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The Original Movie Game 2.0... It's Back!!!


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I will try to do this in a different way, as i really want to try and explain what the film is all about, what i meant to do. So, this is my vision. And yes, I’ll try to do it shorter next time, give me a slack, it's my first one. :D


Also: Keep in mind that English is not my first language when reading this.




The ShowStopper Productions Proudly Presents:


A Hugh Laurie Film...


"Holly Marie Combs"





The Film opens with a black screen and we hear Holly Marrie Combs stating the following quote:


"A late actor once told me that maintaining fame is easy, as long as we can keep delivering A-game performances in front of the cameras."


The opening credits resume, to the sound of Gordon-Levitt's narration:


"People usually look at happiness as one of two things: Something to be achieved one day, or something impossible to get. Which one is the correct one, you may ask? Well...none! What do i know about it? Well...Here's my story...Well, maybe it's not just MY story, but I’m definitely there...somewhere..."



The Characters:


- Holly Marie Combs (portraying a fictionalized version of herself) - Once a big name in the industry, Holly Marie Combs achieved success in the hit TV series "The Enchanted", where she portrayed one of 3 super-heroine sisters, that had special powers and abilities, which they used to fight against super villains in the city of San Francisco. (Surely looks familiar. :D) Main stream stuff, but enough to make her rise. The series propelled her career into successful movie ventures, that placed her in Hollywood's A-list for a few years. But giving birth to 3 kids in 5 years changed her body, and, now in her early 40's, while still attractive, she finds herself aged and without her slim modeling body that in the past had headlined films, TV shows and even fashion shows. Although she is caring, tender, even adorable in the inside, she is also insecure, and hides under a cloak of coldness. She lives in constant disgust with her own body, and resents herself for her falling career, and her life, which she sees as shattered in pieces.


- Adam Johnson (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) - A computer programmer, web designer, (and in general, a master in hardware & software) in his early 30's. A simple but intelligent man, an ordinary man who has had two constants in his life... His devotion to Holly M. Combs, whom he's been a fan since his teenage day, and his relationship with his fiancée, Hannah Morris, which has lasted 12 years so far. (Four of those years, spent in engagement.)


Hannah Morris (Rose McGowan) - In her mid 30's, science teacher Hanna Morris has the looks, but not the attitude...meaning that, despite her beauty, she manages to be very humble, while managing to also be driven and somewhat impulsive, at the same time.


Peter Blake (Noah Wyle) - Blake, unlike most Hollywood agents, is very loyal to his clients, but is always willing to bend ethical and moral principles to help them succeed. While he manages to be as ruthless and aggressive as any other agent in the business, his intentions are the best, as he only tries to survive in the jungle that is Hollywood.


Craig Stuart (Josh Duhamel) - A-list actor and ex-husband of Holly, as well as father of her 3 children. Good looking, successful, rich. This A-list actor seems to have it all, especially since he ditched his ex-wife (Combs) one year after her late pregnancy, six years ago. And still, the egotistical, self-centered and selfish actor is always willing to pull all the stops if helps him get some more media attention.


Clara Yates (Ana Torv) - Hollywood's biggest feminine draw, she's managed to get herself into Porter Harris' movie, and so is currently working with Combs, just because it makes her look humble and unpretentious, and so is good for her image. Besides, working with Porter Harris is also great for her résumé. She is in her late 20's, and, when it comes to personality, she's basically a female version of Comb's ex-husband Craig.


Ricky Stanton (Robert Sean Leonard) - One of Hollywood's most requested directors at the moment, which, as we all know, doesn't necessarily means he's got talent. However, he is flamboyant, eccentric, and constantly acts like a prima donna...maybe to hyde his lack of talent.



Basil Mulcahy Jones III (Hugh Laurie) - Sounds like a lord, a count or a baron, but is nothing more than a British, blood thirst paparazzo, that hunts celebrities at any cost.


Porter Harris (James Caan) - An extremely talented and legendary director that turned his back on the big studios, because he was sick of his films being butchered by them. He is demanding, but brilliant, and hardly smiles.





When has-been actress Holly Marie Combs gets more and more depressed about her life, looks and falling career, her agent Peter Blake decides to use one of his usual non ethical plans to help her. He creates a contest where the winner will have a private dinner with Holly and will be able to see her work in the set of her new project, (a Porter Harris movie in which she is co-starring with Clara Yates, a younger, more beautiful version of herself, which further aggravates Holly’s depression and resentment) and will have backstage access for a few days. He then discovers that Adam, the webmaster of his talent agency's website is a big Holly fan, and decides to use him in his plan. He forges the contest results, which leads to Adam winning, and hires British paparazzo Basil Jones III to follow Adam & Holly in the days they spend together after the contest. Blake, with Basil's help, manipulates the whole situation, even editing pictures, to make it look like Holly and Adam rapidly became involved in the aftermath of the contest and are having an affair.


The story becomes a media sensation, (as we all know, everybody loves a good "Nobody meets celebrity and they hook up", especially if it is well fueled by the press) and for a few days it puts Combs and Adam in headlines around the world. However, knowing that this won't last for long, Blake tries to convince Adam & Holly to pretend they are having an affair, without ever telling him that he started the whole thing. While they both initially refuse, Holly senses a last chance to recapture her spotlight and ends up manipulating Adam into accepting.


They begin pretending they are having an affair, and so will often let themselves be “surprised” by reporters in situations that heavily insinuate they are together.


This leads to a lot of tension between Adam and his fiancée, Hanna Morris. Although, when the film starts, they seem to be the perfect couple, that has everything going for them, tension starts to escalate. Adam keeps telling Hannah that it's just a stunt, and she doesn't have to be worried. Hanna's insecurity, as she knows how much Adam is fan of Holly, grows bigger by the day.


Holly & Adam start to spend a lot of time together, as a result of the stunt, and eventually they begin to have feelings for each other and eventually spend a night together, at the beach, not realizing that Basil is actually there and captures the whole thing with his camera.


The pictures become a media super sensation, and Holly finds herself being requested by a lot of people, and suddenly becomes an A-list star all over again.


After the photo's release, Hanna and Adam's relationship crumbles, and eventually ends, when Hannah decides she can't forgive him. Meanwhile, Peter realizes that the whole Adam-Holly relationship will eventually grow stale with the press, and decides it's time to end it. At this time, Holly, blinded by her newly reacquired status, is convinced by her agent and by director Ricky Stanton, to leave Porter Harris's movie and to star on a major blockbuster. She accepts, and when she tells Porter she's quitting he only replies: "I’ll see you later, kid."


Adam gets more and more thorn between Hannah and Holly, but eventually decides to talk to Holly about it openly, to see if they have a future together. When he goes to her, she tells him the stunt is over, and that he should move on with his life. While it is clear to the audience that Holly actually has feelings for Adam, and in true pain when she's talking to him, she ends up caving to her fame desires, and dismisses him in the most cold possible way. She then starts working in Ricky's movie. At this time, feeling that he needs to get some new fresh coverage from the tabloids, to keep her client on the top, Peter this time decides to convince her to pretend she is back with her ex-husband, Craig Stuart, trying to form a Hollywood super couple.


Holly, who is now completely blindsided by fame and glory, immediately accepts, although she hates her ex-husband (he never loved her, used her to get to the top and ditch her after her third pregnancy). Her fake reunion with Craig earns Holly renewed and even bigger media coverage. However, as days go by, and as she gains more and more notoriety, she begins to fill increasingly empty.


Meanwhile Adam, that closed himself in his apartment for weeks, after losing both Hannah and Combs, rarely going out, and drowning his sorrows in alcohol, eventually has to snap out of his romantic drama issues, when he finds out that Hanna. also not coping well with the separation, tried to kill herself by overdosing with pills. He goes to see her in the hospital, and the two start to reconnect.


Eventually, when on the height of her fame, Holly discovers that peter was behind the whole thing, that he invented the contest, hired Basil and even asked Basil to leak the Photos of her and Adam in the beach. She argues with him, telling him he has no morale, to which he replies: "You're surely no better than me. I didn't had to work that hard to make you go along did i? I did this for you, we both want the same here."

As she listens to this, Holly realizes what she has become and quits her part in Stanton's film, which she ends up saying, "is no more than a ridiculous attempt to further more inflate is already gigantic and ridiculous queer ego. But it sure as hell ain't a film." Stanton threatens to sue her, but at this point she doesn't care. She also ends her stunt with Craig, without even bothering to explain anything to the press.


Adam and Hanna reconnected while she was at the hospital and when she's finally released, the two are on good terms, and even thinking about resuming (or trying to) resume their relationship. At the same time, Holly is in an emotional downward spiral, regretting everything she did, and missing Adam. She eventually pull herself together and goes to see Adam, that tells her he wants nothing to do with her, and that she almost dragged him to that world of hers and almost made him a sell-out, like everybody in Hollywood. Although Adam doesn't know, Hannah is listening to this conversation, and she realizes that although Adam is deeply hurt with Holly, he truly loves her. Adam ends his conversation with Holly by saying: "You know...it's true what they say. You should never meet your idols, as you will always end up disappointed!"


After being dismissed, Holly tracks down Basil Jones, and pays him to leak to the press the truth about everything that happened. The story hits the press and becomes an overnight sensation, with people demanding an explanation of her. Holly eventually gives a press conference in which, emotionally, she admits to her mistakes, and says that although she is ashamed by the whole thing, her biggest regret is having lost someone that saw her like she was, that loved her for what she truly was...an Hollywood actress, but also a human being...someone that she loved back. Someone she will never see again.


Hanna and Adam are together at home, watching the press conference. Again, she realizes that Adam deeply loves Holly and eventually asks him what he intends to do about it. Adam shocked by Hanna's words, replies: "I want you, not her. I could never trust someone like her." To which Hanna replies: "Sure you can, if you really love her, you have to love her for what she is; the woman, but also the actress. You have to understand her flaws, her fears and her desires, not only the good things." Adam realizes that Hannah is giving up on him, and eventually hugs her, thanks her and runs out of the apartment to find Holly.


At this point, Holly has declined all the invitations that her media attention generated, and decided to go back to Porter and beg for her job back. Porter, surprisingly, is waiting for her, with a smile on his face, and says: "Welcome back, kid!." To which Holly asks: "You're not mad with me?" Porter laughs and says: "Mad? hell no, I was once you!"


The final moments of the film center on the reunion between Holly and Adam. Adam finds her on the set of her movie and the two eventually kiss and walk out the set together holding hands. Holly asks:

- And now what??

- Now we live. - Replies Adam.

- Just as simple as that? - Asks Holly.

Adam laughs and responds:

- No, not as simple as that, but as simple as life.


The camera begins to zoom out, and Gordon-Levitt resumes narration:


"People usually look at happiness as one of two things: Something to be achieved one day, or something impossible to get. Their mistake is to look at happiness as a constant. Happiness is all around us, and it exists in every one of those moments that makes us smile inside. It is up to us to make the best out of those moments."


We move to a black screen, as we listen to Holly Marie Comb's voice saying:

"”A late actor once told me that maintaining fame is easy, as long as we can keep delivering A-game performances in front of the cameras.” Yeah, right! Maybe back on his days. Today, fame only lasts as long as we can keep delivering A-game performances behind the cameras, in our own private life. Don't worry, I’m not here to judge anybody...you should all go after what you want. As long as you always put yourselves the following question: How far are you willing to go?"




Additional Notes (Casting, crew, premise): Holly Marie Combs, although a drama, is presented with a plot worthy of a romantic comedy, but not by accident. The film touches subjects as fame, looks, love, live, and others, in a very dark and intense way, but wrapped in a gift full of subtlety and satire. Laurie was cast as director because he is the right man to make this a dark, powerful and very intense movie, presented in such a subtle way.

