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If yo not with him, yo against him. And if yo against him, he's gonna get your ass in jail. And if yo ass is in jail he gonna got yo house repossesed and yo copy of TEW wiped from yo laptop.




Oh. I'm sorry. We can be friends in that case Remi. I just noticed that the linking trait of everyone who got PWND by Remi was that they knew Remi. That is a sorta obvious link though. Maybe it was that they screwed Remi like it was Montreal all over again!


Incidentally, on the actual subject of this thread: I sucker punched a guy once. It wasn't SUPPOSED to be a sucker punch, but it was in a crowded hallway, and I tripped over a (unrelated) person in a wheelchair. He'd been giving me crap for years, and I just caught myself as I fell and socked him right in the mouth.


Not the kid in the wheelchair though. That would've been wrong of me.

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I'll chime in with a cautionary tale of revenge that was taken on me...


As anyone who's seen my myriad of posts in the MMA thread will know, I'm quite heavily involved in MMA/boxing/martial arts. I've been competing in various combat sports since I was about 7, but get this...I hate fighting. I love competing in a ring/cage/mat, love training, love all of that, but hate fighting in the street/pub/wherever there isn't a controlled environment. The number of times I've seen professional fighters get waxed when fighting in the street is just silly...no matter how good you are, all it takes is one guy to catch you from behind and all of a sudden you're in serious trouble.


Anyway, about ten years ago I was stabbed in the leg in the middle of a scuffle. After that I promised myself that I'd avoid fighting like the plague, which I did, until one night about three years later. I was with two friends in some horrible little bar/club type thing that was underground. You got in via a door on street level, which was always open and had a flight of stairs directly behind it. So not the easiest of places to get out of in a hurry.


At some point during the evening, some dude sits on my seat. Not a problem at all, I was there to dance anyway. I went over to grab my coat (which he was now sat on), but the guy didn't understand a word I was saying and thought I was demanding that he move. I should probably point out at this point that I was A) A little tipsy, B) In Holland and C) Quite clearly talking to a Turkish guy who spoke neither English nor Dutch. Unfortunately, Turkish is not my third language, and the guy became hostile quite quickly.


To cut this part of the story short, he was there with about 8 other guys, maybe a year or two younger than us. They crowded around, my mates thought I was about to get a spanking and rushed over, then all hell broke lose. Like many Dutch buildings, this place was long and thin - to make matters worse, the bar was right near the exit and crowded, so even if we'd wanted to run, there was no way we would have got out.


Now, I don't intend to glorify street fighting here, because frankly, it's stupid. But we we're stuck in a situation where we had to look after ourselves. I might not like fighting, but I've had plenty of practise :p I did the smartest thing I could do, backed off, put my back against a wall and started head-hunting. I caught one guy with an absolute peach of a right cross, right in the eye (remember this bit!).


Anyway, I looked to one side and saw one of my mates swing, miss, fall over and get kicked in the face. I was about to try and get to him...but at that point I got knocked out. Woke up (still standing with my back on the wall) by the guy hitting me again and again, but I couldn't do anything about it and was sliding down to the floor. All of a sudden, a massive doorman put himself in front of me and the next thing I remember was the three of us being bundled up the stairs. Any sane person would have been happy at holding their own against some serious numbers, but by that point we were so jacked that we ignored common sense and stayed at the top of the stairs, telling our story to a group of guy we knew who just happened to be outside.


About two minutes later, one of the Turkish guys starts running up the stairs (we were still right at the top on the street) screaming "You fight? You want fight?" He was about two stairs down from the top and reached up to grab my leg...he was actually trying to drag me down the stairs. I flipped, pulled my leg free and teep'd (Thai push kick) him square in the face, sending him crashing to the bottom of the stairs. Needless to say, his mates piled out and it kicked off again, but this time we had numbers on our side and it wasn't long before they made a run for it. They did stop to throw some bricks at us though, which was nice.


By this point I'd had enough. I'd calmed down, realised that I should have left as soon as we'd been kicked out and called it a night. My face and hands were a mess, my top was a mess and I'd left my jacket in the club..I just wanted to go home. I said my goodbyes and walked in the direction of Den Haag Centraal Station. On the way I bumped into some guys who went to the same collage as me, who obviously made me regale them with the night's heroic story on the way back.


