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CGC: On With The Show [8RoW]

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I guess I should have expected that from Nate Johnson. I don't think he could have pulled that off with anyone but Christian Price.


Also, anyone else could have used the second wish to immediately fire Nate again for what he did, but I guess Christian wouldn't do that either. (Actually, it might be better to fire Garcia to strike a blow against the Elite.)


I'm thinking Poison isn't really on the potion now, but just walks around wearing white contact-lenses to fool, intimidate and confuse everyone. :D


Brotherhood of St.01 vs Alex & Jack DeColt Now that Jack isn't alone anymore, I think the Brotherhood is finished as a threat to the World Champion for now.....this will be an epilogue to wrap up the storyline before Jack is challenged by other heels, probably Trent

Almighty Zeus vs Poison Draw. I highly doubt there will be a decisive winner on their very first encounter.

Vin Tanner vs Ford Gumble Newcomer vs jobber....I give the odds to the newcomer. You probably have some plans for a character when you signed him in the first place.


Plus, I'd love to know your thoughts on the MVP of Last Man Standing.


Lost of close contenders, most notably Nate and Poison, but I gotta give this to Zeus for pulling a MacGruber apparently blowing Grayson and the Canadian Title into smithereens. Is Stevie gonna pull an R-Truth and just mysteriously return to life after being blown up? You better have a better explanation than WWE did!

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Brotherhood of St.01 vs Alex & Jack DeColt


Almighty Zeus vs Poison


Vin Tanner vs Ford Gumble


Plus, I'd love to know your thoughts on the MVP of Last Man Standing.


One note: the last final three entrant, Price, Shaffer, Chandler, were the same as 2013.


Speaking of MVP, I would say Poison for the mysterious ways he's playing.


I would say Almighty Zeus for the disappearing of Stevie Grayson, the destruction and, by Edd Stone's words, the end of the curse of the Canadian title.


I wouldn't say Trent Shaffer, because, I will get some heat for saying this, for me is just a blatant fake ninja cheater who wins by throwing stink bombs and playing peekaboo.


I would almost say Jack DeColt, because a wildman can win a championship match by rollup.


For me it's another one. He's proves once again he's one of a kind. He lost, twice. He got beat different times. He's for sure naive. He's for some probably an idiot. His personal enemies won. But he has two more wishes and he will be simple, effective and unstoppable than ever on his road to redemption.


My MVP is Christian Price.

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One note: the last final three entrant, Price, Shaffer, Chandler, were the same as 2013.


Weird, right? Maybe I should create some new stars.


The way it happened was slightly different to 2013. Last year, Price was less popular, but really cleaned up in your voting. This year, he had a lot more popularity, but the voting (actually just the votes from Zeus, Trent, Warren & The Elite... how does such a nice guy get so many enemies?) took him down a notch, which allowed Trent & Christian to get ahead of him. At one point it looked like Benny Benson would sneak into the final 3 entrants, but there was a swing. Almighty Zeus certainly had the popularity to compete, but voting hurt him.


I really like doing the voting process, but it's not a perfect system. Look at the Bold Gendarmes. Despite his previous CGC work, Kent isn't THAT much more popular than Mann, and they got similar votes. Yet a ton of dudes got downvoted below Kent, and a bunch of guys got upvoted above Mann, and they ended up 15 places apart. Same thing nearly happened to the Dirty White Boys. Lead Belly (only a fraction less popular than Hogg, but did better in the voting) looked like he was going to be 8 places behind his partner, until the last few votes came in.


Not that I have much issue with an unfair system. Kent doing miraculously well, and Poison doing oddly poorly makes it more interesting for me to write.

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Same thing nearly happened to the Dirty White Boys. Lead Belly (only a fraction less popular than Hogg, but did better in the voting) looked like he was going to be 8 places behind his partner, until the last few votes came in.


Reminds me.....who won the bet between DWB?

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Weird, right? Maybe I should create some new stars.


I think it's more weird about the latest fourth entrant.


2013 was Squeeky McClean and now he's gone. 2014 was Stevie Grayson and he's gone too. People should be worry about that entry. ;)


Poison was in the middle due the first appearance just before Last Man Standing and most of the predictors already voted.


Personally I like the system.

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George DeColt Arena, British Columbia

Sunday Week 3 September 2014

9,000 in attendance - SELL OUT


Davis Ditterich “Once, they were allies in Soothsayer’s potion-fueled army. Tonight, they are enemies. Poison returned to action at the Last Man Standing Rumble, and even though many feel that there was something “off” about his performance, he managed to eliminate former-ally and heavy-favorite, Almighty Zeus, who was trying to complete his Tenth Labour. Also tonight, Alex DeColt returns to in-ring action for the first time since July, and we’ll have words from the 2014 Last Man Standing Rumble winner; Trent Shaffer.”









Ladies. Gentlemen. Corporate Sponsors. We may not have won the

Rumble match, but we did achieve something almost as good. We

showed the world just how much of an idiot Christian Price is. Nate

Johnson proved his loyalty. He tricked the halfwit into thinking he’d

betrayed us, and lured Christian Price into the most obvious of traps.

We may not have won the Last Man Standing Rumble, but at least

Christian Price didn’t.



