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SWF In 2013

Guest KingOfKings

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I stole this idea, and it was AWESOME! Thanks =)


Also, not sure if anyone else has done this, I'm sure they have. But, I signed Soul Taker and pulled Scythe from Development. I paired them with Vengeance in a "ministry of darkness" type gimmick and it was absolute gold. Their first real victim was Angry Gilmore. It was mostly Vengeance doing all the talking about Gilmore as Scythe and Taker stood in the background. However, after just 2 short months the feud is still an 'A', Scythe has skyrocketed from F- to D and Soul Taker has gone from E+ to C. I don't know if I've ever seen overness raise so quickly. I'm sure it has everything to do with their momentum being an A from the start due to the segments with Vengeance and Gilmore, but still amazing.

I did this but with Beast Bantom and Scythe. Bantom went from 0 pop to 80 in nine months. All three have hit their pop caps so now I'm using them to raise other workers' pop.

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Regarding the PPV themes, I do often do similar, though I try to change up what themes I use for what PPVs. Makes different SWF games feel fresh, IMO.


Along the same lines, does anyone have any regular Supreme TV segments they use? Stuff like talk show segments, games, game shows, etc?


I'm considering importing an idea that I was using with my short-lived AWF diary. Although its based in the ThunderVerse, I like the thought of a big SE-based company using money as a major on-screen motivator. So a regular weekly segment was the "Awesome Games" which was basically a game show prelude to a match, where a goofy match stipulation is determined by some random game and so is the prize. The match stipulations were fun to come up with - stuff like wrestling in weird costumes, pillow fight matches, etc. And the prizes were often double-edged - so "double or nothing" on their wages for the month, a new car, a used moped, a free makeover, new ring gear, all the way up to a title shot. Considering using it in the SWF. Perhaps not every single week, but its a fun way to add some intrigue to a random mid-card TV match that doesn't mean much otherwise and it can be used to set up character elements, advance storylines, etc.

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Regarding the PPV themes, I do often do similar, though I try to change up what themes I use for what PPVs. Makes different SWF games feel fresh, IMO.


Along the same lines, does anyone have any regular Supreme TV segments they use? Stuff like talk show segments, games, game shows, etc?


I'm considering importing an idea that I was using with my short-lived AWF diary. Although its based in the ThunderVerse, I like the thought of a big SE-based company using money as a major on-screen motivator. So a regular weekly segment was the "Awesome Games" which was basically a game show prelude to a match, where a goofy match stipulation is determined by some random game and so is the prize. The match stipulations were fun to come up with - stuff like wrestling in weird costumes, pillow fight matches, etc. And the prizes were often double-edged - so "double or nothing" on their wages for the month, a new car, a used moped, a free makeover, new ring gear, all the way up to a title shot. Considering using it in the SWF. Perhaps not every single week, but its a fun way to add some intrigue to a random mid-card TV match that doesn't mean much otherwise and it can be used to set up character elements, advance storylines, etc.


I would use this suggestion for John Greed, Agent Of Chaos. He has a clause in his contract that states in every match he participates his matches are randomly selected through a Wheel of Fortune, always in his favor.


I think also someone like Rich Money would use this as well to setup his hellish plans.

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Regarding the PPV themes, I do often do similar, though I try to change up what themes I use for what PPVs. Makes different SWF games feel fresh, IMO.


Along the same lines, does anyone have any regular Supreme TV segments they use? Stuff like talk show segments, games, game shows, etc?


I'm considering importing an idea that I was using with my short-lived AWF diary. Although its based in the ThunderVerse, I like the thought of a big SE-based company using money as a major on-screen motivator. So a regular weekly segment was the "Awesome Games" which was basically a game show prelude to a match, where a goofy match stipulation is determined by some random game and so is the prize. The match stipulations were fun to come up with - stuff like wrestling in weird costumes, pillow fight matches, etc. And the prizes were often double-edged - so "double or nothing" on their wages for the month, a new car, a used moped, a free makeover, new ring gear, all the way up to a title shot. Considering using it in the SWF. Perhaps not every single week, but its a fun way to add some intrigue to a random mid-card TV match that doesn't mean much otherwise and it can be used to set up character elements, advance storylines, etc.


I signed Roger Cage and he's been primarily utilized in a talk show host role, with occasional matches just to sell the fact that he's a wrestler and not just a personality.


I'm a big fan of regular "division vignettes" as well. I'm trying to get my SWF Vixens division over, so every week I run a highlight reel video hyping each of them up.

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I am looking to run a 'legend killer' character in SWF. However this is my first ever C-Verse game so I'm not too sure which wrestlers are past legends of SWF? Anyone any ideas...starting with less popular legends then building to taking out the big ones (Faith or Bruce) in the future.
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I am looking to run a 'legend killer' character in SWF. However this is my first ever C-Verse game so I'm not too sure which wrestlers are past legends of SWF? Anyone any ideas...starting with less popular legends then building to taking out the big ones (Faith or Bruce) in the future.


Lobster Warrior?


Not so much a legend per say but a cult hero.


Vengeance/Skull De Bones.

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I am looking to run a 'legend killer' character in SWF. However this is my first ever C-Verse game so I'm not too sure which wrestlers are past legends of SWF? Anyone any ideas...starting with less popular legends then building to taking out the big ones (Faith or Bruce) in the future.


