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World Championship Wrestling: Where The Big Boys Play (1995)

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TV Championship: DDP © vs. Alex Wright

Its me its me its DDP

American Males vs. Blue Bloods


Cobra and Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker vs. Paul Orndorff and One Man GangThe wonderful gang is going over here

Johnny B. Badd vs. Chris Kanyon

Who better than Kanyon???

Renegade vs. Dean Malenko

Come on mean dean brother!

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TV Championship: DDP © vs. Alex Wright

Always liked Alex Wright but he isn't over enough here and DDP is/was one of my fave's ever!

American Males vs. Blue Bloods

Cobra and Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker vs. Paul Orndorff and One Man Gang

Johnny B. Badd vs. Chris Kanyon

Big Kanyon mark also but he isn't ready for a win on TV yet

Renegade vs. Dean Malenko

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TV Championship: DDP © vs. Alex Wright


American Males vs. Blue Bloods


Words can't describe how much I hate the American Males.


Cobra and Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker vs. Paul Orndorff and One Man Gang


Johnny B. Badd vs. Chris Kanyon


Johnny B. Badd was a much bigger star at this point.


Renegade vs. Dean Malenko

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WCW Saturday Night

Saturday, October Week 3, 1995

Taped at Disney MGM Studios in Orlando, Florida

Attendance: 1,000 (Sellout!)


WCW Saturday Night gets underway with a video recapping the main event of Monday’s Nitro. Hulk Hogan and Arn Anderson had a huge match, but things went crazy after Ric Flair tried to interfere on his friend’s behalf, only to have it turn around on him in the end, giving Hogan another victory. The real action took place after the match though as Sting stopped a beat down of Hogan by Lex Luger and Ric Flair. A four way staredown occurred after Sting and Hogan fought the duo off that ended Nitro and brings us to Saturday Night.




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/Renegade.jpg VS http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/DeanMalenko.jpg


The Renegade vs. Dean Malenko


The Renegade comes into all his matches like a house of fire, and the former Television Champion didn’t do anything differently in this one. Dean Malenko is known for his ice-like mentality in the ring though and let Renegade wear himself down as he started chopping away at his legs to slow him down. It looked like Renegade was going to finish Malenko off as he had him up on his shoulders, but Malenko rolled forward with a victory roll to get the quick three count.


Winner: Dean Malenko

Time: 9:51

Rating: C+




After the match Dean Malenko had his hand held high in the air, but all of a sudden he was attacked from behind. It turned out to be The Taskmaster who was looking as furious ever. He laid the boots to Malenko for a few seconds before getting on the microphone.


The Taskmaster

You all thought you’d seen the last of me didn’t you? Well you are all wrong. Not only are you going to see me leading my Giant into battle week in and week out, I’m also not giving up on terrorizing the talent around here. Everybody will know and fear the name of The Taskmaster!




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/MarcusBagwell.jpghttp://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/ScottyRiggs.jpg VS http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/StevenRegal.jpghttp://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/BobbyEaton.jpg


The American Males vs. The Blue Bloods


These two teams are no strangers to one another, and it was very easy to see who the fans were behind in this one. The Blue Bloods were putting a beating on the Males, to which the fans got behind Bagwell and Riggs with loud USA chants. This only seemed to anger Regal and Eaton, and they turned up the pace. This backfired on them though as Riggs was able to turn the tide by making the hot tag to Bagwell. Marcus came in and cleaned house, but he was abruptly stopped in his tracks as he was hit in the face by William Regal, and it appeared that he had brass knuckles on his left hand. He quickly put them away as Robert Eaton fell on top of Bagwell, who was out cold for the very dirty victory.


Winners: The Blue Bloods

Time: 10:49

Rating: C+




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/MarcMero.jpg VS http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/ChrisKanyon.jpg


Johnny B. Badd vs. Chris Kanyon


Badd has been on a bad streak as of late, but he was given a chance to turn things around here against the unproven Chris Kanyon. Things weren’t as easy as he thought though as Kanyon unloaded several innovative offensive moves on Badd. Kanyon was never able to string anything together though and Johnny took control of the match. He sent the fans to their feet as he hit the Badd Day to get his first win in awhile.


Winner: Johnny B. Badd

Time: 6:40

Rating: D+




A video plays on the screen recapping Lex Luger’s appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. A graphic is then shown hyping the fact that Luger will challenge Hulk Hogan for the World Heavyweight Championship at Halloween Havoc in just over a week.




