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Road to Glory Challenge

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Well, The Templar just entered his second year, and the random roll got me the 15 minutes of fame perk, which is helpful. What I got last year? Not so much. Kammy Ling isn't exactly the greatest person to have a loyalty bonus on.
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Skipping a month is almost a necessity with owner goals turned on though because no matter how good you are, you're guaranteed to hit negative after the first show but before you hit the end of the month. Even running it on the last day of the month doesn't work (I've learned this from hitting Global on the last day of the month. Guess what? I got charged the expenses for Global for the now-previous month).


As for a WWE-type product to succeed, OF COURSE you have to go heavy on what sponsors want because that's the only way you make MONEY. However, I wouldn't suggest a pop>performance fed as either it will be full of F's or you go broke hiring popular-ish wrestlers. Really wanted to run a performance>pop fed, but very is better than quite. And considering I was fully set to make almost $1000/month until my merchandise and miscellaneous money dried up mysteriously, I'm doing pretty well with my low D- cards at an equal fed.


Seriously annoyed though that the money dried up considering both industry and economy are in the 90's and going up.


Also, from what I'm experiencing, stamina is the easiest to gain with performance skills, excluding psych, right behind. Of course that might be due to nobody in my fed outside of Corino having a 60 psych. Next time I might start closer to what trypio did except without the menace and stamina to 25-30 and taking the mic skills down to 35 to bump the top row up to at least 15 across the board (minus puro and hardcore). I find myself gaining points in entertainment skills, stiffness, and intensity without ever trying too.

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Here's the thing:




You can't do certain things and follow the rest of the rules.


Being sponsorship unfriendly is detrimental, if not outright impossible. SO BE SPONSORSHIP FRIENDLY.


I understand if you're trying to see how hard you can make this; sure, go with hardcore cult madness. But this type of playthrough requires a specific mindset; namely, MAKE MONEY. That's why I suggest an owner that will allow you to change the product.


Start as a promotion that gets at least 4k in sponsorship (spoilers: mine should get ~5k). Play around until you hit small, then start tweaking the product where you want. Or when you have a nest egg. Whatever.


The beginning fo the game does not matter. At all. I'm ridiculously popular heavy. NO ONE ON MY ROSTER WILL HAVE MORE THAN 1 POPULARITY IN MY HOME REGION. If I was any size but...hell, I might be able to pull this off at 5 popularity, max. Any higher, my lack of popularity would kill me. But I know that pretty much anything will work at this size, so why not get the money now?


Sure, maybe I'll pull a 15 (ha) instead of a...30, let's say. And? I'll take the money and smaller growth over the thirty every time. Period.

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Yes but who wants to be forced to play a performance fed as a 0/0/0/0 or even 0/0/0/1000. So to allow those of us who want to try something other than being baby WWE we have to work with the system a little.


I understand. I guess my mindset is a bit different. I'm basically just using this fed for the sole purpose of a starting ground for the User Character. Once I build him up a little bit I'm going to change to a larger federation and try to keep working my way up. My focus is on the user character as opposed to the fed, so my only real concern right now is making money and getting his stats built up.


Strangely enough, though... In the first year his psychology hasn't gone up a single point.... :(

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Forgot to turn off BCG's extreme drug policy and went brankrupt so had to start again. With different owners goals my roster changed a tad.


User character stats




And here is my starting roster


Main event


Oda Yakuta

Spirit Of The Lizard

Spirit Of The Shark

Tsurayuki Kamachi


Upper Midcarder


El Diamante Azul

Japanese Phoenix

Lion Genji

Shiba Mizoguchi

Yuki Horigoshi




Kaii Hanari

The Big Problem


Lower Midcarder


Simon Munoz (User Character)


Women's Division


Amber Allen

Chiyeko Kita

Emma Bitch

Ginko Kuroda


Main title will be BCG Black Tiger Championship and The Women's title will be BCG Black Tigress Championship.


Touring Months


Mar-Apr - The first tour will be The Tiger's Roar tour



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Just got Superior Wrestling! (borrowed the fed from IER's Effin-verse though I totally changed it) to SMALL!!!!!!!!!!! *plays hallajuah chorus* My, my, my how the money rolls in at Small. Cleared $15,000 (no, not a misprint 15 large) that month.


Now, I can bring in some talented wrestlers and run a real freaking fed (Edge, Christian, and the Hardys are names but no psychology sadly). No more one hour shows with 7 people plus my UC!!!! Sadly, my angles will still bomb, but they won't bomb as much! Plus, how long can I resist the urge to not sign both members of the Rock N Roll Express (solid 65 psych but lousy top-row skills)? And I did it all in less than a year (with one month off). *pats self on back ouch hurts sore ribs from laughing at Eidenhoek's RTG diary* Can't wait to see what bonus I hit as sadly there's an unemployed Mexican wrestler I want who won't expand to the US, and I can always use the skill boost. And of course, there's the guaranteed race to Cult to watch between WCW and WWF/E. The only bad thing is that the two tiny networks in the US in the mod are in the Great Lakes and South East, not in the Mid South.