Anyway, we get to the train station and the front doors are locked. They do this after 12 to keep homeless guys out of the all-night Burger King, so you have to go in through a side entrance where the conductors hang out. The side entrance is also near the tram stops. As I turn the corner, guess who is getting off the tram...that's right, a seriously pee'd off Turkish dude with a left eye swollen like I've never seen before...it was HORRIBLE and I genuinely felt bad. He recognised me, shouted his mates, who were sat on a tram that was waiting to leave, and started screaming at me that he couldn't see.


The story ends with me taking the beating of my life...they held my arms behind my back and went to town on me. I don't remember much of it, I just kept my head down and took it. At one point they hit me over the head with a wine bottle (I have no recollection of this, one of the people I walked back with told me the next day) which didn't break - I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. Either way, they gave me a right kicking...the next thing I remember was someone yelling "POLICE!" and being let go, at which point the people I was with dragged me into the station and put me on a train. Woke up the next day with a mashed up face and clearly broken hand, plus plenty of small cuts that I'd done my best to clean up before I went to bed. When I went to the hospital to get my hand fixed it turned out that I had fractured my orbital bone as well. Still, I reckon I got off lucky.


The crux of it all is that the guy got his revenge on me for messing up his eye. I'd hit him in pure self defence, but I didn't leave when I should have and ended up paying the price. Moral of the story? Don't fight nine angry Turkish guys in tiny Dutch bars!!

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This isn't the "revenge" thread, this is clearly the "Man" thread.


First, I don't really have any girlfriend cheated on me stories, because in order for me to have that kind of story I have to get some p*ssy from time to time :o:rolleyes:


However, I do have two stories that vaguely fit this thread.


1. I'm 12, maybe 13. I'm minding my own business at school one day during lunch. For some reason this day I don't feel like hanging with friends and instead take a walk around the school. Boom, I'm around the back and run into a few 18 year olds. One of the isn't so sane. Decides this kid could make for some sport (ie...me). He decides it'd be funny to simulate raping me. Guy grabs me, throws me around a bit, before grabbing and then pretends to ass-f*ck me in-front of his mates. Some are laughing, some are saying stop, but they ain't doing anything else. I get pissed the F*ck off. Somehow I wiggle free. I stand up and stand right in front of him. He's got his back to his friends.


At this point, I'm going to point out I'm not the type to EVER get in fights. I'm a calm, relaxed, laid back guy who actually rarely even gets mad at sh*t. Also, back when I was 12, I was nerdy.


Anywho, there I am, squaring off with a guy way older and taller than. I don't know where I got the balls from but bam! I nail him with a punch to the gut. Naturally he absorbs the punch be hunching over in pain. That brought his head down to my level. Boom, I give him a wild right cross that literally spends him spinning into his friends. At this point everyone is in f*cking shock the kid just hit a guy whose practically an adult. I think he probably was prepared to kick my ass for that but luckily for me one of his friends saw sense and grabbed him before he did anything.


I shouted "Stay the f*ck away from me!" before marching off.


Later on other people heard about it and some older kids gave me a pat on the back and stuff. Then at the end of the day while waiting for my bus I got talking to this Turkish guy who had moved into my village. We had a fun talk about what happened, since I remember being super funny to me because it ended with the Turkish guy saying to me in a VERY Irish way/accent "Ah, sure that guy is off the head ain't he?" or something along the those lines.


2. My other "man" story for now happened last month. I was out with some friends on the town drinking and to be honest not having a great night. For some reason I was really down. It could have been because I wasn't having any luck with this girl I liked, it could have been other stuff, I don't even know myself. Anyhow, it's like 2:30am.


Me and my best mate are walking on the streets of the town having just come out of a fast food joint. We'd gone down to this spot where I was supposed to have gotten a bus home but it never showed. So we said f*ck it and started walking back to meet with our friends.


What happened next is VERY surreal to me. We're just walking, talking and eating when suddenly I look up. Right in the middle of the street is a man choking a woman out with his bare-hands. I was like, flabbergasted or something, but quickly I snapped out of it and just started shouting like f*ck at this guy. I like ran forward (with a whole bunch of fast food in my hands...so weird) and the guy jumped up and ran up the street.


