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CGC: On With The Show [8RoW]

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Winner choose ‘Apocalypse’ stipulations: Brotherhood of St.01 vs Alex DeColt & Donte Dunn

Three Levels of Price Match: Chandler, DaLay & Johnson vs Christian Price & Dirty White Boys

Canadian Fragment Match: Gargantuan (B)(Z) vs Sean Deeley (D)(I)

Wesley Priest vs That scoundrel who isn't Poison


NOT POISON is my new favorite wrestler.

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Ok, I spoke too soon about not being shocked by the new "Poison" storyline. I did not expect Giedroyc.


The reaction to Poison’s return has caught me by surprise. I expected a lot of “What the hell?” “...but NOTBPW” “It’s only been 5 months” responses. I didn’t think you’d be that psyched to see him do battle with Zeus (because of which, last week’s main event was heavily re-written to be “more Poisony”). Still, I tried to lace in clues from the get-go that this wasn’t Joey, to soften the blow when Rogue revealed himself. My favorite one on the rumble show pretty much said “This is not Poison”. No one pointed it out.


Some of the clues, like the bits about Poison seeming bigger than he used to be, didn't really stick out because you'd used similar descriptions about the real Poison back when he started taking the potion. (Ironically, that was when I remarked jokingly that it might be Jack Giedroyc with dyed hair taking his cousin's place, although I never thought in a million years that it would actually happen in this diary). Also, putting him in a segment that involved Faith on the PPV actually strengthens the idea (for me at least) that it was Poison himself, since Giedroyc has no personal reason to care about Faith.


Winner choose ‘Apocalypse’ stipulations: Brotherhood of St.01 vs Alex DeColt & Donte Dunn Alex gets the pin. You seem to be teasing an eventual feud between the DeColt brothers.

Three Levels of Price Match: Chandler, DaLay & Johnson vs Christian Price & Dirty White Boys

Canadian Fragment Match: Gargantuan (B)(Z) vs Sean Deeley (D)(I)

Wesley Priest vs That scoundrel who isn't Poison

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Winner choose ‘Apocalypse’ stipulations: Brotherhood of St.01 vs Alex DeColt & Donte Dunn


Three Levels of Price Match: Chandler, DaLay & Johnson vs Christian Price & Dirty White Boys


Canadian Fragment Match: Gargantuan (B)(Z) vs Sean Deeley (D)(I)


Wesley Priest vs That scoundrel who isn't Poison


Palette swap rules!

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So I'd expected that Poison was faking, but I didn't expect Jack Giedroyc. That's awesome.


Winner choose ‘Apocalypse’ stipulations: Brotherhood of St.01 vs Alex DeColt & Donte Dunn

Three Levels of Price Match: Chandler, DaLay & Johnson vs Christian Price & Dirty White Boys

Canadian Fragment Match: Gargantuan (B)(Z) vs Sean Deeley (D)(I)

Wesley Priest vs That scoundrel who isn't Poison

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Winner choose ‘Apocalypse’ stipulations: Brotherhood of St.01 vs Alex DeColt & Donte Dunn

Dunn does the J-O-B before the PPV


Three Levels of Price Match: Chandler, DaLay & Johnson vs Christian Price & Dirty White Boys

Christian's one of my favorites and I've had a soft spot for the DWB's since the first game.


Canadian Fragment Match: Gargantuan (B)(Z) vs Sean Deeley (D)(I)

Poor Deelz.


Wesley Priest vs That scoundrel who isn't Poison

That dirty rotten scoundrel is my new favorite wrestler.

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Winner choose ‘Apocalypse’ stipulations: Brotherhood of St.01 vs Alex DeColt & Donte Dunn

- It rarely works out well to bet against a DeColt, I look forward to watching Art Reed again try to fool the technical staff by claiming to be Donte Dunn Dunn Duuuuuun!


Three Levels of Price Match: Chandler, DaLay & Johnson vs Christian Price & Dirty White Boys

- Price isn't vindictive but DWB don't mind bending the rules and seem to relish punishing DaLay in particular.


Canadian Fragment Match: Gargantuan (B)(Z) vs Sean Deeley (D)(I)

- Anyone but Deeley. Anyone but Deeley. Half-DeColt over Deeley. I'm still fully expecting that someone steals the fragments because that hasn't played a role in this yet. I'm looking at you Priest.


Wesley Priest vs That scoundrel who isn't Poison

- Also you shall not pass this Dirty Rotten Roguish Scoundrel!


Who is Not Poison.

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George DeColt Arena, British Columbia

Sunday Week 1 October 2014

9,000 in attendance - SELL OUT


Davis Ditterich “In two weeks at ‘Apocalypse’ Jack DeColt will defend the CGC World Title against Edd Stone, but what will the stipulations be? Tonight Edd Stone and Benny Benson team up to take on Alex DeColt and Donte Dunn. Whoever gets the pin, chooses the rules.”









Dude, I know you’ve been down in the dumps since Jack DeColt

kinda sorta beat you at ‘Last Man Standing’, but I’ve got just the

thing to cheer you up.