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/BuddyLeeParker.jpghttp://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/Cobra.jpg VS http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/PaulOrndorff.jpghttp://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/OneManGang.jpg


Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker and Cobra vs. Paul Orndorff and One Man Gang


Parker and Cobra are military men who are tough as nails, but their military training didn’t teach them to deal with anyone as big as One Man Gang or as cunning as Mr. Wonderful. Parker and Cobra’s strategy didn’t work as the Gang ran them over like a steamroller, then he tagged in Mr. Wonderful, who spiked Parker with a piledriver and picked up a dominating victory for this promising team.


Winners: Paul Orndorff and One Man Gang

Time: 4:08

Rating: D




After the match Orndorff and the Gang congratulated each other on yet another victory, then turned their attention to Cobra and Parker, who were starting to stir up to their feet. This set the winning duo off, and they quickly jumped the losers and continued the beatdown. Orndorff laid both men down next to each other, and the Gang went up to the middle rope and came off with the 747 Splash across the chest of both men as the fans booed this horrible sportsmanship very loudly.




Alex Wright and Diamond Dallas Page each made their way down to the ring for their Television Championship matchup as the main event of this edition of Saturday Night. Just as the referee is ready to start the match though he is interrupted by the voice of Eric Bischoff, who begins to address the crowd, and more specifically the Television Champion.


Eric Bischoff

I hate to come out here an delay this great championship match, but I’ll just be a second. I was given a message by the Championship Committee Mr. Page. They seem to think that you have been overstepping your boundaries when it comes to Eddy Guerrero. They felt that you had the integrity to choose who he faced to earn a Television Title match, but they were wrong. That’s why they’ve decided to give Guerrero a chance to earn a title match this Monday on Nitro. And his opponent in that match will be you Page!






http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/DDP.jpg VS http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/AlexWright.jpg


WCW Television Championship Match

Diamond Dallas Page © w/ Diamond Doll vs. Alex Wright


DDP looked very upset by the fact that he was going to have to go into Nitro and face Eddy Guerrero again, this time with a title shot at the pay-per-view up for grabs. Page took his frustrations out on the young German, and it looked like it was going to be a short title defense. Page kept pounding away on Wright, even after the referee told him to stop it. He was almost DQ’d several times, but he was able to get his head on straight and continue the match. The fans shot to their feet when Page went for the Diamond Cutter, but Wright got out and rolled Page up for a long two count. Wright then headed up top and nailed a Missile Dropkick, but again only got a two count. Wright then signaled for the end and went for his German Suplex, but Page was lightning quick as he grabbed the challenger around the head and dropped him where he stood with a devastating Diamond Cutter. The title defense came to an end with the count of three.


Winner and Still Television Champion: Diamond Dallas Page

Time: 12:27

Rating: C



Final Rating: C

TV Rating: 0.40 (Down from last week)

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This week's Monday Nitro promises to provide some big action in the last episode before the month's big pay-per-view, Halloween Havoc. With the card for the event mostly set in stone, you can bet the competitors in the events matches will be working to get momentum heading into the pay-per-view. The biggest example of this is Nitro's main event. The match features the four men in the two biggest matches on the Halloween Havoc card as Hulk Hogan and Sting will team to take on Lex Luger and Ric Flair. All four men are heading into enormous matchups at the pay-per-view, and each man is looking for anything that will give him an advantage just six days away from the two big title matches.


Another big match set for Halloween Havoc features Randy Savage facing off with the seemingly unstoppable Giant, who is lead into action by the newly refocused Taskmaster. Tonight on Nitro The Taskmaster gets a chance to take a piece out of Savage as the two will be facing off before the Savage-Giant showdown at the pay-per-view. To make things even WCW officials have placed The Giant in a match as well as he will be facing the always tough Hacksaw Jim Duggan.


The other big match that is featured on Nitro this evening will decide if Eddy Guerrero gets his Television Championship shot at Halloween Havoc. Guerrero has been trying to earn this shot for weeks, but the Television Champion Diamond Dallas Page was there to spoil things for Guerrero every week. The championship committee had seen enough of this though and is giving Guerrero an even oppertunity to earn a shot against Page at the pay-per-view, all he has to do is beat Page tonight, and he gets to face him again on Sunday. Can Guerrero beat the champion tonight, or will Page have the night off on Sunday?