As for the Cast, Holly Marie Combs was perfect for the role. She had the perfect looks for it, and an amazing underrated talent. Much like Gordon-Levitt, McGowan, Wyle & Sean Leonard. All of which are extremely talented, but were always underrated by Hollywood. Torv was cast to create emphasis in the look differences between her and Combs, to help to build up Holly's depression and resentment in the film, by having to work with a younger ,better looking version of herself, so her few scenes were crucial. Duhamel was basically cast for his easy ability to play the arrogant buffoon with the "baby face". Which helps a lot to buil up the whole Hollywoodesc story arc. As for Laurie and Caan's parts...well, they speak for themselves. These two need no explanations or presentations, and are capable of helping this film gain a lot of substance. Overall, "Holly Marie Combs doesn't intend to judge those who seek fame, but to warn them, and to show things as they are...in fame, love and life.




The Showstopper productions presents:


Holly Marie Combs


Director: Hugh Laurie

Starring: Holly Marie Combs (Lead); Joseph Gordon-Levitt (lead), Rose McGowan (Supporting); Noah Wyle (Supporting), Josh Duhamel (minor); Anna Torv (Cameo); Robert Sean Leonard (Cameo). With: Hugh Laurie (Minor) and James Caan (Minor).

Promotional Tag-line: "How far are you willing to let fame take you?"

Genre: Drama, Romantic Drama.

Rating: PG-13

Release Date: Week 2 (Game timeline)

Runtime: 90 minutes.

Location: Hollywood

Budget: 455.000$ (Actors & Director); 325.000$ (Marketing); 220.000$ (Production costs) for a total of 1.000.000$

Remaining: 0$


Ps: To make it easier you can quote just the summary when giving the review, in order to spare some space and prevent a loooong quote. :D

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Looking for the rights to a Dr. McNinja movie.


If I can start on the casting for it now...


Movie: Dr. McNinja: The Movie

Rating: PG

Genre: Action/Comedy

Summary: When King Radical builds an island theme park, Dr. McNinja's attempts to stop him are oddly rewarded by a preview tour of the park. The good Doctor is covinced it's a trap and brings his family along to try to figure out what King Radical's plan really is... and hijinks ensue.


Marketing: Depends on negotiations, but from 150,000 to 500,000


Director: Robert Rodriguez



Stephen Colbert, Lead, No Nudity

Ron Perlman, Lead, No Nudity

Bruce Campbell, Support, No Nudity

Lucy Liu, Support, No Nudity

Seth Green, Support, No Nudity

Rey Misterio Jr (using his real name as he will be sans mask), Support, No Nudity


Also, the entire cast of Mythbusters (Jamie Hyneman, Adam Savage, Grant Imahara, Kari Byron, and Tory Bellaci) to cameo as themselves.

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Futtbuck Studios:

Title: Sometimes, Always

Genere: Drama

Ratiing: PG-13


Planned Marketing: 400k


Director: Ken Kwapis


Lead Actor: Owen Wilson, no perks, no nudity, fulfills promise

Lead Actress: Abigail Breslin, no perks, no nudity

Supporting: Blythe Danner, no nudity, no perks

Supporting: Ed Asner, no nudity, no perks

Supporting: Steve Buscemi, no nudity, no perks

Minor: Lucy Lawless,no nudity, no perks

Minor: Josh Hutcherson, no perks, no nudity

Minor: Lauren Graham, no nudity, no perks


Summary: A widowed father (Owen Wilson) of a rebellious teenage daughter (Abigail Breslin) finds out he has terminal cancer. Now, he must come to terms with his prognosis while also trying to straighten out his daughter. Blythe Danner and Ed Asner co-star as Wilson's parents. Hutcherson co-stars as Breslin's new boyfriend, and Graham co-stars as Wilson's sympathetic sister. Steve Buscemi co stars as Wilson's best friend, while Lucy Lawless shows up as apotential love interest for Wilson


I think you've missed this.....




Cheers, for all your hard work.

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Futtbuck Studios:

Title: Sometimes, Always

Genere: Drama

Ratiing: PG-13


Planned Marketing: 400k


Director: Ken Kwapis


Lead Actor: Owen Wilson, no perks, no nudity, fulfills promise

Lead Actress: Abigail Breslin, no perks, no nudity

Supporting: Blythe Danner, no nudity, no perks

Supporting: Ed Asner, no nudity, no perks

Supporting: Steve Buscemi, no nudity, no perks

Minor: Lucy Lawless,no nudity, no perks

Minor: Josh Hutcherson, no perks, no nudity

Minor: Lauren Graham, no nudity, no perks


Summary: A widowed father (Owen Wilson) of a rebellious teenage daughter (Abigail Breslin) finds out he has terminal cancer. Now, he must come to terms with his prognosis while also trying to straighten out his daughter. Blythe Danner and Ed Asner co-star as Wilson's parents. Hutcherson co-stars as Breslin's new boyfriend, and Graham co-stars as Wilson's sympathetic sister. Steve Buscemi co stars as Wilson's best friend, while Lucy Lawless shows up as apotential love interest for Wilson



Ken Kwapis will direct your film for 125,000 dollars

Owen Wilson will agree to terms for 85,000 dollars

Abigail Breslin will agree to terms for 65,000 dollars

Blythe Danner will agree to terms for 50,000 dollars

Ed Asner will agree to terms for 50,000 dollars

Steve Buscemi will agree to terms for 40,000 dollars

Lucy Lawless will agree to terms for 20,000 dollars

Josh Hutcherson will agree to terms for 20,000 dollars

Lauren Graham will agree to terms for 20,000 dollars



If you agree to these terms you can begin filming immediatly

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'World's not Round Studios'


Frankenstein vs the Zombie Strippers


Rating: R

Genre: Creature Feature/B Horror

Run Time: 84 minutes

Location: Arizona


Director: Bruce Campbell



Richard Dean Anderson (Dr. Frankenstein)

Rose McGowan (Candi the Zombie)


and Cengiz coskun as Frankensteins Monster



Mena Suvari (Precious the Zombie)

Elizabeth Berkley (Belle the Zombie)


and Bruce Campbell as Himself.




The film opens with Bruce Campell driving a battered looking flatbed truck with a bottle of beer in one hand and then his phone ring causing him to drop the beer all over himself and him to mutter to himself "Don't drink and drive .. You may spill it" before finally after scrabbling around on the floor of the truck (and almost hitting a couple of other cars as his eyes are off the road) he finds his phone. It was his agent and he has booked Bruce into a motel near a local strip club "Titty Galore" where he will meet him later that night.


Cue Bruce stumbling around his motel room, alot of muttering to himself about how his career has turned out, listing off films that he's made that suck (made up and all with ridiculous titles). A bottle of whiskey and more bottles of beer later he heads to the strip club.


We see the dancers at the club and take a little look around and epecially a huge man sat in the corner, coat up and covering his face ...


In the basement of the strip club 'mad scientist' Dr. Frankenstein (Richard Dean Anderson) is busy at work trying to perfect his syrum ...


Back to Bruce and he is arguing with the doormen when they don't recognize him, finally he gets in and his credit card doesn't work and is forced to 'beg' the bargirl for credit and his agent will pay later.


Back in the basement Dr. Frankenstein has perfected his syrum as we can tell by his evil laughter ... Oh and he must find some test subjects ..


Bruce sits with the huge man in the corner and keeps on trying to strike up a conversation with him to no luck ..


Dr. Frankenstein is out of the basement and is seen putting his mysterious syrum into the glitter bottles of the main attraction stars of the strip club ... And then of course laughing to himself as he makes his exit out into the bar area to 'study the effects of the syrum'


Precious (Mena Suvari) and Belle (Elizabeth Berkley) are out dancing first before the main act comes out Candi (Rose McGowan) halfway through her routine just has we get a single nipple shot she falls to the floor and starts foaming at the mouth ...


The big man stands up from his seat ..


Bruce "It's ok big man .. I think this is part of the act .. Either that or they're filming a new excersist here and no one's told me ..."


Dr. Frankenstein spots the big man "It can't be .. He can't be still alive ..."


Back at the stage we now have 3 Zombie strippers and they proceed to kill the clientelle in the bar, the bar staff and the other women all in amusing B Movie ways.


Cue the big man throwing aside his coat and he is a 'Zombie' looking guy himself, stitches accross his face, mouldy looking skin, and a huge axe that he had by his side.


Bruce "Whooo watch where you swing that thing big fella' this is a great show and all but i think i've had enough of this ..."


Bruce tries to leave but Dr. Frankenstein has a gun and prevents him from doing so and they watch has Frankenstein and the Zombie Strippers do battle...


... The buidling ends up on fire ...


After Frankenstein has dealt with the Zombie strippers he throw the ax and splits his creator in two 'saving Bruce' who feints ...


Frankensteins monster picks up Bruce and carries him out of the fire filled club and passing a guy in a suit in the street "Wait Bruce!? Is that you? What the hell went on in there!? Are you drunk again!?"


Cue end credits ...


... After the credits Bruce Campbell is in a hospital bed with his agent sat at the side of him when he askes ..


Agent "So Bruce i wanted to see you because i have a perfect fim role for you .. Frankensteins Monster!"


Bruce "Aaaaaaaaaggghhhhhh!"




Cast/Director: 520k

Production: 120k

Marketing: 160k


Current Balance: 200k


'World's not Round Studios: Frankenstein vs the Zombie Strippers


After the last zombie movie, I was a bit more excited to see this one. If I could survive 2 zombie films in a row I would begin calling it a zombie comeback. Lucky for me, that just wasn't the case. I was never sure if this film was suppose to be a horror or a comedy or some weird hybrid. Before I could actually decide the movie ended, although I was happy with that it didn't leave much time for character development. In the end this was a film that would have been better off going straight to DVD.


Rating: 1.5 out of 5

Revenue: 500,000 dollars


New Balance: 700,000 dollars


This film has hurt Bruce Campbell's popularity considerably.



You can now start casting for your next film immediately.

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Fill out the following Info:

Title: Dr Martin

Rating: PG-13

Brief summary of the movie: A doctor, set to retire from his 40 year long career within a week is suddenly bombarded with the wackiest patients he's ever had, while dealing with his daughter trying to set him up with a new girlfriend.

Amount you plan to spend on marketing: 300,000


Actors (no nudity from any)

Steve Martin - Doctor Tom Martin

Steve Harvey - Doctor Charles Anderson

Sarah Michelle Gellar - Tara McKenzie, (Tom Martin's daughter) Perks: If this movie does "well" (rates atleast a 3.5) ill guarantee her the leading role of my next film.

^ Major Roles

V Minor roles

Freddie Prinze Jr - Johnny McKenzie

Damon Wayans - Donny James

Dana Carvey - Multiple roles

Jon Heder - Jeff The Intern

Bryan Callen - Doctor Marc Fisher

Nicole Sullivan - Amber

Daphne Zuniga - Samantha


also for director id like to contact

Todd Phillips

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Step Two:

Post the following info:

Title- Hrynyk

Lead Actor- Shia LaBeouf (Anderson Hrynyk)

Lead Actress- Rachel McAdams (Sandra Waller)

Supporting Actor- Cillian Murphy (Douglas Hrynyk)

Paul Giamatti (Jeff Kerrigan)

Willem Dafoe (Eric Strickland)

Michael Chiklis (Ben Hrynyk)

Supporting Actress- Catherine Zeta-Jones (Morgan Parton)

Director - Kirsten Sheridan (let's recapture that Disco Pigs genius)

Genre- Thriller

Plot- Anderson Hrynyk (LaBeouf) is an assassin for an American organization associated with terrorist efforts, and a damn good one. He is captured by the US military forces. After weeks of interrogations and torture, he continues to refuse to give any information of the terrorist organization to anyone, but through his growing friendly relationship with interrogator Jeff Kerrigan (Giamatti) he agrees to at least help the military counteract the organization he had worked for earlier, under that condition that he is always under tight watch as ordered by top army Lieutenant Eric Strickland (Dafoe). Hrynyk goes to see his former girlfriend Sandra Waller (McAdams), who had told him to never see her again when he told her of his job 2 years ago. Despite him telling her of his 'change' she snubbed and ignored him. After that Anderson decides to make amends with his estranged father Ben (Chiklis), telling him that he will 'take Dougie down'. The two reconnect and start building their relationship again, Ben being moved by seeing his son change from cold-hearted killer to someone who wanted justice (although it was forced upon him essentially).