If you’re talking about you beating Alex tonight, just give it up. It’s

never gonna happen. Guys like us don’t beat guys like them. Might

as well not even try.



Okay, that’s a bummer, but... No. Not that. Check this out.


Edd opens the door to.... Okay, it’s a broom closet, but Edd has kitted it out to be the BROTHERHOOD OF ST.01 LOCKER ROOM. Everything’s black. The floor. The walls. The single chair that can fit in there. A lone picture hangs on the wall; a framed photograph of the ‘House of St.01 Class of 2001’ (albeit with their trainer’s faces scratched out) In it, a young, smiling Bobby Thomas has a fourteen year old Edd Stone on his shoulders.



It’s... It’s nice, Edd. Too nice for me. You enjoy this. I’m going back to

the Communal Locker Room. With the other no hopers. Where I belong.






Davis Ditterich “A Scoundrel has arrived in CGC, and he’s already made an enemy of the God of Gods Almighty Zeus, and his loyal Priest.”


Scoundrel offers a handshake. Priest accepts… and gets kicked in the gut for his troubles. Scoundrel bends the rules with closed fists, hair pulling, and ‘accidentally‘ stepping on Wesley‘s throat, until Referee Dace Lavoie pulls him aside for a warning and Priest takes the opportunity to attack him from behind. Priest tries to put the fear of Zeus in his opponent, delivering his own attempts at powerful slams and cruel strikes, until Scoundrel manages to remove a turnbuckle pad. Lavoie turns his back on the action to replace it, and- Poke to the eyes! Back Suplex! Swinging Neckbreaker! Crashing On (Kneeling Jaw Breaker) 1... 2... 3.




BOOM! Lightning bolts repeatedly hit the ringposts. Scoundrel stands safely in the middle of the ring, watching the God’s wrath with amusement, daring him to come fight him.








DELTA FRAGMENT in hand, SEAN DEELEY makes his way through the backstage area, FAITH at his side.



Just remember to smile, Sean. We need the crowd on your side if you're

to get Gargantuan's Fragment, and every little helps. Ooh! Hold on, I

forgot the "Real Deel" Foam Fingers. They really helped last week.

I'll go get them and meet you there.


Ever so excited, Faith turns back towards the communal locker room, practically skipping around the corner, and-




SCOUNDREL suddenly shoves her into a closet, locks her inside, and stroll away. Faith goes nuts, banging on the closet door.



What the Hell?





http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/CGCminor/FragmentBeta.jpg VS http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/CGCminor/FragmentGamma.jpg




Davis Ditterich “Together these men possess four Fragments, but based on local sports commission rules, only two can be on the line in a match. You’ll notice Gargantuan is risking his smallest Fragment.”


Deeley avoids the genetically engineered fighting machine’s heavy hands, before pouncing on the left arm and twisting it at unholy angles. Not content with crippling one limb, he switches to the right arm, but it backfires and he’s decapitated by an unreal clothesline. Gargantuan beats down his smaller foe, repeatedly lawn darting him into the turnbuckles, but Deeley pounces with brutal takedown and one big animalistic suplex, before locking in the Seated Arm Stretch. Gargantuan’s in trouble, but drags himself to the ropes. Forced the release the hold, Deeley pounces- Unreal Clothesline! Ultimate BackbreakaaaAAAHHH! 1... 2... 3!










Cackling like a madman, BENNY BENSON gazes at the ALPHA & DELTA FRAGMENTS of the Canadian Title in his hands. Suddenly, DONTE DUNN charges in and attacks! Donte rocks him with forearms! Benson fights back with a barrage of stomps! Donte finally hurls the Brotherhood member into a wall, takes his Fragments, and leaves.











JACK DECOLT tries to get into his plush Championship Locker Room, but can’t. The door won’t open all of the way, blocked by something. Jack angrily kicks his ways inside to find that ALEX DECOLT has completely filled the room with charts and graphs and diagrams and spreadsheets and computers… all processing information on Edd Stone and Benny Benson.



Oh, good. You’re here. Tell me, when Edd Stone had you in a headlock

last time you fought, what was his heart-rate at? No need to be specific.

70bpm? 72bpm?



I… wha… How the hell would I know? What have you done to my

locker room??? Where’s all my food?


Indeed, Alex has replaced the complimentary buffet table with a row of monitors, replaying footage of Brotherhood matches.



I threw it out. Well, actually I gave it all to the Rapscallions to throw out,

so who knows where they ended up. You really shouldn’t be eating

cheeseburgers before a fight, Jack.



They’re for Marie!


Marie shakes her head. No. They aren’t.



That’s it. I want you and your nerd crap out of here. I feel like I’m

gonna touch something and catch Dungeons & Dragons.



Where else am I gonna put it, Jack? I need to come up with a plan to

beat the Brotherhood tonight. What if I’m unprepared and they wins?

What if they get to choose the stipulation for Apocalypse?



Maybe you should have thought about that before making this match

in the first place. Besides, it’s Edd Stone! Even if he does win, he’ll

probably choose something dumb like a drinking contest. “Oh no.

I’m so scared”.



Don’t underestimate him, Jack. He came pretty close to beating you

last time. Now I’m doing you a favor tonight by taking him on. I’d

appreciate a little peace and quiet.