With ze Nate Johnson back at our side and not under ze ridiculous

mask, ze Elite are stronger zan ever. It is time we won some gold,

no? It is time we-





Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Don’t say another word, Eddie Chandler. If

you want a title shot, I can get you a title shot.



What on earth are you talking about, you dullard?



Second Wish.

I wish to be in charge of booking all of The Elite’s matches, for the

rest of all time.


The Elite are stunned. Oh... Oh no.



I’m sorry, did you forget I still had these Wishes? Weird, considering

that was the reason you wanted me in your club in the first place. You

had your fun over the past few months, Adrian Garcia, booking me in

whatever matches you wanted, but now it’s my turn. I have loads of

ideas (mostly involving Nate Johnson) but seeing as most of the props

I want are gonna to take at least 3-5 business days to arrive, I’ll be

going with Plan B this week.







Christian Price “Hi guys. I was short on time, so basically I just found a paddling pool, filled it with a mixture of mud, chocolate pudding, and oil from the DWB’s bikes, and the first man to throw his Elite partner in the pool wins.”


Neither man looks worried. They know that their partner will sacrifice themselves and jump into the pool. Except Chandler doesn’t want to get his ludicrously luxurious pink trunks dirty. DaLay refuses to humiliate himself. They soon come to blows. DaLay throws heavy hands, while Chandler attacks with his long fingernails. Finally catching the smaller man, DaLay drags Chandler kicking and screaming towards the paddling pool... but Chandler rakes the eyes, and shoves the Giant Amongst Giants into the disgusting pool.




Furious, DaLay yanks Chandler into the pool too.


Christian Price “I think I’m gonna enjoy having booking power over these guys. Watch out, Nate Johnson. I’ve got something really cool lined up for you next week.”








JENNY PLAYMATE interviews ALEX DECOLT, in the plush World Championship locker room that has once again been decked out with charts and graphs and diagrams and monitors and spreadsheets.



Alex, there’s been a lot of controversy and speculation regarding the

return of Poison. You had a front row seat for Last Man Standing.

What do you make of it?



Clearly, something’s up. He didn’t drink another potion after the usual

16 minutes, Dan DaLay actually knocked him out during the match,

and when he eliminated Almighty Zeus, he smiled. That’s not the

dead-eyed monster we know. It’s a puzzle. A puzzle I’d love to solve,

but I have other things on my plate. No matter how many gods or

monsters show up in CGC, ultimately it always comes down to family.

The Brotherhood of St.01 aren’t bonded by blood, but they are bonded

by history and hardship, and makes them-





Hold on there, poindexter. I don't know if you've been living under a rock

for the past month, but I already beat the Brotherhood, and I didn't

need to fill my locker room with nerd stuff to do it.



You got lucky against Bobby Thomas, and the only reason you beat Edd

Stone is because you got jumped. Face it, Jack, you let the Brotherhood

push your buttons and barely survived. If we’re to keep the title, against

the Brotherhood or any other threat, we’re going to have to work together.






Davis Ditterich “Ford Gumble made a big splash in the Last Man Standing Rumble, eliminating several combatants, including Vin Tanner.”


Gumble lights the versatile veteran up with rootin’ tootin’ jabs, before riding him like a bucking bronco. Vin voraciously tries to vary his offense to victimize the Cowboy, but it ain’t enough. Ford levels him with the Fastest Kick In The West, drops a Fistful of Dynamite, and finishes him with the Cattle Drive (Headlock Driver).










Referees Dace Lavoie and David Poker padlock the door to the Canadian Championship Locker Room as various combatants try to get inside, each waving a broken piece of the Canadian Title belt that they have in their possession. BENNY BENSON is about to come to blows with DONTE DUNN. GARGANTUAN leers at FAITH, which doesn’t please her client SEAN DEELEY one bit. ADRIAN GARCIA frantically tries to weasel past all of them.



Enough! None of you are getting this locker room. At least not yet. Since

Stevie Grayson has disappeared... literally, CGC officials have decided

there’s only one fair way to determine a new Canadian Champion.

There are seven fragments of the old belt out there. Whoever can

get them all, becomes champion.


The assembled Fragment holders eye each other warily.



... and by “get them all” you mean...?



Don’t care if you win them in matches. Don’t care if you steal them.

Just be the first to get all the fragments in his hands.


All hell breaks loose. Adrian Garcia flees in terror. Benson and Donte start brawling down the corridor. Gargantuan grabs Deeley around the throat and pins him against the wall, squeezing and squeezing. Deeley’s grip on his Fragment starts to loosen...




... LEAD BELLY clouts the genetically engineered fighting machine from behind! Gargantuan lets the Shooter go and squares up to the Dirty White Boy.



Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?



No one is my size.



Well I’m the closest you’re gonna get. You want the fragments? So do I.

Let’s take it to the ring.






http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/CGCminor/FragmentZeta.jpg vs http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/CGCminor/FragmentBeta.jpg




Davis Ditterich “Since Lead outperformed his partner in the Last Man Standing Rumble, he’ll have Hogg as his personal “Beer Slave” for a month. Now let’s see who will get one step closer to reuniting the Fragments and becoming CGC Canadian Champion.”