Another match that is occurring at Halloween Havoc will feature Steve Austin against former friend Brian Pillman. Pillman will be in action against Chris Benoit, who has a big tag match of his own at the pay-per-view with his partner Road Warrior Hawk against Shark and Meng. Benoit is looking to prove that Hawk made the right choice for a partner by picking him, and Pillman is looking to show Steve Austin that he will be in serious trouble on Sunday. You can bet Austin will have his not so secret opinions heard as well.



Quick Picks


Hulk Hogan and Sting vs. Lex Luger and Ric Flair

Randy Savage vs. The Taskmaster

If Guerrero Wins He Gets a TV Title Shot: Eddy Guerrero vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Jim Duggan vs. The Giant

Chris Benoit vs. Brian Pillman

Marcus Bagwell vs. Earl Robert Eaton

The Nasty Boys vs. Paul Orndorff and One Man Gang


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Hulk Hogan and Sting vs. Lex Luger and Ric Flair

Sting taking the fall, I'm sure.


Randy Savage vs. The Taskmaster

If for nothing else, by DQ when Giant attacks.


If Guerrero Wins He Gets a TV Title Shot: Eddy Guerrero vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Television champion Eddy Guerrero has a good sound to it.


Jim Duggan vs. The Giant

Might as well serve Duggan up for dinner, cause this is gonna be squash.


Chris Benoit vs. Brian Pillman

Should be a damn fine match, Pillman has more happening with the Austin feud.


Marcus Bagwell vs. Earl Robert Eaton

Because Buff can suck stuff.


The Nasty Boys vs. Paul Orndorff and One Man Gang

I refuse to go for the Nastys.

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Hulk Hogan and Sting vs. Lex Luger and Ric Flair

they need it

Randy Savage vs. The Taskmaster

Self Explanatory

If Guerrero Wins He Gets a TV Title Shot: Eddy Guerrero vs. Diamond Dallas Page

this will be the royal ass whoopin, of diamond dallas page!

Jim Duggan vs. The Giant

Chris Benoit vs. Brian Pillman

Marcus Bagwell vs. Earl Robert Eaton

The Nasty Boys vs.The Wonderful Gang

Yeah they are that to me! lol

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Hulk Hogan and Sting vs. Lex Luger and Ric Flair

Could go either way but I doubt that Luger could beat Hogan when it counts so might as well give him a win here.

Randy Savage vs. The Taskmaster

I just don´t see Taskmaster being on the same level.


If Guerrero Wins He Gets a TV Title Shot: Eddy Guerrero vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Guerro gets the title shot.


Jim Duggan vs. The Giant

Giant continues to dominate.

Chris Benoit vs. Brian Pillman

Could go either way but I go with guy who I know better.


Marcus Bagwell vs. Earl Robert Eaton

I still see American Males as mostly jobbers though if you want to give them win over Blue Bloods then this is the match where it´s most likely will happen.


The Nasty Boys vs. Paul Orndorff and One Man Gang

This one is more about personal preference but I justify it by claiming that Orndoff and Gang need it more in order t oestablish themselfs.

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Hulk Hogan and Sting vs. Lex Luger and Ric Flair

Randy Savage vs. The Taskmaster

If Guerrero Wins He Gets a TV Title Shot: Eddy Guerrero vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Jim Duggan vs. The Giant

Chris Benoit vs. Brian Pillman

Marcus Bagwell vs. Earl Robert Eaton

The Nasty Boys vs. Paul Orndorff and One Man Gang

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Hulk Hogan and Sting vs. Lex Luger and Ric Flair


Randy Savage vs. The Taskmaster


If Guerrero Wins He Gets a TV Title Shot: Eddy Guerrero vs. Diamond Dallas Page


Jim Duggan vs. The Giant


Chris Benoit vs. Brian Pillman


Well I was never a fan of either of these two but at least Pillman was only a junkie.


Marcus Bagwell vs. Earl Robert Eaton



The Nasty Boys vs. Paul Orndorff and One Man Gang

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Hulk Hogan and Sting vs. Lex Luger and Ric Flair


Randy Savage vs. The Taskmaster


If Guerrero Wins He Gets a TV Title Shot: Eddy Guerrero vs. Diamond Dallas Page


Jim Duggan vs. The Giant


Chris Benoit vs. Brian Pillman

- Funny, they're the tag team representing the Horsemen in my 1996 game.