Jack is furious… but Marie whispers in his ear to calm him down.






Nate Johnson, Eddie Chandler & Dan DaLay






Christian Price, Lead Belly & Grease Hogg


Davis Ditterich “Christian Price has booking power over The Elite, and with the help of the Dirty White Boys has come up with this 3-part elimination match-up.”


LEVEL ONE: Drinking Contest


Davis Ditterich “The last one to finish their beer is eliminated.”


The Dirty White Boys immediately down their beverages and leisurely make their way towards the ring. DaLay finishes his soon after, and chases after them, smashing his empty bottle over Hogg’s head. Lead and DaLay throw heavy hands as the other three race to finish their drinks. Despite Johnson’s excessive nudging of Price, it’s Chandler who comes last. Sipping gingerly doesn’t get the job done. (Eddie Chandler has been eliminated)


ROUND TWO: Reverse Battle Royal


Davis Ditterich “It’s 3-on-2. The last one to get in the ring is eliminated.”


Price and Johnson sprint from the drinking table to the ring, passing DaLay and Lead, who just keep punching each other. Johnson easily makes it in first, and celebrates… but Price climbs in after him and unleashes thunderous European uppercuts. Simple. Effective. Unstoppable. Grease Hogg woozily rolls in next, and the two behemoths suddenly realise it’s down to just them. They fight and struggle and Lead clambers onto the apron… but Johnson weasels his way free of Price long enough to knock the biker down to the floor. DaLay makes it inside. (Lead Belly has been eliminated)


ROUND THREE: First pinfall wins the Epsilon Fragment


Davis Ditterich “It’s 2-on-2. The first team to score a pinfall gets the victory, and the Fragment.”


It’s down to DaLay & Johnson vs. Price & Hogg, but the Dirty White Boy is still woozy from the earlier bottle shot. Price unloads on the Elite pair with uppercuts, but is soon overwhelmed. DaLay bullies him around the ring, while Nate wears him down with leg drops and chinlocks. So many chinlocks. Suddenly, Hogg’s back up, attacking with hammer blows and socket wrenches. Price Check (TKO) to Johnson! 1... 2... 3! Grease Spot (High Knee) to DaLay! 1... 2... 3!












Art, the winner of tonight’s main event gets to decide the stipulation

for the CGC World Title match at “Apocalypse”. What will you be

choosing if your Brotherhood teammates beat Alex & Donte tonight?



Jack DeColt is an amazing fighter, but he isn’t perfect. There are flaws

in his game, and Edd Stone can do things that he can only dream of.

Maybe we’ll choose a Submission match, and see how Jack’s amateur

wrestling does against Edd’s House of Stone training. Maybe we’ll

choose a Ladder match, and see what Jack can do against the most

innovative high flyer in wrestling today. Or maybe we’ll think outside

the box. How does “No Punches Allowed” sound? The final decision

is up to Edd, and I trust he’ll make the right choice. I trust Edd Stone

to bring the CGC World Title to the Brotherhood.




/w Art Reed




/w Jack DeColt


Davis Ditterich “Whoever gets the pin here chooses the stipulations for the World Title match at Apocalypse.”


Eager to test out the young Stone ahead of his championship match, Alex struggles to puzzle out the bizarre combination of traditional grappling, wacky kicks and nonsensical flippy-do’s, but uses his power to deliver a Powerslam! Snap Driving Elbow! Donte tags in, and only has eyes for Benson, rocking him with forearms and crushing him with a corner avalanche, before getting blindsided by Edd. The Brotherhood duo follow Reed’s instructions as they isolate Donte and assault him with a barrage of stomps, until the Barbadian Barbarian nails Benson with Sunny Daze (Twisting Face Crusher) out of nowhere and gets the tag! Alex unleashes precision strikes, targeting pressure points for maximum stopping power. Tower Collapse Superplex to Edd! DeColt Driver (Straightjacket Drop) to Benson! 1... 2... Reed pulls the referee out of the ring!


Alex is distracted by Art’s interference and takes a huge SUPER KICK from Edd! Donte hoists the young Stone up for an Airplane Spin, but only manages 4 rotations before he’s stopped by a SUPER KICK from Benson! Donte’s out on his feet. DOUBLE SUPER KICK! Edd makes the cover. 1... 2... Reed grabs Alex’s leg, preventing the save…. 3!




Referee Francis Long tries to hand Edd the Alpha & Delta Fragments of the Canadian Title, but the young Stone doesn’t want to be anywhere near them.



Dude, Benny can habe those. Don’t even touch me with them. I have

another title to think about, and a stipulation to choose. So by the power

vested in me as the winner of this match, in two weeks at ‘Apocalypse’

Jack DeColt will be defending CGC World Title against Edd Stone...


Art Reed smiles. He knows what stipulation Edd’s going to choose.



... and Bobby Thomas in a Triple Threat match!


Art’s smile instantly disappears. He didn’t see that coming.


Davis Ditterich “What the-? I don’t think that was the plan... but Edd might have chosen something better. Jack’s going to have to defend against two members of the Brotherhood at once.”






