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Road to Glory Challenge

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Okay, this has rekindled my interest after not playing for a while!


5 months into a CVerse 1977 game; doing pretty well thanks to my user character gaining pop quickly, and Ricky Han and Tommy Handell having good chemistry as opponents which I'm taking full advantage of. Looking forward to reaching the 12 month mark and my first roll on the table!

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Just realised I forgot about the 1 promotion size above current rule. :o


Just as well I realised the mistake though as I was hating booking the SWF, and in my final show I took the 'put myself in every match/angle route'. (And found out I was able to gain more than 2 points for every segment/match I was in (35 point increase in 16 angles/matches). Not a bad 4 shows for stat gains.


Thinking of starting again with the C-Verse 97 mod, probably set up in Japan to start with.

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Just finished my first year and rolled a 36, meaning my Star Quality is now 80 - nice.


Am about to upset my idiot owner by resigning Blaine Dunham, whose charisma is 34 - one less than the owner goal, which was randomly added when I thought I could cope with the others I had, demands. Given he's one of my most popular guys AND my back-up road agent, not really in a position to let him go here.

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July 1978, and I hit small. Sponsorship money is flooding in now, so I've splashed out on a couple of road agents instead of my user character doing the job. Have also brought in Boogie Nights to give me two actual tag teams now. :)


Edit: I appear to have superpushed Ike Branyon by accident - overness up from 14 to 63 in the space of a year in the Great Lakes. Awesome stuff.


Edit again: Bah, sucky roll second year means I went up to a middleweight.

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Reverted back to my pre-SWF save, and continued on with my little Frontier Combat Kingdom in Quebec. Spent 2015 experimenting with local TV deals, holding my events in Ontario (attendance 75!) to air in Quebec, causing some kind of temporal loop allowing my User to get to B- popularity. If only he was a better worker.


Sad news as 2015 comes to an end. Amber Allen. My first hire. With me for almost 5 whole years. She left me for those NOTBPW bastards. Heart = Broken. They've ripped my Women's Division (my main event for several years) to shreds by taking Alicia, Brooke, and now Amber... I hate them so much.


Rolled another 50. So that's a second sibling in play. Hopefully this one will work out better than the first, who is gaining popularity okay, but the worst worker on the roster.



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I think this is an awesome idea. My plan when I get my computer back is to do this but NOT try and jump ship. But instead to stay with my 0/0/0/0 promotion to the bitter end!


I miss my PC :/


I'm doing this now and BCG (Black Canvas Grappling) has jumped to cult. Manged to get a 90% PPV contract but the only two channels that will accept me with my popularity as is have "too many programs" to allow for a new wrestling show which means I'm going to have to spread out the hard way by visiting each region, or hoping I can put on good enough shows in my main region to get a bigger spill over. If things go well I'll hit national some time in 2017 which means all I'll have to do is get a highly rated match to meet the goal of the challenge which I think I can do with with Bulldozer Brandon Smith who I have great chemistry with. So maybe in 2018 at the age of 28 my user character will have his A* match in a national company.

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Started a new one because the one where I made it to sotbpw was getting stale, especially with the repeat match penalty making it impossible to book shows above a 60 because of the penalties... and dropping the TV deal just made it slow. It also didnt help that user characters apparently dont pick up foreign languages




Heres his stats. I started my company as a usa based 2 on 2 off touring performance=pop promotion

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So, I've had the chance to play a little over the last couple of days. It's December 2014 and I'm starting to get a little bored with my game as I'm running the same handful of main eventers all the time.... I'm caught in a bit of a trap, with the former stars of 21CW being way more over than anyone else, and me being too small to get TV/PPV meaning I can't create much in the way of new stars either as populairty growth is limited to the one area I'm in. I've found in the past that I often get bored with games as I head towards cult and tend to prefer to skip the long awkward slog to national....


