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The C-Verse Re-render Project

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I tried and failed to do a Cattley a few times. I will never try again thanks to you. Awesome job!


Thanks again, I'm glad that so many of you guys like it.:D


Now here are a couple of new ones.

Nigel Svensson


Not quite sure if this captures the character or not but I figured I'd post it and see what people thought.


Tommy Cornell Jr


And I really tried to get this one to look as much like his default render as possible and alittle bit more like his father as well.

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Both amazing pieces of work right there,


But for some reason I'm wondering if that Nigel could work as a blonde haired version? Any chance of a third alt, keeping the brown beard but giving him some dirty blonde hair?


Great work none the less man, your Mean Machine render got me right back into playing as MAW.

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Both amazing pieces of work right there,


But for some reason I'm wondering if that Nigel could work as a blonde haired version? Any chance of a third alt, keeping the brown beard but giving him some dirty blonde hair?


Great work none the less man, your Mean Machine render got me right back into playing as MAW.


Yea I can do that, he started out with lighter hair anyway but I couldn't quite get it to match the beard quite how i wanted it to.:p

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haha sweet man thanks, yeah I always imagine Nigel to be somewhat of a fake Swede, instead of being this fun loving, blonde haired guy, he's actualyl a super serious brown haired one who tries to hide it by dying his hair Blonde, despite his beard remaining brown.


I actually ran it as a storyline in the SWF as Mainstream Hernandez bringing in his Swede friend to help him, only for his girlfriend (Dharma Gregg) to get confused as he can't be Swedish as he has brown hair and making him peroxide it in order to fit in with what she thought was Sweden.


Ultimate wrestlecrap but it was fun, they ended up tag champions, The World Elite.

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Thanks again, I'm glad that so many of you guys like it.:D


Nigel Svensson


Not quite sure if this captures the character or not but I figured I'd post it and see what people thought.


Me likey that Svensson. Is there any version available of him with thin facial hair? :)

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Nigel Svensson


Not quite sure if this captures the character or not but I figured I'd post it and see what people thought.


Awesome job, Bull. Am I right in thinking you've upgraded to the Elite textures? Looks like Sol to me. I've been thinking for a while that your characters look fantastic but the textures were letting them down (which is beyond your control), but not so with these last few. Keep up the good work! :)

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haha sweet man thanks, yeah I always imagine Nigel to be somewhat of a fake Swede, instead of being this fun loving, blonde haired guy, he's actualyl a super serious brown haired one who tries to hide it by dying his hair Blonde, despite his beard remaining brown.


I actually ran it as a storyline in the SWF as Mainstream Hernandez bringing in his Swede friend to help him, only for his girlfriend (Dharma Gregg) to get confused as he can't be Swedish as he has brown hair and making him peroxide it in order to fit in with what she thought was Sweden.


Ultimate wrestlecrap but it was fun, they ended up tag champions, The World Elite.


I had to restart the Svensson Alt as I forgot to save it in daz but I think it still looks about the same. here is the blonde version.




Me likey that Svensson. Is there any version available of him with thin facial hair? :)


Now that I do have it saved in daz I will do another with thin facial hair shortly.


Awesome job, Bull. Am I right in thinking you've upgraded to the Elite textures? Looks like Sol to me. I've been thinking for a while that your characters look fantastic but the textures were letting them down (which is beyond your control), but not so with these last few. Keep up the good work! :)


I've actually had the elite textures for a while and I've be using them it, the Ben Willams alt uses the Jeremy texture, and the Marc Speed uses the Rob, its actually the lighting that has changed more than anything, as the lighting in Bens was different that the last few ive done. but yes Sol is the one ive been using on the last few and it seems to be doing some good.:)

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I've actually had the elite textures for a while and I've be using them it, the Ben Willams alt uses the Jeremy texture, and the Marc Speed uses the Rob, its actually the lighting that has changed more than anything, as the lighting in Bens was different that the last few ive done. but yes Sol is the one ive been using on the last few and it seems to be doing some good.:)


Lighting can make a big difference, and you don't need too many textures to get the images you need. The jhdVerse has 596 renders and off the top of my head I have only used Sol, Rob, Lee for M4 and Amy, Maya and Marie for V4 and (I hope) none of the characters look the same. For DAZ I've found the Elite Textures to be head and shoulders above the competition - I've tried all sorts of other textures (all with great reviews) that just look washed out with my settings. Keep at it, you're doing a great job! :D

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I think you could stand to put more light on the characters. The textures still look a little flat.