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<table width="60%"><tr><td width="70%" align="left" valign="top">Edd tries to cheer Bobby up


Zeus' is furious

Deeley & Faith head to the ring


Donte steals Benny's Fragments

DeColt Drama


Playmate interviews Art Reed


Edd chooses the Stipulation</td><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top">










</td><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top">C












Final Rating: B

Maple Leaf Sports Rating 1.69 (down from 1.75)

TV Puerto Rico Rating 0.08 (up from 0.07)




I don’t often think about House Shows, but CGC do still tour around smaller venues in Canada (and certain parts of the US, for some reason) so here’s what I think people have been seeing in this ‘Last Man Standing’ to ‘Apocalypse’ arc.


Alex DeColt vs Bobby Thomas -Not only is Jack’s kayfabe resting from Gauntlet, but as the only DeColt active for several months, he was headlining every house show. Alex is taking over, and Jack’s on hand to hit a move and cut a promo at the end of the night. As for the rest of the Brotherhood, well, they’re all on PPA’s, so no house shows for them. Alternate match? Alex & Jack vs Bobby & Trent (the odd heel out)

The Elite vs Price & The DWB Every night a different weird Price-chosen gimmick to embarrass the Elite. Alternate matches? Split them up for Nate Johnson vs Christian Price and DaLay/Chandler vs DWB

Almighty Zeus vs Scoundrel Wesley Priest is on PPA, so no involvement from him. Lucky house show attendees get to see this juicy match up

Sean Deeley vs Vin Tanner Sean’s been defending his Fragment against all comers... until now, that is.

Trent Shaffer vs Akima Umaga Trent needs an opponent, and Akima’s on a written. I forget why.


So the two possible cards...


Vin Tanner vs Sean Deeley

Trent Shaffer vs Akima Umaga

Almighty Zeus vs Scoundrel

INTERMISSION ($5 to get your picture taken with Scoundrel)

The Elite vs Price & DWB

Alex DeColt vs Bobby Thomas


Vin Tanner vs Sean Deeley

Nate Johnson vs Christian Price

The Elite vs Dirty White Boys

INTERMISSION ($5 to get your picture taken with Christian Price and the Dirty White Boys)

Almighty Zeus vs Scoundrel

Bobby Thomas & Trent Shaffer vs Alex & Jack DeColt




Only one week of TV left before ‘Apocalypse’. Here’s the card...


Canadian Fragment Match: Donte Dunn vs Benny Benson (alpha)(delta)

Canadian Fragment Match: Nate Johnson vs Grease Hogg (epsilon)

Bobby Thomas & Edd Stone vs Rapscallions

Fate vs Ford Gumble

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Love that you broke down the theoretical house show lineup. Are those all the guys you have on written contracts?


Canadian Fragment Match: Donte Dunn vs Benny Benson (alpha)(delta)

Canadian Fragment Match: Nate Johnson vs Grease Hogg (epsilon)

Bobby Thomas & Edd Stone vs Rapscallions

Fate vs Ford Gumble

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Love that you broke down the theoretical house show lineup. Are those all the guys you have on written contracts?


I feel like I may have forgotten someone, as I wrote that from memory without the game in front of me. Naturally, the list excludes people not on TV right now. Samael Bach is banished. Ricky DeColt's in a coma. Stevie Grayson vanished after being hit by lightning.


Ok, I spoke too soon about not being shocked by the new "Poison" storyline. I did not expect Giedroyc.


Weirdly, I never thought any of you would ever assume it was plain old potion-free Joey. In my mind, I expected you to think "It's Poison" right up until there was some weirdness, and you'd immediately think "Giedroyc". I don't know why I thought that. Perhaps because, in my mind, Joey kinda sucks. You know, as a fighter. Without the potion he was a coward and a weakling, so him coming in and clearing a ring full of heels, or going on an elimination spree in the Rumble, isn't a thing that my brain can comprehend.


To be entirely honest the first time I read the rumble through I didn't realize Ford was a debuting guy, I just figured he was a midcard guy who hadn't been on TV regularly.


I considered adding more commentary for the Rumble, which would have highlighted the debut, but it was enough of a hassle to format as it is. Most of the time I want to give characters strong impactful debuts that 'change everything' but... It's Ford Gumble. I love him, but... It's Ford Gumble. You know? While it was a waste to debut everyone else on my list in such low-key fashion, I have no issue with Ford quietly coming into the midcard, like he's always been there.

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Weirdly, I never thought any of you would ever assume it was plain old potion-free Joey. In my mind, I expected you to think "It's Poison" right up until there was some weirdness, and you'd immediately think "Giedroyc". I don't know why I thought that. Perhaps because, in my mind, Joey kinda sucks. You know, as a fighter. Without the potion he was a coward and a weakling, so him coming in and clearing a ring full of heels, or going on an elimination spree in the Rumble, isn't a thing that my brain can comprehend.


I thought it was potion-free Joey from the start because I didn't think it'll be like you to have characters "devolve" back into what they've already grown out of, and having Joey go back to plain old potion-robot would be kind of "2-steps back" for him. Admittedly, I haven't been keeping track of the number of months he's been gone, so I didn't realize that you couldn't have re-signed him (but then again, there's always Talent trade...you did bring in Sean McFly once).