The movie then cuts to a crew of men sneaking into an important-looking building, with a man on the outside giving them orders via earpiece. This man is Douglas Hrynyk (Murphy), Anderson's brother and the leader of the organization. The people plant a bomb on this building and leave without a trace. The next day, Anderson receives a call from his brother, who doesn't know he had been taken in as Anderson worked sporadically (and for those sticklers out there, obviously the leader of an essentially terrorist organization can place untraceable calls, so get off my ass :mad::p). Douglas tells Anderson to meet him, and using his emotional connection with Kerrigan, is able to convince them to let him meet his brother with no surveillance (although they are able to trace and hear Anderson through a chip that they had placed under his skin, unbeknownst to him). Anderson meets with his brother, and is told of the job, that they were bombing the hotel of prominent US politician Morgan Parton (Zeta-Jones), one who many had anticipated would be the first US female president, in the hopes of moving US attention away from Afghanistan's terrorist efforts (because it is revealed to the viewers that they work for an all-Iraqi subdivision of Al Qaeda). Anderson's job was to be the guard of the bomb, making sure to keep anyone who could potentially diffuse it 'away' from it on the day of the movement. Anderson returns to the military complex, and tells the people about the plan, so they decide to move in and get it diffused early. Anderson tells them that Douglas is much too careful and paranoid to let that happen, and that the room is absolutely under his watch at all times. They couldn't try to get her away from the situation either, because of the multitude of excellent assassins the organization has on their side, and their amazing ability to blend into crowds. Deciding that that type of action would be too risky and could lead to many casualties by the public, Strickland and his advisers begin to think of a way of going about diffusing the bomb (which Anderson knew nothing about and couldn't learn to do in their time frame) while also taking Douglas out at the same time.


Anderson goes back to Sandra, and is finally able to convince her to at least hear him out. He tells her of how he has 'one last job, for the good of the people', and then he can move on and they can live together in peace. They begin to reconnect and their love is quickly rekindled. As Anderson leaves her house, Douglas' trail (again, he is very careful and occasionally 'checks up' on his employees) sees the military-ordered men that are to watch Anderson wherever he goes and informs his boss. Douglas quickly calls to let Anderson know, but he acts reassured that the trail shouldn't be thought of as anything important, which throws Douglas off, as his brother is often very high strung. Anderson is feeling fine with the plan, until he hears of Strickland's plan 4 days before the planned bombing. Anderson is to allow one of the military's bomb squad (who will be dressed exactly like him) in by accidentally knocking out one of the cameras to create a temporary blind spot, and then he will slip out and be moved to the location that Douglas is in, to take him out, as most of his manpower should be focused on the situation at the hotel anyway. The fact that he would have to kill his own brother destroyed Anderson's psyche, and even his talks with Kerrigan couldn't fix that. Because of that, Anderson went to go talk to Sandra, but was seen exiting the military facility by the trail that Douglas put on him for his strange behavior. He talks to Sandra, who suggests that he go talk to his dad, which he agrees to. After Anderson leaves, Douglas personally goes to Sandra's house to ask her about him. As she grew apprehensive, Douglas grew aggressive, even threatening to kill her right there if she didn't talk, but she still refused and screamed for help. Douglas muffled her screams, and took her into his car.


We see into Anderson's psyche now, his past, his dreams. He was always picked on as a child for being smaller than the other kids, which led his big brother to become his guardian. When he was 11 and Douglas was 17, their mother died, which led their father to plunge into a depression. While Anderson was always shy and timid, his brother grew increasingly affected by his life's hardships, which led to him beating a 15 year old boy (at this point Douglas was 20) so badly that he died. Douglas fled town and brought Anderson with him. The two drifted for 3 years before latching onto a group of people that they felt were doing good work for the country, and had at first failed to realize that they were working for a terrorist organization. For 6 years Douglas worked as a hitman and Anderson was trained to be an assassin, before Douglas had realized the evils of their organization. Anderson loved it, but Douglas told him of how bad their work really was. The two planned a coup d'etat, which led all of Douglas' superiors to be killed. Faced with the potential to gain true power, though, he threw his morals out the window and assumed command of the company, slowly becoming the evil mastermind he is today. As time elapses, Douglas becomes increasingly controlling on his commands, forcing everyone to wait until his command for any important phase of a movement, as seen when they once missed picking up a shipment of weapons because he hadn't given a green light on securing package in fear that it might not be the correct one. By the time Douglas is in his mid 30s and Anderson, his late 20s (4 years before the current timeline of the movie), they try to rekindle their relationship with their father, who basically acts as if they don't exist when Anderson accidentally blurts out their new line of work. This affects Anderson, as the emotional pain he had felt there was one that his brother could not protect him from. Two years later (but still 2 years before the current timeline), Anderson trusts his girlfriend of 3 years Sandra enough to tell her about what he does, but she reacts similarly to his father. This leads him to become extremely high strung, trying his hardest to avoid any and all emotional pain.


The day of the bombing comes up, and Anderson is increasingly stressed and pained when he can't come into contact with Sandra one last time before the most dangerous mission of his life. He doesn't have time to go to her house and see her, and is left to wonder what was going on with her. He arrives at the hotel, and hits a camera with a ball that he was throwing up to simulate boredom, again showing Anderson's terrible abilities to improvise as he did something that was completely the opposite of what he normally would have. The bomb squad man moves in, Anderson quickly changes into civilian clothes and walks out without drawing any attention from the assassins planted outside. As he makes his way to Douglas' base, he receives a call from his brother sarcastically congratulating him on a job well done. Sandra had told Douglas everything that she knew in fear, and Douglas reassured his brother that he couldn't be killed by one man. Anderson arrives at the complex and quickly finds Douglas, only to see his brother tethered to the love of his life. Douglas knew how fragile his brother was and thus, knew that if Sandra's life was in danger, Anderson wouldn't kill him. To make that happen, he had set up Sandra to be subdued, on a trap door that, if released, would plunge her into flesh eating acid. He had a rope tied to his foot; if the rope was moved in any way or broken, the trap door would release and Sandra would die. Anderson looked on in horror, and remembered everything that had happened in the last few days. His memories transitioned from the regular things to the dark things that had hurt him, and he had finally decided that, for the good of the country, he would shoot his brother. He looked at Sandra one last time, saw the fear in her eyes, and remembered his relationship with her. He was so torn on his decision, being tortured by the weight of killing them just as much as the weight of not killing them, and shot himself in the head, ending his own emotional torture.


But because of the chip under Anderson's skin that had allowed the military to monitor his conversations and location, they were already sending in backup. Douglas laughed and cut the rope from his foot, inciting screams from Sandra that stopped when she realized that the trap door didn't open and that that was all a lie. Douglas still intended to kill her before ordering the assassination of the politician (he had allowed the bomb squad guy to diffuse the bomb, as Anderson was his only inside man, and decided to move onto plan B of sacrificing an assassin to make the assassination in public), but the military men quickly showed up and detained him, forcing him to order off the assassination. Douglas and any of his assassins that they could find went to jail for life, while the movie ends with a funeral for Anderson. His tombstone reads 'Here lies Anderson E. Hrynyk - in the end, a good man'.


Location- US, I guess Washington DC

Budget- 630k on talent + 200k on marketing + 170k on production = S1 million spent

Duration – 130 minutes


damientheomen studios: Hrynyk


This in an intresting film about an ex assassin trying to turn his life around and do a good thing. The story telling in this film was pretty par and Shia LaBeouf for the most part was beliavable in his role as a cold blooded killer. The biggest disappointment for me was the ending of the film and the hero deciding to commit suicide instead of helping the girl he loves If the studio was going for the shock factor though they got it. In the end this wasn't a bad movie, but it was also far from a great movie and it will be interesting to see the direction the studio takes with their next film.


Rating: 2.5 out of 5

revenue: 750,000 dollars


New Balance: 750,000 dollars


You can now begin casting for your next film.

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[OOC: The only thing I realize by writing this is how long-winded I am on the plot



Goliath of Entertainment Presents...


Emerald Love

"Come for the ring, stay for the love"



Marc Webb[$125,000]



Ryan Gosling as Benson Snow[$125,000]

Rose Byrne as Eliza Kaufman[$85,000]

Dianna Agron as Karen Franks[$40,000]

Amber Heard as Virginia Guthrie[$65,000]

Bradley Cooper as Reyes Ellison[$65,000]

Ken Jeong as Mr.Chu[$25,000]

Cody Linley as Rafael Kaufmman[$15,000]



Romantic Comedy





Plot Sypnosis:


The movie starts with Benson Snow(Ryan Gosling), a man wearing thick glasses and with messy short hair, using his computer, with a digital clock behind him showing 3:02PM, and minutes later, he heard someone knocking on his door. He opens up the door to see the three men standing in front of the door -- Mr.Chu(Ken Jeong) and two of his goons, two huge muscular men. Mr.Chu gives Benson an invitation card. Benson reads it after he closes the door. It's an invitation to attend the funeral of his illegitimate father, who Benson has not aware of until now but is explained there. Benson is amazed by the amount of illegitimate children of his father as it is very closed to 50. He has no plan to meet with his brothers from other mothers so he throws the card away.


One Week Later...


Benson is watching TV and he heard door knock again. He opens up and sees the same people in front of his door. Mr.Chu shows no expression but hands Benson a ring, stating that it's his share of the inheritance. Benson questions why a rich man would bother to share something to his illegitimate sons and Mr.Chu doesn't like the question, he pushes Benson and throws some sarcastic insult his way. The two goons throw Benson to his sofa and Mr.Chu gives a paper to sign, stating that he still has a lot of work to do and ask him to stop wasting his time. Benson insists that he doesn't want the ring as he is content with his life and has no money problem but Mr.Chu presses the issue. With not much option left, he signs the paper. The three men left, leaving only the emerald ring on top of the table.


A change of location and we heard another door knock, Eliza Kaufman(Rose Byrne) heads to open the door. She lives in a house of her own which for some reason tend to have a lot of windows. She has silky medium long hair, brown in color and wears a bigger-than-her-size t-shirt. She opens the door to see, again, Mr.Chu and his two goons. Apparently, her brother has owed Mr.Chu $30,000 and he wants them back. After some argument and so on(and more sarcastic comments from Mr.Chu), they gave Eliza eight weeks of time but she has to pay $90,000, no exception or he will feed his brother to lions.


Eliza confronts her brother, Rafael(Cody Linley) in the prison. Rafael explains that he loses too much in gambling, borrowed money and lost all of them. Mr.Chu forces him to do a little crime and get caught so he will stay in jail for eight weeks and has no escape. Rafael gives the address of Eliza since she's the most successful among the siblings and has more chance to help him than others. Eliza promises to help him keep this secret to the family.