Marcus Bagwell vs. Earl Robert Eaton


The Nasty Boys vs. Paul Orndorff and One Man Gang

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WCW Monday Nitro

Monday, October Week 4, 1995

Live from the New Haven Coliseum in New Haven, Connecticut

Attendance: 10,000 (Sellout!)


WCW Monday Nitro starts out with Ric Flair and Lex Luger already in the ring, and the fans are booing them out of the building in the opening moments of tonight’s final Nitro before Halloween Havoc this Sunday. As can be expected, Ric Flair is ready to get in some final words before tonight’s big tag team match with Luger and himself teaming up against the World Champion and the United States Champion, Hulk Hogan and Sting.


Ric Flair

I can’t say how truly horrible it is to be here in the worst part of the country. I hate the northeast with a passion. Lots of people like to claim that they live in Flair country. I wouldn’t have this be Flair country if every other place on Earth had fallen clean off the planet itself. It’s not like any of you are worthy to see me in action tonight, but it’s your lucky day because just days before I become the new United States Champion I’m going to be teaming here with Lex Luger to take on those two phonies, Hulk Hogan and Sting. Lex, I wish you luck this Sunday, but just know, whoever wins this match is going to face the wrath of The Nature Boy full force. After I take the United States Championship from Sting at Halloween Havoc, the man is coming after the World Heavyweight Championship….


With those words Flair was cut off by the music of Sting, and the United States Champion and the World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan walked out side by side. Sting had a microphone in his hand and had something to say to Flair.



You sound pretty confident there Natch. I’m still not buying that you are the best WCW has to offer. I think you’ll get a pretty good preview of what I’m talking about when Hulk and I beat the snot out of you and that traitor standing next to you. Lex, I vouched for you buddy, and you made me look like an idiot. Tonight, you’ll be the one looking like an idiot when the Hulkster and the Stinger show you both where the power lies in WCW!




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/BrianKnobbs.jpghttp://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/JerrySags.jpg VS http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/PaulOrndorff.jpghttp://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/OneManGang.jpg


The Nasty Boys vs. Paul Orndorff and One Man Gang


Both of these teams have been on a roll lately, and many people have been impressed with the resurgence of both Paul Orndorff and One Man Gang. This clash between these two teams didn’t feature any semblance of technical skill, but it did see four men trying to bash each other’s brains out. Things looked like they might be over after the Gang hit a 747 Splash on Jerry Sags, but Knobbs was able to break it up. Orndorff then came into the match and tried taking it straight to the team that will challenge Harlem Heat at Halloween Havoc, but the Nasty Boys overpowered him, then gave him a free Trip to Nastyville to get the victory heading into their title match at the pay-per-view.


Winners: The Nasty Boys

Time: 10:22

Rating: C+




The Giant and The Taskmaster make their way out to the ring for The Giant’s upcoming match against Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Many people shouted insults at The Giant, but as he walked up closer to them and stared down at them, the insults magically stopped. The Giant grinned at the intimidation factor he held over everybody he faced, then stood by his manager as he addressed the crowd.


The Taskmaster

Hacksaw Jim Duggan! Tonight you are just a short term problem that my Giant is going to squash like a fly. Anybody who thinks that you have a chance tonight should get their heads checked out. But Macho Man Randy Savage on the other hand, he could prove to be a little trickier. But you all know The Taskmaster comes into battle two steps ahead of his opponent, and that’s why tonight I’m going to be taking a chunk out of Macho Man before he can ever make it to Halloween Havoc. The Giant will dominate him anyways, but I’ll make sure he’s just there to pick the bones that I leave after tonight.




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/JimDuggan.jpg VS http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/TheGiant.jpg


Jim Duggan vs. The Giant w/ The Taskmaster


Jim Duggan started the match going straight to the Three Point Stance, a move that has ran over a number of competitors in WCW. The Giant lowered his shoulder though and sent Duggan flying backwards as The Taskmaster laughed very loud at ringside. The Giant began to choke the life out of Duggan for several minutes, almost getting DQ’d numerous times. When it looked like Duggan had nothing left to fight with, The Giant grabbed him by the throat and planted him with the Chokeslam to get yet another victory.


Winner: The Giant

Time: 5:26

Rating: C+




Brian Pillman heads out to the ring for his match with Chris Benoit, but he has some final words to say about his upcoming battle with former friend Steve Austin that will take place Sunday at Halloween Havoc.