As to him suddenly turning strong without the potion's help, I always thought part of it was psychological. His opponents thought they were facing a super-zombie, so they're not quite as effective when they fight him and were psychologically overwhelmed, kind of like how JBL and Booker T became completely ineffective when they had to fight the Boogeyman (part of it was kind of evident when everyone was shocked about him being knocked out by DaLay). For the rest, it's not that much of a stretch to think that he might have trained rigorously during his off time to get rid of his well-known stamina issues and other weaknesses.


The funny thing is, I might have had the idea that he's Giedroyc if I hadn't made that joke remark many months back. Back then, when you mentioned that Joey seemed bigger than usual, I had the fleeting thought of "is this an imposter?", then went on to dismiss the idea as way too far-fetched. So the next time you made the reference to his size, I just kind of dismissed it offhand because, hey, he was described that way last time, why it be any different now?


Canadian Fragment Match: Donte Dunn vs Benny Benson (alpha)(delta)

Canadian Fragment Match: Nate Johnson vs Grease Hogg (epsilon) Christian Price is still booking Nate's matches, he'll come up with something to make things inconvenient for Nate.

Bobby Thomas & Edd Stone vs Rapscallions No. 1 contenders don't lose to low carders....even if one of them is too depressed to fight

Fate vs Ford Gumble Jobber squash match

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Canadian Fragment Match: Donte Dunn vs Benny Benson (alpha)(delta)

- Cackling Mad Benson over the Beached Barbarian.


Canadian Fragment Match: Nate Johnson vs Grease Hogg (epsilon)

- Johnson and Thomas... a crash course between former partners. Who will think of the children?


Bobby Thomas & Edd Stone vs Rapscallions

- Momentum boost for those challenging a DeColt at the PPV.


Fate vs Ford Gumble

- Uh... Fate Gumble! Erm, Ford. As it is in Edicts of CGC that a cowboy must be a mid-card or above face! It's a fact!

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George DeColt Arena, British Columbia

Sunday Week 1 October 2014

9,000 in attendance - SELL OUT


Davis Ditterich “Last week we learned that in five days at ‘Apocalypse’, Jack DeColt will defend his CGC World Title against not just Edd Stone, but also his Brotherhood teammate Bobby Thomas. They’re calling it a Triple Threat match, but the odds are stacked against Jack. How will he react tonight?”








SCOUNDREL is trying to steal candy out of a vending machine, when a pissed off FAITH comes charging over.



HEY! What the hell is your problem? First you push me into mud.

Then you lock me in a closet. Why are you messing with me?



Wasn’t trying to mess with you, love. I was trying to keep you safe.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but this place is a bloody madhouse,

and between the monsters and magic and lightning bolts, Joey thought-



JOEY??? Joey Poison is a junkie who traded me in for a magic potion!



True, but apparently he still cares about you. Look, I’m not going to

defend him. Frankly, he’s an arsehole... but he’s family. So when he

asks me to watch over you, I’m gonna do it. I pushed you in the mud

so you wouldn’t get flattened. I locked you in the closet so Gargantuan

wouldn’t get his hands on you. You should be thanking me-



Thanking you??? I don’t want anything to do with you. Or Joey!


Faith storms off.



Bloody hell, Joey. You couldn’t just ask me to beat someone up for you?




Hidden around a corner, WESLEY PRIEST has been spying on the Scoundrel. He smiles, and silently thanks Zeus for his discovery.









Davis Ditterich “The Elite have begged Christian Price for a chance to regain the Epsilon Fragment. He’s accepted, but decided it has to be Nate Johnson, and it has to be a Dumpster match. Anything goes. First person to drag his opponent up the ramp and toss him into the dumpster wins.”


Hogg attacks with hammer blows and socket wrenches and starts dragging Johnson up the ramp towards the dumpster. Johnson fights back, using the dumpster itself to wear Hogg down, but struggles to lift the larger man up and into it. Hogg battle back with drunken thuggery, and lifts Johnson high over his head, preparing to drop him into the...




DAN DALAY and EDDIE CHANDLER appear out of nowhere, rescue Nate, and toss Hogg into the dumpster.




Not wasting a moment, DaLay and Chandler shove the dumpster off of the stage. It crashes hard to the floor below. Security flood in to check on him, and The Elite quickly flee.











CHRISTIAN PRICE is studying blueprints. Well, ‘studying’ is a strong word. He can’t tell if they’re upside down. A furious LEAD BELLY interrupts his train of thought.



Did you see what The Elite just did? I want revenge! Make it happen!



Okie doke. I think the card’s full for tonight. How about at Apocalypse?

Do you want me to bring the paddling pool or masks or-



Dumpster! This is an eye for an eye. DaLay and Chandler are going

for a ride. You just keep Nate Johnson out of the way.



Believe me, I’ve got big plans for Nate Johnson. The props have

finally arrived. At ‘Apocalypse’ I can finally have the fight with Nate

I’ve wanted ever since he tricked me at ‘Last Man Standing’.






