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So Sons of Anarchy is back, and still rocking my socks off after great seasons. The ending to the first episode of season four was great, and the second episode kept up the pace.


Really like the US Attorney guy with his retro bike and leathers, and the regular cast are all on form. No spoilers, but Eli Roosevelt is gonna pay for what he did in the clubhouse...you knows it!!

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Maybe they expect you to watch other shows until then? :p


Though I get you, waiting for the new season of Always Sunny was pretty strenous.. even though their seasons start every September. I just like it that much. Speaking of which, the season premiere last week was succulent.


Sunny is such an awesome show. It's so hard to wait for a ne season because the previous season ends in December (I think). Most of the other September-starting-shows end in April/May. I might have to watch the season premiere again. I was pretty drunk when I watched it the first time.


I'm sad Entourage is done. That show was phenomenal. I really hope they make a movie.

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Finally snagged Fringe, Season 2, on DVD, so now, I can delete all those from my DVR. That's become one of my favorite shows, definitely one of my 'Fave Five', and the fact that I was stymied every single time I tried to get it on DVD kinda turned it into my own personal whale, (and me into Captain Ahab).


Now that Season 2 has finally come home, that particular issue can be put to bed, I think.


I enjoyed the season premiere of Sons Of Anarchy, but somehow managed to miss the next episode. Fortunately, I can catch up On Demand.



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Dear CBS,


Because you have annoyed the hell out of BHKZ1978 I have to start watching your show.


Respectfully yours,





In all seriousness I really hate that they wait MONTHS in-between seasons for shows. Game of thrones usnt do to air season 2 till Spring of 2012. It's why I never watch Tv. I hate waiting.


Who in the heck is BHKZ?:eek:


A lot of the Cable shows are like that. I do agree with you it sucks that there is such a large gap between seasons. Often by the time the show comes back I forgot what had happened during the previous season.


Just be thankful that you are not a fan of Curb Your Enthusiasm. The show comes back on whenever Larry David decides to make a new sason. Therefore, there ends up being as long as a two year gap between seasons. I guess that is the price we fans have to pay in order to watch that comedic genius that is Larry David.


Also, you have the shows on SCIFI and USA that have all sorts of weird schedules. Burn Notice comes on in the summer, is off for a few months, comes back in the winter, and is off until the summer. Just such an odd schedule.


Maybe they expect you to watch other shows until then? :p


Though I get you, waiting for the new season of Always Sunny was pretty strenous.. even though their seasons start every September. I just like it that much. Speaking of which, the season premiere last week was succulent.


One of the best shows on television. I find most sitcoms (If you can call it that.) to not be funny at all. However, Sunny is just great. Sadly I never watched it before Danny DeVito joined the cast but I am glad I did start watching it.


Finally snagged Fringe, Season 2, on DVD, so now, I can delete all those from my DVR. That's become one of my favorite shows, definitely one of my 'Fave Five', and the fact that I was stymied every single time I tried to get it on DVD kinda turned it into my own personal whale, (and me into Captain Ahab).


Now that Season 2 has finally come home, that particular issue can be put to bed, I think.


I enjoyed the season premiere of Sons Of Anarchy, but somehow managed to miss the next episode. Fortunately, I can catch up On Demand.




I think Walter is my favorite character on television.


S.O.A. is always good in my opinion, just great characters. Yes I know my opinions on these shows are not really in-depth but yeah I know a good show when I see it.

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So Sons of Anarchy is back, and still rocking my socks off after great seasons. The ending to the first episode of season four was great, and the second episode kept up the pace.


Really like the US Attorney guy with his retro bike and leathers, and the regular cast are all on form. No spoilers, but Eli Roosevelt is gonna pay for what he did in the clubhouse...you knows it!!


Agreed, Sons is an awesome show.


Personally I am rooting for Roosevelt to eventually become 'Good Cop', well a good cop in the eyes of the Sons. I can see him going against the Mayor, and trying to get Clay & Jax to help 'clean up' the town before they ride off into the sunset. (Honestly hoping atleast Clay will be gone at the end of this season (if this isn't the last season that is)).


On a different note Danny Trejo's character is one I very much enjoy.

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Really love Sons Of Anarchy and Season 4 hasn't disapointed me so far I can't wait to see where the season takes us. I could see this being the final season of Sons but thats only if Clay and Jax retire at the end of this season if not and they hold it off for a while then there could be a fifth or even a sixth season of the show which I wouldn't mind because its my favoriote show on TV that is not wrestling.
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My poor DVR is gonna have a workout tonight. Between the trio on SyFy (Eureka, Warehouse 13, and Alphas, which has steadily improved after the pilot), the roast of Charlie Sheen, which is must watch if only to hear Mike Tyson tell one liners, and the return of Castle (which may be the best 1 hour dramedy on television today), I am going to be busy. To anyone who can, and has not yet done so, I highly recommend seeing Castle ... if for no other reason than to bask in the glory that is Nathan Fillion.