Brian Pillman

Austin, the way you remember things is way different then the way I remember things. I always remember everybody saying that you were a breakout star waiting to happen. I kept putting in my work and playing second fiddle to Stunning Steve for months. I remember things as you thinking you were too good for me and leaving. You got fired, and I’d have to say you had it coming. Why would I have your back when you never did anything to have mine? You better be careful what you wish for at Halloween Havoc, because Brian Pillman is capable of far more than you could ever dream of.




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/ChrisBenoit.jpg VS http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/BrianPillman.jpg


Chris Benoit w/ Road Warrior Hawk vs. Brian Pillman


Benoit was accompanied by the man who will team with him at Halloween Havoc to face Shark and Meng, but Hawk didn’t do anything to help his partner, he wanted to see how he handled things on his own. The match itself was fought at a frantic pace. It was clear that Pillman could only keep up with brutality of Benoit for so long, and he got in a cheap shot to slow things down. Pillman stayed in control for several minutes as he tried to keep Benoit grounded. He could only do this for so long though, and as Hawk urged his teammate on Benoit fought back. He hit Pillman with a beautiful German Suplex, then went up for his Flying Headbutt. He flew off the top rope, but Pillman moved out of the way, causing Benoit to crash and burn. Pillman then headed up top for his own move, and connected with Air Pillman to get himself the three count.


Winner: Brian Pillman

Time: 11:27

Rating: B-




After the match Pillman is in the ring celebrating, when all of a sudden the crowd pops very loudly. The camera angle changes, and it is revealed that Steve Austin is standing in the ring right behind Pillman. Pillman turns around to be met with a kick in the gut and is given a Stunner by Austin. After Austin sends this message he grabs a microphone from ringside to answer what Pillman said about him earlier.


Steve Austin

Pillman, I could care less anymore who did what to who. I’m back in WCW, and I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to beat asses. And Pillman, I’ve picked yours to beat the first one I beat in my return. At Halloween Havoc you are stepping into the ring with one of the most focused wrestlers this place has ever seen. WCW said that I would never make it as a professional wrestling, well, I’m here to show them that when it’s all said and done I’m going to be the greatest professional wrestler to ever live!




When Nitro comes back from commercial the music of Eddy Guerrero plays, and the fans who it’s time for Guerrero to try to earn his Television Championship match against Diamond Dallas Page at Halloween Havoc. Before the match begins though Guerrero has something to say about the trials Page has put him through in recent weeks.


Eddy Guerrero

Week in and week out I’ve been proving that I belong here in WCW. I wasn’t able to beat Ric Flair last month at Fall Brawl, but I’m very proud of the performance I gave. Things were looking up for Eddy Guerrero here in WCW, then I ran into Diamond Dallas Page. Page knows that he can’t beat me one on one. He already had to cheat to keep me from winning his Television Championship, and now he’s done every dirty thing possible to keep me from facing him again. Well esse, tonight you have to face me one-on-one, and after I beat you fair and square, then I’m coming after your title this Sunday.




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/EddieGuerrero.jpg VS http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/DDP.jpg


If Guerrero Wins He Gets a Television Championship Match

Eddy Guerrero vs. Diamond Dallas Page w/ Diamond Doll


Guerrero stalked Page around the ring at the beginning of the match, and the Television Champion did everything in his power to stay away from Eddy at all costs. He even used Diamond Doll as a shield as Guerrero chased him to the outside. Eventually Page caught Guerrero off guard and opened up his offense and tried to get a quick pinfall on Eddy. Guerrero wasn’t having any of it though and used his immense skill to fight back against Page and regain control of the action, and things were looking good for him to earn a title match this Sunday. Page wasn’t too happy about how things were going and thought about bashing Guerrero with the title belt again, but knew that would give Guerrero a title shot automatically. Page changed his mind and set the title down, and as he turned to pick up Guerrero he was brought down to the mat in a lightning quick move and rolled up for the three count.


Winner: Eddy Guerrero

Time: 11:44

Rating: B-




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/MarcusBagwell.jpg VS http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/BobbyEaton.jpg


Marcus Bagwell w/ Scotty Riggs vs. Earl Robert Eaton w/ Lord Steven Regal


It was announced that these two teams will meet in a match at Halloween Havoc during this match, but tonight two members of the teams met in singles action. The action was very back and forth, it didn’t look like either man really had control of the match for any extended period of time. Both men tried big moves, only to have them turned around on them. The finish came when Lord Regal got on the apron, but Scotty Riggs sprinted around and pulled him off. This distraction gave Bagwell time to hook Eaton with a Fisherman’s Suplex and got the three count.