Davis Ditterich “Ford’s undefeated in CGC so far. Can the streak continue?”


Ford lights the Soldier of Fortune up with rootin’ tootin’ jabs, before dropping a Fistful of Dynamite. Eye-gouging. Fish-hooking. Fate uses every trick in the book to try to takes control, but gets leveled with the Fastest Kick In The West. Bronco Buster! A poke to the eyes gives Fate a chance to hoist Ford up for a Spinebuster, but the Cowboy counters in midair and hits the Cattle Drive (Headlock Driver) for the win.






As Ford reclaims his hat, DESTINY and VIN TANNER rush the ring and attack! Security flood in to stop them, but the Soldiers of Fortune keep them at bay as Tanner hits Ford with the V For Victory (Spinning Suplex).









Enjoy these ridiculous golden banners while you can, CGC, because

we are just five days away from the end of Jack DeColt’s reign as

CGC World Champion.



Aww yeah! Bobby’s back, guys. No more skipping workouts. No more

cake. Just black trunks, black boots, and kicking DeColt ass. After I

won last week, I could have chosen any kind of match to give myself

an edge at ‘Apocalypse’, but only one match would give me an edge

AND put a smile back on my buddy Bobby’s face. Triple Threat. Well…

we’re calling it a Triple Threat, but let’s be honest, it’s a handicap

match. Two of us. One of Jack. No matter which of us gets the pin.

It’s new champion time on Friday.





I’ve got to hand it to you, Edd. You’ve come up with a great plan. On

paper, at least. One question. Say you do get a chance to pin me on

Friday. Do you think your “buddy Bobby” is going to sit idly by and let

you win the title he’s been waiting thirteen “freakin” years for? I don’t

think so. Bobby doesn’t care about brotherhood. He only put your team

together to help himself win the title. He’ll screw you over the first

chance he gets.



Dude, you have no idea how dumb you sound right now. Why would

Bobby call us “The Brotherhood” if he didn’t care about brotherhood?

Are you even listening to yourself? Maybe leave the mind-games to Alex.



You’re grasping at straws, Jack, and I don’t blame you. You know how

strong Edd and I are going to be when we work together on Friday. We

may not be bickering about furniture, but we’re every bit the brothers

that you and Alex are.



Fine, play the innocent Bobby. Edd may not see it, but everyone else

knows exactly what you are. You may dress the same and call yourselves

brothers but you’re not a real team. The moment the pressure is on

you’re going to shatter and crumble and break apart and THAT is when

I’m going to strike, THAT is when I’m gonna retain my title and THAT

is a DeColt Guarantee.




Bobby Thomas & Edd Stone




Drake & Chucky


Davis Ditterich “These two Brotherhood members will be opponents in Friday’s triple threat match, but if they can work together, I don’t see how Jack can stop them from taking his CGC World Title.”


The Brotherhood fall victim to Rapscallion shenanigans, until Edd rolls through a sunset flip and squashes Chucky with a flippy-do. Edd’s eager for teamwork, but Bobby selfishly wants the Rapscallion all to himself, allowing Chucky to hit a Wheel Kick and make the tag! Drake goes bananas with atomic drops before pulling out an INVISIBLE HAND GRENADE and throwing it at Edd. Who ducks. It lands at Bobby’s feet... and BOOM! Chucky crushes him with a Cannonball in the corner. Drake tries to finish Edd with a Knee Plant DDT, but Edd twists free and- SUPER KICK! He’s about to make the cover when Bobby ‘accidentally’ throws Chucky into him and steals the pin for himself. 1. 2. 3.










ART REED watches the match from a monitor, and he’s not happy. ALEX DECOLT approaches.



I’ve been watching you. Moving the pieces around. Masterminding the

Brotherhood’s victories. Maneuvering Edd into a title shot. I bet you

think you’re really smart, Reed, but you made two mistakes. First, you

forgot that Edd is probably the only person in the world who actually

likes Bobby Thomas. Second, you crossed me. Last week you cost

me a match, and now you’re in my sights.



You want to talk about mistakes? It wasn’t my idea to put the stipulation

on the line in a match last week. That was you. Don’t blame yourself

though, Alex. You were just trying to be a good older brother and give

your brother an advantage. You want to know why it backfired? Edd

Stone. He won last week. He’ll win at ‘Apocalypse’. Bobby being there

is just gonna make it easier.









Davis Ditterich “Benson came out the victor when these two clashed at ‘Last Man Standing’, but their feud didn’t stop there. They’ve been battling over their Fragments all month.”


No feeling out. No finesse. This is a brawl from the get-go. Donte and Benson batter each other from pillar to post, from inside to outside to inside of the ring again. Benson uses his speed, quickness and willingness to cheat to take control, but is surprised to find that Donte’s willing to bend the rules too. At least against this cacking madman. He rocks the Brotherhood member with forearms, before giving him a taste of his own medicine with a barrage of stomps. Benson counters Sunny Daze (Twisting Face Crusher) with a roll up, but Donte kicks out despite the handful of tights. Airplane Spin! 12 rotations! LARIAT! 1... 2... 3!