My mate quickly went over to the woman while I looked up the street. This pr*ck has run away...sort of. He stops up the street and then starts shouting down at me. I'm p*ssed off so I do all that man sh*t, you know, curse this guy out, but because I'm not all that sober (but not drunk either) and also so freaked out all my curses are like really stupid, like tangled up and stuff. He threatens to come back but I manned up and promised to fight him if he came back. Then the arrogate pr*ck shouts down to me:


"Hey! I'm a nice guy! I don't normally do this kinda stuff!"


What an *******. Like A) I care if he's "nice" or not B) Since when do nice guys choke out their girlfriends, however irregularly.


Anyways he ran off like the coward he was and me and my mate stayed with the woman. She was in shock, saying the guy had never done anything like this before or stuff. We got her a taxi and got her out of there. Which was stupid though, we should have called the cops, but I know I was just so freaked out by everything I didn't think of that til later.


That kind of thing never happens to me and was really shocked that it happened in my area, like right in the middle of the street. My mates mum when she heard was kinda...annoyed or whatever, because she thought "Oh, he could have have friends that could have attacked!" but damnit, I know that A) It was the right thing to do and B) It's what a real man does.


Sinn É. That's it.

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Interesting topic, I'll chime in.

The last time I got revenge was my junior year of high school. We had a school bully who was just relentless with almost everyone in school. Real awful kid who would make girls cry, bother younger kids the works. It's safe to say we were enemies since he moved to school in first grade since I'm the exact opposite of him. My dad was a disabled veteran and my family had its share of hard times so I tried to be nice to everyone, offer help when they needed it and would offer my self up for verbal pounding in place of some of the younger guys if I saw it as I really don't care about people bothering me. I'm not a violent guy just average and mellow. Well junior year this kid starts attacking people playing basketball. Slamming into them, pushing them in the back, just trying to hurt people. I've never been so pissed, I grabbed him by the shoulders and let years of frustration out in the form of a headbutt right to his brow. Sucker split open wide, I've never seen so much blood. He started screaming and crying and I was told to go to the principals office.


Fortunately no one liked the kid. The principal waved the mandatory 3 day suspension for fighting because he said a headbutt wasn't a fight. He removed us both for the rest of the day and allowed me to make up missed work. His mom called me (drunk) slurring and threatening to sue, but nothing came of that. The next day teachers were shaking my hand and giving me winks and nods. Students thanked me. I felt horrible. He was just a kid from a horrible home in the town trailer park that no teacher would take the time with, obviously acting out because of his crappy life.


Now I just let karma handle it. Good things happen to good people, bad things happen to bad. I had a girlfriend of two years cheat on me, complicated story, but after we broke up her car got sideswiped and then her show horse died and in the end everything worked out better for me. I recently saw her at a store with the guy she left me for. They look very greasy and dirty. I was with my girlfriend of a year and once my ex saw that she floated away from her boyfriend and stalked us in an isle for a while, staring, it was creepy stuff.

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Much like the last two post talking about stories of kicking ass. I've got two stories to share.


As a kid, I use to be a bit fat, but nowhere as near as other kids, but I still got sh** outta it. So about the age of 13, I started boxing. Which even today I still do. So one kid decided to really make my life hell. I'm always a cool, laid back dude. Normally he'd get me at lunch or in 7th period. Always having his friends to back him up. One day he kept calling me names and I came back with something that was meant to be said UNDER my breath. It came out a little too loud and he heard it. Mind you this was after school while most teachers were gone already or inside the building. He keeps pushing me back, and back, and back. Then he shoves me down and that is what set me off like a bomb. I came up and just started unleashing a furry of blows into his gut and a hook to his face. Then my dad pulled up and I got in trouble for fighting, but my dad fought the school since I had to defend myself. So that was nice and today. He is just...pardon my terms. He is white trash, fat-ass, loser. And years later? I'm 6'7 and muscle! OH YEAH! I do feel sorry for killing his image though, but it happened.