Winner: Marcus Bagwell

Time: 7:17

Rating: C-




The camera goes backstage where Randy Savage is standing by before his big tune up match for Halloween Havoc against The Taskmaster.


Randy Savage

Oooh yeah, Taskmaster, you say you are the cause of nightmares all around the world. Well tonight, yeah, you are in for a nightmare of your own! You think you are doing The Giant a favor by stepping in the ring with me tonight, but no no no, tonight will just show The Giant that Macho Man Randy Savage cannot be beaten! I’m going to be watching your man as I drop the elbow straight through your black heart, then at Halloween Havoc I’ll chop down the redwood! YEAH!




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/RandySavage.jpg VS http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/KevinSullivan.jpg


Randy Savage vs. The Taskmaster w/ The Giant


The Taskmaster looked very confident as he came down to the ring with his client standing tall behind him. As he fought the match he would frequently escape the ring and talk strategy with The Giant. Taskmaster tried causing damage to Savage, but Macho Man was able to escape fairly easily several times. Macho started hammering away on Taskmaster, and after a short time of taking quite a beating he looked like he had enough. Taskmaster quickly distracted the referee by going out and grabbing a chair, which allowed The Giant to get into the ring. As the referee went to ringside to put the chair away The Giant charged at Savage, who moved at the last minute, and The Giant pummeled straight into Taskmaster, who had just gotten back in the ring. Savage used Giant’s momentum to help him out of the ring, then he quickly leaped up top and nailed his Flying Elbow on Taskmaster to get the victory.


Winner: Randy Savage

Time: 10:34

Rating: B




Before the night’s big main event, a video plays showing the current feud over the World Heavyweight Championship between Hulk Hogan and Lex Luger. The two have taken shots at each other over the past month, but come Sunday night we will all find out who really is the best athlete in WCW.




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/HulkHogan.jpghttp://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/Sting.jpg VS http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/RicFlair.jpghttp://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/LexLuger.jpg


Hulk Hogan and Sting vs. Ric Flair and Lex Luger


This match featured tons of star power, and the fans were on the edge of their seats the entire time. They kept wanting to see Hogan and Luger face off, but Luger made sure it didn’t happen for quite some time as he worked to keep Sting isolated from Hogan. It worked for awhile, but Sting eventually got to the World Heavyweight Champion, and Luger quickly tagged out to Flair. Hogan and Flair had a battle between two of the biggest names in the history of pro wrestling, but it was a stalemate as the two men went back and forth for several minutes. Eventually Sting got back in and went to town on Flair, hitting several Stinger Splashes. Flair staggered to his corner and tagged in Luger, who Sting also put down on the mat. Hogan then begged for a tag and got in, and it was time for him to get his hands on Lex Luger.


Hogan took out his frustrations with Luger as he started pounding away on him, with no signs of slowing down. This brought Flair into the ring, and the match quickly broke down with all four men in the ring battling. The referee tried to separate the four men, but it was to no avail, and he eventually called for the bell. This didn’t stop the brawl though as Nitro went off the air with Hogan and Luger matched off, and Sting and Flair matched off, none of the four men backing down at all.


Match Ended with Double DQ

Time: 13:02

Rating: B+



Final Rating: B-

TV Rating: 5.91 (Up from last week, beat WWF Raw, 1 week streak)

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WCW Saturday Night begins it's new hour long era this Saturday Night from Disney MGM Studios in sunny Orlando, Florida. Tonight's card, which is the last WCW event before Halloween Havoc features four bouts that are sure to give the fans a taste of the great action that will come the next night at the pay-per-view.


The main event of the evening is a rematch from Fall Brawl as Jim Duggan will do battle with Big Bubba Rogers. Duggan came out with the win in that match, but both men have stalled since then. They both looks to get their careers rolling again with this match. Other action features Dean Malenko facing V.K. Wallstreet, and The Renegade against Scott Norton. The match with the biggest impact on Halloween Havoc features a team that will be in action on Sunday night as The American Males face former WCW Tag Team Champions, Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater.


Quick Picks


Jim Duggan vs. Big Bubba Rogers

Dean Malenko vs. VK Wallstreet

American Males vs. Buck and Slater

The Renegade vs. Scott Norton

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Jim Duggan vs. Big Bubba Rogers

Coin flip


Dean Malenko vs. VK Wallstreet

Malenko has been doing slighly more.