Christian Faith without a doubt. I assume your legend killer is a heel and Faith is one of the most over faces of the company. Not to mention he usually start off a good 10 years past his prime for I believe he's the very definition of a "legend".

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I am going to get him to take out Faith further down the line, but wanted to build the Legend Killer up by taking out 'smaller' legends first... As i don't want an unknown coming straight in and going for Faith.


Do you have someone picked out for the legend killer?


Macca is right - Faith is the best choice. Depending who you are bringing in and how you want to push them, you can make it Faith. He just won't be able to go over Faith for a long while. So have him debut by interrupting Faith, and spend a while dogging the legend. Faith doesn't have time for a nobody so they don't wrestler. That kind of story could take months. Put him in a ring with Faith, have him lose, then have him go through some mid-level guys to earn another shot at Faith. Or don't have him face Faith - just be todl he has to earn it. The whole process could easily take a year but the interaction with Faith early will help the new guy build popularity fast.


Could alter it a bit - make the guy Faith's protege, who eventually turns on the legend.


Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley are other possibilities but lack that "passing of the torch" element that Faith would have. Remo and Money are maybes, along with Vengeance. Anyone else never spent much time at the top, if any.

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I wondered about doing it with Spencer Spade, but I don't have the game in front of me and don't know the C-Verse well enough to know if he fits that role without looking.


He absolutely would. He needs a bit of seasoning at the start of the game, but not tons.


The Keith twins (Greg Gauge and Matt Keith) are interesting options, as their dad was an SWF legend, though somewhat disgraced. You could use either, or even both as a twist on the legend killer idea.


Lots of other options who have close to the required talent levels to start but need popularity. Davis Wayne Newton. Hollywood Bret Star. Mainstream Hernandez. Many others.

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You could probably have him start off going over Runaway Train. Train recently retired so you can use him as an authority figure. Have him interrupt Train talking by attacking him and calling him out. Train says he's retired and isn't getting back on the ring, this could go on for a few months until he pushes Train over the edge (maybe bring his daughter in for a short spell and have Spencer start tormenting her). Train doesn't need the overness anymore so you can easily have him job without messing up your main event scene
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Asaemon



Can someone help me create title histories for the SWF Tag Team titles until the titles are replaced with the SWF World Tag Team titles? Since the Perfect Storm seems like the next big thing in the SWF tag team division in 1997 they would have held the titles on more than one occasion or what do you think?

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Guest Asaemon

Would Team Perfection (Dennis Butler and Adonis) have been tag team champions?


Why didn't The Vesseys ever win the SWF Tag Team titles sometime 1990 to 1993?

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Guest Asaemon



This is how i set it up. First i was thinking of one more reign for The Outbackers, but with both The Perfect Storm and The Lords Of War on the roster; The Outbackers probably would have begun falling down the rankings. It also seems like The Perfect Storm should have held the titles on more occasions than The Outbackers.

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How do yo guys typically use Marshall Dillon? He's been a jobber for me the better part of a year because I just draw a blank for him


In my current SWF save, been using him in a similar way to NXT's Baron Corban.


Gave him a few months of easy wins, eventually had him lose then started his streak again.


I have him primarily wrestle on my B show at current so he's not beating anyone overly important.


No further immediate plans for him other than getting him over and maybe moving him to my A show.

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How do yo guys typically use Marshall Dillon? He's been a jobber for me the better part of a year because I just draw a blank for him


I once signed Cowboy Buck Winchester (I think that's his name) to a development deal with the aim of making them tag partners in a few months. A few weeks before Buck was due to be called up Dillon got injured for 6 months... That was the one and only time I ever had a plan for Marshall Dillon.

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How do yo guys typically use Marshall Dillon? He's been a jobber for me the better part of a year because I just draw a blank for him


In my game jungle Lord took him as his protege so i created an alt for him and call him jungle man and they were a tag team

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How do yo guys typically use Marshall Dillon? He's been a jobber for me the better part of a year because I just draw a blank for him


Given the tough guy aura I think he's having, I would pair him with Steve Frehley.


Speaking of the 2014 database, while The Chase Agency has usually Paul Huntingdon as the designated fall guy, Frehley would need some help to balance the heels. Frehely loved the help, taking the cowboy under his wing. Later you could turn Dillon to be the fourth member of The Chase Agency, giving a chance to elevate the former Aristocrat.

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How do yo guys typically use Marshall Dillon? He's been a jobber for me the better part of a year because I just draw a blank for him


He's under 29 right? Does he even have a big future ahead of him. Check your hot prospects (if he's not on it set anyone who is to UM, ME or No Push to get them off and see the next few) if he's not on it period or he's at Dark Horse for future success he's not really going to be able to get enough overness to get too much higher then midcard. If he's at "A Lot of Success" he'll hit upper 60 and amybe can be overpushed into Lower 70s. Anything higher then that (in order of lowest overness cap to highest) Break-Out Star, Big Star, Sky's The Limit, Huge Star. Then he may be usefull do you depending on what his skill caps are going to be.


So yeah I always check on young guys see if their worth pushing before deciding to do anything big with them.

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