Lead has Hogg pour him one last beer before the bells rings. The very ring quakes as the two biggest men in Canadian Golden Combat slam into each other, trying to knock each other out with their enormous fists. Drunken thuggery appears to be winning, until Gargantuan cheats by going for the eyes, and beats him down with clubbing blows. The Dirty White Boy can’t be kept down for long. Hogg sneaks him a refreshing pick-me-up and Lead staggers the genetically engineered fighting machine with Belly Butts, but can’t lift his gigantic opponent. Gargantuan can! With a massive show of strength he lawn darts him into the turnbuckle, and decapitates him with an Unreal Clothesline! 1... 2... 3!




Lead Belly’s disappointed, but Grease Hogg pours him another beer, and hands him his CGC Tag Team Title belt. Life ain’t too bad.













BENNY BENSON gazes at the “Alpha” fragment of the CGC Canadian Title, as Edd tries to stay are far away from it as physically possible.



Dude, you should really get rid of that thing. I told Stevie it was cursed,

and look what happened to him. Vanished into thin air. I know we Super

Kicked him and all, but I’m pretty sure that it was that title’s fault. Hey,

Bobby. Back me up here.




BOBBY THOMAS is slumped in a corner. Unshaven. Utterly depressed.



Keep it. Don’t keep it. Who cares? Not like it’ll make a difference. At the

end of the day we’re always gonna lose. Our plan went perfectly. Week

by week, we broke Jack DeColt down piece by piece. Art took out his

legs. Benny took out his ribs. You took out his neck. I went into ‘Battle

Beyond’ fighting a cripple, and at the end of the day I lost, because

that cripple’s name was Jack DeColt.



Dude, if you wanna go kick Jack’s ass we can do that right now.



What would be the point? Alex is back now. We missed our shot.

I failed.





You’re right. You did fail, but Edd didn’t. You brought me to CGC with

one goal. To turn one of our Brotherhood into a Champion. We can

still do that. Edd came closer than any of us to beating Jack. Edd

can be Champion, and we can help make that happen, Bobby. I

know we can.



Do whatever you want. I don’t care any more.


Bobby Thomas walks away. Edd looks sad. Art looks furious.




Art Reed & Edd Stone




/w Hotstuff Marie


Davis Ditterich “Bobby may be devastated by his loss at ‘Battle Beyond’, but the rest of the Brotherhood are here to welcome Alex back into action.”


Alex wants to start, but the Brotherhood jump Jack before the bell and assault his many injuries with a barrage of stomps, both artistic and surprisingly... um... aggressive? Edd actually seems angry at the Wild Man. Reed tries to keep him focussed, but Edd misses a moonsault and Jack makes the tag! Alex unleashes precision strikes, targeting pressure points for maximum stopping power. Powerslam! Snap Driving Elbow! Tower Collapse Superplex! Edd wipes him out with a SUPER KICK, but gets mounted in the corner by Jack and Punched! In! The- Edd slithers free and- SUPER KICK! Jack’s out on his feet! St.01 Hold (Crossface) applied! Jack’s stuck, and on the verge of tapping out to the young Stone, when Alex saves the day, and hits Reed with the DeColt Driver (Straightjacket Drop) for the win.









The ancient monks of Japan didn’t just teach me how to win my beloved,

they taught me how to be worthy of her. I must take responsibility for my

past actions. Months ago, Christian Price betrayed me... but I was not

blameless. I should have known he’d be greedy. I should have seen it

coming. I should have had the power to stop him. Now I do. I learned

many things in the mountains of Japan. I learned the skills I used to win

the Last Man Standing Rumble, I learned the skills that will soon bring

my beloved into my arms, and I learned the skills I need to finally put

Christian Price in his place next week.









I’m stuck here. Until I complete my Twelve Labors I am stuck in this

puny land with you puny mortals. Nine Labors have fallen to my glory.

I would have conquered my Tenth, the Last Man Standing Rumble, had

it not been for the wretch Poison. Many moons ago, the Soothsayer

brewed a potion to unlock a warrior’s true nature. It revealed Ricky

DeColt as a lapdog. It revealed me as an almighty and benevolent

God of Gods. It revealed Joey Poison as a coward, constantly crying

for aid. Poison fled this land because he feared my might, and he

returned at Last Man Standing to deceive you all into thinking he could

best me. He cannot. In honorable combat he is no match for my glory.

For he has more than the Soothsayer’s potion running through his

veins. He has coward’s blood. He will not be here on this night.



Do you not believe, CGC? Do you not trust the God of Gods? You are

fools! I have it on good authority that last night Joey Poison was wrestling

at The V Thompson Arena, home of the California Super Novas. Do you

really think that Joey Poison, given his fear of airplanes, would drive

1200 miles, 20 hours, all night and all day to take on the Almighty Zeus?

Never. He would-




POISON makes his way down the ramp, staring at the stunned God of Gods with cold, dead eyes.





Davis Ditterich “Poison is here! Priest is right about where Joey was yesterday, so was he lying about his fear of planes, or did Joey really drive 1200 miles in less than 24 hours to be here?”


The two monsters lock up, and Zeus is thrilled as he slowly manages to overpower his foe. POISON MIST! Zeus is blind and Poison takes him apart with right hands, until a distraction from Priest allows the God of Gods to regain his sight and hit a Twisting Spinebuster! Almighty Zeus smites his foe with displays of Godly strength and cruel strikes to the weak spot on the right collarbone, as Wesley Priest incessantly praises him on the outside. Poison blocks and powers free of the Thunder Bolt (Sit Out Bomb) before stomping Zeus over and over... and over and over and over and over... Priest again causes a distraction, but Poison ducks the Almighty Ambush. Ripcord Lariat! 1... 2... Zeus kicks out. Poison actually looks frustrated, and his second Ripcord is ducked! NERVE HOLD! Right on the weak spot.


