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This is impossible! I'm trying to get a "B" show, and not a single network is interested in carrying a "B" show. I'm International, and I've tried every size network there is. No one will accept a "B" show. This is impossible! How the hell are we supposed to get a "B" show when no networks accept it? I need this show because I need a way to bring up new talent and I don't have enough room on my show for the talent I do have! I can't run this size promotion with just one show.
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This is impossible! I'm trying to get a "B" show, and not a single network is interested in carrying a "B" show. I'm International, and I've tried every size network there is. No one will accept a "B" show. This is impossible! How the hell are we supposed to get a "B" show when no networks accept it?


What mod?

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This is impossible! I'm trying to get a "B" show, and not a single network is interested in carrying a "B" show. I'm International, and I've tried every size network there is. No one will accept a "B" show. This is impossible! How the hell are we supposed to get a "B" show when no networks accept it? I need this show because I need a way to bring up new talent and I don't have enough room on my show for the talent I do have! I can't run this size promotion with just one show.


You need an A show on the same network first if I remember correctly.

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What mod?


Why would that matter? The mod uses the Default networks anyway.


Well that's just great. The network I'm on won't accept any more new shows because they already carry me and my top competitor.


So I have no way of getting another show. Terrific. So much for being able to bring up new talent and mold new workers. I'm hopelessly stuck now, unable to get a new show on any network and unable to build new stars.

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Why would that matter? The mod uses the Default networks anyway.


Well that's just great. The network I'm on won't accept any more new shows because they already carry me and my top competitor.


So I have no way of getting another show. Terrific. So much for being able to bring up new talent and mold new workers. I'm hopelessly stuck now, unable to get a new show on any network and unable to build new stars.


Actually, you can build new stars the same as before. Just use them as jobbers, and undercards. Sooner or later if someone has the potential to break out, they will. Might not be as fast that way, but in all honesty, it's been done many times before.

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The solution is simple - destroy your top competitor so they end up off your network. Then get a B-show. Go to war with them. Steal their stars. Pull off dirty tricks. Make sure they lose national or regional battles. Go all out at them. The worst thing that'll happen is you'll lose, and lose your network spot - in which case, you can move to a new network, where you might be able to get a B-show eventually.
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Actually, you can build new stars the same as before. Just use them as jobbers, and undercards. Sooner or later if someone has the potential to break out, they will. Might not be as fast that way, but in all honesty, it's been done many times before.


Yeah in my MAW game Curtis Jenkins off all people has turned into a huge star for me. And he has more losses than he has wins.

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Actually, you can build new stars the same as before. Just use them as jobbers, and undercards. Sooner or later if someone has the potential to break out, they will. Might not be as fast that way, but in all honesty, it's been done many times before.


I've never seen anyone gain popularity from being a jobber. The only time they start gaining popularity is by winning. The gain is usually equal to the loss by the person losing the match. I've yet to see a loser gain popularity. My jobbers have been consistently losing popularity. My main jobbers have dropped to 41 and 49 respectively. That's from trying to bring in new people. One of the people I have is getting good match ratings but losing those matches, and has been stuck at 39 popularity without seeing any gains. If anything, I've lost more popularity overall than I've gained because the gains are always less than the losses by the losers. I even use the "Open Match" road agent note in an attempt to keep the loser from losing popularity, and it doesn't work. I also try using "Keep Strong" on the loser, but not only does that not work, it always lowers the match rating on top of it (penalized for bad booking every time I use that road agent note).


The only way I've seen popularity gains is by abusing the fact that colour commentators gain truckloads of popularity. That just makes me feel stupid, though.

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Yeah in my MAW game Curtis Jenkins off all people has turned into a huge star for me. And he has more losses than he has wins.

I had a game one time, when Jamie Noble broke out in a huge way. I couldn't stop the overness he started getting, no matter how much I made him lose (they loved him).


I've been working on a mod for a really long time (can't stay focused). In that mod, before my computer lost everything, I had hardly any stats for anyone yet, in fact some stats I left empty, if I didn't think they had anything in that stat. I had quite a bit of workers... Anyways, without anything but overness, and some stats, the promotions picked these people up and turned them into stars. Some of them become exceptionally good. One particular one went from a local star, to A overness in three countries.


The solution is simple - destroy your top competitor so they end up off your network. Then get a B-show. Go to war with them. Steal their stars. Pull off dirty tricks. Make sure they lose national or regional battles. Go all out at them. The worst thing that'll happen is you'll lose, and lose your network spot - in which case, you can move to a new network, where you might be able to get a B-show eventually.


Or you could go down this road as well!:D



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I've never seen anyone gain popularity from being a jobber. The only time they start gaining popularity is by winning. The gain is usually equal to the loss by the person losing the match. I've yet to see a loser gain popularity. My jobbers have been consistently losing popularity. My main jobbers have dropped to 41 and 49 respectively. That's from trying to bring in new people. One of the people I have is getting good match ratings but losing those matches, and has been stuck at 39 popularity without seeing any gains. If anything, I've lost more popularity overall than I've gained because the gains are always less than the losses by the losers. I even use the "Open Match" road agent note in an attempt to keep the loser from losing popularity, and it doesn't work. I also try using "Keep Strong" on the loser, but not only does that not work, it always lowers the match rating on top of it (penalized for bad booking every time I use that road agent note).


