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Road to Glory Challenge

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Not at all. I can't imagine that you have any other option, in fact. Unless you can start your own promotion at the same level you left at, but depends on your booking rep.


were we supposed to start with high rep? i started with lowest... now i'm thinking that might be a major problem.. lol


nvm, just checked, it's supposed to be lowest.


i tried to hotshot my way to a small promotion after like 3 shows hoping i could get a head start but it certainly backfired.

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Pacific Northwest Wrestling is available, months later, but they're regional.... do i keep simming?


You can go up only one level from your last position. So, if it was Small, then you can go for it, but if you failed at Local, you can't apply.


I might have done something quite relevant to the current discussion in my diary game.




Hey! I am loving it. You're rivaling Rhudipoo for funniest diary ever. Can't wait to see the look on your face when your idea doesn't work though (due to your lowest booking rep).:D

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Decided to restart with the CV '77 database. I used the Rocky Mountain Wrestling promotion that normally opens up later in game and adjusted it so it was a 0/0/0/1000 promotion. I kept their product settings though.


Here are my starting stats:



Year 1 Update:

I'm now one year further and rolled a 14, which means my entertainment skills increase by 5. Rather useful as I use myself as colour commentator. My character climbed the rank from lower midcarder to main eventer in about 9 months. Increasing his popularity a bit by doing commentary helped doing that.


His stats in 1978:



His matches the past year:



His popularity:



Rocky Mountain Wrestling


Money: $610 (-$390)

Size: Local

Importance North West: 8 (+8)

Prestige: 2 (+2)

Momentum: 12 (+12)



(Ordered by popularity)


Main Event

Max The Axe (RMW World Champion)

Eric Thomas

Raymond Rose

Vaughn Reynolds


Upper Midcard

Prince Jafar

Xavier Easterthorp

Blaine Dunham

Dee Ray Morton

The Red Raider



Izzy Spanos

Norm Smith


Lower Midcard

Ricky Han

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This has really perked my interest. I have played TEW for ages but I think I'm gonna have to give this ago once I've moved house! Has anyone done diaries apart from the hilarious one...


Also, would having someone like DWN as the owner be considered angood approach to take?


That would be interesting. It wouldn't be nearly as bad as say KCWA--Keith's Championship Wrestling Association with either Matt or Greg as owner and the other having loyalty (don't think the brother dynamic would prevent him from leaving though Jeff didn't want a written deal from WWF in my game with Matt on the roster hmmm....). They both start cheap enough not to break you, and that's 2 guaranteed main eventers to build around. Plus, you could be the heel with them faces and be WCCW of old. Swoop (or J. Prudence) could be the Freebird leader. I'm going to stop now before I start that game.

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So yeah... Josh Jones is apparently meant to be THE franchise player of MHW. He gets the highest score of the night every time I book him. Hes auto-pushing to main event now. So I think im gonna have him take the title of my user character Christian Carmichael and give them a 4-match feud (its 4 matches every 6 months right? before the fans get all angry about repeat booking?)


Im closing in to the end of year 3... just finished my october event... just two more to go and then ill post his updated stats.


EDIT: Im pretty sure, for the first time in my guys career he just had the best match on the card

Getting a win over Josh Jones to retain the MHW Campeon Del Mundo Title. (52!!)


Edit 2: top 5:

2010: j. bloodstone, dan stone jr, jeremy stone, sean mcfly, steve decolt.

2011: jeremy stone, steve decolt, dan stone jr, bloodstone, mcfly.

2012: jeremy stone, dan stone jr, bloodstone, mcfly, steve decolt

^^^ Just now noticed that the top 5 never changes. Also RUNAWAY TRAIN scored higher than Cornell this year.





I decided to show you his progress from the year this time instead of just the stats.



Rolled a 21 so yay star quality boost... ill handle tat tomorrow tho.

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@Blake yeah his stats I believe start in the 80s in tech skills



Its really interesting to go through and look through at random stuff to see how the game develops.


The younger Vessey is the first man to hold all 3 MAW titles, having won the RCI in 09 and currently holding BOTH the tag team and MAW Heavyweight titles.


Fumihiro Ota has given himself the NYCW Heavyweight title for over a year.

The NYCW tag titles havnt been defended in about a year I think.

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OK made it through year one of BCG and hit Small on my 9th show. Went from 0 to 16 in 12 shows on the backs of Merle' O'Curle and Mr. Lucha III who both got picked up by GCG and skyrocket up to 60ish overness each in Kinki. On top of that they had great chemistry and I kept them for the 150 a month I had them at originally through all three of the first years tours.


So far my year mark I rolled


12 "Life of a Saint" You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to Technical


Is that 5 spread out among all three skills or all three technical skills get 5?

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OK made it through year one of BCG and hit Small on my 9th show. Went from 0 to 16 in 12 shows on the backs of Merle' O'Curle and Mr. Lucha III who both got picked up by GCG and skyrocket up to 60ish overness each in Kinki. On top of that they had great chemistry and I kept them for the 150 a month I had them at originally through all three of the first years tours.


So far my year mark I rolled


12 "Life of a Saint" You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to Technical


Is that 5 spread out among all three skills or all three technical skills get 5?


I've played it as 5 points spread between the three, but there's no official word yet.

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OK made it through year one of BCG and hit Small on my 9th show. Went from 0 to 16 in 12 shows on the backs of Merle' O'Curle and Mr. Lucha III who both got picked up by GCG and skyrocket up to 60ish overness each in Kinki. On top of that they had great chemistry and I kept them for the 150 a month I had them at originally through all three of the first years tours.