With that in mind, the SWF job just came up again as Giant Redwood's 5 month reign for the 50 year old Runaway Train (after hotshotting DuBois' departing title reign to Kurt Laramee for 2 days just before The Supreme Challenge) has surprisingly not worked very well for the SWF. I've had a look and they need some work to make them viable having just lost a bunch of their best performance row guys lately, including Angry Gilmore (on his way to SOTBPW), Squeeky McClean (USPW) and Lobster Warrior (now in CGC).


I think I'm going to take the job this time around, though a quick test run in a copied save sees the AI gut the roster of my old promotion by firing about 20 people right off the bat, which makes me really sad. I might change Jamie Anderson's roster size preference before I quit and do some work on them so that the AI at least keeps them trotting along successfully, perhaps even with a chance of reaching cult one day. Failing that... I might just try to build myself up really far with the SWF and one day open a promotion in the UK at cult level, using my international reputation to solidify a company as one of the best in the world. Though whether I play the game that much further in is a tough one to decide... the fall from National+ with the SWF could potentially be brutal for my career if I can't keep them there and neither TCW nor USPW are interested in not being at war. With NOTBPW and TCW likely to trounce me in the wars I think my only chance might be to declare war on NOTBPW (despite how much that could hurt in the national battles) and then use as many dirty tricks on them and TCW to drag their prestige down so that one day I might be able to steal all the best talents back to me in the possibly 2 month window in which that is viable.


I can already feel mly cogs turning for this... should be interesting. :)

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So after 6 years (miscounted earlier) here's how my User has progressed. A lot more improvement than I thought.


ATHOS D'OLIVIER in January 2010





ATHOS D'OLIVIER in January 2016




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Best he's managed is an 83 against Marcel LaFleur, who is a surprising best opponent considering the Flashes, Gauges and Specialists he's gone up against. Definitely a consistent main eventer for a Regional promotion.


Made the move to SWF (legally on this occasion) who fell to Cult for like the 5th time. Kyle Rhodes left the company in a mess. 43% backstage rating. Lobster Warrior and Rich Money refusing to negotiate new contracts. Jack Giedroyc (the champion) 3 days from the door. No TV in America. On the plus side, they're massively rich, so I'm pretty much gonna gut the roster of all negative influences and old dudes, and build from scratch. Got 2 years to hit National.

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31. “Snow To An Eskimo” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Selling skill


So that's my roll for the end of 2014, which I just reached in time to end the real-life 2011. And here's my screenie to go with it.




Not particularly impressive, but then I've been undercarding for my UK promotion for the entire 5 years so far. I've got 44 pop in South UK and 19 across the rest of the UK... and as of 3 weeks ago I just got the job of head booker in the SWF. They've fallen to cult for the second time on the back of some terrible booking from Giant Redwood, with Runaway Train being World champion aged 50 and with a lack of talent still. Even so, the company could rise again....


Despite only having TV in the UK, we have PPV coverage almost everywhere and a talented roster. Our TV deal is only for 90 minutes so I've thinned out the roster by sending some of the bad influences (our locker room was only 55.6) down to development along with some excess staff to help train them. We only had 2 guys down to begin with, but after pulling things together a bit we now have about 10 people of various talent levels, some of which could do big things.


Anywho, my first show in charge of the SWF was Christmas Clash, which I forgot to check the length of ahead of time so it was only 2 hours long (which forced a slight change of plans for me). The AI is set to run all 4 vs 4 matches, so I figure it's similar to Survivor Series... I had originally planned to have 4 on the card but ended up with 3 instead.


The show opened with X-Cell (a young heel group consisting of Steven Parker, Spencer Spade, Mainstream Hernandez and John Greed) going over Captain Atomic, American Machine, Bradford Peverell and Stevie Grayson. Zimmy Bumfhole (long retired with a back injury) turned on the faces to give Parker the win, cementing himself with the X-Cell group who are tired of waiting for their big break and are on the warpath to start a revolution now while the SWF is still alive.


