decision by the developers but it still kinda takes me out of the game.</p>

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<p>yeah ive really enjoyed the demo thus far.. fights seem to last longer no more really quick knockouts.. seems like submission are 'easier' or rather much better than last years.. the four fighters feel much more like themselves than general pigeon-holed fighters from last year.. seems much more strategy-orientated than just stand and bang every fight...</p><p> </p><p>

ground game and clinch game feel much smoother.. stand-up could still do with a little work buts its improved.. interaction with the cage feels nearly natural; not perfect but not bad at all..</p><p> </p><p>

my main gripe is whilst in the full mount, it seems far to easy to move back to side control (which doesnt make sense, why would you give up the full mount) than to posture up and reign down with punches.. the north/south position also seems a little more frequent than it does in the UFC.. but thats not a gripe really, got a couple of flash subs with a north/south choke..</p><p> </p><p>

my favourite fight finish was as Rampage against Rashad - sprawled a takedown, pulled back and knocked him down with an uppercut whilst he was on his knees.. then he scrambled back to the feet, clinched - and I caught him with three vicious uppercuts from a single collar tie for the ko..</p><p> </p><p>

I still think the referee's need improving - they seem a little better but still nowhere near perfect.. I want the referee to dive in to stop a vicious GnP... and fighters seem to just wander off after a knockout - no killer instinct at all.. while its obvious the guys been knocked out - youd still expect the fighter to continue just to make sure..</p><p> </p><p>

overall; very impressed and cant wait till the game comes out..</p>

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I haven't played the demo yet, but I do have the game itself pre-ordered, so I was wondering if someone could answer the following two (fairly random!) questions:


1 - Do many fights go to the judge's scorecards, or is the game set up to favour clean finishes?


2 - Are the heights of fighters accurately modeled? i.e. does Stefan Struve tower above everyone else like he does in reality?

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Adam Ryland" data-cite="Adam Ryland" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27736" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I haven't played the demo yet, but I do have the game itself pre-ordered, so I was wondering if someone could answer the following two (fairly random!) questions:<p> </p><p> 1 - Do many fights go to the judge's scorecards, or is the game set up to favour clean finishes?</p><p> </p><p> 2 - Are the heights of fighters accurately modeled? i.e. does Stefan Struve tower above everyone else like he does in reality?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> 1 - I think It really depends on how the fight is fought, if you go all out and punch the whole fight, then yes it probably does favor clean finishes</p><p> </p><p> 2 - Yes, as far as I know, they are accurate</p>
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<p>2009 was definately more tailored for finishes than decisions but this one seems to be much more 'realistic' in that decisions should occur quite often.. only had one on the demo so far, but then ive had two or three third round knockouts and submissions... but as SeanMcFly said it really does depend on how you fight and who youre fighting..</p><p> </p><p>

as for the heights, as far as I know they are accurate.. obviously not seen Struve but id imagine hed be significantly taller.. and looking at some screenies Big Country has a belly on him as well.. which is good for THQ who are known for making everyone have a fantastic physique in their WWE games..</p>

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<p>I'm really enjoying the fact the "styles" have been done away with...this leads to more accurate representations of the individual fighters' techniques. I've played many fights with all 4 characters, and out of all of them I think I like playing as Machida the best...his leaping head kicks are too fun, plus he's got some good ground skills.</p><p> </p><p>

Graphically, the improvements were pretty marginal with the exception of the photo-realistic look of the fighter's faces. Much better this time around.</p><p> </p><p>

I haven't been able to win by submission yet, my old strategy of working the body for two rounds and then going for the tap-out isn't working that well. I haven't tried playing on anything except Expert, so I'm not sure if that's a reflection of the boosted difficulty or what.</p><p> </p><p>

But man, judging by the interest in the demo, I'm glad I pre-ordered.</p>

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<p>I agree the fighters feel much more unique. I love how flat footed Rampage is and how slow he walks looking for counters as it totally fits him, Rashad moves much quicker on his feet being more agile, Lyoto is slower than Rashad and Shogun but faster than Rampage and kinda has his leaned back stance.</p><p> </p><p>

Anyone see a Guida screenshot yet? Curious to see how his long hair looks since thats why he wasn't in last years. Also read you can now give your guy sleeve tattoos which is cool, hopefully they will be more detailed than last years.</p>

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<p>Submission are tricky. It's no longer just "posture up, submit" but also about what submission are level three. I've put (CPU) Rampage to sleep with Machida's arm triangle from side control and submitted a my friend playing Rashad with Shogun's kimura.</p><p> </p><p>

What this really means though is that I'll be able to have a CAF with level three omoplatas and heel hooks. That rules.</p>

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Anyone see a Guida screenshot yet? Curious to see how his long hair looks since thats why he wasn't in last years. Also read you can now give your guy sleeve tattoos which is cool, hopefully they will be more detailed than last years.



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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SeanMcFly" data-cite="SeanMcFly" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27736" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Anybody have tips on submissions ? I can't seem to get any no matter how tired my opponent is ?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I second that. . . I spent three rounds just annihilating Rampage's leg with low kicks and STILL couldn't get him to tap to a leglock.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SeanMcFly" data-cite="SeanMcFly" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27736" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Anybody have tips on submissions ? I can't seem to get any no matter how tired my opponent is ?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Make sure you're using level 3 submissions. For Machida this means his arm triangle from side control/mount. For Shogun this means his kimura from half guard/side control.</p><p> </p><p> The best way to get to side control when your opponent is sorta gassed is to get into the clinch, get a dominant position, wait for him to exert himself trying to get out of it then throw to side control and sink it in from there.</p><p> </p><p> I've also had success just kicking Rampage's ribs to bits to reduce his stamina and then take him down and pass.</p>
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Make sure you're using level 3 submissions. For Machida this means his arm triangle from side control/mount. For Shogun this means his kimura from half guard/side control.


The best way to get to side control when your opponent is sorta gassed is to get into the clinch, get a dominant position, wait for him to exert himself trying to get out of it then throw to side control and sink it in from there.


I've also had success just kicking Rampage's ribs to bits to reduce his stamina and then take him down and pass.


I remember hearing about the new "flash" submissions to go along with the flash knockouts...any luck in pulling one off? I really don't know where to begin, I've tried a bunch of reversals but haven't gotten one yet.

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Submissions are REALLY pissing me off. . . I have absolutely destroyed Rampage's stamina (not to mention ribcage) with kicks and body shots; in round 3, ANY shot to the body or any slam would leave him rocked (pisses me off that if you try a sub while they are rocked, your opponent instantly recovers). Using Machida, I have to takedown and quickly pass into mount, posture up, and lock on the arm triangle. . . I shine like I'm supposed to, the camera stops zooming in after a second. . . five seconds later, without moving, Machida gives up the choke and Rogan says Rampage got out. :mad:
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