As Donte celebrates with his two Fragments, GARGANTUAN makes his way into the ring. The Barbadian Barbarian is clearly hurt from the match, but is ready to fight. Suddenly, Benson springboards in, trying to catch Donte unawares, but Donte ducks! Benson slams into Gargantuan, who responds with a massive Chokeslam!


Donte uses the distraction to get out of the ring and flee, Alpha and Delta fragments in hand.











BOOM! Lightning bolts strike the turnbuckles! ALMIGHTY ZEUS has come, accompanied by WESLEY PRIEST, who manages to praise and preach the word of Zeus even as he drags a struggling FAITH into the ring.



Hear me now, people of CGC, for tonight you will see the destruction

of the Scoundrel. For I have Faith.



Joey Poison was a coward, teeming with weakness. His affection for this

puny mortal made him feeble, and it seems you seek to protect her too,

Scoundrel. What other weakness do you share? Will a blow to your puny

collarbone render you helpless? Will sixteen minutes spell your doom? Do

you have the same coward’s blood running through your veins? You’d best

find some courage, Scoundrel. I shall smite someone in this ring tonight

, and if it isn’t you, it’ll be this pitiful creature you so covet.








SCOUNDREL searches the backstage area, and spots SEAN DEELEY glaring at him, Iota Fragment of the Canadian Title in hand.



not rushing to faith’s rescue? i guess zeus was right. you are a coward

like your cousin.



Actually I’m heading out there right now. I was just looking for you first.

If I go out there alone, it’ll be two-against-one and I’ll be a dead man.

Luckily I won’t be alone. You’re coming with me.



what makes you so sure?



Besides a general concern for your manager’s well-being?


Sean Deeley shrugs.



Because if you don’t, you won’t get this back.


Scoundrel pokes Deeley in the eyes, snatches the Iota Fragment, and heads for the ring. Deeley is furious, and gives chase as soon as he regains his sight.




/w Kidnapped Faith




Davis Ditterich “Scoundrel wanted a tag partner to take on Zeus and Wesley, and I guess he always gets what he wants, no matter what it takes.”


Deeley hot on his heels, Scoundrel tosses the Iota Fragment to Wesley, who is immediately pounced upon. Deeley wrenches the Priest’s arm at unholy angles, while Scoundrel goes punch-for-punch with the God of Gods in a wild brawl that spills outside. Zeus gets the worst of it, until he uses Faith as a human shield, and takes advantage of Scoundrel’s hesitation by hurling him into the barricade.


Faith is forced to watch as Zeus smites Deeley with cruel strikes and powerful slams, and Priest praises His name. Scoundrel recovers and is desperate for the tag… and an animalistic suplex allows Deeley to make it! Scoundrel bends the rules with closed fists, hair pulling, and ‘accidentally‘ stepping on Wesley‘s throat. Back Suplex! Swinging Neckbreaker! Zeus tries to stop him with the Thunder Bolt (Sit Out Bomb) but Deeley saves him with a German Suplex!


Panicking, Priest grabs Faith and starts dragging her up the ramp. Scoundrel chases after them. Deeley doesn’t. Instead he pounces at the vulnerable Zeus… and eats a knee to the face… Thunder Bolt (Sit Out Bomb)! 1... 2... Scoundrel’s too busy chasing off Priest to make the save… 3!




Scoundrel sees off Priest and rescues Faith, but as he looks back to the ring, he sees a victorious Almighty Zeus standing over the broken form of Sean Deeley. The God of Gods bellows with laughter, and joyful bolts of lightning strike the ringposts. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!



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<table width="60%"><tr><td width="70%" align="left" valign="top">Scoundrel & Faith argue


Elite attack Hogg

Lead Belly demands a match


Veterans attack Ford

Jack & Brotherhood Argue


Alex & Art Argue


Gargantuan Unleashed

Zeus & Priest have kidnapped Faith

Scoundrel recruits Deeley


</td><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top">













B</td><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top">C+

















Maple Leaf Sports Rating 1.78 (up from 1.69)

TV Puerto Rico Rating 0.08 (same as last week)




Bit late. Usually I don’t work Mondays, but I was stuck in the office all day. Which gave me time to post about my PPPW ’97 game, but not access to this script. What struck me during the final read-through was how long this show was. I was pretty bored by the impromptu main event, and I’m usually my own biggest fan. Pleasantly surprised by the grade the main event got. I didn’t expect it to bomb, but Wesley isn’t exactly a bonafide main event player. Hell, they all have flaws.


The funny thing is, I might have had the idea that he's Giedroyc if I hadn't made that joke remark many months back. Back then, when you mentioned that Joey seemed bigger than usual, I had the fleeting thought of "is this an imposter?", then went on to dismiss the idea as way too far-fetched. So the next time you made the reference to his size, I just kind of dismissed it offhand because, hey, he was described that way last time, why it be any different now?


I remember you guessing it could be Giedroyc way back when Joey first started taking the potion. I loved the idea, which is probably why I did it when it actually became possible. The “looks bigger” line was an intentional clue/not-clue/nod to that. I knew people would think it was just the usual potion schtick... but it wasn’t. Eat it, Vince Russo. I am King of Swerves.