Eliza spends her day trying to figure out what she can do to get that much money: asking her friends, looking for some extra works, asking her out-station boyfriend and etc but by the end of the day, the effort is null.


The next day, Benson goes to work like usual and the unusual thing is that everyone is greeting him while they usually doesn't care much about him. He is rather invisible before today. A lot of stuffs happened that day, ranging from his female boss seducing him in her office to many girls tailing her to a diner and sharing table with him at lunch(among the girl is Virgina Guthrie(Amber Heard) but the scene is not all focused on her). All in all, one heck of a day, especially to someone that doesn't really know how to social to woman very well. Eliza, working in the same company as Benson, wonders why Benson is so popular all of a sudden.


After work, he goes back home and chat with his friends online. His friends jokes about him being a rich bastard after all, it turns out that his stupid and death father that pretty much buy out a huge part of the newspaper and shows out the picture and name of each of his illegitimate children as part of the invitation plan. Also, Benson posted a "What can I do about this stupid ring?" on Facebook yesterday without thinking too much of it and he facepalms himself for that. Then, a smile shows upon his face and he typed to his friend on MSN, "You know what, I guess I am going to enjoy this."


The screen cuts into another scene, Eliza throwing the newspaper on a bed and then the scene cuts to another angle, revealing Karen Franks(Dianna Agron) in her (sexy) pajamas, with a face that shows "Really, that is why you are looking for me so late?". Karen is a big player in the love game and has no problem teaching Eliza some strategies to win over Benson's heart. All Eliza needs to do is to get the ring within the eight weeks period.


The next day, Benson posts a notice of "seeking for girlfriend" on the notice board, asking them to find him at lunch to set up their first date. The diner is again, filled with money-hunger women again. Benson sets the date up on both Saturday and Sunday. The scene also focus on both Eliza and Karen more than other girls for their "sign up" on the date.


After a little strategy discussing scene between Eliza and Karen, it's date time. Despite it's a date, Benson really doesn't wear too well or really care about his hair that much. He dated many girls, one by one, and writing some notes about their pros and cons. "Bad teeth", "weird smile", "dumb b----" and so on. Soon, it's Eliza's turn. She is trying hard to recall what Karen told her while walking into the restaurant. One of the technique Virginia teaches is to imagine Benson as Reyes, the current boyfriend of Eliza. It isn't easy and Eliza fails to really achieve that image. The date is kind of awkward but Eliza studies Benson good enough(through observations and helped by techniques that Virginia shows) to at least know what topic to talk about. Benson is more of a introvert so Eliza talks more about art, book and stuff like that. Not a very good date but pretty fine, Benson doesn't really has much bad to say about this one except he finds Eliza to be a bit too mature. Virginia, on the other hand, pretty much nails the date like the capable girl she is, dating-wise.


Benson chooses a few of the girls for a second date but lies to them that they are the only one he is dating now. Of course, Eliza and Virginia are among the choice. This secret doesn't last too long as Virginia saw Benson and Eliza dating on one day. Virginia confronts Eliza the next day at work but Eliza doesn't back down, knowing that she has no choice at all and Virginia sure pisses her off enough. They starts to has their own battle going, trying to spoil each other's date and just trying to make the other look bad in the office. Benson knows about that but doesn't do anything, merely laughing on his own at a corner watching the "fight" between two of them.


Relationship-wise, both girls are doing well with Benson and Benson is enjoying the thing too much to really cut them off so early. He wants them to commit more and then just break up with them, now that's some payback to the female gender. A brief flashback of his break up with his ex-girlfriends are shown.


Eliza goes to every date with Karen's advice in mind and he starts to get the hang of imagining Benson as Reyes(and the screen will use some simple camera cutting techniques to "replace" Benson with Reyes since this is low-budget so it has to stay low-tech). Eliza is pretty sweet and natural with "Reyes" but stupid things happened like she is kissing Benson and said "I like you, Reyes" out of nowhere. Once, she gets a call from Reyes and the phone screen displays "My Dear" and she has to put up many reasons to cover it up and also do things like making her Facebook status single again, igniting conflict between her and Reyes and stop Reyes to come back to visit her and so on.


While Virginia is pretty sexy and the whole package when it comes to look, Eliza is more than meet the eyes. Over the weeks, Eliza sees Benson as a good friend and has taught him how to wear and act more like a man. Benson's appearance changes to a more handsome man with dashing hair cut and nice clothing and he himself feels the changes. He is confused, he feelings toward Eliza grows, more than he is supposed to have. Eliza feels the same way, she can't imagine Benson as Reyes anymore(to display this technically, the first few dates "visually" will be Eliza and Reyes and later on, Eliza and Benson, it's just Eliza imagination as she is dating Benson all the way), she sees Benson as Benson and she is very happy of her time with him. Yet, she is confused and a little horrified by that, knowing that this really is affecting his relationship with Reyes.


The attachment of Benson and Eliza is further confirmed by an incident inside a broken elevator. Benson is on OT and Eliza waits for him to go back together. The elevator breaks and Eliza's Claustrophobia kicks in. Benson spends some time to claim her down, getting hit a few times and get squeezed hard in the process. They cuddle, Benson asks Eliza to close her eyes and stay calm, they had some sweet talk and eventually Eliza fall asleep on Benson's shoulder. Benson smiles looking at the sleeping face of Eliza and kisses her in the forehead before their help opens the elevator's door to get them out.


As much as Eliza finds herself (surprisingly) enjoying the process, she is out of time. Karen gives her an advice to just steal the ring and be done with it. The problem is she has never went to Benson's house. Benson doesn't want to give up his house's address easily but a trade(sort of), they will pass February 13 on Eliza's house and then February 14 on his own house. Reyes wants to give Eliza a valentine surprise so he comes back to visit Eliza without telling her, only to see Benson and Eliza kissing in the living room. Reyes wastes no time in charging forward and punches Benson with all his fury and power. Eliza pushes him away and they start to argue. Reyes storms out, Eliza struggles between staying with Benson or going after Reyes but she chooses Reyes. She finds Reyes at his own apartment and tries to explain to him about her plan of getting the ring and so on. Reyes doesn't like that and he just can't believe and doesn't accept about what Eliza is doing, he shouts at Eliza, telling her to leave.


Eliza tries to call Benson but Benson doesn't answer it. He kills his phone off and the camera reveals Virginia besides him. Virginia has the smile of victory over her face, she wins the war. They kiss for quite some time on a bed(it's Virginia's room) but Benson just can't get Eliza off his mind. He stops the kissing and rushes out of Virginia's house, trying to find Eliza. He drives to her house, again. A sorrowed Eliza let Benson in and explains her intention and plan. Benson is disappointed but as he is also using Eliza in a way, he calms himself down. After all, Eliza isn't that bad. He takes the ring out from his pocket and hands it to Eliza, stating that she has changed him and he doesn't really need this ring. He has just one request, that is for Eliza to become his girlfriend. Eliza accepts and they kiss passionately.


A brief scene of Reyes going into a bar is shown. He sits next to Virginia inside the bar and they talks. It is clear that they are attracted by each other as they laugh at their own incident of breaking up a few hours before Valentine's Day.


Benson and Eliza sells the ring, which is pretty valuable, and with some of their own savings, they clear the debt. A brief scene of them paying Mr.Chu the debt is shown. Then, a short scene of Eliza picking up Rafael from the jail. Next, Benson and Eliza is watching sunset on a beach. They are alone and Benson confesses to Eliza about his original plan. Eliza shuts him up in the middle of the telling, stating that it doesn't matter anymore. They hold hands and Eliza rests her head on Benson's shoulder as the camera slowly rises up into the orange sky before it eventually fades to back. Credit rolls.



Los Angeles



101 minutes



Talent - $545,000

Production - $150,000

Marketing - $305,000


Current Balance:



Goliath of Entertainment: Emerald Love


This is an interesting love story with lots of twists and turns along the way. No one really stuck out as being great in this film, but I did enjoy the intruge of how they all met up. In the end, a not so bad film that isn't going to be winning any awards.


Rating: 2.5 out of 5

Revenue: 950,000 dollars


New Balance: 950,000 dollars


You can now start casting for your next film


O.O.C. Sorry for the short review, I was halfway through when my class ended so I just cut it off there.

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Endless Grinning Skulls Present


This is Shark Country


Chapter 0 : The Beast is Hungry (10 Mins)


Location: small fishing town, beach, in the water


it begins with a young boy on a dingy, he's playing about, and we see P.O.V of the water, rapidly approaching the dingy, the boy jumps, its his younger brother, they talk about college, girls about their future, and then talk about their Dad Winston Day (Danny Glover) who since their mom left, he's never been the same, the younger brother boards the dingy, as he talks about how much he misses mom, a giant shadow approaches them(i mean huge shadow), with both boys wondering whats happening it cuts to....


Sheriff Brock Martin(Jason Lee) looking at a destroyed Dingy, he then says better get Winston down here...


Chapter 1 - Til Death Do Us Part (15 Mins)


Location Jasper Chance House


Jasper Chance (Tim Roth) is talking to Jane Rivers (Winoa Ryder) about the legend of The Great Albino Shark that terrorizes the small fishing town of Mayland, he explains how he lost his wife after only being married for three months and living here for one, throughout the whole thing that is awkward flirting between both characters, it eventually leads to Chance asking Rivers if she would have a drink with him tonight she agrees


Chapter 2 - A Night of Drinking and Revenge (20 Mins)


Day who is heavily drunk, tries to convince people to come hunting with him to get the Great Albino, after killing his boys, no one agrees and Day goes off on one about how his Fishing Company has kept this small town afloat and if it wasn't for him, nobody would have a job


it cuts to Chance and River talking about thier future and what their plans in life was, Rivers a two time best selling Author whose latest books have been flops, wants inspiration to write a new best seller and wants to make a book about how far would a loved one go to save his family, Chance inspired tells Day, he will join him...a dark figure stands up in the background


Its Hunter Devin Horus (Ron Perlman) he tells them for a price he will catch their shark, he explains that he has been following this story for a long time, and thinks the shark is a worthy foe as it seems to enjoy the kill and the hunt, Day and Chance agree as long they can deliver the killing blow, Horus agrees and tells them to meet him tomorrow...


River asks Chance if it really is a good idea, he says he has to for his wife, Rivers looks impressed and fades to black...


Chapter 3 - The Hunt for The Great Albino (20 Mins)


Day, Chance and Horus are looking through maps, Horus says that this shark is bigger than any he will ever encounter, and looks at locations of previous kills, Brock comes in and says that he should stop this but begins listing the dead that have been killed by this Shark, 11 in all, including Days and Chance's family, and if its alright by them he will join them, they mark the most likely of places, which is a closed of bit of the water, that not many people go to because of superstition and a vast part of the ocean, Brock says he will send a party of officers to one location and they will scout the other


outside, Horus looks at the officers boat and says it will barely even last the trip let alone a shark attack, they ask what makes his boat so special and he says hs boat is essentially a floating tank, at his boat Rivers is waiting telling Chance, that she wants to base her book on Chance and was impressed by his urge to avenge his loved one, on board is Boris Kozlov, one of Days finest boatman, Horus shows off all his girl including explosives and weapons and a giant harpoon, they set off...