Davis Ditterich “That’s sixteen minutes. Usually this would be when Poison would need to drink more potion to recharge his power.”


Priest is quick to let his God know about the 16 minutes, and keeps an eye out for magically appearing vials of potion, as Zeus locks in the Olympian Clutch (Camel Clutch) with added NERVE HOLD! Poison’s in pain! There’s no potion in sight! Poison fights and struggles and... bites Zeus’s fingers to escape the hold. Back Suplex! Swinging Neckbreaker! Priest jumps onto the apron, and takes a big haymaker! Zeus grabs him around the throat and begins forcing him backwards towards the turnbuckle. Poison smiles, pokes Zeus in the eyes, and rolls him up, pulling the tights for the 1... 2... 3!




Poison heads up the ramp, actually celebrating, as the God of Gods sits shocked in the middle of the ring. Wesley Priest rushes to attack the victor, but gets caught and knocked out by a Kneeling Jawbreaker!



Easy there, squire. Let me get these things out of my eyes. Bloody killing me.


Poison removes a pair of WHITE CONTACT LENSES to reveal eyes that are very much alive. What. The. Heck?



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<table width="60%"><tr><td width="70%" align="left" valign="top"> The Second Wish


Playmate interviews Alex


Canadian Locker Room is locked


Brotherhood Regroup


Trent Shaffer Promo

Zeus & Priest taunt Poison


Poison speaks</td><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top">











</td><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top">B














Maple Leaf Sports Rating 1.73 (down from 1.77)

TV Puerto Rico Rating: 0.08 (up from 0.05)




Lots of shows lately. Ideally I’d like to do this for the PPV’s. Essentially doing things in real time. TV posted on Mondays. PPV’s on Friday/Saturday.


Some poorly received wrestling on this show. Important matches were good, but that undercard. Eesh.


I love Almighty Zeus’ idea of what the magic potion is and does. While Samael Bach’s explanation is fairly scientific, with trial and error, Zeus believes in destiny, magic, and “true nature”. Joey Poison was always weak, so needed constant help from more potion. Ricky was the DeColt Family stooge, so became the ultimate soldier/pet. He, of course, was a great warrior and God, so became all-powerful, commanding lightning and stuff. It’s the more romantic theory about the potion. Dunno which is true, but I like the different ideas.


UCW (Ultimate Championship Wrestling?) opened and hired Drake & Chucky. To my delight, they’re using them as a tag team. They defeated Jayson Van Pelt & Clutch McKane in the semi-main of the promotion's debut show.


Must remember to cut those fragment pics onto proper sized title backdrops. Will make my game look prettier until the belt gets reforged.




Card for next week’s show (and it will be a week before this one goes up)...


Trent Shaffer vs Christian Price

Fragment Match: Wesley Priest (Iota) vs Sean Deeley (Gamma)

Nate Johnson vs Price’s Hand Picked Opponent

Art Reed vs Skip Beau

Destiny vs Ford Gumble


... and a question. Which storyline has your attention most so far? The Return of Poison, The Canadian Fragments, or Price's Second Wish?

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Which storyline has your attention most so far? The Return of Poison, The Canadian Fragments, or Price's Second Wish?


The return of Poison, without a doubt. Which is not a knock on the other storylines - they're all interesting, and I still love what you're doing with CGC. I love the mythic stuff, I love the Three Wishes, I love the sudden exploding Canadian Champion, and I love JG Poison.

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Trent Shaffer vs Christian Price

Fragment Match: Wesley Priest (Iota) vs Sean Deeley (Gamma)

Nate Johnson vs Price’s Hand Picked Opponent

Art Reed vs Skip Beau

Destiny vs Ford Gumble


... and a question. Which storyline has your attention most so far? The Return of Poison, The Canadian Fragments, or Price's Second Wish?

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<p><strong>Trent Shaffer</strong> vs Christian Price</p><p> </p><p>

Fragment Match: Wesley Priest (Iota) vs <strong>Sean Deeley (Gamma)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Nate Johnson vs <strong>Price’s Hand Picked Opponent</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Art Reed</strong> vs Skip Beau</p><p> </p><p>

Destiny vs <strong>Ford Gumble</strong></p><p> </p><p>

... and a question. Which storyline has your attention most so far? The Return of Poison, The Canadian Fragments, or Price's Second Wish? All three at the same level.</p>

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<p><strong>Trent Shaffer</strong> vs Christian Price</p><p>

<em>- Winning the LMS and being a ninja = a win for Trent. At this point Price seems almost DeColt level teflon in his ability to stay over. Plus, he'll have to sign for the delivery of his props for Playtime with the Elite!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Fragment Match: <strong>Wesley Priest (Iota)</strong> vs Sean Deeley (Gamma)</p><p>

<em>- I think the Prophet of the God of Gods picks up another golden idol, while Deeley continues to try to find a way to connect with the fans and Faith.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Nate Johnson vs <strong>Price’s Hand Picked Opponent</strong></p><p>