Did this little fella when I was mulling over a CGC diary. "100% All Natural" Nate Johnson was in line for quite the push.






Didn't post before because I was never fully happy with the likeness. Still not. Neither is he as jacked as I would have had him in the diary. "All Natural"? If he says so.

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Lighting can make a big difference, and you don't need too many textures to get the images you need. The jhdVerse has 596 renders and off the top of my head I have only used Sol, Rob, Lee for M4 and Amy, Maya and Marie for V4 and (I hope) none of the characters look the same. For DAZ I've found the Elite Textures to be head and shoulders above the competition - I've tried all sorts of other textures (all with great reviews) that just look washed out with my settings. Keep at it, you're doing a great job! :D


Agreed. I pretty much use different shades of M4 with morphs, Apollo shaded and Freak exclusively (with Brock used for the last Rick Law one I did). I started to branch out into Dogs of War a little as well.


jhd, where did you find that awesome King's Crown?! I've been searching for one but none of them look as classic as that one. I think Marcus McKing needs one if he is truly going to be the King of Wrestling in 1977 :)

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I had to restart the Svensson Alt as I forgot to save it in daz but I think it still looks about the same. here is the blonde version.




Well, I'll never be using another re-render of Nigel again. This is unbelievably awesome, great work. I love the thin beard as well.

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jhd, where did you find that awesome King's Crown?! I've been searching for one but none of them look as classic as that one. I think Marcus McKing needs one if he is truly going to be the King of Wrestling in 1977 :)


In my avatar? It's a combination of the RDNA crown, a torus and some postwork in GIMP. :)

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On the topic of lighting, what is everyone using these days? I'm using a 2 distant lights and a spotlight, each with Deep Shadow Map and 60% shadow softness.




xrot 23

yrot -5

zrot -1


xtrans 0

ytrans 0

ztrans 0


Intensity 100




xrot -11

yrot 15

zrot -2


xtrans 0

ytrans 0

ztrans 0


Intensity 35




xrot -6

yrot 4

zrot -0.5


xtrans 0

ytrans 0

ztrans 0


Intensity 57

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On the topic of lighting, what is everyone using these days?


Weidt's lighting. Still. I'm of the opinion that it has the perfect lighting-shadow ratio to work on almost any background and in particular the Cverse one. I find the brighter images tend to look a little flat and don't necessarily blend in with the background. That's just me though :)

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At some point soon I think I'll make one render and render him using as many light settings as I can gather, just for the sake of comparisons. A lot of percieved flatness or plasticity can also be accounted for by highlight colour and gloss settings though, but I always turn that highlight colour to black on the skin anyway out of personal preference.
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Did this little fella when I was mulling over a CGC diary. "100% All Natural" Nate Johnson was in line for quite the push.




Didn't post before because I was never fully happy with the likeness. Still not. Neither is he as jacked as I would have had him in the diary. "All Natural"? If he says so.


Slick! I love it.


Those Nigel renders are great too.

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Retexture of some older ones.


Jeff Nova



Joss Thompson



Joss turned out alittle brighter than I thought.

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On the topic of lighting, what is everyone using these days?


It varies. In my Blood Raven render I just posted I used UberEnvironment2 and it makes the render appear flat, but I personally like sockpuppet's lighting with bump maps and displacement maps for realism. Weidt's lighting is always good but it really depends on which look you are going for. Lantios Lights 2 that I purchased works really well but you'll need to tone down the intensity of the UberEnvironment that is in each of those light settings.

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It varies. In my Blood Raven render I just posted I used UberEnvironment2 and it makes the render appear flat, but I personally like sockpuppet's lighting with bump maps and displacement maps for realism. Weidt's lighting is always good but it really depends on which look you are going for. Lantios Lights 2 that I purchased works really well but you'll need to tone down the intensity of the UberEnvironment that is in each of those light settings.


I'd agree with this. Your renders always tend to lean towards realism (from what you've sent me, anyway), and Trell (who I believe also uses UberEnvironment) gets excellent and very realistic results.


When I first starting rendering Self's style was the one I was most influenced by. Now I've picked up influences from elsewhere (sebsplex being the other major one), and my renders now tend to be more caricature than photorealism. For that type of image, the shadows from Weidt's lighting work perfectly. But one of the best things about the forum's renderers is that we do have our own style. To each their own, and all that :D


I'd be interested in the results of ewanite's lighting experiment though :D

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John Greed



Karen Killer


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