Second saw the heel team of Remo (survivor), Nicky Champion (survivior), Big Smack Scott and Jack Griffith beat the team of The Force, Kurt Laramee, Valiant and Bart Biggz. BS SCott and Kurt Laramee are the reigning tag champs of almost two years but are no longer friends or even on speaking terms. Laramee eliminated Scott, but Scott got revenge to eliminate Laramee. The Force and Champion are feuding too, with Champion having turned evil since rejoining the SWF and mistreating his girlfriend Dawn the Cheerleader. Force was the last to fall in this one with his attempts to turn Champion back to the side of light failing as Remo crushed him with a back attack to get the win.


The final 4vs4 match saw some of the biggest names in the company face off... but it turned out to be mostly one sided as the good guys ran rampant over the heels. Rich Money, Brandon James, Bruce the Giant all survived while they only lost Jungle Lord against Joe Sexy, Jack Giedroyc, Frederique Antonio Garcia and Eric Eisen.


A Jack Bruce promo for his title match with Runaway Train was next, but as this was the 4th encounter between them recently (1st with me, obviously) they hit some penalties and only hit a 63. Despite Jack's top efforts he couldn't quite beat the veteran and Train picked up the win with a big derailer.


Then it's the main event... 6 men looking to hurl each other over the top rope for the chance to become the #1 contender for the January PPV, When Hell Freezes Over. Steven Parker, Nicky Champion, Rich Money, Bruce the Giant, Brandon James and Remo go to war and Remo manages to walk out as the victor, showing his brute power as he tips the giant over the top rope, giving him one of his very few defeats ever in a battle royale situation. So Remo becomes the #1 contender as the show comes to a close.


Somehow I managed to forget to advanced book any matches and my buyrate was terrible but the main event was good an I managed to score a 79 rated show. Not a disaster but it did also give me a good idea on how many gimmicks I needed to change... which is most of them. The game doesn't do well when you change promotions, definitely something that needs to be looked at for future versions as everything seems to exist in a vacuum beyond the human promotions.


My plans for the future involve Remo winning the belt in January from Runaway Train amidst a massive drama that Richard Eisen himself sprung on the entire roster at the following Supreme TV. The SWF needs new leadership and it's time to search the roster for someone who can truly lead the company to the greatness. And who better to decide who that is than..... the SWF roster themselves! Everyone on the current roster has 1 vote, and at the end of January whoever has the most votes will become the new President of the SWF for 2015.


After each show in January there will be a count... whoever has the least votes will be eliminated each week, with only the remaining guys left over being eligible to vote on in future weeks. Eric Eisen was first to throw his name into the hat and Emma Chase was pushed forward immediately by Joe Sexy who promised her his vote for a kiss. Steven Parker and the entire X-Cell group have clubbed together to vote for Parker, so they have the early lead with 6 votes while many other big names are considering putting their names forward, including popular babyfaces Rich Money and Brandon James. But who will be able to get more votes than anyone else, and what will it cost to get them?


Well.... I'm planning to have Emma win it, ultimately buying votes with promises of title shots for the X-Cell group (which will finally see the end of the Pain Alliance's title reign) and bowing down to Remo's demands to only defend his title once per month and no more. I'm sure there will be other promises to give out but those are the landscape shaping ones that will mostly shape the SWF for a while. Joe Sexy might even wrangle some favours out of it too, though whether he has to choose between a North American title shot (to get the belt off Brandon James maybe) or a date with Emma...


All in all, my thoughts are a bit scattered but I'm looking forward to seeing how this works out. Having a democratically elected President for a year should make the authority figure position more interesting, and bringing the politics into the public eye should make for a lot of interesting developments down the line as some people feel jilted about what is happening and others stand to benefit greatly. And the next elections... well, they should be pretty interesting indeed, but that's so far down the line that I don't even know what to think about it. Gonna have fun though. :)


EDIT: IPW won Most Improved Promotion of the Year too, which makes me happy since I booked them for 95% of the year. I've brought in a bunch of talents to boost my locker-room and added every backstage benefit I could add. Ernest Youngman and Kirk Jameson are friends so I managed to sign them both to written deals because of that. Kirk is off to development while Youngman bolsters my midcard talents further. Things should go well in future, but it's going to take a while to sort a TV deal since it's about as from negotiations as it could be and my current deal will last 3 months beyond that... I think I'll need to cancel the UK deal just to get back on American TV. Tough times ahead. :(

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Somehow I managed to forget to advanced book any matches and my buyrate was terrible but the main event was good an I managed to score a 79 rated show. Not a disaster but it did also give me a good idea on how many gimmicks I needed to change... which is most of them. The game doesn't do well when you change promotions, definitely something that needs to be looked at for future versions as everything seems to exist in a vacuum beyond the human promotions.