<em>- There is no way this ends well for the ex-masked El Eet! This should be so much fun. Price bookerizing Elite for all time n' for ever will be a blast. (To read and write.)</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Art Reed</strong> vs Skip Beau</p><p>

<em>- Angry Art Reed ain't putting up with any of the boogiein' or woogiein'!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Destiny vs <strong>Ford Gumble</strong></p><p>

<em>- Gumble seems an odd addition to me, but I suppose CGC requires a cowboy.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Which storyline has your attention most so far? <strong>The Canadian Fragments Collection</strong> - I am enjoying all the storylines but being a fan of RPGs this just reminds me of one of those 'collect the stuff' that pop up so often. Plus I don't know if I've ever heard of a storyline like it in wrestling. For being something utterly new to the genre it holds my attention.</p>

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<p><strong>Trent Shaffer</strong> vs Christian Price</p><p>

Fragment Match: <strong>Wesley Priest (Iota)</strong> vs Sean Deeley (Gamma)</p><p>

Nate Johnson vs <strong>Price’s Hand Picked Opponent</strong></p><p><strong>

Art Reed</strong> vs Skip Beau</p><p>

Destiny vs <strong>Ford Gumble</strong></p><p> </p><p>

... and a question. Which storyline has your attention most so far? The Return of Poison, The Canadian Fragments, or Price's Second Wish? I really liked Price's second wish but I have to go with the return of Poison. The twist at the end of this past edition of Title Bout Wrestling was a nice surprise and I can't wait to see where it goes from here. This is my favorite Dynasty on the boards and for good reason. The company actually feels real to me due to how you have written it.</p>

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<p>Wait, so the Canadian Title has become like the old WWF Hardcore Title, only multiplied 7 times? Awesome!</p><p> </p><p>

This episode is the best overall so far in my opinion. There might have be other individual angles or matches that I like more, but this show, top to bottom, has me <em>completely</em> hooked throughout. About the <em>only</em> thing that didn't have me marking out or laughing my ass off is Ford Gumble's matches.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Trent Shaffer</strong> vs Christian Price <em>Winner of the LMS gets to keep his momentum going. Also ninjas are awesome.</em></p><p><em>

</em>Fragment Match: <strong>Wesley Priest</strong> (Iota) vs Sean Deeley (Gamma) <em>This match totally needs to be a 'Loser must become a Clown (again)' match. CGC needs a resident clown, and with Whippy dropping the makeup and Pow Wow not coming back, Deeley is the best candidate for this. That'll make him slightly less boring than he currently is.</em> </p><p>

Nate Johnson vs <strong>Price’s Hand Picked Opponent</strong> <em>Price ain't making this easy for Nate, he's gonna get </em><em><strong>punished</strong></em><em>!</em></p><p><em>

</em><strong>Art Reed</strong> vs Skip Beau <em>He seems higher on the midcard ladder at the moment.</em></p><p>

Destiny vs <strong>Ford Gumble</strong> <em>Another new guy vs jobber match</em></p><p> </p><p>

... and a question. Which storyline has your attention most so far? The Return of Poison, The Canadian Fragments, or <strong>Price's Second Wish</strong>?</p><p> </p><p>

While all 3 are great.....I more or less predicted that Poison was faking it (I had some vague suspicion even before I posted my thoughts before the PPV), so the shock factor wasn't as much for me there. This one goes third place for me.</p><p> </p><p>

The other 2 definitely caught me off guard, though. Especially Price. That's one thing I never expected from his character. The way the Canadian title fragment storyline kicked off is absolutely hilarious. I can definitely see plenty of possibilities for future shows, especially if the Canadian Title fragments don't have to be won in matches. I'm having a hard time deciding which is better. I think in terms of this week's impact/entertainment value, I'd give them equal grades. But in terms of next week's expectations I'm more intrigued by what Christian Price is planning for Nate Johnson, so Price's storyline wins by a slight margin.</p>

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George DeColt Arena, British Columbia

Sunday Week 4 September 2014

9,000 in attendance - SELL OUT


Davis Ditterich “Four months ago, Trent Shaffer left CGC after he was defeated by Christian Price in a brutal Falls Count Anywhere match. He found himself in the mountains of Japan, where an ancient sect of monks took him in and taught him the ways of the Ninjutsu. Now Trent has returned, using his new skills to win the 2014 Last Man Standing Rumble, and is looking to prove he can beat the man that beat him four months ago.”








The Communal Locker Room is as obscenely packed as usual, with wrestlers getting ready from matches, recovering from matches, or just hanging out. FORD GUMBLE absently strums on a guitar, DESTINY glaring at him from the other side of the room. NATE JOHNSON cowers in a corner, visibly nervous at what CHRISTIAN PRICE is planning with ring crew. The Rapscallions, DRAKE and CHUCKY, hustle and bustle about, using other wrestlers as human shields in a game where the only goal is to slap the other in the face.




ART REED squeezes past the throng to get to an unkempt and unshaven BOBBY THOMAS, who is sitting in his pants and eating a giant piece of cake.



Are you kidding me? I waiting for you at the gym this morning for an

hour. What happened to those ‘mandatory Brotherhood workouts’ you

always insisted on?



What’s the point? Not like Edd and Benny are even here.



Because they’re wrestling! Are... are you eating cake?