The only way I've seen popularity gains is by abusing the fact that colour commentators gain truckloads of popularity. That just makes me feel stupid, though.


The way I build stars, is I bring them in and have them in storylines with more over people. They can virtually lose every match, and keep getting more over. I never had the problem your having.

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I've never seen anyone gain popularity from being a jobber. The only time they start gaining popularity is by winning. The gain is usually equal to the loss by the person losing the match. I've yet to see a loser gain popularity. My jobbers have been consistently losing popularity. My main jobbers have dropped to 41 and 49 respectively. That's from trying to bring in new people. One of the people I have is getting good match ratings but losing those matches, and has been stuck at 39 popularity without seeing any gains. If anything, I've lost more popularity overall than I've gained because the gains are always less than the losses by the losers. I even use the "Open Match" road agent note in an attempt to keep the loser from losing popularity, and it doesn't work. I also try using "Keep Strong" on the loser, but not only does that not work, it always lowers the match rating on top of it (penalized for bad booking every time I use that road agent note).


The only way I've seen popularity gains is by abusing the fact that colour commentators gain truckloads of popularity. That just makes me feel stupid, though.


Then either you're not looking very hard or you're just booking poorly.


If you book a guy with no popularity against, say, a somewhat over and somewhat talented worker, they WILL gain overness as long as the match is good. From what I've seen, folks with E overness will, likely depending on their SQ, gain popularity from D+ish matches, even in defeat.


Have your openers get stomped by upper midcard/main event level people from time to time, it'll do them good.

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The solution is simple - destroy your top competitor so they end up off your network. Then get a B-show. Go to war with them. Steal their stars. Pull off dirty tricks. Make sure they lose national or regional battles. Go all out at them. The worst thing that'll happen is you'll lose, and lose your network spot - in which case, you can move to a new network, where you might be able to get a B-show eventually.


I am at war with them, and I routinely put on better shows than they do. I can't knock them down from the top spot, though, because I can't do anything to lower their show ratings. Can't have a national battle, either, because we're the only two national promotions and you have to have three to have a battle. We're kinda in a stalemate. With them winning simply because they started out on top, and though my ratings are better than their ratings, mine still aren't good enough to see gains. I need A rated shows to gain even a 0.2 at the moment. B+ doesn't cut it, and B+ is about the best I can do, with my average being B ratings. I have had one A rated show in eight months of play time with an equal performance/popularity promotion; I have people with popularity and skills in the A and A* range, and I have had a lot of A and A* matches, but the final show ratings are never anywhere near as high as my match ratings for some reason, even with A and A* angles. I'm abusing using my top star with A* popularity as much as I can, putting on regular A* rated segments with him, but it's just not enough. One person can't carry the show to an A or an A*.


Anytime I use people that are in my lower ranks, they only put on like C ratings at best. It drags the whole show down.

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I've never seen anyone gain popularity from being a jobber. The only time they start gaining popularity is by winning. The gain is usually equal to the loss by the person losing the match. I've yet to see a loser gain popularity. My jobbers have been consistently losing popularity. My main jobbers have dropped to 41 and 49 respectively. That's from trying to bring in new people. One of the people I have is getting good match ratings but losing those matches, and has been stuck at 39 popularity without seeing any gains. If anything, I've lost more popularity overall than I've gained because the gains are always less than the losses by the losers. I even use the "Open Match" road agent note in an attempt to keep the loser from losing popularity, and it doesn't work. I also try using "Keep Strong" on the loser, but not only does that not work, it always lowers the match rating on top of it (penalized for bad booking every time I use that road agent note).


The only way I've seen popularity gains is by abusing the fact that colour commentators gain truckloads of popularity. That just makes me feel stupid, though.


Having people job their way up the card is very possible, so I don't know why your roster are not. How long are the matches? Are the being dominated? What type of gimmick are they using? I had James Prudence lose to Christian Faith in a B-rated TV semi-main event, on his debut, and he jumped a huge amount - the only road agent notes I used were victor and script.


A lot of your problems seem to stem from you using numbers - have you tried using grades for a while?

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Having people job their way up the card is very possible, so I don't know why your roster are not. How long are the matches? Are the being dominated? What type of gimmick are they using? I had James Prudence lose to Christian Faith in a B-rated TV semi-main event, on his debut, and he jumped a huge amount - the only road agent notes I used were victor and script.


A lot of your problems seem to stem from you using numbers - have you tried using grades for a while?



The matches using my lower ranks are usually less than 5 minutes; I have a 2 hour show and run 6 matches per show, with a 50% match ratio because I run an entertainment promotion. I do not have them being dominated. I have gimmick effects turned off. I usually use the Victor, Script, and Open Match road agent notes. Every time, I either have no movement at all in popularity, or I have a loss; I see it from going into the editor and looking at the exact numbers.