I feel you on that one. When I took charge of a Global SWF in one of my games, they had so many stale gimmicks, unfitting alignments and heel/face pairings it was untrue. A face with a c0cky youth gimmick, a heel with a patriot gimmick... it was a train wreck.

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CVerse 70's game - my company just hit 24 importance in the Great Lakes; user goal of getting to £800,000 in the next 16 months is looking nasty though. On the plus side, Ike Branyon is at 87 popularity, which is pretty cool.
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One year in. Rolled the "So tell me about your mother..." for the end of year bonus so a nice little boost to psychology was nice.


My rookies Mic Skills have really skyrocketed compared to the other two entertainment skills, I had even thought for a while that my rookies charisma had peaked at 22 after 2 months of no growth. But it hit 23. Thank goodness.


70-4 is the record for 2010.

29-4 from my starter promotion.

41-0 from NYCW, of which I am the owner and headbooker following Stomper's retirement almost directly after PW-M hit small.


Edit: fixed screenshot

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Here we are year 2016 and I rolled the one that gave me +5 to Puroresu.

72 overness in Kinki, 65 in Kanto and Hakkiado, 45 the rest of Japan and apparently 17 in the US and Canada (That's right I'm so damn good they know about me back home... a little bit). I got another point to add my user talents so I am now Negotiating 7, Motivating 10 and Leadership 5. Lastly my user character won the Ebon Lion Championship (my main event title) from Bulldozer Brandon Smith on the last show of the last tour of 2015.


BCG is growing not as fast as i like but we are cult with a PPV deal get 90% to them which means I'm actually making money. 72 in Kinki, 47 in Kanto and Hokkiado and 32 everywhere else. 2.5ish million in the bank.


As always the most important time of year is the Pride Tour. The Pride III Tour continues the yearly summer tradition of the four man team (pride) tournament. Each Pride fought in Four 4 vs 4 matches, eight 3 vs 3 matches (every combination twice so all 4 members of the Pride got 6 matches), eight Tag Team matches (4 matches for each tag team) and 16 singles matches (four singles matches for each worker). Each match was worth a number of points equal to the number of Pride mates in the match 1 point for 1 vs 1, 2 points for 2 vs 2, ect. Each pride fought with honor and the results of this year’s tournament are as follows.


Pride 1 – 68pts


Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Kalu Owusu

Morimasa Kato

Roku Sotomura


Pride 2 – 63pts


Fox Mask

UK Dragon

KC Glenn



Pride 3 – 49pts


Punsiher Paul Hughes

The Big Problem

Haranobu Kobayashi

Taheiji Konoe


Pride 4 – 35pts


Acid II

Josh Jones

Viktor Beskov

Yuri Iliakov


Pride 5 – 34pts


Gonohyoe Kada

Lion Genji

Sterling Whitlock

Nichiren Kaminaga


Pride 6 – 14pts


Donte Dunn

Isoruko Arakaki

Arinori Inoguchi

Haruhiro Tsumemasa


Pride 7 – 24pts


Austin Smooth

Stretch the Chicken Boy

Brother Yoshitaka



Pride 8 – 1pt


Shirai Yanagawa

Tobei Sugimura

Edison Silva

Tetsuji Nishimoto


Winning Pride


Pride 1 – Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Kalu Owusu, Morimasa Kato and Roku Sotomura


Worker of the Tour – Most wins for your team (got the pin or submission)


KC Glenn with 11 wins average rating of 69.83 (Roku Sotomura came in one win short at 10 with an average rating of 65.67. The top five was rounded out by Morimasa Kato, Josh Jones and current Ebon Lion Champion Bulldozer Brandon Smith)