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Sorry to bring bad news, but that adds up to 820 skill points. I'm guessing you did 100 into reputation and resilience, 70 into Menace and then distributed 750 points. The points you spend on Menace however count towards the 750 limit.


Weird, in the editor I have 0 Menace. It looks like the game calculates a menace stat based on your size or something like that. So, what to do about this?



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Here's the thing:




You can't do certain things and follow the rest of the rules.


Being sponsorship unfriendly is detrimental, if not outright impossible. SO BE SPONSORSHIP FRIENDLY.


I understand if you're trying to see how hard you can make this; sure, go with hardcore cult madness. But this type of playthrough requires a specific mindset; namely, MAKE MONEY. That's why I suggest an owner that will allow you to change the product.


Start as a promotion that gets at least 4k in sponsorship (spoilers: mine should get ~5k). Play around until you hit small, then start tweaking the product where you want. Or when you have a nest egg. Whatever.


The beginning fo the game does not matter. At all. I'm ridiculously popular heavy. NO ONE ON MY ROSTER WILL HAVE MORE THAN 1 POPULARITY IN MY HOME REGION. If I was any size but...hell, I might be able to pull this off at 5 popularity, max. Any higher, my lack of popularity would kill me. But I know that pretty much anything will work at this size, so why not get the money now?


Sure, maybe I'll pull a 15 (ha) instead of a...30, let's say. And? I'll take the money and smaller growth over the thirty every time. Period.


THIS MAYBE A CHALLENGE GAME. but the challenge itself never put forth you had to run a show every month. And the challenge should be available to be played by any type of fed not just pigeonholed into playing something the player doesn't want too. And maybe you didn't mean to but it comes off as being all uppity for people who want to try the challenge on their own terms by suggesting they have to play a sponsorship friendly product for their fed.

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THIS MAYBE A CHALLENGE GAME. but the challenge itself never put forth you had to run a show every month. And the challenge should be available to be played by any type of fed not just pigeonholed into playing something the player doesn't want too. And maybe you didn't mean to but it comes off as being all uppity for people who want to try the challenge on their own terms by suggesting they have to play a sponsorship friendly product for their fed.


I understand what you are saying, but the reason I (and I guess Eidenhoek believes the same) believe you shouldn't be able to take months off is because part of the challenge is only having $1000. If you are just going to take months off you might as well just give yourself more money to begin with.


Which brings me on to a potential rule, to add along side not being able to take many (any?) months off.


Starting money based off sponsorship level. So have $1000 if the product is 'Very favourable towards getting sponsorship' (or whatever the best sponsorship message is, I just made that up) and slightly more as you progress down to whatever the worst sponsorship message is. Just an idea, as I am strongly against taking months off, but the challenge perhaps needs slightly balancing out for promotions that don't get much sponsorship.

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I understand what you are saying, but the reason I (and I guess Eidenhoek believes the same) believe you shouldn't be able to take months off is because part of the challenge is only having $1000. If you are just going to take months off you might as well just give yourself more money to begin with.


Which brings me on to a potential rule, to add along side not being able to take many (any?) months off.


Starting money based off sponsorship level. So have $1000 if the product is 'Very favorable towards getting sponsorship' (or whatever the best sponsorship message is, I just made that up) and slightly more as you progress down to whatever the worst sponsorship message is. Just an idea, as I am strongly against taking months off, but the challenge perhaps needs slightly balancing out for promotions that don't get much sponsorship.


I've done a 0/0/0/5000 fed (which is basically what hard is if you start a fed from within a game) and on an extremely unfavorable product and I still had to take the first month off and actually at a maximum do every other month off to be able to stay afloat. And quite frankly I don't see how that's any different from what some would do in real life. If you don't have the money you don't run a show and hope the money shows up.


And what about touring feds like I'm running. They only need to run 6 months a year at minimum and you can take the first? two months off. Is that cheating?


How do you set the challenge up so its doable by more then just mainstream, traditional or Comedy heavy feds? Maybe it'll be harder for feds with less sponsorship but it has to at least be doable in some way shape or form and by giving just 1000k and saying no months off its actually impossible.

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I've done a 0/0/0/5000 fed (which is basically what hard is if you start a fed from within a game) and on an extremely unfavorable product and I still had to take the first month off and actually at a maximum do every other month off to be able to stay afloat.