Anyways! STORY NUMERO TWO! This one happened a month ago at Wal-Mart. I was there with my parents and I went off on my own. I was shopping around, doing my thing, when I accidently bumped into someone's shopping cart. And, like any Texan, this sent him over the edge. He was giving me some crap, I was just "I'm sorry." Now before I continue. Over the last few months, my dad has been teaching me Muay Thai. So you can see how this is going to end up. I took my stance and crossed my arms so I can easily bring them up to protect my face. I knew he was going to do something stupid and I was prepared. He throws one of those, stupid street fighting, punches at me. I just kinda move out of its way. He keeps doing it and around the fourth punch. I was just about done with this guy. So, for some reason he tries to kick me, which was my window of opportunity. I just do a basic leg takedown in which I put my hand on his neck, the other on his leg, and just push him down. He still doesn't give up. He clinches me like a idiot and does...his attempts at boxing gut shots? So I just break out push him back and he does another kick! This time I take him down with a little more force and that shuts him up.


Normally I wouldn't do these, but I just have my limit. I having to be involved in violence. I just did those for self defense and basically. Remember, violence is never the answer.

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Jeven, you sound like a good guy to me.


And Huntman, Sounds like someone took the line "The best revenge is success" to heart :) Hey man, if some idiot is going start over a damn shopping cart I know I'd be the one to finish that fight.

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Interesting topic, I'll chime in.

The last time I got revenge was my junior year of high school. We had a school bully who was just relentless with almost everyone in school. Real awful kid who would make girls cry, bother younger kids the works. It's safe to say we were enemies since he moved to school in first grade since I'm the exact opposite of him. My dad was a disabled veteran and my family had its share of hard times so I tried to be nice to everyone, offer help when they needed it and would offer my self up for verbal pounding in place of some of the younger guys if I saw it as I really don't care about people bothering me. I'm not a violent guy just average and mellow. Well junior year this kid starts attacking people playing basketball. Slamming into them, pushing them in the back, just trying to hurt people. I've never been so pissed, I grabbed him by the shoulders and let years of frustration out in the form of a headbutt right to his brow. Sucker split open wide, I've never seen so much blood. He started screaming and crying and I was told to go to the principals office.


Fortunately no one liked the kid. The principal waved the mandatory 3 day suspension for fighting because he said a headbutt wasn't a fight. He removed us both for the rest of the day and allowed me to make up missed work. His mom called me (drunk) slurring and threatening to sue, but nothing came of that. The next day teachers were shaking my hand and giving me winks and nods. Students thanked me. I felt horrible. He was just a kid from a horrible home in the town trailer park that no teacher would take the time with, obviously acting out because of his crappy life.


Now I just let karma handle it. Good things happen to good people, bad things happen to bad. I had a girlfriend of two years cheat on me, complicated story, but after we broke up her car got sideswiped and then her show horse died and in the end everything worked out better for me. I recently saw her at a store with the guy she left me for. They look very greasy and dirty. I was with my girlfriend of a year and once my ex saw that she floated away from her boyfriend and stalked us in an isle for a while, staring, it was creepy stuff.



We have some childhood in common it seems. You seem like a good person.


I mean compared to REMI. :D Just kidding. :)


Seriously though You seem to have grown into a decent guy.


Ok so I didn't get revenge but I wish I had on this person.


I was in the pharmacy line in Target a while back getting my fathers meds for him. This chick. I really hate girls like this. Young mothers who have kids just to collect money from the state. She just wanted to get some well you know from the random guy she seen in the store. Well she had her little baby in the carrier on the cart. The baby was still little but old enough to start holding her head up. I was standing there talking and cooing at the baby. she leans forward and comes tumbling out of the seat. THANK GOD i had quick reflexes. I grabbed the baby. I yelled at the woman for leaving her kid unbuckled like that. You know this chick actually had the NERVE to want me arrested for putting my hands on her kid?


It wound up in court in a pre-lim hearing. She never showed so everything has since been dropped.


I swear I wanted to kill her, I have never been drug from a place by a security guard before nor since then. :D

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Come on! Like you don't know any girls with smokin' bodies...and NOTHING else. :rolleyes:


I know plenty. It's gotten so common that I get more aroused by the thought of a woman being polite to me, saying something interesting or knowing how to cook than I do about her looks.


How freaking sad is that?