Young Lion of the Tour


Kiyotaka with 5 wins and an average rating of 55.28 (The next closest young lion was Isoruko Arakaki on his first tour with BCG garnering 3 wins with a 58.39 average rating)


Tag Team of the Tour


The Pack (KC Glenn and Lobo) took 4 wins average rating 75.00 (Fox & Dragon [Fox Mask and UK Dragon] and Unstoppable Force [bulldozer Brandon Smith and Kalu Owusu] also took their full 4 wins but only received 64.75 and 58.75 average ratings respectively)


Best 1 vs 1 Match


Bulldozer Brandon Smith over Lobo (78) (Fox Mask beat Yuri Iliakov to tie the 78 garnered by Smith and Lobo and Josh Jones over Haranobu Kobayashi took third place with a respectable 77)


Best 2 vs 2 Match


Kobayashi & Konoe (Haranobu Kobayashi and Tahieji Konoe) over The Mat Warriors (Acid II and Josh Jones) (82) (The Pack participated in the second and third ranking Tag Team matches defeating Kato & Sotomura [80] and Monster Inc [76])


Best 3 vs 3 Match


Josh Jones and The Red Devils (Viktor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov) over Nichiren Kaminaga and Kada & Genji (Gonnohyoe Kada and Lion Genji) (79) (Morimasa Kato and Unstoppable Force [bulldozer Brandon Smith and Kalu Owusu] over Lion Genji and Strike Force [Nichiren Kaminaga and Streling Whitlock] took the second ranked match at 67 and Lobo and Fox& Dragon [Fox Mask and UK Dragon] over Punisher Paul Huges and Kobayashi & Konoe[ Haranobu Kobayashi and Taheiji] a close third at 66)


Best 4 vs 4 Match


Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Kalu Owusu, Morimasa Kato and Roku Sotomura over KC Glenn, Lobo, Fox Mask and UK Dragon (82) (KC Glenn, Lobo, Fox Mask and UK Dragon over Haranobu Kobayashi, Taheiji Konoe, Punisher Paul Hughes and The Big Problem made a distant second at 75 and Haranobu Kobayashi, Taheiji Konoe, Punisher Paul Hughes and The Big Problem over Acid II, Josh Jones, Viktor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov did a 71 ranking for third place)

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I've got to say this challenge has been a great deal of fun. Especially combining it with the Heidenreich Challenge(although he was stolen and sent to development at RIPW), a crazy custom made owner/company, and a new 0/0/0/0 promotion rated equally on performance and pop. BSC's talent pool was a cheap godsend as far as staff is concerned.


Despite the fact that I am gonna restart it on a random whim with the exact same set up, bar deleting all my angles and creating a generic grouping, twas loads of fun.

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Im in March 2012 w/ MHW (yes I didnt learn my lesson last time).


I left NYCW halfway through 2011 because booking their product was getting to be tedious...


I tried to get the NYCW job when it opened back up after it got a new owner like 2-3 months later but the dude didnt want to drop the booking spot. So I took the MHW job as soon as they opened. (rolled the +20 to spend in performance for end of year, +15'd my psychology (88 now. Hardest parts over. Y'know aside from getting into a nat'l/higher promotion.) and +5'd my consistency.)



I just noticed that Giant Brody is a pretty damn good worker at the moment, and I might have to push him to the top of MHW.


69/65/74 for brawling, with 40+ for the rest of the top rows.

Aside from psychology (53, which isnt bad, especially for his type of talent, and for a promotion like MHW.) all his performance skills are 73+.


Is he always this solid or was that from his RIPW tenure or really good destiny? Im just in shock because this is a guy I ALWAYS cut loose with SWF.

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I can't stop chuckling at the fact that so many of my workers are going to be so pissed at me...


I have also come to the conclusion that my method of burying everyone in favor of myself is the most correct way of playing this challenge, given that it is abotu gitting that 95+% match asap.




Also, who else can't go all-out? I hate my luck...



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