Here’s the card for CGC Apocalypse. I can’t say that the build to this PPV has been my favorite chapter of this diary, but this is quite the stacked card from where I’m sitting.


Triple Threat for CGC World Title: Bobby Thomas vs Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt ©

Dumpster Match for CGC Tag Titles: The Elite vs Dirty White Boys ©

‘Winner Takes All’ Fragment Match: Gargantuan (beta, gamma, zeta) vs Donte Dunn (alpha, delta)

Mystery Stipulation Match: Nate Johnson vs Christian Price

Almighty Zeus vs Scoundrel

Art Reed vs Alex DeColt

Vin Tanner & Soldiers of Fortune vs Ford Gumble & Rapscallions

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Triple Threat for CGC World Title: Bobby Thomas vs Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt ©

Dumpster Match for CGC Tag Titles: The Elite vs Dirty White Boys ©

‘Winner Takes All’ Fragment Match: Gargantuan (beta, gamma, zeta) vs Donte Dunn (alpha, delta)

Mystery Stipulation Match: Nate Johnson vs Christian Price

Almighty Zeus vs Scoundrel- Double Countout

Art Reed vs Alex DeColt

Vin Tanner & Soldiers of Fortune vs Ford Gumble & Rapscallions

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Triple Threat for CGC World Title: Bobby Thomas vs Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt ©


Dumpster Match for CGC Tag Titles: The Elite vs Dirty White Boys ©


‘Winner Takes All’ Fragment Match: Gargantuan (beta, gamma, zeta) vs Donte Dunn (alpha, delta)


Mystery Stipulation Match: Nate Johnson vs Christian Price


Almighty Zeus vs Scoundrel


Art Reed vs Alex DeColt


Vin Tanner & Soldiers of Fortune vs Ford Gumble & Rapscallions

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Going with my heart rather than my head on these.


Triple Threat for CGC World Title: Bobby Thomas vs Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt © Please? It would be so perfect. Bobby tries to betray Edd and ends up costing Jack the match instead.

Dumpster Match for CGC Tag Titles: The Elite vs Dirty White Boys ©

‘Winner Takes All’ Fragment Match: Gargantuan (beta, gamma, zeta) vs Donte Dunn (alpha, delta) Through Sean Deeley interference.

Mystery Stipulation Match: Nate Johnson vs Christian Price

Almighty Zeus vs Scoundrel One of my favorite matches character-wise in any diary I've ever read.

Art Reed vs Alex DeColt

Vin Tanner & Soldiers of Fortune vs Ford Gumble & Rapscallions

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Triple Threat for CGC World Title: Bobby Thomas vs Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt ©

Dumpster Match for CGC Tag Titles: The Elite vs Dirty White Boys ©

‘Winner Takes All’ Fragment Match: Gargantuan (beta, gamma, zeta) vs Donte Dunn (alpha, delta)

Mystery Stipulation Match: Nate Johnson vs Christian Price

Almighty Zeus vs Scoundrel

Art Reed vs Alex DeColt

Vin Tanner & Soldiers of Fortune vs Ford Gumble & Rapscallions


Had a really hard time trying to predict the main event, I can see any of the guys winning and having fun storylines spinning off from it I picked Edd because I love the way you use him and I think it would be so right/wrong for him to be champion in CGC. I wouldn't predict a long title reign for him, but I do hope for him to pick up the gold in this one even with all the fun drama going on. :)

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Hey, no fair, Gargantuan has to put 3 pieces of titles on the line while Donte only has 2! :p


I actually like the build-up to every match here....even starting to get interested in Ford Gumble's match (although it's mostly excitement about the fact that Vin Tanner has something to do for once).


Loving the Scoundrel's character, somehow making himself likeable even while living up to his new ring name through his antics. On the other hand, Deeley acting increasingly like an ass gives me hope that he might be in line for a heel turn, where I can finally justifiably boo him to my heart's content.


Triple Threat for CGC World Title: Bobby Thomas vs Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt © This will be the classic case of Bobby screwing Edd out of the win to prove that he's better only to have it backfire on the entire Brotherhood as Jack bounces back and pins Bobby.

Dumpster Match for CGC Tag Titles: The Elite vs Dirty White Boys © Watching Chandler gets locked in the Dumpster is simply more fun than seeing the DWB locked in one.

‘Winner Takes All’ Fragment Match: Gargantuan (beta, gamma, zeta) vs Donte Dunn (alpha, delta) Not sure how he's gonna do it, but I got a hunch that Donte is going to end up the big winner in this shattered title storyline.

Mystery Stipulation Match: Nate Johnson vs Christian Price Price getting his revenge for the betrayal seems the logical way to go, and it's not like Nate will be buried for losing here anyway.

Almighty Zeus vs Scoundrel Scoundrel proving that his trying to protect Faith isn't really a weakness.

Art Reed vs Alex DeColt Not sure how over Reed is right now, but he's.....Art Reed, and not someone I'm willing to bet on against Mr Creative Control. :p

Vin Tanner & Soldiers of Fortune vs Ford Gumble & Rapscallions Gumble continues his mini-win-streak.

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