Reading this thread I am glad to see revenge is still alive. A lot of people try to tell me this take the high road stuff about how living well is the best revenge which I think in some cases is perfectly acceptable. Sometimes it's best just to get on with your life and let things go as getting any more involved isn't good for you. Other times though, yeah, headbutt someone or have them imprisoned, they deserve it.

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I know plenty. It's gotten so common that I get more aroused by the thought of a woman being polite to me, saying something interesting or knowing how to cook than I do about her looks.


How freaking sad is that?


Reading this thread I am glad to see revenge is still alive. A lot of people try to tell me this take the high road stuff about how living well is the best revenge which I think in some cases is perfectly acceptable. Sometimes it's best just to get on with your life and let things go as getting any more involved isn't good for you. Other times though, yeah, headbutt someone or have them imprisoned, they deserve it.



A woman who CAN cook is becoming less and less common. I love to cook if I have someone to cook for.


I can make some killer Steak, or some in-side-out cheeseburgers. :D

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Also brothers, I'm going to go out on a limb and say we probably all have liked at least one girl purely on her beauty. I know there was this girl I literally was into for years despite the fact we had zero in common and never had anything to talk to each other about.
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I would tell you, but with people like Remi around i'm not writing down anything that can be used against me in a court of law. :p


Online communications (except for emails) aren't admissible evidence in most US jurisdictions. Especially not when made under a pseudonym.


Don't ask me how I know that. ;)


I know plenty. It's gotten so common that I get more aroused by the thought of a woman being polite to me, saying something interesting or knowing how to cook than I do about her looks.


How freaking sad is that?


It's not sad, it's life. Nowadays, I'm biased AGAINST smokin' hot lookin' women. Extremely attractive women (I'm not talking "She's attractive" types. I'm talking spit out your gum and gawk and do a double take, gorgeous) don't really impress me at all. If anything, I try to steer clear because I often see them as high maintenance.


Reading this thread I am glad to see revenge is still alive. A lot of people try to tell me this take the high road stuff about how living well is the best revenge which I think in some cases is perfectly acceptable. Sometimes it's best just to get on with your life and let things go as getting any more involved isn't good for you. Other times though, yeah, headbutt someone or have them imprisoned, they deserve it.


The problem with headbutting someone or jackin' their jaw is the climate. Everyone's seemingly trying to get something for nothing. If you get into a scuffle with someone and get the upper hand, if that person finds out you have more than three quarters to rub together when they don't, they'll walk into a personal injury law firm and plead their case or file in small claims court. That's the main reason I avoid fights as much as I can. Well, that plus I can't afford to catch a case (insurance, bonds, etc).


I had mastered the real life 'babyface in peril' thing too. Since the only people who tend to pick fights with me are those who are bigger than me (and I've been fighting guys bigger than me since 4th grade), I know how to take shots so they don't do too much damage so when I retaliate and put some dude in traction, I can plead self defense and get away with it. :) I don't have any advanced training other than what I learned in science/biology class (I don't count the year of Wing Chun I studied when I was 10 or the summer I studied Kenpō). I throw punches at the adam's apple and close-in kicks to the side of the knee. Incapacitation is always my primary goal. That often leads to long term injury (which is the whole point; something to remember me by) aaaaand lawsuits.


What pisses me off more than anything though is people who act like doing you wrong is somehow all better because a few years have passed. Had an ex call me yesterday and ask me to get my godfather (a Congressman) to write a character reference letter so her daughter could get into Spelman. Are you freakin' serious? The audacity of some people. I of course told her to hold her breath while she waited for the letter. I wouldn't pee on her if she was on fire unless I was sure turpentine would come out. Why would I help her?

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The problem with headbutting someone or jackin' their jaw is the climate. Everyone's seemingly trying to get something for nothing. If you get into a scuffle with someone and get the upper hand, if that person finds out you have more than three quarters to rub together when they don't, they'll walk into a personal injury law firm and plead their case or file in small claims court. That's the main reason I avoid fights as much as I can. Well, that plus I can't afford to catch a case (insurance, bonds, etc).


That is less of an issue for those of us outside the US. Still need to be a bit careful and fighting is pretty much a last resort, but that said I like my revenge simple and direct.

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Online communications (except for emails) aren't admissible evidence in most US jurisdictions. Especially not when made under a pseudonym.