American Males vs. Buck and Slater

Males are the ones who have match in PPV so guess they pick up a win here.


The Renegade vs. Scott Norton

Renegade has been getting more TV time even though he usually is on the losing side.

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Jim Duggan vs. Big Bubba Rogers


I am going with the Bossman! Both have seen better days though.


Dean Malenko vs. VK Wallstreet


Malenko is the man! The man of 1,000 holes and one Wallstreet won't get out of... the Texas Cloverleaf!


American Males vs. Buck and Slater


Buff and Scotty are young guys who could have a great career while Buck and Slater are way past their prime.


The Renegade vs. Scott Norton


I just like Scott Norton more. Norton is a brute while Renegade is a cheap Warrior rip off.

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Jim Duggan vs. Big Bubba Rogers

This is something we need more of 'round here; more Bubba Rogers.


Dean Malenko vs. VK Wallstreet

If Eddy and Benoit would turn heel, we could see a pretty nice Triple Threat-esque stable going. Just an idea...


American Males vs. Buck and Slater

Meh, Buck and Slater are kinda on the downturn of their careers, so this should be a nice win for the Males.


The Renegade vs. Scott Norton

Norton likely only doesn't see much on-air time because of his New Japan commitment, but with Saturday Night going full B show, I'm guessing we can see him start to gain a small push.

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WCW Saturday Night

Saturday, October Week 4, 1995

Taped at Disney MGM Studios in Orlando, Florida

Attendance: 1,000 (Sellout!)



http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/Renegade.jpg VS http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/ScottNorton.jpg


The Renegade vs. Scott Norton


This match featured two very powerful wrestlers, and the match went straight into a contest of who could knock the other man off his feet first. The Renegade ended up hitting a shoulder block that sent Norton down, then he followed up with a series of power move that got the crowd excited as Norton struggled to come back. He was finally able to start fighting back after he suckered Renegade in during a test of strength. He then finished things off with a move he calls the Flashbreaker, an inverted shoulder breaker out of a gutwrench.


Winner: Scott Norton

Time: 6:53

Rating: D+




A video plays showing the long rivalry between Sting and Ric Flair. These two men have done battle numerous times over the years, and tonight promises to be one of the most heated battles they have ever had. The World Title might not be involved in this feud between the rivals, but the United States Championship is, and possibly more importantly, it will likely elevate the winner back to the top of WCW.




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/MarcusBagwell.jpghttp://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/ScottyRiggs.jpg VS http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/JimmyGolden.jpghttp://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/DickSlater.jpg


The American Males vs. Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater w/ Col. Robert Parker


This is a rematch from over a month ago where The American Males won the Tag Team Titles from Buck and Slater, only to lose them to Harlem Heat weeks later. Bagwell and Riggs came out like a house of fire and went straight at the former champions, and they dominated action as they worked towards their pay-per-view match tomorrow against The Blue Bloods. Colonel Parker shouted at ringside, but his men never could get anything going, and Bagwell was able to hit the Blockbuster to get his team the victory.


Winners: The American Males

Time: 6:32

Rating: C




A video plays showing the current feud between The Giant and Randy Savage. The Giant has attacked Savage on many occasions, and tomorrow night at Halloween Havoc the Macho Man will try to get revenge on the completely dominant Giant and his manager The Taskmaster.




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/DeanMalenko.jpg VS http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/IRS.jpg


Dean Malenko vs. VK Wallstreet


Dean Malenko has been showing great ability in the last couple of weeks here in WCW, and he looked to continue this streak against the always dangerous VK Wallstreet. Wallstreet had the size advantage, and tried to use it to his advantage, but Malenko knew how to get out of just about any hold Wallstreet would throw at him. Malenko wowed the crowd with a powerbomb, and he hooked it straight into his Texas Cloverleaf, but Wallstreet was able to reach the ropes. Malenko forced Wallsteet back up and charged at him, but VK was waiting and caught him with the Stock Market Crash to get a huge victory.