Yeah. You want some? You know, I’ve gone thirteen years without

eating cake. Birthdays. Christmas. Always said no... but I figured, it’s

not like cake what’s stopping me from becoming World Champion, is

it? Might as well enjoy myself. Come on, I’ll cut you a slice.


Making a desperate lunge to win his game, DRAKE accidentally bumps Thomas, knocking his cake to the floor. The locker room goes quiet, waiting for the inevitable explosion. It never comes. Bobby just reaches into his bag and pulls out another entire cake. Art leaves in disgust.






Davis Ditterich “With Benny & Edd fighting elsewhere, and Bobby too depressed to even put on people clothes, it’s up to Art Reed to fly the Brotherhood of St.01 banner tonight.”


Seeing the danger of The Flow, Reed assaults before the bell with a cool, calm and collected barrage of stomps, until Skip struggles to his mp3 player and hits play. Level 1! Skip shimmies and shakes and strikes out with jabs. Level 2! Can’t touch him! Skip’s smooth moves evade Super Kicks with ease. Level 3! He swivels his hips, bouncing Reed about with butt smashes. Level 4! He finds himself a dance partner, pulling Reed in close and... uh oh. There’s the mistake. Reed’s House of Stone training kicks in, allowing him to take the fight to the ground and lock in the St.01 Ankle Stretch! Skip fights and struggles and... taps out.




The fight’s over, but Art Reed isn’t done. He calmly collects himself a microphone.



I bet Jack DeColt is feeling pretty proud of himself right now. He survived

the Brotherhood’s Gauntlet, he retained his beloved CGC World Title,

and now he’s got his brother Alex back at his side to protect him from

danger. He probably feels untouchable... but he’s wrong. I know someone

who can take him out, and that someone is Edd Stone.





Are you kidding, Reed? Edd Stone? A guy whose idea of a good time

is a pair of glowsticks and 35 “Selfie Breaks”? A guy who arena security

twice caught crawling around the air ducts? Voted “Most Likely to wake

up in a fountain with no pants” by his House of Stone graduation class?



You can deny it all you want, but facts are facts. Edd would have beaten

you two weeks ago had Bobby Thomas not interfered. Edd would have

tapped you out last week, had your brother not interfered. Given one

more chance, Edd Stone would kick your ass and we’d have a new CGC

World Champion.



If Edd wants to try, he’s more than welcome. Next week, we’ll-





Hold on there, Reed. I know exactly what you’re doing. You’re trying to

rile Jack up into doing something reckless and stupid and it’s not going

to happen while I’m around.



Relax, Alex. It’s only Edd St-



You know as well as I do that Jack’s still hurt from the Gauntlet. He’s in

no condition to defend his title next week. If your Brotherhood want to

fight, you’re going to have to find someone else. Lucky for you, I have

a suggestion. Donte’s Dunn’s just itching to get another piece of you

guys, and I’m sorely tempted myself. So next week let’s make it a tag

team match. Any two of you, against me and Donte,



Edd has already proven he deserves another title shot. Why would he

waste his time in a tag match?



Because I’m going to sweeten the deal. Edd wants a shot? Jack wants

to fight him? Fine. We’ll have that match at ‘Apocalypse’, and the winner

of next week’s tag match, whoever scores the pin, gets to choose the

stipulations for it. Deal?



Don’t I get any say in-?



Deal. See you next week.






Davis Ditterich “Ford beat Vin Tanner in short order last week, and that’s drawn the ire of fellow veteran, Destiny”


Destiny charges, but Gumble takes him out with the Fastest Kick In The West and drops a Fistful of Dynamite. Eye-gouging. Ear-twisting. The Soldiers of Fortune uses every trick in the book to try to take control, but ol’ Gumble lights him up with rootin’ tootin’ jabs, hits a Bronco Buster, and finishes him off with the Cattle Drive (Headlock Driver).










NATE JOHNSON waits nervously in the middle of the ring for CHRISTIAN PRICE.



I’ll be honest, Nate. You hurt my feelings. Not because you tricked me

into thinking you’d turned on The Elite. Not because you attacked me

at ‘Last Man Standing’. You hurt my feelings by not wearing a mask

any more. Maybe this is the superhero fan in me talking, but I thought

your masks were easily the best thing about you, and if you’re not

going to wear them... well... I guess I’m going to have to use my

booking power over The Elite to make you fight them instead.





100% All Alone





Davis Ditterich “These were two of the disguises Nate used to try to hide from CGC security... I wonder who’s wearing them tonight.”


Trouser Snake slithers around and nearly picks up the win with a surprise Sunset Flip, before doing The Worm and tagging in his partner. Hot Dawg squirts Nate with mustard and ketchup and slaps him with the end of his sausage... until Nate violently shoves him down. Humiliated and covered in condiments, Nate attacks with fury, but can’t figure out how to hook the hotdog for a double underhook powerbomb. Back body drop! Hot Dawg makes the tag and Trouser Snake goes bananas with atomic drops before pulling an INVISIBLE HAND GRENADE! He tosses it, but Nate ducks Hot Dawg’s cannonball and hits the Natural Order (Leg Lariat) on Trouser Snake! 1... 2... Hot Dawg can’t get up in his bulky costume... 3!




Furious and humiliated, Johnson leaves as quickly as possible. Christian Price gives his masked marvels a round of applause for a good effort.


Davis Ditterich “Nate got the win, but if Christian’s goal is to humiliate The Elite, I think he succeeded.”