I don't like using grades, I like micro-managing my shows. Not that it makes a difference when it comes to results.

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The matches using my lower ranks are usually less than 5 minutes; I have a 2 hour show and run 6 matches per show, with a 50% match ratio because I run an entertainment promotion. I do not have them being dominated. I have gimmick effects turned off. I usually use the Victor, Script, and Open Match road agent notes. Every time, I either have no movement at all in popularity, or I have a loss; I see it from going into the editor and looking at the exact numbers.


I don't like using grades, I like micro-managing my shows. Not that it makes a difference when it comes to results.

Go 6 minutes, drop "Open match". See how that goes.

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In answer to the 'job up the card' thing, I'm fairly convinced product plays a big part in the effectiveness of that. With NOTBPW I had Tim Westybrook losing to top-class stars every week and his popularity EXPLODED! With TCW most of my rookies come in losing, but I can see definite popularity gains.


However, with CGC I had a rookie tag team that lost a match every week for a year. They barely got more popular. 'F' maybe 'F+'. In my diary game I noticed similar results, even when the losers totally rocked the house against awesome wrestlers, the popularity gains were barely noticable.


So product plays a part in it. It's easy to job up the card with Performance-based products, but when you're Sports Entertainment you're better off with Angles & Winning. That's my theory.


As for the trouble getting a B show, I reckon it's the war that's causing the trouble. If destroying your competition isn't an option, try ending the war, or as Jennie Bomb said, move to a different network yourself.

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You said you were abusing your A* overness guy on your shows, so while your at it get him to help out your less over stars.


Set up an angle with Person 1 rated on popularity (This would be your A* guy), and fill up the rest of the slots with Not Rated Subjects. If i remember rightly you should still get A/A* segments because your over guy is the only one rated, and the non rated guys will gain popularity just for being mentioned/used in a good angle.


You can use that to get your established stars more popular, or to establish young people.

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Anytime I use people that are in my lower ranks, they only put on like C ratings at best. It drags the whole show down.


How can it drag the whole show down? There's basically 2 matches which have any real impact on the show rating - you should be able to have your lower rank guys in every other match, if you really want, without doing any noticeable damage.

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In my TCW game I regularly have D+ matches in the middle of the card, and still get great shows out of it. The midcard really doesn't matter, so feel free to use it to build future stars.


I hate the "One Star, 7 Not Rated" angle idea. It just seems unnecessarily cheap to me. I am however as massive fan of pairing up rookies and stars. Taking an incredibly over guy and having him 'argue' with an up-and-comer. Or teaming them up and having them cut promos together. Or Menace Attacks. Or Sex Appeal seductions. It's easy enough to build overness with angles without being cheap about it.


Also, I have a theory about 'Not Rated' not giving as much gain as if they are rated. No evidence, just what makes sense to me.

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Then either you're not looking very hard or you're just booking poorly.


Anytime I use people that are in my lower ranks, they only put on like C ratings at best. It drags the whole show down.


How can it drag the whole show down? There's basically 2 matches which have any real impact on the show rating - you should be able to have your lower rank guys in every other match, if you really want, without doing any noticeable damage.


Glad I wasn't the one who pointed that out. There is no way midcard matches really tank a show's rating...unless you make it the semi main or don't intersperse angles properly (to raise the crowd after being lowered a few times). In fact, if you adhere to perfect show theory, you HAVE to have those matches on the card.


Why not try extending your current show? Yes, you can do that.


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If you've been putting out, the network might be amenable to allowing you to have a bit more time. If they're not, they'll block you. A closed mouth don't get fed.


I hate the "One Star, 7 Not Rated" angle idea. It just seems unnecessarily cheap to me.


So, it's cheap despite the fact that it's used often in reality? Or do you think all those "security" people are actually considered to be major participants in a brawl/confrontation angle? The most recent example I can think of is the "brawl" between Tara and Angelina Love maybe a week or so ago on Impact. Two "stars" and a whole bunch of nobodies who were onscreen but considered to be in the background (largely scenery). The "star walking backstage/to the ring" angle is similar. Everyone s/he passes in the hallway is involved in the angle, onscreen, but not rated.

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... but do those 'Not Rated' dudes gain popularity from their involvement? That's what doesn't fit for me. Plenty of angles have 'Not Rated' guys, no arguments there, but does standing in a hallway while The Rock cuts an awesome promo really give you a rub? Does it in the game? I don't know. Never tried. Never will. Not my cup of tea.
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Yes, security guards appear in angles.


No, they are not "Not rated" characters. They are extras. People who are in angles are actual members of your roster.


And yes, if you put a complete nobody on screen while The Rock cuts a promo as fans will ask "Who is that guy with The Rock?"


In my limited experience of using Sid Vicious and his son (Little Sid in my fed TWA) in an angle where Sid was rated on menace and Little Sid was not rated I found it really didn't help Little Sid's popularity all that much. Sure it got him from zero to about 20 but after that I had to actually start putting him in matches. What it did was help his momentum a ton. At one point he had more momentum than anybody in the fed except my user character Mike Tyson

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