Chapter 4 - The Calm - (10 Mins)


this chapter is to build up the characters, its a montage of them, playing board games, fishing, looking on the radar etc...just a fun chapter before the chaos begins, it ends with them deciding to join the other party neat the more secluded part of the ocean


Chapter 5 - Blood Frenzy (15 Mins)


From now on it turns into more of a horror tone


Day tells Chance and Rivers about why this part is superstitious, the town apprently had a weird cult in the 1800's that would sacrefice people to its God local to only them, it was down here all the sacrefices took place, and so many people were killed to thier god that the water down here is always red with blood, Chance syas its crap until they find the Police Boat mangled covered in blood, Brock freaks out and says he can't go on, he has to go back to his family, Horus tells him off and says he has let down not just the team but all the victims too of this great shark, Brock tells him that Horus is just a mercenary and only cares for the money, he sets off on a little dingy, and they press forward, Boris tells the others a story about Horus, that his family was killed by a giant Crocodile, he hunted it and killed it, Chance calls crap but Boris says look at his necklace and its giant crocodile teeth, as they go forward the water is slowly changing colour, Horus tells them to get ready, they have the Albino has the smell of blood, under the red water we can see the huge shadow from earlier


even Horus is in Disbelief uttering "My God....IMPACT COMING"


The Boat smashes and seems to be knocked out of the water


(this almost happens so fast you can't quite seem to concentrate on the carnage)


Chapter 666 - This is Shark Country - (30 Mins)


we see the boat now floating aimlessly in the water, blood stains the floor of the front of the boat and the water almost seems like its now real blood, we can hear thrashing in the background


Borus is dead, still being torn apart by normal sized sharks, Horus still in the boat gets up, he realizes there is loads of them and not just one big one, he gets his harpoon ready...


We see Day on top of a large white rock, he is repeatidly stabbing it, cursing it and totaaly gone into a frenzy, we then realize its the back of the Albino, and he is trying to tear it apart, the shark smashes into the boat, knocking Horus over board, but with a sack full of weapons, he begins fighting the other sharks...pans out to both men fighting and blood crazy


cuts to cluster of rocks, River wakes up, Chance is watching the carnage he begins to talk, "you know i heard about this place an ancient being a god to the former villagers of this place, they used to feed the ancient gods any wanderer, traveler, to them, then they was found out...the outsiders, brought their god with them...they hunted the ancient ones and killed them, but one remained and it looks like she now has a family, my wife...my wife was the first you know, i reawakened them...gave her the taste, her rightful taste...we are the sacrifice...come you want to be inspired..."


Horus is seriously injured but has killed a lot of thesharks and gets back on board, he gets the huge harpoon and fires at the Albino, it starts spinning and wraps Day in the harpoon wire, his legs trapped, Horus readies some huge explosives, "you might be big, you Albino bitch, but this bomb is bigger" he looks at a picture and we can only assume its his wife, Day has now made a huge hole in the giant sharks back... and it goes under water


Rivers is fighting Chance and is holding her own against him, he throws her in the water and two sharks begin to swim towards her


Horus has the bomb ready, and hears a huge rumbling, with his bomb he looks at the water, this is the first shot of the Albino Shark and it is huge its mouth as big as the boat, its teeth is the last thing Horus and the boat will see as the mouth smashes into the boat and Horus, smashing the boat into pieces, the Albino starts spinning again in pain and Day is now in the water as the Shark once again goes underwater again, grabs some explosives that are now floating from the destroyed boat, he stuffs the wound full of the explosives, he doesn't know how to make it blow up and starts fiddling with the buttons


Rivers is seemingly dead, Chance picks up a rifle, and begins to laugh, the gods are back and ready for power, rock smashed into his head, its Rivers covered in blood and entrails of the sharks as well as her own wounds, she begins punching Chance and says she is now really inspired by him and punches him to a pulp


Day flicks a switch on the bomb, and the light goes green, he smiles, and looks to the skies "i am coming home boys" he pressed the green light, and the camera follows the wound inside the shark leading to Horus whose hand we can just see reaching for his rigged bomb "i love you Linda"


The Shark explodes into many pieces, Chance gets the rifle and shoots Rivers in the stomach, she starts laughing as we see the shark explode, Chance begins screaming, the exploded head lands on Chance killing him, Rivers just stares into space laughing to the horror she just witnessed...


the credits and title appears, this will be the only time we see any credits as there is none at the beginning...


after credits


Brock is outside his house near the woods, talking to someone on his phone"yeah i ran away pop, it was the only thing i could do, no way was i fighting that thing, i thought our ancestors killed them all, what do you mean we never killed them all...it was a what..." as he says it he hears a growl and turns to see a huge bear standing nearly 15 ft talll its claws the the size of forearms...pans out of the woods and we hear screaming....


Genre: Drama/Horror/Creature Feature


Locations: beach, a small town, an ocean or large bit of water, a very large enclosed ocean with rocks and hills surrounding it, a large boat big enough to hold 6 people, a pub and few houses


Production: 200,000

Marketing: 100,000

Stars Cost and Marketing and Production combined: 855,000 can someone correct me if i am wrong

Runtime :120 Mins plus credits and epilogue



Tim Roth as Jasper Chance

Danny Glover as Winston Day

Winoa Ryder as Jane Rivers

Ron Perlman as Devin Horus

Peter Stormare as Boris Kozlov

Jason Lee as Brock Martin


the feel of the film, i want the first 4 chapters to feel more like a drama with big development on characters and long character pieces between people such as the boating scene in chapter 0 , even though they know that there is possibly a shark out in the water, they don't know how bad it is until they face it, such as the character Boris not really fussed about the situation and Brock who seems to think they can have this over and done with in no time, and then the last two chapters seem almost like an old creature feature film and seem more grainy,


the main shark is not to be seen until it destroys the boat, this is because i don't want the shark to be seen properly by the characters or audience so when its finally shown we can see just how giant the thing really is, before this the size is purposely different, as no one knows what it truly looks like


also the origin of the shark is to remain a total mystery as stories get muddled up and sort of gel into what they want to believe such as the blood water is to remain unexplained

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Fighting Knight Productions presents:

Title- It Ends Here

Lead Actor-Cole & Dylan Spouse ($30,000 each)

Lead Actress- N/A

Supporting Actor- Tommy Lee Jones ($90,000)

Supporting Actress- N/A

Director - Clark Johnson ($120,000)

Genre- Thriller, Action.

Plot- The movie stars with a bunch of extras getting ready for their prom with the song We Are Young is playing in the background. Next we see people lined up to get into the Prom. Brad (Dylan) is at the coat check room getting coats brought to him. The camera then pans to Mike (Cole), who is working at a table, handing out and filling cups with jucie. The doors close to the prom and that's when Brad pulls out a shotgun from the inside of his coat and shoots the principal in the head.


We are then shown a clip of Brad putting the shotgun in his coat at his car, then heads in. He is then shown putting the coat close to him in the same spot it was before, with the gun hidden.


We are back at the prom, right after Brad shot the principal. Everyone is screaming in terror, well falling to the ground. Some are making a break for an exit when the camera cuts to Mike holding a switch, he presses it, then the camera cuts to an exit and their is a big explosion, blocking off the exit. The camera then pans around the whole room showing all the exits blocked, except one, which is in the coat closet.


We are then shown another clip, where Brad and Mike are setting up for the prom and they are placing explosions at the exits, covering them well.


We are then back at the prom. Brad jumps up to the mic and tell everyone what is happening and why. Mike then pulls out a big box, which looks like a catering box. He opens it and it's full of guns and ammo. Mike gives a semi-auto and a few pistols to Brad.


We are then shown another clip of them smuggling the guns into the school.


Next we see Brad and Mike walking around. Brad gets to a guy and stand there. We are then cut to a clip of the guy Brad stops in front of, he is bullying Brad and Mike. We are then back to Brad, he takes his semi and shots the guy. This goes on for a few more people.


We are now outside when there is a police workforce set up we see a guy in a suit (Jones) walk up to a guy in a police uniform. The guy in the suit greets the man and tell him he Captain Delomrp and was told to take over this task force. Delormp then tell them to try and contact . We are now in the prom again, where a phone is ringing. Brad goes and pick up, it's Delomrp. Delormp tells him his name and ask for his. Brad responds, "wouldn't you like to know". Delormp said that he will send in his men right now unless Brad tells him who he is, so Brad does. Delormp then tells Brad to release the hostages or else we will cut the power. Brad tells Delormp to "screw you", then the power shuts off. Brad starts yelling at Delormp, telling him to turn to power on or he will kill someone ever 30 seconds, starting now. He then shots and kills someone, then starts counting down from 30. He reaches 0 and kills someone else. Then starts counting down from 30 again, this time reaches 1 when the hydro comes back on. "You were very close," said Brad. "Well I didn't want to but needed to," replies Delormp. "Because you kept me waiting, I'm gonna kill someone else," says Brad, which he does.


Brad and Mike's mom is now at the taskforce, talking to Captain Delormp. She explains that Brad was born first, Delormp then gives a profile, saying that Brad is most likly controling Mike.


Their are some more deaths and talks with Delormp. Then Mike calls Delormp, explaining that they ran out of food and want pizza. Delormp agrees, and sends someone to get the pizza. Delormp, calls back when the pizza came and told Mike where to get it. Brad is left with all of the people left at the prom by himself. Someone decides to try and jump him, however Brad was able to kill them quickly. Mike comes back with the pizza and sets it down for him and Brad to eat. While they are eating a S.W.A.T. comes in and shots Mike, he goes down. Brad then starts hitting the S.W.A.T. members, and some of them shot Brad, he goes down.


We are then shown a clip of Mike talking to Delormp on the phone when he is getting the pizza. Delormp tells Mike how he knows Brad is the controlling one and how if Mike does what Delormp tells him, he might get a bit of his sentence. Delormp then tells him that he will bring the pizza and a bullett proof vest, to put the bullett proof vest and keep the door you use clear to get into by the S.W.A.T, Delormp will then tell the S.W.A.T. to only hit the chest.


We are back at the prom, Mike gets up and runs to his brother crying, saying "Why, why, why?" The police then come and arrest Mike. Mike is being taken out of the school when we are shown another clip, of Mike telling Brad exactly what to do, and when to do it. They are then walking into the car they took to get to the prom. We are now back at the school where Mike is being put in a police car, and the car drives off.

Location- A school in the US

Budget- Actors & Director- $270,000 + Marketing- $300,000 + Production- $255,000

Duration - 2 hours & 13 minutes

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Looking for the rights to a Dr. McNinja movie.


If I can start on the casting for it now...


Movie: Dr. McNinja: The Movie

Rating: PG

Genre: Action/Comedy

Summary: When King Radical builds an island theme park, Dr. McNinja's attempts to stop him are oddly rewarded by a preview tour of the park. The good Doctor is covinced it's a trap and brings his family along to try to figure out what King Radical's plan really is... and hijinks ensue.


Marketing: Depends on negotiations, but from 150,000 to 500,000


Director: Robert Rodriguez



Stephen Colbert, Lead, No Nudity

Ron Perlman, Lead, No Nudity

Bruce Campbell, Support, No Nudity

Lucy Liu, Support, No Nudity

Seth Green, Support, No Nudity

Rey Misterio Jr (using his real name as he will be sans mask), Support, No Nudity


Also, the entire cast of Mythbusters (Jamie Hyneman, Adam Savage, Grant Imahara, Kari Byron, and Tory Bellaci) to cameo as themselves.


You can purchase the rights to Dr. McNinja for 75,000 dollars. Christopher Hastings also wants to be involved in the script writing in some way.

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Fill out the following Info:

Title: Dr Martin

Rating: PG-13

Brief summary of the movie: A doctor, set to retire from his 40 year long career within a week is suddenly bombarded with the wackiest patients he's ever had, while dealing with his daughter trying to set him up with a new girlfriend.