I'm kind of sad I missed the SoA bandwagon too. When it premiered, I'd kind of walked away from Rescue Me, as the show had become somewhat convoluted, and seemed to lose direction, so I missed a lot of what FX was offering at the time. Might need to go back and remedy that at some point.

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Also, you have the shows on SCIFI and USA that have all sorts of weird schedules.


That reminds me, Psych's coming back soon! I loves that show, just watched 5 episodes last night on.... ION? I think the network is. They show Criminal Minds a lot too.


As for Fringe... Walter's one of my favorite characters on TV also. The fact that he can be so brilliant, and yet so damaged makes him one of the most compelling characters around.


And.... probably to the surprise of absolutely no one... I'm a fan of the 1980s episodes.



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Agreed, Sons is an awesome show.


Personally I am rooting for Roosevelt to eventually become 'Good Cop', well a good cop in the eyes of the Sons. I can see him going against the Mayor, and trying to get Clay & Jax to help 'clean up' the town before they ride off into the sunset. (Honestly hoping atleast Clay will be gone at the end of this season (if this isn't the last season that is)).


On a different note Danny Trejo's character is one I very much enjoy.


Danny Trejo is really good at playing Danny Trejo I've found :-p Little known fact: The move Machete was originally supposed to be a fly on the wall documentary called Trejo: A day in the life of a bad ass Mexican. They just dubbed every utterance of the word 'Trejo' with 'Machete' and marketed it as an action movie. 100% fact.


I have my theories on how SoA will end, and it won't be with Clay and Jax getting out. I reckon we're gonna see at least one more season, purely because it's doing well commercially, and I can't see them stretching the 'Jax wanting out' storyline out for essentially two more seasons (4&5).


I think that we're gonna see the death of Gemma (Jax's Mom, Clay's wife) at the end of season 4. I think it'll be Clay's fault; he'll end up doing something that puts Gemma and or the club in danger (either intentionally or otherwise) and it'll result in him being removed from the throne. Jax will want revenge for his Mom's death, and Tara will make him chose revenge and the club, or her. Jax will chose the former, and end up fulfilling his 'destiny' by filling Clay's boots.


That'd set up a 5th season with Clay on the outside, possibly drinking himself into an early grave in remorse, but still pulling strings on the outside. Jax would be a much darker character, having seeming lost everything but the club, and there would be an ongoing theme of him going close to the edge...like a more wildcard, bitter version of Clay. Opie would take the role Jax had in seasons one and two; the level-headed second in command trying to keep Jax on the straight and narrow. Jax would finally be 'saved' by Tara and Opie at the end, maybe with the help of a repentant Clay, and could finally ride off into the sunset with this family, leaving the club to Opie.


You could end the show there with closure for all the main characters having some form of closure, or move on to a sixth season without Gemma, Clay, Jax and Tara, bringing some new cast members in until the rating crash and it gets cancelled :-p

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My poor DVR is gonna have a workout tonight. Between the trio on SyFy (Eureka, Warehouse 13, and Alphas, which has steadily improved after the pilot), the roast of Charlie Sheen, which is must watch if only to hear Mike Tyson tell one liners, and the return of Castle (which may be the best 1 hour dramedy on television today), I am going to be busy. To anyone who can, and has not yet done so, I highly recommend seeing Castle ... if for no other reason than to bask in the glory that is Nathan Fillion.


I'm kind of sad I missed the SoA bandwagon too. When it premiered, I'd kind of walked away from Rescue Me, as the show had become somewhat convoluted, and seemed to lose direction, so I missed a lot of what FX was offering at the time. Might need to go back and remedy that at some point.


In regards to Alphas, I like that show a lot. Gary is just an awesome character, I was a bit shocked when I found out he is English in real life. Oh and Rachel and Nina. Well I don't think that I have to say more about them let me just say that Nina could mind control me any time she wants. And Rachel is just well...hot.:D


You should get into the FX shows. They have some really good shows on there with Wilfred, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, S.O.A. and Louie those are all great shows. There is also a horror show (its name escapes me right now) starring Dylan McDermott that looks like it might be pretty good that is going to debut in October. Has a very Twin Peaks feel to it from the commercials I saw.


S.O.A. is based on Hamlet if I remember correctly so I would not be all that shocked if Jax ends up killing Clay at some point.

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The pilot seemed very X-men meets primetime hospital drama, but as the season has progressed, I've found it to be deeper, I suppose. And I had no clue that Gary was British. That's kind of wild.