Microphone in one hand and IOTA FRAGMENT of the CGC Canadian Championship in the other, WESLEY PRIEST has something to say.



I come to you today with a warning. A warning that a snake has made

its way into the Garden of CGC. A trickster. A pretender. A charlatan. He

would have you believe that Poison has returned to seek revenge on

those that replaced him, but I have seen his true face. He is not Poison.

He is-




It looks like Joey, but it’s not. His hair is a natural brown, there’s a proper beard growing in, and his eyes are alive and clear. It’s definitely NOT POISON.



Well done, squire. You figured it out. What gave me away? The fact

that I’m several inches taller than Joey? That I’m 20lbs heavier. Or

maybe it’s the english accent? You’re right. I’m not Joey Poison, but

I do come from the same family tree. My cousin had a reputation. I saw

an advantage. I have to say it worked even better than I expected.

A little hair-dye and some coloured contacts and I had half the roster

quaking in their boots. You should have seen your face, Wesley.

Bloody priceless.



All that your tricks and lies have done is anger the Almighty Zeus. He

would have won the Last Man Standing Rumble if it wasn’t for you. He

would have completed his Tenth Labor and been one step closer to

ascending beyond this plane, if it wasn’t for you. You think a lucky pinfall

is enough to end his wrath? The God of Gods will not be-



Listen, mate. I’ve had quite enough of Gods and Wrath for one lifetime.

If Zeus has a problem, where is he? Because I’m right here.



Blasphemy! The glory of Zeus is all around us. His power flows though

all who take him into their hearts, as it shall flow through me as I reunite

the Fragments of the Canadian title. You do not understand. You

cannot understand. You’re nothing but a Rogue. A Charlatan. A




Steady on. Is that a thesaurus in your pocket, or are you just happy to

see me? Actually, I quite like that last one. Maybe I’ll use it. Doubt

calling myself ‘Jack’ is gonna fly around here.




http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/CGCminor/FragmentIota.jpg vs http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/CGCminor/FragmentGamma.jpg


/w Power of Zeus (I) WESLEY PRIEST VS SEAN DEELEY (G) /w Faith


Not Poison “I didn’t come to CGC to play around with Gods and Priests, but if Wesley wants to run his mouth, I’ll happily watch Sean Deeley rip his arm off.”


Faith tries to cheerlead with “Reel Deel” foam fingers, even making Sean wear one. Deeley takes his frustrations out on Wesley’s arm, wrenching it at unholy angles, until Priest begs off and surprises him with an enziguri. Wesley tries to put the fear of Zeus in his opponent, delivering his own attempts at powerful slams and cruel strikes, but he finds himself more focussed on the scoundrel on commentary than his opponent. Deeley pounces with brutal takedowns and animalistic suplexes. Priest tries another desperate enziguri, but Deeley ducks and deadlifts him into a Perfect German! Seated Stretch Armbar! Priest taps!











Donte, next week you and Alex DeColt take on the Brotherhood. It could

be any two of the four, but I get the feeling you have a preference.



Damn right I do. Benny Benson attacked me, and cheated to beat me at

‘Last Man Standing’. I know he’s crazy, but I can only hope he’s crazy

enough to want to get in the ring with me one more ti-




SUPER KICK! Donte gets knocked out by ART REED.



That’s for Edd.


Art spots something shiny, and picks it up with a smile. It’s the DELTA FRAGMENT of the Canadian Title.



… and this is for Benny.












FAITH is delighted, proud that her “Reel Deel” foam fingers did the trick. GARGANTUAN steals one and throws it aside.



Don’t get too excited, little girl. Sean Deeley’s a loser. He’ll never unite

the Fragments. Not while I’m around. Soon, I’ll take his Fragments

from him... and I might just take you too.




SEAN DEELEY pounces in from out of nowhere, taking Gargantuan down with a brutal... um... takedown. Security flood in to try to separate them, but Deeley breaks free and pounces again, driving Gargantuan backwards, through furniture, through Security… towards Faith!




… at the very last moment, NOT POISON casually strolls by and shoves Faith out of harms way. Deeley and Gargantuan crash into a wall, and Faith lands in Christian Price’s Paddling Pool of Horrors, which is still filled with the same mixture of mud, oil and pudding as last week.



What the Hell???






Davis Ditterich “Not just old enemies, but this is the winner of the 2014 Last Man Standing Rumble taking on the winner of the 2014 Ultimate Showdown Series.”


Price unleashes thunderous European uppercuts. Simple. Effective. Unstoppable. He hoists Trent up for Price Check (TKO) but the ninjutsu expert throws a smoke bomb, and when the smoke finally clears, Trent has vanished. Price searches for him, eventually getting the bright idea to poke his head under the ring… and that’s when Trent emerges from the crowd, and crushes him with Heart Burn (Double Stomp) off the guardrail!


Trent practices the ancient ninjutsu art of trying to break his opponent’s spine with sharp elbow strikes and lightning fast dropkicks. He locks in the Ninjutsu Embrace (Sleeper), jumping on Price’s back to increase pressure. Too dumb to die, Price powers free and throws his foe over the top rope. Trent uses Skin The Cat (lvl 3) to get back inside, but walks right into the Stud Stopper (Twisting Snap Powerslam)! Back clearly in tremendous pain, Price smashes Trent from pillar to post with European uppercuts, but when he muscles him up for Price Check, Trent slithers free. ONE-INCH-PUNCH to the spine! Backstabber! Heart Burn to the back! 1... 2... 3!