So far my year mark I rolled


12 "Life of a Saint" You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to Technical


Is that 5 spread out among all three skills or all three technical skills get 5?


I look at it as +5 to each of the skills.

That way it is not that different from 3) "Chance to Train"

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Can't stop laughing at my show's results.






So how long did it take you guyts to hit Low booking reputation?


Took me 1 year and 11 months to get to Average doing monthly shows. I found out that when you have low booking rep Regional feds won't accept your job application. Don't know how long it took me to get to low.

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Year 2 Update:

My second year in and I rolled a 6. Pretty neat, yet not that much of deal thinking long term. But it'll increase my small promotion's main event ratings. Things are going pretty slowly. My promotion grew to small and in november I achieved Average booking reputation. Tried to apply to a few regional feds for the booking job, but without success.


His stats in 1979, steadily improving:



His average match rating went up by 6 compared to last year.



His popularity increased quite a bit thanks to me rolling a 6.



Rocky Mountain Wrestling


Money: $75,869 (+$75,259)

Size: Small

Importance North West: 17 (+9)

Prestige: 12 (+10)

Momentum: 24 (+12)



(Ordered by popularity)


Main Event

Raymond Rose

Mitsugu the Wolf (RMW World Champion)

Max The Axe

Percy Devine


Upper Midcard

Rollins Redwood

Eric Thomas

Prince Jafar

Xavier Easterthorp



Vaughn Reynolds

Blaine Dunham

The Red Raider

Norm Smith

Raul Foster


Lower Midcard

Dee Ray Morton

Dukie Skinner

Ricky Han

Black Hat Bailey



Udo Maslowski

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Nice work trypio. Not done with year two yet mostly because I just hit regional after my second tour with BCG and had to do some new hiring, Been keeping the roster close to the minimum, although now I'm gonna start some tag team wrestling. Went from 0 overness to 31 overness (29 importance) in 5 tours (2o shows) Mr. Lucha III's main evented every show of 2011 since I lost Merlre O'Curle (too small) and has an average match rating of 70 with his highest match being 75 including a short stint with CZCW, his work for OLLIE and a few tours with GCG his average match rating is 65 with them his best match being a losing end of a six man tag rating a 90. Raking in the dough now but it''l be two or three years before I can start thinking about the jump to cult.
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Just finished my third year, and I'm just short of Regional with my fed (28 importance in Mid South). My plan is to jump to a Cult fed if possible, as I'm horrible at judging the jump to Cult with my own fed. A good year for my user character with 13 wins and 5 losses, with an average rating of 53 and a best of 69. (Up from 42 and 60 last year). Here's my stats as of W4 December 12: http://www.uploadscreenshot.com/image/481595/9392420


So... time for my end of year roll! I got a 13. Which is "Top Rope Hero". Not bad, I could do with improving my top row. They're letting me down a bit atm.

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Started this, the most fun I've had with TEW since ever - I always need a reason to book shows, and I always burn myself out with diaries so this is a nice substitute. Reopened TWL in Texas, here's the roster as of April 2010 - slightly limited due to the draconian owner rule that all wrestlers must have both D- Pyschology and Athletiscm. On a 1k budget?!?!


Main Event

Ant-Man (F) (WHC)

Dagger (H)

Dermott Ayres (H)

Nigel Svensson (H)


Upper Midcard

Alistair Banghead (Shufflebottom, with a Metalhead gimmick... geddit?) (F)

Mario Da Silva (H)

Stretch the Chicken Boy (H)

Syd Collier (H)



Chris Flynn (F)

Kenwyne Ryans (My user character) (F)

Mark Smart (F)


Lower Midcard

Amazing Fire Fly (F)


Not too shabby imo, turns out E-/E shows atm. My most expensive worker costs me (Travel costs included) just over $400.


EDIT: Aha, and now I am EXODUS 2010 head booker. My character shall become a work rate monkey, then.

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Made it through year two and rolled the making movies which brings my SQ up to a whopping 84.7 and rising. Skills are growing and next tour I'm teaming myself with KC Glenn so I think that'll really help my skills grow.


WLW went national and that kinda sucks for me. I lost Kaii Hanari and Mr. Lucha III to them mid tour. I lost Extraordinario Jr as well and ditched Stone Yoshikawa who ekpts asking for damn title runs while already holding my major title. Picked up Shingen Miyazaki and The Tic.


Wome's division is going well led by Megumi Nakajima, Joanne Rodriguez, HEART Saitoh and Chiyeko Kita. Saitoh was a recent addition as Stephanie Hazel (Principessa) retired in the middle of my last tour.


Winning constant regional battlles and just moved up from the 300 seat arenas to selling out the 1000 seat arenas still running small shows. I think I'll move up to medium shows this tour and start actually using weekly touring shows instead of just limiting my self to 12 shows a year (4 shows per 2 month tour). I'm thinking a best of seven series between Shingen Miyazaki and Bulldozer Brandon Smith to highlight my first big tour.


Edit: I lost Singen Miyazaki to BHOTWG but I picked up KAZ. But here is the real dilemma, I know the point it to star in a major Promotion but I'm digging BCG, however on the first day of my first 2012 tour Peter Michaels lose the book at a cult SWF and I'm in a regional BCG at Above Average booking rep, should I make the jump (if I can)

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