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People you push for no really reason

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<p>I always sign Dragon Del Arco Iris and push him to the top. And it works! His strong aerial skills make him my high-flying edition in my standard Main Event six way dance, which always creates a good A and sometimes A* (Global level).</p><p> </p><p>

Other than that I usually pick talent first and give it own alter egos/ gimmicks. If I like them and they perform well, I throw titles after them. In my current game Josh Jones amazes me as Canadian Elemental with GREAT matches. Ernest Youngman is one of my favourites for the 1st time as "La Sombra Del Muerto Jr.". And after building the masked (company-owned, prestige: 94%) Reijiro Hiraki - now Street Monk - as a tag team icon for nearly 5 years, I will now trigger his raise to become "Super Street Monk" and give him a single World title run.</p><p> </p><p>

Sure, I've other favourites, too. But it always depends on their skills. However, if Dragon Del Arco Iris wouldn't have good skills, I'd chance that.</p>

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Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr, Capitao Brasil Jr, Silver Shark & Inky the Squid Boy all get hired and pushed as long as I can hire um. Shark & Squid as an aquatic based superhero duo in Batman & Robin type roles and the other two just get singles pushes as far as I can get um up the card
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="angeldelayette" data-cite="angeldelayette" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29449" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Those who read my USPW diaries know that I had a thing for pushing Anger. Maybe not necessarily to wins but giving him a character that people can get behind.</div></blockquote><p> You pushed him over AmEl, dang it. I shall never get behind Anger for him beating AmEl like that.</p><p> </p><p> Oh, I freakishly push El Mitico when he's available in the US, along with Mr. Lucha III and Extraordinario Jr. For non-Mexican workers, it's usually Greg Gauge. He works better for me than his brother...don't know why.</p>
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<p>captain usa, mito miwa and danger kumasaka, if i'm big enough company wise i usually cheat to get the two japanese ones, and push them to the moon </p><p> </p><p>

and captain usa because i feel abit sorry for him and just seemed to never be good enough to get a break</p>

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<p>I almost always have a reason for pushing somebody. Whether they're going to be a massive star for years to come, a minimal worker who needs a quick shot of popularity to keep him relevant, or a worker who gains popularity just to job it to somebody else.</p><p> </p><p>

I've had what you could call "side projects" where I attempt to push somebody who normally wouldn't get a big push due to their skills. I like taking workers like Giant Brody, Killer Shark, and Mutant - hoping to turn them into the next BIG thing. They've all crumbled under pressure and can only be carried to decent matches with workers who have remarkable performance skills. It's not all that frustrating because you can get these guys over easily (Menace), but keeping them at the top is difficult because you get to the point where you're asking yourself, "is it worth Mutant beating Ricky DeColt?!" </p><p> </p><p>

I get upset when somebody less skilled goes over somebody whose an established star. It happens in real life all the time and I try avoiding it in TEW.</p>

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Not No reason, but the closest I have is Marc DuBois in my CV 97 game. The only reason I have megapushed him is so I can get Young Wrestler Of The Year for the 3rd or 4th (can't remember which) year running.


I know Remo & Rick Law won it with me, and I think someone like Steven Parker did.

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I don't REALLY have that many of these. I have a handful of people in my current game that I'm pushing because they've been doing a phenomenal job with enough consistency that I took notice, but the only one I'm even close to pushing for "no" reason is Buff Bagwell- he's had a habit of being in the right spot on the card at the right time, and with that and the fact that I was a mark for him as a little kid he's gotten pushed to the fringe of the ME.
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