Davis Ditterich “A huge win for Trent Shaffer. His new Ninjutsu skills have made him a force to be reckoned with.”



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<table width="60%"><tr><td width="70%" align="left" valign="top">Bobby eats cake


Art calls out The DeColts


Price picks Johnson’s opponent


Priest calls out a scoundrel


Jenny interviews Donte

Gargantuan & Deeley brawl

TRENT SHAFFER VS CHRISTIAN PRICE</td><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top">










B </td><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top">D+












Maple Leaf Sports Rating: 1.75 (up from 1.73)

TV Puerto Rico Rating: 0.07 (down from 0.08)




End of the month and another mighty profit. $286k. CGC finally have more money in the bank now than when I began this game. We’re profitable! Now how should I spend the money? Upgrade my back-room staff? Hire some “big stars”? Lock down my undercard prospects to Written contracts?


I liked how everyone picked Nate to lose. Christian Price doesn’t play by your vindictive rules.




While all 3 are great.....I more or less predicted that Poison was faking it (I had some vague suspicion even before I posted my thoughts before the PPV), so the shock factor wasn't as much for me there. This one goes third place for me.


The reaction to Poison’s return has caught me by surprise. I expected a lot of “What the hell?” “...but NOTBPW” “It’s only been 5 months” responses. I didn’t think you’d be that psyched to see him do battle with Zeus (because of which, last week’s main event was heavily re-written to be “more Poisony”). Still, I tried to lace in clues from the get-go that this wasn’t Joey, to soften the blow when Rogue revealed himself. My favorite one on the rumble show pretty much said “This is not Poison”. No one pointed it out.


Jack Giedroyc had a so-so run in SWF since the game began. He wrestled every other week. No titles. Got slightly less popular. Came 73rd in the Power500, which was 3 places ahead of CGC’s best, but highly ‘meh’ by Supreme standards. They released him a few months ago, and I instantly snapped him up. How could I not? The debut angle practically wrote itself. He’s spent some time on vacation, and is hopefully ready to fight out of his cousin’s shadow.




The card for next week’s show...


Winner choose ‘Apocalypse’ stipulations: Brotherhood of St.01 vs Alex DeColt & Donte Dunn

Three Levels of Price Match: Chandler, DaLay & Johnson vs Christian Price & Dirty White Boys

Canadian Fragment Match: Gargantuan (B)(Z) vs Sean Deeley (D)(I)

Wesley Priest vs That scoundrel who isn't Poison

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Winner choose ‘Apocalypse’ stipulations: Brotherhood of St.01 vs Alex DeColt & Donte Dunn

Three Levels of Price Match: Chandler, DaLay & Johnson vs Christian Price & Dirty White Boys

Canadian Fragment Match: Gargantuan (B)(Z) vs Sean Deeley (D)(I)

Wesley Priest vs That scoundrel who isn't Poison

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Winner choose ‘Apocalypse’ stipulations: Brotherhood of St.01 vs Alex DeColt & Donte Dunn

Three Levels of Price Match: Chandler, DaLay & Johnson vs Christian Price & Dirty White Boys

Canadian Fragment Match: Gargantuan (B)(Z) vs Sean Deeley (D)(I)

Wesley Priest vs That scoundrel who isn't Poison

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Winner choose ‘Apocalypse’ stipulations: Brotherhood of St.01 vs Alex DeColt & Donte Dunn

Three Levels of Price Match: Chandler, DaLay & Johnson vs Christian Price & Dirty White Boys

Canadian Fragment Match: Gargantuan (B)(Z) vs Sean Deeley (D)(I)

Wesley Priest vs That scoundrel who isn't Poison



The reaction to Poison’s return has caught me by surprise. I expected a lot of “What the hell?” “...but NOTBPW” “It’s only been 5 months” responses. I didn’t think you’d be that psyched to see him do battle with Zeus (because of which, last week’s main event was heavily re-written to be “more Poisony”). Still, I tried to lace in clues from the get-go that this wasn’t Joey, to soften the blow when Rogue revealed himself. My favorite one on the rumble show pretty much said “This is not Poison”. No one pointed it out.


Well it did surprise me he'd be back, but I didn't really consider the possibility it was actually Rogue (or should I say Scoundrel) imitating Poison. I wouldn't say it's much of a blow, while I do like Poison, Rogue is also cool and the reveal makes sense based on hints you've dropped and I look forward to where it goes from here.


... and a question. Which storyline has your attention most so far? The Return of Poison, The Canadian Fragments, or Price's Second Wish?


I'm really enjoying all of these storylines, but I think Price's Second wish is my favorite. Price is such a fun character, and the Elite are perfect foils for his antics.


Probably should have just done a 25-man Rumble. I think I wanted 30 to introduce more surprise entrants, but in the end I didn’t see the point of introducing a whole host of new characters, unless I was to immediately give them time to shine on upcoming episodes. I had guys lined up, but they deserve better. Except for Ford. For reasons.


To be entirely honest the first time I read the rumble through I didn't realize Ford was a debuting guy, I just figured he was a midcard guy who hadn't been on TV regularly.

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