Amount you plan to spend on marketing: 300,000


Actors (no nudity from any)

Steve Martin - Doctor Tom Martin

Steve Harvey - Doctor Charles Anderson

Sarah Michelle Gellar - Tara McKenzie, (Tom Martin's daughter) Perks: If this movie does "well" (rates atleast a 3.5) ill guarantee her the leading role of my next film.

^ Major Roles

V Minor roles

Freddie Prinze Jr - Johnny McKenzie

Damon Wayans - Donny James

Dana Carvey - Multiple roles

Jon Heder - Jeff The Intern

Bryan Callen - Doctor Marc Fisher

Nicole Sullivan - Amber

Daphne Zuniga - Samantha


also for director id like to contact

Todd Phillips


Steve Martin will agree to terms got 150,000 dollars

Steve Harvey will agree to terms for 80,000 dollars

Sarah Michelle Gellar will agree to terms for 75,000 dollars plus the perks you mentioned

Freddie Prinze Jr will agree to terms for 50,000 dollars

Damon Wayans will agree to terms for 50,000 dollars

Dana Carvey will agree to terms for 40,000 dollars

Jon Heder will agree to terms for 40,000 dollars

Bryan Callen will agree to terms for 30,000 dollars

Nicole Sullivan will agree to terms for 30,000 dollars

Daphne Zuniga will agree to terms for 25,000 dollars


Todd Phillips will direct your film for 175,000 dollars


If you agree to these terms you can begin filming immediately.

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Post the following info:

Title- Dr Martin

Lead Actor- Steve Martin, Steve Harvey

Lead Actress-Sarah Michelle Gellar

Supporting Actor- Freddie Prinze jr, Dana Carvey, Damon Wayans, John Heder, Bryan Callen

Supporting Actress- Nicole Sullivan, Daphne Zuniga

Director - Todd Phillips

Genre- Romantic Dramedy?


Plot- It's one work week until Doctor Tom Martin(Steve Martin) retires, having worked at the same hospital for the last 40 years. His daughter, Tara,(Sarah Michelle Gellar) informs him via telephone her and her husband, Johnny(Freddie Prinze jr) will be visiting him for his "Big week".


Day 1: Tom deals with the idiot intern Jeff(Jon Heder), who managed to screw up seven things in the space of three minutes. He meets a patient named Mortimer(Dana Carvery) who is in the hospital from a golfing accident that ended in the swallowing of a golf ball. He also meets the snobby Samantha(Daphne Zuniga) who constantly complains about everything in the hospital. When Tom gets home his daughter and her husband are there... with a woman named Amber(Nicole Sullivan) which leads to a very uncomfortable dinner where Tara tries to hook him up with Amber. Tom kicks everyone out and goes to bed, and drifts off staring at a picture, on his nightstand, of his deceased wife.


Day 2: Tom and his best friend/colleague Charles(Steve Harvey) talk for a few minutes, Tom asking Charles for some advice about what to do about his daughter trying to "Fix him up". Charles deals with a patient named Donny(Damon Wayans) who refuses to accept any form of pain killers for a semi-serious injury requiring surgery, Tom snaps on the patient and yells at the patient about his own problems... and the patient ends up giving Tom a bit of advice on how to handle his daughter situation. Jeff the intern sneaks up to Donny and tries to inject him with painkillers...only to be knocked out by Donny. Tom apologizes for his intern and leaves the room. Doctor Fisher(Callen) pleads for Dr Tom to stay another year, telling him that he's the best at handling patients of all the doctors in the place. At that moment a patient(Dana Carvey) runs down the hall calling for his dog, The Skipper, looking at the doctors he grabs them by the shoulders and starts shaking them asking if they have seen his dog the skipper... they realize the patient is mentally ill. On his way out for the evening, Martin sees Samantha, who apologizes for "being such a ***** yesterday" and slips her phone number in his pocket. Another awkward dinner sees Tom argue with Tara, ending in Johnny snapping and punching Tom. Tara apologizes multiple times and starts screaming at Johnny

Day 3:

Tom starts the day off with a friendly office poker game which sees Tom win a fair amount from Charles, Jeff and Dr. Fisher. After doing rounds he goes to lunch break. At lunch Samantha brings Amber to the workplace, where Tom snaps on them and has security escort them out. He deals with a few more problem patients (all played by Dana Carvey). There is no dinner with Tara this night.


Day 4:

As soon as Tom gets to work Samantha is waiting for him. He is positively delighted. He apparently has a problem-free day at work, so he heads out early and calls his daughter for an early dinner, sans Johnny. Tom finally has a one on one conversation with Tara about her obsession of getting him to "move on" from her deceased mother. They plan for a special dinner the next evening. Tom grabs some beers with Charles after the dinner.


Day 5: Theres a celebration for Tom's last day at work, he ends up cutting out early as soon as he sees his daughter brought Amber. On his way out, he sees the patient who was looking for his dog break a wooden chair on Johnny's head. Tom yelled "Your gonna want to put some ice on that" before leaving. He calls Samantha, and then proceeds to blow off his dinner commitment with his daughter and focuses on Samantha for the whole day.


Location- Los Angeles

Budget- (Actors: 745,000 Marketing: 300,000 Production: 205,000 total: 1,250,000. Remaining: 0)

Duration - 92 Mins 37 seconds.

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Joss whedon will agree to terms for 150,000 dollars

Donald Glover will agree to terms for 70,000 dollars

Nina dobrev will agree to terms for 70,000 dollars

Britt Robertson will agree to terms for 60,000 dollars

Matt lanter will agree to terms for 60,000 dollars

India eisley will agree to terms for 50,000 dollars

Emily Browning will agree to terms for 50,000 dollars

Chris Evans will agree to terms for 15,000 dollars

Huge jackman will agree to terms for 20,000 dollars

Jewel staite will agree to terms for 15,000 dollars


If you agree to these terms you can start filming immediately





Also, contact Bryce Cass for a cameo appearance, with a guarenteed role in possible sequel

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I'd like to bid for the rights to The Jetsons, please.


Proposed project:


Title: The Jetsons

Rating: PG


Brief summary of the movie: In this live-action adaptation of the classic cartoon series, Judy Jetson is about to graduate from Orbit High, and has her heart set on going to Lunar U in the fall. But George can’t afford the tuition unless Judy can win a talent contest scholarship sponsored by Cogswell Cogs...and George will go to any length to keep his boss Mr. Spacely from finding out!


Amount you plan to spend on marketing: 300,000 to 500,000 depending on licensing fees


George Jetson: Jason Sudeikis (lead, no nudity, can reprise character for sequels)

Jane Jetson: Christina Hendricks (lead, no nudity, can reprise character for sequels)

Judy Jetson: Caroline Sunshine (supporting, no nudity, can reprise character for sequels)

Elroy Jetson: Max Charles (supporting, no nudity, can reprise character for sequels)

Rosie: Arleen Sorkin (voice only) (supporting, no nudity, no travel required, can reprise character for sequels)

Astro: Hank Azaria (voice only) (supporting, no nudity, no travel required, can reprise character for sequels)

Cosmo Spacely: Wallace Shawn (supporting, no nudity, can reprise character for sequels)

Spencer Cogwell: David Paymer (supporting, no nudity, can reprise character for sequels)

R.U.D.I.: Rodger Bumpass (voice only) (supporting, no nudity, no travel required, can reprise character for sequels)

Henry Orbit: Christopher Lloyd (cameo, no nudity, can reprise character for sequels)

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I'd like to bid for the rights to The Jetsons, please.


Proposed project:


Title: The Jetsons

Rating: PG


Brief summary of the movie: In this live-action adaptation of the classic cartoon series, Judy Jetson is about to graduate from Orbit High, and has her heart set on going to Lunar U in the fall. But George can’t afford the tuition unless Judy can win a talent contest scholarship sponsored by Cogswell Cogs...and George will go to any length to keep his boss Mr. Spacely from finding out!


Amount you plan to spend on marketing: 300,000 to 500,000 depending on licensing fees


George Jetson: Jason Sudeikis (lead, no nudity, can reprise character for sequels)

Jane Jetson: Christina Hendricks (lead, no nudity, can reprise character for sequels)

Judy Jetson: Caroline Sunshine (supporting, no nudity, can reprise character for sequels)

Elroy Jetson: Max Charles (supporting, no nudity, can reprise character for sequels)

Rosie: Arleen Sorkin (voice only) (supporting, no nudity, no travel required, can reprise character for sequels)

Astro: Hank Azaria (voice only) (supporting, no nudity, no travel required, can reprise character for sequels)

Cosmo Spacely: Wallace Shawn (supporting, no nudity, can reprise character for sequels)

Spencer Cogwell: David Paymer (supporting, no nudity, can reprise character for sequels)

R.U.D.I.: Rodger Bumpass (voice only) (supporting, no nudity, no travel required, can reprise character for sequels)

Henry Orbit: Christopher Lloyd (cameo, no nudity, can reprise character for sequels)


You will be granted the ability to product The Jetsons for 125,000 dollars.

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You will be granted the ability to product The Jetsons for 125,000 dollars.


That still leaves me with 1.125m, so I'll agree. Open negotiations please.


EDIT: Realized I did not have a director on my cast/crew list: please contact Thor Freudenthal for directing duties.

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Darn, so damn close to breakthrough. It's time for a second try and perhaps a different strategy:


Title: Protégé


Rating: R


Genre: Drama(Main genre) | Action | Crime(as much as I would like to bank on the trend, ignoring "crime" in an assassin movie is just bad and cheating to me)


Marketing Budget: 300K++, unless short on money(and my apology to all the talents of Emerald Love for screwing up my marketing budget as I posted 400K but used only 305K)


Summary: The protagonist is sent on a mission to kill his mentor. The movie recaps on his relationship with his mentor and his assassin life in general, in a way of flashback when he is on his way to his mentor's house.


Director - Quentin Tarantino

"For the movie, we are planning to have it in a non-chronological order(and a bit chapter-based too), by using items and scenes that the protagonist sees on his way to his mentor's house to trigger the flashback. We truly believe that you are a master of this technique/filming approach and would be very happy to have you as the director of this film."


Lead Actor - Ben Foster

"The Protégé, a very talented killer but has shown more emotion than needed in the killing game. To cut off his emotion, he has denied himself from friend, family and love(although he did break that rule). As a result, he often feel very lonely and has no sense of a belonging. Joined the assassin organisation years ago and is taken by Liam Neeson's character as protégé not long later as Liam Neeson sees his potential. Would appreciate if Mr.Foster can do the stunt of the movie personally, just some minor stunts."


Lead Actor - Liam Neeson

"Mentor, very cold and distant most of the time but has shown emotion some time to his protégé. He has more than one protégé but the protagonist, as he said, is a very brilliant one. One of the best assassin in his time, loves the challenge of taking newly joined assassins as his protégé, partly because he wants children but never has the chance to do so due to his career choice(and being cold and distant doesn't help)."


Support Actress - Milla Jovovich

"Female killer, is the partner of the protagonist in some assignments. Wild and crazy in her approach, she is one killing machine with no remorse. Appears in the action part of the film and would appreciate if she can do some minor stunts on her own."


Support Actress - Bryce Dallas Howard

"Informer of protagonist, was a love interest of the protagonist but she denies it as she wants to stay professional with her assassin clients. Appears in the drama part of the film but not too much as the main focus is still on the mentor-mentee relationship."




I would also like to thank Ryan Gosling and Rose Bryne for their work in Emerald Love but despite their excellent performance, it is just not good enough for the perk to be applicable so "a lead role in one of my production's next 5 movies" is not applicable. Still, I would gladly use them again if chances present.