Email is rarely used in court.


The US judicial system sucks. I'm told if I want to file stalker charges on this person who is pretty much stalking me I have to go to Ohio. Now if I go to Ohio and file the restraining order it does not cover outside of the state. So when I come home it won't matter. How ironic is that? I can't file in my own state because the guy is not here. So the phone calls, text messages, IM's, and Email I get is not enough to do anything.

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Email is rarely used in court.


The US judicial system sucks. I'm told if I want to file stalker charges on this person who is pretty much stalking me I have to go to Ohio. Now if I go to Ohio and file the restraining order it does not cover outside of the state. So when I come home it won't matter. How ironic is that? I can't file in my own state because the guy is not here. So the phone calls, text messages, IM's, and Email I get is not enough to do anything.


Sadly the judicial system needs to get caught up with the proliferation of technology.

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Email is rarely used in court.


The US judicial system sucks. I'm told if I want to file stalker charges on this person who is pretty much stalking me I have to go to Ohio. Now if I go to Ohio and file the restraining order it does not cover outside of the state. So when I come home it won't matter. How ironic is that? I can't file in my own state because the guy is not here. So the phone calls, text messages, IM's, and Email I get is not enough to do anything.



Actually e-mail gets used in court more often than you'd think. I remember two summers ago I was interning with a Federal Judge and in a civil action where one company was accused of hiring someone still working for their competitor and then using that insider information, the defendants actually sent out an e-mail to each other detailing their plans to discuss their plans for fraud: putting the employee's wife on staff so that their competitor wouldn't get suspicious. A case like that doesn't even go to trial.


Also, what you said about restraining orders not covering outside the state is absolutely not true. VAWA has been around since 1994, and among other things gives full faith and credit for one state's restraining order in any other state or territory in the US.

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Actually e-mail gets used in court more often than you'd think. I remember two summers ago I was interning with a Federal Judge and in a civil action where one company was accused of hiring someone still working for their competitor and then using that insider information, the defendants actually sent out an e-mail to each other detailing their plans to discuss their plans for fraud: putting the employee's wife on staff so that their competitor wouldn't get suspicious. A case like that doesn't even go to trial.


Also, what you said about restraining orders not covering outside the state is absolutely not true. VAWA has been around since 1994, and among other things gives full faith and credit for one state's restraining order in any other state or territory in the US.



I was told by the lawyer I had to speak with on the phone that because the emails came from an untraceable account such as Yahoo, Gmail, or Hotmail they won't be able to be used in the courtroom because they can't be proven as coming from him.


Also I was informed that the type of order I can file will not hold up in my state because he has not approached me. They are just phone calls, text messages, emails and such. If he comes into the state I live in and approaches me I can then file a restraining order here.


All of my information comes from a lawyer a friend of mine put me in contact iwth in Ohio. I don't live in Ohio so I don't know how it would work. I've never had to file against someone before.


I actually tried to ignore this until I got an email with pictures attached to it that he had actually went looking for me in New Jersey where he thought I was going to be for the weekend.

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I was told by the lawyer I had to speak with on the phone that because the emails came from an untraceable account such as Yahoo, Gmail, or Hotmail they won't be able to be used in the courtroom because they can't be proven as coming from him.


They're not untraceable but yes they're difficult to prove as evidence.


Also I was informed that the type of order I can file will not hold up in my state because he has not approached me. They are just phone calls, text messages, emails and such. If he comes into the state I live in and approaches me I can then file a restraining order here.


Most states have similar rules that protect against stalking. Ohio, which I assume is the state where he lives, has a "menacing by stalking" statute that says:


(A)(1) No person by engaging in a pattern of conduct shall knowingly cause another person to believe that the offender will cause physical harm to the other person or cause mental distress to the other person.


(2) No person, through the use of any electronic method of remotely transferring information, including, but not limited to, any computer, computer network, computer program, or computer system, shall post a message with purpose to urge or incite another to commit a violation of division (A)(1) of this section.


The procedure for getting a protective order is outlined in this statute: http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2903.214


All of my information comes from a lawyer a friend of mine put me in contact iwth in Ohio. I don't live in Ohio so I don't know how it would work. I've never had to file against someone before.