And I do watch Louie and Wilfred, which are both awesome in their own way. I just missed the boat on SoA, and have yet to retrack to catch up on it. The new show you're thinking of is American Horror Story, although the original promos had me believe it was based on a thriller novel, about a psychotic serial killer who would do his crimes in a latex outfit, thus leaving no evidence. (I haven't read the book, but I want to. lol)


And I saw someone mention Psych ... along with Castle and Community, Psych is the best show on television, in my opinion. And this season has Danny Glover and William Shatner? Yes, please!

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The pilot seemed very X-men meets primetime hospital drama, but as the season has progressed, I've found it to be deeper, I suppose. And I had no clue that Gary was British. That's kind of wild.


The funny thing is he was on Mad Men and I do not even remember him. I had to look for clips of him on the show and sure enough there was Gary.


And I do watch Louie and Wilfred, which are both awesome in their own way. I just missed the boat on SoA, and have yet to retrack to catch up on it. The new show you're thinking of is American Horror Story, although the original promos had me believe it was based on a thriller novel, about a psychotic serial killer who would do his crimes in a latex outfit, thus leaving no evidence. (I haven't read the book, but I want to. lol)


I had no clue that it is based on a book. Man I should really read more as most of my favorite shows are based on books: Dexter (which sadly I will not be able to watch becasue I no longer have Showtime), Game of Thrones, True Blood, and Haven.

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Not sure it is, I had assumed it was, due to early promos. I assume it's two different things now. The Colorado Kid (Haven) was good, though, although the two have no bearing on each other. I think "based on" just means set in the same place of, in that case.


And if you do watch Castle, I recommend the books that go with that. The Nikki Heat series that has been released to correlate with the show are great, and the comic that Marvel just put out was a stellar read, albeit quick.

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Danny Trejo is really good at playing Danny Trejo I've found :-p Little known fact: The move Machete was originally supposed to be a fly on the wall documentary called Trejo: A day in the life of a bad ass Mexican. They just dubbed every utterance of the word 'Trejo' with 'Machete' and marketed it as an action movie. 100% fact.


I have my theories on how SoA will end, and it won't be with Clay and Jax getting out. I reckon we're gonna see at least one more season, purely because it's doing well commercially, and I can't see them stretching the 'Jax wanting out' storyline out for essentially two more seasons (4&5).


I think that we're gonna see the death of Gemma (Jax's Mom, Clay's wife) at the end of season 4. I think it'll be Clay's fault; he'll end up doing something that puts Gemma and or the club in danger (either intentionally or otherwise) and it'll result in him being removed from the throne. Jax will want revenge for his Mom's death, and Tara will make him chose revenge and the club, or her. Jax will chose the former, and end up fulfilling his 'destiny' by filling Clay's boots.


That'd set up a 5th season with Clay on the outside, possibly drinking himself into an early grave in remorse, but still pulling strings on the outside. Jax would be a much darker character, having seeming lost everything but the club, and there would be an ongoing theme of him going close to the edge...like a more wildcard, bitter version of Clay. Opie would take the role Jax had in seasons one and two; the level-headed second in command trying to keep Jax on the straight and narrow. Jax would finally be 'saved' by Tara and Opie at the end, maybe with the help of a repentant Clay, and could finally ride off into the sunset with this family, leaving the club to Opie.


You could end the show there with closure for all the main characters having some form of closure, or move on to a sixth season without Gemma, Clay, Jax and Tara, bringing some new cast members in until the rating crash and it gets cancelled :-p


I'm with you doubting whether this will be the last season, but am unsure where they would go for it.


But I never want to see a series without Jax, Tara, Clay & Jemma. Can you imagine a series revolving around Opie, Tig & Piney. :p

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27929" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The new ThunderCats is awesome</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Meh I don't care for it....</p><p> </p><p> Person of interest was decent.</p>
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<p>Of the three premiering shows I've seen so far, Person of Interest has been the most captivating. I initially pegged it as a show to see on an episode-by-episode basis, but I was really wowed by it that I'm all-in for the whole season now.</p><p> </p><p>

For next week, I'm looking forward to Terra Nova. Hope it doesn't suck. I'll check out Pan Am too.</p>

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  • 4 weeks later...
I enjoyed the Walking Dead premiere Sunday night, can't wait to see where they go from here. Also, picked up the Walking Dead, Complete First Season, (3-disc special edition), so there's that.


Surprised I had to bump this thread up from a page deep.




What happened to his son was messed up. However, I agree it was a very good premiere.


Does anyone like How to Make it in America? I am a huge fan of Luis Guzman (have been since his time on Oz, which is why he is my avatar) and he is just great on that show.

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I enjoyed the Walking Dead premiere Sunday night, can't wait to see where they go from here. Also, picked up the Walking Dead, Complete First Season, (3-disc special edition), so there's that.


Surprised I had to bump this thread up from a page deep.



I expected more. The first thirty or so minutes is interesting, but the search kinda fell flat.


I got the 2-disc one way back when it was initially released. What's in the 3-disc special edition?

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