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Lone Wolf Productions Presents

La Costa Nostra



Francis Ford Coppola



Ralph Macchio as Detective Stephen Cole

John Travolta as "The Underboss" Nicky Scarpelli

Scott Baio as Johnny "The Rat" Grimaldi

Crispin Glover as Detective George Thomas

Alyssa Milano as Jane Cole

Robert Dinero as "The Boss" Salvatore Gambino



Action Drama





Plot Synopsis:


The movie begins in a diner on 5th Street in New York City. Detective Stephen Cole and his lovely wife Jane are eating breakfast. The Detective is excited, he just got word from his superiors at the FBI that a well known member of the notorious American Mafia has been apprehended and that Stephen will get to interrogate him. Jane asks Stephen whether or not they will be able to make a showing of Jesus Christ Superstar at the Neil Simon Theatre before it stops showing in 2 weeks. Stephen responds that he doesn't know and kisses his wife on the forehead before leaving for work.


The scene fades into an interrogation room where we first get a glimpse of Johnny "The Rat" Grimaldi as he lifts his head from the table. Stephen informs Grimaldi that he could end up the death penalty for murder if he doesn't speak up. Grimaldi sits silently and stares into space, not paying attention to Cole at all.



I Know why they call you The Rat. Your the snitch, you tell the boss when other members of the family have been speaking to the cops.



You don't know nothin'. I don't get to speak to the Boss. I just talk to his right hand.



You won't even get to speak to him if you don't start talking!


Grimaldi breaks down in tears, he's afraid of his own mortality. He tells the Detective he'll do whatever it takes to stay out of jail. The Detective tells him he can be a double agent of sorts, give him information about the inside of the Family and he could get witness protection and a pardon. Grimaldi accepts.


The next scene begins on a rooftop in New York City. Johnny Grimaldi approaches a man sitting in a beach chair. It's Nicky Scarpelli, the Underboss of the Family, Salvatore Gambino's right hand man. Scarpelli asks Grimaldi where his money is. Grimaldi says the police showed up and he wasn't able to get it. Scarpelli reminds Grimaldi that once you're in the family, you're in for life, you do your job til you go down, and if you can't do your job anymore then you die. Scarpelli backhands Grimaldi to the ground. He hollers at him to make sure he doesn't mess up anymore.


Back at the FBI headquarters Detective Cole is looking for any information he can on the Gambino Family. He uncovers the name of Detective George Thomas who worked on the case 10 years ago until he retired from the FBI. Cole decides to pay him a visit.


The next scene starts at George Thomas' house. Cole is asking him all about the Gambino Family. Thomas is reluctant to speak. He tells Cole about how 10 years ago he was close to bringing the entire American Mafia down but they came to his house, they kidnapped his wife then murdered her. They sent him a letter saying that if he continued investigating them they would do the same to his son. Thomas says that was the day he decided to retire from the FBI. Cole asks where his son is now. Thomas says his son died last year in a car accident. Cole asks him to rejoin him in the investigation now. He asks what does Thomas have to lose. Suddenly Cole gets a cell phone call from Johnny "The Rat". Nicky Scarpelli is planning on hitting a bank in order to recoup the money that Johnny was supposed to get earlier when he got busted.


Detectives Cole and Thomas pull up to the bank which is already surrounded by policemen. Scarpelli, Grimaldi and a few other goons are inside the bank with hostages. Cole asks a policeman how far away the SWAT Team are. He says about 30 minutes. Cole responds that the hostages could all be dead by then. Cole gets on the horn and tries to negotiate with Scarpelli. Scarpelli hollers that he isn't leaving here in handcuffs, no matter what. Scarpelli then opens fire at the police from the windows of the bank. Police fire back. Detectives Cole and Thomas attempts to infiltrate the bank. Inside the bank he is able to free most of the hostages until Johnny "The Rat" gets the jump on Thomas. He points the gun to the back of Detective Thomas' head. Scarpelli sees this and orders Grimaldi to shoot the Detective. Grimaldi hesitates. Cole reminds Grimaldi of their deal, and that if he shoots him he goes back on that. Scarpelli overhears and figures out that Grimaldi was working with the FBI. He shoots "The Rat" in the head, killing him, then shoots Detective Thomas in the chest. He takes Detective Cole hostage for himself. Slowly he walks out of the bank, with his gun directly to the temple of Detective Cole, he backs into a waiting getaway car pushes the Detective to the ground and gets away.


Back at the FBI headquarters Detective Cole is filling out papers when another Agent approaches him and tells him that Detective George Thomas didn't make it. He also hands Cole a letter that just came in. Cole opens the letter and reads it.


Dear Detective Cole,


Recently it's come to our attention that you have been investigating our family. We're just honest people, trying to make an honest living. You are interfering with La Costa Nostra. I suggest you do the smart thing and retire before that beautiful wife of yours meets the same fate as The Rat and Detective Georgie.



The Gambino Family


One Week Later


Cole has decided to take a vacation from the FBI in order to figure out whether he should pursue his career or retire. He decides to finally take his wife to the Broadway Showing of Jesus Christ Superstar. During the show he hears a lot of loud hollering from the balcony. He spots Nicky Scarpelli who has been drinking and is being very obnoxious. He decides that after the show he'll have a few words with Scarpelli. Cole and his wife leave the show early to catch Scarpelli on the way out. Cole asks his wife to stay in the car. Scarpelli is leaving the theatre saying "Grease was better than that!" when Cole walks directly up to him and punches him in the face. Scarpelli smiles and wipes the blood from his mouth. "You done it now, you're a deadman." Scarpelli says calmly.



You killed an innocent man, you killed his wife, you threaten me! You threaten my wife! I'm taking you to jail right now!


Just as Cole finishes yelling at Scarpelli his wife runs up. Scarpelli grabs her and puts his gun to her head, forcing Cole to draw his weapon.



You see Cole, it's like I said before, I ain't leaving here in no handcuffs.


Cole pleads with Scarpelli.



Let her go Nicky, she's got nothing to do with this.


Scarpelli smiles.



She does Cole. She's got everything to do with it. I could use a pretty broad like this around the house. I got laundry to do you know? Of course I could just splatter her brains all over this sidewalk right here.


Cole begins to cry tears of anger.



Do you trust me Jane?


Jane is crying hysterically.



Yes. I love you.


Cole pulls the trigger of his gun, putting one bullet through the forehead of Scarpelli.



Is it over?



I don't think so sweetheart...


The scene fades into a office building in a skyscraper. A shadowy figure sits at a desk. A man in a suit approaches.



Boss. Nicky Scarpelli was shot and killed today right on broadway by a fed.


The shadowy figure lifts his head revealing himself as Salvatore Gambino.



Who did it? Who killed my best friend? Who killed my underboss?



A Detective Stephen Cole.



I had one thing I wanted to do. I wanted to rebuild this family to the size it was when my Grandfather ran this city. I wanted to rebuild La Costa Nostra. Thanks to this Stephen Cole, I have to rebuild my entire infrastructure. I have to get a new right hand. I've got a lot of work to do and I'm gonna need more than a family to get it done. I'm gonna need an army. I'm gonna find this Cole, and I'm gonna kill him. Then I'm going to bring this city to it's knees.


End Credits




New York City



115 Minutes







Current Balance:



Lone Wolf Productions: La Costa Nostra


There's nothing I like better than a great mafia movie, and lucky for me this one didn't disappoint. The movie started a little slow for my liking, I was hoping for a bit more action early on and I found myself day dreaming through a lot of the dialog. Once the action picked up though I was hooked. Ralph Macchio did a great job playing the detective who tries to take down the Mafia and his performance really made a difference. The ending of the movie seemed to set things up for a sequel and if that pans out I will be first in line to see it.


Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Stars

Revenue: 1,500,000 dollars


New Balance: 1,500,000 dollars

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I will try to do this in a different way, as i really want to try and explain what the film is all about, what i meant to do. So, this is my vision. And yes, I’ll try to do it shorter next time, give me a slack, it's my first one. :D


Also: Keep in mind that English is not my first language when reading this.




The ShowStopper Productions Proudly Presents:


A Hugh Laurie Film...


"Holly Marie Combs"





The Film opens with a black screen and we hear Holly Marrie Combs stating the following quote:


"A late actor once told me that maintaining fame is easy, as long as we can keep delivering A-game performances in front of the cameras."


The opening credits resume, to the sound of Gordon-Levitt's narration:


"People usually look at happiness as one of two things: Something to be achieved one day, or something impossible to get. Which one is the correct one, you may ask? Well...none! What do i know about it? Well...Here's my story...Well, maybe it's not just MY story, but I’m definitely there...somewhere..."



The Characters:


- Holly Marie Combs (portraying a fictionalized version of herself) - Once a big name in the industry, Holly Marie Combs achieved success in the hit TV series "The Enchanted", where she portrayed one of 3 super-heroine sisters, that had special powers and abilities, which they used to fight against super villains in the city of San Francisco. (Surely looks familiar. :D) Main stream stuff, but enough to make her rise. The series propelled her career into successful movie ventures, that placed her in Hollywood's A-list for a few years. But giving birth to 3 kids in 5 years changed her body, and, now in her early 40's, while still attractive, she finds herself aged and without her slim modeling body that in the past had headlined films, TV shows and even fashion shows. Although she is caring, tender, even adorable in the inside, she is also insecure, and hides under a cloak of coldness. She lives in constant disgust with her own body, and resents herself for her falling career, and her life, which she sees as shattered in pieces.


- Adam Johnson (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) - A computer programmer, web designer, (and in general, a master in hardware & software) in his early 30's. A simple but intelligent man, an ordinary man who has had two constants in his life... His devotion to Holly M. Combs, whom he's been a fan since his teenage day, and his relationship with his fiancée, Hannah Morris, which has lasted 12 years so far. (Four of those years, spent in engagement.)


Hannah Morris (Rose McGowan) - In her mid 30's, science teacher Hanna Morris has the looks, but not the attitude...meaning that, despite her beauty, she manages to be very humble, while managing to also be driven and somewhat impulsive, at the same time.


Peter Blake (Noah Wyle) - Blake, unlike most Hollywood agents, is very loyal to his clients, but is always willing to bend ethical and moral principles to help them succeed. While he manages to be as ruthless and aggressive as any other agent in the business, his intentions are the best, as he only tries to survive in the jungle that is Hollywood.


Craig Stuart (Josh Duhamel) - A-list actor and ex-husband of Holly, as well as father of her 3 children. Good looking, successful, rich. This A-list actor seems to have it all, especially since he ditched his ex-wife (Combs) one year after her late pregnancy, six years ago. And still, the egotistical, self-centered and selfish actor is always willing to pull all the stops if helps him get some more media attention.


Clara Yates (Ana Torv) - Hollywood's biggest feminine draw, she's managed to get herself into Porter Harris' movie, and so is currently working with Combs, just because it makes her look humble and unpretentious, and so is good for her image. Besides, working with Porter Harris is also great for her résumé. She is in her late 20's, and, when it comes to personality, she's basically a female version of Comb's ex-husband Craig.


Ricky Stanton (Robert Sean Leonard) - One of Hollywood's most requested directors at the moment, which, as we all know, doesn't necessarily means he's got talent. However, he is flamboyant, eccentric, and constantly acts like a prima donna...maybe to hyde his lack of talent.



Basil Mulcahy Jones III (Hugh Laurie) - Sounds like a lord, a count or a baron, but is nothing more than a British, blood thirst paparazzo, that hunts celebrities at any cost.


Porter Harris (James Caan) - An extremely talented and legendary director that turned his back on the big studios, because he was sick of his films being butchered by them. He is demanding, but brilliant, and hardly smiles.