I didn't know until about 5 minutes ago. NOTE: I am not a practicing attorney and this should not be construed as legal advice.

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Can I just say I am very glad I started this thread. This is epic!


I was talking about this with some friends the other day and they mentioned 2 things that they have heard of people doing. Nair in a shampoo bottle of someone who cheated (goes with what you guys were talking about). The other one was writing with weed kill in the grass something terrible because they got screwed over financially.

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Finally gonna bite, this is the closest one I got. Please note I live in England, in quite a nice neighborhood. A fight broke out in my High School about once every six months so you can't really consider my neighborhood violent. Retaliation just isn't in our nature.


But I used to get bullied in first school, luckily I Lent that if you complain to the teachers enough things get done. I'm very lucky in that sense because I know a lot of teachers will do nothing.


So, I'm in my Drama class, and the teacher doesn't show up. Fifteen minutes later the class is messing around and really p***ing me off (we had a test a couple of weeks after and I needed some help with my coursework) so I decided to go to the office and find the teacher.


I try to walk to the door and I get tackled by this absolute a-hole who tells me that if I try to leave the class again he will shove a broken off radiator grill up my ass. OK then, I am then held held hostage in my classroom for another twenty minutes before my teacher finally shows up, and the woman doesn't even bother to ask why some kid is guarding me while wielding a radiator grill, and instead tells us that we have to do a mock controlled assessment.


Normally I would leave it, just kids being kids and not wanting to do work, I get that. But the same kid who crushed my arm when he tackled me and held me hostage then expects me to share my notes with him for the assessment? He had his own flipping notes! The sheer stupidity of some people.


I tell our head of year, this student gets a suspension and the teacher got a warning for misconduct or something of the like.


The same kid then comes in next week to the same drama lesson, we end up in the same group and he refuses to talk to me. Fine, he can fail. But he then decideds to tell everyone not to talk to me. Fine, I tell our drama teacher who knows the score after the warning (equivalent of a last chance in that school) and she warns him. He kicks off, we argue. Under school rule he has done three things wrong and it now constitutes bullying. I was in a position where I could just ask for him to be expelled and he goes. So the dude decides to come around to my house and beg for me to say nothing, he even offers me money. This really insults me, I may name names when names need to be named but bribes? I turn him down flat, and he tries to punch me, instead I manage to blindly cower indoors fast enough for him to punch a rather large whole in our door.


After that, he was expelled, his family had to pay for a new door and he had to do community service for damages or something with that in it's name. Criminal Damages?. And some ABH.


Not really a revenge story as much as I would have liked, but moral of the story; Let it go, if the cards are not in your hands. That's why Remi's story worked out so well, it played into his hands.

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I come here with an appeal. An appeal for help. An appeal to help me revenge.


The Story


A now ex-friend was going out with my best friend (ex-friend = boy, friend = girl). They broke up. The ex-friend turned into the world's biggest dickhead. (sorry about the language). Brings me into it by saying I have went out with my firend and such. Arguments ensue and in the midst of arguments, he calls my disabled father, whom I care for, a con-man and benefits cheat. This may seem childish to some, but if somebody disrespects my family, especially if they target the disabled family member I feel compelled to get revenge. If he had called anybody else in family those things, I would feel so strongly about kicking ten shades of the brown stuff out of him.


So, what's the best way to make him pay.

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I come here with an appeal. An appeal for help. An appeal to help me revenge.


The Story


A now ex-friend was going out with my best friend (ex-friend = boy, friend = girl). They broke up. The ex-friend turned into the world's biggest dickhead. (sorry about the language). Brings me into it by saying I have went out with my firend and such. Arguments ensue and in the midst of arguments, he calls my disabled father, whom I care for, a con-man and benefits cheat. This may seem childish to some, but if somebody disrespects my family, especially if they target the disabled family member I feel compelled to get revenge. If he had called anybody else in family those things, I would feel so strongly about kicking ten shades of the brown stuff out of him.


So, what's the best way to make him pay.


Those who target people with Disabilities are worthless pieces of crap. In all honesty I would let it go. Nothing you can do will make him understand nor feel sorry for what he did.


When people go that low there pretty much is no hope for them.

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