Winner: VK Wallstreet

Time: 11:50

Rating: C+




The last preview video for Halloween Havoc plays showing the past month of action that will lead to the main event of tomorrow night’s event, a match for the World Heavyweight Championship between Hulk Hogan and Lex Luger. Luger has a huge amount of momentum behind him, including an appearance on national television. Hulk Hogan is one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all-time though. Only one thing is for sure in this match, it’s going to be a monumental battle over the richest prize in all of professional wrestling.




http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/JimDuggan.jpg VS http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y296/shaynes23/WCW/RayTraylor.jpg


Jim Duggan vs. Big Bubba Rogers


This match is a rematch of a match at last month’s pay-per-view, Fall Brawl. After Jim Duggan came away with that victory neither man has found much success at all. Both are looking to get back on track with a victory the night before Halloween Havoc. As expected this was a straight slugfest between two of the hardest hitters in professional wrestling. There weren’t any wrestling holds at all in this one, instead the two men slugged back and forth as the fans booed every hit by Rogers and chanted USA at Hacksaw. Duggan staggered Rogers, then charged with the Three Point Stance, which Rogers was ready for and he turned it into a Sidewalk Slam to get the pinfalll over Duggan.


Winner: Big Bubba Rogers

Time: 10:20

Rating: C+



Final Rating: B-

TV Rating: 0.44 (Up from last week)

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WCW Halloween Havoc brings you one of the most anticipated main events in quite some time as World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan will put his title up for grabs against challenger Lex Luger. Luger came back to WCW and has been picking up steam each and every week as he heads into the title match. Many argue that Hogan is growing tired as he has defended his title belt against all comers for almost a year and a half, and that Lex Luger has developed into the best professional wrestler in the world today. Luger has been digging at Hogan for a month now, will Hulkamania be able to stop the runaway train that is Lex Luger, or will the Total Package be the World Heavyweight Champion by the end of the night?


The United States Championship is also going to be up for grabs at Halloween Havoc, but the title is the least of the worries between Ric Flair and Sting, who have had a bitter rivalry going on for years in WCW. Flair claims that he is the king of WCW, and he is only going after Sting's United States Championship to use it as leverage for a World Title match, while Sting is out to show Flair that the fans are what makes WCW go around, not him. This promises to be an all-time classic, and the winner will surely get World Title consideration in the coming months.


Macho Man Randy Savage has battled some giant odds in his long career, but he's never done battle with anybody quite like the man he will face at Halloween Havoc, The Giant. The son of Andre has been a dominant force ever since he stepped foot in WCW a few months back, and under the tutelage of The Taskmaster he may be the most dangerous man to ever step foot in a WCW ring. Will Savage back up his claims and chop down the redwood, or will The Giant add another victim to his ever growing list?


The past month saw Brian Pillman be followed and have his matches interfered with by a fan who later turned out to be his former friend Steve Austin. Austin has returned to WCW with a vengeance, and during his quest to prove that he is much better than WCW originally thought, Pillman has been marked down as the first man in his way. These two former friends and tag team partners have a long history, and you can bet this great matchup will add another storied chapter to it.


Two other titles will be up for grabs at Halloween Havoc as the Television and Tag Team Championships will be contested. The Television Championship will be decided between Diamond Dallas Page and Eddy Guerrero. Page has put Guerrero through hell in recent weeks, can Guerrero get the ultimate payback by taking his title away? For the Tag Team Championships, the champions Harlem Heat will be lead to the ring by Sister Sherri to defend the titles against a team that has been on a very hot roll lately, The Nasty Boys. Will Sags and Knobbs earn another Tag Team Title reign, or are Booker T and Stevie Ray ready to turn back their challenge?


The remaining two matches on the Halloween Havoc card are two hotly debated tag team bouts. The hotter rivalry out of these two will see Road Warrior Hawk, and his new tag team partner Chris Benoit do battle with Shark and Meng. These monstrous two wrestlers have caused Benoit and Hawk matches, which the new duo hasn't taken to very lightly. The other match features the USA vs. the UK as the team of The American Males face The Blue Bloods. Will youth win out, or will the veterans who will do anything to win come out on top? Be sure to tune into Halloween Havoc to see history unfold before your eyes.


Quick Picks


World Heavyweight Championship: Hulk Hogan © vs. Lex Luger w/ Jimmy Hart

United States Championship: Sting © vs. Ric Flair

Television Championship: Diamond Dallas Page © w/ Diamond Doll vs. Eddy Guerrero

Tag Team Championship: Harlem Heat © w/ Sister Sherri vs. The Nasty Boys

Macho Man Randy Savage vs. The Giant w/ The Taskmaster

Steve Austin vs. Brian Pillman

Road Warrior Hawk and Chris Benoit vs. Shark and Meng

The American Males vs. The Blue Bloods

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