Since you actually have experience, how much did you get in sponsorship in the first month? I won't argue whether it is possible without knowing how much you get.


And quite frankly I don't see how that's any different from what some would do in real life. If you don't have the money you don't run a show and hope the money shows up.


But in real life, a local fed would only recieve that sponsorship for advertising to the fans in attendance. I can't see how the fed could hope to see a dime from advertising without running a show (well they could get a tiny amount for adverts on their website, but you get my point).


And what about touring feds like I'm running. They only need to run 6 months a year at minimum and you can take the first? two months off. Is that cheating?


Didn't think about touring feds, I would say they can run however many months they want, as long as they actually run atleast one show a week on the touring months. No exploiting the system and only running one show per touring month.


Actually, reading that back 4 shows a month would be a bit extreme for a promotion with little money. Maybe just say you still have to run the same amount of shows you would have as a regular promotion (so 12 - the amount of months allowed off).


How do you set the challenge up so its doable by more then just mainstream, traditional or Comedy heavy feds? Maybe it'll be harder for feds with less sponsorship but it has to at least be doable in some way shape or form and by giving just 1000k and saying no months off its actually impossible.


While I can't claim to have done it, I am sure if you were financially prudent you could do it with $100k (guessing thats what you meant, as $1m would definately be doable.)

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I've made it past 2 shows, with an ultra hard-core type company. I'm booking my 3rd show, and would be very successful at this challenge had Duke Sado not taken over my company as the Owner. He requires $674 per appearance and it's most certainly coming out of my bankroll each month.


He owns this company.. and gets paid to appear, but I get nothing and I book/wrestle? How does that even seem fair. I'd say when we are using the initial fed, we should be editing the owner to $0 wages, or selecting from a preset list of owners who aren't going to bankrupt the company..

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I completely understand your points, but again, you have to take the first month off PERIOD. If you don't, you immediately fail one of your two (usual) critical goals. Maybe if you go with a 0/0/0/5000 fed like was mentioned, then you can go with no months off as you should be able to avoid going into negative money.


As for touring feds, I just don't see how you can do one in this type of setup unless you take the first 6 months off which is not realistic at all. When you set down rules in anything, you eliminate certain possibilities immediately. It's unfortunate, but that is simply how it is. Now, for instance, I could switch from an equal fed to a performance>pop fed because I have money now at Small. Should I? Not really, though if it was even more trendy than the Minor Positive I'm at now, I might do it. You could even make the argument that you shouldn't be hardcore at Local because it is financially unfeasible. Well, unless you own a table and chair factory (with extra trash cans too). Those things do cost money irl.

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I completely understand your points, but again, you have to take the first month off PERIOD. If you don't, you immediately fail one of your two (usual) critical goals.


Don't you get until the time expires for the goal to be either completed or failed? Just because you've went negative, does not constitute failure of the goal, I thought.


You could even make the argument that you shouldn't be hardcore at Local because it is financially unfeasible. Well, unless you own a table and chair factory (with extra trash cans too). Those things do cost money irl.


I see you're point with the tables, chairs and such but this is a game, not "irl." Lol, therefore I've chosen to go with a "hardcore" fed, and surprisingly without taking the first month off, and surviving and ..actually thriving.






- Unless I get fired mid-month this month, though wouldn't think I will. The owners smiley face is a HUGE smile.

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I've made it past 2 shows, with an ultra hard-core type company. I'm booking my 3rd show, and would be very successful at this challenge had Duke Sado not taken over my company as the Owner. He requires $674 per appearance and it's most certainly coming out of my bankroll each month.


He owns this company.. and gets paid to appear, but I get nothing and I book/wrestle? How does that even seem fair. I'd say when we are using the initial fed, we should be editing the owner to $0 wages, or selecting from a preset list of owners who aren't going to bankrupt the company..


In the first post Kamchatka advises to pick a cheap owner, which is the sensible way to do it. Editing Owner wages to $0 would be too much of a cheat, as you could get (/pick) a great owner that could make the initial growth much easier. (Fumihiro Ota decided to be my owner every time I started a game without an owner in the data, he would definitely make it far too easy)

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I've made it past 2 shows, with an ultra hard-core type company. I'm booking my 3rd show, and would be very successful at this challenge had Duke Sado not taken over my company as the Owner. He requires $674 per appearance and it's most certainly coming out of my bankroll each month.


He owns this company.. and gets paid to appear, but I get nothing and I book/wrestle? How does that even seem fair. I'd say when we are using the initial fed, we should be editing the owner to $0 wages, or selecting from a preset list of owners who aren't going to bankrupt the company..


...Then don't use him? If they're on a PPA, they shouldn't cost anything to let languish on the sidelines.

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