When has-been actress Holly Marie Combs gets more and more depressed about her life, looks and falling career, her agent Peter Blake decides to use one of his usual non ethical plans to help her. He creates a contest where the winner will have a private dinner with Holly and will be able to see her work in the set of her new project, (a Porter Harris movie in which she is co-starring with Clara Yates, a younger, more beautiful version of herself, which further aggravates Holly’s depression and resentment) and will have backstage access for a few days. He then discovers that Adam, the webmaster of his talent agency's website is a big Holly fan, and decides to use him in his plan. He forges the contest results, which leads to Adam winning, and hires British paparazzo Basil Jones III to follow Adam & Holly in the days they spend together after the contest. Blake, with Basil's help, manipulates the whole situation, even editing pictures, to make it look like Holly and Adam rapidly became involved in the aftermath of the contest and are having an affair.


The story becomes a media sensation, (as we all know, everybody loves a good "Nobody meets celebrity and they hook up", especially if it is well fueled by the press) and for a few days it puts Combs and Adam in headlines around the world. However, knowing that this won't last for long, Blake tries to convince Adam & Holly to pretend they are having an affair, without ever telling him that he started the whole thing. While they both initially refuse, Holly senses a last chance to recapture her spotlight and ends up manipulating Adam into accepting.


They begin pretending they are having an affair, and so will often let themselves be “surprised” by reporters in situations that heavily insinuate they are together.


This leads to a lot of tension between Adam and his fiancée, Hanna Morris. Although, when the film starts, they seem to be the perfect couple, that has everything going for them, tension starts to escalate. Adam keeps telling Hannah that it's just a stunt, and she doesn't have to be worried. Hanna's insecurity, as she knows how much Adam is fan of Holly, grows bigger by the day.


Holly & Adam start to spend a lot of time together, as a result of the stunt, and eventually they begin to have feelings for each other and eventually spend a night together, at the beach, not realizing that Basil is actually there and captures the whole thing with his camera.


The pictures become a media super sensation, and Holly finds herself being requested by a lot of people, and suddenly becomes an A-list star all over again.


After the photo's release, Hanna and Adam's relationship crumbles, and eventually ends, when Hannah decides she can't forgive him. Meanwhile, Peter realizes that the whole Adam-Holly relationship will eventually grow stale with the press, and decides it's time to end it. At this time, Holly, blinded by her newly reacquired status, is convinced by her agent and by director Ricky Stanton, to leave Porter Harris's movie and to star on a major blockbuster. She accepts, and when she tells Porter she's quitting he only replies: "I’ll see you later, kid."


Adam gets more and more thorn between Hannah and Holly, but eventually decides to talk to Holly about it openly, to see if they have a future together. When he goes to her, she tells him the stunt is over, and that he should move on with his life. While it is clear to the audience that Holly actually has feelings for Adam, and in true pain when she's talking to him, she ends up caving to her fame desires, and dismisses him in the most cold possible way. She then starts working in Ricky's movie. At this time, feeling that he needs to get some new fresh coverage from the tabloids, to keep her client on the top, Peter this time decides to convince her to pretend she is back with her ex-husband, Craig Stuart, trying to form a Hollywood super couple.


Holly, who is now completely blindsided by fame and glory, immediately accepts, although she hates her ex-husband (he never loved her, used her to get to the top and ditch her after her third pregnancy). Her fake reunion with Craig earns Holly renewed and even bigger media coverage. However, as days go by, and as she gains more and more notoriety, she begins to fill increasingly empty.


Meanwhile Adam, that closed himself in his apartment for weeks, after losing both Hannah and Combs, rarely going out, and drowning his sorrows in alcohol, eventually has to snap out of his romantic drama issues, when he finds out that Hanna. also not coping well with the separation, tried to kill herself by overdosing with pills. He goes to see her in the hospital, and the two start to reconnect.


Eventually, when on the height of her fame, Holly discovers that peter was behind the whole thing, that he invented the contest, hired Basil and even asked Basil to leak the Photos of her and Adam in the beach. She argues with him, telling him he has no morale, to which he replies: "You're surely no better than me. I didn't had to work that hard to make you go along did i? I did this for you, we both want the same here."

As she listens to this, Holly realizes what she has become and quits her part in Stanton's film, which she ends up saying, "is no more than a ridiculous attempt to further more inflate is already gigantic and ridiculous queer ego. But it sure as hell ain't a film." Stanton threatens to sue her, but at this point she doesn't care. She also ends her stunt with Craig, without even bothering to explain anything to the press.


Adam and Hanna reconnected while she was at the hospital and when she's finally released, the two are on good terms, and even thinking about resuming (or trying to) resume their relationship. At the same time, Holly is in an emotional downward spiral, regretting everything she did, and missing Adam. She eventually pull herself together and goes to see Adam, that tells her he wants nothing to do with her, and that she almost dragged him to that world of hers and almost made him a sell-out, like everybody in Hollywood. Although Adam doesn't know, Hannah is listening to this conversation, and she realizes that although Adam is deeply hurt with Holly, he truly loves her. Adam ends his conversation with Holly by saying: "You know...it's true what they say. You should never meet your idols, as you will always end up disappointed!"


After being dismissed, Holly tracks down Basil Jones, and pays him to leak to the press the truth about everything that happened. The story hits the press and becomes an overnight sensation, with people demanding an explanation of her. Holly eventually gives a press conference in which, emotionally, she admits to her mistakes, and says that although she is ashamed by the whole thing, her biggest regret is having lost someone that saw her like she was, that loved her for what she truly was...an Hollywood actress, but also a human being...someone that she loved back. Someone she will never see again.


Hanna and Adam are together at home, watching the press conference. Again, she realizes that Adam deeply loves Holly and eventually asks him what he intends to do about it. Adam shocked by Hanna's words, replies: "I want you, not her. I could never trust someone like her." To which Hanna replies: "Sure you can, if you really love her, you have to love her for what she is; the woman, but also the actress. You have to understand her flaws, her fears and her desires, not only the good things." Adam realizes that Hannah is giving up on him, and eventually hugs her, thanks her and runs out of the apartment to find Holly.


At this point, Holly has declined all the invitations that her media attention generated, and decided to go back to Porter and beg for her job back. Porter, surprisingly, is waiting for her, with a smile on his face, and says: "Welcome back, kid!." To which Holly asks: "You're not mad with me?" Porter laughs and says: "Mad? hell no, I was once you!"


The final moments of the film center on the reunion between Holly and Adam. Adam finds her on the set of her movie and the two eventually kiss and walk out the set together holding hands. Holly asks:

- And now what??

- Now we live. - Replies Adam.

- Just as simple as that? - Asks Holly.

Adam laughs and responds:

- No, not as simple as that, but as simple as life.


The camera begins to zoom out, and Gordon-Levitt resumes narration:


"People usually look at happiness as one of two things: Something to be achieved one day, or something impossible to get. Their mistake is to look at happiness as a constant. Happiness is all around us, and it exists in every one of those moments that makes us smile inside. It is up to us to make the best out of those moments."


We move to a black screen, as we listen to Holly Marie Comb's voice saying:

"”A late actor once told me that maintaining fame is easy, as long as we can keep delivering A-game performances in front of the cameras.” Yeah, right! Maybe back on his days. Today, fame only lasts as long as we can keep delivering A-game performances behind the cameras, in our own private life. Don't worry, I’m not here to judge anybody...you should all go after what you want. As long as you always put yourselves the following question: How far are you willing to go?"




Additional Notes (Casting, crew, premise): Holly Marie Combs, although a drama, is presented with a plot worthy of a romantic comedy, but not by accident. The film touches subjects as fame, looks, love, live, and others, in a very dark and intense way, but wrapped in a gift full of subtlety and satire. Laurie was cast as director because he is the right man to make this a dark, powerful and very intense movie, presented in such a subtle way.

As for the Cast, Holly Marie Combs was perfect for the role. She had the perfect looks for it, and an amazing underrated talent. Much like Gordon-Levitt, McGowan, Wyle & Sean Leonard. All of which are extremely talented, but were always underrated by Hollywood. Torv was cast to create emphasis in the look differences between her and Combs, to help to build up Holly's depression and resentment in the film, by having to work with a younger ,better looking version of herself, so her few scenes were crucial. Duhamel was basically cast for his easy ability to play the arrogant buffoon with the "baby face". Which helps a lot to buil up the whole Hollywoodesc story arc. As for Laurie and Caan's parts...well, they speak for themselves. These two need no explanations or presentations, and are capable of helping this film gain a lot of substance. Overall, "Holly Marie Combs doesn't intend to judge those who seek fame, but to warn them, and to show things as they are...in fame, love and life.




The Showstopper productions presents:


Holly Marie Combs


Director: Hugh Laurie

Starring: Holly Marie Combs (Lead); Joseph Gordon-Levitt (lead), Rose McGowan (Supporting); Noah Wyle (Supporting), Josh Duhamel (minor); Anna Torv (Cameo); Robert Sean Leonard (Cameo). With: Hugh Laurie (Minor) and James Caan (Minor).

Promotional Tag-line: "How far are you willing to let fame take you?"

Genre: Drama, Romantic Drama.

Rating: PG-13

Release Date: Week 2 (Game timeline)

Runtime: 90 minutes.

Location: Hollywood

Budget: 455.000$ (Actors & Director); 325.000$ (Marketing); 220.000$ (Production costs) for a total of 1.000.000$

Remaining: 0$


Ps: To make it easier you can quote just the summary when giving the review, in order to spare some space and prevent a loooong quote. :D


The Showstopper productions: Holly Marie Combs


This was the debut film for Showstopper productions and it didn't disappoint. Hugh Laurie proved he's just as dangerous behind the camera as he is in front of it and showed a lot of promise as a director. This movie was successful because of two key factors: 1) Everyone loves a good love story and 2) everyone loves to see the lives of actors when they aren't in front of the camera, even if those lives are fictional and held in front of a camera. Holly Marie Combs did a perfect job portraying herself as a down on her luck actress who once again finds stardom, and I wouldn't be surprised if this movie put her back on the market as a hot actress who can deliver.


Rating: 4 out of 5

Revenue: 2,500,000 dollars


New Balance: 2,500,000 dollars


Hugh Laurie has gained popularity as a director.

Holly Marie Combs has gained a lot of popularity with the success of this film.


You can now begin casting for your next film.

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Looking for the rights to a Dr. McNinja movie.


If I can start on the casting for it now...


Movie: Dr. McNinja: The Movie

Rating: PG

Genre: Action/Comedy

Summary: When King Radical builds an island theme park, Dr. McNinja's attempts to stop him are oddly rewarded by a preview tour of the park. The good Doctor is covinced it's a trap and brings his family along to try to figure out what King Radical's plan really is... and hijinks ensue.


Marketing: Depends on negotiations, but from 150,000 to 500,000


Director: Robert Rodriguez



Stephen Colbert, Lead, No Nudity

Ron Perlman, Lead, No Nudity

Bruce Campbell, Support, No Nudity

Lucy Liu, Support, No Nudity

Seth Green, Support, No Nudity

Rey Misterio Jr (using his real name as he will be sans mask), Support, No Nudity


Also, the entire cast of Mythbusters (Jamie Hyneman, Adam Savage, Grant Imahara, Kari Byron, and Tory Bellaci) to cameo as themselves.


Robert Rodriguez will direct the film for 125,000 dollars


Stephen Colbert will agree to terms for 75,000 dollars

Ron Perlman will agree to terms for 75,000 dollars

Bruce Campbell will agree to terms for 65,000 dollars

Lucy Liu will agree to terms for 55,000 dollars

Seth Green will agree to terms for 60,000 dollars

Rey Misterio Jr will agree to terms for 20,000, dollars


If you agree to these terms you can start filming immediately.

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